/* Copyright (c) 2010, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Code licensed under the BSD License: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/license.html version: 3.3.0 build: 3167 */ YUI.add('slider-base', function(Y) { /** * Create a sliding value range input visualized as a draggable thumb on a * background element. * * @module slider * @submodule slider-base */ var INVALID_VALUE = Y.Attribute.INVALID_VALUE; /** * Create a slider to represent an input control capable of representing a * series of intermediate states based on the position of the slider's thumb. * These states are typically aligned to a value algorithm whereby the thumb * position corresponds to a given value. Sliders may be oriented vertically or * horizontally, based on the axis configuration. * * @class SliderBase * @extends Widget * @param config {Object} Configuration object * @constructor */ function SliderBase() { SliderBase.superclass.constructor.apply( this, arguments ); } Y.SliderBase = Y.extend( SliderBase, Y.Widget, { // Y.Slider prototype /** * Construction logic executed during Slider instantiation. * * @method initializer * @protected */ initializer : function () { /** * The configured axis, stored for fast lookup since it's a writeOnce * attribute. This is for use by extension classes. For * implementation code, use get( "axis" ) for * authoritative source. Never write to this property. * * @property axis * @type {String} * @protected */ this.axis = this.get( 'axis' ); /** * Cached fast access map for DOM properties and attributes that * pertain to accessing dimensional or positioning information * according to the Slider's axis (e.g. "height" vs. * "width"). Extension classes should add to this collection * for axis related strings if necessary. * * @property _key * @type {Object} * @protected */ this._key = { dim : ( this.axis === 'y' ) ? 'height' : 'width', minEdge: ( this.axis === 'y' ) ? 'top' : 'left', maxEdge: ( this.axis === 'y' ) ? 'bottom' : 'right', xyIndex: ( this.axis === 'y' ) ? 1 : 0 }; /** * Signals that the thumb has moved. Payload includes the thumb's * pixel offset from the top/left edge of the rail, and if triggered by * dragging the thumb, the drag:drag event. * * @event thumbMove * @param event {Event} The event object for the thumbMove with the * following extra properties: *
Pixel offset from top/left of the slider to the new * thumb position
drag:drag event from the thumb
*/ this.publish( 'thumbMove', { defaultFn: this._defThumbMoveFn, queuable : true } ); }, /** * Create the DOM structure for the Slider. * * @method renderUI * @protected */ renderUI : function () { var contentBox = this.get( 'contentBox' ); /** * The Node instance of the Slider's rail element. Do not write to * this property. * * @property rail * @type {Node} */ this.rail = this.renderRail(); this._uiSetRailLength( this.get( 'length' ) ); /** * The Node instance of the Slider's thumb element. Do not write to * this property. * * @property thumb * @type {Node} */ this.thumb = this.renderThumb(); this.rail.appendChild( this.thumb ); // @TODO: insert( contentBox, 'replace' ) or setContent? contentBox.appendChild( this.rail ); // contentBox.addClass( this.getClassName( this.axis ) ); }, /** * Creates the Slider rail DOM subtree for insertion into the Slider's * contentBox. Override this method if you want to provide * the rail element (presumably from existing markup). * * @method renderRail * @return {Node} the rail node subtree */ renderRail: function () { var minCapClass = this.getClassName( 'rail', 'cap', this._key.minEdge ), maxCapClass = this.getClassName( 'rail', 'cap', this._key.maxEdge ); return Y.Node.create( Y.substitute( this.RAIL_TEMPLATE, { railClass : this.getClassName( 'rail' ), railMinCapClass: minCapClass, railMaxCapClass: maxCapClass } ) ); }, /** * Sets the rail length according to the length attribute. * * @method _uiSetRailLength * @param length {String} the length to apply to the rail style * @protected */ _uiSetRailLength: function ( length ) { this.rail.setStyle( this._key.dim, length ); }, /** * Creates the Slider thumb DOM subtree for insertion into the Slider's * rail. Override this method if you want to provide the thumb element * (presumably from existing markup). * * @method renderThumb * @return {Node} the thumb node subtree */ renderThumb: function () { this._initThumbUrl(); var imageUrl = this.get( 'thumbUrl' ); return Y.Node.create( Y.substitute( this.THUMB_TEMPLATE, { thumbClass : this.getClassName( 'thumb' ), thumbShadowClass: this.getClassName( 'thumb', 'shadow' ), thumbImageClass : this.getClassName( 'thumb', 'image' ), thumbShadowUrl : imageUrl, thumbImageUrl : imageUrl } ) ); }, /** * Creates the Y.DD.Drag instance used to handle the thumb movement and * binds Slider interaction to the configured value model. * * @method bindUI * @protected */ bindUI : function () { this._bindThumbDD(); this._bindValueLogic(); this.after( 'disabledChange', this._afterDisabledChange ); this.after( 'lengthChange', this._afterLengthChange ); }, /** * Makes the thumb draggable and constrains it to the rail. * * @method _bindThumbDD * @protected */ _bindThumbDD: function () { var config = { constrain: this.rail }; // { constrain: rail, stickX: true } config[ 'stick' + this.axis.toUpperCase() ] = true; /** * The DD.Drag instance linked to the thumb node. * * @property _dd * @type {DD.Drag} * @protected */ this._dd = new Y.DD.Drag( { node : this.thumb, bubble : false, on : { 'drag:start': Y.bind( this._onDragStart, this ) }, after : { 'drag:drag': Y.bind( this._afterDrag, this ), 'drag:end' : Y.bind( this._afterDragEnd, this ) } } ); // Constrain the thumb to the rail this._dd.plug( Y.Plugin.DDConstrained, config ); }, /** * Stub implementation. Override this (presumably in a class extension) to * initialize any value logic that depends on the presence of the Drag * instance. * * @method _bindValueLogic * @protected */ _bindValueLogic: function () {}, /** * Moves the thumb to pixel offset position along the rail. * * @method _uiMoveThumb * @param offset {Number} the pixel offset to set as left or top style * @protected */ _uiMoveThumb: function ( offset ) { if ( this.thumb ) { this.thumb.setStyle( this._key.minEdge, offset + 'px' ); this.fire( 'thumbMove', { offset: offset } ); } }, /** * Dispatches the slideStart event. * * @method _onDragStart * @param e {Event} the drag:start event from the thumb * @protected */ _onDragStart: function ( e ) { /** * Signals the beginning of a thumb drag operation. Payload includes * the thumb's drag:start event. * * @event slideStart * @param event {Event} The event object for the slideStart with the * following extra properties: *
drag:start event from the thumb
*/ this.fire( 'slideStart', { ddEvent: e } ); }, /** * Dispatches the thumbMove event. * * @method _afterDrag * @param e {Event} the drag:drag event from the thumb * @protected */ _afterDrag: function ( e ) { var thumbXY = e.info.xy[ this._key.xyIndex ], railXY = e.target.con._regionCache[ this._key.minEdge ]; this.fire( 'thumbMove', { offset : (thumbXY - railXY), ddEvent: e } ); }, /** * Dispatches the slideEnd event. * * @method _onDragEnd * @param e {Event} the drag:end event from the thumb * @protected */ _afterDragEnd: function ( e ) { /** * Signals the end of a thumb drag operation. Payload includes * the thumb's drag:end event. * * @event slideEnd * @param event {Event} The event object for the slideEnd with the * following extra properties: *
drag:end event from the thumb
*/ this.fire( 'slideEnd', { ddEvent: e } ); }, /** * Locks or unlocks the thumb. * * @method _afterDisabledChange * @param e {Event} The disabledChange event object * @protected */ _afterDisabledChange: function ( e ) { this._dd.set( 'lock', e.newVal ); }, /** * Handles changes to the length attribute. By default, it * triggers an update to the UI. * * @method _afterLengthChange * @param e {Event} The lengthChange event object * @protected */ _afterLengthChange: function ( e ) { if ( this.get( 'rendered' ) ) { this._uiSetRailLength( e.newVal ); this.syncUI(); } }, /** * Synchronizes the DOM state with the attribute settings. * * @method syncUI */ syncUI : function () { this._dd.con.resetCache(); this._syncThumbPosition(); // Forces a reflow of the bounding box to address IE8 inline-block // container not expanding correctly. bug 2527905 //this.get('boundingBox').toggleClass(''); }, /** * Stub implementation. Override this (presumably in a class extension) to * ensure the thumb is in the correct position according to the value * alogorithm. * instance. * * @method _syncThumbPosition * @protected */ _syncThumbPosition: function () {}, /** * Validates the axis is "x" or "y" (case insensitive). * Converts to lower case for storage. * * @method _setAxis * @param v {String} proposed value for the axis attribute * @return {String} lowercased first character of the input string * @protected */ _setAxis : function (v) { v = ( v + '' ).toLowerCase(); return ( v === 'x' || v === 'y' ) ? v : INVALID_VALUE; }, /** *

