/** * DOMUtils.js * * Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB * Released under LGPL License. * * License: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/license * Contributing: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/contributing */ (function(tinymce) { // Shorten names var each = tinymce.each, is = tinymce.is, isWebKit = tinymce.isWebKit, isIE = tinymce.isIE, Entities = tinymce.html.Entities, simpleSelectorRe = /^([a-z0-9],?)+$/i, blockElementsMap = tinymce.html.Schema.blockElementsMap, whiteSpaceRegExp = /^[ \t\r\n]*$/; /** * Utility class for various DOM manipulation and retrival functions. * * @class tinymce.dom.DOMUtils * @example * // Add a class to an element by id in the page * tinymce.DOM.addClass('someid', 'someclass'); * * // Add a class to an element by id inside the editor * tinyMCE.activeEditor.dom.addClass('someid', 'someclass'); */ tinymce.create('tinymce.dom.DOMUtils', { doc : null, root : null, files : null, pixelStyles : /^(top|left|bottom|right|width|height|borderWidth)$/, props : { "for" : "htmlFor", "class" : "className", className : "className", checked : "checked", disabled : "disabled", maxlength : "maxLength", readonly : "readOnly", selected : "selected", value : "value", id : "id", name : "name", type : "type" }, /** * Constructs a new DOMUtils instance. Consult the Wiki for more details on settings etc for this class. * * @constructor * @method DOMUtils * @param {Document} d Document reference to bind the utility class to. * @param {settings} s Optional settings collection. */ DOMUtils : function(d, s) { var t = this, globalStyle, name; t.doc = d; t.win = window; t.files = {}; t.cssFlicker = false; t.counter = 0; t.stdMode = !tinymce.isIE || d.documentMode >= 8; t.boxModel = !tinymce.isIE || d.compatMode == "CSS1Compat" || t.stdMode; t.hasOuterHTML = "outerHTML" in d.createElement("a"); t.settings = s = tinymce.extend({ keep_values : false, hex_colors : 1 }, s); t.schema = s.schema; t.styles = new tinymce.html.Styles({ url_converter : s.url_converter, url_converter_scope : s.url_converter_scope }, s.schema); // Fix IE6SP2 flicker and check it failed for pre SP2 if (tinymce.isIE6) { try { d.execCommand('BackgroundImageCache', false, true); } catch (e) { t.cssFlicker = true; } } if (isIE && s.schema) { // Add missing HTML 4/5 elements to IE ('abbr article aside audio canvas ' + 'details figcaption figure footer ' + 'header hgroup mark menu meter nav ' + 'output progress section summary ' + 'time video').replace(/\w+/g, function(name) { d.createElement(name); }); // Create all custom elements for (name in s.schema.getCustomElements()) { d.createElement(name); } } tinymce.addUnload(t.destroy, t); }, /** * Returns the root node of the document this is normally the body but might be a DIV. Parents like getParent will not * go above the point of this root node. * * @method getRoot * @return {Element} Root element for the utility class. */ getRoot : function() { var t = this, s = t.settings; return (s && t.get(s.root_element)) || t.doc.body; }, /** * Returns the viewport of the window. * * @method getViewPort * @param {Window} w Optional window to get viewport of. * @return {Object} Viewport object with fields x, y, w and h. */ getViewPort : function(w) { var d, b; w = !w ? this.win : w; d = w.document; b = this.boxModel ? d.documentElement : d.body; // Returns viewport size excluding scrollbars return { x : w.pageXOffset || b.scrollLeft, y : w.pageYOffset || b.scrollTop, w : w.innerWidth || b.clientWidth, h : w.innerHeight || b.clientHeight }; }, /** * Returns the rectangle for a specific element. * * @method getRect * @param {Element/String} e Element object or element ID to get rectange from. * @return {object} Rectange for specified element object with x, y, w, h fields. */ getRect : function(e) { var p, t = this, sr; e = t.get(e); p = t.getPos(e); sr = t.getSize(e); return { x : p.x, y : p.y, w : sr.w, h : sr.h }; }, /** * Returns the size dimensions of the specified element. * * @method getSize * @param {Element/String} e Element object or element ID to get rectange from. * @return {object} Rectange for specified element object with w, h fields. */ getSize : function(e) { var t = this, w, h; e = t.get(e); w = t.getStyle(e, 'width'); h = t.getStyle(e, 'height'); // Non pixel value, then force offset/clientWidth if (w.indexOf('px') === -1) w = 0; // Non pixel value, then force offset/clientWidth if (h.indexOf('px') === -1) h = 0; return { w : parseInt(w) || e.offsetWidth || e.clientWidth, h : parseInt(h) || e.offsetHeight || e.clientHeight }; }, /** * Returns a node by the specified selector function. This function will * loop through all parent nodes and call the specified function for each node. * If the function then returns true indicating that it has found what it was looking for, the loop execution will then end * and the node it found will be returned. * * @method getParent * @param {Node/String} n DOM node to search parents on or ID string. * @param {function} f Selection function to execute on each node or CSS pattern. * @param {Node} r Optional root element, never go below this point. * @return {Node} DOM Node or null if it wasn't found. */ getParent : function(n, f, r) { return this.getParents(n, f, r, false); }, /** * Returns a node list of all parents matching the specified selector function or pattern. * If the function then returns true indicating that it has found what it was looking for and that node will be collected. * * @method getParents * @param {Node/String} n DOM node to search parents on or ID string. * @param {function} f Selection function to execute on each node or CSS pattern. * @param {Node} r Optional root element, never go below this point. * @return {Array} Array of nodes or null if it wasn't found. */ getParents : function(n, f, r, c) { var t = this, na, se = t.settings, o = []; n = t.get(n); c = c === undefined; if (se.strict_root) r = r || t.getRoot(); // Wrap node name as func if (is(f, 'string')) { na = f; if (f === '*') { f = function(n) {return n.nodeType == 1;}; } else { f = function(n) { return t.is(n, na); }; } } while (n) { if (n == r || !n.nodeType || n.nodeType === 9) break; if (!f || f(n)) { if (c) o.push(n); else return n; } n = n.parentNode; } return c ? o : null; }, /** * Returns the specified element by ID or the input element if it isn't a string. * * @method get * @param {String/Element} n Element id to look for or element to just pass though. * @return {Element} Element matching the specified id or null if it wasn't found. */ get : function(e) { var n; if (e && this.doc && typeof(e) == 'string') { n = e; e = this.doc.getElementById(e); // IE and Opera returns meta elements when they match the specified input ID, but getElementsByName seems to do the trick if (e && e.id !