load_reserved_words(); if($sql) $this->parse($sql); } function parse($sql) { $sql = trim($sql); #lex the SQL statement $in = $this->split_sql($sql); #sometimes the parser needs to skip ahead until a particular #token is found $skip_until = false; #this is the output tree which is being parsed $out = array(); #This is the last type of union used (UNION or UNION ALL) #indicates a) presence of at least one union in this query # b) the type of union if this is the first or last query $union = false; #Sometimes a "query" consists of more than one query (like a UNION query) #this array holds all the queries $queries=array(); #This is the highest level lexical analysis. This is the part of the #code which finds UNION and UNION ALL query parts foreach($in as $key => $token) { $token=trim($token); if($skip_until) { if($token) { if(strtoupper($token) == $skip_until) { $skip_until = false; continue; } } else { continue; } } if(strtoupper($token) == "UNION") { $union = 'UNION'; for($i=$key+1;$i $tok_list) { foreach($tok_list as $z => $tok) { $tok = trim($tok); if(!$tok) continue; if(preg_match('/^\\(\\s*select\\s*/i', $tok)) { $queries[$union_type][$i] = $this->parse(substr($tok,1,-1)); break; } else { $queries[$union_type][$i] = $this->process_sql($queries[$union_type][$i]); break; } } } } } /* If there was no UNION or UNION ALL in the query, then the query is stored at $queries[0]. */ if(!empty($queries[0])) { $queries[0] = $this->process_sql($queries[0]); } if(count($queries) == 1 && !$union) { $queries = $queries[0]; } $this->parsed = $queries; return $this->parsed; } #This function counts open and close parenthesis and #returns their location. This might be faster as a regex private function count_paren($token,$chars=array('(',')')) { $len = strlen($token); $open=array(); $close=array(); for($i=0;$i<$len;++$i){ if($token[$i] == $chars[0]) { $open[] = $i; } elseif($token[$i] == $chars[1]) { $close[] = $i; } } return array('open' => $open, 'close' => $close, 'balanced' =>( count($close) - count($open))); } #This function counts open and close parenthesis and #returns their location. This might be faster as a regex private function count_backtick($token) { $len = strlen($token); $cnt=0; for($i=0;$i<$len;++$i){ if($token[$i] == '`') ++$cnt; } return $cnt; } #This is the lexer #this function splits up a SQL statement into easy to "parse" #tokens for the SQL processor private function split_sql($sql) { if(!is_string($sql)) { return false; } $sql = str_replace(array('\\\'','\\"',"\r\n","\n","()"),array("''",'""'," "," "," "), $sql); $regex=<<=|<=|<>|>|<|&&|\|\||=|\^) |(\(.*?\)) # Match FUNCTION(...) OR BAREWORDS |('(?:[^']|'')*'+) |("(?:[^"]|"")*"+) |([^ ,]+) /ix EOREGEX ; $tokens = preg_split($regex, $sql,-1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); $token_count = count($tokens); /* The above regex has one problem, because the parenthetical match is not greedy. Thus, when matching grouped expressions such as ( (a and b) or c) the tokenizer will produce "( (a and b)", " ", "or", " " , "c,")" This block detects the number of open/close parentheses in the given token. If the parentheses are balanced (balanced == 0) then we don't need to do anything. otherwise, we need to balance the expression. */ $reset = false; for($i=0;$i<$token_count;++$i) { if(empty($tokens[$i])) continue; $token = $tokens[$i]; $trim = trim($token); if($trim) { if($trim[0] != '(' && substr($trim,-1) == ')') { $trim=trim(substr($trim,0, strpos($trim,'('))); } $tokens[$i]=$trim; $token=$trim; } if($token && $token[0] == '(') { $info = $this->count_paren($token); if($info['balanced'] == 0) { continue; } // We need to find this many closing parentheses. $needed = abs($info['balanced']); $n = $i; while($needed > 0 && $n <$token_count-1) { ++$n; #echo "LOOKING FORWARD TO $n [ " . $tokens[$n] . "]\n"; $token2 = $tokens[$n]; $info2 = $this->count_paren($token2); $closes = count($info2['close']); if($closes != $needed) { $tokens[$i] .