/********************************************************************************* * SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by * SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2012 SugarCRM Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the * Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added * to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK * IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY SUGARCRM, SUGARCRM DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY * OF NON INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with * this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA. * * You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road, * SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3, * these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by * SugarCRM" logo. If the display of the logo is not reasonably feasible for * technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display the words * "Powered by SugarCRM". ********************************************************************************/ function loadSugarChart (chartId,jsonFilename,css,chartConfig) { //Bug#45831 if(document.getElementById(chartId) == null) { return false; } var labelType, useGradients, nativeTextSupport, animate; (function() { var ua = navigator.userAgent, typeOfCanvas = typeof HTMLCanvasElement, nativeCanvasSupport = (typeOfCanvas == 'object' || typeOfCanvas == 'function'), textSupport = nativeCanvasSupport && (typeof document.createElement('canvas').getContext('2d').fillText == 'function'); labelType = 'Native'; nativeTextSupport = labelType == 'Native'; useGradients = nativeCanvasSupport; animate = false; })(); var delay = 500; switch(chartConfig["chartType"]) { case "barChart": var handleFailure = function(o){ alert('fail'); if(o.responseText !== undefined){ alert('failed'); } } var handleSuccess = function(o){ if(o.responseText !== undefined && o.responseText != "No Data"){ var json = eval('('+o.responseText+')'); var properties = $jit.util.splat(json.properties)[0]; var marginBottom = (chartConfig["orientation"] == 'vertical' && json.values.length > 8) ? 20*4 : 20; //init BarChart var barChart = new $jit.BarChart({ //id of the visualization container injectInto: chartId, //whether to add animations animate: false, nodeCount: json.values.length, renderBackground: chartConfig['imageExportType'] == "jpg" ? true: false, backgroundColor: 'rgb(255,255,255)', colorStop1: 'rgba(255,255,255,.8)', colorStop2: 'rgba(255,255,255,0)', shadow: { enable: true, size: 2 }, //horizontal or vertical barcharts orientation: chartConfig["orientation"], hoveredColor: false, Title: { text: properties['title'], size: 16, color: '#444444', offset: 20 }, Subtitle: { text: properties['subtitle'], size: 11, color: css["color"], offset: 20 }, Ticks: { enable: true, color: css["gridLineColor"] }, //bars separation barsOffset: (chartConfig["orientation"] == "vertical") ? 30 : 20, //visualization offset Margin: { top:20, left: 30, right: 20, bottom: marginBottom }, ScrollNote: { text: (chartConfig["scroll"] && SUGAR.util.isTouchScreen()) ? "Use two fingers to scroll" : "", size: 12 }, Events: { enable: true, onClick: function(node) { if(!node || SUGAR.util.isTouchScreen()) return; if(node.link == 'undefined' || node.link == '') return; window.location.href=node.link; } }, //labels offset position labelOffset: 5, //bars style type: useGradients? chartConfig["barType"]+':gradient' : chartConfig["barType"], //whether to show the aggregation of the values showAggregates:true, //whether to show the labels for the bars showLabels:true, //labels style Label: { type: labelType, //Native or HTML size: 12, family: css["font-family"], color: css["color"], colorAlt: "#ffffff" }, //add tooltips Tips: { enable: true, onShow: function(tip, elem) { if(elem.link != 'undefined' && elem.link != '') { drillDown = (SUGAR.util.isTouchScreen()) ? "