== n) return this.doc.getElementsByName(n)[1]; } return e; }, /** * Returns the next node that matches selector or function * * @method getNext * @param {Node} node Node to find siblings from. * @param {String/function} selector Selector CSS expression or function. * @return {Node} Next node item matching the selector or null if it wasn't found. */ getNext : function(node, selector) { return this._findSib(node, selector, 'nextSibling'); }, /** * Returns the previous node that matches selector or function * * @method getPrev * @param {Node} node Node to find siblings from. * @param {String/function} selector Selector CSS expression or function. * @return {Node} Previous node item matching the selector or null if it wasn't found. */ getPrev : function(node, selector) { return this._findSib(node, selector, 'previousSibling'); }, // #ifndef jquery /** * Selects specific elements by a CSS level 3 pattern. For example "div#a1 p.test". * This function is optimized for the most common patterns needed in TinyMCE but it also performes good enough * on more complex patterns. * * @method select * @param {String} p CSS level 1 pattern to select/find elements by. * @param {Object} s Optional root element/scope element to search in. * @return {Array} Array with all matched elements. * @example * // Adds a class to all paragraphs in the currently active editor * tinyMCE.activeEditor.dom.addClass(tinyMCE.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), 'someclass'); * * // Adds a class to all spans that has the test class in the currently active editor * tinyMCE.activeEditor.dom.addClass(tinyMCE.activeEditor.dom.select('span.test'), 'someclass') */ select : function(pa, s) { var t = this; return tinymce.dom.Sizzle(pa, t.get(s) || t.get(t.settings.root_element) || t.doc, []); }, /** * Returns true/false if the specified element matches the specified css pattern. * * @method is * @param {Node/NodeList} n DOM node to match or an array of nodes to match. * @param {String} selector CSS pattern to match the element agains. */ is : function(n, selector) { var i; // If it isn't an array then try to do some simple selectors instead of Sizzle for to boost performance if (n.length === undefined) { // Simple all selector if (selector === '*') return n.nodeType == 1; // Simple selector just elements if (simpleSelectorRe.test(selector)) { selector = selector.toLowerCase().split(/,/); n = n.nodeName.toLowerCase(); for (i = selector.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (selector[i] == n) return true; } return false; } } return tinymce.dom.Sizzle.matches(selector, n.nodeType ? [n] : n).length > 0; }, // #endif /** * Adds the specified element to another element or elements. * * @method add * @param {String/Element/Array} Element id string, DOM node element or array of id's or elements to add to. * @param {String/Element} n Name of new element to add or existing element to add. * @param {Object} a Optional object collection with arguments to add to the new element(s). * @param {String} h Optional inner HTML contents to add for each element. * @param {Boolean} c Optional internal state to indicate if it should create or add. * @return {Element/Array} Element that got created or array with elements if multiple elements where passed. * @example * // Adds a new paragraph to the end of the active editor * tinyMCE.activeEditor.dom.add(tinyMCE.activeEditor.getBody(), 'p', {title : 'my title'}, 'Some content'); */ add : function(p, n, a, h, c) { var t = this; return this.run(p, function(p) { var e, k; e = is(n, 'string') ? t.doc.createElement(n) : n; t.setAttribs(e, a); if (h) { if (h.nodeType) e.appendChild(h); else t.setHTML(e, h); } return !c ? p.appendChild(e) : e; }); }, /** * Creates a new element. * * @method create * @param {String} n Name of new element. * @param {Object} a Optional object name/value collection with element attributes. * @param {String} h Optional HTML string to set as inner HTML of the element. * @return {Element} HTML DOM node element that got created. * @example * // Adds an element where the caret/selection is in the active editor * var el = tinyMCE.activeEditor.dom.create('div', {id : 'test', 'class' : 'myclass'}, 'some content'); * tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.setNode(el); */ create : function(n, a, h) { return this.add(this.doc.createElement(n), n, a, h, 1); }, /** * Create HTML string for element. The element will be closed unless an empty inner HTML string is passed. * * @method createHTML * @param {String} n Name of new element. * @param {Object} a Optional object name/value collection with element attributes. * @param {String} h Optional HTML string to set as inner HTML of the element. * @return {String} String with new HTML element like for example: test. * @example * // Creates a html chunk and inserts it at the current selection/caret location * tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.setContent(tinyMCE.activeEditor.dom.createHTML('a', {href : 'test.html'}, 'some line')); */ createHTML : function(n, a, h) { var o = '', t = this, k; o += '<' + n; for (k in