= $tokens[$n]; unset($tokens[$n]); $reset = true; $info2 = $this->count_paren($tokens[$i]); $needed = abs($info2['balanced']); # echo "CLOSES LESS THAN NEEDED (still need $needed)\n"; } else { /*get the string pos of the last close parenthesis we need*/ $pos = $info2['close'][count($info2['close'])-1]; $str1 = $str2 = ""; if($pos == 0) { $str1 = ')'; } else { $str1 = substr($tokens[$n],0,$pos) . ')'; $str2 = substr($tokens[$n],$pos+1); } #echo "CLOSES FOUND AT $n, offset:$pos [$str1] [$str2]\n"; if(strlen($str2) > 0) { $tokens[$n] = $str2; } else { unset($tokens[$n]); $reset = true; } $tokens[$i] .= $str1; $info2 = $this->count_paren($tokens[$i]); $needed = abs($info2['balanced']); } } } } #the same problem appears with backticks :( /* reset the array if we deleted any tokens above */ if ($reset) $tokens = array_values($tokens); $token_count=count($tokens); for($i=0;$i<$token_count;++$i) { if(empty($tokens[$i])) continue; $token=$tokens[$i]; $needed=true; $reset=false; if($needed && $token && strpos($token,'`') !== false) { $info = $this->count_backtick($token); if($info %2 == 0) { #even number of backticks means we are balanced continue; } $needed=1; $n = $i; while($needed && $n <$token_count-1) { $reset=true; #echo "BACKTICK COUNT[$i]: $info old: {$tokens[$i]}, new: ($token)\n"; ++$n; $token .= $tokens[$n]; unset($tokens[$n]); $needed = $this->count_backtick($token) % 2; } } if($reset) $tokens[$i] = $token; } /* reset the array if we deleted any tokens above */ $tokens = array_values($tokens); return $tokens; } /* This function breaks up the SQL statement into logical sections. Some sections are then further handled by specialized functions. */ private function process_sql(&$tokens,$start_at = 0, $stop_at = false) { $prev_category = ""; $start = microtime(true); $token_category = ""; $skip_next=false; $token_count = count($tokens); if(!$stop_at) { $stop_at = $token_count; } $out = false; for($token_number = $start_at;$token_number<$stop_at;++$token_number) { $token = trim($tokens[$token_number]); if($token && $token[0] == '(' && $token_category == "") { $token_category = 'SELECT'; } /* If it isn't obvious, when $skip_next is set, then we ignore the next real token, that is we ignore whitespace. */ if($skip_next) { #whitespace does not count as a next token if($token == "") { continue; } #to skip the token we replace it with whitespace $new_token = ""; $skip_next = false; } $upper = strtoupper($token); switch($upper) { /* Tokens that get their own sections. These keywords have subclauses. */ case 'SELECT': case 'ORDER': case 'LIMIT': case 'SET': case 'DUPLICATE': case 'VALUES': case 'GROUP': case 'ORDER': case 'HAVING': case 'INTO': case 'WHERE': case 'RENAME': case 'CALL': case 'PROCEDURE': case 'FUNCTION': case 'DATABASE': case 'SERVER': case 'LOGFILE': case 'DEFINER': case 'RETURNS': case 'EVENT': case 'TABLESPACE': case 'VIEW': case 'TRIGGER': case 'DATA': case 'DO': case 'PASSWORD': case 'USER': case 'PLUGIN': case 'FROM': case 'FLUSH': case 'KILL': case 'RESET': case 'START': case 'STOP': case 'PURGE': case 'EXECUTE': case 'PREPARE': case 'DEALLOCATE': if($token == 'DEALLOCATE') { $skip_next = true; } /* this FROM is different from FROM in other DML (not join related) */ if($token_category == 'PREPARE' && $upper == 'FROM') { continue 2; } $token_category = $upper; #$join_type = 'JOIN'; if($upper == 'FROM' && $token_category == 'FROM') { /* DO NOTHING*/ } else { continue 2; } break; /* These tokens get their own section, but have no subclauses. These tokens identify the statement but have no specific subclauses of their own. */ case 'DELETE': case 'ALTER': case 'INSERT': case 'REPLACE': case 'TRUNCATE': case 'CREATE': case 'TRUNCATE': case 'OPTIMIZE': case 'GRANT': case 'REVOKE': case 'SHOW': case 'HANDLER': case 'LOAD': case 'ROLLBACK': case 'SAVEPOINT': case 'UNLOCK': case 'INSTALL': case 'UNINSTALL': case 'ANALZYE': case 'BACKUP': case 'CHECK': case 'CHECKSUM': case 'REPAIR': case 'RESTORE': case 'CACHE': case 'DESCRIBE': case 'EXPLAIN': case 'USE': case 