"; echo str_repeat(' ',256); progress_bar_flush(); start_flow_bar($name, $delay); } function start_flow_bar($name, $delay) { $delay *= 1000; $timer_id = $name . '_id'; echo " "; echo str_repeat(' ',256); progress_bar_flush(); } function destroy_flow_bar($name) { $timer_id = $name . '_id'; echo ""; echo str_repeat(' ',256); progress_bar_flush(); } function display_progress_bar($name,$current, $total) { $percent = $current/$total * 100; $remain = 100 - $percent; $status = floor($percent); //scale to a larger size $percent *= 2; $remain *= 2; if($remain == 0){ $remain = 1; } if($percent == 0){ $percent = 1; } echo "

"; if($status == 0){ echo ""; } echo str_repeat(' ',256); progress_bar_flush(); } function update_progress_bar($name,$current, $total) { $percent = $current/$total * 100; $remain = 100 - $percent; $status = floor($percent); //scale to a larger size $percent *= 2; $remain *= 2; if($remain == 0){ $remain = 1; } if($status == 100){ echo ""; } if($status == 0){ echo ""; echo ""; } if($status > 0){ echo ""; } if($percent == 0){ $percent = 1; } echo ""; progress_bar_flush(); }