decode($this->reporter->report_def_str); if(empty($report_def_str['assigned_user_id'])) return null; $this->assigned_user = new User(); $this->assigned_user->retrieve($report_def_str['assigned_user_id']); return $this->assigned_user; } function queryFilterOn($layout_def) { global $timedate; $begin = $layout_def['input_name0']; $hasTime = $this->hasTime($begin); if(!$hasTime) { return $this->queryDay($layout_def, $timedate->fromDbDate($begin)); } return $this->queryDateOp($this->_get_column_select($layout_def), $begin, '=', "datetime"); } /** * expandDate * * This function helps to convert a date only value to have a time value as well. It first checks * to see if a time value exists. If a time value exists, the function just returns the date value * passed in. If the date value is the 'Today' macro then some special processing occurs as well. * Finally the time portion is applied depending on whether or not this date should be for the end * in which case the 23:59:59 time value is applied otherwise 00:00:00 is used. * * @param $date String value of the date value to expand * @param bool $end Boolean value indicating whether or not this is for an end time period or not * @return $date TimeDate object with time value applied */ protected function expandDate($date, $end = false) { global $timedate; if($this->hasTime($date)) { return $date; } //C.L. Bug 48616 - If the $date is set to the Today macro, then adjust accordingly if(strtolower($date) == 'today') { $startEnd = $timedate->getDayStartEndGMT($timedate->getNow(true)); return $end ? $startEnd['end'] : $startEnd['start']; } $parsed = $timedate->fromDbDate($date); $date = $timedate->tzUser(new SugarDateTime()); $date->setDate($parsed->year, $parsed->month, $parsed->day); if($end) { return $date->setTime(23, 59, 59); } else { return $date->setTime(0, 0, 0); } } function queryFilterBefore($layout_def) { $begin = $this->expandDate($layout_def['input_name0']); return $this->queryDateOp($this->_get_column_select($layout_def), $begin, '<', "datetime"); } function queryFilterAfter($layout_def) { $begin = $this->expandDate($layout_def['input_name0'], true); return $this->queryDateOp($this->_get_column_select($layout_def), $begin, '>', "datetime"); } function queryFilterBetween_Dates($layout_def) { $begin = $this->expandDate($layout_def['input_name0']); $end = $this->expandDate($layout_def['input_name1'], true); $column = $this->_get_column_select($layout_def); return "(".$this->queryDateOp($column, $begin, ">=", "datetime")." AND ". $this->queryDateOp($column, $end, "<=", "datetime").")\n"; } function queryFilterNot_Equals_str($layout_def) { global $timedate; $column = $this->_get_column_select($layout_def); $begin = $layout_def['input_name0']; $hasTime = $this->hasTime($begin); if(!$hasTime){ $end = $this->expandDate($begin, true); $begin = $this->expandDate($begin); $cond = $this->queryDateOp($column, $begin, "<", "datetime")." OR ". $this->queryDateOp($column, $end, ">", "datetime"); } else { $cond = $this->queryDateOp($column, $begin, "!=", "datetime"); } return "($column IS NULL OR $cond)"; } /** * Get assigned or logged in user's current date and time value. * @param boolean $timestamp Format of return value, if set to true, return unix like timestamp , else a formatted date. */ function get_users_current_date_time($timestamp=false) { global $current_user; global $timedate; $begin = TimeDate::getInstance()->nowDb(); //kbrill bug #13884 //$begin = $timedate->to_display_date_time($begin,true,true,$this->assigned_user); $begin = $timedate->handle_offset($begin, $timedate->get_db_date_time_format(), false, $this->assigned_user); if (!