a) { if (a.hasOwnProperty(k)) o += ' ' + k + '="' + t.encode(a[k]) + '"'; } // A call to tinymce.is doesn't work for some odd reason on IE9 possible bug inside their JS runtime if (typeof(h) != "undefined") return o + '>' + h + ''; return o + ' />'; }, /** * Removes/deletes the specified element(s) from the DOM. * * @method remove * @param {String/Element/Array} node ID of element or DOM element object or array containing multiple elements/ids. * @param {Boolean} keep_children Optional state to keep children or not. If set to true all children will be placed at the location of the removed element. * @return {Element/Array} HTML DOM element that got removed or array of elements depending on input. * @example * // Removes all paragraphs in the active editor * tinyMCE.activeEditor.dom.remove(tinyMCE.activeEditor.dom.select('p')); * * // Removes a element by id in the document * tinyMCE.DOM.remove('mydiv'); */ remove : function(node, keep_children) { return this.run(node, function(node) { var child, parent = node.parentNode; if (!parent) return null; if (keep_children) { while (child = node.firstChild) { // IE 8 will crash if you don't remove completely empty text nodes if (!tinymce.isIE || child.nodeType !== 3 || child.nodeValue) parent.insertBefore(child, node); else node.removeChild(child); } } return parent.removeChild(node); }); }, /** * Sets the CSS style value on a HTML element. The name can be a camelcase string * or the CSS style name like background-color. * * @method setStyle * @param {String/Element/Array} n HTML element/Element ID or Array of elements/ids to set CSS style value on. * @param {String} na Name of the style value to set. * @param {String} v Value to set on the style. * @example * // Sets a style value on all paragraphs in the currently active editor * tinyMCE.activeEditor.dom.setStyle(tinyMCE.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), 'background-color', 'red'); * * // Sets a style value to an element by id in the current document * tinyMCE.DOM.setStyle('mydiv', 'background-color', 'red'); */ setStyle : function(n, na, v) { var t = this; return t.run(n, function(e) { var s, i; s = e.style; // Camelcase it, if needed na = na.replace(/-(\D)/g, function(a, b){ return b.toUpperCase(); }); // Default px suffix on these if (t.pixelStyles.test(na) && (tinymce.is(v, 'number') || /^[\-0-9\.]+$/.test(v))) v += 'px'; switch (na) { case 'opacity': // IE specific opacity if (isIE) { s.filter = v === '' ? '' : "alpha(opacity=" + (v * 100) + ")"; if (!n.currentStyle || !n.currentStyle.hasLayout) s.display = 'inline-block'; } // Fix for older browsers s[na] = s['-moz-opacity'] = s['-khtml-opacity'] = v || ''; break; case 'float': isIE ? s.styleFloat = v : s.cssFloat = v; break; default: s[na] = v || ''; } // Force update of the style data if (t.settings.update_styles) t.setAttrib(e, 'data-mce-style'); }); }, /** * Returns the current style or runtime/computed value of a element. * * @method getStyle * @param {String/Element} n HTML element or element id string to get style from. * @param {String} na Style name to return. * @param {Boolean} c Computed style. * @return {String} Current style or computed style value of a element. */ getStyle : function(n, na, c) { n = this.get(n); if (!n) return; // Gecko if (this.doc.defaultView && c) { // Remove camelcase na = na.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function(a){ return '-' + a; }); try { return this.doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(n, null).getPropertyValue(na); } catch (ex) { // Old safari might fail return null; } } // Camelcase it, if needed na = na.replace(/-(\D)/g, function(a, b){ return b.toUpperCase(); }); if (na == 'float') na = isIE ? 'styleFloat' : 'cssFloat'; // IE & Opera if (n.currentStyle && c) return n.currentStyle[na]; return n.style ? n.style[na] : undefined; }, /** * Sets multiple styles on the specified element(s). * * @method setStyles * @param {Element/String/Array} e DOM element, element id string or array of elements/ids to set styles on. * @param {Object} o Name/Value collection of style items to add to the element(s). * @example * // Sets styles on all paragraphs in the currently active editor * tinyMCE.activeEditor.dom.setStyles(tinyMCE.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), {'background-color' : 'red', 'color' : 'green'}); * * // Sets styles to an element by id in the current document * tinyMCE.DOM.setStyles('mydiv', {'background-color' : 'red', 'color' : 'green'}); */ setStyles : function(e, o) { var t = this, s = t.settings, ol; ol = s.update_styles; s.update_styles = 0; each(o, function(v, n) { t.setStyle(e, n, v); }); // Update style info s.update_styles = ol; if (s.update_styles) t.setAttrib(e, s.cssText); }, /** * Removes all attributes from an element or elements. * * @param {Element/String/Array} e DOM element, element id string or array of elements/ids to remove attributes from. */ removeAllAttribs: function(e) { return this.run(e, function(e) { var i, attrs = e.attributes; for (i = attrs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { e.removeAttributeNode(attrs.item(i)); } }); }, /** * Sets the specified attributes value of a element or elements. * * @method setAttrib * @param {Element/String/Array} e DOM element, element id string or array of elements/ids to set attribute on. * @param {String} n Name of attribute to set. * @param {String} v Value to set on the attribute of this value is falsy like null 0 or '' it will remove the attribute instead. * @example * // Sets an attribute to all paragraphs in the active editor * tinyMCE.activeEditor.dom.setAttrib(tinyMCE.