Click to drilldown" : "
Click to drilldown"; } else { drillDown = ""; } if(elem.valuelabel != 'undefined' && elem.valuelabel != undefined && elem.valuelabel != '') { value = "elem.valuelabel"; } else { value = "elem.value"; } eval("tip.innerHTML = '' + elem."+chartConfig["tip"]+" + ': ' + "+value+" + ' - ' + elem.percentage + '%' + drillDown"); } } }); //load JSON data. barChart.loadJSON(json); //end /* var list = $jit.id('id-list'), button = $jit.id('update'), orn = $jit.id('switch-orientation'); //update json on click 'Update Data' $jit.util.addEvent(button, 'click', function() { var util = $jit.util; if(util.hasClass(button, 'gray')) return; util.removeClass(button, 'white'); util.addClass(button, 'gray'); barChart.updateJSON(json2); }); */ //dynamically add legend to list var list = $jit.id('legend'+chartId); var legend = barChart.getLegend(), cols = (typeof SUGAR == 'undefined' || typeof SUGAR.mySugar == 'undefined') ? 8 : 4, rows = Math.ceil(legend["name"].length/cols), table = ""; var j = 0; for(i=0;i'; if(legend["name"][j] != undefined) { table += '
'; } table += ''; table += '
'; j++; } table += ""; } table += "
'; if(legend["name"][j] != undefined) { table += legend["name"][j]; } table += '
"; list.innerHTML = table; //save canvas to image for pdf consumption $jit.util.saveImageTest(chartId,jsonFilename,chartConfig["imageExportType"]); trackWindowResize(barChart, chartId, json); } } var callback = { success:handleSuccess, failure:handleFailure, argument: { foo:'foo', bar:''} }; var request = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('GET', jsonFilename + "?r=" + new Date().getTime(), callback); break; case "lineChart": var handleFailure = function(o){ alert('fail'); if(o.responseText !== undefined){ alert('failed'); } } var handleSuccess = function(o){ if(o.responseText !== undefined && o.responseText != "No Data"){ var json = eval('('+o.responseText+')'); var properties = $jit.util.splat(json.properties)[0]; //init Linecahrt var lineChart = new $jit.LineChart({ //id of the visualization container injectInto: chartId, //whether to add animations animate: false, renderBackground: chartConfig['imageExportType'] == "jpg" ? true: false, backgroundColor: 'rgb(255,255,255)', colorStop1: 'rgba(255,255,255,.8)', colorStop2: 'rgba(255,255,255,0)', selectOnHover: false, Title: { text: properties['title'], size: 16, color: '#444444', offset: 20 }, Subtitle: { text: properties['subtitle'], size: 11, color: css["color"], offset: 20 }, Ticks: { enable: true, color: css["gridLineColor"] }, //visualization offset Margin: { top:20, left: 40, right: 40, bottom: 20 }, Events: { enable: true, onClick: function(node) { if(!node || SUGAR.util.isTouchScreen()) return; if(node.link == 'undefined' || node.link == '') return; window.location.href=node.link; } }, //labels offset position labelOffset: 5, //bars style type: useGradients? chartConfig["lineType"]+':gradient' : chartConfig["lineType"], //whether to show the aggregation of the values showAggregates:true, //whether to show the labels for the bars showLabels:true, //labels style Label: { type: labelType, //Native or HTML size: 12, family: css["font-family"], color: css["color"], colorAlt: "#ffffff" }, //add tooltips Tips: { enable: true, onShow: function(tip, elem) { if(elem.link != 'undefined' && elem.link != '') { drillDown = (SUGAR.util.isTouchScreen()) ? "
Click to drilldown" : "
Click to drilldown"; } else { drillDown = ""; } if(elem.valuelabel != 'undefined' && elem.valuelabel != undefined && elem.valuelabel != '') { var value = "elem.valuelabel"; } else { var value = "elem.value"; } if(elem.collision) { eval("var name = elem."+chartConfig["tip"]+";"); var content = ''; for(var i=0; i:'; } content += '
' + elem.value[i] + ' - ' + elem.percentage[i] + '%' + '
