/* * yui-ext 0.33 * Copyright(c) 2006, Jack Slocum. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name yui-ext nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ YAHOO.namespace('ext', 'ext.util', 'ext.grid'); YAHOO.ext.Strict = (document.compatMode == 'CSS1Compat'); YAHOO.ext.SSL_SECURE_URL = 'javascript:false'; window.undefined = undefined; Function.prototype.createCallback = function(){ var args = arguments; var method = this; return function() { return method.apply(window, args); }; }; Function.prototype.createDelegate = function(obj, args, appendArgs){ var method = this; return function() { var callArgs = args || arguments; if(appendArgs === true){ callArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); callArgs = callArgs.concat(args); }else if(typeof appendArgs == 'number'){ callArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); var applyArgs = [appendArgs, 0].concat(args); Array.prototype.splice.apply(callArgs, applyArgs); } return method.apply(obj || window, callArgs); }; }; Function.prototype.defer = function(millis, obj, args, appendArgs){ return setTimeout(this.createDelegate(obj, args, appendArgs), millis); }; Function.prototype.createSequence = function(fcn, scope){ if(typeof fcn != 'function'){ return this; } var method = this; return function() { var retval = method.apply(this || window, arguments); fcn.apply(scope || this || window, arguments); return retval; }; }; YAHOO.util.Event.on(window, 'unload', function(){ delete Function.prototype.createSequence; delete Function.prototype.defer; delete Function.prototype.createDelegate; delete Function.prototype.createCallback; delete Function.prototype.createInterceptor; }); Function.prototype.createInterceptor = function(fcn, scope){ if(typeof fcn != 'function'){ return this; } var method = this; return function() { fcn.target = this; fcn.method = method; if(fcn.apply(scope || this || window, arguments) === false){ return; } return method.apply(this || window, arguments);; }; }; YAHOO.ext.util.Browser = new function(){ var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); this.isOpera = (ua.indexOf('opera') > -1); this.isSafari = (ua.indexOf('webkit') > -1); this.isIE = (window.ActiveXObject); this.isIE7 = (ua.indexOf('msie 7') > -1); this.isGecko = !this.isSafari && (ua.indexOf('gecko') > -1); if(ua.indexOf("windows") != -1 || ua.indexOf("win32") != -1){ this.isWindows = true; }else if(ua.indexOf("macintosh") != -1){ this.isMac = true; } if(this.isIE && !this.isIE7){ try{ document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true); }catch(e){} } }(); YAHOO.print = function(arg1, arg2, etc){ if(!YAHOO.ext._console){ var cs = YAHOO.ext.DomHelper.insertBefore(document.body.firstChild, {tag: 'div',style:'width:250px;height:350px;overflow:auto;border:3px solid #c3daf9;' + 'background:white;position:absolute;right:5px;top:5px;' + 'font:normal 8pt arial,verdana,helvetica;z-index:50000;padding:5px;'}, true); new YAHOO.ext.Resizable(cs, { transparent:true, handles: 'all', pinned:true, adjustments: [0,0], wrap:true, draggable:(YAHOO.util.DD ? true : false) }); cs.on('dblclick', cs.hide); YAHOO.ext._console = cs; } var msg = ''; for(var i = 0, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) { msg += arguments[i] + '
'; } YAHOO.ext._console.dom.innerHTML = msg + YAHOO.ext._console.dom.innerHTML; YAHOO.ext._console.dom.scrollTop = 0; YAHOO.ext._console.show(); }; YAHOO.printf = function(format, arg1, arg2, etc){ var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); YAHOO.print(format.replace( /\{\{[^{}]*\}\}|\{(\d+)(,\s*([\w.]+))?\}/g, function(m, a1, a2, a3) { if (m.chatAt == '{') { return m.slice(1, -1); } var rpl = args[a1]; if (a3) { var f = eval(a3); rpl = f(rpl); } return rpl ? rpl : ''; })); } YAHOO.util.CustomEvent.prototype.fireDirect = function(){ var len=this.subscribers.length; for (var i=0; i 1 || objs instanceof Array){ var args = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments : objs; for(var i = 0, len = args.length; i < len; i++){ this.add(args[i]); } }else{ for(var key in objs){ if(this.allowFunctions || typeof objs[key] != 'function'){ this.add(objs[key], key); } } } }, each : function(fn, scope){ for(var i = 0, len = this.items.length; i < len; i++){ fn.call(scope || window, this.items[i]); } }, eachKey : function(fn, scope){ for(var i = 0, len = this.keys.length; i < len; i++){ fn.call(scope || window, this.keys[i], this.items[i]); } }, find : function(fn, scope){ for(var i = 0, len = this.items.length; i < len; i++){ if(fn.call(scope || window, this.items[i])){ return this.items[i]; } } return null; }, insert : function(index, key, o){ if(arguments.length == 2){ o = arguments[1]; key = this.getKey(o); } if(index >= this.items.length){ return this.add(o, key); } this.items.splice(index, 0, o); if(typeof key != 'undefined' && key != null){ this.items[key] = o; this.keys.splice(index, 0, key); } this.fireEvent('add', index, o, key); return o; }, remove : function(o){ var index = this.indexOf(o); this.items.splice(index, 1); if(typeof this.keys[index] != 'undefined'){ var key = this.keys[index]; this.keys.splice(index, 1); delete this.items[key]; } this.fireEvent('remove', o); return o; }, removeAt : function(index){ this.items.splice(index, 1); var key = this.keys[index]; if(typeof key != 'undefined'){ this.keys.splice(index, 1); delete this.items[key]; } this.fireEvent('remove', o, key); }, removeKey : function(key){ var o = this.items[key]; var index = this.indexOf(o); this.items.splice(index, 1); this.keys.splice(index, 1); delete this.items[key]; this.fireEvent('remove', o, key); }, getCount : function(){ return this.items.length; }, indexOf : function(o){ if(!this.items.indexOf){ for(var i = 0, len = this.items.length; i < len; i++){ if(this.items[i] == o) return i; } return -1; }else{ return this.items.indexOf(o); } }, indexOfKey : function(key){ if(!this.keys.indexOf){ for(var i = 0, len = this.keys.length; i < len; i++){ if(this.keys[i] == key) return i; } return -1; }else{ return this.keys.indexOf(key); } }, item : function(key){ return this.items[key]; }, contains : function(o){ return this.indexOf(o) != -1; }, containsKey : function(key){ return typeof this.items[key] != 'undefined'; }, clear : function(o){ this.items = []; this.keys = []; this.fireEvent('clear'); }, first : function(){ return this.items[0]; }, last : function(){ return this.items[this.items.length]; } }); YAHOO.ext.util.MixedCollection.prototype.get = YAHOO.ext.util.MixedCollection.prototype.item; YAHOO.ext.util.JSON = new function(){ var useHasOwn = {}.hasOwnProperty ? true : false; var pad = function(n) { return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n; }; var m = { '\b': '\\b', '\t': '\\t', '\n': '\\n', '\f': '\\f', '\r': '\\r', '"' : '\\"', '\\': '\\\\' }; var encodeString = function(s){ if (/["\\\x00-\x1f]/.test(s)) { return '"' + s.replace(/([\x00-\x1f\\"])/g, function(a, b) { var c = m[b]; if(c){ return c; } c = b.charCodeAt(); return '\\u00' + Math.floor(c / 16).toString(16) + (c % 16).toString(16); }) + '"'; } return '"' + s + '"'; }; var encodeArray = function(o){ var a = ['['], b, i, l = o.length, v; for (i = 0; i < l; i += 1) { v = o[i]; switch (typeof v) { case 'undefined': case 'function': case 'unknown': break; default: if (b) { a.push(','); } a.push(v === null ? "null" : YAHOO.ext.util.JSON.encode(v)); b = true; } } a.push(']'); return a.join(''); }; var encodeDate = function(o){ return '"' + o.getFullYear() + '-' + pad(o.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + pad(o.getDate()) + 'T' + pad(o.getHours()) + ':' + pad(o.getMinutes()) + ':' + pad(o.getSeconds()) + '"'; }; this.encode = function(o){ if(typeof o == 'undefined' || o === null){ return 'null'; }else if(o instanceof Array){ return encodeArray(o); }else if(o instanceof Date){ return encodeDate(o); }else if(typeof o == 'string'){ return encodeString(o); }else if(typeof o == 'number'){ return isFinite(o) ? String(o) : "null"; }else if(typeof o == 'boolean'){ return String(o); }else { var a = ['{'], b, i, v; for (var i in o) { if(!useHasOwn || o.hasOwnProperty(i)) { v = o[i]; switch (typeof v) { case 'undefined': case 'function': case 'unknown': break; default: if(b){ a.push(','); } a.push(this.encode(i), ':', v === null ? "null" : this.encode(v)); b = true; } } } a.push('}'); return a.join(''); } }; this.decode = function(json){ return eval('(' + json + ')'); }; }(); YAHOO.ext.util.CSS = new function(){ var rules = null; var toCamel = function(property) { var convert = function(prop) { var test = /(-[a-z])/i.exec(prop); return prop.replace(RegExp.$1, RegExp.$1.substr(1).toUpperCase()); }; while(property.indexOf('-') > -1) { property = convert(property); } return property; }; this.getRules = function(refreshCache){ if(rules == null || refreshCache){ rules = {}; var ds = document.styleSheets; for(var i =0, len = ds.length; i < len; i++){ try{ var ss = ds[i]; var ssRules = ss.cssRules || ss.rules; for(var j = ssRules.length-1; j >= 0; --j){ rules[ssRules[j].selectorText] = ssRules[j]; } }catch(e){} } } return rules; }; this.getRule = function(selector, refreshCache){ var rs = this.getRules(refreshCache); if(!(selector instanceof Array)){ return rs[selector]; } for(var i = 0; i < selector.length; i++){ if(rs[selector[i]]){ return rs[selector[i]]; } } return null; }; this.updateRule = function(selector, property, value){ if(!(selector instanceof Array)){ var rule = this.getRule(selector); if(rule){ rule.style[toCamel(property)] = value; return true; } }else{ for(var i = 0; i < selector.length; i++){ if(this.updateRule(selector[i], property, value)){ return true; } } } return false; }; this.apply = function(el, selector){ if(!(selector instanceof Array)){ var rule = this.getRule(selector); if(rule){ var s = rule.style; for(var key in s){ if(typeof s[key] != 'function'){ if(s[key] && String(s[key]).indexOf(':') < 0 && s[key] != 'false'){ try{el.style[key] = s[key];}catch(e){} } } } return true; } }else{ for(var i = 0; i < selector.length; i++){ if(this.apply(el, selector[i])){ return true; } } } return false; }; this.applyFirst = function(el, id, selector){ var selectors = [ '#' + id + ' ' + selector, selector ]; return this.apply(el, selectors); }; this.revert = function(el, selector){ if(!(selector instanceof Array)){ var rule = this.getRule(selector); if(rule){ for(key in rule.style){ if(rule.style[key] && String(rule.style[key]).indexOf(':') < 0 && rule.style[key] != 'false'){ try{el.style[key] = '';}catch(e){} } } return true; } }else{ for(var i = 0; i < selector.length; i++){ if(this.revert(el, selector[i])){ return true; } } } return false; }; this.revertFirst = function(el, id, selector){ var selectors = [ '#' + id + ' ' + selector, selector ]; return this.revert(el, selectors); }; }(); YAHOO.ext.util.Bench = function(){ this.timers = {}; this.lastKey = null; }; YAHOO.ext.util.Bench.prototype = { start : function(key){ this.lastKey = key; this.timers[key] = {}; this.timers[key].startTime = new Date().getTime(); }, stop : function(key){ key = key || this.lastKey; this.timers[key].endTime = new Date().getTime(); }, getElapsed : function(key){ key = key || this.lastKey; return this.timers[key].endTime - this.timers[key].startTime; }, toString : function(html){ var results = ""; for(var key in this.timers){ if(typeof this.timers[key] != 'function'){ results += key + ":\t" + (this.getElapsed(key) / 1000) + " seconds\n"; } } if(html){ results = results.replace("\n", '
'); } return results; }, show : function(){ alert(this.toString()); } }; YAHOO.ext.DomHelper = new function(){ var d = document; var tempTableEl = null; this.useDom = false; var emptyTags = /^(?:base|basefont|br|frame|hr|img|input|isindex|link|meta|nextid|range|spacer|wbr|audioscope|area|param|keygen|col|limittext|spot|tab|over|right|left|choose|atop|of)$/i; this.applyStyles = function(el, styles){ if(styles){ var D = YAHOO.util.Dom; if (typeof styles == "string"){ var re = /\s?([a-z\-]*)\:([^;]*);?/gi; var matches; while ((matches = re.exec(styles)) != null){ D.setStyle(el, matches[1], matches[2]); } }else if (typeof styles == "object"){ for (var style in styles){ D.setStyle(el, style, styles[style]); } }else if (typeof styles == "function"){ YAHOO.ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(el, styles.call()); } } }; var createHtml = function(o){ var b = ''; b += '<' + o.tag; for(var attr in o){ if(attr == 'tag' || attr == 'children' || attr == 'html' || typeof o[attr] == 'function') continue; if(attr == 'style'){ var s = o['style']; if(typeof s == 'function'){ s = s.call(); } if(typeof s == 'string'){ b += ' style="' + s + '"'; }else if(typeof s == 'object'){ b += ' style="'; for(var key in s){ if(typeof s[key] != 'function'){ b += key + ':' + s[key] + ';'; } } b += '"'; } }else{ if(attr == 'cls'){ b += ' class="' + o['cls'] + '"'; }else if(attr == 'htmlFor'){ b += ' for="' + o['htmlFor'] + '"'; }else{ b += ' ' + attr + '="' + o[attr] + '"'; } } } if(emptyTags.test(o.tag)){ b += ' />'; }else{ b += '>'; if(o.children){ for(var i = 0, len = o.children.length; i < len; i++) { b += createHtml(o.children[i], b); } } if(o.html){ b += o.html; } b += ''; } return b; } var createDom = function(o, parentNode){ var el = d.createElement(o.tag); var useSet = el.setAttribute ? true : false; for(var attr in o){ if(attr == 'tag' || attr == 'children' || attr == 'html' || attr == 'style' || typeof o[attr] == 'function') continue; if(attr=='cls'){ el.className = o['cls']; }else{ if(useSet) el.setAttribute(attr, o[attr]); else el[attr] = o[attr]; } } YAHOO.ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(el, o.style); if(o.children){ for(var i = 0, len = o.children.length; i < len; i++) { createDom(o.children[i], el); } } if(o.html){ el.innerHTML = o.html; } if(parentNode){ parentNode.appendChild(el); } return el; }; var insertIntoTable = function(tag, where, el, html){ if(!tempTableEl){ tempTableEl = document.createElement('div'); } var node; if(tag == 'table' || tag == 'tbody'){ tempTableEl.innerHTML = ''+html+'
'; node = tempTableEl.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild; }else{ tempTableEl.innerHTML = ''+html+'
'; node = tempTableEl.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild; } if(where == 'beforebegin'){ el.parentNode.insertBefore(node, el); return node; }else if(where == 'afterbegin'){ el.insertBefore(node, el.firstChild); return node; }else if(where == 'beforeend'){ el.appendChild(node); return node; }else if(where == 'afterend'){ el.parentNode.insertBefore(node, el.nextSibling); return node; } } this.insertHtml = function(where, el, html){ where = where.toLowerCase(); if(el.insertAdjacentHTML){ var tag = el.tagName.toLowerCase(); if(tag == 'table' || tag == 'tbody' || tag == 'tr'){ return insertIntoTable(tag, where, el, html); } switch(where){ case 'beforebegin': el.insertAdjacentHTML(where, html); return el.previousSibling; case 'afterbegin': el.insertAdjacentHTML(where, html); return el.firstChild; case 'beforeend': el.insertAdjacentHTML(where, html); return el.lastChild; case 'afterend': el.insertAdjacentHTML(where, html); return el.nextSibling; } throw 'Illegal insertion point -> "' + where + '"'; } var range = el.ownerDocument.createRange(); var frag; switch(where){ case 'beforebegin': range.setStartBefore(el); frag = range.createContextualFragment(html); el.parentNode.insertBefore(frag, el); return el.previousSibling; case 'afterbegin': if(el.firstChild){ range.setStartBefore(el.firstChild); }else{ range.selectNodeContents(el); range.collapse(true); } frag = range.createContextualFragment(html); el.insertBefore(frag, el.firstChild); return el.firstChild; case 'beforeend': if(el.lastChild){ range.setStartAfter(el.lastChild); }else{ range.selectNodeContents(el); range.collapse(false); } frag = range.createContextualFragment(html); el.appendChild(frag); return el.lastChild; case 'afterend': range.setStartAfter(el); frag = range.createContextualFragment(html); el.parentNode.insertBefore(frag, el.nextSibling); return el.nextSibling; } throw 'Illegal insertion point -> "' + where + '"'; }; this.insertBefore = function(el, o, returnElement){ el = YAHOO.util.Dom.get(el); var newNode; if(this.useDom){ newNode = createDom(o, null); el.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, el); }else{ var html = createHtml(o); newNode = this.insertHtml('beforeBegin', el, html); } return returnElement ? YAHOO.ext.Element.get(newNode, true) : newNode; }; this.insertAfter = function(el, o, returnElement){ el = YAHOO.util.Dom.get(el); var newNode; if(this.useDom){ newNode = createDom(o, null); el.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, el.nextSibling); }else{ var html = createHtml(o); newNode = this.insertHtml('afterEnd', el, html); } return returnElement ? YAHOO.ext.Element.get(newNode, true) : newNode; }; this.append = function(el, o, returnElement){ el = YAHOO.util.Dom.get(el); var newNode; if(this.useDom){ newNode = createDom(o, null); el.appendChild(newNode); }else{ var html = createHtml(o); newNode = this.insertHtml('beforeEnd', el, html); } return returnElement ? YAHOO.ext.Element.get(newNode, true) : newNode; }; this.overwrite = function(el, o, returnElement){ el = YAHOO.util.Dom.get(el); el.innerHTML = createHtml(o); return returnElement ? YAHOO.ext.Element.get(el.firstChild, true) : el.firstChild; }; this.createTemplate = function(o){ var html = createHtml(o); return new YAHOO.ext.DomHelper.Template(html); }; }(); YAHOO.ext.DomHelper.Template = function(html){ this.html = html; }; YAHOO.ext.DomHelper.Template.prototype = { applyTemplate : function(values){ if(this.compiled){ return this.compiled(values); } var empty = ''; var fn = function(match, index){ if(typeof values[index] != 'undefined'){ return values[index]; }else{ return empty; } } return this.html.replace(this.re, fn); }, re : /\{(\w+)\}/g, compile : function(){ var html = this.html; var re = this.re; var body = []; body.push("this.compiled = function(values){ return ["); var result; var lastMatchEnd = 0; while ((result = re.exec(html)) != null){ body.push("'", html.substring(lastMatchEnd, result.index), "', "); body.push("values['", html.substring(result.index+1,re.lastIndex-1), "'], "); lastMatchEnd = re.lastIndex; } body.push("'", html.substr(lastMatchEnd), "'].join('');};"); eval(body.join('')); }, insertBefore: function(el, values, returnElement){ el = YAHOO.util.Dom.get(el); var newNode = YAHOO.ext.DomHelper.insertHtml('beforeBegin', el, this.applyTemplate(values)); return returnElement ? YAHOO.ext.Element.get(newNode, true) : newNode; }, insertAfter : function(el, values, returnElement){ el = YAHOO.util.Dom.get(el); var newNode = YAHOO.ext.DomHelper.insertHtml('afterEnd', el, this.applyTemplate(values)); return returnElement ? YAHOO.ext.Element.get(newNode, true) : newNode; }, append : function(el, values, returnElement){ el = YAHOO.util.Dom.get(el); var newNode = YAHOO.ext.DomHelper.insertHtml('beforeEnd', el, this.applyTemplate(values)); return returnElement ? YAHOO.ext.Element.get(newNode, true) : newNode; }, overwrite : function(el, values, returnElement){ el = YAHOO.util.Dom.get(el); el.innerHTML = ''; var newNode = YAHOO.ext.DomHelper.insertHtml('beforeEnd', el, this.applyTemplate(values)); return returnElement ? YAHOO.ext.Element.get(newNode, true) : newNode; } }; YAHOO.ext.Template = YAHOO.ext.DomHelper.Template; YAHOO.ext.Element = function(element, forceNew){ var dom = YAHOO.util.Dom.get(element); if(!dom){ return null; } if(!forceNew && YAHOO.ext.Element.cache[dom.id]){ return YAHOO.ext.Element.cache[dom.id]; } this.dom = dom; this.id = this.dom.id; this.visibilityMode = YAHOO.ext.Element.VISIBILITY; this.originalDisplay = YAHOO.util.Dom.getStyle(this.dom, 'display') || ''; if(this.autoDisplayMode){ if(this.originalDisplay == 'none'){ this.setVisibilityMode(YAHOO.ext.Element.DISPLAY); } } if(this.originalDisplay == 'none'){ this.originalDisplay = ''; } this.defaultUnit = 'px'; } YAHOO.ext.Element.prototype = { setVisibilityMode : function(visMode){ this.visibilityMode = visMode; return this; }, enableDisplayMode : function(display){ this.setVisibilityMode(YAHOO.ext.Element.DISPLAY); if(typeof display != 'undefined') this.originalDisplay = display; return this; }, animate : function(args, duration, onComplete, easing, animType){ this.anim(args, duration, onComplete, easing, animType); return this; }, anim : function(args, duration, onComplete, easing, animType){ animType = animType || YAHOO.util.Anim; var anim = new animType(this.dom, args, duration || .35, easing || YAHOO.util.Easing.easeBoth); if(onComplete){ if(!(onComplete instanceof Array)){ anim.onComplete.subscribe(onComplete, this, true); }else{ for(var i = 0; i < onComplete.length; i++){ var fn = onComplete[i]; if(fn) anim.onComplete.subscribe(fn, this, true); } } } anim.animate(); }, scrollIntoView : function(container){ var c = getEl(container || document.body, true); var cp = c.getStyle('position'); var restorePos = false; if(cp != 'relative' && cp != 'absolute'){ c.setStyle('position', 'relative'); restorePos = true; } var el = this.dom; var childTop = parseInt(el.offsetTop, 10); var childBottom = childTop + el.offsetHeight; var containerTop = parseInt(c.scrollTop, 10); var containerBottom = containerTop + c.clientHeight; if(childTop < containerTop){ c.scrollTop = childTop; }else if(childBottom > containerBottom){ c.scrollTop = childBottom-c.clientHeight; } if(restorePos){ c.setStyle('position', cp); } return this; }, autoHeight : function(animate, duration, onComplete, easing){ var oldHeight = this.getHeight(); this.clip(); this.setHeight(1); setTimeout(function(){ var height = parseInt(this.dom.scrollHeight, 10); if(!animate){ this.setHeight(height); this.unclip(); if(typeof onComplete == 'function'){ onComplete(); } }else{ this.setHeight(oldHeight); this.setHeight(height, animate, duration, function(){ this.unclip(); if(typeof onComplete == 'function') onComplete(); }.createDelegate(this), easing); } }.createDelegate(this), 0); return this; }, isVisible : function(deep) { var vis = YAHOO.util.Dom.getStyle(this.dom, 'visibility') != 'hidden' && YAHOO.util.Dom.getStyle(this.dom, 'display') != 'none'; if(!deep || !vis){ return vis; } var p = this.dom.parentNode; while(p && p.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'body'){ if(YAHOO.util.Dom.getStyle(p, 'visibility') == 'hidden' || YAHOO.util.Dom.getStyle(p, 'display') == 'none'){ return false; } p = p.parentNode; } return true; }, select : function(selector, unique){ return YAHOO.ext.Element.select('#' + this.dom.id + ' ' + selector, unique); }, initDD : function(group, config, overrides){ var dd = new YAHOO.util.DD(YAHOO.util.Dom.generateId(this.dom), group, config); return YAHOO.ext.util.Config.apply(dd, overrides); }, initDDProxy : function(group, config, overrides){ var dd = new YAHOO.util.DDProxy(YAHOO.util.Dom.generateId(this.dom), group, config); return YAHOO.ext.util.Config.apply(dd, overrides); }, initDDTarget : function(group, config, overrides){ var dd = new YAHOO.util.DDTarget(YAHOO.util.Dom.generateId(this.dom), group, config); return YAHOO.ext.util.Config.apply(dd, overrides); }, setVisible : function(visible, animate, duration, onComplete, easing){ if(!animate || !YAHOO.util.Anim){ if(this.visibilityMode == YAHOO.ext.Element.DISPLAY){ this.setDisplayed(visible); }else{ YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(this.dom, 'visibility', visible ? 'visible' : 'hidden'); } }else{ this.setOpacity(visible?0:1); YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(this.dom, 'visibility', 'visible'); if(this.visibilityMode == YAHOO.ext.Element.DISPLAY){ this.setDisplayed(true); } var args = {opacity: { from: (visible?0:1), to: (visible?1:0) }}; var anim = new YAHOO.util.Anim(this.dom, args, duration || .35, easing || (visible ? YAHOO.util.Easing.easeIn : YAHOO.util.Easing.easeOut)); anim.onComplete.subscribe((function(){ if(this.visibilityMode == YAHOO.ext.Element.DISPLAY){ this.setDisplayed(visible); }else{ YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(this.dom, 'visibility', visible ? 'visible' : 'hidden'); } }).createDelegate(this)); if(onComplete){ anim.onComplete.subscribe(onComplete); } anim.animate(); } return this; }, isDisplayed : function() { return YAHOO.util.Dom.getStyle(this.dom, 'display') != 'none'; }, toggle : function(animate, duration, onComplete, easing){ this.setVisible(!this.isVisible(), animate, duration, onComplete, easing); return this; }, setDisplayed : function(value) { if(typeof value == 'boolean'){ value = value ? this.originalDisplay : 'none'; } YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(this.dom, 'display', value); return this; }, focus : function() { try{ this.dom.focus(); }catch(e){} return this; }, blur : function() { try{ this.dom.blur(); }catch(e){} return this; }, addClass : function(className){ if(className instanceof Array){ for(var i = 0, len = className.length; i < len; i++) { this.addClass(className[i]); } }else{ if(!this.hasClass(className)){ this.dom.className = this.dom.className + ' ' + className; } } return this; }, radioClass : function(className){ var siblings = this.dom.parentNode.childNodes; for(var i = 0; i < siblings.length; i++) { var s = siblings[i]; if(s.nodeType == 1){ YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass(s, className); } } this.addClass(className); return this; }, removeClass : function(className){ if(className instanceof Array){ for(var i = 0, len = className.length; i < len; i++) { this.removeClass(className[i]); } }else{ var re = new RegExp('(?:^|\\s+)' + className + '(?:\\s+|$)', 'g'); var c = this.dom.className; if(re.test(c)){ this.dom.className = c.replace(re, ' '); } } return this; }, toggleClass : function(className){ if(this.hasClass(className)){ this.removeClass(className); }else{ this.addClass(className); } return this; }, hasClass : function(className){ var re = new RegExp('(?:^|\\s+)' + className + '(?:\\s+|$)'); return re.test(this.dom.className); }, replaceClass : function(oldClassName, newClassName){ this.removeClass(oldClassName); this.addClass(newClassName); return this; }, getStyle : function(name){ return YAHOO.util.Dom.getStyle(this.dom, name); }, setStyle : function(name, value){ if(typeof name == 'string'){ YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(this.dom, name, value); }else{ var D = YAHOO.util.Dom; for(var style in name){ if(typeof name[style] != 'function'){ D.setStyle(this.dom, style, name[style]); } } } return this; }, applyStyles : function(style){ YAHOO.ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(this.dom, style); }, getX : function(){ return YAHOO.util.Dom.getX(this.dom); }, getY : function(){ return YAHOO.util.Dom.getY(this.dom); }, getXY : function(){ return YAHOO.util.Dom.getXY(this.dom); }, setX : function(x, animate, duration, onComplete, easing){ if(!animate || !YAHOO.util.Anim){ YAHOO.util.Dom.setX(this.dom, x); }else{ this.setXY([x, this.getY()], animate, duration, onComplete, easing); } return this; }, setY : function(y, animate, duration, onComplete, easing){ if(!animate || !YAHOO.util.Anim){ YAHOO.util.Dom.setY(this.dom, y); }else{ this.setXY([this.getX(), y], animate, duration, onComplete, easing); } return this; }, setLeft : function(left){ YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(this.dom, 'left', this.addUnits(left)); return this; }, setTop : function(top){ YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(this.dom, 'top', this.addUnits(top)); return this; }, setRight : function(right){ YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(this.dom, 'right', this.addUnits(right)); return this; }, setBottom : function(bottom){ YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(this.dom, 'bottom', this.addUnits(bottom)); return this; }, setXY : function(pos, animate, duration, onComplete, easing){ if(!animate || !YAHOO.util.Anim){ YAHOO.util.Dom.setXY(this.dom, pos); }else{ this.anim({points: {to: pos}}, duration, onComplete, easing, YAHOO.util.Motion); } return this; }, setLocation : function(x, y, animate, duration, onComplete, easing){ this.setXY([x, y], animate, duration, onComplete, easing); return this; }, moveTo : function(x, y, animate, duration, onComplete, easing){ this.setXY([x, y], animate, duration, onComplete, easing); return this; }, getRegion : function(){ return YAHOO.util.Dom.getRegion(this.dom); }, getHeight : function(contentHeight){ var h = this.dom.offsetHeight; return contentHeight !== true ? h : h-this.getBorderWidth('tb')-this.getPadding('tb'); }, getWidth : function(contentWidth){ var w = this.dom.offsetWidth; return contentWidth !== true ? w : w-this.getBorderWidth('lr')-this.getPadding('lr'); }, getSize : function(contentSize){ return {width: this.getWidth(contentSize), height: this.getHeight(contentSize)}; }, adjustWidth : function(width){ if(typeof width == 'number'){ if(this.autoBoxAdjust && !this.isBorderBox()){ width -= (this.getBorderWidth('lr') + this.getPadding('lr')); } if(width < 0){ width = 0; } } return width; }, adjustHeight : function(height){ if(typeof height == 'number'){ if(this.autoBoxAdjust && !this.isBorderBox()){ height -= (this.getBorderWidth('tb') + this.getPadding('tb')); } if(height < 0){ height = 0; } } return height; }, setWidth : function(width, animate, duration, onComplete, easing){ width = this.adjustWidth(width); if(!animate || !YAHOO.util.Anim){ YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(this.dom, 'width', this.addUnits(width)); }else{ this.anim({width: {to: width}}, duration, onComplete, easing || (width > this.getWidth() ? YAHOO.util.Easing.easeOut : YAHOO.util.Easing.easeIn)); } return this; }, setHeight : function(height, animate, duration, onComplete, easing){ height = this.adjustHeight(height); if(!animate || !YAHOO.util.Anim){ YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(this.dom, 'height', this.addUnits(height)); }else{ this.anim({height: {to: height}}, duration, onComplete, easing || (height > this.getHeight() ? YAHOO.util.Easing.easeOut : YAHOO.util.Easing.easeIn)); } return this; }, setSize : function(width, height, animate, duration, onComplete, easing){ if(!animate || !YAHOO.util.Anim){ this.setWidth(width); this.setHeight(height); }else{ width = this.adjustWidth(width); height = this.adjustHeight(height); this.anim({width: {to: width}, height: {to: height}}, duration, onComplete, easing); } return this; }, setBounds : function(x, y, width, height, animate, duration, onComplete, easing){ if(!animate || !YAHOO.util.Anim){ this.setWidth(width); this.setHeight(height); this.setLocation(x, y); }else{ width = this.adjustWidth(width); height = this.adjustHeight(height); this.anim({points: {to: [x, y]}, width: {to: width}, height: {to: height}}, duration, onComplete, easing, YAHOO.util.Motion); } return this; }, setRegion : function(region, animate, duration, onComplete, easing){ this.setBounds(region.left, region.top, region.right-region.left, region.bottom-region.top, animate, duration, onComplete, easing); return this; }, addListener : function(eventName, handler, scope, override){ YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(this.dom, eventName, handler, scope || this, true); return this; }, bufferedListener : function(eventName, fn, scope, millis){ var task = new YAHOO.ext.util.DelayedTask(); scope = scope || this; var newFn = function(){ task.delay(millis || 250, fn, scope, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)); } this.addListener(eventName, newFn); return newFn; }, addHandler : function(eventName, stopPropagation, handler, scope, override){ var fn = YAHOO.ext.Element.createStopHandler(stopPropagation, handler, scope || this, true); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(this.dom, eventName, fn); return this; }, on : function(eventName, handler, scope, override){ YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(this.dom, eventName, handler, scope || this, true); return this; }, addManagedListener : function(eventName, fn, scope, override){ return YAHOO.ext.EventManager.on(this.dom, eventName, fn, scope || this, true); }, mon : function(eventName, fn, scope, override){ return YAHOO.ext.EventManager.on(this.dom, eventName, fn, scope || this, true); }, removeListener : function(eventName, handler, scope){ YAHOO.util.Event.removeListener(this.dom, eventName, handler); return this; }, removeAllListeners : function(){ YAHOO.util.Event.purgeElement(this.dom); return this; }, setOpacity : function(opacity, animate, duration, onComplete, easing){ if(!animate || !YAHOO.util.Anim){ YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(this.dom, 'opacity', opacity); }else{ this.anim({opacity: {to: opacity}}, duration, onComplete, easing); } return this; }, getLeft : function(local){ if(!local){ return this.getX(); }else{ return parseInt(this.getStyle('left'), 10) || 0; } }, getRight : function(local){ if(!local){ return this.getX() + this.getWidth(); }else{ return (this.getLeft(true) + this.getWidth()) || 0; } }, getTop : function(local) { if(!local){ return this.getY(); }else{ return parseInt(this.getStyle('top'), 10) || 0; } }, getBottom : function(local){ if(!local){ return this.getY() + this.getHeight(); }else{ return (this.getTop(true) + this.getHeight()) || 0; } }, setAbsolutePositioned : function(zIndex){ this.setStyle('position', 'absolute'); if(zIndex){ this.setStyle('z-index', zIndex); } return this; }, setRelativePositioned : function(zIndex){ this.setStyle('position', 'relative'); if(zIndex){ this.setStyle('z-index', zIndex); } return this; }, clearPositioning : function(){ this.setStyle('position', ''); this.setStyle('left', ''); this.setStyle('right', ''); this.setStyle('top', ''); this.setStyle('bottom', ''); return this; }, getPositioning : function(){ return { 'position' : this.getStyle('position'), 'left' : this.getStyle('left'), 'right' : this.getStyle('right'), 'top' : this.getStyle('top'), 'bottom' : this.getStyle('bottom') }; }, getBorderWidth : function(side){ return this.addStyles(side, YAHOO.ext.Element.borders); }, getPadding : function(side){ return this.addStyles(side, YAHOO.ext.Element.paddings); }, setPositioning : function(positionCfg){ if(positionCfg.position)this.setStyle('position', positionCfg.position); if(positionCfg.left)this.setLeft(positionCfg.left); if(positionCfg.right)this.setRight(positionCfg.right); if(positionCfg.top)this.setTop(positionCfg.top); if(positionCfg.bottom)this.setBottom(positionCfg.bottom); return this; }, setLeftTop : function(left, top){ this.dom.style.left = this.addUnits(left); this.dom.style.top = this.addUnits(top); return this; }, move : function(direction, distance, animate, duration, onComplete, easing){ var xy = this.getXY(); direction = direction.toLowerCase(); switch(direction){ case 'l': case 'left': this.moveTo(xy[0]-distance, xy[1], animate, duration, onComplete, easing); break; case 'r': case 'right': this.moveTo(xy[0]+distance, xy[1], animate, duration, onComplete, easing); break; case 't': case 'top': case 'up': this.moveTo(xy[0], xy[1]-distance, animate, duration, onComplete, easing); break; case 'b': case 'bottom': case 'down': this.moveTo(xy[0], xy[1]+distance, animate, duration, onComplete, easing); break; } return this; }, clip : function(){ if(!this.isClipped){ this.isClipped = true; this.originalClip = { 'o': this.getStyle('overflow'), 'x': this.getStyle('overflow-x'), 'y': this.getStyle('overflow-y') }; this.setStyle('overflow', 'hidden'); this.setStyle('overflow-x', 'hidden'); this.setStyle('overflow-y', 'hidden'); } return this; }, unclip : function(){ if(this.isClipped){ this.isClipped = false; var o = this.originalClip; if(o.o){this.setStyle('overflow', o.o);} if(o.x){this.setStyle('overflow-x', o.x);} if(o.y){this.setStyle('overflow-y', o.y);} } return this; }, alignTo : function(element, position, offsets, animate, duration, onComplete, easing){ var otherEl = getEl(element); if(!otherEl){ return this; } offsets = offsets || [0, 0]; var r = otherEl.getRegion(); position = position.toLowerCase(); switch(position){ case 'bl': this.moveTo(r.left + offsets[0], r.bottom + offsets[1], animate, duration, onComplete, easing); break; case 'br': this.moveTo(r.right + offsets[0], r.bottom + offsets[1], animate, duration, onComplete, easing); break; case 'tl': this.moveTo(r.left + offsets[0], r.top + offsets[1], animate, duration, onComplete, easing); break; case 'tr': this.moveTo(r.right + offsets[0], r.top + offsets[1], animate, duration, onComplete, easing); break; } return this; }, clearOpacity : function(){ if (window.ActiveXObject) { this.dom.style.filter = ''; } else { this.dom.style.opacity = ''; this.dom.style['-moz-opacity'] = ''; this.dom.style['-khtml-opacity'] = ''; } return this; }, hide : function(animate, duration, onComplete, easing){ this.setVisible(false, animate, duration, onComplete, easing); return this; }, show : function(animate, duration, onComplete, easing){ this.setVisible(true, animate, duration, onComplete, easing); return this; }, addUnits : function(size){ if(size === '' || size == 'auto' || typeof size == 'undefined'){ return size; } if(typeof size == 'number' || !YAHOO.ext.Element.unitPattern.test(size)){ return size + this.defaultUnit; } return size; }, beginMeasure : function(){ var el = this.dom; if(el.offsetWidth || el.offsetHeight){ return this; } var changed = []; var p = this.dom; while((!el.offsetWidth && !el.offsetHeight) && p && p.tagName && p.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'body'){ if(YAHOO.util.Dom.getStyle(p, 'display') == 'none'){ changed.push({el: p, visibility: YAHOO.util.Dom.getStyle(p, 'visibility')}); p.style.visibility = 'hidden'; p.style.display = 'block'; } p = p.parentNode; } this._measureChanged = changed; return this; }, endMeasure : function(){ var changed = this._measureChanged; if(changed){ for(var i = 0, len = changed.length; i < len; i++) { var r = changed[i]; r.el.style.visibility = r.visibility; r.el.style.display = 'none'; } this._measureChanged = null; } return this; }, update : function(html, loadScripts, callback){ if(typeof html == 'undefined'){ html = ''; } if(loadScripts !== true){ this.dom.innerHTML = html; if(typeof callback == 'function'){ callback(); } return this; } var id = YAHOO.util.Dom.generateId(); var dom = this.dom; html += ''; YAHOO.util.Event.onAvailable(id, function(){ var hd = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var re = /(?:)((\n|\r|.)*?)(?:<\/script>)/img; var srcRe = /\ssrc=([\'\"])(.