/** * ListBox.js * * Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB * Released under LGPL License. * * License: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/license * Contributing: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/contributing */ (function(tinymce) { var DOM = tinymce.DOM, Event = tinymce.dom.Event, each = tinymce.each, Dispatcher = tinymce.util.Dispatcher; /** * This class is used to create list boxes/select list. This one will generate * a non native control. This one has the benefits of having visual items added. * * @class tinymce.ui.ListBox * @extends tinymce.ui.Control * @example * // Creates a new plugin class and a custom listbox * tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.ExamplePlugin', { * createControl: function(n, cm) { * switch (n) { * case 'mylistbox': * var mlb = cm.createListBox('mylistbox', { * title : 'My list box', * onselect : function(v) { * tinyMCE.activeEditor.windowManager.alert('Value selected:' + v); * } * }); * * // Add some values to the list box * mlb.add('Some item 1', 'val1'); * mlb.add('some item 2', 'val2'); * mlb.add('some item 3', 'val3'); * * // Return the new listbox instance * return mlb; * } * * return null; * } * }); * * // Register plugin with a short name * tinymce.PluginManager.add('example', tinymce.plugins.ExamplePlugin); * * // Initialize TinyMCE with the new plugin and button * tinyMCE.init({ * ... * plugins : '-example', // - means TinyMCE will not try to load it * theme_advanced_buttons1 : 'mylistbox' // Add the new example listbox to the toolbar * }); */ tinymce.create('tinymce.ui.ListBox:tinymce.ui.Control', { /** * Constructs a new listbox control instance. * * @constructor * @method ListBox * @param {String} id Control id for the list box. * @param {Object} s Optional name/value settings object. * @param {Editor} ed Optional the editor instance this button is for. */ ListBox : function(id, s, ed) { var t = this; t.parent(id, s, ed); /** * Array of ListBox items. * * @property items * @type Array */ t.items = []; /** * Fires when the selection has been changed. * * @event onChange */ t.onChange = new Dispatcher(t); /** * Fires after the element has been rendered to DOM. * * @event onPostRender */ t.onPostRender = new Dispatcher(t); /** * Fires when a new item is added. * * @event onAdd */ t.onAdd = new Dispatcher(t); /** * Fires when the menu gets rendered. * * @event onRenderMenu */ t.onRenderMenu = new tinymce.util.Dispatcher(this); t.classPrefix = 'mceListBox'; }, /** * Selects a item/option by value. This will both add a visual selection to the * item and change the title of the control to the title of the option. * * @method select * @param {String/function} va Value to look for inside the list box or a function selector. */ select : function(va) { var t = this, fv, f; if (va == undefined) return t.selectByIndex(-1); // Is string or number make function selector if (va && va.call) f = va; else { f = function(v) { return v == va; }; } // Do we need to do something? if (va != t.selectedValue) { // Find item each(t.items, function(o, i) { if (f(o.value)) { fv = 1; t.selectByIndex(i); return false; } }); if (!fv) t.selectByIndex(-1); } }, /** * Selects a item/option by index. This will both add a visual selection to the * item and change the title of the control to the title of the option. * * @method selectByIndex * @param {String} idx Index to select, pass -1 to select menu/title of select box. */ selectByIndex : function(idx) { var t = this, e, o; if (idx != t.selectedIndex) { e = DOM.get(t.id + '_text'); o = t.items[idx]; if (o) { t.selectedValue = o.value; t.selectedIndex = idx; DOM.setHTML(e, DOM.encode(o.title)); DOM.removeClass(e, 'mceTitle'); DOM.setAttrib(t.id, 'aria-valuenow', o.title); } else { DOM.setHTML(e, DOM.encode(t.settings.title)); DOM.addClass(e, 'mceTitle'); t.selectedValue = t.selectedIndex = null; DOM.setAttrib(t.id, 'aria-valuenow', t.settings.title); } e = 0; } }, /** * Adds a option item to the list box. * * @method add * @param {String} n Title for the new option. * @param {String} v Value for the new option. * @param {Object} o Optional object with settings like for example class. */ add : function(n, v, o) { var t = this; o = o || {}; o = tinymce.extend(o, { title : n, value : v }); t.items.push(o); t.onAdd.dispatch(t, o); }, /** * Returns the number of items inside the list box. * * @method getLength * @param {Number} Number of items inside the list box. */ getLength : function() { return this.items.length; }, /** * Renders the list box as a HTML string. This method is much faster than using the DOM and when * creating a whole toolbar with buttons it does make a lot of difference. * * @method renderHTML * @return {String} HTML for the list box control element. */ renderHTML : function() { var h = '', t = this, s = t.settings, cp = t.classPrefix; h = ''; h += ''; h += ''; h += ''; return h; }, /** * Displays the drop menu with all items. * * @method showMenu */ showMenu : function() { var t = this, p2, e = DOM.get(this.id), m; if (t.isDisabled() || t.items.length == 0) return; if (t.menu && t.menu.isMenuVisible) return t.hideMenu(); if (!t.isMenuRendered) { t.renderMenu(); t.isMenuRendered = true; } p2 = DOM.getPos(e); m = t.menu; m.settings.offset_x = p2.x; m.settings.offset_y = p2.y; m.settings.keyboard_focus = !tinymce.isOpera; // Opera is buggy when it comes to auto focus // Select in menu if (t.oldID) m.items[t.oldID].setSelected(0); each(t.items, function(o) { if (o.value === t.selectedValue) { m.items[o.id].setSelected(1); t.oldID = o.id; } }); m.showMenu(0, e.clientHeight); Event.add(DOM.doc, 'mousedown', t.hideMenu, t); DOM.addClass(t.id, t.classPrefix + 'Selected'); //DOM.get(t.id + '_text').focus(); }, /** * Hides the drop menu. * * @method hideMenu */ hideMenu : function(e) { var t = this; if (t.menu && t.menu.isMenuVisible) { DOM.removeClass(t.id, t.classPrefix + 'Selected'); // Prevent double toogles by canceling the mouse click event to the button if (e && e.type == "mousedown" && (e.target.id == t.id + '_text' || e.target.id == t.id + '_open')) return; if (!e || !DOM.getParent(e.target, '.mceMenu')) { DOM.removeClass(t.id, t.classPrefix + 'Selected'); Event.remove(DOM.doc, 'mousedown', t.hideMenu, t); t.menu.hideMenu(); } } }, /** * Renders the menu to the DOM. * * @method renderMenu */ renderMenu : function() { var t = this, m; m = t.settings.control_manager.createDropMenu(t.id + '_menu', { menu_line : 1, 'class' : t.classPrefix + 'Menu mceNoIcons', max_width : 150, max_height : 150 }); m.onHideMenu.add(function() { t.hideMenu(); t.focus(); }); m.add({ title : t.settings.title, 'class' : 'mceMenuItemTitle', onclick : function() { if (t.settings.onselect('') !== false) t.select(''); // Must be runned after } }); each(t.items, function(o) { // No value then treat it as a title if (o.value === undefined) { m.add({ title : o.title, 'class' : 'mceMenuItemTitle', onclick : function() { if (t.settings.onselect('') !== false) t.select(''); // Must be runned after } }); } else { o.id = DOM.uniqueId(); o.onclick = function() { if (t.settings.onselect(o.value) !== false) t.select(o.value); // Must be runned after }; m.add(o); } }); t.onRenderMenu.dispatch(t, m); t.menu = m; }, /** * Post render event. This will be executed after the control has been rendered and can be used to * set states, add events to the control etc. It's recommended for subclasses of the control to call this method by using this.parent(). * * @method postRender */ postRender : function() { var t = this, cp = t.classPrefix; Event.add(t.id, 'click', t.showMenu, t); Event.add(t.id, 'keydown', function(evt) { if (evt.keyCode == 32) { // Space t.showMenu(evt); Event.cancel(evt); } }); Event.add(t.id, 'focus', function() { if (!t._focused) { t.keyDownHandler = Event.add(t.id, 'keydown', function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 40) { t.showMenu(); Event.cancel(e); } }); t.keyPressHandler = Event.add(t.id, 'keypress', function(e) { var v; if (e.keyCode == 13) { // Fake select on enter v = t.selectedValue; t.selectedValue = null; // Needs to be null to fake change Event.cancel(e); t.settings.onselect(v); } }); } t._focused = 1; }); Event.add(t.id, 'blur', function() { Event.remove(t.id, 'keydown', t.keyDownHandler); Event.remove(t.id, 'keypress', t.keyPressHandler); t._focused = 0; }); // Old IE doesn't have hover on all elements if (tinymce.isIE6 || !DOM.boxModel) { Event.add(t.id, 'mouseover', function() { if (!DOM.hasClass(t.id, cp + 'Disabled')) DOM.addClass(t.id, cp + 'Hover'); }); Event.add(t.id, 'mouseout', function() { if (!DOM.hasClass(t.id, cp + 'Disabled')) DOM.removeClass(t.id, cp + 'Hover'); }); } t.onPostRender.dispatch(t, DOM.get(t.id)); }, /** * Destroys the ListBox i.e. clear memory and events. * * @method destroy */ destroy : function() { this.parent(); Event.clear(this.id + '_text'); Event.clear(this.id + '_open'); } }); })(tinymce);