'; tip.innerHTML = content; } else { eval("tip.innerHTML = '' + elem."+chartConfig["tip"]+" + ': ' + "+value+" + ' - ' + elem.percentage + '%' + drillDown"); } } } }); //load JSON data. lineChart.loadJSON(json); //end /* var list = $jit.id('id-list'), button = $jit.id('update'), orn = $jit.id('switch-orientation'); //update json on click 'Update Data' $jit.util.addEvent(button, 'click', function() { var util = $jit.util; if(util.hasClass(button, 'gray')) return; util.removeClass(button, 'white'); util.addClass(button, 'gray'); barChart.updateJSON(json2); }); */ //dynamically add legend to list var list = $jit.id('legend'+chartId); var legend = lineChart.getLegend(), cols = (typeof SUGAR == 'undefined' || typeof SUGAR.mySugar == 'undefined') ? 8 : 4, rows = Math.ceil(legend["name"].length/cols), table = ""; var j = 0; for(i=0;i'; if(legend["name"][j] != undefined) { table += '
'; } table += ''; table += '
'; j++; } table += ""; } table += "
'; if(legend["name"][j] != undefined) { table += legend["name"][j]; } table += '
"; list.innerHTML = table; //save canvas to image for pdf consumption $jit.util.saveImageTest(chartId,jsonFilename,chartConfig["imageExportType"]); trackWindowResize(lineChart, chartId, json); } } var callback = { success:handleSuccess, failure:handleFailure, argument: { foo:'foo', bar:''} }; var request = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('GET', jsonFilename + "?r=" + new Date().getTime(), callback); break; case "pieChart": var handleFailure = function(o){ alert('fail'); if(o.responseText !== undefined){ alert('failed'); } } var handleSuccess = function(o){ if(o.responseText !== undefined){ var json = eval('('+o.responseText+')'); var properties = $jit.util.splat(json.properties)[0]; //init BarChart var pieChart = new $jit.PieChart({ //id of the visualization container injectInto: chartId, //whether to add animations animate: false, renderBackground: chartConfig['imageExportType'] == "jpg" ? true: false, backgroundColor: 'rgb(255,255,255)', colorStop1: 'rgba(255,255,255,.8)', colorStop2: 'rgba(255,255,255,0)', labelType: properties['labels'], hoveredColor: false, //offsets offset: 50, sliceOffset: 0, labelOffset: 30, //slice style type: useGradients? chartConfig["pieType"]+':gradient' : chartConfig["pieType"], //whether to show the labels for the slices showLabels:true, Title: { text: properties['title'], size: 16, color: '#444444', offset: 20 }, Subtitle: { text: properties['subtitle'], size: 11, color: css["color"], offset: 20 }, Margin: { top:20, left: 20, right: 20, bottom: 20 }, Events: { enable: true, onClick: function(node) { if(!node || SUGAR.util.isTouchScreen()) return; if(node.link == 'undefined' || node.link == '') return; window.location.href=node.link; } }, //label styling Label: { type: labelType, //Native or HTML size: 12, family: css["font-family"], color: css["color"] }, //enable tips Tips: { enable: true, onShow: function(tip, elem) { if(elem.link != 'undefined' && elem.link != '') { drillDown = (SUGAR.util.isTouchScreen()) ? "
Click to drilldown" : "
Click to drilldown"; } else { drillDown = ""; } if(elem.valuelabel != 'undefined' && elem.valuelabel != undefined && elem.valuelabel != '') { value = "elem.valuelabel"; } else { value = "elem.value"; } eval("tip.innerHTML = '' + elem.label + ': ' + "+ value +" + ' - ' + elem.percentage + '%' + drillDown"); } } }); //load JSON data. pieChart.loadJSON(json); //end //dynamically add legend to list var list = $jit.id('legend'+chartId); var legend = pieChart.getLegend(), cols = (typeof SUGAR == 'undefined' || typeof SUGAR.mySugar == 'undefined') ? 8 : 4, rows = Math.ceil(legend["name"].length/cols); table = ""; var j = 0; for(i=0;i'; if(legend["name"][j] != undefined) { table += '
'; } table += ''; table += '
'; j++; } table += ""; } table += "
'; if(legend["name"][j] != undefined) { table += legend["name"][j]; } table += '