*?)\1/i; var match; while(match = re.exec(html)){ var srcMatch = match[0].match(srcRe); if(srcMatch && srcMatch[2]){ var s = document.createElement("script"); s.src = srcMatch[2]; hd.appendChild(s); }else if(match[1] && match[1].length > 0){ eval(match[1]); } } var el = document.getElementById(id); if(el){el.parentNode.removeChild(el);} if(typeof callback == 'function'){ callback(); } }); dom.innerHTML = html.replace(/(?:)((\n|\r|.)*?)(?:<\/script>)/img, ''); return this; }, load : function(){ var um = this.getUpdateManager(); um.update.apply(um, arguments); return this; }, getUpdateManager : function(){ if(!this.updateManager){ this.updateManager = new YAHOO.ext.UpdateManager(this); } return this.updateManager; }, unselectable : function(){ this.dom.unselectable = 'on'; this.swallowEvent('selectstart', true); this.applyStyles('-moz-user-select:none;-khtml-user-select:none;'); return this; }, getCenterXY : function(offsetScroll){ var centerX = Math.round((YAHOO.util.Dom.getViewportWidth()-this.getWidth())/2); var centerY = Math.round((YAHOO.util.Dom.getViewportHeight()-this.getHeight())/2); if(!offsetScroll){ return [centerX, centerY]; }else{ var scrollX = document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft || 0; var scrollY = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop || 0; return[centerX + scrollX, centerY + scrollY]; } }, center : function(centerIn) { if(!centerIn){ this.setXY(this.getCenterXY(true)); }else{ var box = YAHOO.ext.Element.get(centerIn).getBox(); this.setXY([box.x + (box.width / 2) - (this.getWidth() / 2), box.y + (box.height / 2) - (this.getHeight() / 2)]); } return this; }, getChildrenByTagName : function(tagName){ var children = this.dom.getElementsByTagName(tagName); var len = children.length; var ce = new Array(len); for(var i = 0; i < len; ++i){ ce[i] = YAHOO.ext.Element.get(children[i], true); } return ce; }, getChildrenByClassName : function(className, tagName){ var children = YAHOO.util.Dom.getElementsByClassName(className, tagName, this.dom); var len = children.length; var ce = new Array(len); for(var i = 0; i < len; ++i){ ce[i] = YAHOO.ext.Element.get(children[i], true); } return ce; }, isBorderBox : function(){ if(typeof this.bbox == 'undefined'){ var el = this.dom; var b = YAHOO.ext.util.Browser; var strict = YAHOO.ext.Strict; this.bbox = ((b.isIE && !strict && el.style.boxSizing != 'content-box') || (b.isGecko && YAHOO.util.Dom.getStyle(el, "-moz-box-sizing") == 'border-box') || (!b.isSafari && YAHOO.util.Dom.getStyle(el, "box-sizing") == 'border-box')); } return this.bbox; }, getBox : function(contentBox, local){ var xy; if(!local){ xy = this.getXY(); }else{ var left = parseInt(YAHOO.util.Dom.getStyle('left'), 10) || 0; var top = parseInt(YAHOO.util.Dom.getStyle('top'), 10) || 0; xy = [left, top]; } var el = this.dom; var w = el.offsetWidth; var h = el.offsetHeight; if(!contentBox){ return {x: xy[0], y: xy[1], width: w, height: h}; }else{ var l = this.getBorderWidth('l')+this.getPadding('l'); var r = this.getBorderWidth('r')+this.getPadding('r'); var t = this.getBorderWidth('t')+this.getPadding('t'); var b = this.getBorderWidth('b')+this.getPadding('b'); return {x: xy[0]+l, y: xy[1]+t, width: w-(l+r), height: h-(t+b)}; } }, setBox : function(box, adjust, animate, duration, onComplete, easing){ var w = box.width, h = box.height; if((adjust && !this.autoBoxAdjust) && !this.isBorderBox()){ w -= (this.getBorderWidth('lr') + this.getPadding('lr')); h -= (this.getBorderWidth('tb') + this.getPadding('tb')); } this.setBounds(box.x, box.y, w, h, animate, duration, onComplete, easing); return this; }, repaint : function(){ var dom = this.dom; YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(dom, 'yui-ext-repaint'); setTimeout(function(){ YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass(dom, 'yui-ext-repaint'); }, 1); return this; }, getMargins : function(side){ if(!side){ return { top: parseInt(this.getStyle('margin-top'), 10) || 0, left: parseInt(this.getStyle('margin-left'), 10) || 0, bottom: parseInt(this.getStyle('margin-bottom'), 10) || 0, right: parseInt(this.getStyle('margin-right'), 10) || 0 }; }else{ return this.addStyles(side, YAHOO.ext.Element.margins); } }, addStyles : function(sides, styles){ var val = 0; for(var i = 0, len = sides.length; i < len; i++){ var w = parseInt(this.getStyle(styles[sides.charAt(i)]), 10); if(!isNaN(w)) val += w; } return val; }, createProxy : function(config, renderTo, matchBox){ if(renderTo){ renderTo = YAHOO.util.Dom.get(renderTo); }else{ renderTo = document.body; } config = typeof config == 'object' ? config : {tag : 'div', cls: config}; var proxy = YAHOO.ext.DomHelper.append(renderTo, config, true); if(matchBox){ proxy.setBox(this.getBox()); } return proxy; }, createShim : function(){ var config = { tag : 'iframe', frameBorder:'no', cls: 'yiframe-shim', style: 'position:absolute;visibility:hidden;left:0;top:0;overflow:hidden;', src: YAHOO.ext.SSL_SECURE_URL }; var shim = YAHOO.ext.DomHelper.append(this.dom.parentNode, config, true); shim.setBox(this.getBox()); return shim; }, remove : function(){ this.dom.parentNode.removeChild(this.dom); delete YAHOO.ext.Element.cache[this.dom.id]; }, addClassOnOver : function(className){ this.on('mouseover', function(){ this.addClass(className); }, this, true); this.on('mouseout', function(){ this.removeClass(className); }, this, true); return this; }, swallowEvent : function(eventName, preventDefault){ var fn = function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); if(preventDefault){ e.preventDefault(); } }; this.mon(eventName, fn); return this; }, fitToParent : function(monitorResize){ var p = getEl(this.dom.parentNode, true); p.beginMeasure(); var box = p.getBox(true, true); p.endMeasure(); this.setSize(box.width, box.height); if(monitorResize === true){ YAHOO.ext.EventManager.onWindowResize(this.fitToParent, this, true); } return this; }, getNextSibling : function(){ var n = this.dom.nextSibling; while(n && n.nodeType != 1){ n = n.nextSibling; } return n; }, getPrevSibling : function(){ var n = this.dom.previousSibling; while(n && n.nodeType != 1){ n = n.previousSibling; } return n; }, appendChild: function(el){ el = getEl(el); el.appendTo(this); return this; }, createChild: function(config, insertBefore){ var c; if(insertBefore){ c = YAHOO.ext.DomHelper.insertBefore(insertBefore, config, true); }else{ c = YAHOO.ext.DomHelper.append(this.dom, config, true); } return c; }, appendTo: function(el){ var node = getEl(el).dom; node.appendChild(this.dom); return this; }, insertBefore: function(el){ var node = getEl(el).dom; node.parentNode.insertBefore(this.dom, node); return this; }, insertAfter: function(el){ var node = getEl(el).dom; node.parentNode.insertBefore(this.dom, node.nextSibling); return this; }, wrap: function(config){ if(!config){ config = {tag: 'div'}; } var newEl = YAHOO.ext.DomHelper.insertBefore(this.dom, config, true); newEl.dom.appendChild(this.dom); return newEl; }, replace: function(el){ el = getEl(el); this.insertBefore(el); el.remove(); return this; }, insertHtml : function(where, html){ YAHOO.ext.DomHelper.insertHtml(where, this.dom, html); return this; }, set : function(o){ var el = this.dom; var useSet = el.setAttribute ? true : false; for(var attr in o){ if(attr == 'style' || typeof o[attr] == 'function') continue; if(attr=='cls'){ el.className = o['cls']; }else{ if(useSet) el.setAttribute(attr, o[attr]); else el[attr] = o[attr]; } } YAHOO.ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(el, o.style); return this; }, addKeyListener : function(key, fn, scope){ var config; if(typeof key != 'object' || key instanceof Array){ config = { key: key, fn: fn, scope: scope }; }else{ config = { key : key.key, shift : key.shift, ctrl : key.ctrl, alt : key.alt, fn: fn, scope: scope }; } var map = new YAHOO.ext.KeyMap(this, config); return map; }, addKeyMap : function(config){ return new YAHOO.ext.KeyMap(this, config); } }; YAHOO.ext.Element.prototype.autoBoxAdjust = true; YAHOO.ext.Element.prototype.autoDisplayMode = true; YAHOO.ext.Element.unitPattern = /\d+(px|em|%|en|ex|pt|in|cm|mm|pc)$/i; YAHOO.ext.Element.VISIBILITY = 1; YAHOO.ext.Element.DISPLAY = 2; YAHOO.ext.Element.blockElements = /^(?:address|blockquote|center|dir|div|dl|fieldset|form|h\d|hr|isindex|menu|ol|ul|p|pre|table|dd|dt|li|tbody|tr|td|thead|tfoot|iframe)$/i; YAHOO.ext.Element.borders = {l: 'border-left-width', r: 'border-right-width', t: 'border-top-width', b: 'border-bottom-width'}; YAHOO.ext.Element.paddings = {l: 'padding-left', r: 'padding-right', t: 'padding-top', b: 'padding-bottom'}; YAHOO.ext.Element.margins = {l: 'margin-left', r: 'margin-right', t: 'margin-top', b: 'margin-bottom'}; YAHOO.ext.Element.createStopHandler = function(stopPropagation, handler, scope, override){ return function(e){ if(e){ if(stopPropagation){ YAHOO.util.Event.stopEvent(e); }else { YAHOO.util.Event.preventDefault(e); } } handler.call(override && scope ? scope : window, e, scope); }; }; YAHOO.ext.Element.cache = {}; YAHOO.ext.Element.get = function(el, autoGenerateId){ if(!el){ return null; } autoGenerateId = true; if(el instanceof YAHOO.ext.Element){ el.dom = YAHOO.util.Dom.get(el.id); YAHOO.ext.Element.cache[el.id] = el; return el; }else if(el.isComposite){ return el; }else if(el instanceof Array){ return YAHOO.ext.Element.select(el); }else if(el === document){ if(!YAHOO.ext.Element.cache['__ydocument']){ var docEl = function(){}; docEl.prototype = YAHOO.ext.Element.prototype; var o = new docEl(); o.dom = document; YAHOO.ext.Element.cache['__ydocument'] = o; } return YAHOO.ext.Element.cache['__ydocument']; } var key = el; if(typeof el != 'string'){ if(!el.id && !autoGenerateId){ return null; } YAHOO.util.Dom.generateId(el, 'elgen-'); key = el.id; } var element = YAHOO.ext.Element.cache[key]; if(!element){ element = new YAHOO.ext.Element(key); if(!element.dom) return null; YAHOO.ext.Element.cache[key] = element; }else{ element.dom = YAHOO.util.Dom.get(key); } return element; }; var getEl = YAHOO.ext.Element.get; YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(window, 'unload', function(){ YAHOO.ext.Element.cache = null; }); YAHOO.ext.CompositeElement = function(els){ this.elements = []; this.addElements(els); }; YAHOO.ext.CompositeElement.prototype = { isComposite: true, addElements : function(els){ if(!els) return this; var yels = this.elements; var index = yels.length-1; for(var i = 0, len = els.length; i < len; i++) { yels[++index] = getEl(els[i], true); } return this; }, invoke : function(fn, args){ var els = this.elements; for(var i = 0, len = els.length; i < len; i++) { YAHOO.ext.Element.prototype[fn].apply(els[i], args); } return this; }, add : function(els){ if(typeof els == 'string'){ this.addElements(YAHOO.ext.Element.selectorFunction(string)); }else if(els instanceof Array){ this.addElements(els); }else{ this.addElements([els]); } return this; }, each : function(fn, scope){ var els = this.elements; for(var i = 0, len = els.length; i < len; i++){ fn.call(scope || els[i], els[i], this, i); } return this; } }; YAHOO.ext.CompositeElementLite = function(els){ YAHOO.ext.CompositeElementLite.superclass.constructor.call(this, els); this.el = YAHOO.ext.Element.get(this.elements[0], true); }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.CompositeElementLite, YAHOO.ext.CompositeElement, { addElements : function(els){ if(els){ this.elements = this.elements.concat(els); } return this; }, invoke : function(fn, args){ var els = this.elements; var el = this.el; for(var i = 0, len = els.length; i < len; i++) { el.dom = els[i]; YAHOO.ext.Element.prototype[fn].apply(el, args); } return this; } }); YAHOO.ext.CompositeElement.createCall = function(proto, fnName){ if(!proto[fnName]){ proto[fnName] = function(){ return this.invoke(fnName, arguments); }; } }; for(var fnName in YAHOO.ext.Element.prototype){ if(typeof YAHOO.ext.Element.prototype[fnName] == 'function'){ YAHOO.ext.CompositeElement.createCall(YAHOO.ext.CompositeElement.prototype, fnName); } } if(typeof cssQuery == 'function'){ YAHOO.ext.Element.selectorFunction = cssQuery; }else if(typeof document.getElementsBySelector == 'function'){ YAHOO.ext.Element.selectorFunction = document.getElementsBySelector.createDelegate(document); } YAHOO.ext.Element.select = function(selector, unique){ var els; if(typeof selector == 'string'){ els = YAHOO.ext.Element.selectorFunction(selector); }else if(selector instanceof Array){ els = selector; }else{ throw 'Invalid selector'; } if(unique === true){ return new YAHOO.ext.CompositeElement(els); }else{ return new YAHOO.ext.CompositeElementLite(els); } }; var getEls = YAHOO.ext.Element.select; YAHOO.namespace('ext.state'); YAHOO.ext.state.Provider = function(){ YAHOO.ext.state.Provider.superclass.constructor.call(this); this.events = { 'statechange': new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('statechange') }; this.state = {}; }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.state.Provider, YAHOO.ext.util.Observable, { get : function(name, defaultValue){ return typeof this.state[name] == 'undefined' ? defaultValue : this.state[name]; }, clear : function(name){ delete this.state[name]; this.fireEvent('statechange', this, name, null); }, set : function(name, value){ this.state[name] = value; this.fireEvent('statechange', this, name, value); }, decodeValue : function(cookie){ var re = /^(a|n|d|b|s|o)\:(.*)$/; var matches = re.exec(unescape(cookie)); if(!matches || !matches[1]) return; var type = matches[1]; var v = matches[2]; switch(type){ case 'n': return parseFloat(v); case 'd': return new Date(Date.parse(v)); case 'b': return (v == '1'); case 'a': var all = []; var values = v.split('^'); for(var i = 0, len = values.length; i < len; i++){ all.push(this.decodeValue(values[i])) } return all; case 'o': var all = {}; var values = v.split('^'); for(var i = 0, len = values.length; i < len; i++){ var kv = values[i].split('='); all[kv[0]] = this.decodeValue(kv[1]); } return all; default: return v; } }, encodeValue : function(v){ var enc; if(typeof v == 'number'){ enc = 'n:' + v; }else if(typeof v == 'boolean'){ enc = 'b:' + (v ? '1' : '0'); }else if(v instanceof Date){ enc = 'd:' + v.toGMTString(); }else if(v instanceof Array){ var flat = ''; for(var i = 0, len = v.length; i < len; i++){ flat += this.encodeValue(v[i]); if(i != len-1) flat += '^'; } enc = 'a:' + flat; }else if(typeof v == 'object'){ var flat = ''; for(var key in v){ if(typeof v[key] != 'function'){ flat += key + '=' + this.encodeValue(v[key]) + '^'; } } enc = 'o:' + flat.substring(0, flat.length-1); }else{ enc = 's:' + v; } return escape(enc); } }); YAHOO.ext.state.Manager = new function(){ var provider = new YAHOO.ext.state.Provider(); return { setProvider : function(stateProvider){ provider = stateProvider; }, get : function(key, defaultValue){ return provider.get(key, defaultValue); }, set : function(key, value){ provider.set(key, value); }, clear : function(key){ provider.clear(key); }, getProvider : function(){ return provider; } }; }(); YAHOO.ext.state.CookieProvider = function(config){ YAHOO.ext.state.CookieProvider.superclass.constructor.call(this); this.path = '/'; this.expires = new Date(new Date().getTime()+(1000*60*60*24*7)); this.domain = null; this.secure = false; YAHOO.ext.util.Config.apply(this, config); this.state = this.readCookies(); }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.state.CookieProvider, YAHOO.ext.state.Provider, { set : function(name, value){ if(typeof value == 'undefined' || value === null){ this.clear(name); return; } this.setCookie(name, value); YAHOO.ext.state.CookieProvider.superclass.set.call(this, name, value); }, clear : function(name){ this.clearCookie(name); YAHOO.ext.state.CookieProvider.superclass.clear.call(this, name); }, readCookies : function(){ var cookies = {}; var c = document.cookie + ';'; var re = /\s?(.*?)=(.*?);/g; var matches; while((matches = re.exec(c)) != null){ var name = matches[1]; var value = matches[2]; if(name && name.substring(0,3) == 'ys-'){ cookies[name.substr(3)] = this.decodeValue(value); } } return cookies; }, setCookie : function(name, value){ document.cookie = "ys-"+ name + "=" + this.encodeValue(value) + ((this.expires == null) ? "" : ("; expires=" + this.expires.toGMTString())) + ((this.path == null) ? "" : ("; path=" + this.path)) + ((this.domain == null) ? "" : ("; domain=" + this.domain)) + ((this.secure == true) ? "; secure" : ""); }, clearCookie : function(name){ document.cookie = "ys-" + name + "=null; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT" + ((this.path == null) ? "" : ("; path=" + this.path)) + ((this.domain == null) ? "" : ("; domain=" + this.domain)) + ((this.secure == true) ? "; secure" : ""); } }); YAHOO.ext.EventManager = new function(){ var docReadyEvent; var docReadyProcId; var docReadyState = false; this.ieDeferSrc = false; var resizeEvent; var resizeTask; var fireDocReady = function(){ if(!docReadyState){ docReadyState = true; if(docReadyProcId){ clearInterval(docReadyProcId); } if(docReadyEvent){ docReadyEvent.fire(); } } }; var initDocReady = function(){ docReadyEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('documentready'); if(document.addEventListener) { YAHOO.util.Event.on(document, "DOMContentLoaded", fireDocReady); }else if(YAHOO.ext.util.Browser.isIE){ document.write(''); YAHOO.util.Event.on('ie-deferred-loader', 'readystatechange', function(){ if(this.readyState == 'complete'){ fireDocReady(); } }); }else if(YAHOO.ext.util.Browser.isSafari){ docReadyProcId = setInterval(function(){ var rs = document.readyState; if(rs == 'loaded' || rs == 'complete') { fireDocReady(); } }, 10); } YAHOO.util.Event.on(window, 'load', fireDocReady); }; this.wrap = function(fn, scope, override){ var wrappedFn = function(e){ YAHOO.ext.EventObject.setEvent(e); fn.call(override ? scope || window : window, YAHOO.ext.EventObject, scope); }; return wrappedFn; }; this.addListener = function(element, eventName, fn, scope, override){ var wrappedFn = this.wrap(fn, scope, override); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(element, eventName, wrappedFn); return wrappedFn; }; this.removeListener = function(element, eventName, wrappedFn){ return YAHOO.util.Event.removeListener(element, eventName, wrappedFn); }; this.on = this.addListener; this.onDocumentReady = function(fn, scope, override){ if(docReadyState){ fn.call(override? scope || window : window, scope); return; } if(!docReadyEvent){ initDocReady(); } docReadyEvent.subscribe(fn, scope, override); } this.onWindowResize = function(fn, scope, override){ if(!resizeEvent){ resizeEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('windowresize'); resizeTask = new YAHOO.ext.util.DelayedTask(function(){ resizeEvent.fireDirect(YAHOO.util.Dom.getViewportWidth(), YAHOO.util.Dom.getViewportHeight()); }); YAHOO.util.Event.on(window, 'resize', function(){ resizeTask.delay(50); }); } resizeEvent.subscribe(fn, scope, override); }, this.removeResizeListener = function(fn, scope){ if(resizeEvent){ resizeEvent.unsubscribe(fn, scope); } } }; YAHOO.ext.EventObject = new function(){ this.browserEvent = null; this.button = -1; this.shiftKey = false; this.ctrlKey = false; this.altKey = false; this.BACKSPACE = 8; this.TAB = 9; this.RETURN = 13; this.ESC = 27; this.SPACE = 32; this.PAGEUP = 33; this.PAGEDOWN = 34; this.END = 35; this.HOME = 36; this.LEFT = 37; this.UP = 38; this.RIGHT = 39; this.DOWN = 40; this.DELETE = 46; this.F5 = 116; this.setEvent = function(e){ if(e == this){ return this; } this.browserEvent = e; if(e){ this.button = e.button; this.shiftKey = e.shiftKey; this.ctrlKey = e.ctrlKey; this.altKey = e.altKey; }else{ this.button = -1; this.shiftKey = false; this.ctrlKey = false; this.altKey = false; } return this; }; this.stopEvent = function(){ if(this.browserEvent){ YAHOO.util.Event.stopEvent(this.browserEvent); } }; this.preventDefault = function(){ if(this.browserEvent){ YAHOO.util.Event.preventDefault(this.browserEvent); } }; this.isNavKeyPress = function(){ return (this.browserEvent.keyCode && this.browserEvent.keyCode >= 33 && this.browserEvent.keyCode <= 40); }; this.stopPropagation = function(){ if(this.browserEvent){ YAHOO.util.Event.stopPropagation(this.browserEvent); } }; this.getCharCode = function(){ if(this.browserEvent){ return YAHOO.util.Event.getCharCode(this.browserEvent); } return null; }; this.getKey = function(){ if(this.browserEvent){ return this.browserEvent.keyCode || this.browserEvent.charCode; } return null; }; this.getPageX = function(){ if(this.browserEvent){ return YAHOO.util.Event.getPageX(this.browserEvent); } return null; }; this.getPageY = function(){ if(this.browserEvent){ return YAHOO.util.Event.getPageY(this.browserEvent); } return null; }; this.getTime = function(){ if(this.browserEvent){ return YAHOO.util.Event.getTime(this.browserEvent); } return null; }; this.getXY = function(){ if(this.browserEvent){ return YAHOO.util.Event.getXY(this.browserEvent); } return []; }; this.getTarget = function(){ if(this.browserEvent){ return YAHOO.util.Event.getTarget(this.browserEvent); } return null; }; this.findTarget = function(className, tagName){ if(tagName) tagName = tagName.toLowerCase(); if(this.browserEvent){ function isMatch(el){ if(!el){ return false; } if(className && !YAHOO.util.Dom.hasClass(el, className)){ return false; } if(tagName && el.tagName.toLowerCase() != tagName){ return false; } return true; }; var t = this.getTarget(); if(!t || isMatch(t)){ return t; } var p = t.parentNode; var b = document.body; while(p && p != b){ if(isMatch(p)){ return p; } p = p.parentNode; } } return null; }; this.getRelatedTarget = function(){ if(this.browserEvent){ return YAHOO.util.Event.getRelatedTarget(this.browserEvent); } return null; }; this.getWheelDelta = function(){ var e = this.browserEvent; var delta = 0; if(e.wheelDelta){ delta = e.wheelDelta/120; if(window.opera) delta = -delta; }else if(e.detail){ delta = -e.detail/3; } return delta; }; this.hasModifier = function(){ return this.ctrlKey || this.altKey || this.shiftKey; }; }(); YAHOO.ext.UpdateManager = function(el, forceNew){ el = YAHOO.ext.Element.get(el); if(!forceNew && el.updateManager){ return el.updateManager; } this.el = el; this.defaultUrl = null; this.beforeUpdate = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('UpdateManager.beforeUpdate'); this.onUpdate = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('UpdateManager.onUpdate'); this.onFailure = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('UpdateManager.onFailure'); this.events = { 'beforeupdate': this.beforeUpdate, 'update': this.onUpdate, 'failure': this.onFailure }; this.sslBlankUrl = YAHOO.ext.UpdateManager.defaults.sslBlankUrl; this.disableCaching = YAHOO.ext.UpdateManager.defaults.disableCaching; this.indicatorText = YAHOO.ext.UpdateManager.defaults.indicatorText; this.showLoadIndicator = YAHOO.ext.UpdateManager.defaults.showLoadIndicator; this.timeout = YAHOO.ext.UpdateManager.defaults.timeout; this.loadScripts = YAHOO.ext.UpdateManager.defaults.loadScripts; this.transaction = null; this.autoRefreshProcId = null; this.refreshDelegate = this.refresh.createDelegate(this); this.updateDelegate = this.update.createDelegate(this); this.formUpdateDelegate = this.formUpdate.createDelegate(this); this.successDelegate = this.processSuccess.createDelegate(this); this.failureDelegate = this.processFailure.createDelegate(this); this.renderer = new YAHOO.ext.UpdateManager.BasicRenderer(); }; YAHOO.ext.UpdateManager.prototype = { fireEvent : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.fireEvent, on : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.on, addListener : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.addListener, delayedListener : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.delayedListener, removeListener : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.removeListener, purgeListeners : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.purgeListeners, bufferedListener : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.bufferedListener, getEl : function(){ return this.el; }, update : function(url, params, callback, discardUrl){ if(this.beforeUpdate.fireDirect(this.el, url, params) !== false){ if(typeof url == 'object'){ var cfg = url; url = cfg.url; params = params || cfg.params; callback = callback || cfg.callback; discardUrl = discardUrl || cfg.discardUrl; if(callback && cfg.scope){ callback = callback.createDelegate(cfg.scope); } if(typeof cfg.nocache != 'undefined'){this.disableCaching = cfg.nocache}; if(typeof cfg.text != 'undefined'){this.indicatorText = '
'}; if(typeof cfg.scripts != 'undefined'){this.loadScripts = cfg.scripts}; if(typeof cfg.timeout != 'undefined'){this.timeout = cfg.timeout}; } this.showLoading(); if(!discardUrl){ this.defaultUrl = url; } if(typeof url == 'function'){ url = url(); } if(typeof params == 'function'){ params = params(); } if(params && typeof params != 'string'){ var buf = []; for(var key in params){ if(typeof params[key] != 'function'){ buf.push(encodeURIComponent(key), '=', encodeURIComponent(params[key]), '&'); } } delete buf[buf.length-1]; params = buf.join(''); } var callback = { success: this.successDelegate, failure: this.failureDelegate, timeout: (this.timeout*1000), argument: {'url': url, 'form': null, 'callback': callback, 'params': params} }; var method = params ? 'POST' : 'GET'; if(method == 'GET'){ url = this.prepareUrl(url); } this.transaction = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest(method, url, callback, params); } }, formUpdate : function(form, url, reset, callback){ if(this.beforeUpdate.fireDirect(this.el, form, url) !== false){ this.showLoading(); formEl = YAHOO.util.Dom.get(form); if(typeof url == 'function'){ url = url(); } if(typeof params == 'function'){ params = params(); } url = url || formEl.action; var callback = { success: this.successDelegate, failure: this.failureDelegate, timeout: (this.timeout*1000), argument: {'url': url, 'form': form, 'callback': callback, 'reset': reset} }; var isUpload = false; var enctype = formEl.getAttribute('enctype'); if(enctype && enctype.toLowerCase() == 'multipart/form-data'){ isUpload = true; } YAHOO.util.Connect.setForm(form, isUpload, this.sslBlankUrl); this.transaction = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST', url, callback); } }, refresh : function(callback){ if(this.defaultUrl == null){ return; } this.update(this.defaultUrl, null, callback, true); }, startAutoRefresh : function(interval, url, params, callback, refreshNow){ if(refreshNow){ this.update(url || this.defaultUrl, params, callback, true); } if(this.autoRefreshProcId){ clearInterval(this.autoRefreshProcId); } this.autoRefreshProcId = setInterval(this.update.createDelegate(this, [url || this.defaultUrl, params, callback, true]), interval*1000); }, stopAutoRefresh : function(){ if(this.autoRefreshProcId){ clearInterval(this.autoRefreshProcId); } }, showLoading : function(){ if(this.showLoadIndicator){ this.el.update(this.indicatorText); } }, prepareUrl : function(url){ if(this.disableCaching){ var append = '_dc=' + (new Date().getTime()); if(url.indexOf('?') !== -1){ url += '&' + append; }else{ url += '?' + append; } } return url; }, processSuccess : function(response){ this.transaction = null; if(response.argument.form && response.argument.reset){ try{ response.argument.form.reset(); }catch(e){} } if(this.loadScripts){ this.renderer.render(this.el, response, this, this.updateComplete.createDelegate(this, [response])); }else{ this.renderer.render(this.el, response, this); this.updateComplete(response); } }, updateComplete : function(response){ this.fireEvent('update', this.el, response); if(typeof response.argument.callback == 'function'){ response.argument.callback(this.el, true); } }, processFailure : function(response){ this.transaction = null; this.onFailure.fireDirect(this.el, response); if(typeof response.argument.callback == 'function'){ response.argument.callback(this.el, false); } }, setRenderer : function(renderer){ this.renderer = renderer; }, getRenderer : function(){ return this.renderer; }, setDefaultUrl : function(defaultUrl){ this.defaultUrl = defaultUrl; }, abort : function(){ if(this.transaction){ YAHOO.util.Connect.abort(this.transaction); } }, isUpdating : function(){ if(this.transaction){ return YAHOO.util.Connect.isCallInProgress(this.transaction); } return false; } }; YAHOO.ext.UpdateManager.defaults = { timeout : 30, loadScripts : false, sslBlankUrl : (YAHOO.ext.SSL_SECURE_URL || 'javascript:false'), disableCaching : false, showLoadIndicator : true, indicatorText : '
' }; YAHOO.ext.UpdateManager.updateElement = function(el, url, params, options){ var um = getEl(el, true).getUpdateManager(); YAHOO.ext.util.Config.apply(um, options); um.update(url, params, options.callback); } YAHOO.ext.UpdateManager.update = YAHOO.ext.UpdateManager.updateElement; YAHOO.ext.UpdateManager.BasicRenderer = function(){}; YAHOO.ext.UpdateManager.BasicRenderer.prototype = { render : function(el, response, updateManager, callback){ el.update(response.responseText, updateManager.loadScripts, callback); } }; Date.parseFunctions = {count:0}; Date.parseRegexes = []; Date.formatFunctions = {count:0}; Date.prototype.dateFormat = function(format) { if (Date.formatFunctions[format] == null) { Date.createNewFormat(format); } var func = Date.formatFunctions[format]; return this[func](); }; Date.prototype.format = Date.prototype.dateFormat; Date.createNewFormat = function(format) { var funcName = "format" + Date.formatFunctions.count++; Date.formatFunctions[format] = funcName; var code = "Date.prototype." + funcName + " = function(){return "; var special = false; var ch = ''; for (var i = 0; i < format.length; ++i) { ch = format.charAt(i); if (!special && ch == "\\") { special = true; } else if (special) { special = false; code += "'" + String.escape(ch) + "' + "; } else { code += Date.getFormatCode(ch); } } eval(code.substring(0, code.length - 3) + ";}"); }; Date.getFormatCode = function(character) { switch (character) { case "d": return "String.leftPad(this.getDate(), 2, '0') + "; case "D": return "Date.dayNames[this.getDay()].substring(0, 3) + "; case "j": return "this.getDate() + "; case "l": return "Date.dayNames[this.getDay()] + "; case "S": return "this.getSuffix() + "; case "w": return "this.getDay() + "; case "z": return "this.getDayOfYear() + "; case "W": return "this.getWeekOfYear() + "; case "F": return "Date.monthNames[this.getMonth()] + "; case "m": return "String.leftPad(this.getMonth() + 1, 2, '0') + "; case "M": return "Date.monthNames[this.getMonth()].substring(0, 3) + "; case "n": return "(this.getMonth() + 1) + "; case "t": return "this.getDaysInMonth() + "; case "L": return "(this.isLeapYear() ? 1 : 0) + "; case "Y": return "this.getFullYear() + "; case "y": return "('' + this.getFullYear()).substring(2, 4) + "; case "a": return "(this.getHours() < 12 ? 'am' : 'pm') + "; case "A": return "(this.getHours() < 12 ? 'AM' : 'PM') + "; case "g": return "((this.getHours() %12) ? this.getHours() % 12 : 12) + "; case "G": return "this.getHours() + "; case "h": return "String.leftPad((this.getHours() %12) ? this.getHours() % 12 : 12, 2, '0') + "; case "H": return "String.leftPad(this.getHours(), 2, '0') + "; case "i": return "String.leftPad(this.getMinutes(), 2, '0') + "; case "s": return "String.leftPad(this.getSeconds(), 2, '0') + "; case "O": return "this.getGMTOffset() + "; case "T": return "this.getTimezone() + "; case "Z": return "(this.getTimezoneOffset() * -60) + "; default: return "'" + String.escape(character) + "' + "; }; }; Date.parseDate = function(input, format) { if (Date.parseFunctions[format] == null) { Date.createParser(format); } var func = Date.parseFunctions[format]; return Date[func](input); }; Date.createParser = function(format) { var funcName = "parse" + Date.parseFunctions.count++; var regexNum = Date.parseRegexes.length; var currentGroup = 1; Date.parseFunctions[format] = funcName; var code = "Date." + funcName + " = function(input){\n" + "var y = -1, m = -1, d = -1, h = -1, i = -1, s = -1;\n" + "var d = new Date();\n" + "y = d.getFullYear();\n" + "m = d.getMonth();\n" + "d = d.getDate();\n" + "var results = input.match(Date.parseRegexes[" + regexNum + "]);\n" + "if (results && results.length > 0) {" var regex = ""; var special = false; var ch = ''; for (var i = 0; i < format.length; ++i) { ch = format.charAt(i); if (!special && ch == "\\") { special = true; } else if (special) { special = false; regex += String.escape(ch); } else { obj = Date.formatCodeToRegex(ch, currentGroup); currentGroup += obj.g; regex += obj.s; if (obj.g && obj.c) { code += obj.c; } } } code += "if (y > 0 && m >= 0 && d > 0 && h >= 0 && i >= 0 && s >= 0)\n" + "{return new Date(y, m, d, h, i, s);}\n" + "else if (y > 0 && m >= 0 && d > 0 && h >= 0 && i >= 0)\n" + "{return new Date(y, m, d, h, i);}\n" + "else if (y > 0 && m >= 0 && d > 0 && h >= 0)\n" + "{return new Date(y, m, d, h);}\n" + "else if (y > 0 && m >= 0 && d > 0)\n" + "{return new Date(y, m, d);}\n" + "else if (y > 0 && m >= 0)\n" + "{return new Date(y, m);}\n" + "else if (y > 0)\n" + "{return new Date(y);}\n" + "}return null;}"; Date.parseRegexes[regexNum] = new RegExp("^" + regex + "$"); eval(code); }; Date.formatCodeToRegex = function(character, currentGroup) { switch (character) { case "D": return {g:0, c:null, s:"(?:Sun|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat)"}; case "j": case "d": return {g:1, c:"d = parseInt(results[" + currentGroup + "], 10);\n", s:"(\\d{1,2})"}; case "l": return {g:0, c:null, s:"(?:" + Date.dayNames.join("|") + ")"}; case "S": return {g:0, c:null, s:"(?:st|nd|rd|th)"}; case "w": return {g:0, c:null, s:"\\d"}; case "z": return {g:0, c:null, s:"(?:\\d{1,3})"}; case "W": return {g:0, c:null, s:"(?:\\d{2})"}; case "F": return {g:1, c:"m = parseInt(Date.monthNumbers[results[" + currentGroup + "].substring(0, 3)], 10);\n", s:"(" + Date.monthNames.join("|") + ")"}; case "M": return {g:1, c:"m = parseInt(Date.monthNumbers[results[" + currentGroup + "]], 10);\n", s:"(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)"}; case "n": case "m": return {g:1, c:"m = parseInt(results[" + currentGroup + "], 10) - 1;\n", s:"(\\d{1,2})"}; case "t": return {g:0, c:null, s:"\\d{1,2}"}; case "L": return {g:0, c:null, s:"(?:1|0)"}; case "Y": return {g:1, c:"y = parseInt(results[" + currentGroup + "], 10);\n", s:"(\\d{4})"}; case "y": return {g:1, c:"var ty = parseInt(results[" + currentGroup + "], 10);\n" + "y = ty > Date.y2kYear ? 1900 + ty : 2000 + ty;\n", s:"(\\d{1,2})"}; case "a": return {g:1, c:"if (results[" + currentGroup + "] == 'am') {\n" + "if (h == 12) { h = 0; }\n" + "} else { if (h < 12) { h += 12; }}", s:"(am|pm)"}; case "A": return {g:1, c:"if (results[" + currentGroup + "] == 'AM') {\n" + "if (h == 12) { h = 0; }\n" + "} else { if (h < 12) { h += 12; }}", s:"(AM|PM)"}; case "g": case "G": case "h": case "H": return {g:1, c:"h = parseInt(results[" + currentGroup + "], 10);\n", s:"(\\d{1,2})"}; case "i": return {g:1, c:"i = parseInt(results[" + currentGroup + "], 10);\n", s:"(\\d{2})"}; case "s": return {g:1, c:"s = parseInt(results[" + currentGroup + "], 10);\n", s:"(\\d{2})"}; case "O": return {g:0, c:null, s:"[+-]\\d{4}"}; case "T": return {g:0, c:null, s:"[A-Z]{3}"}; case "Z": return {g:0, c:null, s:"[+-]\\d{1,5}"}; default: return {g:0, c:null, s:String.escape(character)}; } }; Date.prototype.getTimezone = function() { return this.toString().replace( /^.*? ([A-Z]{3}) [0-9]{4}.*$/, "$1").replace( /^.*?\(([A-Z])[a-z]+ ([A-Z])[a-z]+ ([A-Z])[a-z]+\)$/, "$1$2$3"); }; Date.prototype.getGMTOffset = function() { return (this.getTimezoneOffset() > 0 ? "-" : "+") + String.leftPad(Math.floor(this.getTimezoneOffset() / 60), 2, "0") + String.leftPad(this.getTimezoneOffset() % 60, 2, "0"); }; Date.prototype.getDayOfYear = function() { var num = 0; Date.daysInMonth[1] = this.isLeapYear() ? 29 : 28; for (var i = 0; i < this.getMonth(); ++i) { num += Date.daysInMonth[i]; } return num + this.getDate() - 1; }; Date.prototype.getWeekOfYear = function() { var now = this.getDayOfYear() + (4 - this.getDay()); var jan1 = new Date(this.getFullYear(), 0, 1); var then = (7 - jan1.getDay() + 4); return String.leftPad(((now - then) / 7) + 1, 2, "0"); }; Date.prototype.isLeapYear = function() { var year = this.getFullYear(); return ((year & 3) == 0 && (year % 100 || (year % 400 == 0 && year))); }; Date.prototype.getFirstDayOfMonth = function() { var day = (this.getDay() - (this.getDate() - 1)) % 7; return (day < 0) ? (day + 7) : day; }; Date.prototype.getLastDayOfMonth = function() { var day = (this.getDay() + (Date.daysInMonth[this.getMonth()] - this.getDate())) % 7; return (day < 0) ? (day + 7) : day; }; Date.prototype.getDaysInMonth = function() { Date.daysInMonth[1] = this.isLeapYear() ? 29 : 28; return Date.daysInMonth[this.getMonth()]; }; Date.prototype.getSuffix = function() { switch (this.getDate()) { case 1: case 21: case 31: return "st"; case 2: case 22: return "nd"; case 3: case 23: return "rd"; default: return "th"; } }; Date.daysInMonth = [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31]; Date.monthNames = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]; Date.dayNames = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"]; Date.y2kYear = 50; Date.monthNumbers = { Jan:0, Feb:1, Mar:2, Apr:3, May:4, Jun:5, Jul:6, Aug:7, Sep:8, Oct:9, Nov:10, Dec:11}; YAHOO.ext.TabPanel = function(container, config){ this.el = getEl(container, true); this.tabPosition = 'top'; this.currentTabWidth = 0; this.minTabWidth = 40; this.maxTabWidth = 250; this.preferredTabWidth = 175; this.resizeTabs = false; this.monitorResize = true; if(config){ if(typeof config == 'boolean'){ this.tabPosition = config ? 