'HELP': $token_category = $upper; /* set the category in case these get subclauses in a future version of MySQL */ $out[$upper][0] = $upper; continue 2; break; /* This is either LOCK TABLES or SELECT ... LOCK IN SHARE MODE*/ case 'LOCK': if($token_category == "") { $token_category = $upper; $out[$upper][0] = $upper; } else { $token = 'LOCK IN SHARE MODE'; $skip_next=true; $out['OPTIONS'][] = $token; } continue 2; break; case 'USING': /* USING in FROM clause is different from USING w/ prepared statement*/ if($token_category == 'EXECUTE') { $token_category=$upper; continue 2; } if($token_category == 'FROM' && !empty($out['DELETE'])) { $token_category=$upper; continue 2; } break; /* DROP TABLE is different from ALTER TABLE DROP ... */ case 'DROP': if($token_category != 'ALTER') { $token_category = $upper; $out[$upper][0] = $upper; continue 2; } break; case 'FOR': $skip_next=true; $out['OPTIONS'][] = 'FOR UPDATE'; continue 2; break; case 'UPDATE': if($token_category == "" ) { $token_category = $upper; continue 2; } if($token_category == 'DUPLICATE') { continue 2; } break; break; case 'START': $token = "BEGIN"; $out[$upper][0] = $upper; $skip_next = true; break; /* These tokens are ignored. */ case 'BY': case 'ALL': case 'SHARE': case 'MODE': case 'TO': case ';': continue 2; break; case 'KEY': if($token_category == 'DUPLICATE') { continue 2; } break; /* These tokens set particular options for the statement. They never stand alone.*/ case 'DISTINCTROW': $token='DISTINCT'; case 'DISTINCT': case 'HIGH_PRIORITY': case 'LOW_PRIORITY': case 'DELAYED': case 'IGNORE': case 'FORCE': case 'STRAIGHT_JOIN': case 'SQL_SMALL_RESULT': case 'SQL_BIG_RESULT': case 'QUICK': case 'SQL_BUFFER_RESULT': case 'SQL_CACHE': case 'SQL_NO_CACHE': case 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS': $out['OPTIONS'][] = $upper; continue 2; break; case 'WITH': if($token_category == 'GROUP') { $skip_next=true; $out['OPTIONS'][] = 'WITH ROLLUP'; continue 2; } break; case 'AS': break; case '': case ',': case ';': break; default: break; } if($prev_category == $token_category) { $out[$token_category][] = $token; } $prev_category = $token_category; } if(!$out) return false; #process the SELECT clause if(!empty($out['SELECT'])) $out['SELECT'] = $this->process_select($out['SELECT']); if(!empty($out['FROM'])) $out['FROM'] = $this->process_from($out['FROM']); if(!empty($out['USING'])) $out['USING'] = $this->process_from($out['USING']); if(!empty($out['UPDATE'])) $out['UPDATE'] = $this->process_from($out['UPDATE']); if(!empty($out['GROUP'])) $out['GROUP'] = $this->process_group($out['GROUP'], $out['SELECT']); if(!empty($out['ORDER'])) $out['ORDER'] = $this->process_group($out['ORDER'], $out['SELECT']); if(!empty($out['LIMIT'])) $out['LIMIT'] = $this->process_limit($out['LIMIT']); if(!empty($out['WHERE'])) $out['WHERE'] = $this->process_expr_list($out['WHERE']); if(!empty($out['HAVING'])) $out['HAVING'] = $this->process_expr_list($out['HAVING']); if(!empty($out['SET'])) $out['SET'] = $this->process_set_list($out['SET']); if(!empty($out['DUPLICATE'])) { $out['ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE'] = $this->process_set_list($out['DUPLICATE']); unset($out['DUPLICATE']); } if(!empty($out['INSERT'])) $out = $this->process_insert($out); if(!empty($out['REPLACE'])) $out = $this->process_insert($out,'REPLACE'); if(!empty($out['DELETE'])) $out = $this->process_delete($out); return $out; } /* A SET list is simply a list of key = value expressions separated by comma (,). This function produces a list of the key/value expressions. */ private function process_set_list($tokens) { $column=""; $expression=""; foreach($tokens as $token) { $token=trim($token); if(!$column) { if($token === false || empty($token)) continue; $column .= $token; continue; } if($token == '=') continue; if($token == ',') { $expr[] = array('column' => trim($column), 'expr' => trim($expression)); $expression = $column = ""; continue; } $expression .