$timestamp) { return $begin; } else { $begin_parts = explode(' ', $begin); $date_parts=explode('-', $begin_parts[0]); $time_parts=explode(':', $begin_parts[1]); $curr_timestamp=mktime($time_parts[0],$time_parts[1],0,$date_parts[1], $date_parts[2],$date_parts[0]); return $curr_timestamp; } } /** * Get specified date and time for a particalur day, in current user's timezone. * @param int $days Adjust date by this number of days, negative values are valid. * @param time string falg for desired time value, start: minimum time, end: maximum time, default: current time */ function get_db_date($days,$time) { global $timedate; $begin = date($GLOBALS['timedate']->get_db_date_time_format(), time()+(86400 * $days)); //gmt date with day adjustment applied. //kbrill bug #13884 //$begin = $timedate->to_display_date_time($begin,true,true,$this->assigned_user); $begin = $timedate->handle_offset($begin, $timedate->get_db_date_time_format(), false, $this->assigned_user); if ($time=='start') { $begin_parts = explode(' ', $begin); $be = $begin_parts[0] . ' 00:00:00'; } else if ($time=='end') { $begin_parts = explode(' ', $begin); $be = $begin_parts[0] . ' 23:59:59'; } else { $be=$begin; } //convert date to db format without converting to GMT. $begin = $timedate->handle_offset($be, $timedate->get_db_date_time_format(), false, $this->assigned_user); return $begin; } /** * Get filter string for a date field. * @param array layout_def field def for field being filtered * @param string $begin start date value (in DB format) * @param string $end End date value (in DB format) */ function get_start_end_date_filter(& $layout_def, $begin,$end) { if (isset ($layout_def['rel_field'])) { $field_name = $this->reporter->db->convert( $this->reporter->db->convert($this->_get_column_select($layout_def), 'date_format', '%Y-%m-%d'), "CONCAT", array("' '", $this->reporter->db->convert($layout_def['rel_field'], 'time_format')) ); } else { $field_name = $this->_get_column_select($layout_def); } return $field_name.">=".$this->reporter->db->quoted($begin)." AND ".$field_name."<=".$this->reporter->db->quoted($end)."\n"; } /** * Create query for binary operation of field of certain type * Produces query like: * arg1 op to_date(arg2), e.g.: * date_closed < '2009-12-01' * @param string $arg1 1st arg - column name * @param string|DateTime $arg2 2nd arg - value to be converted * @param string $op * @param string $type */ protected function queryDateOp($arg1, $arg2, $op, $type) { global $timedate; if($arg2 instanceof DateTime) { $arg2 = $timedate->asDbType($arg2, $type); } return "$arg1 $op ".$this->reporter->db->convert($this->reporter->db->quoted($arg2), $type)."\n"; } /** * Return current date in required user's TZ * @return SugarDateTime */ protected function now() { global $timedate; return $timedate->tzUser($timedate->getNow(), $this->getAssignedUser()); } /** * Create query from the beginning to the end of certain day * @param array $layout_def * @param SugarDateTime $day */ protected function queryDay($layout_def, SugarDateTime $day) { $begin = $day->get_day_begin(); $end = $day->get_day_end(); return $this->get_start_end_date_filter($layout_def,$begin->asDb(),$end->asDb()); } function queryFilterTP_yesterday($layout_def) { global $timedate; return $this->queryDay($layout_def, $this->now()->get("-1 day")); } function queryFilterTP_today($layout_def) { global $timedate; return $this->queryDay($layout_def, $this->now()); } function queryFilterTP_tomorrow(& $layout_def) { global $timedate; return $this->queryDay($layout_def, $this->now()->get("+1 day")); } function queryFilterTP_last_7_days($layout_def) { global $timedate; $begin = $this->now()->get("-6 days")->get_day_begin(); $end = $this->now()->get_day_end(); return $this->get_start_end_date_filter($layout_def,$begin->asDb(),$end->asDb()); } function queryFilterTP_next_7_days($layout_def) { global $timedate; $begin = $this->now()->get_day_begin(); $end = $this->now()->get("+6 days")->get_day_end(); return $this->get_start_end_date_filter($layout_def,$begin->asDb(),$end->asDb()); } /** * Create query from the beginning to the end of certain month * @param array $layout_def * @param SugarDateTime $month */ protected function queryMonth($layout_def, $month) { $begin = $month->setTime(0, 0, 0); $end = clone($begin); $end->setDate($begin->year, $begin->month, $begin->days_in_month)->setTime(23, 59, 59); return $this->get_start_end_date_filter($layout_def,$begin->asDb(),$end->asDb()); } function queryFilterTP_last_month($layout_def) { global $timedate; $month = $this->now(); return $this->queryMonth($layout_def, $month->setDate($month->year, $month->month-1, 1)); } function queryFilterTP_this_month($layout_def) { global $timedate; return $this->queryMonth($layout_def, $this->now()->get_day_by_index_this_month(0)); } function