'bottom' : 'top'; }else{ YAHOO.ext.util.Config.apply(this, config); } } if(this.tabPosition == 'bottom'){ this.bodyEl = getEl(this.createBody(this.el.dom)); this.el.addClass('ytabs-bottom'); } this.stripWrap = getEl(this.createStrip(this.el.dom), true); this.stripEl = getEl(this.createStripList(this.stripWrap.dom), true); this.stripBody = getEl(this.stripWrap.dom.firstChild.firstChild, true); if(YAHOO.ext.util.Browser.isIE){ YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(this.stripWrap.dom.firstChild, 'overflow-x', 'hidden'); } if(this.tabPosition != 'bottom'){ this.bodyEl = getEl(this.createBody(this.el.dom)); this.el.addClass('ytabs-top'); } this.items = []; this.bodyEl.setStyle('position', 'relative'); if(!this.items.indexOf){ this.items.indexOf = function(o){ for(var i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; i++){ if(this[i] == o) return i; } return -1; } } this.active = null; this.onTabChange = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('TabItem.onTabChange'); this.activateDelegate = this.activate.createDelegate(this); this.events = { 'tabchange': this.onTabChange, 'beforetabchange' : new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('beforechange') }; YAHOO.ext.EventManager.onWindowResize(this.onResize, this, true); this.cpad = this.el.getPadding('lr'); this.hiddenCount = 0; } YAHOO.ext.TabPanel.prototype = { fireEvent : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.fireEvent, on : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.on, addListener : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.addListener, delayedListener : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.delayedListener, removeListener : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.removeListener, purgeListeners : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.purgeListeners, addTab : function(id, text, content, closable){ var item = new YAHOO.ext.TabPanelItem(this, id, text, closable); this.addTabItem(item); if(content){ item.setContent(content); } return item; }, getTab : function(id){ return this.items[id]; }, hideTab : function(id){ var t = this.items[id]; if(!t.isHidden()){ t.setHidden(true); this.hiddenCount++; this.autoSizeTabs(); } }, unhideTab : function(id){ var t = this.items[id]; if(t.isHidden()){ t.setHidden(false); this.hiddenCount--; this.autoSizeTabs(); } }, addTabItem : function(item){ this.items[item.id] = item; this.items.push(item); if(this.resizeTabs){ item.setWidth(this.currentTabWidth || this.preferredTabWidth) this.autoSizeTabs(); }else{ item.autoSize(); } }, removeTab : function(id){ var items = this.items; var tab = items[id]; if(!tab) return; var index = items.indexOf(tab); if(this.active == tab && items.length > 1){ var newTab = this.getNextAvailable(index); if(newTab)newTab.activate(); } this.stripEl.dom.removeChild(tab.pnode.dom); if(tab.bodyEl.dom.parentNode == this.bodyEl.dom){ this.bodyEl.dom.removeChild(tab.bodyEl.dom); } items.splice(index, 1); delete this.items[tab.id]; tab.fireEvent('close', tab); tab.purgeListeners(); this.autoSizeTabs(); }, getNextAvailable : function(start){ var items = this.items; var index = start; while(index < items.length){ var item = items[++index]; if(item && !item.isHidden()){ return item; } } var index = start; while(index >= 0){ var item = items[--index]; if(item && !item.isHidden()){ return item; } } return null; }, disableTab : function(id){ var tab = this.items[id]; if(tab && this.active != tab){ tab.disable(); } }, enableTab : function(id){ var tab = this.items[id]; tab.enable(); }, activate : function(id){ var tab = this.items[id]; if(tab == this.active){ return tab; } var e = {}; this.fireEvent('beforetabchange', this, e, tab); if(e.cancel !== true && !tab.disabled){ if(this.active){ this.active.hide(); } this.active = this.items[id]; this.active.show(); this.onTabChange.fireDirect(this, this.active); } return tab; }, getActiveTab : function(){ return this.active; }, syncHeight : function(targetHeight){ var height = (targetHeight || this.el.getHeight())-this.el.getBorderWidth('tb')-this.el.getPadding('tb'); var bm = this.bodyEl.getMargins(); var newHeight = height-(this.stripWrap.getHeight()||0)-(bm.top+bm.bottom); this.bodyEl.setHeight(newHeight); return newHeight; }, onResize : function(){ if(this.monitorResize){ this.autoSizeTabs(); } }, beginUpdate : function(){ this.updating = true; }, endUpdate : function(){ this.updating = false; this.autoSizeTabs(); }, autoSizeTabs : function(){ var count = this.items.length; var vcount = count - this.hiddenCount; if(!this.resizeTabs || count < 1 || vcount < 1 || this.updating) return; var w = Math.max(this.el.getWidth() - this.cpad, 10); var availWidth = Math.floor(w / vcount); var b = this.stripBody; if(b.getWidth() > w){ var tabs = this.items; this.setTabWidth(Math.max(availWidth, this.minTabWidth)); if(availWidth < this.minTabWidth){ } }else{ if(this.currentTabWidth < this.preferredTabWidth){ this.setTabWidth(Math.min(availWidth, this.preferredTabWidth)); } } }, getCount : function(){ return this.items.length; }, setTabWidth : function(width){ this.currentTabWidth = width; for(var i = 0, len = this.items.length; i < len; i++) { if(!this.items[i].isHidden())this.items[i].setWidth(width); } }, destroy : function(removeEl){ YAHOO.ext.EventManager.removeResizeListener(this.onResize, this); for(var i = 0, len = this.items.length; i < len; i++){ this.items[i].purgeListeners(); } if(removeEl === true){ this.el.update(''); this.el.remove(); } } }; YAHOO.ext.TabPanelItem = function(tabPanel, id, text, closable){ this.tabPanel = tabPanel; this.id = id; this.disabled = false; this.text = text; this.loaded = false; this.closable = closable; this.bodyEl = getEl(tabPanel.createItemBody(tabPanel.bodyEl.dom, id)); this.bodyEl.setVisibilityMode(YAHOO.ext.Element.VISIBILITY); this.bodyEl.setStyle('display', 'block'); this.bodyEl.setStyle('zoom', '1'); this.hideAction(); var els = tabPanel.createStripElements(tabPanel.stripEl.dom, text, closable); this.el = getEl(els.el, true); this.inner = getEl(els.inner, true); this.textEl = getEl(this.el.dom.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild, true); this.pnode = getEl(els.el.parentNode, true); this.el.mon('click', this.onTabClick, this, true); if(closable){ var c = getEl(els.close, true); c.dom.title = this.closeText; c.addClassOnOver('close-over'); c.mon('click', this.closeClick, this, true); } this.onActivate = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('TabItem.onActivate'); this.onDeactivate = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('TabItem.onDeactivate'); this.events = { 'activate': this.onActivate, 'beforeclose': new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('beforeclose'), 'close': new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('close'), 'deactivate' : this.onDeactivate }; this.hidden = false; }; YAHOO.ext.TabPanelItem.prototype = { fireEvent : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.fireEvent, on : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.on, addListener : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.addListener, delayedListener : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.delayedListener, removeListener : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.removeListener, purgeListeners : function(){ YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.purgeListeners.call(this); this.el.removeAllListeners(); }, show : function(){ this.pnode.addClass('on'); this.showAction(); if(YAHOO.ext.util.Browser.isOpera){ this.tabPanel.stripWrap.repaint(); } this.onActivate.fireDirect(this.tabPanel, this); }, isActive : function(){ return this.tabPanel.getActiveTab() == this; }, hide : function(){ this.pnode.removeClass('on'); this.hideAction(); this.onDeactivate.fireDirect(this.tabPanel, this); }, hideAction : function(){ this.bodyEl.setStyle('position', 'absolute'); this.bodyEl.setLeft('-20000px'); this.bodyEl.setTop('-20000px'); this.bodyEl.hide(); }, showAction : function(){ this.bodyEl.setStyle('position', 'relative'); this.bodyEl.setTop(''); this.bodyEl.setLeft(''); this.bodyEl.show(); this.tabPanel.el.repaint.defer(1); }, setTooltip : function(text){ this.textEl.dom.title = text; }, onTabClick : function(e){ e.preventDefault(); this.tabPanel.activate(this.id); }, getWidth : function(){ return this.inner.getWidth(); }, setWidth : function(width){ var iwidth = width - this.pnode.getPadding("lr"); this.inner.setWidth(iwidth); this.textEl.setWidth(iwidth-this.inner.getPadding('lr')); this.pnode.setWidth(width); }, setHidden : function(hidden){ this.hidden = hidden; this.pnode.setStyle('display', hidden ? 'none' : ''); }, isHidden : function(){ return this.hidden; }, getText : function(){ return this.text; }, autoSize : function(){ this.el.beginMeasure(); this.textEl.setWidth(1); this.setWidth(this.textEl.dom.scrollWidth+this.pnode.getPadding("lr")+this.inner.getPadding('lr')); this.el.endMeasure(); }, setText : function(text){ this.text = text; this.textEl.update(text); this.textEl.dom.title = text; if(!this.tabPanel.resizeTabs){ this.autoSize(); } }, activate : function(){ this.tabPanel.activate(this.id); }, disable : function(){ if(this.tabPanel.active != this){ this.disabled = true; this.pnode.addClass('disabled'); } }, enable : function(){ this.disabled = false; this.pnode.removeClass('disabled'); }, setContent : function(content, loadScripts){ this.bodyEl.update(content, loadScripts); }, getUpdateManager : function(){ return this.bodyEl.getUpdateManager(); }, setUrl : function(url, params, loadOnce){ if(this.refreshDelegate){ this.onActivate.unsubscribe(this.refreshDelegate); } this.refreshDelegate = this._handleRefresh.createDelegate(this, [url, params, loadOnce]); this.onActivate.subscribe(this.refreshDelegate); return this.bodyEl.getUpdateManager(); }, _handleRefresh : function(url, params, loadOnce){ if(!loadOnce || !this.loaded){ var updater = this.bodyEl.getUpdateManager(); updater.update(url, params, this._setLoaded.createDelegate(this)); } }, refresh : function(){ if(this.refreshDelegate){ this.loaded = false; this.refreshDelegate(); } }, _setLoaded : function(){ this.loaded = true; }, closeClick : function(e){ var e = {}; this.fireEvent('beforeclose', this, e); if(e.cancel !== true){ this.tabPanel.removeTab(this.id); } }, closeText : 'Close this tab' }; YAHOO.ext.TabPanel.prototype.createStrip = function(container){ var strip = document.createElement('div'); strip.className = 'ytab-wrap'; container.appendChild(strip); return strip; }; YAHOO.ext.TabPanel.prototype.createStripList = function(strip){ strip.innerHTML = '
'; return strip.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild; }; YAHOO.ext.TabPanel.prototype.createBody = function(container){ var body = document.createElement('div'); YAHOO.util.Dom.generateId(body, 'tab-body'); YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(body, 'yui-ext-tabbody'); container.appendChild(body); return body; }; YAHOO.ext.TabPanel.prototype.createItemBody = function(bodyEl, id){ var body = YAHOO.util.Dom.get(id); if(!body){ body = document.createElement('div'); body.id = id; } YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(body, 'yui-ext-tabitembody'); bodyEl.insertBefore(body, bodyEl.firstChild); return body; }; YAHOO.ext.TabPanel.prototype.createStripElements = function(stripEl, text, closable){ var td = document.createElement('td'); stripEl.appendChild(td); if(closable){ td.className = "ytab-closable"; if(!this.closeTpl){ this.closeTpl = new YAHOO.ext.Template( '' + '{text}' + '
' ); } var el = this.closeTpl.overwrite(td, {'text': text}); var close = el.getElementsByTagName('div')[0]; var inner = el.getElementsByTagName('em')[0]; return {'el': el, 'close': close, 'inner': inner}; } else { if(!this.tabTpl){ this.tabTpl = new YAHOO.ext.Template( '' + '{text}' ); } var el = this.tabTpl.overwrite(td, {'text': text}); var inner = el.getElementsByTagName('em')[0]; return {'el': el, 'inner': inner}; } }; YAHOO.ext.Actor = function(element, animator, selfCapture){ this.el = YAHOO.ext.Element.get(element, true); YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.constructor.call(this, element, true); this.onCapture = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('Actor.onCapture'); if(animator){ animator.addActor(this); } this.capturing = selfCapture; this.playlist = selfCapture ? new YAHOO.ext.Animator.AnimSequence() : null; }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.Actor, YAHOO.ext.Element); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.capture = function(action){ if(this.playlist != null){ this.playlist.add(action); } this.onCapture.fireDirect(this, action); return action; }; YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideAnimation = function(method, animParam, onParam){ return function(){ if(!this.capturing){ return method.apply(this, arguments); } var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); if(args[animParam] === true){ return this.capture(new YAHOO.ext.Actor.AsyncAction(this, method, args, onParam)); }else{ return this.capture(new YAHOO.ext.Actor.Action(this, method, args)); } }; } YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideBasic = function(method){ return function(){ if(!this.capturing){ return method.apply(this, arguments); } var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); return this.capture(new YAHOO.ext.Actor.Action(this, method, args)); }; } YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.setVisibilityMode = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideBasic(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.setVisibilityMode); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.enableDisplayMode = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideBasic(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.enableDisplayMode); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.focus = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideBasic(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.focus); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.addClass = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideBasic(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.addClass); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.removeClass = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideBasic(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.removeClass); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.replaceClass = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideBasic(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.replaceClass); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.setStyle = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideBasic(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.setStyle); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.setLeft = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideBasic(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.setLeft); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.setTop = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideBasic(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.setTop); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.setAbsolutePositioned = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideBasic(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.setAbsolutePositioned); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.setRelativePositioned = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideBasic(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.setRelativePositioned); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.clearPositioning = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideBasic(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.clearPositioning); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.setPositioning = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideBasic(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.setPositioning); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.clip = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideBasic(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.clip); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.unclip = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideBasic(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.unclip); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.clearOpacity = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideBasic(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.clearOpacity); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.update = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideBasic(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.update); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.remove = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideBasic(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.remove); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.fitToParent = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideBasic(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.fitToParent); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.appendChild = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideBasic(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.appendChild); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.createChild = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideBasic(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.createChild); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.appendTo = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideBasic(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.appendTo); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.insertBefore = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideBasic(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.insertBefore); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.insertAfter = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideBasic(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.insertAfter); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.wrap = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideBasic(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.wrap); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.replace = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideBasic(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.replace); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.insertHtml = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideBasic(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.insertHtml); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.set = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideBasic(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.set); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.load = function(){ if(!this.capturing){ return YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.load.apply(this, arguments); } var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); return this.capture(new YAHOO.ext.Actor.AsyncAction(this, YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.load, args, 2)); }; YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.animate = function(args, duration, onComplete, easing, animType){ if(!this.capturing){ return YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.animate.apply(this, arguments); } return this.capture(new YAHOO.ext.Actor.AsyncAction(this, YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.animate, [args, duration, onComplete, easing, animType], 2)); }; YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.setVisible = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideAnimation(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.setVisible, 1, 3); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.toggle = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideAnimation(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.toggle, 0, 2); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.setXY = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideAnimation(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.setXY, 1, 3); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.setLocation = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideAnimation(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.setLocation, 2, 4); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.setWidth = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideAnimation(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.setWidth, 1, 3); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.setHeight = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideAnimation(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.setHeight, 1, 3); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.setSize = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideAnimation(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.setSize, 2, 4); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.setBounds = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideAnimation(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.setBounds, 4, 6); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.setOpacity = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideAnimation(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.setOpacity, 1, 3); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.moveTo = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideAnimation(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.moveTo, 2, 4); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.move = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideAnimation(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.move, 2, 4); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.alignTo = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideAnimation(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.alignTo, 3, 5); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.hide = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideAnimation(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.hide, 0, 2); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.show = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideAnimation(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.show, 0, 2); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.setBox = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideAnimation(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.setBox, 2, 4); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.autoHeight = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideAnimation(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.autoHeight, 0, 2); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.setX = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideAnimation(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.setX, 1, 3); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.setY = YAHOO.ext.Actor.overrideAnimation(YAHOO.ext.Actor.superclass.setY, 1, 3); YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.startCapture = function(){ this.capturing = true; this.playlist = new YAHOO.ext.Animator.AnimSequence(); }; YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.stopCapture = function(){ this.capturing = false; }; YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.clear = function(){ this.playlist = new YAHOO.ext.Animator.AnimSequence(); }; YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.play = function(oncomplete){ this.capturing = false; if(this.playlist){ this.playlist.play(oncomplete); } }; YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.addCall = function(fcn, args, scope){ if(!this.capturing){ fcn.apply(scope || this, args || []); }else{ this.capture(new YAHOO.ext.Actor.Action(scope, fcn, args || [])); } }; YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.addAsyncCall = function(fcn, callbackIndex, args, scope){ if(!this.capturing){ fcn.apply(scope || this, args || []); }else{ this.capture(new YAHOO.ext.Actor.AsyncAction(scope, fcn, args || [], callbackIndex)); } }, YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.pause = function(seconds){ this.capture(new YAHOO.ext.Actor.PauseAction(seconds)); }; YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.shake = function(){ this.move('left', 20, true, .05); this.move('right', 40, true, .05); this.move('left', 40, true, .05); this.move('right', 20, true, .05); }; YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.bounce = function(){ this.move('up', 20, true, .05); this.move('down', 40, true, .05); this.move('up', 40, true, .05); this.move('down', 20, true, .05); }; YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.blindShow = function(anchor, newSize, duration, easing){ var size = newSize || this.getSize(); this.clip(); this.setVisible(true); anchor = anchor.toLowerCase(); switch(anchor){ case 't': case 'top': this.setHeight(1); this.setHeight(newSize, true, duration || .5, null, easing || YAHOO.util.Easing.easeOut); break; case 'l': case 'left': this.setWidth(1); this.setWidth(newSize, true, duration || .5, null, easing || YAHOO.util.Easing.easeOut); break; } this.unclip(); return size; }; YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.blindHide = function(anchor, duration, easing){ var size = this.getSize(); this.clip(); anchor = anchor.toLowerCase(); switch(anchor){ case 't': case 'top': this.setSize(size.width, 1, true, duration || .5, null, easing || YAHOO.util.Easing.easeIn); this.setVisible(false); break; case 'l': case 'left': this.setSize(1, size.height, true, duration || .5, null, easing || YAHOO.util.Easing.easeIn); this.setVisible(false); break; case 'r': case 'right': this.animate({width: {to: 1}, points: {by: [this.getWidth(), 0]}}, duration || .5, null, YAHOO.util.Easing.easeIn, YAHOO.util.Motion); this.setVisible(false); break; case 'b': case 'bottom': this.animate({height: {to: 1}, points: {by: [0, this.getHeight()]}}, duration || .5, null, YAHOO.util.Easing.easeIn, YAHOO.util.Motion); this.setVisible(false); break; } return size; }; YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.slideShow = function(anchor, newSize, duration, easing, clearPositioning){ var size = newSize || this.getSize(); this.clip(); var firstChild = this.dom.firstChild; if(!firstChild || (firstChild.nodeName && "#TEXT" == firstChild.nodeName.toUpperCase())) { this.blindShow(anchor, newSize, duration, easing); return; } var child = YAHOO.ext.Element.get(firstChild, true); var pos = child.getPositioning(); this.addCall(child.setAbsolutePositioned, null, child); this.setVisible(true); anchor = anchor.toLowerCase(); switch(anchor){ case 't': case 'top': this.addCall(child.setStyle, ['right', ''], child); this.addCall(child.setStyle, ['top', ''], child); this.addCall(child.setStyle, ['left', '0px'], child); this.addCall(child.setStyle, ['bottom', '0px'], child); this.setHeight(1); this.setHeight(newSize, true, duration || .5, null, easing || YAHOO.util.Easing.easeOut); break; case 'l': case 'left': this.addCall(child.setStyle, ['left', ''], child); this.addCall(child.setStyle, ['bottom', ''], child); this.addCall(child.setStyle, ['right', '0px'], child); this.addCall(child.setStyle, ['top', '0px'], child); this.setWidth(1); this.setWidth(newSize, true, duration || .5, null, easing || YAHOO.util.Easing.easeOut); break; case 'r': case 'right': this.addCall(child.setStyle, ['left', '0px'], child); this.addCall(child.setStyle, ['top', '0px'], child); this.addCall(child.setStyle, ['right', ''], child); this.addCall(child.setStyle, ['bottom', ''], child); this.setWidth(1); this.setWidth(newSize, true, duration || .5, null, easing || YAHOO.util.Easing.easeOut); break; case 'b': case 'bottom': this.addCall(child.setStyle, ['right', ''], child); this.addCall(child.setStyle, ['top', '0px'], child); this.addCall(child.setStyle, ['left', '0px'], child); this.addCall(child.setStyle, ['bottom', ''], child); this.setHeight(1); this.setHeight(newSize, true, duration || .5, null, easing || YAHOO.util.Easing.easeOut); break; } if(clearPositioning !== false){ this.addCall(child.setPositioning, [pos], child); } this.unclip(); return size; }; YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.slideHide = function(anchor, duration, easing){ var size = this.getSize(); this.clip(); var firstChild = this.dom.firstChild; if(!firstChild || (firstChild.nodeName && "#TEXT" == firstChild.nodeName.toUpperCase())) { this.blindHide(anchor, duration, easing); return; } var child = YAHOO.ext.Element.get(firstChild, true); var pos = child.getPositioning(); this.addCall(child.setAbsolutePositioned, null, child); anchor = anchor.toLowerCase(); switch(anchor){ case 't': case 'top': this.addCall(child.setStyle, ['right', ''], child); this.addCall(child.setStyle, ['top', ''], child); this.addCall(child.setStyle, ['left', '0px'], child); this.addCall(child.setStyle, ['bottom', '0px'], child); this.setSize(size.width, 1, true, duration || .5, null, easing || YAHOO.util.Easing.easeIn); this.setVisible(false); break; case 'l': case 'left': this.addCall(child.setStyle, ['left', ''], child); this.addCall(child.setStyle, ['bottom', ''], child); this.addCall(child.setStyle, ['right', '0px'], child); this.addCall(child.setStyle, ['top', '0px'], child); this.setSize(1, size.height, true, duration || .5, null, easing || YAHOO.util.Easing.easeIn); this.setVisible(false); break; case 'r': case 'right': this.addCall(child.setStyle, ['right', ''], child); this.addCall(child.setStyle, ['bottom', ''], child); this.addCall(child.setStyle, ['left', '0px'], child); this.addCall(child.setStyle, ['top', '0px'], child); this.setSize(1, size.height, true, duration || .5, null, easing || YAHOO.util.Easing.easeIn); this.setVisible(false); break; case 'b': case 'bottom': this.addCall(child.setStyle, ['right', ''], child); this.addCall(child.setStyle, ['top', '0px'], child); this.addCall(child.setStyle, ['left', '0px'], child); this.addCall(child.setStyle, ['bottom', ''], child); this.setSize(size.width, 1, true, duration || .5, null, easing || YAHOO.util.Easing.easeIn); this.setVisible(false); break; } this.addCall(child.setPositioning, [pos], child); return size; }; YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.squish = function(duration){ var size = this.getSize(); this.clip(); this.setSize(1, 1, true, duration || .5); this.setVisible(false); return size; }; YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.appear = function(duration){ this.setVisible(true, true, duration); }; YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.fade = function(duration){ this.setVisible(false, true, duration); }; YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.switchOff = function(duration){ this.clip(); this.setVisible(false, true, .1); this.clearOpacity(); this.setVisible(true); this.animate({height: {to: 1}, points: {by: [0, this.getHeight()/2]}}, duration || .5, null, YAHOO.util.Easing.easeOut, YAHOO.util.Motion); this.setVisible(false); }; YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.highlight = function(color, fromColor, duration, attribute){ attribute = attribute || 'background-color'; var original = this.getStyle(attribute); fromColor = fromColor || ((original && original != '' && original != 'transparent') ? original : '#FFFFFF'); var cfg = {}; cfg[attribute] = {to: color, from: fromColor}; this.setVisible(true); this.animate(cfg, duration || .5, null, YAHOO.util.Easing.bounceOut, YAHOO.util.ColorAnim); this.setStyle(attribute, original); }; YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.pulsate = function(count, duration){ count = count || 3; for(var i = 0; i < count; i++){ this.toggle(true, duration || .25); this.toggle(true, duration || .25); } }; YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.dropOut = function(duration){ this.animate({opacity: {to: 0}, points: {by: [0, this.getHeight()]}}, duration || .5, null, YAHOO.util.Easing.easeIn, YAHOO.util.Motion); this.setVisible(false); }; YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.moveOut = function(anchor, duration, easing){ var Y = YAHOO.util; var vw = Y.Dom.getViewportWidth(); var vh = Y.Dom.getViewportHeight(); var cpoints = this.getCenterXY() var centerX = cpoints[0]; var centerY = cpoints[1]; var anchor = anchor.toLowerCase(); var p; switch(anchor){ case 't': case 'top': p = [centerX, -this.getHeight()]; break; case 'l': case 'left': p = [-this.getWidth(), centerY]; break; case 'r': case 'right': p = [vw+this.getWidth(), centerY]; break; case 'b': case 'bottom': p = [centerX, vh+this.getHeight()]; break; case 'tl': case 'top-left': p = [-this.getWidth(), -this.getHeight()]; break; case 'bl': case 'bottom': p = [-this.getWidth(), vh+this.getHeight()]; break; case 'br': case 'bottom-right': p = [vw+this.getWidth(), vh+this.getHeight()]; break; case 'tr': case 'top-right': p = [vw+this.getWidth(), -this.getHeight()]; break; } this.moveTo(p[0], p[1], true, duration || .35, null, easing || Y.Easing.easeIn); this.setVisible(false); }; YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.moveIn = function(anchor, to, duration, easing){ to = to || this.getCenterXY(); this.moveOut(anchor, .01); this.setVisible(true); this.setXY(to, true, duration || .35, null, easing || YAHOO.util.Easing.easeOut); }; YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype.frame = function(color, count, duration){ color = color || "red"; count = count || 3; duration = duration || .5; var frameFn = function(callback){ var box = this.getBox(); var animFn = function(){ var proxy = this.createProxy({ tag:"div", style:{ visbility:"hidden", position:"absolute", zIndex:this.getStyle("zIndex"), border:"0px solid " + color } }); var scale = proxy.isBorderBox() ? 2 : 1; proxy.animate({ top:{from:box.y, to:box.y - 20}, left:{from:box.x, to:box.x - 20}, borderWidth:{from:0, to:10}, opacity:{from:1, to:0}, height:{from:box.height, to:(box.height + (20*scale))}, width:{from:box.width, to:(box.width + (20*scale))} }, duration, function(){ proxy.remove(); }); if(--count > 0){ animFn.defer((duration/2)*1000, this); }else{ if(typeof callback == 'function'){ callback(); } } } animFn.call(this); } this.addAsyncCall(frameFn, 0, null, this); }; YAHOO.ext.Actor.Action = function(actor, method, args){ this.actor = actor; this.method = method; this.args = args; } YAHOO.ext.Actor.Action.prototype = { play : function(onComplete){ this.method.apply(this.actor || window, this.args); onComplete(); } }; YAHOO.ext.Actor.AsyncAction = function(actor, method, args, onIndex){ YAHOO.ext.Actor.AsyncAction.superclass.constructor.call(this, actor, method, args); this.onIndex = onIndex; this.originalCallback = this.args[onIndex]; } YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.Actor.AsyncAction, YAHOO.ext.Actor.Action); YAHOO.ext.Actor.AsyncAction.prototype.play = function(onComplete){ var callbackArg = this.originalCallback ? this.originalCallback.createSequence(onComplete) : onComplete; this.args[this.onIndex] = callbackArg; this.method.apply(this.actor, this.args); }; YAHOO.ext.Actor.PauseAction = function(seconds){ this.seconds = seconds; }; YAHOO.ext.Actor.PauseAction.prototype = { play : function(onComplete){ setTimeout(onComplete, this.seconds * 1000); } }; YAHOO.ext.Animator = function(){ this.actors = []; this.playlist = new YAHOO.ext.Animator.AnimSequence(); this.captureDelegate = this.capture.createDelegate(this); this.playDelegate = this.play.createDelegate(this); this.syncing = false; this.stopping = false; this.playing = false; for(var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++){ this.addActor(arguments[i]); } }; YAHOO.ext.Animator.prototype = { capture : function(actor, action){ if(this.syncing){ if(!this.syncMap[actor.id]){ this.syncMap[actor.id] = new YAHOO.ext.Animator.AnimSequence(); } this.syncMap[actor.id].add(action); }else{ this.playlist.add(action); } }, addActor : function(actor){ actor.onCapture.subscribe(this.captureDelegate); this.actors.push(actor); }, startCapture : function(clearPlaylist){ for(var i = 0; i < this.actors.length; i++){ var a = this.actors[i]; if(!this.isCapturing(a)){ a.onCapture.subscribe(this.captureDelegate); } a.capturing = true; } if(clearPlaylist){ this.playlist = new YAHOO.ext.Animator.AnimSequence(); } }, isCapturing : function(actor){ var subscribers = actor.onCapture.subscribers; if(subscribers){ for(var i = 0; i < subscribers.length; i++){ if(subscribers[i] && subscribers[i].contains(this.captureDelegate)){ return true; } } } return false; }, stopCapture : function(){ for(var i = 0; i < this.actors.length; i++){ var a = this.actors[i]; a.onCapture.unsubscribe(this.captureDelegate); a.capturing = false; } }, beginSync : function(){ this.syncing = true; this.syncMap = {}; }, endSync : function(){ this.syncing = false; var composite = new YAHOO.ext.Animator.CompositeSequence(); for(key in this.syncMap){ if(typeof this.syncMap[key] != 'function'){ composite.add(this.syncMap[key]); } } this.playlist.add(composite); this.syncMap = null; }, play : function(oncomplete){ if(this.playing) return; this.stopCapture(); this.playlist.play(oncomplete); }, stop : function(){ this.playlist.stop(); }, isPlaying : function(){ return this.playlist.isPlaying(); }, clear : function(){ this.playlist = new YAHOO.ext.Animator.AnimSequence(); }, addCall : function(fcn, args, scope){ this.playlist.add(new YAHOO.ext.Actor.Action(scope, fcn, args || [])); }, addAsyncCall : function(fcn, callbackIndex, args, scope){ this.playlist.add(new YAHOO.ext.Actor.AsyncAction(scope, fcn, args || [], callbackIndex)); }, pause : function(seconds){ this.playlist.add(new YAHOO.ext.Actor.PauseAction(seconds)); } }; YAHOO.ext.Animator.select = function(selector){ var els; if(typeof selector == 'string'){ els = YAHOO.ext.Element.selectorFunction(selector); }else if(selector instanceof Array){ els = selector; }else{ throw 'Invalid selector'; } return new YAHOO.ext.AnimatorComposite(els); }; var getActors = YAHOO.ext.Animator.select; YAHOO.ext.AnimatorComposite = function(els){ this.animator = new YAHOO.ext.Animator(); this.addElements(els); this.syncAnims = true; }; YAHOO.ext.AnimatorComposite.prototype = { isComposite: true, addElements : function(els){ if(!els) return this; var anim = this.animator; for(var i = 0, len = els.length; i < len; i++) { anim.addActor(new YAHOO.ext.Actor(els[i])); } anim.startCapture(); return this; }, sequence : function(){ this.syncAnims = false; return this; }, sync : function(){ this.syncAnims = true; return this; }, invoke : function(fn, args){ var els = this.animator.actors; if(this.syncAnims) this.animator.beginSync(); for(var i = 0, len = els.length; i < len; i++) { YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype[fn].apply(els[i], args); } if(this.syncAnims) this.animator.endSync(); return this; }, play : function(callback){ this.animator.play(callback); return this; }, reset : function(callback){ this.animator.startCapture(true); return this; }, pause : function(seconds){ this.animator.pause(seconds); return this; }, getAnimator : function(){ return this.animator; }, each : function(fn, scope){ var els = this.animator.actors; if(this.syncAnims) this.animator.beginSync(); for(var i = 0, len = els.length; i < len; i++){ fn.call(scope || els[i], els[i], this, i); } if(this.syncAnims) this.animator.endSync(); return this; }, addCall : function(fcn, args, scope){ this.animator.addCall(fcn, args, scope); return this; }, addAsyncCall : function(fcn, callbackIndex, args, scope){ this.animator.addAsyncCall(fcn, callbackIndex, args, scope); return this; } }; for(var fnName in YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype){ if(typeof YAHOO.ext.Actor.prototype[fnName] == 'function'){ YAHOO.ext.CompositeElement.createCall(YAHOO.ext.AnimatorComposite.prototype, fnName); } } YAHOO.ext.Animator.AnimSequence = function(){ this.actions = []; this.nextDelegate = this.next.createDelegate(this); this.playDelegate = this.play.createDelegate(this); this.oncomplete = null; this.playing = false; this.stopping = false; this.actionIndex = -1; }; YAHOO.ext.Animator.AnimSequence.prototype = { add : function(action){ this.actions.push(action); }, next : function(){ if(this.stopping){ this.playing = false; if(this.oncomplete){ this.oncomplete(this, false); } return; } var nextAction = this.actions[++this.actionIndex]; if(nextAction){ nextAction.play(this.nextDelegate); }else{ this.playing = false; if(this.oncomplete){ this.oncomplete(this, true); } } }, play : function(oncomplete){ if(this.playing) return; this.oncomplete = oncomplete; this.stopping = false; this.playing = true; this.actionIndex = -1; this.next(); }, stop : function(){ this.stopping = true; }, isPlaying : function(){ return this.playing; }, clear : function(){ this.actions = []; }, addCall : function(fcn, args, scope){ this.actions.push(new YAHOO.ext.Actor.Action(scope, fcn, args || [])); }, addAsyncCall : function(fcn, callbackIndex, args, scope){ this.actions.push(new YAHOO.ext.Actor.AsyncAction(scope, fcn, args || [], callbackIndex)); }, pause : function(seconds){ this.actions.push(new YAHOO.ext.Actor.PauseAction(seconds)); } }; YAHOO.ext.Animator.CompositeSequence = function(){ this.sequences = []; this.completed = 0; this.trackDelegate = this.trackCompletion.createDelegate(this); } YAHOO.ext.Animator.CompositeSequence.prototype = { add : function(sequence){ this.sequences.push(sequence); }, play : function(onComplete){ this.completed = 0; if(this.sequences.length < 1){ if(onComplete)onComplete(); return; } this.onComplete = onComplete; for(var i = 0; i < this.sequences.length; i++){ this.sequences[i].play(this.trackDelegate); } }, trackCompletion : function(){ ++this.completed; if(this.completed >= this.sequences.length && this.onComplete){ this.onComplete(); } }, stop : function(){ for(var i = 0; i < this.sequences.length; i++){ this.sequences[i].stop(); } }, isPlaying : function(){ for(var i = 0; i < this.sequences.length; i++){ if(this.sequences[i].isPlaying()){ return true; } } return false; } }; YAHOO.ext.Toolbar = function(container, buttons){ this.el = getEl(container, true); var div = document.createElement('div'); div.className = 'ytoolbar'; var tb = document.createElement('table'); tb.border = 0; tb.cellPadding = 0; tb.cellSpacing = 0; div.appendChild(tb); var tbody = document.createElement('tbody'); tb.appendChild(tbody); var tr = document.createElement('tr'); tbody.appendChild(tr); this.el.dom.appendChild(div); this.tr = tr; if(buttons){ this.add.apply(this, buttons); } }; YAHOO.ext.Toolbar.prototype = { add : function(){ for(var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++){ var el = arguments[i]; var td = document.createElement('td'); this.tr.appendChild(td); if(el instanceof YAHOO.ext.ToolbarButton){ el.init(td); }else if(el instanceof Array){ this.addButton(el); }else if(typeof el == 'string'){ var span = document.createElement('span'); if(el == 'separator'){ span.className = 'ytb-sep'; }else{ span.innerHTML = el; span.className = 'ytb-text'; } td.appendChild(span); }else if(typeof el == 'object' && el.nodeType){ td.appendChild(el); }else if(typeof el == 'object'){ this.addButton(el); } } }, getEl : function(){ return this.el; }, addSeparator : function(){ var td = document.createElement('td'); this.tr.appendChild(td); var span = document.createElement('span'); span.className = 'ytb-sep'; td.appendChild(span); }, addButton : function(config){ if(config instanceof Array){ var buttons = []; for(var i = 0, len = config.length; i < len; i++) { buttons.push(this.addButton(config[i])); } return buttons; } var b = config; if(!