"; list.innerHTML = table; //save canvas to image for pdf consumption $jit.util.saveImageTest(chartId,jsonFilename,chartConfig["imageExportType"]); trackWindowResize(pieChart, chartId, json); } } var callback = { success:handleSuccess, failure:handleFailure, argument: { foo:'foo', bar:''} }; var request = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('GET', jsonFilename + "?r=" + new Date().getTime(), callback); break; case "funnelChart": var handleFailure = function(o){ alert('fail'); if(o.responseText !== undefined){ alert('failed'); } } var handleSuccess = function(o){ if(o.responseText !== undefined && o.responseText != "No Data"){ var json = eval('('+o.responseText+')'); var properties = $jit.util.splat(json.properties)[0]; //init Funnel Chart var funnelChart = new $jit.FunnelChart({ //id of the visualization container injectInto: chartId, //whether to add animations animate: false, renderBackground: chartConfig['imageExportType'] == "jpg" ? true: false, backgroundColor: 'rgb(255,255,255)', colorStop1: 'rgba(255,255,255,.8)', colorStop2: 'rgba(255,255,255,0)', //orientation setting should not be changed orientation: "vertical", hoveredColor: false, Title: { text: properties['title'], size: 16, color: '#444444', offset: 20 }, Subtitle: { text: properties['subtitle'], size: 11, color: css["color"], offset: 20 }, //segment separation segmentOffset: 20, //visualization offset Margin: { top:20, left: 20, right: 20, bottom: 20 }, Events: { enable: true, onClick: function(node) { if(!node || SUGAR.util.isTouchScreen()) return; if(node.link == 'undefined' || node.link == '') return; window.location.href=node.link; } }, //labels offset position labelOffset: 10, //bars style type: useGradients? chartConfig["funnelType"]+':gradient' : chartConfig["funnelType"], //whether to show the aggregation of the values showAggregates:true, //whether to show the labels for the bars showLabels:true, //labels style Label: { type: labelType, //Native or HTML size: 12, family: css["font-family"], color: css["color"], colorAlt: "#ffffff" }, //add tooltips Tips: { enable: true, onShow: function(tip, elem) { if(elem.link != 'undefined' && elem.link != '') { drillDown = (SUGAR.util.isTouchScreen()) ? "
Click to drilldown" : "
Click to drilldown"; } else { drillDown = ""; } if(elem.valuelabel != 'undefined' && elem.valuelabel != undefined && elem.valuelabel != '') { value = "elem.valuelabel"; } else { value = "elem.value"; } eval("tip.innerHTML = '' + elem."+chartConfig["tip"]+" + ': ' + "+value+" + ' - ' + elem.percentage + '%' + drillDown"); } } }); //load JSON data. funnelChart.loadJSON(json); //end /* var list = $jit.id('id-list'), button = $jit.id('update'), orn = $jit.id('switch-orientation'); //update json on click 'Update Data' $jit.util.addEvent(button, 'click', function() { var util = $jit.util; if(util.hasClass(button, 'gray')) return; util.removeClass(button, 'white'); util.addClass(button, 'gray'); barChart.updateJSON(json2); }); */ //dynamically add legend to list var list = $jit.id('legend'+chartId); var legend = funnelChart.getLegend(), cols = (typeof SUGAR == 'undefined' || typeof SUGAR.mySugar == 'undefined') ? 8 : 4, rows = Math.ceil(legend["name"].length/cols); table = ""; var j = 0; for(i=0;i'; if(legend["name"][j] != undefined) { table += '
'; } table += ''; table += '
'; j++; } table += ""; } table += "
'; if(legend["name"][j] != undefined) { table += legend["name"][j]; } table += '