queryFilterTP_next_month($layout_def) { global $timedate; $month = $this->now(); return $this->queryMonth($layout_def, $month->setDate($month->year, $month->month+1, 1)); } function queryFilterTP_last_30_days($layout_def) { global $timedate; $begin = $this->now()->get("-29 days")->get_day_begin(); $end = $this->now()->get_day_end(); return $this->get_start_end_date_filter($layout_def,$begin->asDb(),$end->asDb()); } function queryFilterTP_next_30_days($layout_def) { global $timedate; $begin = $this->now()->get_day_begin(); $end = $this->now()->get("+29 days")->get_day_end(); return $this->get_start_end_date_filter($layout_def,$begin->asDb(),$end->asDb()); } function queryFilterTP_this_quarter($layout_def) { global $timedate; $begin = $this->now(); $begin->setDate($begin->year, floor(($begin->month-1)/3)*3+1, 1)->setTime(0, 0); $end = $begin->get("+3 month")->setTime(23, 59, 59); return $this->get_start_end_date_filter($layout_def,$begin->asDb(),$end->asDb()); } function queryFilterTP_last_year($layout_def) { global $timedate; $begin = $this->now(); $begin->setDate($begin->year-1, 1, 1)->setTime(0, 0); $end = clone $begin; $end->setDate($end->year, 12, 31)->setTime(23, 59, 59); return $this->get_start_end_date_filter($layout_def,$begin->asDb(),$end->asDb()); } function queryFilterTP_this_year($layout_def) { global $timedate; $begin = $this->now(); $begin->setDate($begin->year, 1, 1)->setTime(0, 0); $end = clone $begin; $end->setDate($end->year, 12, 31)->setTime(23, 59, 59); return $this->get_start_end_date_filter($layout_def,$begin->asDb(),$end->asDb()); } function queryFilterTP_next_year(& $layout_def) { global $timedate; $begin = $this->now(); $begin->setDate($begin->year+1, 1, 1)->setTime(0, 0); $end = clone $begin; $end->setDate($end->year, 12, 31)->setTime(23, 59, 59); return $this->get_start_end_date_filter($layout_def,$begin->asDb(),$end->asDb()); } function queryGroupBy($layout_def) { // i guess qualifier and column_function are the same.. if (!empty ($layout_def['qualifier'])) { $func_name = 'queryGroupBy'.$layout_def['qualifier']; if (method_exists($this, $func_name)) { return $this-> $func_name ($layout_def)." \n"; } } return parent :: queryGroupBy($layout_def)." \n"; } function queryOrderBy($layout_def) { if (!empty ($layout_def['qualifier'])) { $func_name ='queryOrderBy'.$layout_def['qualifier']; if (method_exists($this, $func_name)) { return $this-> $func_name ($layout_def)."\n"; } } $order_by = parent :: queryOrderBy($layout_def)."\n"; return $order_by; } function displayListPlain($layout_def) { global $timedate; $content = parent:: displayListPlain($layout_def); // awu: this if condition happens only in Reports where group by month comes back as YYYY-mm format if (count(explode('-',$content)) == 2){ return $content; // if date field }elseif(substr_count($layout_def['type'], 'date') > 0){ // if date time field if(substr_count($layout_def['type'], 'time') > 0 && $this->get_time_part($content)!= false){ $td = $timedate->to_display_date_time($content); return $td; }else{// if date only field $td = $timedate->to_display_date($content, false); // Avoid PHP notice of returning by reference. return $td; } } } function get_time_part($date_time_value) { global $timedate; $date_parts=$timedate->split_date_time($date_time_value); if (count($date_parts) > 1) { return $date_parts[1]; } else { return false; } } function displayList($layout_def) { global $timedate; // i guess qualifier and column_function are the same.. if (!empty ($layout_def['column_function'])) { $func_name = 'displayList'.$layout_def['column_function']; if (method_exists($this, $func_name)) { return $this-> $func_name ($layout_def); } } $content = parent :: displayListPlain($layout_def); return $timedate->to_display_date_time($content); } function querySelect(& $layout_def) { // i guess qualifier and column_function are the same.. if (!empty ($layout_def['column_function'])) { $func_name = 'querySelect'.