(config instanceof YAHOO.ext.ToolbarButton)){ b = new YAHOO.ext.ToolbarButton(config); } this.add(b); return b; }, addText : function(text){ var td = document.createElement('td'); this.tr.appendChild(td); var span = document.createElement('span'); span.className = 'ytb-text'; span.innerHTML = text; td.appendChild(span); return span; }, insertButton : function(index, config){ if(config instanceof Array){ var buttons = []; for(var i = 0, len = config.length; i < len; i++) { buttons.push(this.insertButton(index + i, config[i])); } return buttons; } var b = new YAHOO.ext.ToolbarButton(config); var td = document.createElement('td'); var nextSibling = this.tr.childNodes[index]; if (nextSibling) this.tr.insertBefore(td, nextSibling); else this.tr.appendChild(td); b.init(td); return b; } }; YAHOO.ext.ToolbarButton = function(config){ YAHOO.ext.util.Config.apply(this, config); }; YAHOO.ext.ToolbarButton.prototype = { init : function(appendTo){ var element = document.createElement('span'); element.className = 'ytb-button'; if(this.id){ element.id = this.id; } this.setDisabled(this.disabled === true); var inner = document.createElement('span'); inner.className = 'ytb-button-inner ' + this.className; inner.unselectable = 'on'; if(this.tooltip){ element.setAttribute('title', this.tooltip); } if(this.style){ YAHOO.ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(inner, this.style); } element.appendChild(inner); appendTo.appendChild(element); this.el = getEl(element, true); this.el.unselectable(); inner.innerHTML = (this.text ? this.text : ' '); this.inner = inner; this.el.mon('click', this.onClick, this, true); this.el.mon('mouseover', this.onMouseOver, this, true); this.el.mon('mouseout', this.onMouseOut, this, true); }, setHandler : function(click, scope){ this.click = click; this.scope = scope; }, setText : function(text){ this.inner.innerHTML = text; }, setTooltip : function(text){ this.el.dom.title = text; }, show: function(){ this.el.dom.parentNode.style.display = ''; }, hide: function(){ this.el.dom.parentNode.style.display = 'none'; }, disable : function(){ this.disabled = true; if(this.el){ this.el.addClass('ytb-button-disabled'); } }, enable : function(){ this.disabled = false; if(this.el){ this.el.removeClass('ytb-button-disabled'); } }, isDisabled : function(){ return this.disabled === true; }, setDisabled : function(disabled){ if(disabled){ this.disable(); }else{ this.enable(); } }, onClick : function(){ if(!this.disabled && this.click){ this.click.call(this.scope || window, this); } }, onMouseOver : function(){ if(!this.disabled){ this.el.addClass('ytb-button-over'); if(this.mouseover){ this.mouseover.call(this.scope || window, this); } } }, onMouseOut : function(){ this.el.removeClass('ytb-button-over'); if(!this.disabled){ if(this.mouseout){ this.mouseout.call(this.scope || window, this); } } } }; YAHOO.ext.Resizable = function(el, config){ this.el = getEl(el); if(config && config.wrap){ config.resizeChild = this.el; this.el = this.el.wrap(typeof config.wrap == 'object' ? config.wrap : null); this.el.id = this.el.dom.id = config.resizeChild.id + '-rzwrap'; this.el.setStyle('overflow', 'hidden'); this.el.setPositioning(config.resizeChild.getPositioning()); config.resizeChild.clearPositioning(); if(!config.width || !config.height){ var csize = config.resizeChild.getSize(); this.el.setSize(csize.width, csize.height); } if(config.pinned && !config.adjustments){ config.adjustments = 'auto'; } } this.proxy = this.el.createProxy({tag: 'div', cls: 'yresizable-proxy', id: this.el.id + '-rzproxy'}) this.proxy.unselectable(); this.overlay = this.el.createProxy({tag: 'div', cls: 'yresizable-overlay', html: ' '}); this.overlay.unselectable(); this.overlay.enableDisplayMode('block'); this.overlay.mon('mousemove', this.onMouseMove, this, true); this.overlay.mon('mouseup', this.onMouseUp, this, true); YAHOO.ext.util.Config.apply(this, config, { resizeChild : false, adjustments : [0, 0], minWidth : 5, minHeight : 5, maxWidth : 10000, maxHeight : 10000, enabled : true, animate : false, duration : .35, dynamic : false, handles : false, multiDirectional : false, disableTrackOver : false, easing : YAHOO.util.Easing ? YAHOO.util.Easing.easeOutStrong : null, widthIncrement : 0, heightIncrement : 0, pinned : false, width : null, height : null, preserveRatio : false, transparent: false, minX: 0, minY: 0, draggable: false }); if(this.pinned){ this.disableTrackOver = true; this.el.addClass('yresizable-pinned'); } var position = this.el.getStyle('position'); if(position != 'absolute' && position != 'fixed'){ this.el.setStyle('position', 'relative'); } if(!this.handles){ this.handles = 's,e,se'; if(this.multiDirectional){ this.handles += ',n,w'; } } if(this.handles == 'all'){ this.handles = 'n s e w ne nw se sw'; } var hs = this.handles.split(/\s*?[,;]\s*?| /); var ps = YAHOO.ext.Resizable.positions; for(var i = 0, len = hs.length; i < len; i++){ if(hs[i] && ps[hs[i]]){ var pos = ps[hs[i]]; this[pos] = new YAHOO.ext.Resizable.Handle(this, pos, this.disableTrackOver, this.transparent); } } this.corner = this.southeast; this.activeHandle = null; if(this.resizeChild){ if(typeof this.resizeChild == 'boolean'){ this.resizeChild = YAHOO.ext.Element.get(this.el.dom.firstChild, true); }else{ this.resizeChild = YAHOO.ext.Element.get(this.resizeChild, true); } } if(this.adjustments == 'auto'){ var rc = this.resizeChild; var hw = this.west, he = this.east, hn = this.north, hs = this.south; if(rc && (hw || hn)){ rc.setRelativePositioned(); rc.setLeft(hw ? hw.el.getWidth() : 0); rc.setTop(hn ? hn.el.getHeight() : 0); } this.adjustments = [ (he ? -he.el.getWidth() : 0) + (hw ? -hw.el.getWidth() : 0), (hn ? -hn.el.getHeight() : 0) + (hs ? -hs.el.getHeight() : 0) -1 ]; } if(this.draggable){ this.dd = this.dynamic ? this.el.initDD(null) : this.el.initDDProxy(null, {dragElId: this.proxy.id}); this.dd.setHandleElId(this.resizeChild ? this.resizeChild.id : this.el.id); } this.events = { 'beforeresize' : new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent(), 'resize' : new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent() }; if(this.width !== null && this.height !== null){ this.resizeTo(this.width, this.height); }else{ this.updateChildSize(); } }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.Resizable, YAHOO.ext.util.Observable, { resizeTo : function(width, height){ this.el.setSize(width, height); this.updateChildSize(); this.fireEvent('resize', this, width, height, null); }, startSizing : function(e){ this.fireEvent('beforeresize', this, e); if(this.enabled){ this.resizing = true; this.startBox = this.el.getBox(); this.startPoint = e.getXY(); this.offsets = [(this.startBox.x + this.startBox.width) - this.startPoint[0], (this.startBox.y + this.startBox.height) - this.startPoint[1]]; this.proxy.setBox(this.startBox); this.overlay.setSize(YAHOO.util.Dom.getDocumentWidth(), YAHOO.util.Dom.getDocumentHeight()); this.overlay.show(); if(!this.dynamic){ this.proxy.show(); } } }, onMouseDown : function(handle, e){ if(this.enabled){ e.stopEvent(); this.activeHandle = handle; this.overlay.setStyle('cursor', handle.el.getStyle('cursor')); this.startSizing(e); } }, onMouseUp : function(e){ var size = this.resizeElement(); this.resizing = false; this.handleOut(); this.overlay.hide(); this.fireEvent('resize', this, size.width, size.height, e); }, updateChildSize : function(){ if(this.resizeChild){ var el = this.el; var child = this.resizeChild; var adj = this.adjustments; if(el.dom.offsetWidth){ var b = el.getSize(true); child.setSize(b.width+adj[0], b.height+adj[1]); } if(YAHOO.ext.util.Browser.isIE){ setTimeout(function(){ if(el.dom.offsetWidth){ var b = el.getSize(true); child.setSize(b.width+adj[0], b.height+adj[1]); } }, 10); } } }, snap : function(value, inc, min){ if(!inc || !value) return value; var newValue = value; var m = value % inc; if(m > 0){ if(m > (inc/2)){ newValue = value + (inc-m); }else{ newValue = value - m; } } return Math.max(min, newValue); }, resizeElement : function(){ var box = this.proxy.getBox(); this.el.setBox(box, false, this.animate, this.duration, null, this.easing); this.updateChildSize(); this.proxy.hide(); return box; }, constrain : function(v, diff, m, mx){ if(v - diff < m){ diff = v - m; }else if(v - diff > mx){ diff = mx - v; } return diff; }, onMouseMove : function(e){ if(this.enabled){ try{ var curSize = this.curSize || this.startBox; var x = this.startBox.x, y = this.startBox.y; var ox = x, oy = y; var w = curSize.width, h = curSize.height; var ow = w, oh = h; var mw = this.minWidth, mh = this.minHeight; var mxw = this.maxWidth, mxh = this.maxHeight; var wi = this.widthIncrement; var hi = this.heightIncrement; var eventXY = e.getXY(); var diffX = -(this.startPoint[0] - Math.max(this.minX, eventXY[0])); var diffY = -(this.startPoint[1] - Math.max(this.minY, eventXY[1])); var pos = this.activeHandle.position; switch(pos){ case 'east': w += diffX; w = Math.min(Math.max(mw, w), mxw); break; case 'south': h += diffY; h = Math.min(Math.max(mh, h), mxh); break; case 'southeast': w += diffX; h += diffY; w = Math.min(Math.max(mw, w), mxw); h = Math.min(Math.max(mh, h), mxh); break; case 'north': diffY = this.constrain(h, diffY, mh, mxh); y += diffY; h -= diffY; break; case 'west': diffX = this.constrain(w, diffX, mw, mxw); x += diffX; w -= diffX; break; case 'northeast': w += diffX; w = Math.min(Math.max(mw, w), mxw); diffY = this.constrain(h, diffY, mh, mxh); y += diffY; h -= diffY; break; case 'northwest': diffX = this.constrain(w, diffX, mw, mxw); diffY = this.constrain(h, diffY, mh, mxh); y += diffY; h -= diffY; x += diffX; w -= diffX; break; case 'southwest': diffX = this.constrain(w, diffX, mw, mxw); h += diffY; h = Math.min(Math.max(mh, h), mxh); x += diffX; w -= diffX; break; } var sw = this.snap(w, wi, mw); var sh = this.snap(h, hi, mh); if(sw != w || sh != h){ switch(pos){ case 'northeast': y -= sh - h; break; case 'north': y -= sh - h; break; case 'southwest': x -= sw - w; break; case 'west': x -= sw - w; break; case 'northwest': x -= sw - w; y -= sh - h; break; } w = sw; h = sh; } if(this.preserveRatio){ switch(pos){ case 'southeast': case 'east': h = oh * (w/ow); h = Math.min(Math.max(mh, h), mxh); w = ow * (h/oh); break; case 'south': w = ow * (h/oh); w = Math.min(Math.max(mw, w), mxw); h = oh * (w/ow); break; case 'northeast': w = ow * (h/oh); w = Math.min(Math.max(mw, w), mxw); h = oh * (w/ow); break; case 'north': var tw = w; w = ow * (h/oh); w = Math.min(Math.max(mw, w), mxw); h = oh * (w/ow); x += (tw - w) / 2; break; case 'southwest': h = oh * (w/ow); h = Math.min(Math.max(mh, h), mxh); var tw = w; w = ow * (h/oh); x += tw - w; break; case 'west': var th = h; h = oh * (w/ow); h = Math.min(Math.max(mh, h), mxh); y += (th - h) / 2; var tw = w; w = ow * (h/oh); x += tw - w; break; case 'northwest': var tw = w; var th = h; h = oh * (w/ow); h = Math.min(Math.max(mh, h), mxh); w = ow * (h/oh); y += th - h; x += tw - w; break; } } this.proxy.setBounds(x, y, w, h); if(this.dynamic){ this.resizeElement(); } }catch(e){} } }, handleOver : function(){ if(this.enabled){ this.el.addClass('yresizable-over'); } }, handleOut : function(){ if(!this.resizing){ this.el.removeClass('yresizable-over'); } }, getEl : function(){ return this.el; }, getResizeChild : function(){ return this.resizeChild; } }); YAHOO.ext.Resizable.positions = { n: 'north', s: 'south', e: 'east', w: 'west', se: 'southeast', sw: 'southwest', nw: 'northwest', ne: 'northeast' }; YAHOO.ext.Resizable.Handle = function(rz, pos, disableTrackOver, transparent){ if(!this.tpl){ var tpl = YAHOO.ext.DomHelper.createTemplate( {tag: 'div', cls: 'yresizable-handle yresizable-handle-{0}', html: ' '} ); tpl.compile(); YAHOO.ext.Resizable.Handle.prototype.tpl = tpl; } this.position = pos; this.rz = rz; this.el = this.tpl.append(rz.el.dom, [this.position], true); this.el.unselectable(); if(transparent){ this.el.setOpacity(0); } this.el.mon('mousedown', this.onMouseDown, this, true); if(!disableTrackOver){ this.el.mon('mouseover', this.onMouseOver, this, true); this.el.mon('mouseout', this.onMouseOut, this, true); } }; YAHOO.ext.Resizable.Handle.prototype = { afterResize : function(rz){ }, onMouseDown : function(e){ this.rz.onMouseDown(this, e); }, onMouseOver : function(e){ this.rz.handleOver(this, e); }, onMouseOut : function(e){ this.rz.handleOut(this, e); } }; if(YAHOO.util.DragDropMgr){ YAHOO.util.DragDropMgr.clickTimeThresh = 350; } YAHOO.ext.SplitBar = function(dragElement, resizingElement, orientation, placement){ this.el = YAHOO.ext.Element.get(dragElement, true); this.el.dom.unselectable = 'on'; this.resizingEl = YAHOO.ext.Element.get(resizingElement, true); this.orientation = orientation || YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL; this.minSize = 0; this.maxSize = 2000; this.onMoved = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("SplitBarMoved", this); this.animate = false; this.useShim = false; this.shim = null; this.proxy = YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.createProxy(this.orientation); this.dd = new YAHOO.util.DDProxy(this.el.dom.id, "SplitBars", {dragElId : this.proxy.id}); this.dd.b4StartDrag = this.onStartProxyDrag.createDelegate(this); this.dd.endDrag = this.onEndProxyDrag.createDelegate(this); this.dragSpecs = {}; this.adapter = new YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter(); this.adapter.init(this); if(this.orientation == YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL){ this.placement = placement || (this.el.getX() > this.resizingEl.getX() ? YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.LEFT : YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.RIGHT); this.el.setStyle('cursor', 'e-resize'); }else{ this.placement = placement || (this.el.getY() > this.resizingEl.getY() ? YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.TOP : YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.BOTTOM); this.el.setStyle('cursor', 'n-resize'); } this.events = { 'resize' : this.onMoved, 'moved' : this.onMoved, 'beforeresize' : new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('beforeresize') } } YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.SplitBar, YAHOO.ext.util.Observable, { onStartProxyDrag : function(x, y){ this.fireEvent('beforeresize', this); if(this.useShim){ if(!this.shim){ this.shim = YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.createShim(); } this.shim.setVisible(true); } YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(this.proxy, 'display', 'block'); var size = this.adapter.getElementSize(this); this.activeMinSize = this.getMinimumSize();; this.activeMaxSize = this.getMaximumSize();; var c1 = size - this.activeMinSize; var c2 = Math.max(this.activeMaxSize - size, 0); if(this.orientation == YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL){ this.dd.resetConstraints(); this.dd.setXConstraint( this.placement == YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.LEFT ? c1 : c2, this.placement == YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.LEFT ? c2 : c1 ); this.dd.setYConstraint(0, 0); }else{ this.dd.resetConstraints(); this.dd.setXConstraint(0, 0); this.dd.setYConstraint( this.placement == YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.TOP ? c1 : c2, this.placement == YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.TOP ? c2 : c1 ); } this.dragSpecs.startSize = size; this.dragSpecs.startPoint = [x, y]; YAHOO.util.DDProxy.prototype.b4StartDrag.call(this.dd, x, y); }, onEndProxyDrag : function(e){ YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(this.proxy, 'display', 'none'); var endPoint = YAHOO.util.Event.getXY(e); if(this.useShim){ this.shim.setVisible(false); } var newSize; if(this.orientation == YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL){ newSize = this.dragSpecs.startSize + (this.placement == YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.LEFT ? endPoint[0] - this.dragSpecs.startPoint[0] : this.dragSpecs.startPoint[0] - endPoint[0] ); }else{ newSize = this.dragSpecs.startSize + (this.placement == YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.TOP ? endPoint[1] - this.dragSpecs.startPoint[1] : this.dragSpecs.startPoint[1] - endPoint[1] ); } newSize = Math.min(Math.max(newSize, this.activeMinSize), this.activeMaxSize); if(newSize != this.dragSpecs.startSize){ this.adapter.setElementSize(this, newSize); this.onMoved.fireDirect(this, newSize); } }, getAdapter : function(){ return this.adapter; }, setAdapter : function(adapter){ this.adapter = adapter; this.adapter.init(this); }, getMinimumSize : function(){ return this.minSize; }, setMinimumSize : function(minSize){ this.minSize = minSize; }, getMaximumSize : function(){ return this.maxSize; }, setMaximumSize : function(maxSize){ this.maxSize = maxSize; }, setCurrentSize : function(size){ var oldAnimate = this.animate; this.animate = false; this.adapter.setElementSize(this, size); this.animate = oldAnimate; }, destroy : function(removeEl){ if(this.shim){ this.shim.remove(); } this.dd.unreg(); this.proxy.parentNode.removeChild(this.proxy); if(removeEl){ this.el.remove(); } } }); YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.createShim = function(){ var shim = document.createElement('div'); shim.unselectable = 'on'; YAHOO.util.Dom.generateId(shim, 'split-shim'); YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(shim, 'width', '100%'); YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(shim, 'height', '100%'); YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(shim, 'position', 'absolute'); YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(shim, 'background', 'white'); YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(shim, 'z-index', 11000); window.document.body.appendChild(shim); var shimEl = YAHOO.ext.Element.get(shim); shimEl.setOpacity(.01); shimEl.setXY([0, 0]); return shimEl; }; YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.createProxy = function(orientation){ var proxy = document.createElement('div'); proxy.unselectable = 'on'; YAHOO.util.Dom.generateId(proxy, 'split-proxy'); YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(proxy, 'position', 'absolute'); YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(proxy, 'visibility', 'hidden'); YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(proxy, 'z-index', 11001); YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(proxy, 'background-color', "#aaa"); if(orientation == YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL){ YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(proxy, 'cursor', 'e-resize'); }else{ YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(proxy, 'cursor', 'n-resize'); } YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(proxy, 'line-height', '0px'); YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(proxy, 'font-size', '0px'); window.document.body.appendChild(proxy); return proxy; }; YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter = function(){ }; YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter.prototype = { init : function(s){ }, getElementSize : function(s){ if(s.orientation == YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL){ return s.resizingEl.getWidth(); }else{ return s.resizingEl.getHeight(); } }, setElementSize : function(s, newSize, onComplete){ if(s.orientation == YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL){ if(!YAHOO.util.Anim || !s.animate){ s.resizingEl.setWidth(newSize); if(onComplete){ onComplete(s, newSize); } }else{ s.resizingEl.setWidth(newSize, true, .1, onComplete, YAHOO.util.Easing.easeOut); } }else{ if(!YAHOO.util.Anim || !s.animate){ s.resizingEl.setHeight(newSize); if(onComplete){ onComplete(s, newSize); } }else{ s.resizingEl.setHeight(newSize, true, .1, onComplete, YAHOO.util.Easing.easeOut); } } } }; YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter = function(container){ this.basic = new YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter(); this.container = getEl(container); } YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter.prototype = { init : function(s){ this.basic.init(s); }, getElementSize : function(s){ return this.basic.getElementSize(s); }, setElementSize : function(s, newSize, onComplete){ this.basic.setElementSize(s, newSize, this.moveSplitter.createDelegate(this, [s])); }, moveSplitter : function(s){ var yes = YAHOO.ext.SplitBar; switch(s.placement){ case yes.LEFT: s.el.setX(s.resizingEl.getRight()); break; case yes.RIGHT: s.el.setStyle('right', (this.container.getWidth() - s.resizingEl.getLeft()) + 'px'); break; case yes.TOP: s.el.setY(s.resizingEl.getBottom()); break; case yes.BOTTOM: s.el.setY(s.resizingEl.getTop() - s.el.getHeight()); break; } } }; YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.VERTICAL = 1; YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL = 2; YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.LEFT = 1; YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.RIGHT = 2; YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.TOP = 3; YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.BOTTOM = 4; YAHOO.ext.grid.Grid = function(container, config, colModel, selectionModel){ this.container = YAHOO.ext.Element.get(container); this.container.update(''); this.container.setStyle('overflow', 'hidden'); this.id = this.container.id; this.rows = []; this.rowCount = 0; this.fieldId = null; var dataModel = config; this.dataModel = dataModel; this.colModel = colModel; this.selModel = selectionModel; this.activeEditor = null; this.editingCell = null; this.minColumnWidth = 25; this.autoSizeColumns = false; this.autoSizeHeaders = false; this.monitorWindowResize = true; this.maxRowsToMeasure = 0; this.trackMouseOver = false; this.enableDragDrop = false; this.stripeRows = true; this.autoHeight = false; this.autoWidth = false; this.view = null; this.allowTextSelectionPattern = /INPUT|TEXTAREA|SELECT/i; if(typeof config == 'object' && !config.getRowCount){ YAHOO.ext.util.Config.apply(this, config); } this.setValueDelegate = this.setCellValue.createDelegate(this); this.events = { 'click' : true, 'dblclick' : true, 'mousedown' : true, 'mouseup' : true, 'mouseover' : true, 'mouseout' : true, 'keypress' : true, 'keydown' : true, 'cellclick' : true, 'celldblclick' : true, 'rowclick' : true, 'rowdblclick' : true, 'headerclick' : true, 'rowcontextmenu' : true, 'headercontextmenu' : true, 'beforeedit' : true, 'afteredit' : true, 'bodyscroll' : true, 'columnresize' : true, 'startdrag' : true, 'enddrag' : true, 'dragdrop' : true, 'dragover' : true, 'dragenter' : true, 'dragout' : true }; }; YAHOO.ext.grid.Grid.prototype = { render : function(){ if((!this.container.dom.offsetHeight || this.container.dom.offsetHeight < 20) || this.container.getStyle('height') == 'auto'){ this.autoHeight = true; } if((!this.container.dom.offsetWidth || this.container.dom.offsetWidth < 20)){ this.autoWidth = true; } if(!this.view){ if(this.dataModel.isPaged()){ this.view = new YAHOO.ext.grid.PagedGridView(); }else{ this.view = new YAHOO.ext.grid.GridView(); } } this.view.init(this); this.el = getEl(this.view.render(), true); var c = this.container; c.mon("click", this.onClick, this, true); c.mon("dblclick", this.onDblClick, this, true); c.mon("contextmenu", this.onContextMenu, this, true); c.mon("selectstart", this.cancelTextSelection, this, true); c.mon("mousedown", this.cancelTextSelection, this, true); c.mon("mousedown", this.onMouseDown, this, true); c.mon("mouseup", this.onMouseUp, this, true); if(this.trackMouseOver){ this.el.mon("mouseover", this.onMouseOver, this, true); this.el.mon("mouseout", this.onMouseOut, this, true); } c.mon("keypress", this.onKeyPress, this, true); c.mon("keydown", this.onKeyDown, this, true); this.init(); return this; }, init : function(){ this.rows = this.el.dom.rows; if(!this.disableSelection){ if(!this.selModel){ this.selModel = new YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultSelectionModel(this); } this.selModel.init(this); this.selModel.onSelectionChange.subscribe(this.updateField, this, true); }else{ this.selModel = new YAHOO.ext.grid.DisableSelectionModel(this); this.selModel.init(this); } if(this.enableDragDrop){ this.dd = new YAHOO.ext.grid.GridDD(this, this.container.dom); } }, reset : function(config){ this.destroy(false, true); YAHOO.ext.util.Config.apply(this, config); return this; }, destroy : function(removeEl, keepListeners){ var c = this.container; c.removeAllListeners(); this.view.destroy(); YAHOO.ext.EventManager.removeResizeListener(this.view.onWindowResize, this.view); this.view = null; this.colModel.purgeListeners(); if(!keepListeners){ this.purgeListeners(); } c.update(''); if(removeEl === true){ c.remove(); } }, setDataModel : function(dm, rerender){ this.view.unplugDataModel(this.dataModel); this.dataModel = dm; this.view.plugDataModel(dm); if(rerender){ dm.fireEvent('datachanged'); } }, onMouseDown : function(e){ this.fireEvent('mousedown', e); }, onMouseUp : function(e){ this.fireEvent('mouseup', e); }, onMouseOver : function(e){ this.fireEvent('mouseover', e); }, onMouseOut : function(e){ this.fireEvent('mouseout', e); }, onKeyPress : function(e){ this.fireEvent('keypress', e); }, onKeyDown : function(e){ this.fireEvent('keydown', e); }, fireEvent : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.fireEvent, on : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.on, addListener : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.addListener, delayedListener : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.delayedListener, removeListener : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.removeListener, purgeListeners : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.purgeListeners, bufferedListener : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.bufferedListener, onClick : function(e){ this.fireEvent('click', e); var target = e.getTarget(); var row = this.getRowFromChild(target); var cell = this.getCellFromChild(target); var header = this.getHeaderFromChild(target); if(row){ this.fireEvent('rowclick', this, row.rowIndex, e); } if(cell){ this.fireEvent('cellclick', this, row.rowIndex, cell.columnIndex, e); } if(header){ this.fireEvent('headerclick', this, header.columnIndex, e); } }, onContextMenu : function(e){ var target = e.getTarget(); var row = this.getRowFromChild(target); var header = this.getHeaderFromChild(target); if(row){ this.fireEvent('rowcontextmenu', this, row.rowIndex, e); } if(header){ this.fireEvent('headercontextmenu', this, header.columnIndex, e); } e.preventDefault(); }, onDblClick : function(e){ this.fireEvent('dblclick', e); var target = e.getTarget(); var row = this.getRowFromChild(target); var cell = this.getCellFromChild(target); if(row){ this.fireEvent('rowdblclick', this, row.rowIndex, e); } if(cell){ this.fireEvent('celldblclick', this, row.rowIndex, cell.columnIndex, e); } }, startEditing : function(rowIndex, colIndex){ var row = this.rows[rowIndex]; var cell = row.childNodes[colIndex]; this.stopEditing(); setTimeout(this.doEdit.createDelegate(this, [row, cell]), 10); }, stopEditing : function(){ if(this.activeEditor){ this.activeEditor.stopEditing(); } }, doEdit : function(row, cell){ if(!row || !cell) return; var cm = this.colModel; var dm = this.dataModel; var colIndex = cell.columnIndex; var rowIndex = row.rowIndex; if(cm.isCellEditable(colIndex, rowIndex)){ var ed = cm.getCellEditor(colIndex, rowIndex); if(ed){ if(this.activeEditor){ this.activeEditor.stopEditing(); } this.fireEvent('beforeedit', this, rowIndex, colIndex); this.activeEditor = ed; this.editingCell = cell; this.view.ensureVisible(row, true); try{ cell.focus(); }catch(e){} ed.init(this, this.el.dom.parentNode, this.setValueDelegate); var value = dm.getValueAt(rowIndex, cm.getDataIndex(colIndex)); setTimeout(ed.startEditing.createDelegate(ed, [value, row, cell]), 1); } } }, setCellValue : function(value, rowIndex, colIndex){ this.dataModel.setValueAt(value, rowIndex, this.colModel.getDataIndex(colIndex)); this.fireEvent('afteredit', this, rowIndex, colIndex); }, cancelTextSelection : function(e){ var target = e.getTarget(); if(target && target != this.el.dom.parentNode && !this.allowTextSelectionPattern.test(target.tagName)){ e.preventDefault(); } }, autoSize : function(){ this.view.updateWrapHeight(); this.view.adjustForScroll(); }, scrollTo : function(row){ if(typeof row == 'number'){ row = this.rows[row]; } this.view.ensureVisible(row, true); }, getEditingCell : function(){ return this.editingCell; }, bindToField : function(fieldId){ this.fieldId = fieldId; this.readField(); }, updateField : function(){ if(this.fieldId){ var field = YAHOO.util.Dom.get(this.fieldId); field.value = this.getSelectedRowIds().join(','); } }, readField : function(){ if(this.fieldId){ var field = YAHOO.util.Dom.get(this.fieldId); var values = field.value.split(','); var rows = this.getRowsById(values); this.selModel.selectRows(rows, false); } }, getRow : function(index){ return this.rows[index]; }, getRowsById : function(id){ var dm = this.dataModel; if(!(id instanceof Array)){ for(var i = 0; i < this.rows.length; i++){ if(dm.getRowId(i) == id){ return this.rows[i]; } } return null; } var found = []; var re = "^(?:"; for(var i = 0; i < id.length; i++){ re += id[i]; if(i != id.length-1) re += "|"; } var regex = new RegExp(re + ")$"); for(var i = 0; i < this.rows.length; i++){ if(regex.test(dm.getRowId(i))){ found.push(this.rows[i]); } } return found; }, getRowAfter : function(row){ return this.getSibling('next', row); }, getRowBefore : function(row){ return this.getSibling('previous', row); }, getCellAfter : function(cell, includeHidden){ var next = this.getSibling('next', cell); if(next && !includeHidden && this.colModel.isHidden(next.columnIndex)){ return this.getCellAfter(next); } return next; }, getCellBefore : function(cell, includeHidden){ var prev = this.getSibling('previous', cell); if(prev && !includeHidden && this.colModel.isHidden(prev.columnIndex)){ return this.getCellBefore(prev); } return prev; }, getLastCell : function(row, includeHidden){ var cell = this.getElement('previous', row.lastChild); if(cell && !includeHidden && this.colModel.isHidden(cell.columnIndex)){ return this.getCellBefore(cell); } return cell; }, getFirstCell : function(row, includeHidden){ var cell = this.getElement('next', row.firstChild); if(cell && !includeHidden && this.colModel.isHidden(cell.columnIndex)){ return this.getCellAfter(cell); } return cell; }, getSibling : function(type, node){ if(!node) return null; type += 'Sibling'; var n = node[type]; while(n && n.nodeType != 1){ n = n[type]; } return n; }, getElement : function(direction, node){ if(!node || node.nodeType == 1) return node; else return this.getSibling(direction, node); }, getElementFromChild : function(childEl, parentClass){ if(!childEl || (YAHOO.util.Dom.hasClass(childEl, parentClass))){ return childEl; } var p = childEl.parentNode; var b = document.body; while(p && p != b){ if(YAHOO.util.Dom.hasClass(p, parentClass)){ return p; } p = p.parentNode; } return null; }, getRowFromChild : function(childEl){ return this.getElementFromChild(childEl, 'ygrid-row'); }, getCellFromChild : function(childEl){ return this.getElementFromChild(childEl, 'ygrid-col'); }, getHeaderFromChild : function(childEl){ return this.getElementFromChild(childEl, 'ygrid-hd'); }, getSelectedRows : function(){ return this.selModel.getSelectedRows(); }, getSelectedRow : function(){ if(this.selModel.hasSelection()){ return this.selModel.getSelectedRows()[0]; } return null; }, getSelectedRowIndexes : function(){ var a = []; var rows = this.selModel.getSelectedRows(); for(var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { a[i] = rows[i].rowIndex; } return a; }, getSelectedRowIndex : function(){ if(this.selModel.hasSelection()){ return this.selModel.getSelectedRows()[0].rowIndex; } return -1; }, getSelectedRowId : function(){ if(this.selModel.hasSelection()){ return this.selModel.getSelectedRowIds()[0]; } return null; }, getSelectedRowIds : function(){ return this.selModel.getSelectedRowIds(); }, clearSelections : function(){ this.selModel.clearSelections(); }, selectAll : function(){ this.selModel.selectAll(); }, getSelectionCount : function(){ return this.selModel.getCount(); }, hasSelection : function(){ return this.selModel.hasSelection(); }, getSelectionModel : function(){ if(!this.selModel){ this.selModel = new DefaultSelectionModel(); } return this.selModel; }, getDataModel : function(){ return this.dataModel; }, getColumnModel : function(){ return this.colModel; }, getView : function(){ return this.view; }, getDragDropText : function(){ return this.ddText.replace('%0', this.selModel.getCount()); } }; YAHOO.ext.grid.Grid.prototype.ddText = "%0 selected row(s)"; if(YAHOO.util.DDProxy){ YAHOO.ext.grid.GridDD = function(grid, bwrap){ this.grid = grid; var ddproxy = document.createElement('div'); ddproxy.id = grid.container.id + '-ddproxy'; ddproxy.className = 'ygrid-drag-proxy'; document.body.insertBefore(ddproxy, document.body.firstChild); YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(ddproxy, 'opacity', .80); var ddicon = document.createElement('span'); ddicon.className = 'ygrid-drop-icon ygrid-drop-nodrop'; ddproxy.appendChild(ddicon); var ddtext = document.createElement('span'); ddtext.className = 'ygrid-drag-text'; ddtext.innerHTML = " "; ddproxy.appendChild(ddtext); this.ddproxy = ddproxy; this.ddtext = ddtext; this.ddicon = ddicon; YAHOO.util.Event.on(bwrap, 'click', this.handleClick, this, true); YAHOO.ext.grid.GridDD.superclass.constructor.call(this, bwrap.id, 'GridDD', {dragElId : ddproxy.id, resizeFrame: false}); this.unlockDelegate = grid.selModel.unlock.createDelegate(grid.selModel); }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.grid.GridDD, YAHOO.util.DDProxy); YAHOO.ext.grid.GridDD.prototype.handleMouseDown = function(e){ var row = this.grid.getRowFromChild(YAHOO.util.Event.getTarget(e)); if(!row) return; if(this.grid.selModel.isSelected(row)){ YAHOO.ext.grid.GridDD.superclass.handleMouseDown.call(this, e); }else { this.grid.selModel.unlock(); YAHOO.ext.EventObject.setEvent(e); this.grid.selModel.rowClick(this.grid, row.rowIndex, YAHOO.ext.EventObject); YAHOO.ext.grid.GridDD.superclass.handleMouseDown.call(this, e); this.grid.selModel.lock(); } }; YAHOO.ext.grid.GridDD.prototype.handleClick = function(e){ if(this.grid.selModel.isLocked()){ setTimeout(this.unlockDelegate, 1); YAHOO.util.Event.stopEvent(e); } }; YAHOO.ext.grid.GridDD.prototype.setDropStatus = function(dropStatus){ if(dropStatus === true){ YAHOO.util.Dom.replaceClass(this.ddicon, 'ygrid-drop-nodrop', 'ygrid-drop-ok'); }else{ YAHOO.util.Dom.replaceClass(this.ddicon, 'ygrid-drop-ok', 'ygrid-drop-nodrop'); } }; YAHOO.ext.grid.GridDD.prototype.startDrag = function(e){ this.ddtext.innerHTML = this.grid.getDragDropText(); this.setDropStatus(false); this.grid.selModel.lock(); this.grid.fireEvent('startdrag', this.grid, this, e); }; YAHOO.ext.grid.GridDD.prototype.endDrag = function(e){ YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(this.ddproxy, 'visibility', 'hidden'); this.grid.fireEvent('enddrag', this.grid, this, e); }; YAHOO.ext.grid.GridDD.prototype.autoOffset = function(iPageX, iPageY) { this.setDelta(-12, -20); }; YAHOO.ext.grid.GridDD.prototype.onDragEnter = function(e, id) { this.setDropStatus(true); this.grid.fireEvent('dragenter', this.grid, this, id, e); }; YAHOO.ext.grid.GridDD.prototype.onDragDrop = function(e, id) { this.grid.fireEvent('dragdrop', this.grid, this, id, e); }; YAHOO.ext.grid.GridDD.prototype.onDragOver = function(e, id) { this.grid.fireEvent('dragover', this.grid, this, id, e); }; YAHOO.ext.grid.GridDD.prototype.onDragOut = function(e, id) { this.setDropStatus(false); this.grid.fireEvent('dragout', this.grid, this, id, e); }; }; YAHOO.ext.grid.GridView = function(){ this.grid = null; this.lastFocusedRow = null; this.onScroll = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('onscroll'); this.adjustScrollTask = new YAHOO.ext.util.DelayedTask(this._adjustForScroll, this); this.ensureVisibleTask = new YAHOO.ext.util.DelayedTask(); }; YAHOO.ext.grid.GridView.prototype = { init: function(grid){ this.grid = grid; }, fireScroll: function(scrollLeft, scrollTop){ this.onScroll.fireDirect(this.grid, scrollLeft, scrollTop); }, getColumnRenderers : function(){ var renderers = []; var cm = this.grid.colModel; var colCount = cm.getColumnCount(); for(var i = 0; i < colCount; i++){ renderers.push(cm.getRenderer(i)); } return renderers; }, buildIndexMap : function(){ var colToData = {}; var dataToCol = {}; var cm = this.grid.colModel; for(var i = 0, len = cm.getColumnCount(); i < len; i++){ var di = cm.getDataIndex(i); colToData[i] = di; dataToCol[di] = i; } return {'colToData': colToData, 'dataToCol': dataToCol}; }, getDataIndexes : function(){ if(!this.indexMap){ this.indexMap = this.buildIndexMap(); } return this.indexMap.colToData; }, getColumnIndexByDataIndex : function(dataIndex){ if(!this.indexMap){ this.indexMap = this.buildIndexMap(); } return this.indexMap.dataToCol[dataIndex]; }, updateHeaders : function(){ var colModel = this.grid.colModel; var hcells = this.headers; var colCount = colModel.getColumnCount(); for(var i = 0; i < colCount; i++){ hcells[i].textNode.innerHTML = colModel.getColumnHeader(i); } }, adjustForScroll : function(disableDelay){ if(!disableDelay){ this.adjustScrollTask.delay(50); }else{ this._adjustForScroll(); } }, getCellAtPoint : function(x, y){ var colIndex = null; var rowIndex = null; var xy = YAHOO.util.Dom.getXY(this.wrap); x = (x - xy[0]) + this.wrap.scrollLeft; y = (y - xy[1]) + this.wrap.scrollTop; var colModel = this.grid.colModel; var pos = 0; var colCount = colModel.getColumnCount(); for(var i = 0; i < colCount; i++){ if(colModel.isHidden(i)) continue; var width = colModel.getColumnWidth(i); if(x >= pos && x < pos+width){ colIndex = i; break; } pos += width; } if(colIndex != null){ rowIndex = (y == 0 ? 