Ensures the stored length value is a string with a quantity and unit. * Unit will be defaulted to "px" if not included. Rejects * values less than or equal to 0 and those that don't at least start with * a number.

* *

Currently only pixel lengths are supported.

* * @method _setLength * @param v {String} proposed value for the length attribute * @return {String} the sanitized value * @protected */ _setLength: function ( v ) { v = ( v + '' ).toLowerCase(); var length = parseFloat( v, 10 ), units = v.replace( /[\d\.\-]/g, '' ) || this.DEF_UNIT; return length > 0 ? ( length + units ) : INVALID_VALUE; }, /** *

Defaults the thumbURL attribute according to the current skin, or * "sam" if none can be determined. Horizontal Sliders will have * their thumbUrl attribute set to




And vertical thumbs will get



* * @method _initThumbUrl * @protected */ _initThumbUrl: function () { if (!this.get('thumbUrl')) { var skin = this.getSkinName() || 'sam', base = Y.config.base; // Unfortunate hack to avoid requesting image resources from the // combo service. The combo service does not serve images. if (base.indexOf('http://yui.yahooapis.com/combo') === 0) { base = 'http://yui.yahooapis.com/' + Y.version + '/build/'; } // this.set('thumbUrl', base + 'slider/assets/skins/' + skin + '/thumb-' + this.axis + '.png'); } }, /** * Bounding box template that will contain the Slider's DOM subtree. <span>s are used to support inline-block styling. * * @property BOUNDING_TEMPLATE * @type {String} * @default <span></span> */ BOUNDING_TEMPLATE : '', /** * Content box template that will contain the Slider's rail and thumb. * * @property CONTENT_TEMPLATE * @type {String} * @default <span></span> */ CONTENT_TEMPLATE : '', /** * Rail template that will contain the end caps and the thumb. * {placeholder}s are used for template substitution at render time. * * @property RAIL_TEMPLATE * @type {String} * @default <span class="{railClass}"><span class="{railMinCapClass}"></span><span class="{railMaxCapClass}"></span></span> */ RAIL_TEMPLATE : '' + '' + '' + '', /** * Thumb template that will contain the thumb image and shadow. <img> * tags are used instead of background images to avoid a flicker bug in IE. * {placeholder}s are used for template substitution at render time. * * @property THUMB_TEMPLATE * @type {String} * @default <span class="{thumbClass}" tabindex="-1"><img src="{thumbShadowUrl}" alt="Slider thumb shadow" class="{thumbShadowClass}"><img src="{thumbImageUrl}" alt="Slider thumb" class="{thumbImageClass}"></span> */ THUMB_TEMPLATE : '' + '' + '' + '' }, { // Y.SliderBase static properties /** * The identity of the widget. * * @property SliderBase.NAME * @type String * @default 'sliderBase' * @readOnly * @protected * @static */ NAME : 'sliderBase', /** * Static property used to define the default attribute configuration of * the Widget. * * @property SliderBase.ATTRS * @type {Object} * @protected * @static */ ATTRS : { /** * Axis upon which the Slider's thumb moves. "x" for * horizontal, "y" for vertical. * * @attribute axis * @type {String} * @default "x" * @writeOnce */ axis : { value : 'x', writeOnce : true, setter : '_setAxis', lazyAdd : false }, /** * The length of the rail (exclusive of the end caps if positioned by * CSS). This corresponds to the movable range of the thumb. * * @attribute length * @type {String | Number} e.g. "200px" or 200 * @default 150px */ length: { value: '150px', setter: '_setLength' }, /** * Path to the thumb image. This will be used as both the thumb and * shadow as a sprite. Defaults at render() to thumb-x.png or * thumb-y.png in the skin directory of the current skin. * * @attribute thumbUrl * @type {String} * @default thumb-x.png or thumb-y.png in the sam skin directory of the * current build path for Slider */ thumbUrl: { value: null, validator: Y.Lang.isString } } }); }, '3.3.0' ,{requires:['widget', 'substitute', 'dd-constrain']}); YUI.add('slider-value-range', function(Y) { /** * Adds value support for Slider as a range of integers between a configured * minimum and maximum value. For use with Y.Base.build(..) to * add the plumbing to Y.SliderBase. * * @module slider * @submodule slider-value-range */ // Constants for compression or performance var MIN = 'min', MAX = 'max', VALUE = 'value', round = Math.round; /** * One class of value algorithm that can be built onto SliderBase. By default, * values range between 0 and 100, but you can configure these on the * built Slider class by setting the min and max * configurations. Set the initial value (will cause the thumb to move to the * appropriate location on the rail) in configuration as well if appropriate. * * @class SliderValueRange */ function SliderValueRange() { this._initSliderValueRange(); } Y.SliderValueRange = Y.mix( SliderValueRange, { // Prototype properties and methods that will be added onto host class prototype: { /** * Factor used to translate value -> position -> value. * * @property _factor * @type {Number} * @protected */ _factor: 1, /** * Stub for construction logic. Override if extending this class and * you need to set something up during the initializer phase. * * @method _initSliderValueRange * @protected */ _initSliderValueRange: function () {}, /** * Override of stub method in SliderBase that is called at the end of * its bindUI stage of render(). Subscribes to internal events to * trigger UI and related state updates. * * @method _bindValueLogic * @protected */ _bindValueLogic: function () { this.after( { minChange : this._afterMinChange, maxChange : this._afterMaxChange, valueChange: this._afterValueChange } ); }, /** * Move the thumb to appropriate position if necessary. Also resets * the cached offsets and recalculates the conversion factor to * translate position to value. * * @method _syncThumbPosition * @protected */ _syncThumbPosition: function () { this._calculateFactor(); this._setPosition( this.get( VALUE ) ); }, /** * Calculates and caches * (range between max and min) / (rail length) * for fast runtime calculation of position -> value. * * @method _calculateFactor * @protected */ _calculateFactor: function () { var length = this.get( 'length' ), thumbSize = this.thumb.getStyle( this._key.dim ), min = this.get( MIN ), max = this.get( MAX ); // The default thumb width is based on Sam skin's thumb dimension. // This attempts to allow for rendering off-DOM, then attaching // without the need to call syncUI(). It is still recommended // to call syncUI() in these cases though, just to be sure. length = parseFloat( length, 10 ) || 150; thumbSize = parseFloat( thumbSize, 10 ) || 15; this._factor = ( max - min ) / ( length - thumbSize ); }, /** * Dispatch the new position of the thumb into the value setting * operations. * * @method _defThumbMoveFn * @param e { EventFacade } The host's thumbMove event * @protected */ _defThumbMoveFn: function ( e ) { var previous = this.get( VALUE ), value = this._offsetToValue( e.offset ); // This test avoids duplication of this.set(..) if the origin // of this thumbMove is from slider.set('value',x); // slider.set() -> afterValueChange -> uiMoveThumb -> // fire(thumbMove) -> _defThumbMoveFn -> this.set() if ( previous !== value ) { this.set( VALUE, value, { positioned: true } ); } }, /** *