= $token; } if($expression) { $expr[] = array('column' => trim($column), 'expr' => trim($expression)); } return $expr; } /* This function processes the LIMIT section. start,end are set. If only end is provided in the query then start is set to 0. */ private function process_limit($tokens) { $start = 0; $end = 0; if($pos = array_search(',',$tokens)) { for($i=0;$i<$pos;++$i) { if($tokens[$i] != '') { $start = $tokens[$i]; break; } } $pos = $pos + 1; } else { $pos = 0; } for($i=$pos;$i $start, 'end' => $end); } /* This function processes the SELECT section. It splits the clauses at the commas. Each clause is then processed by process_select_expr() and the results are added to the expression list. Finally, at the end, the expression list is returned. */ private function process_select(&$tokens) { $expression = ""; $expr = array(); foreach($tokens as $token) { if($token == ',') { $expr[] = $this->process_select_expr(trim($expression)); $expression = ""; } else { if($token === "" || $token===false) $token=" "; $expression .= $token ; } } if($expression) $expr[] = $this->process_select_expr(trim($expression)); return $expr; } /* This function processes each SELECT clause. We determine what (if any) alias is provided, and we set the type of expression. */ private function process_select_expr($expression) { $capture = false; $alias = ""; $base_expression = $expression; $upper = trim(strtoupper($expression)); #if necessary, unpack the expression if($upper[0] == '(') { #$expression = substr($expression,1,-1); $base_expression = $expression; } $tokens = $this->split_sql($expression); $token_count = count($tokens); /* Determine if there is an explicit alias after the AS clause. If AS is found, then the next non-whitespace token is captured as the alias. The tokens after (and including) the AS are removed. */ $base_expr = ""; $stripped=array(); $capture=false; $alias = ""; $processed=false; for($i=0;$i<$token_count;++$i) { $token = strtoupper($tokens[$i]); if(trim($token)) { $stripped[] = $tokens[$i]; } if($token == 'AS') { unset($tokens[$i]); $capture = true; continue; } if($capture) { if(trim($token)) { $alias .= $tokens[$i]; } unset($tokens[$i]); continue; } $base_expr .= $tokens[$i]; } $stripped = $this->process_expr_list($stripped); $last = array_pop($stripped); if(!$alias && $last['expr_type'] == 'colref') { $prev = array_pop($stripped); if($prev['expr_type'] == 'operator' || $prev['expr_type'] == 'const' || $prev['expr_type'] == 'function' || $prev['expr_type'] == 'expression' || #$prev['expr_type'] == 'aggregate_function' || $prev['expr_type'] == 'subquery' || $prev['expr_type'] == 'colref') { $alias = $last['base_expr']; #remove the last token array_pop($tokens); $base_expr = join("", $tokens); } } if(!$alias) { $base_expr=join("", $tokens); $alias = $base_expr; } /* Properly escape the alias if it is not escaped */ if ($alias[0] != '`') { $alias = '`' . str_replace('`','``',$alias) . '`'; } $processed = false; $type='expression'; if(substr(trim($base_expr),0,1) == '(') { $base_expr = substr($expression,1,-1); if(preg_match('/^sel/i', $base_expr)) { $type='subquery'; $processed = $this->parse($base_expr); } } if(!$processed) { $processed = $this->process_expr_list($tokens); } if(count($processed) == 1) { $type = $processed[0]['expr_type']; $processed = false; } return array('expr_type'=>$type,'alias' => $alias, 'base_expr' => $base_expr, 'sub_tree' => $processed); } private function trimSubquery($sq) { $sq = trim($sq); if(empty($sq)) return ''; while($sq[0] == '(' && substr($sq, -1) == ')') { $sq = substr($sq, 1, -1); } return $sq; } private function process_from(&$tokens) { $expression = ""; $expr = array(); $token_count=0; $table = ""; $alias = ""; $skip_next=false; $i=0; $join_type = ''; $ref_type=""; $ref_expr=""; $base_expr=""; $sub_tree = false; $subquery = ""; $first_join=true; $modifier=""; $saved_join_type=""; foreach($tokens as $token) { $base_expr = false; $upper = strtoupper(trim($token)); if($skip_next && $token) { $token_count++; $skip_next = false; continue; } else { if($skip_next) { continue; } } if(preg_match("/^\\s*\\(\\s*select/i",$token)) { $type = 'subquery'; $table = "DEPENDENT-SUBQUERY"; $sub_tree = $this->parse($this->trimSubquery($token)); $subquery = $token; } switch($upper) { case 'OUTER': case 'LEFT': case 'RIGHT': case 'NATURAL': case 'CROSS': case ',': case 'JOIN': break; default: $expression .