0 : Math.floor(y / this.getRowHeight())); if(rowIndex >= this.grid.dataModel.getRowCount()){ return null; } return [colIndex, rowIndex]; } return null; }, _adjustForScroll : function(){ this.forceScrollUpdate(); if(this.scrollbarMode == YAHOO.ext.grid.GridView.SCROLLBARS_OVERLAP){ var adjustment = 0; if(this.wrap.clientWidth && this.wrap.clientWidth !== 0){ adjustment = this.wrap.offsetWidth - this.wrap.clientWidth; } this.hwrap.setWidth(this.wrap.offsetWidth-adjustment); }else{ this.hwrap.setWidth(this.wrap.offsetWidth); } this.bwrap.setWidth(Math.max(this.grid.colModel.getTotalWidth(), this.wrap.clientWidth)); }, focusRow : function(row){ if(typeof row == 'number'){ row = this.getBodyTable().childNodes[row]; } if(!row) return; var left = this.wrap.scrollLeft; try{ row.childNodes.item(0).hideFocus = true; row.childNodes.item(0).focus(); }catch(e){} this.ensureVisible(row); this.wrap.scrollLeft = left; this.handleScroll(); this.lastFocusedRow = row; }, ensureVisible : function(row, disableDelay){ if(!disableDelay){ this.ensureVisibleTask.delay(50, this._ensureVisible, this, [row]); }else{ this._ensureVisible(row); } }, _ensureVisible : function(row){ if(typeof row == 'number'){ row = this.getBodyTable().childNodes[row]; } if(!row) return; var left = this.wrap.scrollLeft; var rowTop = parseInt(row.offsetTop, 10); var rowBottom = rowTop + row.offsetHeight; var clientTop = parseInt(this.wrap.scrollTop, 10); var clientBottom = clientTop + this.wrap.clientHeight; if(rowTop < clientTop){ this.wrap.scrollTop = rowTop; }else if(rowBottom > clientBottom){ this.wrap.scrollTop = rowBottom-this.wrap.clientHeight; } this.wrap.scrollLeft = left; this.handleScroll(); }, updateColumns : function(){ this.grid.stopEditing(); var colModel = this.grid.colModel; var hcols = this.headers; var colCount = colModel.getColumnCount(); var pos = 0; var totalWidth = colModel.getTotalWidth(); for(var i = 0; i < colCount; i++){ if(colModel.isHidden(i)) continue; var width = colModel.getColumnWidth(i); hcols[i].style.width = width + 'px'; hcols[i].style.left = pos + 'px'; hcols[i].split.style.left = (pos+width-3) + 'px'; this.setCSSWidth(i, width, pos); pos += width; } this.lastWidth = totalWidth; if(this.grid.autoWidth){ this.grid.container.setWidth(totalWidth+this.grid.container.getBorderWidth('lr')); this.grid.autoSize(); } this.bwrap.setWidth(Math.max(totalWidth, this.wrap.clientWidth)); if(!YAHOO.ext.util.Browser.isIE){ this.wrap.scrollLeft = this.hwrap.dom.scrollLeft; } this.syncScroll(); this.forceScrollUpdate(); if(this.grid.autoHeight){ this.autoHeight(); this.updateWrapHeight(); } }, setCSSWidth : function(colIndex, width, pos){ var selector = ["#" + this.grid.id + " .ygrid-col-" + colIndex, ".ygrid-col-" + colIndex]; YAHOO.ext.util.CSS.updateRule(selector, 'width', width + 'px'); if(typeof pos == 'number'){ YAHOO.ext.util.CSS.updateRule(selector, 'left', pos + 'px'); } }, setCSSStyle : function(colIndex, name, value){ var selector = ["#" + this.grid.id + " .ygrid-col-" + colIndex, ".ygrid-col-" + colIndex]; YAHOO.ext.util.CSS.updateRule(selector, name, value); }, handleHiddenChange : function(colModel, colIndex, hidden){ if(hidden){ this.hideColumn(colIndex); }else{ this.unhideColumn(colIndex); } this.updateColumns(); }, hideColumn : function(colIndex){ var selector = ["#" + this.grid.id + " .ygrid-col-" + colIndex, ".ygrid-col-" + colIndex]; YAHOO.ext.util.CSS.updateRule(selector, 'position', 'absolute'); YAHOO.ext.util.CSS.updateRule(selector, 'visibility', 'hidden'); this.headers[colIndex].style.display = 'none'; this.headers[colIndex].split.style.display = 'none'; }, unhideColumn : function(colIndex){ var selector = ["#" + this.grid.id + " .ygrid-col-" + colIndex, ".ygrid-col-" + colIndex]; YAHOO.ext.util.CSS.updateRule(selector, 'position', ''); YAHOO.ext.util.CSS.updateRule(selector, 'visibility', 'visible'); this.headers[colIndex].style.display = ''; this.headers[colIndex].split.style.display = ''; }, getBodyTable : function(){ return this.bwrap.dom; }, updateRowIndexes : function(firstRow, lastRow){ var stripeRows = this.grid.stripeRows; var bt = this.getBodyTable(); var nodes = bt.childNodes; firstRow = firstRow || 0; lastRow = lastRow || nodes.length-1; var re = /^(?:ygrid-row ygrid-row-alt|ygrid-row)/; for(var rowIndex = firstRow; rowIndex <= lastRow; rowIndex++){ var node = nodes[rowIndex]; if(stripeRows && (rowIndex+1) % 2 == 0){ node.className = node.className.replace(re, 'ygrid-row ygrid-row-alt'); }else{ node.className = node.className.replace(re, 'ygrid-row'); } node.rowIndex = rowIndex; nodes[rowIndex].style.top = (rowIndex * this.rowHeight) + 'px'; } }, insertRows : function(dataModel, firstRow, lastRow){ this.updateBodyHeight(); this.adjustForScroll(true); var renderers = this.getColumnRenderers(); var dindexes = this.getDataIndexes(); var colCount = this.grid.colModel.getColumnCount(); var beforeRow = null; var bt = this.getBodyTable(); if(firstRow < bt.childNodes.length){ beforeRow = bt.childNodes[firstRow]; } for(var rowIndex = firstRow; rowIndex <= lastRow; rowIndex++){ var row = document.createElement('span'); row.className = 'ygrid-row'; row.style.top = (rowIndex * this.rowHeight) + 'px'; this.renderRow(dataModel, row, rowIndex, colCount, renderers, dindexes); if(beforeRow){ bt.insertBefore(row, beforeRow); }else{ bt.appendChild(row); } } this.updateRowIndexes(firstRow); this.adjustForScroll(true); }, renderRow : function(dataModel, row, rowIndex, colCount, renderers, dindexes){ for(var colIndex = 0; colIndex < colCount; colIndex++){ var td = document.createElement('span'); td.className = 'ygrid-col ygrid-col-' + colIndex + (colIndex == colCount-1 ? ' ygrid-col-last' : ''); td.columnIndex = colIndex; td.tabIndex = 0; var span = document.createElement('span'); span.className = 'ygrid-cell-text'; td.appendChild(span); var val = renderers[colIndex](dataModel.getValueAt(rowIndex, dindexes[colIndex]), rowIndex, colIndex, td); if(typeof val == 'undefined' || val === '') val = ' '; span.innerHTML = val; row.appendChild(td); } }, deleteRows : function(dataModel, firstRow, lastRow){ this.updateBodyHeight(); this.grid.selModel.deselectRange(firstRow, lastRow); var bt = this.getBodyTable(); var rows = []; for(var rowIndex = firstRow; rowIndex <= lastRow; rowIndex++){ rows.push(bt.childNodes[rowIndex]); } for(var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++){ bt.removeChild(rows[i]); rows[i] = null; } rows = null; this.updateRowIndexes(firstRow); this.adjustForScroll(); }, updateRows : function(dataModel, firstRow, lastRow){ var bt = this.getBodyTable(); var dindexes = this.getDataIndexes(); var renderers = this.getColumnRenderers(); var colCount = this.grid.colModel.getColumnCount(); for(var rowIndex = firstRow; rowIndex <= lastRow; rowIndex++){ var row = bt.rows[rowIndex]; var cells = row.childNodes; for(var colIndex = 0; colIndex < colCount; colIndex++){ var td = cells[colIndex]; var val = renderers[colIndex](dataModel.getValueAt(rowIndex, dindexes[colIndex]), rowIndex, colIndex, td); if(typeof val == 'undefined' || val === '') val = ' '; td.firstChild.innerHTML = val; } } }, handleSort : function(dataModel, sortColumnIndex, sortDir, noRefresh){ this.grid.selModel.syncSelectionsToIds(); if(!noRefresh){ this.updateRows(dataModel, 0, dataModel.getRowCount()-1); } this.updateHeaderSortState(); if(this.lastFocusedRow){ this.focusRow(this.lastFocusedRow); } }, syncScroll : function(){ this.hwrap.dom.scrollLeft = this.wrap.scrollLeft; }, handleScroll : function(){ this.syncScroll(); this.fireScroll(this.wrap.scrollLeft, this.wrap.scrollTop); this.grid.fireEvent('bodyscroll', this.wrap.scrollLeft, this.wrap.scrollTop); }, getRowHeight : function(){ if(!this.rowHeight){ var rule = YAHOO.ext.util.CSS.getRule(["#" + this.grid.id + " .ygrid-row", ".ygrid-row"]); if(rule && rule.style.height){ this.rowHeight = parseInt(rule.style.height, 10); }else{ this.rowHeight = 21; } } return this.rowHeight; }, renderRows : function(dataModel){ this.grid.stopEditing(); if(this.grid.selModel){ this.grid.selModel.clearSelections(); } var bt = this.getBodyTable(); bt.innerHTML = ''; this.rowHeight = this.getRowHeight(); this.insertRows(dataModel, 0, dataModel.getRowCount()-1); }, updateCell : function(dataModel, rowIndex, dataIndex){ var colIndex = this.getColumnIndexByDataIndex(dataIndex); if(typeof colIndex == 'undefined'){ return; } var bt = this.getBodyTable(); var row = bt.childNodes[rowIndex]; var cell = row.childNodes[colIndex]; var renderer = this.grid.colModel.getRenderer(colIndex); var val = renderer(dataModel.getValueAt(rowIndex, dataIndex), rowIndex, colIndex, cell); if(typeof val == 'undefined' || val === '') val = ' '; cell.firstChild.innerHTML = val; }, calcColumnWidth : function(colIndex, maxRowsToMeasure){ var maxWidth = 0; var bt = this.getBodyTable(); var rows = bt.childNodes; var stopIndex = Math.min(maxRowsToMeasure || rows.length, rows.length); if(this.grid.autoSizeHeaders){ var h = this.headers[colIndex]; var curWidth = h.style.width; h.style.width = this.grid.minColumnWidth+'px'; maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, h.scrollWidth); h.style.width = curWidth; } for(var i = 0; i < stopIndex; i++){ var cell = rows[i].childNodes[colIndex].firstChild; maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, cell.scrollWidth); } return maxWidth + 5; }, autoSizeColumn : function(colIndex, forceMinSize){ if(forceMinSize){ this.setCSSWidth(colIndex, this.grid.minColumnWidth); } var newWidth = this.calcColumnWidth(colIndex); this.grid.colModel.setColumnWidth(colIndex, Math.max(this.grid.minColumnWidth, newWidth)); this.grid.fireEvent('columnresize', colIndex, newWidth); }, autoSizeColumns : function(){ var colModel = this.grid.colModel; var colCount = colModel.getColumnCount(); var wrap = this.wrap; for(var i = 0; i < colCount; i++){ this.setCSSWidth(i, this.grid.minColumnWidth); colModel.setColumnWidth(i, this.calcColumnWidth(i, this.grid.maxRowsToMeasure), true); } if(colModel.getTotalWidth() < wrap.clientWidth){ var diff = Math.floor((wrap.clientWidth - colModel.getTotalWidth()) / colCount); for(var i = 0; i < colCount; i++){ colModel.setColumnWidth(i, colModel.getColumnWidth(i) + diff, true); } } this.updateColumns(); }, fitColumns : function(){ var cm = this.grid.colModel; var colCount = cm.getColumnCount(); var cols = []; var width = 0; var i, w; for (i = 0; i < colCount; i++){ if(!cm.isHidden(i) && !cm.isFixed(i)){ w = cm.getColumnWidth(i); cols.push(i); cols.push(w); width += w; } } var frac = (this.wrap.clientWidth - cm.getTotalWidth())/width; while (cols.length){ w = cols.pop(); i = cols.pop(); cm.setColumnWidth(i, Math.floor(w + w*frac), true); } this.updateColumns(); }, onWindowResize : function(){ if(this.grid.monitorWindowResize){ this.adjustForScroll(); this.updateWrapHeight(); this.adjustForScroll(); } }, updateWrapHeight : function(){ this.grid.container.beginMeasure(); this.autoHeight(); var box = this.grid.container.getSize(true); this.wrapEl.setHeight(box.height-this.footerHeight-parseInt(this.wrap.offsetTop, 10)); this.pwrap.setSize(box.width, box.height); this.grid.container.endMeasure(); }, forceScrollUpdate : function(){ var wrap = this.wrapEl; wrap.setWidth(wrap.getWidth(true)); setTimeout(function(){ wrap.setWidth(''); }, 1); }, updateHeaderSortState : function(){ var state = this.grid.dataModel.getSortState(); if(!state || typeof state.column == 'undefined') return; var sortColumn = this.getColumnIndexByDataIndex(state.column); var sortDir = state.direction; for(var i = 0, len = this.headers.length; i < len; i++){ var h = this.headers[i]; if(i != sortColumn){ h.sortDesc.style.display = 'none'; h.sortAsc.style.display = 'none'; }else{ h.sortDesc.style.display = sortDir == 'DESC' ? 'block' : 'none'; h.sortAsc.style.display = sortDir == 'ASC' ? 'block' : 'none'; } } }, unplugDataModel : function(dm){ dm.removeListener('cellupdated', this.updateCell, this); dm.removeListener('datachanged', this.renderRows, this); dm.removeListener('rowsdeleted', this.deleteRows, this); dm.removeListener('rowsinserted', this.insertRows, this); dm.removeListener('rowsupdated', this.updateRows, this); dm.removeListener('rowssorted', this.handleSort, this); }, plugDataModel : function(dm){ dm.on('cellupdated', this.updateCell, this, true); dm.on('datachanged', this.renderRows, this, true); dm.on('rowsdeleted', this.deleteRows, this, true); dm.on('rowsinserted', this.insertRows, this, true); dm.on('rowsupdated', this.updateRows, this, true); dm.on('rowssorted', this.handleSort, this, true); }, destroy : function(){ this.unplugDataModel(this.grid.dataModel); var sp = this.splitters; if(sp){ for(var i in sp){ if(sp[i] && typeof sp[i] != 'function'){ sp[i].destroy(true); } } } }, render : function(){ var grid = this.grid; var container = grid.container.dom; var dataModel = grid.dataModel; this.plugDataModel(dataModel); var colModel = grid.colModel; colModel.onWidthChange.subscribe(this.updateColumns, this, true); colModel.onHeaderChange.subscribe(this.updateHeaders, this, true); colModel.onHiddenChange.subscribe(this.handleHiddenChange, this, true); if(grid.monitorWindowResize === true){ YAHOO.ext.EventManager.onWindowResize(this.onWindowResize, this, true); } var autoSizeDelegate = this.autoSizeColumn.createDelegate(this); var colCount = colModel.getColumnCount(); var dh = YAHOO.ext.DomHelper; this.pwrap = dh.append(container, {tag: 'div', cls: 'ygrid-positioner', style: 'position:relative;width:100%;height:100%;left:0;top:0;overflow:hidden;'}, true); var pos = this.pwrap.dom; var wrap = dh.append(pos, {tag: 'div', cls: 'ygrid-wrap'}); this.wrap = wrap; this.wrapEl = getEl(wrap, true); YAHOO.ext.EventManager.on(wrap, 'scroll', this.handleScroll, this, true); var hwrap = dh.append(pos, {tag: 'div', cls: 'ygrid-wrap-headers'}); this.hwrap = getEl(hwrap, true); var bwrap = dh.append(wrap, {tag: 'div', cls: 'ygrid-wrap-body', id: container.id + '-body'}); this.bwrap = getEl(bwrap, true); this.bwrap.setWidth(colModel.getTotalWidth()); bwrap.rows = bwrap.childNodes; this.footerHeight = 0; var foot = this.appendFooter(this.pwrap.dom); if(foot){ this.footer = getEl(foot, true); this.footerHeight = this.footer.getHeight(); } this.updateWrapHeight(); var hrow = dh.append(hwrap, {tag: 'span', cls: 'ygrid-hrow'}); this.hrow = hrow; if(!YAHOO.ext.util.Browser.isGecko){ var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.className = 'ygrid-hrow-frame'; iframe.frameBorder = 0; iframe.src = YAHOO.ext.SSL_SECURE_URL; hwrap.appendChild(iframe); } this.headerCtrl = new YAHOO.ext.grid.HeaderController(this.grid); this.headers = []; this.cols = []; this.splitters = []; var htemplate = dh.createTemplate({ tag: 'span', cls: 'ygrid-hd ygrid-header-{0}', children: [{ tag: 'span', cls: 'ygrid-hd-body', html: '' + '' + '' + '
' }] }); htemplate.compile(); for(var i = 0; i < colCount; i++){ var hd = htemplate.append(hrow, [i, colModel.getColumnHeader(i), colModel.getColumnTooltip(i) || '']); var spans = hd.getElementsByTagName('span'); hd.textNode = spans[1]; hd.sortDesc = spans[2]; hd.sortAsc = spans[3]; hd.columnIndex = i; this.headers.push(hd); if(colModel.isSortable(i)){ this.headerCtrl.register(hd); } var split = dh.append(hrow, {tag: 'span', cls: 'ygrid-hd-split'}); hd.split = split; if(colModel.isResizable(i) && !colModel.isFixed(i)){ YAHOO.util.Event.on(split, 'dblclick', autoSizeDelegate.createCallback(i+0, true)); var sb = new YAHOO.ext.SplitBar(split, hd, null, YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.LEFT); sb.columnIndex = i; sb.minSize = grid.minColumnWidth; sb.onMoved.subscribe(this.onColumnSplitterMoved, this, true); YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(sb.proxy, 'ygrid-column-sizer'); YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(sb.proxy, 'background-color', ''); sb.dd._resizeProxy = function(){ var el = this.getDragEl(); YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(el, 'height', (hwrap.clientHeight+wrap.clientHeight-2) +'px'); }; this.splitters[i] = sb; }else{ split.style.cursor = 'default'; } } if(grid.autoSizeColumns){ this.renderRows(dataModel); this.autoSizeColumns(); }else{ this.updateColumns(); this.renderRows(dataModel); } for(var i = 0; i < colCount; i++){ if(colModel.isHidden(i)){ this.hideColumn(i); } } this.updateHeaderSortState(); return this.bwrap; }, onColumnSplitterMoved : function(splitter, newSize){ this.grid.colModel.setColumnWidth(splitter.columnIndex, newSize); this.grid.fireEvent('columnresize', splitter.columnIndex, newSize); }, appendFooter : function(parentEl){ return null; }, autoHeight : function(){ if(this.grid.autoHeight){ var h = this.getBodyHeight(); var c = this.grid.container; var total = h + (parseInt(this.wrap.offsetTop, 10)||0) + this.footerHeight + c.getBorderWidth('tb') + c.getPadding('tb') + (this.wrap.offsetHeight - this.wrap.clientHeight); c.setHeight(total); } }, getBodyHeight : function(){ return this.grid.dataModel.getRowCount() * this.getRowHeight();; }, updateBodyHeight : function(){ this.getBodyTable().style.height = this.getBodyHeight() + 'px'; if(this.grid.autoHeight){ this.autoHeight(); this.updateWrapHeight(); } } }; YAHOO.ext.grid.GridView.SCROLLBARS_UNDER = 0; YAHOO.ext.grid.GridView.SCROLLBARS_OVERLAP = 1; YAHOO.ext.grid.GridView.prototype.scrollbarMode = YAHOO.ext.grid.GridView.SCROLLBARS_UNDER; YAHOO.ext.grid.GridView.prototype.fitColumnsToContainer = YAHOO.ext.grid.GridView.prototype.fitColumns; YAHOO.ext.grid.HeaderController = function(grid){ this.grid = grid; this.headers = []; }; YAHOO.ext.grid.HeaderController.prototype = { register : function(header){ this.headers.push(header); YAHOO.ext.EventManager.on(header, 'selectstart', this.cancelTextSelection, this, true); YAHOO.ext.EventManager.on(header, 'mousedown', this.cancelTextSelection, this, true); YAHOO.ext.EventManager.on(header, 'mouseover', this.headerOver, this, true); YAHOO.ext.EventManager.on(header, 'mouseout', this.headerOut, this, true); YAHOO.ext.EventManager.on(header, 'click', this.headerClick, this, true); }, headerClick : function(e){ var grid = this.grid, cm = grid.colModel, dm = grid.dataModel; grid.stopEditing(); var header = grid.getHeaderFromChild(e.getTarget()); var state = dm.getSortState(); var direction = header.sortDir || 'ASC'; if(typeof state.column != 'undefined' && grid.getView().getColumnIndexByDataIndex(state.column) == header.columnIndex){ direction = (state.direction == 'ASC' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'); } header.sortDir = direction; dm.sort(cm, cm.getDataIndex(header.columnIndex), direction); }, headerOver : function(e){ var header = this.grid.getHeaderFromChild(e.getTarget()); YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(header, 'ygrid-hd-over'); }, headerOut : function(e){ var header = this.grid.getHeaderFromChild(e.getTarget()); YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass(header, 'ygrid-hd-over'); }, cancelTextSelection : function(e){ e.preventDefault(); } }; YAHOO.ext.grid.PagedGridView = function(){ YAHOO.ext.grid.PagedGridView.superclass.constructor.call(this); this.cursor = 1; }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.grid.PagedGridView, YAHOO.ext.grid.GridView, { appendFooter : function(parentEl){ var fwrap = document.createElement('div'); fwrap.className = 'ygrid-wrap-footer'; var fbody = document.createElement('span'); fbody.className = 'ygrid-footer'; fwrap.appendChild(fbody); parentEl.appendChild(fwrap); this.createPagingToolbar(fbody); return fwrap; }, createPagingToolbar : function(container){ var tb = new YAHOO.ext.Toolbar(container); this.pageToolbar = tb; this.first = tb.addButton({ tooltip: this.firstText, className: 'ygrid-page-first', disabled: true, click: this.onClick.createDelegate(this, ['first']) }); this.prev = tb.addButton({ tooltip: this.prevText, className: 'ygrid-page-prev', disabled: true, click: this.onClick.createDelegate(this, ['prev']) }); tb.addSeparator(); tb.add(this.beforePageText); var pageBox = document.createElement('input'); pageBox.type = 'text'; pageBox.size = 3; pageBox.value = '1'; pageBox.className = 'ygrid-page-number'; tb.add(pageBox); this.field = getEl(pageBox, true); this.field.mon('keydown', this.onEnter, this, true); this.field.on('focus', function(){pageBox.select();}); this.afterTextEl = tb.addText(this.afterPageText.replace('%0', '1')); this.field.setHeight(18); tb.addSeparator(); this.next = tb.addButton({ tooltip: this.nextText, className: 'ygrid-page-next', disabled: true, click: this.onClick.createDelegate(this, ['next']) }); this.last = tb.addButton({ tooltip: this.lastText, className: 'ygrid-page-last', disabled: true, click: this.onClick.createDelegate(this, ['last']) }); tb.addSeparator(); this.loading = tb.addButton({ tooltip: this.refreshText, className: 'ygrid-loading', disabled: true, click: this.onClick.createDelegate(this, ['refresh']) }); this.onPageLoaded(1, this.grid.dataModel.getTotalPages()); }, getPageToolbar : function(){ return this.pageToolbar; }, onPageLoaded : function(pageNum, totalPages){ this.cursor = pageNum; this.lastPage = totalPages; this.afterTextEl.innerHTML = this.afterPageText.replace('%0', totalPages); this.field.dom.value = pageNum; this.first.setDisabled(pageNum == 1); this.prev.setDisabled(pageNum == 1); this.next.setDisabled(pageNum == totalPages); this.last.setDisabled(pageNum == totalPages); this.loading.enable(); }, onLoadError : function(){ this.loading.enable(); }, onEnter : function(e){ if(e.browserEvent.keyCode == e.RETURN){ var v = this.field.dom.value; if(!v){ this.field.dom.value = this.cursor; return; } var pageNum = parseInt(v, 10); if(isNaN(pageNum)){ this.field.dom.value = this.cursor; return; } pageNum = Math.min(Math.max(1, pageNum), this.lastPage); this.grid.dataModel.loadPage(pageNum); e.stopEvent(); } }, beforeLoad : function(){ this.grid.stopEditing(); if(this.loading){ this.loading.disable(); } }, onClick : function(which){ switch(which){ case 'first': this.grid.dataModel.loadPage(1); break; case 'prev': this.grid.dataModel.loadPage(this.cursor -1); break; case 'next': this.grid.dataModel.loadPage(this.cursor + 1); break; case 'last': this.grid.dataModel.loadPage(this.lastPage); break; case 'refresh': this.grid.dataModel.loadPage(this.cursor); break; } }, unplugDataModel : function(dm){ dm.removeListener('beforeload', this.beforeLoad, this); dm.removeListener('load', this.onPageLoaded, this); dm.removeListener('loadexception', this.onLoadError, this); YAHOO.ext.grid.PagedGridView.superclass.unplugDataModel.call(this, dm); }, plugDataModel : function(dm){ dm.on('beforeload', this.beforeLoad, this, true); dm.on('load', this.onPageLoaded, this, true); dm.on('loadexception', this.onLoadError, this); YAHOO.ext.grid.PagedGridView.superclass.plugDataModel.call(this, dm); }, beforePageText : "Page", afterPageText : "of %0", firstText : "First Page", prevText : "Previous Page", nextText : "Next Page", lastText : "Last Page", refreshText : "Refresh" }); YAHOO.ext.grid.EditorGrid = function(container, dataModel, colModel){ YAHOO.ext.grid.EditorGrid.superclass.constructor.call(this, container, dataModel, colModel, new YAHOO.ext.grid.EditorSelectionModel()); this.container.addClass('yeditgrid'); }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.grid.EditorGrid, YAHOO.ext.grid.Grid); YAHOO.ext.grid.AbstractColumnModel = function(){ this.onWidthChange = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('widthChanged'); this.onHeaderChange = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('headerChanged'); this.onHiddenChange = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('hiddenChanged'); this.events = { 'widthchange': this.onWidthChange, 'headerchange': this.onHeaderChange, 'hiddenchange': this.onHiddenChange }; }; YAHOO.ext.grid.AbstractColumnModel.prototype = { fireEvent : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.fireEvent, on : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.on, addListener : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.addListener, delayedListener : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.delayedListener, removeListener : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.removeListener, purgeListeners : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.purgeListeners, bufferedListener : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.bufferedListener, fireWidthChange : function(colIndex, newWidth){ this.onWidthChange.fireDirect(this, colIndex, newWidth); }, fireHeaderChange : function(colIndex, newHeader){ this.onHeaderChange.fireDirect(this, colIndex, newHeader); }, fireHiddenChange : function(colIndex, hidden){ this.onHiddenChange.fireDirect(this, colIndex, hidden); }, getColumnCount : function(){ return 0; }, isSortable : function(col){ return false; }, isHidden : function(col){ return false; }, getSortType : function(col){ return YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultColumnModel.sortTypes.none; }, getRenderer : function(col){ return YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultColumnModel.defaultRenderer; }, getColumnWidth : function(col){ return 0; }, getTotalWidth : function(){ return 0; }, getColumnHeader : function(col){ return ''; } }; YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultColumnModel = function(config){ YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultColumnModel.superclass.constructor.call(this); this.config = config; this.defaultWidth = 100; this.defaultSortable = false; }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultColumnModel, YAHOO.ext.grid.AbstractColumnModel, { getColumnCount : function(){ return this.config.length; }, isSortable : function(col){ if(typeof this.config[col].sortable == 'undefined'){ return this.defaultSortable; } return this.config[col].sortable; }, getSortType : function(col){ if(!this.dataMap){ var map = []; for(var i = 0, len = this.config.length; i < len; i++){ map[this.getDataIndex(i)] = i; } this.dataMap = map; } col = this.dataMap[col]; if(!this.config[col].sortType){ return YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultColumnModel.sortTypes.none; } return this.config[col].sortType; }, setSortType : function(col, fn){ this.config[col].sortType = fn; }, getRenderer : function(col){ if(!this.config[col].renderer){ return YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultColumnModel.defaultRenderer; } return this.config[col].renderer; }, setRenderer : function(col, fn){ this.config[col].renderer = fn; }, getColumnWidth : function(col){ return this.config[col].width || this.defaultWidth; }, setColumnWidth : function(col, width, suppressEvent){ this.config[col].width = width; this.totalWidth = null; if(!suppressEvent){ this.onWidthChange.fireDirect(this, col, width); } }, getTotalWidth : function(includeHidden){ if(!this.totalWidth){ this.totalWidth = 0; for(var i = 0; i < this.config.length; i++){ if(includeHidden || !this.isHidden(i)){ this.totalWidth += this.getColumnWidth(i); } } } return this.totalWidth; }, getColumnHeader : function(col){ return this.config[col].header; }, setColumnHeader : function(col, header){ this.config[col].header = header; this.onHeaderChange.fireDirect(this, col, header); }, getColumnTooltip : function(col){ return this.config[col].tooltip; }, setColumnTooltip : function(col, header){ this.config[col].tooltip = tooltip; }, getDataIndex : function(col){ if(typeof this.config[col].dataIndex != 'number'){ return col; } return this.config[col].dataIndex; }, setDataIndex : function(col, dataIndex){ this.config[col].dataIndex = dataIndex; }, isCellEditable : function(colIndex, rowIndex){ return this.config[colIndex].editable || (typeof this.config[colIndex].editable == 'undefined' && this.config[colIndex].editor); }, getCellEditor : function(colIndex, rowIndex){ return this.config[colIndex].editor; }, setEditable : function(col, editable){ this.config[col].editable = editable; }, isHidden : function(colIndex){ return this.config[colIndex].hidden; }, isFixed : function(colIndex){ return this.config[colIndex].fixed; }, isResizable : function(colIndex){ return this.config[colIndex].resizable !== false; }, setHidden : function(colIndex, hidden){ this.config[colIndex].hidden = hidden; this.totalWidth = null; this.fireHiddenChange(colIndex, hidden); }, setEditor : function(col, editor){ this.config[col].editor = editor; } }); YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultColumnModel.sortTypes = { none : function(s) { return s; }, asUCString : function(s) { return String(s).toUpperCase(); }, asDate : function(s) { if(s instanceof Date){ return s.getTime(); } return Date.parse(String(s)); }, asFloat : function(s) { var val = parseFloat(String(s).replace(/,/g, '')); if(isNaN(val)) val = 0; return val; }, asInt : function(s) { var val = parseInt(String(s).replace(/,/g, '')); if(isNaN(val)) val = 0; return val; } }; YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultColumnModel.defaultRenderer = function(value){ if(typeof value == 'string' && value.length < 1){ return ' '; } return value; } YAHOO.ext.grid.AbstractDataModel = function(){ this.onCellUpdated = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('onCellUpdated'); this.onTableDataChanged = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('onTableDataChanged'); this.onRowsDeleted = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('onRowsDeleted'); this.onRowsInserted = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('onRowsInserted'); this.onRowsUpdated = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('onRowsUpdated'); this.onRowsSorted = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('onRowsSorted'); this.events = { 'cellupdated' : this.onCellUpdated, 'datachanged' : this.onTableDataChanged, 'rowsdeleted' : this.onRowsDeleted, 'rowsinserted' : this.onRowsInserted, 'rowsupdated' : this.onRowsUpdated, 'rowssorted' : this.onRowsSorted }; }; YAHOO.ext.grid.AbstractDataModel.prototype = { fireEvent : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.fireEvent, on : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.on, addListener : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.addListener, delayedListener : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.delayedListener, removeListener : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.removeListener, purgeListeners : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.purgeListeners, bufferedListener : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.bufferedListener, fireCellUpdated : function(row, col){ this.onCellUpdated.fireDirect(this, row, col); }, fireTableDataChanged : function(){ this.onTableDataChanged.fireDirect(this); }, fireRowsDeleted : function(firstRow, lastRow){ this.onRowsDeleted.fireDirect(this, firstRow, lastRow); }, fireRowsInserted : function(firstRow, lastRow){ this.onRowsInserted.fireDirect(this, firstRow, lastRow); }, fireRowsUpdated : function(firstRow, lastRow){ this.onRowsUpdated.fireDirect(this, firstRow, lastRow); }, fireRowsSorted : function(sortColumnIndex, sortDir, noRefresh){ this.onRowsSorted.fireDirect(this, sortColumnIndex, sortDir, noRefresh); }, sort : function(sortInfo, columnIndex, direction, suppressEvent){ }, getSortState : function(){ return {column: this.sortColumn, direction: this.sortDir}; }, getRowCount : function(){ }, getTotalRowCount : function(){ return this.getRowCount(); }, getRowId : function(rowIndex){ }, getValueAt : function(rowIndex, colIndex){ }, setValueAt : function(value, rowIndex, colIndex){ }, isPaged : function(){ return false; } }; YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultDataModel = function(data){ YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultDataModel.superclass.constructor.call(this); this.data = data; }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultDataModel, YAHOO.ext.grid.AbstractDataModel, { getRowCount : function(){ return this.data.length; }, getRowId : function(rowIndex){ return this.data[rowIndex][0]; }, getRow : function(rowIndex){ return this.data[rowIndex]; }, getRows : function(indexes){ var data = this.data; var r = []; for(var i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++){ r.push(data[indexes[i]]); } return r; }, getValueAt : function(rowIndex, colIndex){ return this.data[rowIndex][colIndex]; }, setValueAt: function(value, rowIndex, colIndex){ this.data[rowIndex][colIndex] = value; this.fireCellUpdated(rowIndex, colIndex); }, removeRows: function(startIndex, endIndex){ endIndex = endIndex || startIndex; this.data.splice(startIndex, endIndex-startIndex+1); this.fireRowsDeleted(startIndex, endIndex); }, removeRow: function(index){ this.data.splice(index, 1); this.fireRowsDeleted(index, index); }, removeAll: function(){ var count = this.getRowCount(); if(count > 0){ this.removeRows(0, count-1); } }, query: function(spec, returnUnmatched){ var d = this.data; var r = []; for(var i = 0; i < d.length; i++){ var row = d[i]; var isMatch = true; for(var col in spec){ if(!isMatch) continue; var filter = spec[col]; switch(typeof filter){ case 'string': case 'number': case 'boolean': if(row[col] != filter){ isMatch = false; } break; case 'function': if(!filter(row[col], row)){ isMatch = false; } break; case 'object': if(filter instanceof RegExp){ if(String(row[col]).search(filter) === -1){ isMatch = false; } } break; } } if(isMatch && !returnUnmatched){ r.push(i); }else if(!isMatch && returnUnmatched){ r.push(i); } } return r; }, filter: function(query){ var matches = this.query(query, true); var data = this.data; for(var i = 0; i < matches.length; i++){ data[matches[i]]._deleted = true; } for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++){ while(data[i] && data[i]._deleted === true){ this.removeRow(i); } } return matches.length; }, addRow: function(cellValues){ this.data.push(cellValues); var newIndex = this.data.length-1; this.fireRowsInserted(newIndex, newIndex); this.applySort(); return newIndex; }, addRows: function(rowData){ this.data = this.data.concat(rowData); var firstIndex = this.data.length-rowData.length; this.fireRowsInserted(firstIndex, firstIndex+rowData.length-1); this.applySort(); }, insertRow: function(index, cellValues){ this.data.splice(index, 0, cellValues); this.fireRowsInserted(index, index); this.applySort(); return index; }, insertRows: function(index, rowData){ var args = rowData.concat(); args.splice(0, 0, index, 0); this.data.splice.apply(this.data, args); this.fireRowsInserted(index, index+rowData.length-1); this.applySort(); }, applySort: function(suppressEvent){ if(typeof this.sortColumn != 'undefined'){ this.sort(this.sortInfo, this.sortColumn, this.sortDir, suppressEvent); } }, setDefaultSort: function(sortInfo, columnIndex, direction){ this.sortInfo = sortInfo; this.sortColumn = columnIndex; this.sortDir = direction; }, sort: function(sortInfo, columnIndex, direction, suppressEvent){ this.sortInfo = sortInfo; this.sortColumn = columnIndex; this.sortDir = direction; var dsc = (direction && direction.toUpperCase() == 'DESC'); var sortType = null; if(sortInfo != null){ if(typeof sortInfo == 'function'){ sortType = sortInfo; }else if(typeof sortInfo == 'object'){ sortType = sortInfo.getSortType(columnIndex);; } } var fn = function(cells, cells2){ var v1 = sortType ? sortType(cells[columnIndex], cells) : cells[columnIndex]; var v2 = sortType ? sortType(cells2[columnIndex], cells2) : cells2[columnIndex]; if(v1 < v2) return dsc ? +1 : -1; if(v1 > v2) return dsc ? -1 : +1; return 0; }; this.data.sort(fn); if(!suppressEvent){ this.fireRowsSorted(columnIndex, direction); } }, each: function(fn, scope){ var d = this.data; for(var i = 0, len = d.length; i < len; i++){ if(fn.call(scope || window, d[i], i) === false) break; } } }); if(YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultColumnModel){ YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultDataModel.sortTypes = YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultColumnModel.sortTypes; } YAHOO.ext.grid.LoadableDataModel = function(dataType){ YAHOO.ext.grid.LoadableDataModel.superclass.constructor.call(this, []); this.onLoad = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('load'); this.onLoadException = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('loadException'); this.events['load'] = this.onLoad; this.events['beforeload'] = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('beforeload'); this.events['loadexception'] = this.onLoadException; this.dataType = dataType; this.preprocessors = []; this.postprocessors = []; this.loadedPage = 1; this.remoteSort = false; this.pageSize = 0; this.pageUrl = null; this.baseParams = {}; this.paramMap = {'page':'page', 'pageSize':'pageSize', 'sortColumn':'sortColumn', 'sortDir':'sortDir'}; }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.grid.LoadableDataModel, YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultDataModel, { setLoadedPage: function(pageNum, userCallback){ this.loadedPage = pageNum; if(typeof userCallback == 'function'){ userCallback(); } }, isPaged: function(){ return this.pageSize > 0; }, getTotalRowCount: function(){ return this.totalCount || this.getRowCount(); }, getPageSize: function(){ return this.pageSize; }, getTotalPages: function(){ if(this.getPageSize() == 0 || this.getTotalRowCount() == 0){ return 1; } return Math.ceil(this.getTotalRowCount()/this.getPageSize()); }, initPaging: function(url, pageSize, baseParams){ this.pageUrl = url; this.pageSize = pageSize; this.remoteSort = true; if(baseParams) this.baseParams = baseParams; }, createParams: function(pageNum, sortColumn, sortDir){ var params = {}, map = this.paramMap; for(var key in this.baseParams){ if(typeof this.baseParams[key] != 'function'){ params[key] = this.baseParams[key]; } } params[map['page']] = pageNum; params[map['pageSize']] = this.getPageSize(); params[map['sortColumn']] = (typeof sortColumn == 'undefined' ? '' : sortColumn); params[map['sortDir']] = sortDir || ''; return params; }, loadPage: function(pageNum, callback, keepExisting){ var sort = this.getSortState(); var params = this.createParams(pageNum, sort.column, sort.direction); this.load(this.pageUrl, params, this.setLoadedPage.createDelegate(this, [pageNum, callback]), keepExisting ? (pageNum-1) * this.pageSize : null); }, applySort: function(suppressEvent){ if(!this.remoteSort){ YAHOO.ext.grid.LoadableDataModel.superclass.applySort.apply(this, arguments); }else if(!suppressEvent){ var sort = this.getSortState(); if(sort.column){ this.fireRowsSorted(sort.column, sort.direction, true); } } }, resetPaging: function(){ this.loadedPage = 1; }, sort: function(sortInfo, columnIndex, direction, suppressEvent){ if(!this.remoteSort){ YAHOO.ext.grid.LoadableDataModel.superclass.sort.apply(this, arguments); }else{ this.sortInfo = sortInfo; this.sortColumn = columnIndex; this.sortDir = direction; var params = this.createParams(this.loadedPage, columnIndex, direction); this.load(this.pageUrl, params, this.fireRowsSorted.createDelegate(this, [columnIndex, direction, true])); } }, load: function(url, params, callback, insertIndex){ this.fireEvent('beforeload', this); if(params && typeof params != 'string'){ var buf = []; for(var key in params){ if(typeof params[key] != 'function'){ buf.push(encodeURIComponent(key), '=', encodeURIComponent(params[key]), '&'); } } delete buf[buf.length-1]; params = buf.join(''); } var cb = { success: this.processResponse, failure: this.processException, scope: this, argument: {callback: callback, insertIndex: insertIndex} }; var method = params ? 