properties = array(); } function loadContact($contactid, $module='Contacts') { global $app_list_strings; require_once($GLOBALS['beanFiles'][$GLOBALS['beanList'][$module]]); $contact = new $GLOBALS['beanList'][$module](); $contact->retrieve($contactid); // cn: bug 8504 - CF/LB break Outlook's vCard import $bad = array("\n", "\r"); $good = array("=0A", "=0D"); $encoding = ''; if(strpos($contact->primary_address_street, "\n") || strpos($contact->primary_address_street, "\r")) { $contact->primary_address_street = str_replace($bad, $good, $contact->primary_address_street); $encoding = 'QUOTED-PRINTABLE'; } $this->setName(from_html($contact->first_name), from_html($contact->last_name), $app_list_strings['salutation_dom'][from_html($contact->salutation)]); if ( isset($contact->birthdate) ) $this->setBirthDate(from_html($contact->birthdate)); $this->setPhoneNumber(from_html($contact->phone_fax), 'FAX'); $this->setPhoneNumber(from_html($contact->phone_home), 'HOME'); $this->setPhoneNumber(from_html($contact->phone_mobile), 'CELL'); $this->setPhoneNumber(from_html($contact->phone_work), 'WORK'); $this->setEmail(from_html($contact->email1)); $this->setAddress(from_html($contact->primary_address_street), from_html($contact->primary_address_city), from_html($contact->primary_address_state), from_html($contact->primary_address_postalcode), from_html($contact->primary_address_country), 'WORK', $encoding); if ( isset($contact->account_name) ) $this->setORG(from_html($contact->account_name), from_html($contact->department)); else $this->setORG('', from_html($contact->department)); $this->setTitle($contact->title); } function setTitle($title){ $this->setProperty("TITLE",$title ); } function setORG($org, $dep){ $this->setProperty("ORG","$org;$dep" ); } function setAddress($address, $city, $state,$postal, $country, $type, $encoding=''){ if(!empty($encoding)) { $encoding = ";ENCODING={$encoding}"; } $this->setProperty("ADR;$type$encoding",";;$address;$city;$state;$postal;$country" ); } function setName($first_name, $last_name, $prefix){ $this->name = strtr($first_name.'_'.$last_name, ' ' , '_'); $this->setProperty('N',$last_name.';'.$first_name.';;'.$prefix ); $this->setProperty('FN',"$prefix $first_name $last_name"); } function setEmail($address){ $this->setProperty('EMAIL;INTERNET', $address); } function setPhoneNumber( $number, $type) { if($type != 'FAX') { $this->setProperty("TEL;$type", $number); } else { $this->setProperty("TEL;WORK;$type", $number); } } function setBirthDate($date){ $this->setProperty('BDAY',$date); } function getProperty($name){ if(isset($this->properties[$name])) return $this->properties[$name]; return null; } function setProperty($name, $value){ $this->properties[$name] = $value; } function toString(){ global $locale; $temp = "BEGIN:VCARD\n"; foreach($this->properties as $key=>$value){ if(!empty($value)) { $temp .= $key. ';CHARSET='.strtolower($locale->getExportCharset()).':'.$value."\n"; } else { $temp .= $key. ':'.$value."\n"; } } $temp.= "END:VCARD\n"; return $temp; } function saveVCard(){ global $locale; $content = $this->toString(); if ( !defined('SUGAR_PHPUNIT_RUNNER') ) { header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$this->name}.vcf"); header("Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=".$locale->getExportCharset()); header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT" ); header("Last-Modified: " . TimeDate::httpTime() ); header("Cache-Control: max-age=0"); header("Pragma: public"); //bug45856 IIS Doesn't like this to be set and it causes the vCard to not get saved if (preg_match('/iis/i', $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) === 0) { header("Content-Length: ".strlen($content)); } } print $locale->translateCharset($content, 'UTF-8', $locale->getExportCharset()); } function importVCard($filename, $module='Contacts'){ global $current_user; $lines = file($filename); $start = false; $contact = loadBean($module); $contact->title = 'imported'; $contact->assigned_user_id = $current_user->id; $fullname = ''; $email_suffix = 1; for($index = 0; $index < sizeof($lines); $index++){ $line = $lines[$index]; // check the encoding and change it if needed $locale = new Localization(); $encoding = $locale->detectCharset($line); if ( $encoding != $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_charset'] ) { $line = $locale->translateCharset($line,$encoding); } $line = trim($line); if($start){ //VCARD is done if(substr_count(strtoupper($line), 'END:VCARD')){ if(!isset($contact->last_name)){ $contact->last_name = $fullname; } break; } $keyvalue = explode(':',$line); if(sizeof($keyvalue)==2){ $value = $keyvalue[1]; for($newindex= $index + 1; $newindex < sizeof($lines), substr_count($lines[$newindex], ':') == 0; $newindex++){ $value .