= $token == '' ? " " : $token; if($ref_type) { $ref_expr .= $token == '' ? " " : $token; } break; } switch($upper) { case 'AS': $token_count++; $n=1; $alias = ""; while($alias == "") { $alias = trim($tokens[$i+$n]); ++$n; } continue; break; case 'INDEX': if($token_category == 'CREATE') { $token_category = $upper; continue 2; } break; case 'USING': case 'ON': $ref_type = $upper; $ref_expr = ""; case 'CROSS': case 'USE': case 'FORCE': case 'IGNORE': case 'INNER': case 'OUTER': # $expression .= $token; $token_count++; continue; break; case 'FOR': $token_count++; $skip_next = true; continue; break; case 'LEFT': case 'RIGHT': case 'STRAIGHT_JOIN': $join_type=$saved_join_type; $modifier = $upper . " "; break; case ',': $modifier = 'CROSS'; case 'JOIN': if($first_join) { $join_type = 'JOIN'; $saved_join_type = ($modifier ? $modifier : 'JOIN'); } else { $new_join_type = ($modifier ? $modifier : 'JOIN'); $join_type = $saved_join_type; $saved_join_type = $new_join_type; unset($new_join_type); } $first_join = false; if(!trim($alias)) $alias = $table; if($subquery) { $sub_tree = $this->parse(trim($subquery,'()')); $base_expr=$subquery; } if(substr(trim($table),0,1) == '(') { $base_expr=$this->trimSubquery($table); $join_type = 'JOIN'; $sub_tree = $this->process_from($this->split_sql($base_expr)); $alias=""; } if($join_type == "") $join_type='JOIN'; $expr[] = array('table'=>$table, 'alias'=>$alias,'join_type'=>$join_type,'ref_type'=> $ref_type,'ref_clause'=>$this->trimSubquery($ref_expr), 'base_expr' => $base_expr, 'sub_tree' => $sub_tree); $modifier = ""; #$join_type=$saved_join_type; $token_count = 0; $table = $alias = $expression = $base_expr = $ref_type = $ref_expr = ""; $sub_tree=false; $subquery = ""; break; default: if($token === false || empty($token) || $token === "") continue; if($token_count == 0 ) { if(!$table) { $table = $token ; } } else if($token_count == 1) { $alias = $token; } $token_count++; break; } ++$i; } if(substr(trim($table),0,1) == '(') { $base_expr=$this->trimSubquery($table); $join_type = 'JOIN'; $sub_tree = $this->process_from($this->split_sql($base_expr)); $alias = ""; } else { if(!trim($alias)) $alias = $table; } if($join_type == "") $saved_join_type='JOIN'; $expr[] = array('table'=>$table, 'alias'=>$alias,'join_type'=>$saved_join_type,'ref_type'=> $ref_type,'ref_clause'=> $this->trimSubquery($ref_expr), 'base_expr' => $base_expr, 'sub_tree' => $sub_tree); return $expr; } private function process_group(&$tokens, &$select) { $out=array(); $expression = ""; $direction="ASC"; $type = "expression"; if(!$tokens) return false; foreach($tokens as $token) { switch(strtoupper($token)) { case ',': $expression = trim($expression); if($expression[0] != '`' || substr($expression,-1) != '`') { $escaped = str_replace('`','``',$expression); } else { $escaped = $expression; } $escaped = '`' . $escaped . '`'; if(is_numeric(trim($expression))) { $type = 'pos'; } else { #search to see if the expression matches an alias foreach($select as $clause) { if($clause['alias'] == $escaped) { $type = 'alias'; } } if(!$type) $type = "expression"; } $out[]=array('type'=>$type,'base_expr'=>$expression,'direction'=>$direction); $escaped = ""; $expression = ""; $direction = "ASC"; $type = ""; break; case 'ASC': $direction = "ASC"; break; case 'DESC': $direction = "DESC"; break; default: $expression .= $token == '' ? ' ' : $token; } } if($expression) { $expression = trim($expression); if($expression[0] != '`' || substr($expression,-1) != '`') { $escaped = str_replace('`','``',$expression); } else { $escaped = $expression; } $escaped = '`' . $escaped . '`'; if(is_numeric(trim($expression))) { $type = 'pos'; } else { #search to see if the expression matches an alias if(!