'POST' : 'GET'; this.transId = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest(method, url, cb, params); }, processResponse: function(response){ var cb = response.argument.callback; var keepExisting = (typeof response.argument.insertIndex == 'number'); var insertIndex = response.argument.insertIndex; switch(this.dataType){ case YAHOO.ext.grid.LoadableDataModel.XML: this.loadData(response.responseXML, cb, keepExisting, insertIndex); break; case YAHOO.ext.grid.LoadableDataModel.JSON: var rtext = response.responseText; try { while(rtext.substring(0,1) == " ") { rtext = rtext.substring(1, rtext.length); } if(rtext.indexOf("{") < 0) { throw "Invalid JSON response"; } if(rtext.indexOf("{}") === 0) { this.loadData({}, response.argument.callback); return; } var jsonObjRaw = eval("(" + rtext + ")"); if(!jsonObjRaw) { throw "Error evaling JSON response"; } this.loadData(jsonObjRaw, cb, keepExisting, insertIndex); } catch(e) { this.fireLoadException(e, response); if(typeof cb == 'function'){ cb(this, false); } } break; case YAHOO.ext.grid.LoadableDataModel.TEXT: this.loadData(response.responseText, cb, keepExisting, insertIndex); break; }; }, processException: function(response){ this.fireLoadException(null, response); if(typeof response.argument.callback == 'function'){ response.argument.callback(this, false); } }, fireLoadException: function(e, responseObj){ this.onLoadException.fireDirect(this, e, responseObj); }, fireLoadEvent: function(){ this.fireEvent('load', this.loadedPage, this.getTotalPages()); }, addPreprocessor: function(columnIndex, fn){ this.preprocessors[columnIndex] = fn; }, getPreprocessor: function(columnIndex){ return this.preprocessors[columnIndex]; }, removePreprocessor: function(columnIndex){ this.preprocessors[columnIndex] = null; }, addPostprocessor: function(columnIndex, fn){ this.postprocessors[columnIndex] = fn; }, getPostprocessor: function(columnIndex){ return this.postprocessors[columnIndex]; }, removePostprocessor: function(columnIndex){ this.postprocessors[columnIndex] = null; }, loadData: function(data, callback, keepExisting, insertIndex){ } }); YAHOO.ext.grid.LoadableDataModel.XML = 'xml'; YAHOO.ext.grid.LoadableDataModel.JSON = 'json'; YAHOO.ext.grid.LoadableDataModel.TEXT = 'text'; YAHOO.ext.grid.XMLDataModel = function(schema, xml){ YAHOO.ext.grid.XMLDataModel.superclass.constructor.call(this, YAHOO.ext.grid.LoadableDataModel.XML); this.schema = schema; this.xml = xml; if(xml){ this.loadData(xml); } this.idSeed = 0; }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.grid.XMLDataModel, YAHOO.ext.grid.LoadableDataModel, { getDocument: function(){ return this.xml; }, loadData: function(doc, callback, keepExisting, insertIndex){ //debugger; this.xml = doc; var idField = this.schema.id; var fields = this.schema.fields; if(this.schema.totalTag){ this.totalCount = null; var totalNode = doc.getElementsByTagName(this.schema.totalTag); if(totalNode && totalNode.item(0) && totalNode.item(0).firstChild) { var v = parseInt(totalNode.item(0).firstChild.nodeValue, 10); if(!isNaN(v)){ this.totalCount = v; } } } var rowData = []; var nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName(this.schema.tagName); if(nodes && nodes.length > 0) { for(var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { var node = nodes.item(i); var colData = []; colData.node = node; colData.id = this.getNamedValue(node, idField, String(++this.idSeed)); for(var j = 0; j < fields.length; j++) { var val = this.getNamedValue(node, fields[j], ""); if(this.preprocessors[j]){ val = this.preprocessors[j](val); } colData.push(val); } rowData.push(colData); } } if(keepExisting !== true){ YAHOO.ext.grid.XMLDataModel.superclass.removeAll.call(this); } if(typeof insertIndex != 'number'){ insertIndex = this.getRowCount(); } YAHOO.ext.grid.XMLDataModel.superclass.insertRows.call(this, insertIndex, rowData); if(typeof callback == 'function'){ callback(this, true); } this.fireLoadEvent(); }, addRow: function(id, cellValues){ var node = this.createNode(this.xml, id, cellValues); cellValues.id = id || ++this.idSeed; cellValues.node = node; return YAHOO.ext.grid.XMLDataModel.superclass.addRow.call(this, cellValues); }, insertRow: function(index, id, cellValues){ var node = this.createNode(this.xml, id, cellValues); cellValues.id = id || ++this.idSeed; cellValues.node = node; return YAHOO.ext.grid.XMLDataModel.superclass.insertRow.call(this, index, cellValues); }, removeRow: function(index){ var node = this.data[index].node; node.parentNode.removeChild(node); YAHOO.ext.grid.XMLDataModel.superclass.removeRow.call(this, index, index); }, getNode: function(rowIndex){ return this.data[rowIndex].node; }, createNode: function(xmlDoc, id, colData){ var template = this.data[0].node; var newNode = template.cloneNode(true); var fields = this.schema.fields; for(var i = 0, len = fields.length; i < len; i++){ var nodeValue = colData[i]; if(this.postprocessors[i]){ nodeValue = this.postprocessors[i](nodeValue); } this.setNamedValue(newNode, fields[i], nodeValue); } if(id){ this.setNamedValue(newNode, this.schema.idField, id); } template.parentNode.appendChild(newNode); return newNode; }, getNamedValue: function(node, name, defaultValue){ if(!node || !name){ return defaultValue; } var nodeValue = defaultValue; var attrNode = node.attributes.getNamedItem(name); if(attrNode) { nodeValue = attrNode.value; } else { var childNode = node.getElementsByTagName(name); if(childNode && childNode.item(0) && childNode.item(0).firstChild) { nodeValue = childNode.item(0).firstChild.nodeValue; }else{ var index = name.indexOf(':'); if(index > 0){ return this.getNamedValue(node, name.substr(index+1), defaultValue); } } } return nodeValue; }, setNamedValue: function(node, name, value){ if(!node || !name){ return; } var attrNode = node.attributes.getNamedItem(name); if(attrNode) { attrNode.value = value; return; } var childNode = node.getElementsByTagName(name); if(childNode && childNode.item(0) && childNode.item(0).firstChild) { childNode.item(0).firstChild.nodeValue = value; }else{ var index = name.indexOf(':'); if(index > 0){ this.setNamedValue(node, name.substr(index+1), value); } } }, setValueAt: function(value, rowIndex, colIndex){ var node = this.data[rowIndex].node; if(node){ var nodeValue = value; if(this.postprocessors[colIndex]){ nodeValue = this.postprocessors[colIndex](value); } this.setNamedValue(node, this.schema.fields[colIndex], nodeValue); } YAHOO.ext.grid.XMLDataModel.superclass.setValueAt.call(this, value, rowIndex, colIndex); }, getRowId: function(rowIndex){ return this.data[rowIndex].id; }, addRows : function(rowData){ for(var j = 0, len = rowData.length; j < len; j++){ var cellValues = rowData[j]; var id = ++this.idSeed; var node = this.createNode(this.xml, id, cellValues); cellValues.node=node; cellValues.id = cellValues.id || id; YAHOO.ext.grid.XMLDataModel.superclass.addRow.call(this,cellValues); } }, insertRows : function(index, rowData){ rowData = rowData.slice(0).reverse(); for(var j = 0, len = rowData.length; j < len; j++){ var cellValues = rowData[j]; var id = ++this.idSeed; var node = this.createNode(this.xml, id, cellValues); cellValues.id = cellValues.id || id; cellValues.node = node; YAHOO.ext.grid.XMLDataModel.superclass.insertRow.call(this, index, cellValues); } } }); YAHOO.ext.grid.XMLQueryDataModel = function(){ YAHOO.ext.grid.XMLQueryDataModel.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.grid.XMLQueryDataModel, YAHOO.ext.grid.XMLDataModel, { getNamedValue: function(node, name, defaultValue){ if(!node || !name){ return defaultValue; } var nodeValue = defaultValue; var childNode = cssQuery(name, node); if(childNode && childNode[0]) { nodeValue = childNode[0].firstChild.nodeValue; } return nodeValue; } }); YAHOO.ext.grid.JSONDataModel = function(schema){ YAHOO.ext.grid.JSONDataModel.superclass.constructor.call(this, YAHOO.ext.grid.LoadableDataModel.JSON); this.schema = schema; }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.grid.JSONDataModel, YAHOO.ext.grid.LoadableDataModel, { loadData : function(data, callback, keepExisting){ var idField = this.schema.id; var fields = this.schema.fields; try{ if(this.schema.totalProperty){ var v = parseInt(eval('data.' + this.schema.totalProperty), 10); if(!isNaN(v)){ this.totalCount = v; } } var rowData = []; var root = eval('data.' + this.schema.root); for(var i = 0; i < root.length; i++){ var node = root[i]; var colData = []; colData.node = node; colData.id = (typeof node[idField] != 'undefined' && node[idField] !== '' ? node[idField] : String(i)); for(var j = 0; j < fields.length; j++) { var val = node[fields[j]]; if(typeof val == 'undefined'){ val = ''; } if(this.preprocessors[j]){ val = this.preprocessors[j](val); } colData.push(val); } rowData.push(colData); } if(keepExisting !== true){ this.removeAll(); } this.addRows(rowData); if(typeof callback == 'function'){ callback(this, true); } this.fireLoadEvent(); }catch(e){ this.fireLoadException(e, null); if(typeof callback == 'function'){ callback(this, false); } } }, getRowId : function(rowIndex){ return this.data[rowIndex].id; } }); YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultSelectionModel = function(){ this.selectedRows = []; this.selectedRowIds = []; this.lastSelectedRow = null; this.onRowSelect = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('SelectionTable.rowSelected'); this.onSelectionChange = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('SelectionTable.selectionChanged'); this.events = { 'selectionchange' : this.onSelectionChange, 'rowselect' : this.onRowSelect }; this.locked = false; }; YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultSelectionModel.prototype = { init : function(grid){ this.grid = grid; this.initEvents(); }, lock : function(){ this.locked = true; }, unlock : function(){ this.locked = false; }, isLocked : function(){ return this.locked; }, initEvents : function(){ if(this.grid.trackMouseOver){ this.grid.addListener("mouseover", this.handleOver, this, true); this.grid.addListener("mouseout", this.handleOut, this, true); } this.grid.addListener("rowclick", this.rowClick, this, true); this.grid.addListener("keydown", this.keyDown, this, true); }, fireEvent : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.fireEvent, on : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.on, addListener : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.addListener, delayedListener : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.delayedListener, removeListener : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.removeListener, purgeListeners : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.purgeListeners, bufferedListener : YAHOO.ext.util.Observable.prototype.bufferedListener, syncSelectionsToIds : function(){ if(this.getCount() > 0){ var ids = this.selectedRowIds.concat(); this.clearSelections(); this.selectRowsById(ids, true); } }, selectRowsById : function(id, keepExisting){ var rows = this.grid.getRowsById(id); if (!(rows instanceof Array)){ this.selectRow(rows, keepExisting); return; } this.selectRows(rows, keepExisting); }, getCount : function(){ return this.selectedRows.length; }, selectFirstRow : function(){ for(var j = 0; j < this.grid.rows.length; j++){ if(this.isSelectable(this.grid.rows[j])){ this.focusRow(this.grid.rows[j]); this.setRowState(this.grid.rows[j], true); return; } } }, selectNext : function(keepExisting){ if(this.lastSelectedRow){ for(var j = (this.lastSelectedRow.rowIndex+1); j < this.grid.rows.length; j++){ var row = this.grid.rows[j]; if(this.isSelectable(row)){ this.focusRow(row); this.setRowState(row, true, keepExisting); return; } } } }, selectPrevious : function(keepExisting){ if(this.lastSelectedRow){ for(var j = (this.lastSelectedRow.rowIndex-1); j >= 0; j--){ var row = this.grid.rows[j]; if(this.isSelectable(row)){ this.focusRow(row); this.setRowState(row, true, keepExisting); return; } } } }, getSelectedRows : function(){ return this.selectedRows; }, getSelectedRowIds : function(){ return this.selectedRowIds; }, clearSelections : function(){ if(this.isLocked()) return; var oldSelections = this.selectedRows.concat(); for(var j = 0; j < oldSelections.length; j++){ this.setRowState(oldSelections[j], false); } this.selectedRows = []; this.selectedRowIds = []; }, selectAll : function(){ if(this.isLocked()) return; this.selectedRows = []; this.selectedRowIds = []; for(var j = 0, len = this.grid.rows.length; j < len; j++){ this.setRowState(this.grid.rows[j], true, true); } }, hasSelection : function(){ return this.selectedRows.length > 0; }, isSelected : function(row){ return row && (row.selected === true || row.getAttribute('selected') == 'true'); }, isSelectable : function(row){ return row && row.getAttribute('selectable') != 'false'; }, rowClick : function(grid, rowIndex, e){ if(this.isLocked()) return; var row = grid.getRow(rowIndex); if(this.isSelectable(row)){ if(e.shiftKey && this.lastSelectedRow){ var lastIndex = this.lastSelectedRow.rowIndex; this.selectRange(this.lastSelectedRow, row, e.ctrlKey); this.lastSelectedRow = this.grid.el.dom.rows[lastIndex]; }else{ this.focusRow(row); var rowState = e.ctrlKey ? !this.isSelected(row) : true; this.setRowState(row, rowState, e.hasModifier()); } } }, focusRow : function(row){ this.grid.view.focusRow(row); }, selectRow : function(row, keepExisting){ this.setRowState(this.getRow(row), true, keepExisting); }, selectRows : function(rows, keepExisting){ if(!keepExisting){ this.clearSelections(); } for(var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++){ this.selectRow(rows[i], true); } }, deselectRow : function(row){ this.setRowState(this.getRow(row), false); }, getRow : function(row){ if(typeof row == 'number'){ row = this.grid.rows[row]; } return row; }, selectRange : function(startRow, endRow, keepExisting){ startRow = this.getRow(startRow); endRow = this.getRow(endRow); this.setRangeState(startRow, endRow, true, keepExisting); }, deselectRange : function(startRow, endRow){ startRow = this.getRow(startRow); endRow = this.getRow(endRow); this.setRangeState(startRow, endRow, false, true); }, setRowStateFromChild : function(childEl, selected, keepExisting){ var row = this.grid.getRowFromChild(childEl); this.setRowState(row, selected, keepExisting); }, setRangeState : function(startRow, endRow, selected, keepExisting){ if(this.isLocked()) return; if(!keepExisting){ this.clearSelections(); } var curRow = startRow; while(curRow.rowIndex != endRow.rowIndex){ this.setRowState(curRow, selected, true); curRow = (startRow.rowIndex < endRow.rowIndex ? this.grid.getRowAfter(curRow) : this.grid.getRowBefore(curRow)) } this.setRowState(endRow, selected, true); }, setRowState : function(row, selected, keepExisting){ if(this.isLocked()) return; if(this.isSelectable(row)){ if(selected){ if(!keepExisting){ this.clearSelections(); } this.setRowClass(row, 'selected'); row.selected = true; this.selectedRows.push(row); this.selectedRowIds.push(this.grid.dataModel.getRowId(row.rowIndex)); this.lastSelectedRow = row; }else{ this.setRowClass(row, ''); row.selected = false; this._removeSelected(row); } this.fireEvent('rowselect', this, row, selected); this.fireEvent('selectionchange', this, this.selectedRows, this.selectedRowIds); } }, handleOver : function(e){ var row = this.grid.getRowFromChild(e.getTarget()); if(this.isSelectable(row) && !this.isSelected(row)){ this.setRowClass(row, 'over'); } }, handleOut : function(e){ var row = this.grid.getRowFromChild(e.getTarget()); if(this.isSelectable(row) && !this.isSelected(row)){ this.setRowClass(row, ''); } }, keyDown : function(e){ if(e.browserEvent.keyCode == e.DOWN){ this.selectNext(e.shiftKey); e.preventDefault(); }else if(e.browserEvent.keyCode == e.UP){ this.selectPrevious(e.shiftKey); e.preventDefault(); } }, setRowClass : function(row, cssClass){ if(this.isSelectable(row)){ if(cssClass == 'selected'){ YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass(row, 'ygrid-row-over'); YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(row, 'ygrid-row-selected'); }else if(cssClass == 'over'){ YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass(row, 'ygrid-row-selected'); YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(row, 'ygrid-row-over'); }else if(cssClass == ''){ YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass(row, 'ygrid-row-selected'); YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass(row, 'ygrid-row-over'); } } }, _removeSelected : function(row){ var sr = this.selectedRows; for (var i = 0; i < sr.length; i++) { if (sr[i] === row){ this.selectedRows.splice(i, 1); this.selectedRowIds.splice(i, 1); return; } } } }; YAHOO.ext.grid.SingleSelectionModel = function(){ YAHOO.ext.grid.SingleSelectionModel.superclass.constructor.call(this); }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.grid.SingleSelectionModel, YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultSelectionModel); YAHOO.ext.grid.SingleSelectionModel.prototype.setRowState = function(row, selected){ YAHOO.ext.grid.SingleSelectionModel.superclass.setRowState.call(this, row, selected, false); }; YAHOO.ext.grid.DisableSelectionModel = function(){ YAHOO.ext.grid.DisableSelectionModel.superclass.constructor.call(this); }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.grid.DisableSelectionModel, YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultSelectionModel); YAHOO.ext.grid.DisableSelectionModel.prototype.initEvents = function(){ }; YAHOO.ext.grid.EditorSelectionModel = function(){ YAHOO.ext.grid.EditorSelectionModel.superclass.constructor.call(this); this.clicksToActivateCell = 1; this.events['cellactivate'] = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('cellactivate'); }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.grid.EditorSelectionModel, YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultSelectionModel); YAHOO.ext.grid.EditorSelectionModel.prototype.disableArrowNavigation = false; YAHOO.ext.grid.EditorSelectionModel.prototype.controlForArrowNavigation = false; YAHOO.ext.grid.EditorSelectionModel.prototype.initEvents = function(){ this.grid.addListener("cellclick", this.onCellClick, this, true); this.grid.addListener("celldblclick", this.onCellDblClick, this, true); this.grid.addListener("keydown", this.keyDown, this, true); }; YAHOO.ext.grid.EditorSelectionModel.prototype.onCellClick = function(grid, rowIndex, colIndex){ if(this.clicksToActivateCell == 1){ var row = this.grid.getRow(rowIndex); var cell = row.childNodes[colIndex]; if(cell){ this.activate(row, cell); } } }; YAHOO.ext.grid.EditorSelectionModel.prototype.activate = function(row, cell){ this.fireEvent('cellactivate', this, row, cell); this.grid.doEdit(row, cell); }; YAHOO.ext.grid.EditorSelectionModel.prototype.onCellDblClick = function(grid, rowIndex, colIndex){ if(this.clicksToActivateCell == 2){ var row = this.grid.getRow(rowIndex); var cell = row.childNodes[colIndex]; if(cell){ this.activate(row, cell); } } }; YAHOO.ext.grid.EditorSelectionModel.prototype.setRowState = function(row, selected){ YAHOO.ext.grid.EditorSelectionModel.superclass.setRowState.call(this, row, false, false); }; YAHOO.ext.grid.EditorSelectionModel.prototype.focusRow = function(row, selected){ }; YAHOO.ext.grid.EditorSelectionModel.prototype.getEditorCellAfter = function(cell, spanRows){ var g = this.grid; var next = g.getCellAfter(cell); while(next && !g.colModel.isCellEditable(next.columnIndex)){ next = g.getCellAfter(next); } if(!next && spanRows){ var row = g.getRowAfter(g.getRowFromChild(cell)); if(row){ next = g.getFirstCell(row); if(!g.colModel.isCellEditable(next.columnIndex)){ next = this.getEditorCellAfter(next); } } } return next; }; YAHOO.ext.grid.EditorSelectionModel.prototype.getEditorCellBefore = function(cell, spanRows){ var g = this.grid; var prev = g.getCellBefore(cell); while(prev && !g.colModel.isCellEditable(prev.columnIndex)){ prev = g.getCellBefore(prev); } if(!prev && spanRows){ var row = g.getRowBefore(g.getRowFromChild(cell)); if(row){ prev = g.getLastCell(row); if(!g.colModel.isCellEditable(prev.columnIndex)){ prev = this.getEditorCellBefore(prev); } } } return prev; }; YAHOO.ext.grid.EditorSelectionModel.prototype.allowArrowNav = function(e){ return (!this.disableArrowNavigation && (!this.controlForArrowNavigation || e.ctrlKey)); } YAHOO.ext.grid.EditorSelectionModel.prototype.keyDown = function(e){ var g = this.grid, cm = g.colModel, cell = g.getEditingCell(); if(!cell) return; var newCell; switch(e.browserEvent.keyCode){ case e.TAB: if(e.shiftKey){ newCell = this.getEditorCellBefore(cell, true); }else{ newCell = this.getEditorCellAfter(cell, true); } e.preventDefault(); break; case e.DOWN: if(this.allowArrowNav(e)){ var next = g.getRowAfter(g.getRowFromChild(cell)); if(next){ newCell = next.childNodes[cell.columnIndex]; } } break; case e.UP: if(this.allowArrowNav(e)){ var prev = g.getRowBefore(g.getRowFromChild(cell)); if(prev){ newCell = prev.childNodes[cell.columnIndex]; } } break; case e.RETURN: if(e.shiftKey){ var prev = g.getRowBefore(g.getRowFromChild(cell)); if(prev){ newCell = prev.childNodes[cell.columnIndex]; } }else{ var next = g.getRowAfter(g.getRowFromChild(cell)); if(next){ newCell = next.childNodes[cell.columnIndex]; } } break; case e.RIGHT: if(this.allowArrowNav(e)){ newCell = this.getEditorCellAfter(cell); } break; case e.LEFT: if(this.allowArrowNav(e)){ newCell = this.getEditorCellBefore(cell); } break; }; if(newCell){ this.activate(g.getRowFromChild(newCell), newCell); e.stopEvent(); } }; YAHOO.ext.grid.EditorAndSelectionModel = function(){ YAHOO.ext.grid.EditorAndSelectionModel.superclass.constructor.call(this); this.events['cellactivate'] = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('cellactivate'); }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.grid.EditorAndSelectionModel, YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultSelectionModel); YAHOO.ext.grid.EditorAndSelectionModel.prototype.initEvents = function(){ YAHOO.ext.grid.EditorAndSelectionModel.superclass.initEvents.call(this); this.grid.addListener("celldblclick", this.onCellDblClick, this, true); }; YAHOO.ext.grid.EditorAndSelectionModel.prototype.onCellDblClick = function(grid, rowIndex, colIndex){ var row = this.grid.getRow(rowIndex); var cell = row.childNodes[colIndex]; if(cell){ this.fireEvent('cellactivate', this, row, cell); this.grid.doEdit(row, cell); } }; YAHOO.ext.grid.CellEditor = function(element){ this.colIndex = null; this.rowIndex = null; this.grid = null; this.editing = false; this.originalValue = null; this.element = getEl(element, true); this.element.addClass('ygrid-editor'); this.element.dom.tabIndex = 1; this.initialized = false; this.callback = null; }; YAHOO.ext.grid.CellEditor.prototype = { init : function(grid, bodyElement, callback){ if(this.initialized) return; this.initialized = true; this.callback = callback; this.grid = grid; bodyElement.appendChild(this.element.dom); this.initEvents(); }, initEvents : function(){ var stopOnEnter = function(e){ if(e.browserEvent.keyCode == e.RETURN){ this.stopEditing(true); }else if(e.browserEvent.keyCode == e.ESC){ this.setValue(this.originalValue); this.stopEditing(true); } } this.element.mon('keydown', stopOnEnter, this, true); this.element.on('blur', this.stopEditing, this, true); }, startEditing : function(value, row, cell){ this.originalValue = value; this.rowIndex = row.rowIndex; this.colIndex = cell.columnIndex; this.cell = cell; this.setValue(value); var cellbox = getEl(cell, true).getBox(); this.fitToCell(cellbox); this.editing = true; this.show(); }, stopEditing : function(focusCell){ if(this.editing){ this.editing = false; var newValue = this.getValue(); this.hide(); if(this.originalValue != newValue){ this.callback(newValue, this.rowIndex, this.colIndex); } } }, setValue : function(value){ this.element.dom.value = value; }, getValue : function(){ return this.element.dom.value; }, fitToCell : function(box){ this.element.setBox(box, true); }, show : function(){ this.element.show(); this.element.focus(); }, hide : function(){ try{ this.element.dom.blur(); }catch(e){} this.element.hide(); } }; YAHOO.ext.grid.CheckboxEditor = function(){ var div = document.createElement('span'); div.className = 'ygrid-editor ygrid-checkbox-editor'; var cb = document.createElement('input'); cb.type = 'checkbox'; cb.setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off'); div.appendChild(cb); document.body.appendChild(div); YAHOO.ext.grid.CheckboxEditor.superclass.constructor.call(this, div); div.tabIndex = ''; cb.tabIndex = 1; this.cb = getEl(cb, true); }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.grid.CheckboxEditor, YAHOO.ext.grid.CellEditor); YAHOO.ext.grid.CheckboxEditor.prototype.fitToCell = function(box){ this.element.setBox(box, true); }; YAHOO.ext.grid.CheckboxEditor.prototype.setValue = function(value){ this.cb.dom.checked = (value === true || value === 'true' || value === 1 || value === '1'); }; YAHOO.ext.grid.CheckboxEditor.prototype.getValue = function(){ return this.cb.dom.checked; }; YAHOO.ext.grid.CheckboxEditor.prototype.show = function(){ this.element.show(); this.cb.focus(); }; YAHOO.ext.grid.CheckboxEditor.prototype.initEvents = function(){ var stopOnEnter = function(e){ if(e.browserEvent.keyCode == e.RETURN){ this.stopEditing(true); }else if(e.browserEvent.keyCode == e.ESC){ this.setValue(this.originalValue); this.stopEditing(true); } } this.cb.mon('keydown', stopOnEnter, this, true); this.cb.on('blur', this.stopEditing, this, true); }; YAHOO.ext.grid.CheckboxEditor.prototype.hide = function(){ try{ this.cb.dom.blur(); }catch(e){} this.element.hide(); }; YAHOO.ext.grid.DateEditor = function(config){ var div = document.createElement('span'); div.className = 'ygrid-editor ygrid-editor-container'; var element = document.createElement('input'); element.type = 'text'; element.tabIndex = 1; element.setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off'); div.appendChild(element); var pick = document.createElement('span'); pick.className = 'pick-button'; div.appendChild(pick); document.body.appendChild(div); this.div = getEl(div, true); this.element = getEl(element, true); this.pick = getEl(pick, true); this.colIndex = null; this.rowIndex = null; this.grid = null; this.editing = false; this.originalValue = null; this.initialized = false; this.callback = null; this.cal = null; this.mouseDownHandler = YAHOO.ext.EventManager.wrap(this.handleMouseDown, this, true); YAHOO.ext.util.Config.apply(this, config); if(typeof this.minValue == 'string') this.minValue = this.parseDate(this.minValue); if(typeof this.maxValue == 'string') this.maxValue = this.parseDate(this.maxValue); this.ddMatch = /ddnone/; if(this.disabledDates){ var dd = this.disabledDates; var re = "(?:"; for(var i = 0; i < dd.length; i++){ re += dd[i]; if(i != dd.length-1) re += "|"; } this.ddMatch = new RegExp(re + ")"); } }; YAHOO.ext.grid.DateEditor.prototype = { init : function(grid, bodyElement, callback){ if(this.initialized) return; this.initialized = true; this.callback = callback; this.grid = grid; bodyElement.appendChild(this.div.dom); this.initEvents(); }, initEvents : function(){ var stopOnEnter = function(e){ if(e.browserEvent.keyCode == e.RETURN){ this.stopEditing(true); }else if(e.browserEvent.keyCode == e.ESC){ this.setValue(this.originalValue); this.stopEditing(true); } } this.element.mon('keydown', stopOnEnter, this, true); var vtask = new YAHOO.ext.util.DelayedTask(this.validate, this); this.element.mon('keyup', vtask.delay.createDelegate(vtask, [this.validationDelay])); this.pick.on('click', this.showCalendar, this, true); }, startEditing : function(value, row, cell){ this.originalValue = value; this.rowIndex = row.rowIndex; this.colIndex = cell.columnIndex; this.cell = cell; this.setValue(value); this.validate(); var cellbox = getEl(cell, true).getBox(); this.div.setBox(cellbox, true); this.element.setWidth(cellbox.width-this.pick.getWidth()); this.editing = true; YAHOO.util.Event.on(document, "mousedown", this.mouseDownHandler); this.show(); }, stopEditing : function(focusCell){ if(this.editing){ YAHOO.util.Event.removeListener(document, "mousedown", this.mouseDownHandler); this.editing = false; var newValue = this.getValue(); this.hide(); if(this.originalValue != newValue){ this.callback(newValue, this.rowIndex, this.colIndex); } } }, setValue : function(value){ this.element.dom.value = this.formatDate(value); this.validate(); }, getValue : function(){ if(!this.validate()){ return this.originalValue; }else{ var value = this.element.dom.value; if(value.length < 1){ return value; } else{ return this.parseDate(value); } } }, show : function() { this.div.show(); this.element.focus(); this.validate(); }, hide : function(){ try{ this.element.dom.blur(); }catch(e){} this.div.hide(); }, validate : function(){ var dom = this.element.dom; var value = dom.value; if(value.length < 1){ if(this.allowBlank){ dom.title = ''; this.element.removeClass('ygrid-editor-invalid'); return true; }else{ dom.title = this.blankText; this.element.addClass('ygrid-editor-invalid'); return false; } } value = this.parseDate(value); if(!value){ dom.title = this.invalidText.replace('%0', dom.value).replace('%1', this.format); this.element.addClass('ygrid-editor-invalid'); return false; } var time = value.getTime(); if(this.minValue && time < this.minValue.getTime()){ dom.title = this.minText.replace('%0', this.formatDate(this.minValue)); this.element.addClass('ygrid-editor-invalid'); return false; } if(this.maxValue && time > this.maxValue.getTime()){ dom.title = this.maxText.replace('%0', this.formatDate(this.maxValue)); this.element.addClass('ygrid-editor-invalid'); return false; } if(this.disabledDays){ var day = value.getDay(); for(var i = 0; i < this.disabledDays.length; i++) { if(day === this.disabledDays[i]){ dom.title = this.disabledDaysText; this.element.addClass('ygrid-editor-invalid'); return false; } } } var fvalue = this.formatDate(value); if(this.ddMatch.test(fvalue)){ dom.title = this.disabledDatesText.replace('%0', fvalue); this.element.addClass('ygrid-editor-invalid'); return false; } var msg = this.validator(value); if(msg !== true){ dom.title = msg; this.element.addClass('ygrid-editor-invalid'); return false; } dom.title = ''; this.element.removeClass('ygrid-editor-invalid'); return true; }, handleMouseDown : function(e){ var t = e.getTarget(); var dom = this.div.dom; if(t != dom && !YAHOO.util.Dom.isAncestor(dom, t)){ this.stopEditing(); } }, showCalendar : function(value){ if(this.cal == null){ this.cal = new YAHOO.ext.DatePicker(this.div.dom.parentNode.parentNode); } this.cal.minDate = this.minValue; this.cal.maxDate = this.maxValue; this.cal.disabledDatesRE = this.ddMatch; this.cal.disabledDatesText = this.disabledDatesText; this.cal.disabledDays = this.disabledDays; this.cal.disabledDaysText = this.disabledDaysText; this.cal.format = this.format; if(this.minValue){ this.cal.minText = this.minText.replace('%0', this.formatDate(this.minValue)); } if(this.maxValue){ this.cal.maxText = this.maxText.replace('%0', this.formatDate(this.maxValue)); } var r = this.div.getRegion(); this.cal.show(r.left, r.bottom, this.getValue(), this.setValue.createDelegate(this)); }, parseDate : function(value){ if(!value || value instanceof Date) return value; return Date.parseDate(value, this.format); }, formatDate : function(date){ if(!date || !(date instanceof Date)) return date; return date.format(this.format); } }; YAHOO.ext.grid.DateEditor.prototype.format = 'm/d/y'; YAHOO.ext.grid.DateEditor.prototype.disabledDays = null; YAHOO.ext.grid.DateEditor.prototype.disabledDaysText = ''; YAHOO.ext.grid.DateEditor.prototype.disabledDates = null; YAHOO.ext.grid.DateEditor.prototype.disabledDatesText = ''; YAHOO.ext.grid.DateEditor.prototype.allowBlank = true; YAHOO.ext.grid.DateEditor.prototype.minValue = null; YAHOO.ext.grid.DateEditor.prototype.maxValue = null; YAHOO.ext.grid.DateEditor.prototype.minText = 'The date in this field must be after %0'; YAHOO.ext.grid.DateEditor.prototype.maxText = 'The date in this field must be before %0'; YAHOO.ext.grid.DateEditor.prototype.blankText = 'This field cannot be blank'; YAHOO.ext.grid.DateEditor.prototype.invalidText = '%0 is not a valid date - it must be in the format %1'; YAHOO.ext.grid.DateEditor.prototype.validationDelay = 200; YAHOO.ext.grid.DateEditor.prototype.validator = function(){return true;}; YAHOO.ext.grid.NumberEditor = function(config){ var element = document.createElement('input'); element.type = 'text'; element.className = 'ygrid-editor ygrid-num-editor'; element.setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off'); document.body.appendChild(element); YAHOO.ext.grid.NumberEditor.superclass.constructor.call(this, element); YAHOO.ext.util.Config.apply(this, config); }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.grid.NumberEditor, YAHOO.ext.grid.CellEditor); YAHOO.ext.grid.NumberEditor.prototype.initEvents = function(){ var stopOnEnter = function(e){ if(e.browserEvent.keyCode == e.RETURN){ this.stopEditing(true); }else if(e.browserEvent.keyCode == e.ESC){ this.setValue(this.originalValue); this.stopEditing(true); } }; var allowed = "0123456789"; if(this.allowDecimals){ allowed += this.decimalSeparator; } if(this.allowNegative){ allowed += '-'; } var keyPress = function(e){ var c = e.getCharCode(); if(c != e.BACKSPACE && allowed.