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), 'class', 'myclass'); * * // Sets an attribute to a specific element in the current page * tinyMCE.dom.setAttrib('mydiv', 'class', 'myclass'); */ setAttrib : function(e, n, v) { var t = this; // Whats the point if (!e || !n) return; // Strict XML mode if (t.settings.strict) n = n.toLowerCase(); return this.run(e, function(e) { var s = t.settings; switch (n) { case "style": if (!is(v, 'string')) { each(v, function(v, n) { t.setStyle(e, n, v); }); return; } // No mce_style for elements with these since they might get resized by the user if (s.keep_values) { if (v && !t._isRes(v)) e.setAttribute('data-mce-style', v, 2); else e.removeAttribute('data-mce-style', 2); } e.style.cssText = v; break; case "class": e.className = v || ''; // Fix IE null bug break; case "src": case "href": if (s.keep_values) { if (s.url_converter) v = s.url_converter.call(s.url_converter_scope || t, v, n, e); t.setAttrib(e, 'data-mce-' + n, v, 2); } break; case "shape": e.setAttribute('data-mce-style', v); break; } if (is(v) && v !== null && v.length !== 0) e.setAttribute(n, '' + v, 2); else e.removeAttribute(n, 2); }); }, /** * Sets the specified attributes of a element or elements. * * @method setAttribs * @param {Element/String/Array} e DOM element, element id string or array of elements/ids to set attributes on. * @param {Object} o Name/Value collection of attribute items to add to the element(s). * @example * // Sets some attributes to all paragraphs in the active editor * tinyMCE.activeEditor.dom.setAttribs(tinyMCE.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), {'class' : 'myclass', title : 'some title'}); * * // Sets some attributes to a specific element in the current page * tinyMCE.DOM.setAttribs('mydiv', {'class' : 'myclass', title : 'some title'}); */ setAttribs : function(e, o) { var t = this; return this.run(e, function(e) { each(o, function(v, n) { t.setAttrib(e, n, v); }); }); }, /** * Returns the specified attribute by name. * * @method getAttrib * @param {String/Element} e Element string id or DOM element to get attribute from. * @param {String} n Name of attribute to get. * @param {String} dv Optional default value to return if the attribute didn't exist. * @return {String} Attribute value string, default value or null if the attribute wasn't found. */ getAttrib : function(e, n, dv) { var v, t = this, undef; e = t.get(e); if (!e || e.nodeType !== 1) return dv === undef ? false : dv; if (!is(dv)) dv = ''; // Try the mce variant for these if (/^(src|href|style|coords|shape)$/.test(n)) { v = e.getAttribute("data-mce-" + n); if (v) return v; } if (isIE && t.props[n]) { v = e[t.props[n]]; v = v && v.nodeValue ? v.nodeValue : v; } if (!v) v = e.getAttribute(n, 2); // Check boolean attribs if (/^(checked|compact|declare|defer|disabled|ismap|multiple|nohref|noshade|nowrap|readonly|selected)$/.test(n)) { if (e[t.props[n]] === true && v === '') return n; return v ? n : ''; } // Inner input elements will override attributes on form elements if (e.nodeName === "FORM" && e.getAttributeNode(n)) return e.getAttributeNode(n).nodeValue; if (n === 'style') { v = v || e.style.cssText; if (v) { v = t.serializeStyle(t.parseStyle(v), e.nodeName); if (t.settings.keep_values && !t._isRes(v)) e.setAttribute('data-mce-style', v); } } // Remove Apple and WebKit stuff if (isWebKit && n === "class" && v) v = v.replace(/(apple|webkit)\-[a-z\-]+/gi, ''); // Handle IE issues if (isIE) { switch (n) { case 'rowspan': case 'colspan': // IE returns 1 as default value if (v === 1) v = ''; break; case 'size': // IE returns +0 as default value for size if (v === '+0' || v === 20 || v === 0) v = ''; break; case 'width': case 'height': case 'vspace': case 'checked': case 'disabled': case 'readonly': if (v === 0) v = ''; break; case 'hspace': // IE returns -1 as default value if (v === -1) v = ''; break; case 'maxlength': case 'tabindex': // IE returns default value if (v === 32768 || v === 2147483647 || v === '32768') v = ''; break; case 'multiple': case 'compact': case 'noshade': case 'nowrap': if (v === 65535) return n; return dv; case 'shape': v = v.toLowerCase(); break; default: // IE has odd anonymous function for event attributes if (n.indexOf('on') === 0 && v) v = tinymce._replace(/^function\s+\w+\(\)\s+\{\s+(.*)\s+\}$/, '$1', '' + v); } } return (v !== undef && v !== null && v !== '') ? '' + v : dv; }, /** * Returns the absolute x, y position of a node. The position will be returned in a object with x, y fields. * * @method getPos * @param {Element/String} n HTML element or element id to get x, y position from. * @param {Element} ro Optional root element to stop calculations at. * @return {object} Absolute position of the specified element object with x, y fields. */ getPos : function(n, ro) { var t = this, x = 0, y = 0, e, d = t.doc, r; n = t.get(n); ro = ro || d.body; if (n) { // Use getBoundingClientRect if it exists since it's faster than looping offset nodes if (n.getBoundingClientRect) { n = n.getBoundingClientRect(); e = t.boxModel ? d.documentElement : d.body; // Add scroll offsets from documentElement or body since IE with the wrong box model will use d.body and so do WebKit // Also remove the body/documentelement clientTop/clientLeft on IE 6, 7 since they offset the position x = n.left + (d.documentElement.scrollLeft || d.body.scrollLeft) - e.clientTop; y = n.top + (d.documentElement.scrollTop || d.body.scrollTop) - e.clientLeft; return {x : x, y : y}; } r = n; while (r && r != ro && r.nodeType) { x += r.offsetLeft || 0; y += r.offsetTop || 0; r = r.offsetParent; } r = n.parentNode; while (r && r != ro && r.nodeType) { x -= r.scrollLeft || 0; y -= r.scrollTop || 0; r = r.parentNode; } } return {x : x, y : y}; }, /** * Parses the specified style value into an object collection. This parser will also * merge and remove any redundant items that browsers might have added. It will also convert non hex * colors to hex values. Urls inside the styles will also be converted to absolute/relative based on settings. * * @method parseStyle * @param {String} st Style value to parse for example: border:1px solid red;. * @return {Object} Object representation of that style like {border : '1px solid red'} */ parseStyle : function(st) { return