$type && $select) { foreach($select as $clause) { if(!is_array($clause)) continue; if($clause['alias'] == $escaped) { $type = 'alias'; } } } else { $type="expression"; } if(!$type) $type = "expression"; } $out[]=array('type'=>$type,'base_expr'=>$expression,'direction'=>$direction); } foreach($out as &$term) { if(!empty($term['base_expr'])) { $term['sub_tree'] = array($this->process_select_expr($term['base_expr'])); } } return $out; } /* Some sections are just lists of expressions, like the WHERE and HAVING clauses. This function processes these sections. Recursive. */ private function process_expr_list($tokens) { $expr = ""; $type = ""; $prev_token = ""; $skip_next = false; $sub_expr = ""; $in_lists = array(); foreach($tokens as $key => $token) { if(strlen(trim($token))==0) continue; if($skip_next) { $skip_next = false; continue; } $processed = false; $upper = strtoupper(trim($token)); if(trim($token)) $token=trim($token); /* is it a subquery?*/ if(preg_match("/^\\s*\\(\\s*SELECT/i", $token)) { $type = 'subquery'; #tokenize and parse the subquery. #we remove the enclosing parenthesis for the tokenizer $processed = $this->parse($this->trimSubquery($token)); /* is it an inlist */ } elseif( $upper[0] == '(' && substr($upper,-1) == ')' ) { if($prev_token == 'IN') { $type = "in-list"; $processed = $this->split_sql(substr($token,1,-1)); $list = array(); foreach($processed as $v) { if($v == ',') continue; $list[]=$v; } $processed = $list; unset($list); $prev_token = ""; } elseif($prev_token == 'AGAINST') { $type = "match-arguments"; $list = $this->split_sql(substr($token,1,-1)); if(count($list) > 1){ $match_mode = implode('',array_slice($list,1)); $processed = array($list[0], $match_mode); } else $processed = $list[0]; $prev_token = ""; } /* it is either an operator, a colref or a constant */ } else { switch($upper) { case 'AND': case '&&': case 'BETWEEN': case 'AND': case 'BINARY': case '&': case '~': case '|': case '^': case 'CASE': case 'WHEN': case 'END': case 'DIV': case '/': case '<=>': case '=': case '>=': case '>': case 'IS': case 'NOT': case 'NULL': case '<<': case '<=': case '<': case 'LIKE': case '-': case '%': case '!=': case '<>': case 'REGEXP': case '!': case '||': case 'OR': case '+': case '>>': case 'RLIKE': case 'SOUNDS': case '*': case '-': case 'XOR': case 'IN': $processed = false; $type = "operator"; break; default: switch($token[0]) { case "'": case '"': $type = 'const'; break; case '`': $type = 'colref'; break; default: if(is_numeric($token)) { $type = 'const'; } else { $type = 'colref'; } break; } #$processed = $token; $processed = false; } } /* is a reserved word? */ if(($type != 'operator' && $type != 'in-list' && $type != 'sub_expr') && in_array($upper, $this->reserved)) { $token = $upper; if(!in_array($upper,$this->functions)) { $type = 'reserved'; } else { switch($token) { case 'AVG': case 'SUM': case 'COUNT': case 'MIN': case 'MAX': case 'STDDEV': case 'STDDEV_SAMP': case 'STDDEV_POP': case 'VARIANCE': case 'VAR_SAMP': case 'VAR_POP': case 'GROUP_CONCAT': case 'BIT_AND': case 'BIT_OR': case 'BIT_XOR': $type = 'aggregate_function'; if(!empty($tokens[$key+1])) $sub_expr = $tokens[$key+1]; #$skip_next=true; break; default: $type = 'function'; if(!empty($tokens[$key+1])) $sub_expr = $tokens[$key+1]; else $sub_expr="()"; #$skip_next=true; break; } } } if(!$type) { if($upper[0] == '(') { $local_expr = substr(trim($token),1,-1); } else { $local_expr = $token; } $processed = $this->process_expr_list($this->split_sql($local_expr)); $type = 'expression'; // if(count($processed) == 1) { // $type = $processed[0]['expr_type']; // $base_expr = $processed[0]['base_expr']; // $processed = $processed[0]['sub_tree']; // } } $sub_expr=trim($sub_expr); $sub_expr = ""; $expr[] = array( 'expr_type' => $type, 'base_expr' => $token, 'sub_tree' => $processed); $prev_token = $upper; $expr_type = ""; $type = ""; } if($sub_expr) { $processed['sub_tree'] = $this->process_expr_list($this->split_sql(substr($sub_expr,1,-1))); } if(!is_array($processed)) { $processed = false; } if($expr_type) { $expr[] = array( 'expr_type' => $type, 'base_expr' => $token, 'sub_tree' => $processed); } $mod = false; /* for($i=0;$i $tables); return $tokens; } private function process_insert($tokens, $token_category = 'INSERT') { $table = ""; $cols = ""; $into = $tokens['INTO']; foreach($into as $token) { if(!trim($token)) continue; if(!