"; list.innerHTML = table; //save canvas to image for pdf consumption $jit.util.saveImageTest(chartId,jsonFilename,chartConfig["imageExportType"]); trackWindowResize(funnelChart, chartId, json); } } var callback = { success:handleSuccess, failure:handleFailure, argument: { foo:'foo', bar:''} }; var request = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('GET', jsonFilename + "?r=" + new Date().getTime(), callback); break; case "gaugeChart": var handleFailure = function(o){ alert('fail'); if(o.responseText !== undefined){ alert('failed'); } } var handleSuccess = function(o){ if(o.responseText !== undefined){ var json = eval('('+o.responseText+')'); var properties = $jit.util.splat(json.properties)[0]; //init Gauge Chart var gaugeChart = new $jit.GaugeChart({ //id of the visualization container injectInto: chartId, //whether to add animations animate: false, renderBackground: chartConfig['imageExportType'] == "jpg" ? true: false, backgroundColor: 'rgb(255,255,255)', colorStop1: 'rgba(255,255,255,.8)', colorStop2: 'rgba(255,255,255,0)', labelType: properties['labels'], hoveredColor: false, Title: { text: properties['title'], size: 16, color: '#444444', offset: 20 }, Subtitle: { text: properties['subtitle'], size: 11, color: css["color"], offset: 5 }, //offsets offset: 20, gaugeStyle: { backgroundColor: '#aaaaaa', borderColor: '#999999', needleColor: 'rgba(255,0,0,.8)', borderSize: 4, positionFontSize: 24, positionOffset: 2 }, //slice style type: useGradients? chartConfig["gaugeType"]+':gradient' : chartConfig["gaugeType"], //whether to show the labels for the slices showLabels:true, Events: { enable: true, onClick: function(node) { if(!node || SUGAR.util.isTouchScreen()) return; if(node.link == 'undefined' || node.link == '') return; window.location.href=node.link; } }, //label styling Label: { type: labelType, //Native or HTML size: 12, family: css["font-family"], color: css["color"] }, //enable tips Tips: { enable: true, onShow: function(tip, elem) { if(elem.link != 'undefined' && elem.link != '') { drillDown = (SUGAR.util.isTouchScreen()) ? "
Click to drilldown" : "
Click to drilldown"; } else { drillDown = ""; } if(elem.valuelabel != 'undefined' && elem.valuelabel != undefined && elem.valuelabel != '') { value = "elem.valuelabel"; } else { value = "elem.value"; } eval("tip.innerHTML = '' + elem.label + ': ' + "+ value +" + drillDown"); } } }); //load JSON data. gaugeChart.loadJSON(json); var list = $jit.id('legend'+chartId); var legend = gaugeChart.getLegend(), cols = (typeof SUGAR == 'undefined' || typeof SUGAR.mySugar == 'undefined') ? 8 : 4, rows = Math.ceil(legend["name"].length/cols); table = ""; var j = 1; for(i=0;i'; if(legend["name"][j] != undefined) { table += '
'; } table += ''; table += '
'; j++; } table += ""; } table += "
'; if(legend["name"][j] != undefined) { table += legend["name"][j]; } table += '
"; list.innerHTML = table; //save canvas to image for pdf consumption $jit.util.saveImageTest(chartId,jsonFilename,chartConfig["imageExportType"]); trackWindowResize(gaugeChart, chartId, json); } } var callback = { success:handleSuccess, failure:handleFailure, argument: { foo:'foo', bar:''} }; var request = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('GET', jsonFilename + "?r=" + new Date().getTime(), callback); break; } function trackWindowResize(chart, chartId, json) { var origWindowWidth = document.documentElement.scrollWidth, container = document.getElementById(chartId), widget = document.getElementById(chartId + "-canvaswidget"); var timeout; // refresh graph on window resize YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(window, "resize", function() { if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); } timeout = setTimeout(function() { var newWindowWidth = document.documentElement.scrollWidth; // if window width has changed during resize if (newWindowWidth != origWindowWidth) { // hide widget in order to let it's container have // width corresponding to current window size, // not it's contents widget.style.display = "none"; // add one more timeout in order to let all widgets // on the page hide setTimeout(function() { // measure container width var width = container.offsetWidth; // display widget before resize, otherwise // it will be rendered incorrectly in IE widget.style.display = ""; chart.resizeGraph(json, width); origWindowWidth = newWindowWidth; }, 0); } }, delay); }); } }