this.styles.parse(st); }, /** * Serializes the specified style object into a string. * * @method serializeStyle * @param {Object} o Object to serialize as string for example: {border : '1px solid red'} * @param {String} name Optional element name. * @return {String} String representation of the style object for example: border: 1px solid red. */ serializeStyle : function(o, name) { return this.styles.serialize(o, name); }, /** * Imports/loads the specified CSS file into the document bound to the class. * * @method loadCSS * @param {String} u URL to CSS file to load. * @example * // Loads a CSS file dynamically into the current document * tinymce.DOM.loadCSS('somepath/some.css'); * * // Loads a CSS file into the currently active editor instance * tinyMCE.activeEditor.dom.loadCSS('somepath/some.css'); * * // Loads a CSS file into an editor instance by id * tinyMCE.get('someid').dom.loadCSS('somepath/some.css'); * * // Loads multiple CSS files into the current document * tinymce.DOM.loadCSS('somepath/some.css,somepath/someother.css'); */ loadCSS : function(u) { var t = this, d = t.doc, head; if (!u) u = ''; head = t.select('head')[0]; each(u.split(','), function(u) { var link; if (t.files[u]) return; t.files[u] = true; link = t.create('link', {rel : 'stylesheet', href : tinymce._addVer(u)}); // IE 8 has a bug where dynamically loading stylesheets would produce a 1 item remaining bug // This fix seems to resolve that issue by realcing the document ones a stylesheet finishes loading // It's ugly but it seems to work fine. if (isIE && d.documentMode && d.recalc) { link.onload = function() { if (d.recalc) d.recalc(); link.onload = null; }; } head.appendChild(link); }); }, /** * Adds a class to the specified element or elements. * * @method addClass * @param {String/Element/Array} Element ID string or DOM element or array with elements or IDs. * @param {String} c Class name to add to each element. * @return {String/Array} String with new class value or array with new class values for all elements. * @example * // Adds a class to all paragraphs in the active editor * tinyMCE.activeEditor.dom.addClass(tinyMCE.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), 'myclass'); * * // Adds a class to a specific element in the current page * tinyMCE.DOM.addClass('mydiv', 'myclass'); */ addClass : function(e, c) { return this.run(e, function(e) { var o; if (!c) return 0; if (this.hasClass(e, c)) return e.className; o = this.removeClass(e, c); return e.className = (o != '' ? (o + ' ') : '') + c; }); }, /** * Removes a class from the specified element or elements. * * @method removeClass * @param {String/Element/Array} Element ID string or DOM element or array with elements or IDs. * @param {String} c Class name to remove to each element. * @return {String/Array} String with new class value or array with new class values for all elements. * @example * // Removes a class from all paragraphs in the active editor * tinyMCE.activeEditor.dom.removeClass(tinyMCE.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), 'myclass'); * * // Removes a class from a specific element in the current page * tinyMCE.DOM.removeClass('mydiv', 'myclass'); */ removeClass : function(e, c) { var t = this, re; return t.run(e, function(e) { var v; if (t.hasClass(e, c)) { if (!re) re = new RegExp("(^|\\s+)" + c + "(\\s+|$)", "g"); v = e.className.replace(re, ' '); v = tinymce.trim(v != ' ' ? v : ''); e.className = v; // Empty class attr if (!v) { e.removeAttribute('class'); e.removeAttribute('className'); } return v; } return e.className; }); }, /** * Returns true if the specified element has the specified class. * * @method hasClass * @param {String/Element} n HTML element or element id string to check CSS class on. * @param {String} c CSS class to check for. * @return {Boolean} true/false if the specified element has the specified class. */ hasClass : function(n, c) { n = this.get(n); if (!n || !c) return false; return (' ' + n.className + ' ').indexOf(' ' + c + ' ') !== -1; }, /** * Shows the specified element(s) by ID by setting the "display" style. * * @method show * @param {String/Element/Array} e ID of DOM element or DOM element or array with elements or IDs to show. */ show : function(e) { return this.setStyle(e, 'display', 'block'); }, /** * Hides the specified element(s) by ID by setting the "display" style. * * @method hide * @param {String/Element/Array} e ID of DOM element or DOM element or array with elements or IDs to hide. * @example * // Hides a element by id in the document * tinymce.DOM.hide('myid'); */ hide : function(e) { return this.setStyle(e, 'display', 'none'); }, /** * Returns true/false if the element is hidden or not by checking the "display" style. * * @method isHidden * @param {String/Element} e Id or element to check display state on. * @return {Boolean} true/false if the element is hidden or not. */ isHidden : function(e) { e = this.get(e); return !e || e.style.display == 'none' || this.getStyle(e, 'display') == 'none'; }, /** * Returns a unique id. This can be useful when generating elements on the fly. * This method will not check if the element allready exists. * * @method uniqueId * @param {String} p Optional prefix to add infront of all ids defaults to "mce_". * @return {String} Unique id. */ uniqueId : function(p) { return (!p ? 'mce_' : p) + (this.counter++); }, /** * Sets the specified HTML content inside the element or elements. The HTML will first be processed this means * URLs will get converted, hex color values fixed etc. Check processHTML for details. * * @method setHTML * @param {Element/String/Array} e DOM element, element id string or array of elements/ids to set HTML inside. * @param {String} h HTML content to set as inner HTML of the element. * @example * // Sets the inner HTML of all paragraphs in the active editor * tinyMCE.activeEditor.dom.setHTML(tinyMCE.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), 'some inner html'); * * // Sets the inner HTML of a element by id in the document * tinyMCE.DOM.setHTML('mydiv', 'some inner html'); */ setHTML : function(element, html) { var self = this; return self.run(element, function(element) { if (isIE) { // Remove all child nodes, IE keeps empty text nodes in DOM while (element.firstChild) element.removeChild(element.firstChild); try { // IE will remove comments from the beginning // unless you padd the contents with something element.innerHTML = '