$layout_def['column_function']; if (method_exists($this, $func_name)) { return $this-> $func_name ($layout_def)." \n"; } } return parent :: querySelect($layout_def)." \n"; } function & displayListday(& $layout_def) { global $timedate; $field_name = strtoupper($this->_get_column_alias($layout_def)); $tmp_field_name = str_replace('_DAY_', '_DAYREAL_', $field_name); if($tmp_field_name != $field_name && isset($layout_def['fields'][$tmp_field_name])) { return $timedate->to_display_date($layout_def['fields'][$tmp_field_name], true); } else { return parent:: displayListPlain($layout_def); } } function & displayListyear(& $layout_def) { global $app_list_strings; $value = parent:: displayListPlain($layout_def); return $value; } function displayListmonth($layout_def) { global $app_list_strings; $display = ''; $match = array(); if (preg_match('/(\d{4})-(\d\d)/', $this->displayListPlain($layout_def), $match)) { $match[2] = preg_replace('/^0/', '', $match[2]); $display = $app_list_strings['dom_cal_month_long'][$match[2]]." {$match[1]}"; } return $display; } function querySelectmonth($layout_def) { return $this->reporter->db->convert($this->_get_column_select($layout_def), "date_format", array('%Y-%m'))." ".$this->_get_column_alias($layout_def)."\n"; } function queryGroupByMonth($layout_def) { return $this->reporter->db->convert($this->_get_column_select($layout_def), "date_format", array('%Y-%m'))."\n"; } /** * Select addon datetime field for "day" field in reports * * @param $layout_def array definition of new field * @return string piece for creation "select" query */ function querySelectdayreal($layout_def) { return $this->reporter->db->convert($this->_get_column_select($layout_def), "date_format", array('%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s'))." ".$this->_get_column_alias($layout_def)."\n"; } function querySelectday($layout_def) { return $this->reporter->db->convert($this->_get_column_select($layout_def), "date_format", array('%Y-%m-%d'))." ".$this->_get_column_alias($layout_def)."\n"; } function queryGroupByDay($layout_def) { return $this->reporter->db->convert($this->_get_column_select($layout_def), "date_format", array('%Y-%m-%d'))."\n"; } function querySelectyear($layout_def) { return $this->reporter->db->convert($this->_get_column_select($layout_def), "date_format", array('%Y'))." ".$this->_get_column_alias($layout_def)."\n"; } function queryGroupByYear($layout_def) { return $this->reporter->db->convert($this->_get_column_select($layout_def), "date_format", array('%Y'))."\n"; } function querySelectquarter($layout_def) { $column = $this->_get_column_select($layout_def); return $this->reporter->db->convert($this->reporter->db->convert($column, "date_format", array('%Y')), 'CONCAT', array("'-'", $this->reporter->db->convert($column, "quarter"))) ." ".$this->_get_column_alias($layout_def)."\n"; } function displayListquarter(& $layout_def) { $match = array(); if (preg_match('/(\d{4})-(\d)/', $this->displayListPlain($layout_def), $match)) { return "Q".$match[2]." ".$match[1]; } return ''; } function queryGroupByQuarter($layout_def) { $this->getReporter(); $column = $this->_get_column_select($layout_def); return $this->reporter->db->convert($this->reporter->db->convert($column, "date_format", array('%Y')), 'CONCAT', array("'-'", $this->reporter->db->convert($column, "quarter"))); } function displayInput(&$layout_def) { global $timedate, $current_language, $app_strings; $home_mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, 'Home'); $filterTypes = array(' ' => $app_strings['LBL_NONE'], 'TP_today' => $home_mod_strings['LBL_TODAY'], 'TP_yesterday' => $home_mod_strings['LBL_YESTERDAY'], 'TP_tomorrow' => $home_mod_strings['LBL_TOMORROW'], 'TP_this_month' => $home_mod_strings['LBL_THIS_MONTH'], 'TP_this_year' => $home_mod_strings['LBL_THIS_YEAR'], 'TP_last_30_days' => $home_mod_strings['LBL_LAST_30_DAYS'], 'TP_last_7_days' => $home_mod_strings['LBL_LAST_7_DAYS'], 'TP_last_month' => $home_mod_strings['LBL_LAST_MONTH'], 'TP_last_year' => $home_mod_strings['LBL_LAST_YEAR'], 'TP_next_30_days' => $home_mod_strings['LBL_NEXT_30_DAYS'], 'TP_next_7_days' => $home_mod_strings['LBL_NEXT_7_DAYS'], 'TP_next_month' => $home_mod_strings['LBL_NEXT_MONTH'], 'TP_next_year' => $home_mod_strings['LBL_NEXT_YEAR'], ); $cal_dateformat = $timedate->get_cal_date_format(); $str = ""; return $str; } /** * @param $date * @return bool false if the date is a only a date, true if the date includes time. */ protected function hasTime($date) { return strlen(trim($date)) < 11 ? false : true; } }