= $lines[$newindex]; $index = $newindex; } $values = explode(';',$value ); $key = strtoupper($keyvalue[0]); $key = strtr($key, '=', ''); $key = strtr($key, ',',';'); $keys = explode(';' ,$key); if($keys[0] == 'TEL'){ if(substr_count($key, 'WORK') > 0){ if(substr_count($key, 'FAX') > 0){ if(!isset($contact->phone_fax)){ $contact->phone_fax = $value; } }else{ if(!isset($contact->phone_work)){ $contact->phone_work = $value; } } } if(substr_count($key, 'HOME') > 0){ if(substr_count($key, 'FAX') > 0){ if(!isset($contact->phone_fax)){ $contact->phone_fax = $value; } }else{ if(!isset($contact->phone_home)){ $contact->phone_home = $value; } } } if(substr_count($key, 'CELL') > 0){ if(!isset($contact->phone_mobile)){ $contact->phone_mobile = $value; } } if(substr_count($key, 'FAX') > 0){ if(!isset($contact->phone_fax)){ $contact->phone_fax = $value; } } } if($keys[0] == 'N'){ if(sizeof($values) > 0) $contact->last_name = $values[0]; if(sizeof($values) > 1) $contact->first_name = $values[1]; if(sizeof($values) > 2) $contact->salutation = $values[2]; } if($keys[0] == 'FN'){ $fullname = $value; } } if($keys[0] == 'ADR'){ if(substr_count($key, 'WORK') > 0 && (substr_count($key, 'POSTAL') > 0|| substr_count($key, 'PARCEL') == 0)){ if(!isset($contact->primary_address_street) && sizeof($values) > 2){ $textBreaks = array("\n", "\r"); $vcardBreaks = array("=0A", "=0D"); $contact->primary_address_street = str_replace($vcardBreaks, $textBreaks, $values[2]); } if(!isset($contact->primary_address_city) && sizeof($values) > 3){ $contact->primary_address_city = $values[3]; } if(!isset($contact->primary_address_state) && sizeof($values) > 4){ $contact->primary_address_state = $values[4]; } if(!isset($contact->primary_address_postalcode) && sizeof($values) > 5){ $contact->primary_address_postalcode = $values[5]; } if(!isset($contact->primary_address_country) && sizeof($values) > 6){ $contact->primary_address_country = $values[6]; } } } if($keys[0] == 'TITLE'){ $contact->title = $value; } if($keys[0] == 'EMAIL'){ $field = 'email' . $email_suffix; if(!isset($contact->$field)) { $contact->$field = $value; } if($email_suffix == 1) { $_REQUEST['email1'] = $value; } $email_suffix++; } if($keys[0] == 'ORG'){ $GLOBALS['log']->debug('I found a company name'); if(!empty($value)){ $GLOBALS['log']->debug('I found a company name (fer real)'); if ( is_a($contact,"Contact") || is_a($contact,"Lead") ) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug('And Im dealing with a person!'); $accountBean = loadBean('Accounts'); // It's a contact, we better try and match up an account $full_company_name = trim($values[0]); // Do we have a full company name match? $result = $accountBean->retrieve_by_string_fields(array('name' => $full_company_name, 'deleted' => 0)); if ( ! isset($result->id) ) { // Try to trim the full company name down, see if we get some other matches $vCardTrimStrings = array('/ltd\.*/i'=>'', '/llc\.*/i'=>'', '/gmbh\.*/i'=>'', '/inc\.*/i'=>'', '/\.com/i'=>'', ); // Allow users to override the trimming strings if ( file_exists('custom/include/vCardTrimStrings.php') ) { require_once('custom/include/vCardTrimStrings.php'); } $short_company_name = trim(preg_replace(array_keys($vCardTrimStrings),$vCardTrimStrings,$full_company_name)," ,."); $GLOBALS['log']->debug('Trying an extended search for: '.$short_company_name); $result = $accountBean->retrieve_by_string_fields(array('name' => $short_company_name, 'deleted' => 0)); } if ( is_a($contact,"Lead") || ! isset($result->id) ) { // We could not find a parent account, or this is a lead so only copy the name, no linking $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Did not find a matching company ($full_company_name)"); $contact->account_id = ''; $contact->account_name = $full_company_name; } else { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Found a matching company: ".$result->name); $contact->account_id = $result->id; $contact->account_name = $result->name; } $contact->department = $values[1]; } else{ $contact->department = $value; } } } } //FOUND THE BEGINING OF THE VCARD if(!$start && substr_count(strtoupper($line), 'BEGIN:VCARD')){ $start = true; } } if ( is_a($contact, "Contact") && empty($contact->account_id) && !empty($contact->account_name) ) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Look ma! I'm creating a new account: ".$contact->account_name); // We need to create a new account $accountBean = loadBean('Accounts'); // Populate the newly created account with all of the contact information foreach ( $contact->field_defs as $field_name => $field_def ) { if ( !empty($contact->$field_name) ) { $accountBean->$field_name = $contact->$field_name; } } $accountBean->name = $contact->account_name; $accountBean->save(); $contact->account_id = $accountBean->id; } $contactId = $contact->save(); return $contactId; } } ?>