' + html; element.removeChild(element.firstChild); } catch (ex) { // IE sometimes produces an unknown runtime error on innerHTML if it's an block element within a block element for example a div inside a p // This seems to fix this problem // Create new div with HTML contents and a BR infront to keep comments element = self.create('div'); element.innerHTML = '
' + html; // Add all children from div to target each (element.childNodes, function(node, i) { // Skip br element if (i) element.appendChild(node); }); } } else element.innerHTML = html; return html; }); }, /** * Returns the outer HTML of an element. * * @method getOuterHTML * @param {String/Element} elm Element ID or element object to get outer HTML from. * @return {String} Outer HTML string. * @example * tinymce.DOM.getOuterHTML(editorElement); * tinyMCE.activeEditor.getOuterHTML(tinyMCE.activeEditor.getBody()); */ getOuterHTML : function(elm) { var doc, self = this; elm = self.get(elm); if (!elm) return null; if (elm.nodeType === 1 && self.hasOuterHTML) return elm.outerHTML; doc = (elm.ownerDocument || self.doc).createElement("body"); doc.appendChild(elm.cloneNode(true)); return doc.innerHTML; }, /** * Sets the specified outer HTML on a element or elements. * * @method setOuterHTML * @param {Element/String/Array} e DOM element, element id string or array of elements/ids to set outer HTML on. * @param {Object} h HTML code to set as outer value for the element. * @param {Document} d Optional document scope to use in this process defaults to the document of the DOM class. * @example * // Sets the outer HTML of all paragraphs in the active editor * tinyMCE.activeEditor.dom.setOuterHTML(tinyMCE.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), '
some html
'); * * // Sets the outer HTML of a element by id in the document * tinyMCE.DOM.setOuterHTML('mydiv', '
some html
'); */ setOuterHTML : function(e, h, d) { var t = this; function setHTML(e, h, d) { var n, tp; tp = d.createElement("body"); tp.innerHTML = h; n = tp.lastChild; while (n) { t.insertAfter(n.cloneNode(true), e); n = n.previousSibling; } t.remove(e); }; return this.run(e, function(e) { e = t.get(e); // Only set HTML on elements if (e.nodeType == 1) { d = d || e.ownerDocument || t.doc; if (isIE) { try { // Try outerHTML for IE it sometimes produces an unknown runtime error if (isIE && e.nodeType == 1) e.outerHTML = h; else setHTML(e, h, d); } catch (ex) { // Fix for unknown runtime error setHTML(e, h, d); } } else setHTML(e, h, d); } }); }, /** * Entity decode a string, resolves any HTML entities like å. * * @method decode * @param {String} s String to decode entities on. * @return {String} Entity decoded string. */ decode : Entities.decode, /** * Entity encodes a string, encodes the most common entities <>"& into entities. * * @method encode * @param {String} text String to encode with entities. * @return {String} Entity encoded string. */ encode : Entities.encodeAllRaw, /** * Inserts a element after the reference element. * * @method insertAfter * @param {Element} node Element to insert after the reference. * @param {Element/String/Array} reference_node Reference element, element id or array of elements to insert after. * @return {Element/Array} Element that got added or an array with elements. */ insertAfter : function(node, reference_node) { reference_node = this.get(reference_node); return this.run(node, function(node) { var parent, nextSibling; parent = reference_node.parentNode; nextSibling = reference_node.nextSibling; if (nextSibling) parent.insertBefore(node, nextSibling); else parent.appendChild(node); return node; }); }, /** * Returns true/false if the specified element is a block element or not. * * @method isBlock * @param {Node/String} node Element/Node to check. * @return {Boolean} True/False state if the node is a block element or not. */ isBlock : function(node) { var type = node.nodeType; // If it's a node then check the type and use the nodeName if (type) return !!(type === 1 && blockElementsMap[node.nodeName]); return !!blockElementsMap[node]; }, /** * Replaces the specified element or elements with the specified element, the new element will * be cloned if multiple inputs elements are passed. * * @method replace * @param {Element} n New element to replace old ones with. * @param {Element/String/Array} o Element DOM node, element id or array of elements or ids to replace. * @param {Boolean} k Optional keep children state, if set to true child nodes from the old object will be added to new ones. */ replace : function(n, o, k) { var t = this; if (is(o, 'array')) n = n.cloneNode(true); return t.run(o, function(o) { if (k) { each(tinymce.grep(o.childNodes), function(c) { n.appendChild(c); }); } return o.parentNode.replaceChild(n, o); }); }, /** * Renames the specified element to a new name and keep it's attributes and children. * * @method rename * @param {Element} elm Element to rename. * @param {String} name Name of the new element. * @return New element or the old element if it needed renaming. */ rename : function(elm, name) { var t = this, newElm; if (elm.nodeName != name.toUpperCase()) { // Rename block element newElm = t.create(name); // Copy attribs to new block each(t.getAttribs(elm), function(attr_node) { t.setAttrib(newElm, attr_node.nodeName, t.getAttrib(elm, attr_node.nodeName)); }); // Replace block t.replace(newElm, elm, 1); } return newElm || elm; }, /** * Find the common ancestor of two elements. This is a shorter method than using the DOM Range logic. * * @method findCommonAncestor * @param {Element} a Element to find common ancestor of. * @param {Element} b Element to find common ancestor of. * @return {Element} Common ancestor element of the two input elements. */ findCommonAncestor : function(a, b) { var ps = a, pe; while (ps) { pe = b; while (pe && ps != pe) pe = pe.parentNode; if (ps == pe) break; ps = ps.parentNode; } if (!ps && a.ownerDocument) return a.ownerDocument.documentElement; return ps; }, /** * Parses the specified RGB color value and returns a hex version of that color. * * @method toHex * @param {String} s RGB string value like rgb(1,2,3) * @return {String} Hex version of that RGB value like #FF00FF. */ toHex : function(s) { var c = /^\s*rgb\s*?