/* Copyright (c) 2010, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Code licensed under the BSD License: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/license.html version: 3.3.0 build: 3167 */ YUI.add('io-upload-iframe', function(Y) { /** * Extends the IO base class to enable file uploads, with HTML forms, * using an iframe as the transport medium. * @module io * @submodule io-upload-iframe */ var w = Y.config.win, d = Y.config.doc, _std = (d.documentMode && d.documentMode >= 8), _d = decodeURIComponent; /** * @description Parses the POST data object and creates hidden form elements * for each key-value, and appends them to the HTML form object. * @method appendData * @private * @static * @param {object} f HTML form object. * @param {string} s The key-value POST data. * @return {array} e Array of created fields. */ function _addData(f, s) { var o = [], m = s.split('='), i, l; for (i = 0, l = m.length - 1; i < l; i++) { o[i] = d.createElement('input'); o[i].type = 'hidden'; o[i].name = _d(m[i].substring(m[i].lastIndexOf('&') + 1)); o[i].value = (i + 1 === l) ? _d(m[i + 1]) : _d(m[i + 1].substring(0, (m[i + 1].lastIndexOf('&')))); f.appendChild(o[i]); } return o; } /** * @description Removes the custom fields created to pass additional POST * data, along with the HTML form fields. * @method f * @private * @static * @param {object} f HTML form object. * @param {object} o HTML form fields created from configuration.data. * @return {void} */ function _removeData(f, o) { var i, l; for (i = 0, l = o.length; i < l; i++) { f.removeChild(o[i]); } } /** * @description Sets the appropriate attributes and values to the HTML * form, in preparation of a file upload transaction. * @method _setAttrs * @private * @static * @param {object} f HTML form object. * @param {object} id The Transaction ID. * @param {object} uri Qualified path to transaction resource. * @return {void} */ function _setAttrs(f, id, uri) { f.setAttribute('action', uri); f.setAttribute('method', 'POST'); f.setAttribute('target', 'ioupload' + id ); f.setAttribute(Y.UA.ie && !_std ? 'encoding' : 'enctype', 'multipart/form-data'); } /** * @description Reset the HTML form attributes to their original values. * @method _resetAttrs * @private * @static * @param {object} f HTML form object. * @param {object} a Object of original attributes. * @return {void} */ function _resetAttrs(f, a){ var p; for (p in a) { if (a.hasOwnProperty(p)) { if (a[p]) { f.setAttribute(p, f[p]); } else { f.removeAttribute(p); } } } } /** * @description Starts timeout count if the configuration object * has a defined timeout property. * * @method _startTimeout * @private * @static * @param {object} o Transaction object generated by _create(). * @param {object} c Configuration object passed to YUI.io(). * @return {void} */ function _startTimeout(o, c) { Y.io._timeout[o.id] = w.setTimeout( function() { var r = { id: o.id, status: 'timeout' }; Y.io.complete(r, c); Y.io.end(r, c); }, c.timeout); } /** * @description Clears the timeout interval started by _startTimeout(). * @method _clearTimeout * @private * @static * @param {number} id - Transaction ID. * @return {void} */ function _clearTimeout(id) { w.clearTimeout(Y.io._timeout[id]); delete Y.io._timeout[id]; } /** * @description * @method _destroy * @private * @static * @param {o} o The transaction object * @param {object} uri Qualified path to transaction resource. * @param {object} c Configuration object for the transaction. * @return {void} */ function _destroy(id) { Y.Event.purgeElement('#ioupload' + id, false); Y.one('body').removeChild(Y.one('#ioupload' + id)); } /** * @description Bound to the iframe's Load event and processes * the response data. * @method _handle * @private * @static * @param {o} o The transaction object * @param {object} c Configuration object for the transaction. * @return {void} */ function _handle(o, c) { var d = Y.one('#ioupload' + o.id).get('contentWindow.document'), b = d.one('body'), p; if (c.timeout) { _clearTimeout(o.id); } if (b) { // When a response Content-Type of "text/plain" is used, Firefox and Safari // will wrap the response string with
            p = b.one('pre:first-child');
            o.c.responseText = p ? p.get('text') : b.get('text');
        else {
            o.c.responseXML = d._node;

        Y.io.complete(o, c);
        Y.io.end(o, c);
        // The transaction is complete, so call _destroy to remove
        // the event listener bound to the iframe transport, and then
        // destroy the iframe.
        w.setTimeout( function() { _destroy(o.id); }, 0);

    * @description Creates the iframe transported used in file upload
    * transactions, and binds the response event handler.
    * @method _create
    * @private
    * @static
    * @param {object} o Transaction object generated by _create().
    * @param {object} c Configuration object passed to YUI.io().
    * @return {void}
    function _create(o, c) {
        var i = Y.Node.create('