$table) { $table = $token; }elseif(!$cols) { $cols = $token; } } if(!$cols) { $cols = 'ALL'; } else { $cols = explode(",", $this->trimSubquery($cols)); } unset($tokens['INTO']); $tokens[$token_category] = array('table'=>$table, 'cols'=>$cols); return $tokens; } private function load_reserved_words() { $this->functions = array( 'abs', 'acos', 'adddate', 'addtime', 'aes_encrypt', 'aes_decrypt', 'against', 'ascii', 'asin', 'atan', 'avg', 'benchmark', 'bin', 'bit_and', 'bit_or', 'bitcount', 'bitlength', 'cast', 'ceiling', 'char', 'char_length', 'character_length', 'charset', 'coalesce', 'coercibility', 'collation', 'compress', 'concat', 'concat_ws', 'conection_id', 'conv', 'convert', 'convert_tz', 'cos', 'cot', 'count', 'crc32', 'curdate', 'current_user', 'currval', 'curtime', 'database', 'date_add', 'date_diff', 'date_format', 'date_sub', 'day', 'dayname', 'dayofmonth', 'dayofweek', 'dayofyear', 'decode', 'default', 'degrees', 'des_decrypt', 'des_encrypt', 'elt', 'encode', 'encrypt', 'exp', 'export_set', 'extract', 'field', 'find_in_set', 'floor', 'format', 'found_rows', 'from_days', 'from_unixtime', 'get_format', 'get_lock', 'group_concat', 'greatest', 'hex', 'hour', 'if', 'ifnull', 'in', 'inet_aton', 'inet_ntoa', 'insert', 'instr', 'interval', 'is_free_lock', 'is_used_lock', 'last_day', 'last_insert_id', 'lcase', 'least', 'left', 'length', 'ln', 'load_file', 'localtime', 'localtimestamp', 'locate', 'log', 'log2', 'log10', 'lower', 'lpad', 'ltrim', 'make_set', 'makedate', 'maketime', 'master_pos_wait', 'match', 'max', 'md5', 'microsecond', 'mid', 'min', 'minute', 'mod', 'month', 'monthname', 'nextval', 'now', 'nullif', 'oct', 'octet_length', 'old_password', 'ord', 'password', 'period_add', 'period_diff', 'pi', 'position', 'pow', 'power', 'quarter', 'quote', 'radians', 'rand', 'release_lock', 'repeat', 'replace', 'reverse', 'right', 'round', 'row_count', 'rpad', 'rtrim', 'sec_to_time', 'second', 'session_user', 'sha', 'sha1', 'sign', 'soundex', 'space', 'sqrt', 'std', 'stddev', 'stddev_pop', 'stddev_samp', 'strcmp', 'str_to_date', 'subdate', 'substr', 'substring', 'substring_index', 'subtime', 'sum', 'sysdate', 'system_user', 'tan', 'time', 'timediff', 'timestamp', 'timestampadd', 'timestampdiff', 'time_format', 'time_to_sec', 'to_days', 'trim', 'truncate', 'ucase', 'uncompress', 'uncompressed_length', 'unhex', 'unix_timestamp', 'upper', 'user', 'utc_date', 'utc_time', 'utc_timestamp', 'uuid', 'var_pop', 'var_samp', 'variance', 'version', 'week', 'weekday', 'weekofyear', 'year', 'yearweek'); /* includes functions */ $this->reserved = array( 'abs', 'acos', 'adddate', 'addtime', 'aes_encrypt', 'aes_decrypt', 'against', 'ascii', 'asin', 'atan', 'avg', 'benchmark', 'bin', 'bit_and', 'bit_or', 'bitcount', 'bitlength', 'cast', 'ceiling', 'char', 'char_length', 'character_length', 'charset', 'coalesce', 'coercibility', 'collation', 'compress', 'concat', 'concat_ws', 'conection_id', 'conv', 'convert', 'convert_tz', 'cos', 'cot', 'count', 'crc32', 'curdate', 'current_user', 'currval', 'curtime', 'database', 'date_add', 'date_diff', 'date_format', 'date_sub', 'day', 'dayname', 'dayofmonth', 'dayofweek', 'dayofyear', 'decode', 'default', 'degrees', 'des_decrypt', 'des_encrypt', 'elt', 'encode', 'encrypt', 'exp', 'export_set', 'extract', 'field', 'find_in_set', 'floor', 'format', 'found_rows', 'from_days', 'from_unixtime', 'get_format', 'get_lock', 'group_concat', 'greatest', 'hex', 'hour', 'if', 'ifnull', 'in', 'inet_aton', 'inet_ntoa', 'insert', 'instr', 'interval', 'is_free_lock', 'is_used_lock', 