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(c)) === -1){ e.stopEvent(); } }; this.element.mon('keydown', stopOnEnter, this, true); var vtask = new YAHOO.ext.util.DelayedTask(this.validate, this); this.element.mon('keyup', vtask.delay.createDelegate(vtask, [this.validationDelay])); this.element.mon('keypress', keyPress, this, true); this.element.on('blur', this.stopEditing, this, true); }; YAHOO.ext.grid.NumberEditor.prototype.validate = function(){ var dom = this.element.dom; var value = dom.value; if(value.length < 1){ if(this.allowBlank){ dom.title = ''; this.element.removeClass('ygrid-editor-invalid'); return true; }else{ dom.title = this.blankText; this.element.addClass('ygrid-editor-invalid'); return false; } } if(value.search(/\d+/) === -1){ dom.title = this.nanText.replace('%0', value); this.element.addClass('ygrid-editor-invalid'); return false; } var num = this.parseValue(value); if(num < this.minValue){ dom.title = this.minText.replace('%0', this.minValue); this.element.addClass('ygrid-editor-invalid'); return false; } if(num > this.maxValue){ dom.title = this.maxText.replace('%0', this.maxValue); this.element.addClass('ygrid-editor-invalid'); return false; } var msg = this.validator(value); if(msg !== true){ dom.title = msg; this.element.addClass('ygrid-editor-invalid'); return false; } dom.title = ''; this.element.removeClass('ygrid-editor-invalid'); return true; }; YAHOO.ext.grid.NumberEditor.prototype.show = function(){ this.element.dom.title = ''; YAHOO.ext.grid.NumberEditor.superclass.show.call(this); if(this.selectOnFocus){ try{ this.element.dom.select(); }catch(e){} } this.validate(this.element.dom.value); }; YAHOO.ext.grid.NumberEditor.prototype.getValue = function(){ if(!this.validate()){ return this.originalValue; }else{ var value = this.element.dom.value; if(value.length < 1){ return value; } else{ return this.fixPrecision(this.parseValue(value)); } } }; YAHOO.ext.grid.NumberEditor.prototype.parseValue = function(value){ return parseFloat(new String(value).replace(this.decimalSeparator, '.')); }; YAHOO.ext.grid.NumberEditor.prototype.fixPrecision = function(value){ if(!this.allowDecimals || this.decimalPrecision == -1 || isNaN(value) || value == 0 || !value){ return value; } var scale = Math.pow(10, this.decimalPrecision+1); var fixed = this.decimalPrecisionFcn(value * scale); fixed = this.decimalPrecisionFcn(fixed/10); return fixed / (scale/10); }; YAHOO.ext.grid.NumberEditor.prototype.allowBlank = true; YAHOO.ext.grid.NumberEditor.prototype.allowDecimals = true; YAHOO.ext.grid.NumberEditor.prototype.decimalSeparator = '.'; YAHOO.ext.grid.NumberEditor.prototype.decimalPrecision = 2; YAHOO.ext.grid.NumberEditor.prototype.decimalPrecisionFcn = Math.floor; YAHOO.ext.grid.NumberEditor.prototype.allowNegative = true; YAHOO.ext.grid.NumberEditor.prototype.selectOnFocus = true; YAHOO.ext.grid.NumberEditor.prototype.minValue = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; YAHOO.ext.grid.NumberEditor.prototype.maxValue = Number.MAX_VALUE; YAHOO.ext.grid.NumberEditor.prototype.minText = 'The minimum value for this field is %0'; YAHOO.ext.grid.NumberEditor.prototype.maxText = 'The maximum value for this field is %0'; YAHOO.ext.grid.NumberEditor.prototype.blankText = 'This field cannot be blank'; YAHOO.ext.grid.NumberEditor.prototype.nanText = '%0 is not a valid number'; YAHOO.ext.grid.NumberEditor.prototype.validationDelay = 100; YAHOO.ext.grid.NumberEditor.prototype.validator = function(){return true;}; YAHOO.ext.DatePicker = function(id, parentElement){ this.id = id; this.selectedDate = new Date(); this.visibleDate = new Date(); this.element = null; this.shadow = null; this.callback = null; this.buildControl(parentElement || document.body); this.mouseDownHandler = YAHOO.ext.EventManager.wrap(this.handleMouseDown, this, true); this.keyDownHandler = YAHOO.ext.EventManager.wrap(this.handleKeyDown, this, true); this.wheelHandler = YAHOO.ext.EventManager.wrap(this.handleMouseWheel, this, true); }; YAHOO.ext.DatePicker.prototype = { show : function(x, y, value, callback){ this.hide(); this.selectedDate = value; this.visibleDate = value; this.callback = callback; this.refresh(); this.element.show(); this.element.setXY(this.constrainToViewport ? this.constrainXY(x, y) : [x, y]); this.shadow.show(); this.shadow.setRegion(this.element.getRegion()); this.element.dom.tabIndex = 1; this.element.focus(); YAHOO.util.Event.on(document, "mousedown", this.mouseDownHandler); YAHOO.util.Event.on(document, "keydown", this.keyDownHandler); YAHOO.util.Event.on(document, "mousewheel", this.wheelHandler); YAHOO.util.Event.on(document, "DOMMouseScroll", this.wheelHandler); }, constrainXY : function(x, y){ var w = YAHOO.util.Dom.getViewportWidth(); var h = YAHOO.util.Dom.getViewportHeight(); var size = this.element.getSize(); return [ Math.min(w-size.width, x), Math.min(h-size.height, y) ]; }, hide : function(){ this.shadow.hide(); this.element.hide(); YAHOO.util.Event.removeListener(document, "mousedown", this.mouseDownHandler); YAHOO.util.Event.removeListener(document, "keydown", this.keyDownHandler); YAHOO.util.Event.removeListener(document, "mousewheel", this.wheelHandler); YAHOO.util.Event.removeListener(document, "DOMMouseScroll", this.wheelHandler); }, setSelectedDate : function(date){ this.selectedDate = date; }, getSelectedDate : function(){ return this.selectedDate; }, showPrevMonth : function(){ this.visibleDate = this.getPrevMonth(this.visibleDate); this.refresh(); }, showNextMonth : function(){ this.visibleDate = this.getNextMonth(this.visibleDate); this.refresh(); }, showPrevYear : function(){ var d = this.visibleDate; this.visibleDate = new Date(d.getFullYear()-1, d.getMonth(), d.getDate()); this.refresh(); }, showNextYear : function(){ var d = this.visibleDate; this.visibleDate = new Date(d.getFullYear()+1, d.getMonth(), d.getDate()); this.refresh(); }, handleMouseDown : function(e){ var target = e.getTarget(); if(target != this.element.dom && !YAHOO.util.Dom.isAncestor(this.element.dom, target)){ this.hide(); } }, handleKeyDown : function(e){ switch(e.browserEvent.keyCode){ case e.LEFT: this.showPrevMonth(); e.stopEvent(); break; case e.RIGHT: this.showNextMonth(); e.stopEvent(); break; case e.DOWN: this.showPrevYear(); e.stopEvent(); break; case e.UP: this.showNextYear(); e.stopEvent(); break; } }, handleMouseWheel : function(e){ var delta = e.getWheelDelta(); if(delta > 0){ this.showPrevMonth(); e.stopEvent(); } else if(delta < 0){ this.showNextMonth(); e.stopEvent(); } }, handleClick : function(e){ var d = this.visibleDate; var t = e.getTarget(); if(t && t.className){ switch(t.className){ case 'active': this.handleSelection(new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), parseInt(t.innerHTML))); break; case 'prevday': var p = this.getPrevMonth(d); this.handleSelection(new Date(p.getFullYear(), p.getMonth(), parseInt(t.innerHTML))); break; case 'nextday': var n = this.getNextMonth(d); this.handleSelection(new Date(n.getFullYear(), n.getMonth(), parseInt(t.innerHTML))); break; case 'ypopcal-today': this.handleSelection(new Date()); break; case 'next-month': this.showNextMonth(); break; case 'prev-month': this.showPrevMonth(); break; } } e.stopEvent(); }, selectToday : function(){ this.handleSelection(new Date()); }, handleSelection: function(date){ this.selectedDate = date; this.callback(date); this.hide(); }, getPrevMonth : function(d){ var m = d.getMonth();var y = d.getFullYear(); return (m == 0 ? new Date(--y, 11, 1) : new Date(y, --m, 1)); }, getNextMonth : function(d){ var m = d.getMonth();var y = d.getFullYear(); return (m == 11 ? new Date(++y, 0, 1) : new Date(y, ++m, 1)); }, getDaysInMonth : function(m, y){ return (m == 1 || m == 3 || m == 5 || m == 7 || m == 8 || m == 10 || m == 12) ? 31 : (m == 4 || m == 6 || m == 9 || m == 11) ? 30 : this.isLeapYear(y) ? 29 : 28; }, isLeapYear : function(y){ return (((y % 4) == 0) && ((y % 100) != 0) || ((y % 400) == 0)); }, clearTime : function(date){ if(date){ date.setHours(0); date.setMinutes(0); date.setSeconds(0); date.setMilliseconds(0); } return date; }, refresh : function(){ var d = this.visibleDate; this.buildInnerCal(d); this.calHead.update(this.monthNames[d.getMonth()] + ' ' + d.getFullYear()); if(this.element.isVisible()){ this.shadow.setRegion(this.element.getRegion()); } } }; YAHOO.ext.DatePicker.prototype.buildControl = function(parentElement){ var c = document.createElement('div'); c.style.position = 'absolute'; c.style.visibility = 'hidden'; document.body.appendChild(c); var html = '' + ''; c.innerHTML = html; this.shadow = getEl(c.childNodes[0], true); this.shadow.enableDisplayMode(); this.element = getEl(c.childNodes[1], true); this.element.enableDisplayMode(); document.body.appendChild(this.shadow.dom); document.body.appendChild(this.element.dom); document.body.removeChild(c); this.element.on("selectstart", function(){return false;}); var tbody = this.element.dom.getElementsByTagName('tbody')[1]; this.cells = tbody.getElementsByTagName('td'); this.calHead = this.element.getChildrenByClassName('ypopcal-month', 'td')[0]; this.element.mon('mousedown', this.handleClick, this, true); }; YAHOO.ext.DatePicker.prototype.buildInnerCal = function(dateVal){ var days = this.getDaysInMonth(dateVal.getMonth() + 1, dateVal.getFullYear()); var firstOfMonth = new Date(dateVal.getFullYear(), dateVal.getMonth(), 1); var startingPos = firstOfMonth.getDay(); if(startingPos == 0) startingPos = 7; var pm = this.getPrevMonth(dateVal); var prevStart = this.getDaysInMonth(pm.getMonth()+1, pm.getFullYear())-startingPos; var cells = this.cells; days += startingPos; var day = 86400000; var date = this.clearTime(new Date(pm.getFullYear(), pm.getMonth(), prevStart)); var today = this.clearTime(new Date()).getTime(); var sel = this.selectedDate ? this.clearTime(this.selectedDate).getTime() : today + 1; var min = this.minDate ? this.clearTime(this.minDate).getTime() : Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; var max = this.maxDate ? this.clearTime(this.maxDate).getTime() : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; var ddMatch = this.disabledDatesRE; var ddText = this.disabledDatesText; var ddays = this.disabledDays; var ddaysText = this.disabledDaysText; var format = this.format; var setCellClass = function(cal, cell, d){ cell.title = ''; var t = d.getTime(); if(t == today){ cell.className += ' today'; cell.title = cal.todayText; } if(t == sel){ cell.className += ' selected'; } if(t < min) { cell.className = ' ypopcal-disabled'; cell.title = cal.minText; return; } if(t > max) { cell.className = ' ypopcal-disabled'; cell.title = cal.maxText; return; } if(ddays){ var day = d.getDay(); for(var i = 0; i < ddays.length; i++) { if(day === ddays[i]){ cell.title = ddaysText; cell.className = ' ypopcal-disabled'; return; } } } if(ddMatch && format){ var fvalue = d.format(format); if(ddMatch.test(fvalue)){ cell.title = ddText.replace('%0', fvalue); cell.className = ' ypopcal-disabled'; return; } } }; var i = 0; for(; i < startingPos; i++) { cells[i].innerHTML = (++prevStart); date.setDate(date.getDate()+1); cells[i].className = 'prevday'; setCellClass(this, cells[i], date); } for(; i < days; i++){ intDay = i - startingPos + 1; cells[i].innerHTML = (intDay); date.setDate(date.getDate()+1); cells[i].className = 'active'; setCellClass(this, cells[i], date); } var extraDays = 0; for(; i < 42; i++) { cells[i].innerHTML = (++extraDays); date.setDate(date.getDate()+1); cells[i].className = 'nextday'; setCellClass(this, cells[i], date); } }; YAHOO.ext.DatePicker.prototype.todayText = "Today"; YAHOO.ext.DatePicker.prototype.minDate = null; YAHOO.ext.DatePicker.prototype.maxDate = null; YAHOO.ext.DatePicker.prototype.minText = "This date is before the minimum date"; YAHOO.ext.DatePicker.prototype.maxText = "This date is after the maximum date"; YAHOO.ext.DatePicker.prototype.format = 'm/d/y'; YAHOO.ext.DatePicker.prototype.disabledDays = null; YAHOO.ext.DatePicker.prototype.disabledDaysText = ''; YAHOO.ext.DatePicker.prototype.disabledDatesRE = null; YAHOO.ext.DatePicker.prototype.disabledDatesText = ''; YAHOO.ext.DatePicker.prototype.constrainToViewport = true; YAHOO.ext.DatePicker.prototype.monthNames = Date.monthNames; YAHOO.ext.DatePicker.prototype.dayNames = Date.dayNames; YAHOO.ext.grid.SelectEditor = function(element){ element.hideFocus = true; YAHOO.ext.grid.SelectEditor.superclass.constructor.call(this, element); this.element.swallowEvent('click'); }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.grid.SelectEditor, YAHOO.ext.grid.CellEditor); YAHOO.ext.grid.SelectEditor.prototype.fitToCell = function(box){ if(YAHOO.ext.util.Browser.isGecko){ box.height -= 3; } this.element.setBox(box, true); }; YAHOO.ext.grid.TextEditor = function(config){ var element = document.createElement('input'); element.type = 'text'; element.className = 'ygrid-editor ygrid-text-editor'; element.setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off'); document.body.appendChild(element); YAHOO.ext.grid.TextEditor.superclass.constructor.call(this, element); YAHOO.ext.util.Config.apply(this, config); }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.grid.TextEditor, YAHOO.ext.grid.CellEditor); YAHOO.ext.grid.TextEditor.prototype.validate = function(){ var dom = this.element.dom; var value = dom.value; if(value.length < 1){ if(this.allowBlank){ dom.title = ''; this.element.removeClass('ygrid-editor-invalid'); return true; }else{ dom.title = this.blankText; this.element.addClass('ygrid-editor-invalid'); return false; } } if(value.length < this.minLength){ dom.title = this.minText.replace('%0', this.minLength); this.element.addClass('ygrid-editor-invalid'); return false; } if(value.length > this.maxLength){ dom.title = this.maxText.replace('%0', this.maxLength); this.element.addClass('ygrid-editor-invalid'); return false; } var msg = this.validator(value); if(msg !== true){ dom.title = msg; this.element.addClass('ygrid-editor-invalid'); return false; } if(this.regex && !this.regex.test(value)){ dom.title = this.regexText; this.element.addClass('ygrid-editor-invalid'); return false; } dom.title = ''; this.element.removeClass('ygrid-editor-invalid'); return true; }; YAHOO.ext.grid.TextEditor.prototype.initEvents = function(){ YAHOO.ext.grid.TextEditor.superclass.initEvents.call(this); var vtask = new YAHOO.ext.util.DelayedTask(this.validate, this); this.element.mon('keyup', vtask.delay.createDelegate(vtask, [this.validationDelay])); }; YAHOO.ext.grid.TextEditor.prototype.show = function(){ this.element.dom.title = ''; YAHOO.ext.grid.TextEditor.superclass.show.call(this); this.element.focus(); if(this.selectOnFocus){ try{ this.element.dom.select(); }catch(e){} } this.validate(this.element.dom.value); }; YAHOO.ext.grid.TextEditor.prototype.getValue = function(){ if(!this.validate()){ return this.originalValue; }else{ return this.element.dom.value; } }; YAHOO.ext.grid.TextEditor.prototype.allowBlank = true; YAHOO.ext.grid.TextEditor.prototype.minLength = 0; YAHOO.ext.grid.TextEditor.prototype.maxLength = Number.MAX_VALUE; YAHOO.ext.grid.TextEditor.prototype.minText = 'The minimum length for this field is %0'; YAHOO.ext.grid.TextEditor.prototype.maxText = 'The maximum length for this field is %0'; YAHOO.ext.grid.TextEditor.prototype.selectOnFocus = true; YAHOO.ext.grid.TextEditor.prototype.blankText = 'This field cannot be blank'; YAHOO.ext.grid.TextEditor.prototype.validator = function(){return true;}; YAHOO.ext.grid.TextEditor.prototype.validationDelay = 200; YAHOO.ext.grid.TextEditor.prototype.regex = null; YAHOO.ext.grid.TextEditor.prototype.regexText = ''; YAHOO.ext.LayoutManager = function(container){ YAHOO.ext.LayoutManager.superclass.constructor.call(this); this.el = getEl(container, true); this.id = this.el.id; this.el.addClass('ylayout-container'); this.monitorWindowResize = true; this.regions = {}; this.events = { 'layout' : new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent(), 'regionresized' : new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent(), 'regioncollapsed' : new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent(), 'regionexpanded' : new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent() }; this.updating = false; YAHOO.ext.EventManager.onWindowResize(this.onWindowResize, this, true); }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.LayoutManager, YAHOO.ext.util.Observable, { isUpdating : function(){ return this.updating; }, beginUpdate : function(){ this.updating = true; }, endUpdate : function(noLayout){ this.updating = false; if(!noLayout){ this.layout(); } }, layout: function(){ }, onRegionResized : function(region, newSize){ this.fireEvent('regionresized', region, newSize); this.layout(); }, onRegionCollapsed : function(region){ this.fireEvent('regioncollapsed', region); }, onRegionExpanded : function(region){ this.fireEvent('regionexpanded', region); }, getViewSize : function(){ var size; if(this.el.dom != document.body){ this.el.beginMeasure(); size = this.el.getSize(); this.el.endMeasure(); }else{ size = {width: YAHOO.util.Dom.getViewportWidth(), height: YAHOO.util.Dom.getViewportHeight()}; } size.width -= this.el.getBorderWidth('lr')-this.el.getPadding('lr'); size.height -= this.el.getBorderWidth('tb')-this.el.getPadding('tb'); return size; }, getEl : function(){ return this.el; }, getRegion : function(target){ return this.regions[target.toLowerCase()]; }, onWindowResize : function(){ if(this.monitorWindowResize){ this.layout(); } } }); YAHOO.ext.LayoutRegion = function(mgr, config, pos){ this.mgr = mgr; this.position = pos; var dh = YAHOO.ext.DomHelper; this.el = dh.append(mgr.el.dom, {tag: 'div', cls: 'ylayout-panel ylayout-panel-' + this.position}, true); 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this.panels = new YAHOO.ext.util.MixedCollection(); this.panels.getKey = this.getPanelId.createDelegate(this); this.box = null; this.visible = false; this.collapsed = false; this.hide(); this.on('paneladded', this.validateVisibility, this, true); this.on('panelremoved', this.validateVisibility, this, true); this.activePanel = null; this.applyConfig(config); }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.LayoutRegion, YAHOO.ext.util.Observable, { getPanelId : function(p){ return p.getId(); }, applyConfig : function(config){ if(config.collapsible && this.position != 'center' && !this.collapsedEl){ var dh = YAHOO.ext.DomHelper; this.collapseBtn = this.createTool(this.tools.dom, 'ylayout-collapse-'+this.position); this.collapseBtn.mon('click', this.collapse, this, true); this.collapsedEl = dh.append(this.mgr.el.dom, {tag: 'div', cls: 'ylayout-collapsed ylayout-collapsed-'+this.position, children:[ {tag: 'div', cls: 'ylayout-collapsed-tools'} ]}, true); if(config.floatable !== false){ this.collapsedEl.addClassOnOver('ylayout-collapsed-over'); 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this.slideDuration = config.slideDuration || .45; this.config = config; if(config.collapsed){ this.collapse(true); } }, resizeTo : function(newSize){ switch(this.position){ case 'east': case 'west': this.el.setWidth(newSize); this.fireEvent('resized', this, newSize); break; case 'north': case 'south': this.el.setHeight(newSize); this.fireEvent('resized', this, newSize); break; } }, getBox : function(){ var b; if(!this.collapsed){ b = this.el.getBox(false, true); }else{ b = this.collapsedEl.getBox(false, true); } return b; }, getMargins : function(){ return this.collapsed ? this.cmargins : this.margins; }, highlight : function(){ this.el.addClass('ylayout-panel-dragover'); }, unhighlight : function(){ this.el.removeClass('ylayout-panel-dragover'); }, updateBox : function(box){ this.box = box; if(!this.collapsed){ this.el.dom.style.left = box.x + 'px'; this.el.dom.style.top = box.y + 'px'; this.el.setSize(box.width, box.height); var bodyHeight = this.titleEl.isVisible() ? box.height - (this.titleEl.getHeight()||0) : box.height; 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} this.visible = true; this.fireEvent('visibilitychange', this, true); }, isVisible : function(){ return this.visible; }, closeClicked : function(){ if(this.activePanel){ this.remove(this.activePanel); } }, collapseClick : function(e){ if(this.isSlid){ e.stopPropagation(); this.slideIn(); }else{ e.stopPropagation(); this.slideOut(); } }, collapse : function(skipAnim){ if(this.collapsed) return; this.collapsed = true; if(this.split){ this.split.el.hide(); } if(this.config.animate && skipAnim !== true){ this.fireEvent('invalidated', this); this.animateCollapse(); }else{ this.el.setLocation(-20000,-20000); this.el.hide(); this.collapsedEl.show(); this.fireEvent('collapsed', this); this.fireEvent('invalidated', this); } }, animateCollapse : function(){ }, expand : function(e, skipAnim){ if(e) e.stopPropagation(); if(!this.collapsed) return; if(this.isSlid){ this.slideIn(this.expand.createDelegate(this)); return; } this.collapsed = false; this.el.show(); if(this.config.animate && skipAnim !== true){ this.animateExpand(); }else{ if(this.split){ this.split.el.show(); } this.collapsedEl.setLocation(-2000,-2000); this.collapsedEl.hide(); this.fireEvent('invalidated', this); this.fireEvent('expanded', this); } }, animateExpand : function(){ }, initTabs : function(){ this.bodyEl.setStyle('overflow', 'hidden'); var ts = new YAHOO.ext.TabPanel(this.bodyEl.dom, this.bottomTabs); this.tabs = ts; ts.resizeTabs = this.config.resizeTabs === true; ts.minTabWidth = this.config.minTabWidth || 40; ts.maxTabWidth = this.config.maxTabWidth || 250; ts.preferredTabWidth = this.config.preferredTabWidth || 150; ts.monitorResize = false; ts.bodyEl.setStyle('overflow', this.config.autoScroll ? 'auto' : 'hidden'); this.panels.each(this.initPanelAsTab, this); }, initPanelAsTab : function(panel){ var ti = this.tabs.addTab(panel.getEl().id, panel.getTitle(), null, this.config.closeOnTab && panel.isClosable()); ti.on('activate', function(){ this.setActivePanel(panel); }, this, true); if(this.config.closeOnTab){ ti.on('beforeclose', function(t, e){ e.cancel = true; this.remove(panel); }, this, true); } return ti; }, updatePanelTitle : function(panel, title){ if(this.activePanel == panel){ this.updateTitle(title); } if(this.tabs){ this.tabs.getTab(panel.getEl().id).setText(title); } }, updateTitle : function(title){ if(this.titleTextEl && !this.config.title){ this.titleTextEl.innerHTML = (typeof title != 'undefined' && title.length > 0 ? title : " "); } }, setActivePanel : function(panel){ panel = this.getPanel(panel); if(this.activePanel && this.activePanel != panel){ this.activePanel.setActiveState(false); } this.activePanel = panel; panel.setActiveState(true); if(this.panelSize){ panel.setSize(this.panelSize.width, this.panelSize.height); } this.closeBtn.setVisible(!this.config.closeOnTab && !this.isSlid && panel.isClosable()); this.updateTitle(panel.getTitle()); this.fireEvent('panelactivated', this, panel); }, showPanel : function(panel){ if(panel = this.getPanel(panel)){ if(this.tabs){ this.tabs.activate(panel.getEl().id); }else{ this.setActivePanel(panel); } } return panel; }, getActivePanel : function(){ return this.activePanel; }, validateVisibility : function(){ if(this.panels.getCount() < 1){ this.updateTitle(' '); this.closeBtn.hide(); this.hide(); }else{ if(!this.isVisible()){ this.show(); } } }, add : function(panel){ if(arguments.length > 1){ for(var i = 0, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) { this.add(arguments[i]); } return null; } if(this.hasPanel(panel)){ this.showPanel(panel); return panel; } panel.setRegion(this); this.panels.add(panel); if(this.panels.getCount() == 1 && !this.config.alwaysShowTabs){ this.bodyEl.dom.appendChild(panel.getEl().dom); this.setActivePanel(panel); this.fireEvent('paneladded', this, panel); return panel; } if(!this.tabs){ this.initTabs(); }else{ this.initPanelAsTab(panel); } this.tabs.activate(panel.getEl().id); this.fireEvent('paneladded', this, panel); return panel; }, hasPanel : function(panel){ if(typeof panel == 'object'){ panel = panel.getId(); } return this.getPanel(panel) ? true : false; }, hidePanel : function(panel){ if(this.tabs && (panel = this.getPanel(panel))){ this.tabs.hideTab(panel.getEl().id); } }, unhidePanel : function(panel){ if(this.tabs && (panel = this.getPanel(panel))){ this.tabs.unhideTab(panel.getEl().id); } }, clearPanels : function(){ while(this.panels.getCount() > 0){ this.remove(this.panels.first()); } }, remove : function(panel, preservePanel){ panel = this.getPanel(panel); if(!panel){ return null; } var e = {}; this.fireEvent('beforeremove', this, panel, e); if(e.cancel === true){ return null; } preservePanel = (typeof preservePanel != 'undefined' ? preservePanel : (this.config.preservePanels === true || panel.preserve === true)); var panelId = panel.getId(); this.panels.removeKey(panelId); if(preservePanel){ document.body.appendChild(panel.getEl().dom); } if(this.tabs){ this.tabs.removeTab(panel.getEl().id); }else if (!preservePanel){ this.bodyEl.dom.removeChild(panel.getEl().dom); } if(this.panels.getCount() == 1 && this.tabs && !this.config.alwaysShowTabs){ var p = this.panels.first(); var tempEl = document.createElement('span'); tempEl.appendChild(p.getEl().dom); this.bodyEl.update(''); this.bodyEl.dom.appendChild(p.getEl().dom); tempEl = null; this.updateTitle(p.getTitle()); this.tabs = null; this.bodyEl.setStyle('overflow', this.config.autoScroll ? 'auto' : 'hidden'); this.setActivePanel(p); } panel.setRegion(null); if(this.activePanel == panel){ this.activePanel = null; } if(this.config.autoDestroy !== false && preservePanel !== true){ try{panel.destroy();}catch(e){} } this.fireEvent('panelremoved', this, panel); return panel; }, getTabs : function(){ return this.tabs; }, getPanel : function(id){ if(typeof id == 'object'){ return id; } return this.panels.get(id); }, getPosition: function(){ return this.position; }, createTool : function(parentEl, className){ var btn = YAHOO.ext.DomHelper.append(parentEl, {tag: 'div', cls: 'ylayout-tools-button', children: [{tag: 'div', cls: 'ylayout-tools-button-inner ' + className, html: ' '}]}, true); btn.addClassOnOver('ylayout-tools-button-over'); return btn; } }); YAHOO.ext.SplitLayoutRegion = function(mgr, config, pos, cursor){ this.cursor = cursor; YAHOO.ext.SplitLayoutRegion.superclass.constructor.call(this, mgr, config, pos); if(config.split){ this.hide(); } }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.SplitLayoutRegion, YAHOO.ext.LayoutRegion, { applyConfig : function(config){ YAHOO.ext.SplitLayoutRegion.superclass.applyConfig.call(this, config); if(config.split){ if(!this.split){ var splitEl = YAHOO.ext.DomHelper.append(this.mgr.el.dom, {tag: 'div', id: this.el.id + '-split', cls: 'ylayout-split ylayout-split-'+this.position, html: ' '}); this.split = new YAHOO.ext.SplitBar(splitEl, this.el); this.split.onMoved.subscribe(this.onSplitMove, this, true); this.split.useShim = config.useShim === true; YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle([this.split.el.dom, this.split.proxy], 'cursor', this.cursor); this.split.getMaximumSize = this.getMaxSize.createDelegate(this); } if(typeof config.minSize != 'undefined'){ this.split.minSize = config.minSize; } if(typeof config.maxSize != 'undefined'){ this.split.maxSize = config.maxSize; } } }, getMaxSize : function(){ var cmax = this.config.maxSize || 10000; var center = this.mgr.getRegion('center'); return Math.min(cmax, (this.el.getWidth()+center.getEl().getWidth())-center.getMinWidth()); }, onSplitMove : function(split, newSize){ this.fireEvent('resized', this, newSize); }, getSplitBar : function(){ return this.split; }, hide : function(){ if(this.split){ this.split.el.setLocation(-2000,-2000); this.split.el.hide(); } YAHOO.ext.SplitLayoutRegion.superclass.hide.call(this); }, show : function(){ if(this.split){ this.split.el.show(); } YAHOO.ext.SplitLayoutRegion.superclass.show.call(this); }, beforeSlide: function(){ if(YAHOO.ext.util.Browser.isGecko){ this.bodyEl.clip(); if(this.tabs) this.tabs.bodyEl.clip(); if(this.activePanel){ this.activePanel.getEl().clip(); if(this.activePanel.beforeSlide){ this.activePanel.beforeSlide(); } } } }, afterSlide : function(){ if(YAHOO.ext.util.Browser.isGecko){ this.bodyEl.unclip(); if(this.tabs) this.tabs.bodyEl.unclip(); if(this.activePanel){ this.activePanel.getEl().unclip(); if(this.activePanel.afterSlide){ this.activePanel.afterSlide(); } } } }, slideOut : function(){ if(!this.slideEl){ this.slideEl = new YAHOO.ext.Actor( YAHOO.ext.DomHelper.append(this.mgr.el.dom, {tag: 'div', cls:'ylayout-slider'})); if(this.config.autoHide !== false){ var slideInTask = new YAHOO.ext.util.DelayedTask(this.slideIn, this); this.slideEl.mon('mouseout', function(e){ var to = e.getRelatedTarget(); if(to && to != this.slideEl.dom && !YAHOO.util.Dom.isAncestor(this.slideEl.dom, to)){ slideInTask.delay(500); } }, this, true); this.slideEl.mon('mouseover', function(e){ slideInTask.cancel(); }, this, true); } } var sl = this.slideEl, c = this.collapsedEl, cm = this.cmargins; this.isSlid = true; this.snapshot = { 'left': this.el.getLeft(true), 'top': this.el.getTop(true), 'colbtn': this.collapseBtn.isVisible(), 'closebtn': this.closeBtn.isVisible() }; this.collapseBtn.hide(); this.closeBtn.hide(); this.el.show(); this.el.setLeftTop(0,0); sl.startCapture(true); var size; switch(this.position){ case 'west': sl.setLeft(c.getRight(true)); sl.setTop(c.getTop(true)); size = this.el.getWidth(); break; case 'east': sl.setRight(this.mgr.getViewSize().width-c.getLeft(true)); sl.setTop(c.getTop(true)); size = this.el.getWidth(); break; case 'north': sl.setLeft(c.getLeft(true)); sl.setTop(c.getBottom(true)); size = this.el.getHeight(); break; case 'south': sl.setLeft(c.getLeft(true)); sl.setBottom(this.mgr.getViewSize().height-c.getTop(true)); size = this.el.getHeight(); break; } sl.dom.appendChild(this.el.dom); YAHOO.util.Event.on(document.body, 'click', this.slideInIf, this, true); sl.setSize(this.el.getWidth(), this.el.getHeight()); this.beforeSlide(); if(this.activePanel){ this.activePanel.setSize(this.bodyEl.getWidth(), this.bodyEl.getHeight()); } sl.slideShow(this.getAnchor(), size, this.slideDuration, null, false); sl.play(function(){ this.afterSlide(); }.createDelegate(this)); }, slideInIf : function(e){ var t = YAHOO.util.Event.getTarget(e); if(!YAHOO.util.Dom.isAncestor(this.el.dom, t)){ this.slideIn(); } }, slideIn : function(callback){ if(this.isSlid && !this.slideEl.playlist.isPlaying()){ YAHOO.util.Event.removeListener(document.body, 'click', this.slideInIf, this, true); this.slideEl.startCapture(true); this.slideEl.slideHide(this.getAnchor(), this.slideDuration, null); this.beforeSlide(); this.slideEl.play(function(){ this.isSlid = false; this.el.setPositioning(this.snapshot); this.collapseBtn.setVisible(this.snapshot.colbtn); this.closeBtn.setVisible(this.snapshot.closebtn); this.afterSlide(); this.mgr.el.dom.appendChild(this.el.dom); if(typeof callback == 'function'){ callback(); } }.createDelegate(this)); } }, animateExpand : function(){ var em = this.margins, cm = this.cmargins; var c = this.collapsedEl, el = this.el; var direction, distance; switch(this.position){ case 'west': direction = 'right'; el.setLeft(-(el.getWidth() + (em.right+em.left))); el.setTop(c.getTop(true)-cm.top+em.top); distance = el.getWidth() + (em.right+em.left); break; case 'east': direction = 'left'; el.setLeft(this.mgr.getViewSize().width + em.left); el.setTop(c.getTop(true)-cm.top+em.top); distance = el.getWidth() + (em.right+em.left); break; case 'north': direction = 'down'; el.setLeft(em.left); el.setTop(-(el.getHeight() + (em.top+em.bottom))); distance = el.getHeight() + (em.top+em.bottom); break; case 'south': direction = 'up'; el.setLeft(em.left); el.setTop(this.mgr.getViewSize().height + em.top); distance = el.getHeight() + (em.top+em.bottom); break; } this.beforeSlide(); el.setStyle('z-index', '100'); el.show(); c.setLocation(-2000,-2000); c.hide(); el.move(direction, distance, true, this.duration, function(){ this.afterSlide(); el.setStyle('z-index', ''); if(this.split){ this.split.el.show(); } this.fireEvent('invalidated', this); this.fireEvent('expanded', this); }.createDelegate(this), this.config.easing || YAHOO.util.Easing.easeOut); }, animateCollapse : function(){ var em = this.margins, cm = this.cmargins; var c = this.collapsedEl, el = this.el; var direction, distance; switch(this.position){ case 'west': direction = 'left'; distance = el.getWidth() + (em.right+em.left); break; case 'east': direction = 'right'; distance = el.getWidth() + (em.right+em.left); break; case 'north': direction = 'up'; distance = el.getHeight() + (em.top+em.bottom); break; case 'south': direction = 'down'; distance = el.getHeight() + (em.top+em.bottom); break; } this.el.setStyle('z-index', '100'); this.beforeSlide(); this.el.move(direction, distance, true, this.duration, function(){ this.afterSlide(); this.el.setStyle('z-index', ''); this.el.setLocation(-20000,-20000); this.el.hide(); this.collapsedEl.show(); this.fireEvent('collapsed', this); }.createDelegate(this), YAHOO.util.Easing.easeIn); }, getAnchor : function(){ switch(this.position){ case 'west': return 'left'; case 'east': return 'right'; case 'north': return 'top'; case 'south': return 'bottom'; } } }); YAHOO.ext.BorderLayout = function(container, config){ YAHOO.ext.BorderLayout.superclass.constructor.call(this, container); this.factory = config.factory || YAHOO.ext.BorderLayout.RegionFactory; this.hideOnLayout = config.hideOnLayout || false; for(var i = 0, len = this.factory.validRegions.length; i < len; i++) { var target = this.factory.validRegions[i]; if(config[target]){ this.addRegion(target, config[target]); } } }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.BorderLayout, YAHOO.ext.LayoutManager, { addRegion : function(target, config){ if(!this.regions[target]){ var r = this.factory.create(target, this, config); this.regions[target] = r; r.on('visibilitychange', this.layout, this, true); r.on('paneladded', this.layout, this, true); r.on('panelremoved', this.layout, this, true); r.on('invalidated', this.layout, this, true); r.on('resized', this.onRegionResized, this, true); r.on('collapsed', this.onRegionCollapsed, this, true); r.on('expanded', this.onRegionExpanded, this, true); } return this.regions[target]; }, layout : function(){ if(this.updating) return; var size = this.getViewSize(); var w = size.width, h = size.height; var centerW = w, centerH = h, centerY = 0, centerX = 0; var x = 0, y = 0; var rs = this.regions; var n = rs['north'], s = rs['south'], west = rs['west'], e = rs['east'], c = rs['center']; if(this.hideOnLayout){ c.el.setStyle('display', 'none'); } if(n && n.isVisible()){ var b = n.getBox(); var m = n.getMargins(); b.width = w - (m.left+m.right); b.x = m.left; b.y = m.top; centerY = b.height + b.y + m.bottom; centerH -= centerY; n.updateBox(this.safeBox(b)); } if(s && s.isVisible()){ var b = s.getBox(); var m = s.getMargins(); b.width = w - (m.left+m.right); b.x = m.left; var totalHeight = (b.height + m.top + m.bottom); b.y = h - totalHeight + m.top; centerH -= totalHeight; s.updateBox(this.safeBox(b)); } if(west && west.isVisible()){ var b = west.getBox(); var m = west.getMargins(); b.height = centerH - (m.top+m.bottom); b.x = m.left; b.y = centerY + m.top; var totalWidth = (b.width + m.left + m.right); centerX += totalWidth; centerW -= totalWidth; west.updateBox(this.safeBox(b)); } if(e && e.isVisible()){ var b = e.getBox(); var m = e.getMargins(); b.height = centerH - (m.top+m.bottom); var totalWidth = (b.width + m.left + m.right); b.x = w - totalWidth + m.left; b.y = centerY + m.top; centerW -= totalWidth; e.updateBox(this.safeBox(b)); } if(c){ var m = c.getMargins(); var centerBox = { x: centerX + m.left, y: centerY + m.top, width: centerW - (m.left+m.right), height: centerH - (m.top+m.bottom) }; if(this.hideOnLayout){ c.el.setStyle('display', 'block'); } c.updateBox(this.safeBox(centerBox)); } this.el.repaint(); this.fireEvent('layout', this); }, safeBox : function(box){ box.width = Math.max(0, box.width); box.height = Math.max(0, box.height); return box; }, add : function(target, panel){ target = target.toLowerCase(); return this.regions[target].add(panel); }, remove : function(target, panel){ target = target.toLowerCase(); return this.regions[target].remove(panel); }, findPanel : function(panelId){ var rs = this.regions; for(var target in rs){ if(typeof rs[target] != 'function'){ var p = rs[target].getPanel(panelId); if(p){ return p; } } } return null; }, showPanel : function(panelId) { var rs = this.regions; for(var target in rs){ var r = rs[target]; if(typeof r != 'function'){ if(r.hasPanel(panelId)){ return r.showPanel(panelId); } } } return null; }, restoreState : function(provider){ if(!provider){ provider = YAHOO.ext.state.Manager; } var sm = new YAHOO.ext.LayoutStateManager(); sm.init(this, provider); } }); YAHOO.ext.BorderLayout.RegionFactory = {}; YAHOO.ext.BorderLayout.RegionFactory.validRegions = ['north','south','east','west','center']; YAHOO.ext.BorderLayout.RegionFactory.create = function(target, mgr, config){ if(config.lightweight){ return new YAHOO.ext.LayoutRegionLite(mgr, config); } target = target.toLowerCase(); switch(target){ case 'north': return new YAHOO.ext.NorthLayoutRegion(mgr, config); case 'south': return new YAHOO.ext.SouthLayoutRegion(mgr, config); case 'east': return new YAHOO.ext.EastLayoutRegion(mgr, config); case 'west': return new YAHOO.ext.WestLayoutRegion(mgr, config); case 'center': return new YAHOO.ext.CenterLayoutRegion(mgr, config); } throw 'Layout region "'+target+'" not supported.'; }; YAHOO.ext.CenterLayoutRegion = function(mgr, config){ YAHOO.ext.CenterLayoutRegion.superclass.constructor.call(this, mgr, config, 'center'); this.visible = true; this.minWidth = config.minWidth || 20; this.minHeight = config.minHeight || 20; }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.CenterLayoutRegion, YAHOO.ext.LayoutRegion, { hide : function(){ }, show : function(){ }, getMinWidth: function(){ return this.minWidth; }, getMinHeight: function(){ return this.minHeight; } }); YAHOO.ext.NorthLayoutRegion = function(mgr, config){ YAHOO.ext.NorthLayoutRegion.superclass.constructor.call(this, mgr, config, 'north', 'n-resize'); if(this.split){ this.split.placement = YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.TOP; this.split.orientation = YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.VERTICAL; this.split.el.addClass('ylayout-split-v'); } if(typeof