\(\s*?([0-9]+)\s*?,\s*?([0-9]+)\s*?,\s*?([0-9]+)\s*?\)\s*$/i.exec(s); function hex(s) { s = parseInt(s).toString(16); return s.length > 1 ? s : '0' + s; // 0 -> 00 }; if (c) { s = '#' + hex(c[1]) + hex(c[2]) + hex(c[3]); return s; } return s; }, /** * Returns a array of all single CSS classes in the document. A single CSS class is a simple * rule like ".class" complex ones like "div td.class" will not be added to output. * * @method getClasses * @return {Array} Array with class objects each object has a class field might be other fields in the future. */ getClasses : function() { var t = this, cl = [], i, lo = {}, f = t.settings.class_filter, ov; if (t.classes) return t.classes; function addClasses(s) { // IE style imports each(s.imports, function(r) { addClasses(r); }); each(s.cssRules || s.rules, function(r) { // Real type or fake it on IE switch (r.type || 1) { // Rule case 1: if (r.selectorText) { each(r.selectorText.split(','), function(v) { v = v.replace(/^\s*|\s*$|^\s\./g, ""); // Is internal or it doesn't contain a class if (/\.mce/.test(v) || !/\.[\w\-]+$/.test(v)) return; // Remove everything but class name ov = v; v = tinymce._replace(/.*\.([a-z0-9_\-]+).*/i, '$1', v); // Filter classes if (f && !(v = f(v, ov))) return; if (!lo[v]) { cl.push({'class' : v}); lo[v] = 1; } }); } break; // Import case 3: addClasses(r.styleSheet); break; } }); }; try { each(t.doc.styleSheets, addClasses); } catch (ex) { // Ignore } if (cl.length > 0) t.classes = cl; return cl; }, /** * Executes the specified function on the element by id or dom element node or array of elements/id. * * @method run * @param {String/Element/Array} Element ID or DOM element object or array with ids or elements. * @param {function} f Function to execute for each item. * @param {Object} s Optional scope to execute the function in. * @return {Object/Array} Single object or array with objects depending on multiple input or not. */ run : function(e, f, s) { var t = this, o; if (t.doc && typeof(e) === 'string') e = t.get(e); if (!e) return false; s = s || this; if (!e.nodeType && (e.length || e.length === 0)) { o = []; each(e, function(e, i) { if (e) { if (typeof(e) == 'string') e = t.doc.getElementById(e); o.push(f.call(s, e, i)); } }); return o; } return f.call(s, e); }, /** * Returns an NodeList with attributes for the element. * * @method getAttribs * @param {HTMLElement/string} n Element node or string id to get attributes from. * @return {NodeList} NodeList with attributes. */ getAttribs : function(n) { var o; n = this.get(n); if (!n) return []; if (isIE) { o = []; // Object will throw exception in IE if (n.nodeName == 'OBJECT') return n.attributes; // IE doesn't keep the selected attribute if you clone option elements if (n.nodeName === 'OPTION' && this.getAttrib(n, 'selected')) o.push({specified : 1, nodeName : 'selected'}); // It's crazy that this is faster in IE but it's because it returns all attributes all the time n.cloneNode(false).outerHTML.replace(/<\/?[\w:\-]+ ?|=[\"][^\"]+\"|=\'[^\']+\'|=[\w\-]+|>/gi, '').replace(/[\w:\-]+/gi, function(a) { o.push({specified : 1, nodeName : a}); }); return o; } return n.attributes; }, /** * Returns true/false if the specified node is to be considered empty or not. * * @example * tinymce.DOM.isEmpty(node, {img : true}); * @method isEmpty * @param {Object} elements Optional name/value object with elements that are automatically treated as non empty elements. * @return {Boolean} true/false if the node is empty or not. */ isEmpty : function(node, elements) { var self = this, i, attributes, type, walker, name; node = node.firstChild; if (node) { walker = new tinymce.dom.TreeWalker(node); elements = elements || self.schema ? self.schema.getNonEmptyElements() : null; do { type = node.nodeType; if (type === 1) { // Ignore bogus elements if (node.getAttribute('data-mce-bogus')) continue; // Keep empty elements like if (elements && elements[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) return false; // Keep elements with data-bookmark attributes or name attribute like attributes = self.getAttribs(node); i = node.attributes.length; while (i--) { name = node.attributes[i].nodeName; if (name === "name" || name === 'data-mce-bookmark') return false; } } // Keep non whitespace text nodes if ((type === 3 && !whiteSpaceRegExp.test(node.nodeValue))) return false; } while (node = walker.next()); } return true; }, /** * Destroys all internal references to the DOM to solve IE leak issues. * * @method destroy */ destroy : function(s) { var t = this; if (t.events) t.events.destroy(); t.win = t.doc = t.root = t.events = null; // Manual destroy then remove unload handler if (!s) tinymce.removeUnload(t.destroy); }, /** * Created a new DOM Range object. This will use the native DOM Range API if it's * available if it's not it will fallback to the custom TinyMCE implementation. * * @method createRng * @return {DOMRange} DOM Range object. * @example * var rng = tinymce.DOM.createRng(); * alert(rng.startContainer + "," + rng.startOffset); */ createRng : function() { var d = this.doc; return d.createRange ? d.createRange() : new tinymce.dom.Range(this); }, /** * Returns the index of the specified node within it's parent. * * @param {Node} node Node to look for. * @param {boolean} normalized Optional true/false state if the index is what it would be after a normalization. * @return {Number} Index of the specified node. */ nodeIndex : function(node, normalized) { var idx = 0, lastNodeType, lastNode, nodeType; if (node) { for (lastNodeType = node.nodeType, node = node.previousSibling, lastNode = node; node; node = node.previousSibling) { nodeType = node.nodeType; // Normalize text nodes if (normalized && nodeType == 3) { if (nodeType == lastNodeType || !node.nodeValue.length) continue; } idx++; lastNodeType = nodeType; } } return idx; }, /** * Splits an element into two new elements and places the specified split * element or element between the new ones. For example splitting the paragraph at the bold element in * this example