'last_day', 'last_insert_id', 'lcase', 'least', 'left', 'length', 'ln', 'load_file', 'localtime', 'localtimestamp', 'locate', 'log', 'log2', 'log10', 'lower', 'lpad', 'ltrim', 'make_set', 'makedate', 'maketime', 'master_pos_wait', 'match', 'max', 'md5', 'microsecond', 'mid', 'min', 'minute', 'mod', 'month', 'monthname', 'nextval', 'now', 'nullif', 'oct', 'octet_length', 'old_password', 'ord', 'password', 'period_add', 'period_diff', 'pi', 'position', 'pow', 'power', 'quarter', 'quote', 'radians', 'rand', 'release_lock', 'repeat', 'replace', 'reverse', 'right', 'round', 'row_count', 'rpad', 'rtrim', 'sec_to_time', 'second', 'session_user', 'sha', 'sha1', 'sign', 'soundex', 'space', 'sqrt', 'std', 'stddev', 'stddev_pop', 'stddev_samp', 'strcmp', 'str_to_date', 'subdate', 'substring', 'substring_index', 'subtime', 'sum', 'sysdate', 'system_user', 'tan', 'time', 'timediff', 'timestamp', 'timestampadd', 'timestampdiff', 'time_format', 'time_to_sec', 'to_days', 'trim', 'truncate', 'ucase', 'uncompress', 'uncompressed_length', 'unhex', 'unix_timestamp', 'upper', 'user', 'utc_date', 'utc_time', 'utc_timestamp', 'uuid', 'var_pop', 'var_samp', 'variance', 'version', 'week', 'weekday', 'weekofyear', 'year', 'yearweek', 'add', 'all', 'alter', 'analyze', 'and', 'as', 'asc', 'asensitive', 'auto_increment', 'bdb', 'before', 'berkeleydb', 'between', 'bigint', 'binary', 'blob', 'both', 'by', 'call', 'cascade', 'case', 'change', 'char', 'character', 'check', 'collate', 'column', 'columns', 'condition', 'connection', 'constraint', 'continue', 'create', 'cross', 'current_date', 'current_time', 'current_timestamp', 'cursor', 'database', 'databases', 'day_hour', 'day_microsecond', 'day_minute', 'day_second', 'dec', 'decimal', 'declare', 'default', 'delayed', 'delete', 'desc', 'describe', 'deterministic', 'distinct', 'distinctrow', 'div', 'double', 'drop', 'else', 'elseif', 'enclosed', 'escaped', 'exists', 'exit', 'explain', 'false', 'fetch', 'fields', 'float', 'for', 'force', 'foreign', 'found', 'frac_second', 'from', 'fulltext', 'grant', 'group', 'having', 'high_priority', 'hour_microsecond', 'hour_minute', 'hour_second', 'if', 'ignore', 'in', 'index', 'infile', 'inner', 'innodb', 'inout', 'insensitive', 'insert', 'int', 'integer', 'interval', 'into', 'io_thread', 'is', 'iterate', 'join', 'key', 'keys', 'kill', 'leading', 'leave', 'left', 'like', 'limit', 'lines', 'load', 'localtime', 'localtimestamp', 'lock', 'long', 'longblob', 'longtext', 'loop', 'low_priority', 'master_server_id', 'match', 'mediumblob', 'mediumint', 'mediumtext', 'middleint', 'minute_microsecond', 'minute_second', 'mod', 'natural', 'not', 'no_write_to_binlog', 'null', 'numeric', 'on', 'optimize', 'option', 'optionally', 'or', 'order', 'out', 'outer', 'outfile', 'precision', 'primary', 'privileges', 'procedure', 'purge', 'read', 'real', 'references', 'regexp', 'rename', 'repeat', 'replace', 'require', 'restrict', 'return', 'revoke', 'right', 'rlike', 'second_microsecond', 'select', 'sensitive', 'separator', 'set', 'show', 'smallint', 'some', 'soname', 'spatial', 'specific', 'sql', 'sqlexception', 'sqlstate', 'sqlwarning', 'sql_big_result', 'sql_calc_found_rows', 'sql_small_result', 'sql_tsi_day', 'sql_tsi_frac_second', 'sql_tsi_hour', 'sql_tsi_minute', 'sql_tsi_month', 'sql_tsi_quarter', 'sql_tsi_second', 'sql_tsi_week', 'sql_tsi_year', 'ssl', 'starting', 'straight_join', 'striped', 'table', 'tables', 'terminated', 'then', 'timestampadd', 'timestampdiff', 'tinyblob', 'tinyint', 'tinytext', 'to', 'trailing', 'true', 'undo', 'union', 'unique', 'unlock', 'unsigned', 'update', 'usage', 'use', 'user_resources', 'using', 'utc_date', 'utc_time', 'utc_timestamp', 'values', 'varbinary', 'varchar', 'varcharacter', 'varying', 'when', 'where', 'while', 'with', 'write', 'xor', 'year_month', 'zerofill' ); for($i=0;$ireserved);++$i) { $this->reserved[$i]=strtoupper($this->reserved[$i]); if(!empty($this->functions[$i])) $this->functions[$i] = strtoupper($this->functions[$i]); } } } // END CLASS