'cache', $prefix.'include/javascript/tiny_mce' => 'include/javascript/tiny_mce', $prefix.'include/javascript/yui' => 'include/javascript/yui', $prefix.'include/javascript/yui-old' => 'include/javascript/yui-old', $prefix.'include/javascript/ext-1.1.1' => 'include/javascript/ext-1.1.1', $prefix.'include/javascript/ext-2.0' => 'include/javascript/ext-2.0', $prefix.'include/javascript/tiny_mce' => 'include/javascript/tiny_mce', $prefix.'modules/Emails' => 'modules/Emails', $prefix.'jssource' => 'jssource', $prefix.'modules/ModuleBuilder' => 'modules/ModuleBuilder', ); return $compress_exempt_files; } /**ConcatenateFiles($from_path) * * This method takes in a string value of the root directory to begin processing * it uses the predefined array of groupings to create a concatenated file for each grouping * and places the concatenated file in root directory * @from_path root directory where processing should take place */ function ConcatenateFiles($from_path){ $js_groupings = array(); if(isset($_REQUEST['root_directory'])){ require('jssource/JSGroupings.php'); }else{ require('JSGroupings.php'); } //get array with file sources to concatenate $file_groups = $js_groupings;//from JSGroupings.php; $files_opened = array(); $currPerm = ''; //for each item in array, concatenate the source files foreach($file_groups as $fg){ //process each group array foreach($fg as $loc=>$trgt){ $relpath = $loc; $loc = $from_path.'/'.$loc; $trgt = $from_path.'/'.$trgt; //check to see that source file exists, that it is a file, and is readable if(file_exists($loc) && is_file($loc) && is_readable($loc)){ $currPerm = fileperms($loc); //check to see if target exists, if it does then open file if(file_exists($trgt)){ if(in_array($trgt, $files_opened)){ //open target file if(function_exists('sugar_fopen')){ $trgt_handle = sugar_fopen($trgt, 'a'); }else{ $trgt_handle = fopen($trgt, 'a'); } }else{ //open target file if(function_exists('sugar_fopen')){ $trgt_handle = sugar_fopen($trgt, 'w'); }else{ $trgt_handle = fopen($trgt, 'w'); } } }else{ //create and open target file if(function_exists('sugar_fopen')){ $trgt_handle = @sugar_fopen($trgt, 'w'); }else{ $trgt_handle = @fopen($trgt, 'w'); } // todo: make this failure more friendly. Ideally, it will display a // warning to admin users and revert back to displaying all of the // Javascript files insted of displaying the minified versions. if ($trgt_handle === false) { $target_directory = dirname($trgt); $base_name = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..') . '/'; $target_directory = substr($target_directory, strlen($base_name)); sugar_die("please make sure {$target_directory} is writable\n"); } } $files_opened[] = $trgt; //make sure we have handles to both source and target file if ($trgt_handle) { $buffer = file_get_contents($loc); $buffer .= "// End of File $relpath "; $num = fwrite($trgt_handle, $buffer); if( $num=== false){ //log error, file did not get appended echo "Error while concatenating file $loc to target file $trgt \n"; } //close file opened. fclose($trgt_handle); } } } //set permissions on this file if(!empty($currPerm) && $currPerm !== false){ //if we can retrieve permissions from target files, use same //permission on concatenated file if(function_exists('sugar_chmod')){ @sugar_chmod($trgt, $currPerm); }else{ @chmod($trgt, $currPerm); } }else{ //no permissions could be retrieved, so set to 777 if(function_exists('sugar_chmod')){ @sugar_chmod($trgt, 0777); }else{ @chmod($trgt, 0777); } } } } function create_backup_folder($bu_path){ $bu_path = str_replace('\\', '/', $bu_path); //get path after root $jpos = strpos($bu_path,'jssource'); if($jpos===false){ $process_path = $bu_path; }else{ $process_path = substr($bu_path, $jpos); $prefix_process_path = substr($bu_path, 0, $jpos-1); } //get rest of directories into array $bu_dir_arr = explode('/', $process_path); //iterate through each directory and create if needed foreach($bu_dir_arr as $bu_dir){ if(!file_exists($prefix_process_path.'/'.$bu_dir)){ if(function_exists('sugar_mkdir')){ sugar_mkdir($prefix_process_path.'/'.$bu_dir); }else{ mkdir($prefix_process_path.'/'.$bu_dir); } } $prefix_process_path = $prefix_process_path.'/'.$bu_dir; } } /**CompressFiles * This method will call jsmin libraries to minify passed in files * This method takes in 2 string values of the files to process * Processing will back up javascript files and then minify the original javascript. * Back up javascript files will have an added .src extension * @from_path file name and path to be processed * @to_path file name and path to be used to place newly compressed contents */ function CompressFiles($from_path,$to_path){ if(!defined('JSMIN_AS_LIB')){ define('JSMIN_AS_LIB', true); } //assumes jsmin.php is in same directory if(isset($_REQUEST['root_directory']) || defined('INSTANCE_PATH')){ require_once('jssource/jsmin.php'); }else{ require_once('jsmin.php'); } $nl=' '; //check to make sure from path and to path are not empty if(isset($from_path) && !empty($from_path)&&isset($to_path) && !empty($to_path)){ $lic_str = ''; $ReadNextLine = true; // Output a minified version of example.js. if(file_exists($from_path) && is_file($from_path)){ //read in license script if(function_exists('sugar_fopen')){ $file_handle = sugar_fopen($from_path, 'r'); }else{ $file_handle = fopen($from_path, 'r'); } if($file_handle){ $beg = false; //Read the file until you hit a line with code. This is meant to retrieve //the initial license string found in the beginning comments of js code. while (!feof($file_handle) && $ReadNextLine) { $newLine = fgets($file_handle, 4096); $newLine = trim($newLine); //See if line contains open or closing comments //if opening comments are found, set $beg to true if(strpos($newLine, '/*')!== false){ $beg = true; } //if closing comments are found, set $beg to false if(strpos($newLine, '*/')!== false){ $beg = false; } //if line is not empty (has code) set the boolean to false if(! empty($newLine)){$ReadNextLine = false;} //If we are in a comment block, then set boolean back to true if($beg){ $ReadNextLine = true; //add new line to license string $lic_str .=trim($newLine).$nl; }else{ //if we are here it means that uncommented and non blank line has been reached //Check to see that ReadNextLine is true, if so then add the last line collected //make sure the last line is either the end to a comment block, or starts with '//' //else do not add as it is live code. if(!empty($newLine) && ((strpos($newLine, '*/')!== false) || ($newLine{0}.$newLine{1}== '//'))){ //add new line to license string $lic_str .=$newLine; } //set to false because $beg is false, which means the comment block has ended $ReadNextLine = false; } } } if($file_handle){ fclose($file_handle); } //place license string into array for use with jsmin file. //this will preserve the license in the file $lic_arr = array($lic_str); //minify javascript //$jMin = new JSMin($from_path,$to_path,$lic_arr); $out = $lic_str . JSMin::minify(file_get_contents($from_path)); if(function_exists('sugar_fopen') && $fh = @sugar_fopen( $to_path, 'w' ) ) { fputs( $fh, $out); fclose( $fh ); } else { file_put_contents($to_path, $out); } }else{ //log failure echo" COULD NOT COMPRESS $from_path, it is not a file \n"; } }else{ //log failure echo" COULD NOT COMPRESS $from_path, missing variables \n"; } } function reverseScripts($from_path,$to_path=''){ $from_path = str_replace('\\', '/', $from_path); if(empty($to_path)){ $to_path = $from_path; } $to_path = str_replace('\\', '/', $to_path); //check to see if provided paths are legit if (!file_exists("$from_path")) { //log error echo "JS Source directory at $from_path Does Not Exist