would produce




. * * @method split * @param {Element} pe Parent element to split. * @param {Element} e Element to split at. * @param {Element} re Optional replacement element to replace the split element by. * @return {Element} Returns the split element or the replacement element if that is specified. */ split : function(pe, e, re) { var t = this, r = t.createRng(), bef, aft, pa; // W3C valid browsers tend to leave empty nodes to the left/right side of the contents, this makes sense // but we don't want that in our code since it serves no purpose for the end user // For example if this is chopped: //

text 1CHOPtext 2

// would produce: //

text 1


text 2

// this function will then trim of empty edges and produce: //

text 1


text 2

function trim(node) { var i, children = node.childNodes, type = node.nodeType; if (type == 1 && node.getAttribute('data-mce-type') == 'bookmark') return; for (i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) trim(children[i]); if (type != 9) { // Keep non whitespace text nodes if (type == 3 && node.nodeValue.length > 0) { // If parent element isn't a block or there isn't any useful contents for example "

" if (!t.isBlock(node.parentNode) || tinymce.trim(node.nodeValue).length > 0) return; } else if (type == 1) { // If the only child is a bookmark then move it up children = node.childNodes; if (children.length == 1 && children[0] && children[0].nodeType == 1 && children[0].getAttribute('data-mce-type') == 'bookmark') node.parentNode.insertBefore(children[0], node); // Keep non empty elements or img, hr etc if (children.length || /^(br|hr|input|img)$/i.test(node.nodeName)) return; } t.remove(node); } return node; }; if (pe && e) { // Get before chunk r.setStart(pe.parentNode, t.nodeIndex(pe)); r.setEnd(e.parentNode, t.nodeIndex(e)); bef = r.extractContents(); // Get after chunk r = t.createRng(); r.setStart(e.parentNode, t.nodeIndex(e) + 1); r.setEnd(pe.parentNode, t.nodeIndex(pe) + 1); aft = r.extractContents(); // Insert before chunk pa = pe.parentNode; pa.insertBefore(trim(bef), pe); // Insert middle chunk if (re) pa.replaceChild(re, e); else pa.insertBefore(e, pe); // Insert after chunk pa.insertBefore(trim(aft), pe); t.remove(pe); return re || e; } }, /** * Adds an event handler to the specified object. * * @method bind * @param {Element/Document/Window/Array/String} o Object or element id string to add event handler to or an array of elements/ids/documents. * @param {String} n Name of event handler to add for example: click. * @param {function} f Function to execute when the event occurs. * @param {Object} s Optional scope to execute the function in. * @return {function} Function callback handler the same as the one passed in. */ bind : function(target, name, func, scope) { var t = this; if (!t.events) t.events = new tinymce.dom.EventUtils(); return t.events.add(target, name, func, scope || this); }, /** * Removes the specified event handler by name and function from a element or collection of elements. * * @method unbind * @param {String/Element/Array} o Element ID string or HTML element or an array of elements or ids to remove handler from. * @param {String} n Event handler name like for example: "click" * @param {function} f Function to remove. * @return {bool/Array} Bool state if true if the handler was removed or an array with states if multiple elements where passed in. */ unbind : function(target, name, func) { var t = this; if (!t.events) t.events = new tinymce.dom.EventUtils(); return t.events.remove(target, name, func); }, // #ifdef debug dumpRng : function(r) { return 'startContainer: ' + r.startContainer.nodeName + ', startOffset: ' + r.startOffset + ', endContainer: ' + r.endContainer.nodeName + ', endOffset: ' + r.endOffset; }, // #endif _findSib : function(node, selector, name) { var t = this, f = selector; if (node) { // If expression make a function of it using is if (is(f, 'string')) { f = function(node) { return t.is(node, selector); }; } // Loop all siblings for (node = node[name]; node; node = node[name]) { if (f(node)) return node; } } return null; }, _isRes : function(c) { // Is live resizble element return /^(top|left|bottom|right|width|height)/i.test(c) || /;\s*(top|left|bottom|right|width|height)/i.test(c); } /* walk : function(n, f, s) { var d = this.doc, w; if (d.createTreeWalker) { w = d.createTreeWalker(n, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, false); while ((n = w.nextNode()) != null) f.call(s || this, n); } else tinymce.walk(n, f, 'childNodes', s); } */ /* toRGB : function(s) { var c = /^\s*?#([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{1,2})([0-9A-F]{2})?\s*?$/.exec(s); if (c) { // #FFF -> #FFFFFF if (!is(c[3])) c[3] = c[2] = c[1]; return "rgb(" + parseInt(c[1], 16) + "," + parseInt(c[2], 16) + "," + parseInt(c[3], 16) + ")"; } return s; } */ }); /** * Instance of DOMUtils for the current document. * * @property DOM * @member tinymce * @type tinymce.dom.DOMUtils * @example * // Example of how to add a class to some element by id * tinymce.DOM.addClass('someid', 'someclass'); */ tinymce.DOM = new tinymce.dom.DOMUtils(document, {process_html : 0}); })(tinymce);