config.initialSize != 'undefined'){ this.el.setHeight(config.initialSize); } }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.NorthLayoutRegion, YAHOO.ext.SplitLayoutRegion, { getBox : function(){ if(this.collapsed){ return this.collapsedEl.getBox(); } var box = this.el.getBox(); if(this.split){ box.height += this.split.el.getHeight(); } return box; }, updateBox : function(box){ if(this.split && !this.collapsed){ box.height -= this.split.el.getHeight(); this.split.el.setLeft(box.x); this.split.el.setTop(box.y+box.height); this.split.el.setWidth(box.width); } if(this.collapsed){ this.el.setWidth(box.width); var bodyWidth = box.width - this.el.getBorderWidth('rl'); this.bodyEl.setWidth(bodyWidth); if(this.activePanel && this.panelSize){ this.activePanel.setSize(bodyWidth, this.panelSize.height); } } YAHOO.ext.NorthLayoutRegion.superclass.updateBox.call(this, box); } }); YAHOO.ext.SouthLayoutRegion = function(mgr, config){ YAHOO.ext.SouthLayoutRegion.superclass.constructor.call(this, mgr, config, 'south', 's-resize'); if(this.split){ this.split.placement = YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.BOTTOM; this.split.orientation = YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.VERTICAL; this.split.el.addClass('ylayout-split-v'); } if(typeof config.initialSize != 'undefined'){ this.el.setHeight(config.initialSize); } }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.SouthLayoutRegion, YAHOO.ext.SplitLayoutRegion, { getBox : function(){ if(this.collapsed){ return this.collapsedEl.getBox(); } var box = this.el.getBox(); if(this.split){ var sh = this.split.el.getHeight(); box.height += sh; box.y -= sh; } return box; }, updateBox : function(box){ if(this.split && !this.collapsed){ var sh = this.split.el.getHeight(); box.height -= sh; box.y += sh; this.split.el.setLeft(box.x); this.split.el.setTop(box.y-sh); this.split.el.setWidth(box.width); } if(this.collapsed){ this.el.setWidth(box.width); var bodyWidth = box.width - this.el.getBorderWidth('rl'); this.bodyEl.setWidth(bodyWidth); if(this.activePanel && this.panelSize){ this.activePanel.setSize(bodyWidth, this.panelSize.height); } } YAHOO.ext.SouthLayoutRegion.superclass.updateBox.call(this, box); } }); YAHOO.ext.EastLayoutRegion = function(mgr, config){ YAHOO.ext.EastLayoutRegion.superclass.constructor.call(this, mgr, config, 'east', 'e-resize'); if(this.split){ this.split.placement = YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.RIGHT; this.split.orientation = YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL; this.split.el.addClass('ylayout-split-h'); } if(typeof config.initialSize != 'undefined'){ this.el.setWidth(config.initialSize); } }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.EastLayoutRegion, YAHOO.ext.SplitLayoutRegion, { getBox : function(){ if(this.collapsed){ return this.collapsedEl.getBox(); } var box = this.el.getBox(); if(this.split){ var sw = this.split.el.getWidth(); box.width += sw; box.x -= sw; } return box; }, updateBox : function(box){ if(this.split && !this.collapsed){ var sw = this.split.el.getWidth(); box.width -= sw; this.split.el.setLeft(box.x); this.split.el.setTop(box.y); this.split.el.setHeight(box.height); box.x += sw; } if(this.collapsed){ this.el.setHeight(box.height); var bodyHeight = this.config.titlebar ? box.height - (this.titleEl.getHeight()||0) : box.height; bodyHeight -= this.el.getBorderWidth('tb'); this.bodyEl.setHeight(bodyHeight); if(this.activePanel && this.panelSize){ this.activePanel.setSize(this.panelSize.width, bodyHeight); } } YAHOO.ext.EastLayoutRegion.superclass.updateBox.call(this, box); } }); YAHOO.ext.WestLayoutRegion = function(mgr, config){ YAHOO.ext.WestLayoutRegion.superclass.constructor.call(this, mgr, config, 'west', 'w-resize'); if(this.split){ this.split.placement = YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.LEFT; this.split.orientation = YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL; this.split.el.addClass('ylayout-split-h'); } if(typeof config.initialSize != 'undefined'){ this.el.setWidth(config.initialSize); } }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.WestLayoutRegion, YAHOO.ext.SplitLayoutRegion, { getBox : function(){ if(this.collapsed){ return this.collapsedEl.getBox(); } var box = this.el.getBox(); if(this.split){ box.width += this.split.el.getWidth(); } return box; }, updateBox : function(box){ if(this.split && !this.collapsed){ var sw = this.split.el.getWidth(); box.width -= sw; this.split.el.setLeft(box.x+box.width); this.split.el.setTop(box.y); this.split.el.setHeight(box.height); } if(this.collapsed){ this.el.setHeight(box.height); var bodyHeight = this.config.titlebar ? box.height - (this.titleEl.getHeight()||0) : box.height; bodyHeight -= this.el.getBorderWidth('tb'); this.bodyEl.setHeight(bodyHeight); if(this.activePanel && this.panelSize){ this.activePanel.setSize(this.panelSize.width, bodyHeight); } } YAHOO.ext.WestLayoutRegion.superclass.updateBox.call(this, box); } }); YAHOO.ext.ContentPanel = function(el, config, content){ YAHOO.ext.ContentPanel.superclass.constructor.call(this); this.el = getEl(el, true); if(!this.el && config && config.autoCreate){ if(typeof config.autoCreate == 'object'){ if(!config.autoCreate.id){ config.autoCreate.id = el; } this.el = YAHOO.ext.DomHelper.append(document.body, config.autoCreate, true); }else{ this.el = YAHOO.ext.DomHelper.append(document.body, {tag: 'div', cls: 'ylayout-inactive-content', id: el}, true); } } this.closable = false; this.loaded = false; this.active = false; if(typeof config == 'string'){ this.title = config; }else{ YAHOO.ext.util.Config.apply(this, config); } if(this.resizeEl){ this.resizeEl = getEl(this.resizeEl, true); }else{ this.resizeEl = this.el; } this.events = { 'activate' : new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('activate'), 'deactivate' : new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('deactivate') }; if(this.autoScroll){ this.el.setStyle('overflow', 'auto'); } if(content){ this.setContent(content); } }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.ContentPanel, YAHOO.ext.util.Observable, { setRegion : function(region){ this.region = region; if(region){ this.el.replaceClass('ylayout-inactive-content', 'ylayout-active-content'); }else{ this.el.replaceClass('ylayout-active-content', 'ylayout-inactive-content'); } }, getToolbar : function(){ return this.toolbar; }, setActiveState : function(active){ this.active = active; if(!active){ this.fireEvent('deactivate', this); }else{ this.fireEvent('activate', this); } }, setContent : function(content, loadScripts){ this.el.update(content, loadScripts); }, getUpdateManager : function(){ return this.el.getUpdateManager(); }, setUrl : function(url, params, loadOnce){ if(this.refreshDelegate){ this.removeListener('activate', this.refreshDelegate); } this.refreshDelegate = this._handleRefresh.createDelegate(this, [url, params, loadOnce]); this.on('activate', this._handleRefresh.createDelegate(this, [url, params, loadOnce])); return this.el.getUpdateManager(); }, _handleRefresh : function(url, params, loadOnce){ if(!loadOnce || !this.loaded){ var updater = this.el.getUpdateManager(); updater.update(url, params, this._setLoaded.createDelegate(this)); } }, _setLoaded : function(){ this.loaded = true; }, getId : function(){ return this.el.id; }, getEl : function(){ return this.el; }, adjustForComponents : function(width, height){ if(this.toolbar){ var te = this.toolbar.getEl(); height -= te.getHeight(); te.setWidth(width); } if(this.adjustments){ width += this.adjustments[0]; height += this.adjustments[1]; } return {'width': width, 'height': height}; }, setSize : function(width, height){ if(this.fitToFrame){ var size = this.adjustForComponents(width, height); this.resizeEl.setSize(this.autoWidth ? 'auto' : size.width, size.height); } }, getTitle : function(){ return this.title; }, setTitle : function(title){ this.title = title; if(this.region){ this.region.updatePanelTitle(this, title); } }, isClosable : function(){ return this.closable; }, beforeSlide : function(){ this.el.clip(); this.resizeEl.clip(); }, afterSlide : function(){ this.el.unclip(); this.resizeEl.unclip(); }, refresh : function(){ if(this.refreshDelegate){ this.loaded = false; this.refreshDelegate(); } }, destroy : function(){ this.el.removeAllListeners(); var tempEl = document.createElement('span'); tempEl.appendChild(this.el.dom); tempEl.innerHTML = ''; this.el = null; } }); YAHOO.ext.GridPanel = function(grid, config){ this.wrapper = YAHOO.ext.DomHelper.append(document.body, {tag: 'div', cls: 'ylayout-grid-wrapper ylayout-inactive-content'}, true); this.wrapper.dom.appendChild(grid.container.dom); YAHOO.ext.GridPanel.superclass.constructor.call(this, this.wrapper, config); if(this.toolbar){ this.toolbar.el.insertBefore(this.wrapper.dom.firstChild); } grid.monitorWindowResize = false; grid.autoHeight = false; grid.autoWidth = false; this.grid = grid; this.grid.container.replaceClass('ylayout-inactive-content', 'ylayout-component-panel'); }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.GridPanel, YAHOO.ext.ContentPanel, { getId : function(){ return this.grid.id; }, getGrid : function(){ return this.grid; }, setSize : function(width, height){ var grid = this.grid; var size = this.adjustForComponents(width, height); grid.container.setSize(size.width, size.height); grid.autoSize(); }, beforeSlide : function(){ this.grid.getView().wrapEl.clip(); }, afterSlide : function(){ this.grid.getView().wrapEl.unclip(); }, destroy : function(){ this.grid.getView().unplugDataModel(this.grid.getDataModel()); this.grid.container.removeAllListeners(); YAHOO.ext.GridPanel.superclass.destroy.call(this); } }); YAHOO.ext.NestedLayoutPanel = function(layout, config){ YAHOO.ext.NestedLayoutPanel.superclass.constructor.call(this, layout.getEl(), config); layout.monitorWindowResize = false; this.layout = layout; this.layout.getEl().addClass('ylayout-nested-layout'); }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.NestedLayoutPanel, YAHOO.ext.ContentPanel, { setSize : function(width, height){ var size = this.adjustForComponents(width, height); this.layout.getEl().setSize(size.width, size.height); this.layout.layout(); }, getLayout : function(){ return this.layout; } }); YAHOO.ext.LayoutStateManager = function(layout){ this.state = { north: {}, south: {}, east: {}, west: {} }; }; YAHOO.ext.LayoutStateManager.prototype = { init : function(layout, provider){ this.provider = provider; var state = provider.get(layout.id+'-layout-state'); if(state){ var wasUpdating = layout.isUpdating(); if(!wasUpdating){ layout.beginUpdate(); } for(var key in state){ if(typeof state[key] != 'function'){ var rstate = state[key]; var r = layout.getRegion(key); if(r && rstate){ if(rstate.size){ r.resizeTo(rstate.size); } if(rstate.collapsed == true){ r.collapse(true); }else{ r.expand(null, true); } } } } if(!wasUpdating){ layout.endUpdate(); } this.state = state; } this.layout = layout; layout.on('regionresized', this.onRegionResized, this, true); layout.on('regioncollapsed', this.onRegionCollapsed, this, true); layout.on('regionexpanded', this.onRegionExpanded, this, true); }, storeState : function(){ this.provider.set(this.layout.id+'-layout-state', this.state); }, onRegionResized : function(region, newSize){ this.state[region.getPosition()].size = newSize; this.storeState(); }, onRegionCollapsed : function(region){ this.state[region.getPosition()].collapsed = true; this.storeState(); }, onRegionExpanded : function(region){ this.state[region.getPosition()].collapsed = false; this.storeState(); } }; YAHOO.ext.BasicDialog = function(el, config){ this.el = getEl(el); var dh = YAHOO.ext.DomHelper; if(!this.el && config && config.autoCreate){ if(typeof config.autoCreate == 'object'){ if(!config.autoCreate.id){ config.autoCreate.id = el; } this.el = dh.append(document.body, config.autoCreate, true); }else{ this.el = dh.append(document.body, {tag: 'div', id: el}, true); } } el = this.el; el.setDisplayed(true); el.hide = this.hideAction; this.id = el.id; el.addClass('ydlg'); this.shadowOffset = 3; this.minHeight = 80; this.minWidth = 200; this.minButtonWidth = 75; this.defaultButton = null; YAHOO.ext.util.Config.apply(this, config); this.proxy = el.createProxy('ydlg-proxy'); this.proxy.hide = this.hideAction; this.proxy.setOpacity(.5); this.proxy.hide(); if(config.width){ el.setWidth(config.width); } if(config.height){ el.setHeight(config.height); } this.size = el.getSize(); if(typeof config.x != 'undefined' && typeof config.y != 'undefined'){ this.xy = [config.x,config.y]; }else{ this.xy = el.getCenterXY(true); } var cn = el.dom.childNodes; for(var i = 0, len = cn.length; i < len; i++) { var node = cn[i]; if(node && node.nodeType == 1){ if(YAHOO.util.Dom.hasClass(node, 'ydlg-hd')){ this.header = getEl(node, true); }else if(YAHOO.util.Dom.hasClass(node, 'ydlg-bd')){ this.body = getEl(node, true); }else if(YAHOO.util.Dom.hasClass(node, 'ydlg-ft')){ this.footer = getEl(node, true); } } } if(!this.header){ this.header = dh.append(el.dom, {tag: 'div', cls:'ydlg-hd'}, true); } if(this.title){ this.header.update(this.title); } if(!this.body){ this.body = dh.append(el.dom, {tag: 'div', cls:'ydlg-bd'}, true); } var hl = dh.insertBefore(this.header.dom, {tag: 'div', cls:'ydlg-hd-left'}); var hr = dh.append(hl, {tag: 'div', cls:'ydlg-hd-right'}); hr.appendChild(this.header.dom); this.bwrap = dh.insertBefore(this.body.dom, {tag: 'div', cls:'ydlg-dlg-body'}, true); this.bwrap.dom.appendChild(this.body.dom); if(this.footer) this.bwrap.dom.appendChild(this.footer.dom); if(this.autoScroll !== false && !this.autoTabs){ this.body.setStyle('overflow', 'auto'); } if(this.closable !== false){ this.el.addClass('ydlg-closable'); this.close = dh.append(el.dom, {tag: 'div', cls:'ydlg-close'}, true); this.close.mon('click', function(){ this.hide(); }, this, true); } if(this.resizable !== false){ this.el.addClass('ydlg-resizable'); this.resizer = new YAHOO.ext.Resizable(el, { minWidth: this.minWidth || 80, minHeight:this.minHeight || 80, handles: 'all', pinned: true }); this.resizer.on('beforeresize', this.beforeResize, this, true); this.resizer.on('resize', this.onResize, this, true); } if(this.draggable !== false){ el.addClass('ydlg-draggable'); if (!this.proxyDrag) { var dd = new YAHOO.util.DD(el.dom.id, 'WindowDrag'); } else { var dd = new YAHOO.util.DDProxy(el.dom.id, 'WindowDrag', {dragElId: this.proxy.id}); } dd.setHandleElId(this.header.id); dd.endDrag = this.endMove.createDelegate(this); dd.startDrag = this.startMove.createDelegate(this); dd.onDrag = this.onDrag.createDelegate(this); this.dd = dd; } if(this.modal){ this.mask = dh.append(document.body, {tag: 'div', cls:'ydlg-mask'}, true); this.mask.enableDisplayMode('block'); this.mask.hide(); } if(this.shadow){ this.shadow = el.createProxy({tag: 'div', cls:'ydlg-shadow'}); this.shadow.setOpacity(.3); this.shadow.setVisibilityMode(YAHOO.ext.Element.VISIBILITY); this.shadow.setDisplayed('block'); this.shadow.hide = this.hideAction; this.shadow.hide(); }else{ this.shadowOffset = 0; } if(this.shim){ this.shim = this.el.createShim(); this.shim.hide = this.hideAction; this.shim.hide(); } if(this.autoTabs){ var tabEls = YAHOO.util.Dom.getElementsByClassName('ydlg-tab', this.tabTag || 'div', el.dom); if(tabEls.length > 0){ this.body.addClass(this.tabPosition == 'bottom' ? 'ytabs-bottom' : 'ytabs-top'); this.tabs = new YAHOO.ext.TabPanel(this.body.dom, this.tabPosition == 'bottom'); for(var i = 0, len = tabEls.length; i < len; i++) { var tabEl = tabEls[i]; this.tabs.addTab(YAHOO.util.Dom.generateId(tabEl), tabEl.title); tabEl.title = ''; } this.tabs.activate(tabEls[0].id); } } this.syncBodyHeight(); this.events = { 'keydown' : true, 'move' : true, 'resize' : true, 'beforehide' : true, 'hide' : true, 'beforeshow' : true, 'show' : true }; el.mon('keydown', this.onKeyDown, this, true); el.mon("mousedown", this.toFront, this, true); YAHOO.ext.EventManager.onWindowResize(this.adjustViewport, this, true); this.el.hide(); YAHOO.ext.DialogManager.register(this); }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.BasicDialog, YAHOO.ext.util.Observable, { setTitle : function(text){ this.header.update(text); return this; }, beforeResize : function(){ this.resizer.minHeight = Math.max(this.minHeight, this.getHeaderFooterHeight(true)+40); }, onResize : function(){ this.refreshSize(); this.syncBodyHeight(); this.adjustAssets(); this.fireEvent('resize', this, this.size.width, this.size.height); }, onKeyDown : function(e){ this.fireEvent('keydown', this, e); }, resizeTo : function(width, height){ this.el.setSize(width, height); this.size = {width: width, height: height}; this.syncBodyHeight(); if(this.fixedcenter){ this.center(); } if(this.isVisible()){ this.constrainXY(); this.adjustAssets(); } this.fireEvent('resize', this, width, height); return this; }, addKeyListener : function(key, fn, scope){ var keyCode, shift, ctrl, alt; if(typeof key == 'object' && !(key instanceof Array)){ keyCode = key['key']; shift = key['shift']; ctrl = key['ctrl']; alt = key['alt']; }else{ keyCode = key; } var handler = function(dlg, e){ if((!shift || e.shiftKey) && (!ctrl || e.ctrlKey) && (!alt || e.altKey)){ var k = e.getKey(); if(keyCode instanceof Array){ for(var i = 0, len = keyCode.length; i < len; i++){ if(keyCode[i] == k){ fn.call(scope || window, dlg, k, e); return; } } }else{ if(k == keyCode){ fn.call(scope || window, dlg, k, e); } } } }; this.on('keydown', handler); return this; }, getTabs : function(){ if(!this.tabs){ this.body.addClass(this.tabPosition == 'bottom' ? 'ytabs-bottom' : 'ytabs-top'); this.tabs = new YAHOO.ext.TabPanel(this.body.dom, this.tabPosition == 'bottom'); } return this.tabs; }, addButton : function(config, handler, scope){ var dh = YAHOO.ext.DomHelper; if(!this.footer){ this.footer = dh.append(this.bwrap.dom, {tag: 'div', cls:'ydlg-ft'}, true); } var bconfig = { handler: handler, scope: scope, minWidth: this.minButtonWidth }; if(typeof config == 'string'){ bconfig.text = config; }else{ bconfig.dhconfig = config; } var btn = new YAHOO.ext.Button(this.footer, bconfig); this.syncBodyHeight(); if(!this.buttons){ this.buttons = []; } this.buttons.push(btn); return btn; }, setDefaultButton : function(btn){ this.defaultButton = btn; return this; }, getHeaderFooterHeight : function(safe){ var height = 0; if(this.header){ height += this.header.getHeight(); } if(this.footer){ var fm = this.footer.getMargins(); height += (this.footer.getHeight()+fm.top+fm.bottom); } height += this.bwrap.getPadding('tb')+this.bwrap.getBorderWidth('tb'); return height; }, syncBodyHeight : function(){ var height = this.size.height - this.getHeaderFooterHeight(false); var bm = this.body.getMargins(); this.body.setHeight(height-(bm.top+bm.bottom)); if(this.tabs){ this.tabs.syncHeight(); } this.bwrap.setHeight(this.size.height-this.header.getHeight()); this.body.setWidth(this.el.getWidth(true)-this.bwrap.getBorderWidth('lr')-this.bwrap.getPadding('lr')); }, restoreState : function(){ var box = YAHOO.ext.state.Manager.get(this.el.id + '-state'); if(box && box.width){ this.xy = [box.x, box.y]; this.resizeTo(box.width, box.height); } return this; }, beforeShow : function(){ if(this.fixedcenter) { this.xy = this.el.getCenterXY(true); } if(this.modal){ YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(document.body, 'masked'); this.mask.setSize(YAHOO.util.Dom.getDocumentWidth(), YAHOO.util.Dom.getDocumentHeight()); this.mask.show(); } this.constrainXY(); }, animShow : function(){ var b = getEl(this.animateTarget, true).getBox(); this.proxy.setSize(b.width, b.height); this.proxy.setLocation(b.x, b.y); this.proxy.show(); this.proxy.setBounds(this.xy[0], this.xy[1], this.size.width, this.size.height, true, .35, this.showEl.createDelegate(this)); }, show : function(animateTarget){ if (this.fireEvent('beforeshow', this) === false){ return; } if(this.syncHeightBeforeShow){ this.syncBodyHeight(); } this.animateTarget = animateTarget || this.animateTarget; if(!this.el.isVisible()){ this.beforeShow(); if(this.animateTarget){ this.animShow(); }else{ this.showEl(); } } return this; }, showEl : function(){ this.proxy.hide(); this.el.setXY(this.xy); this.el.show(); this.adjustAssets(true); this.toFront(); if(this.defaultButton){ this.defaultButton.focus(); } this.fireEvent('show', this); }, constrainXY : function(){ if(this.constraintoviewport !== false){ if(!this.viewSize){ this.viewSize = [YAHOO.util.Dom.getViewportWidth(), YAHOO.util.Dom.getViewportHeight()]; } var x = this.xy[0], y = this.xy[1]; var w = this.size.width, h = this.size.height; var vw = this.viewSize[0], vh = this.viewSize[1]; var moved = false; if(x + w > vw){ x = vw - w; moved = true; } if(y + h > vh){ y = vh - h; moved = true; } if(x < 0){ x = 0; moved = true; } if(y < 0){ y = 0; moved = true; } if(moved){ this.xy = [x, y]; if(this.isVisible()){ this.el.setLocation(x, y); this.adjustAssets(); } } } }, onDrag : function(){ if(!this.proxyDrag){ this.xy = this.el.getXY(); this.adjustAssets(); } }, adjustAssets : function(doShow){ var x = this.xy[0], y = this.xy[1]; var w = this.size.width, h = this.size.height; if(doShow === true){ if(this.shadow){ this.shadow.show(); } if(this.shim){ this.shim.show(); } } if(this.shadow && this.shadow.isVisible()){ this.shadow.setBounds(x + this.shadowOffset, y + this.shadowOffset, w, h); } if(this.shim && this.shim.isVisible()){ this.shim.setBounds(x, y, w, h); } }, adjustViewport : function(w, h){ if(!w || !h){ w = YAHOO.util.Dom.getViewportWidth(); h = YAHOO.util.Dom.getViewportHeight(); } this.viewSize = [w, h]; if(this.modal && this.mask.isVisible()){ this.mask.setSize(w, h); this.mask.setSize(YAHOO.util.Dom.getDocumentWidth(), YAHOO.util.Dom.getDocumentHeight()); } if(this.isVisible()){ this.constrainXY(); } }, destroy : function(removeEl){ YAHOO.ext.EventManager.removeResizeListener(this.adjustViewport, this); if(this.tabs){ this.tabs.destroy(removeEl); } if(removeEl === true){ this.el.update(''); this.el.remove(); } YAHOO.ext.DialogManager.unregister(this); }, startMove : function(){ if(this.proxyDrag){ this.proxy.show(); } if(this.constraintoviewport !== false){ this.dd.constrainTo(document.body, {right: this.shadowOffset, bottom: this.shadowOffset}); } }, endMove : function(){ if(!this.proxyDrag){ YAHOO.util.DD.prototype.endDrag.apply(this.dd, arguments); }else{ YAHOO.util.DDProxy.prototype.endDrag.apply(this.dd, arguments); this.proxy.hide(); } this.refreshSize(); this.adjustAssets(); this.fireEvent('move', this, this.xy[0], this.xy[1]) }, toFront : function(){ YAHOO.ext.DialogManager.bringToFront(this); return this; }, toBack : function(){ YAHOO.ext.DialogManager.sendToBack(this); return this; }, center : function(){ this.moveTo(this.el.getCenterXY(true)); return this; }, moveTo : function(x, y){ this.xy = [x,y]; if(this.isVisible()){ this.el.setXY(this.xy); this.adjustAssets(); } return this; }, isVisible : function(){ return this.el.isVisible(); }, animHide : function(callback){ var b = getEl(this.animateTarget, true).getBox(); this.proxy.show(); this.proxy.setBounds(this.xy[0], this.xy[1], this.size.width, this.size.height); this.el.hide(); this.proxy.setBounds(b.x, b.y, b.width, b.height, true, .35, this.hideEl.createDelegate(this, [callback])); }, hide : function(callback){ if (this.fireEvent('beforehide', this) === false) return; if(this.shadow){ this.shadow.hide(); } if(this.shim) { this.shim.hide(); } if(this.animateTarget){ this.animHide(callback); }else{ this.el.hide(); this.hideEl(callback); } return this; }, hideEl : function(callback){ this.proxy.hide(); if(this.modal){ this.mask.hide(); YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass(document.body, 'masked'); } this.fireEvent('hide', this); if(typeof callback == 'function'){ callback(); } }, hideAction : function(){ this.setLeft('-10000px'); this.setTop('-10000px'); this.setStyle('visibility', 'hidden'); }, refreshSize : function(){ this.size = this.el.getSize(); this.xy = this.el.getXY(); YAHOO.ext.state.Manager.set(this.el.id + '-state', this.el.getBox()); }, setZIndex : function(index){ if(this.modal){ this.mask.setStyle('z-index', index); } if(this.shadow){ this.shadow.setStyle('z-index', ++index); } if(this.shim){ this.shim.setStyle('z-index', ++index); } this.el.setStyle('z-index', ++index); if(this.proxy){ this.proxy.setStyle('z-index', ++index); } if(this.resizer){ this.resizer.proxy.setStyle('z-index', ++index); } this.lastZIndex = index; }, getEl : function(){ return this.el; } }); YAHOO.ext.DialogManager = function(){ var list = {}; var accessList = []; var front = null; var sortDialogs = function(d1, d2){ return (!d1._lastAccess || d1._lastAccess < d2._lastAccess) ? -1 : 1; }; var orderDialogs = function(){ accessList.sort(sortDialogs); var seed = YAHOO.ext.DialogManager.zseed; for(var i = 0, len = accessList.length; i < len; i++){ if(accessList[i]){ accessList[i].setZIndex(seed + (i*10)); } } }; return { zseed : 10000, register : function(dlg){ list[dlg.id] = dlg; accessList.push(dlg); }, unregister : function(dlg){ delete list[dlg.id]; if(!accessList.indexOf){ for(var i = 0, len = accessList.length; i < len; i++){ accessList.splice(i, 1); return; } }else{ var i = accessList.indexOf(dlg); if(i != -1){ accessList.splice(i, 1); } } }, get : function(id){ return typeof id == 'object' ? id : list[id]; }, bringToFront : function(dlg){ dlg = this.get(dlg); if(dlg != front){ front = dlg; dlg._lastAccess = new Date().getTime(); orderDialogs(); } return dlg; }, sendToBack : function(dlg){ dlg = this.get(dlg); dlg._lastAccess = -(new Date().getTime()); orderDialogs(); return dlg; } }; }(); YAHOO.ext.LayoutDialog = function(el, config){ config.autoTabs = false; YAHOO.ext.LayoutDialog.superclass.constructor.call(this, el, config); this.body.setStyle({overflow:'hidden', position:'relative'}); this.layout = new YAHOO.ext.BorderLayout(this.body.dom, config); this.layout.monitorWindowResize = false; this.center = YAHOO.ext.BasicDialog.prototype.center; this.on('show', this.layout.layout, this.layout, true); }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.LayoutDialog, YAHOO.ext.BasicDialog, { endUpdate : function(){ this.layout.endUpdate(); }, beginUpdate : function(){ this.layout.beginUpdate(); }, getLayout : function(){ return this.layout; }, syncBodyHeight : function(){ YAHOO.ext.LayoutDialog.superclass.syncBodyHeight.call(this); if(this.layout)this.layout.layout(); } }); YAHOO.ext.Button = function(renderTo, config){ YAHOO.ext.util.Config.apply(this, config); this.events = { 'click' : true }; if(renderTo){ this.render(renderTo); } }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.Button, YAHOO.ext.util.Observable, { render : function(renderTo){ var btn; if(!this.dhconfig){ if(!YAHOO.ext.Button.buttonTemplate){ YAHOO.ext.Button.buttonTemplate = new YAHOO.ext.DomHelper.Template('
'); } btn = YAHOO.ext.Button.buttonTemplate.append( getEl(renderTo).dom, [this.text], true); this.tbl = getEl(btn.dom.firstChild, true); }else{ btn = YAHOO.ext.DomHelper.append(this.footer.dom, this.dhconfig, true); } this.el = btn; this.autoWidth(); btn.addClass('ybtn'); btn.mon('click', this.onClick, this, true); btn.on('mouseover', this.onMouseOver, this, true); btn.on('mouseout', this.onMouseOut, this, true); btn.on('mousedown', this.onMouseDown, this, true); btn.on('mouseup', this.onMouseUp, this, true); }, getEl : function(){ return this.el; }, autoWidth : function(){ if(this.tbl){ this.el.setWidth('auto'); this.tbl.setWidth('auto'); if(this.minWidth){ if(this.tbl.getWidth() < this.minWidth){ this.tbl.setWidth(this.minWidth); } } this.el.setWidth(this.tbl.getWidth()); } }, setHandler : function(handler, scope){ this.handler = handler; this.scope = scope; }, setText : function(text){ this.el.dom.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes[1].innerHTML = text; this.autoWidth(); }, show: function(){ this.el.setStyle('display', ''); }, hide: function(){ this.el.setStyle('display', 'none'); }, setVisible: function(visible){ if(visible) { this.show(); }else{ this.hide(); } }, focus : function(){ this.el.focus(); }, disable : function(){ this.el.addClass('ybtn-disabled'); this.disabled = true; }, enable : function(){ this.el.removeClass('ybtn-disabled'); this.disabled = false; }, onClick : function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if(!this.disabled){ this.fireEvent('click', this, e); this.handler.call(this.scope || window, this, e); } }, onMouseOver : function(e){ if(!this.disabled){ this.el.addClass('ybtn-over'); } }, onMouseOut : function(e){ this.el.removeClass('ybtn-over'); }, onMouseDown : function(){ if(!this.disabled){ this.el.addClass('ybtn-click'); } }, onMouseUp : function(){ this.el.removeClass('ybtn-click'); } }); YAHOO.ext.View = function(container, tpl, dataModel, config){ this.el = getEl(container, true); this.nodes = this.el.dom.childNodes; if(typeof tpl == 'string'){ tpl = new YAHOO.ext.Template(tpl); } tpl.compile(); this.tpl = tpl; this.setDataModel(dataModel); var CE = YAHOO.util.CustomEvent; this.events = { 'click' : true, 'dblclick' : true, 'contextmenu' : true, 'selectionchange' : true, 'beforeselect' : true }; this.el.mon("click", this.onClick, this, true); this.el.mon("dblclick", this.onDblClick, this, true); this.el.mon("contextmenu", this.onContextMenu, this, true); this.selectedClass = 'ydataview-selected'; this.emptyText = ''; this.selections = []; this.lastSelection = null; this.jsonRoot = null; YAHOO.ext.util.Config.apply(this, config); if(this.renderUpdates || this.jsonRoot){ var um = this.el.getUpdateManager(); um.setRenderer(this); } }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.View, YAHOO.ext.util.Observable, { getEl : function(){ return this.el; }, render : function(el, response){ this.clearSelections(); this.el.update(''); var o; try{ o = YAHOO.ext.util.JSON.decode(response.responseText); if(this.jsonRoot){ o = eval('o.' + this.jsonRoot); } }catch(e){} this.jsonData = o; this.beforeRender(); this.refresh(); }, beforeRender : function(){ }, refresh : function(){ this.clearSelections(); this.el.update(''); this.html = []; if(this.renderUpdates || this.jsonRoot){ var o = this.jsonData; if(o){ for(var i = 0, len = o.length; i < len; i++) { this.renderEach(o[i]); } } }else{ this.dataModel.each(this.renderEach, this); } var strHtml; if(this.html.length > 0){ strHtml = this.html.join(''); }else{ strHtml = this.emptyText; } this.el.update(strHtml); this.html = null; this.nodes = this.el.dom.childNodes; this.updateIndexes(0); }, prepareData : function(data, index){ return data; }, renderEach : function(data){ this.html[this.html.length] = this.tpl.applyTemplate(this.prepareData(data)); }, refreshNode : function(index){ this.refreshNodes(index, index); }, refreshNodes : function(dm, startIndex, endIndex){ this.clearSelections(); var dm = this.dataModel; var ns = this.nodes; for(var i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++){ var d = this.prepareData(dm.getRow(i), i); if(i < ns.length-1){ var old = ns[i]; this.tpl.insertBefore(old, d); this.el.dom.removeChild(old); }else{ this.tpl.append(this.el.dom, d); } } this.updateIndexes(startIndex, endIndex); }, deleteNodes : function(dm, startIndex, endIndex){ this.clearSelections(); if(startIndex == 0 && endIndex >= this.nodes.length-1){ this.el.update(''); }else{ var el = this.el.dom; for(var i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++){ el.removeChild(this.nodes[startIndex]); } this.updateIndexes(startIndex); } }, insertNodes : function(dm, startIndex, endIndex){ if(this.nodes.length == 0){ this.refresh(); }else{ this.clearSelections(); var t = this.tpl; var before = this.nodes[startIndex]; var dm = this.dataModel; if(before){ for(var i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++){ t.insertBefore(before, this.prepareData(dm.getRow(i), i)); } }else{ var el = this.el.dom; for(var i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++){ t.append(el, this.prepareData(dm.getRow(i), i)); } } this.updateIndexes(startIndex); } }, updateIndexes : function(dm, startIndex, endIndex){ var ns = this.nodes; startIndex = startIndex || 0; endIndex = endIndex || ns.length-1; for(var i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++){ ns[i].nodeIndex = i; } }, setDataModel : function(dm){ if(!dm) return; this.unplugDataModel(this.dataModel); this.dataModel = dm; dm.on('cellupdated', this.refreshNode, this, true); dm.on('datachanged', this.refresh, this, true); dm.on('rowsdeleted', this.deleteNodes, this, true); dm.on('rowsinserted', this.insertNodes, this, true); dm.on('rowsupdated', this.refreshNodes, this, true); dm.on('rowssorted', this.refresh, this, true); this.refresh(); }, unplugDataModel : function(dm){ if(!dm) return; dm.removeListener('cellupdated', this.refreshNode, this); dm.removeListener('datachanged', this.refresh, this); dm.removeListener('rowsdeleted', this.deleteNodes, this); dm.removeListener('rowsinserted', this.insertNodes, this); dm.removeListener('rowsupdated', this.refreshNodes, this); dm.removeListener('rowssorted', this.refresh, this); this.dataModel = null; }, findItemFromChild : function(node){ var el = this.el.dom; if(!node || node.parentNode == el){ return node; } var p = node.parentNode; while(p && p != el){ if(p.parentNode == el){ return p; } p = p.parentNode; } return null; }, onClick : function(e){ var item = this.findItemFromChild(e.getTarget()); if(item){ var index = this.indexOf(item); this.onItemClick(item, index, e); this.fireEvent('click', this, index, item, e); }else{ this.clearSelections(); } }, onContextMenu : function(e){ var item = this.findItemFromChild(e.getTarget()); if(item){ this.fireEvent('contextmenu', this, this.indexOf(item), item, e); } }, onDblClick : function(e){ var item = this.findItemFromChild(e.getTarget()); if(item){ this.fireEvent('dblclick', this, this.indexOf(item), item, e); } }, onItemClick : function(item, index, e){ if(this.multiSelect || this.singleSelect){ if(this.multiSelect && e.shiftKey && this.lastSelection){ this.select(this.getNodes(this.indexOf(this.lastSelection), index), false); }else{ this.select(item, this.multiSelect && e.ctrlKey); this.lastSelection = item; } } }, getSelectionCount : function(){ return this.selections.length; }, getSelectedNodes : function(){ return this.selections; }, getSelectedIndexes : function(){ var indexes = []; for(var i = 0, len = this.selections.length; i < len; i++) { indexes.push(this.selections[i].nodeIndex); } return indexes; }, clearSelections : function(suppressEvent){ if(this.multiSelect || this.singleSelect){ YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass(this.selections, this.selectedClass); this.selections = []; if(!suppressEvent){ this.fireEvent('selectionchange', this, this.selections); } } }, select : function(nodeInfo, keepExisting, suppressEvent){ if(!keepExisting){ this.clearSelections(true); } if(nodeInfo instanceof Array){ for(var i = 0, len = nodeInfo.length; i < len; i++) { this.select(nodeInfo[i], true, true); } }else{ var node = this.getNode(nodeInfo); if(node){ if(this.fireEvent('beforeselect', this, node, this.selections) !== false){ YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(node, this.selectedClass); this.selections.push(node); } } } if(!suppressEvent){ this.fireEvent('selectionchange', this, this.selections); } }, getNode : function(nodeInfo){ if(typeof nodeInfo == 'object'){ return nodeInfo; }else if(typeof nodeInfo == 'string'){ return document.getElementById(nodeInfo); }else if(typeof nodeInfo == 'number'){ return this.nodes[nodeInfo]; } return null; }, getNodes : function(start, end){ var ns = this.nodes; startIndex = startIndex || 0; endIndex = typeof endIndex == 'undefined' ? ns.length-1 : endIndex; var nodes = []; for(var i = start; i <= end; i++) { nodes.push(ns[i]); } return nodes; }, indexOf : function(node){ node = this.getNode(node); if(typeof node.nodeIndex == 'number'){ return node.nodeIndex; } var ns = this.nodes; for(var i = 0, len = ns.length; i < len; i++) { if(ns[i] == node){ return i; } } return -1; } }); YAHOO.ext.JsonView = function(container, tpl, config){ var cfg = config || {}; cfg.renderUpdates = true; YAHOO.ext.JsonView.superclass.constructor.call(this, container, tpl, null, cfg); this.events['beforerender'] = true; this.events['load'] = true; this.events['loadexception'] = true; this.el.getUpdateManager().on('update', this.onLoad, this, true); this.el.getUpdateManager().on('failure', this.onLoadException, this, true); }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.JsonView, YAHOO.ext.View, { load : function(){ var um = this.el.getUpdateManager(); um.update.apply(um, arguments); }, getCount : function(){ return this.jsonData ? this.jsonData.length : 0; }, beforeRender : function(){ this.snapshot = this.jsonData; if(this.sortInfo){ this.sort.apply(this, this.sortInfo); } this.fireEvent('beforerender', this, this.jsonData); }, onLoad : function(el, o){ this.fireEvent('load', this, this.jsonData, o); }, onLoadException : function(el, o){ this.fireEvent('loadexception', this, o); }, filter : function(property, value){ if(this.jsonData){ var data = []; var ss = this.snapshot; if(typeof value == 'string'){ var vlen = value.length; if(vlen == 0){ this.clearFilter(); return; } for(var i = 0, len = ss.length; i < len; i++){ var o = ss[i]; if(o[property].substr(0, vlen) == value){ data.push(o); } } }else if(value.exec){ for(var i = 0, len = ss.length; i < len; i++){ var o = ss[i]; if(value.test(o[property])){ data.push(o); } } }else{ return; } this.jsonData = data; this.refresh(); } }, filterBy : function(fn, scope){ if(this.jsonData){ var data = []; var ss = this.snapshot; for(var i = 0, len = ss.length; i < len; i++){ var o = ss[i]; if(fn.call(scope|| this, o)){ data.push(o); } } this.jsonData = data; this.refresh(); } }, clearFilter : function(){ if(this.snapshot && this.jsonData != this.snapshot){ this.jsonData = this.snapshot; this.refresh(); } }, sort : function(property, dir, sortType){ this.sortInfo = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); if(this.jsonData){ var p = property; var dsc = dir && dir.toLowerCase() == 'desc'; var f = function(o1, o2){ var v1 = sortType ? sortType(o1[p]) : o1[p]; var v2 = sortType ? sortType(o2[p]) : o2[p];; if(v1 < v2){ return dsc ? +1 : -1; }else if(v1 > v2){ return dsc ? -1 : +1; }else{ return 0; } }; this.jsonData.sort(f); this.refresh(); if(this.jsonData != this.snapshot){ this.snapshot.sort(f); } } } });