\n"; return; } //get correct path for backup $bu_path = $to_path; $bu_path .= substr($from_path, strlen($to_path.'/jssource/src_files')); //if this is a directory, then read it and process files if(is_dir("$from_path")){ //grab file / directory and read it. $handle = opendir("$from_path"); //loop over the directory and go into each child directory while (false !== ($dir = readdir($handle))) { //make sure you go into directory tree and not out of tree if($dir!= '.' && $dir!= '..'){ //make recursive call to process this directory reverseScripts($from_path.'/'.$dir, $to_path ); } } } //if this is not a directory, then //check if this is a javascript file, then process $path_parts = pathinfo($from_path); if(is_file("$from_path") && isset($path_parts['extension']) && $path_parts['extension'] =='js'){ //create backup directory if needed $bu_dir = dirname($bu_path); if(!file_exists($bu_dir)){ //directory does not exist, log it and return echo" directory $bu_dir does not exist, could not restore $bu_path"; return; } //delete backup src file if it exists already if(file_exists($bu_path)){ unlink($bu_path); } copy($from_path, $bu_path); } } /**BackUpAndCompressScriptFiles * * This method takes in a string value of the root directory to begin processing * it will process and iterate through all files and subdirectories * under the passed in directory, ignoring directories and files from the predefined exclude array. * Processing includes calling a method that will minify the javascript children files * @from_path root directory where processing should take place * @to_path root directory where processing should take place, this gets filled in dynamically */ function BackUpAndCompressScriptFiles($from_path,$to_path = '', $backup = true){ //check to see if provided paths are legit if (!file_exists("$from_path")) { //log error echo "The from directory, $from_path Does Not Exist

\n"; return; }else{ $from_path = str_replace('\\', '/', $from_path); } if(empty($to_path)){ $to_path = $from_path; }elseif (!file_exists("$to_path")) { //log error echo "The to directory, $to_path Does Not Exist

\n"; return; } //now grab list of files to exclude from minifying $exclude_files = get_exclude_files($to_path); //process only if file/directory is not in exclude list if(!isset($exclude_files[$from_path])){ //get correct path for backup $bu_path = $to_path.'/jssource/src_files'; $bu_path .= substr($from_path, strlen($to_path)); //if this is a directory, then read it and process files if(is_dir("$from_path")){ //grab file / directory and read it. $handle = opendir("$from_path"); //loop over the directory and go into each child directory while (false !== ($dir = readdir($handle))) { //make sure you go into directory tree and not out of tree if($dir!= '.' && $dir!= '..'){ //make recursive call to process this directory BackUpAndCompressScriptFiles($from_path.'/'.$dir, $to_path,$backup); } } } //if this is not a directory, then //check if this is a javascript file, then process $path_parts = pathinfo($from_path); if(is_file("$from_path") && isset($path_parts['extension']) && $path_parts['extension'] =='js'){ if($backup){ $bu_dir = dirname($bu_path); if(!file_exists($bu_dir)){ create_backup_folder($bu_dir); } //delete backup src file if it exists already if(file_exists($bu_path)){ unlink($bu_path); } //copy original file into a source file rename($from_path, $bu_path); }else{ //no need to backup, but remove file that is about to be copied //if it exists in both backed up scripts and working directory if(file_exists($from_path) && file_exists($bu_path)){unlink($from_path);} } //now make call to minify and overwrite the original file. CompressFiles($bu_path, $from_path); } } }