Converts a pixel position into a value. Calculates current * thumb offset from the leading edge of the rail multiplied by the * ratio of (max - min) / (constraining dim).

* *

Override this if you want to use a different value mapping * algorithm.

* * @method _offsetToValue * @param offset { Number } X or Y pixel offset * @return { mixed } Value corresponding to the provided pixel offset * @protected */ _offsetToValue: function ( offset ) { var value = round( offset * this._factor ) + this.get( MIN ); return round( this._nearestValue( value ) ); }, /** * Converts a value into a pixel offset for use in positioning * the thumb according to the reverse of the * _offsetToValue( xy ) operation. * * @method _valueToOffset * @param val { Number } The value to map to pixel X or Y position * @return { Number } The pixel offset * @protected */ _valueToOffset: function ( value ) { var offset = round( ( value - this.get( MIN ) ) / this._factor ); return offset; }, /** * Returns the current value. Override this if you want to introduce * output formatting. Otherwise equivalent to slider.get( "value" ); * * @method getValue * @return {Number} */ getValue: function () { return this.get( VALUE ); }, /** * Updates the current value. Override this if you want to introduce * input value parsing or preprocessing. Otherwise equivalent to * slider.set( "value", v ); * * @method setValue * @param val {Number} The new value * @return {Slider} * @chainable */ setValue: function ( val ) { return this.set( VALUE, val ); }, /** * Update position according to new min value. If the new min results * in the current value being out of range, the value is set to the * closer of min or max. * * @method _afterMinChange * @param e { EventFacade } The min attribute change event. * @protected */ _afterMinChange: function ( e ) { this._verifyValue(); this._syncThumbPosition(); }, /** * Update position according to new max value. If the new max results * in the current value being out of range, the value is set to the * closer of min or max. * * @method _afterMaxChange * @param e { EventFacade } The max attribute change event. * @protected */ _afterMaxChange: function ( e ) { this._verifyValue(); this._syncThumbPosition(); }, /** * Verifies that the current value is within the min - max range. If * not, value is set to either min or max, depending on which is * closer. * * @method _verifyValue * @protected */ _verifyValue: function () { var value = this.get( VALUE ), nearest = this._nearestValue( value ); if ( value !== nearest ) { // @TODO Can/should valueChange, minChange, etc be queued // events? To make dd.set( 'min', n ); execute after minChange // subscribers before on/after valueChange subscribers. this.set( VALUE, nearest ); } }, /** * Propagate change to the thumb position unless the change originated * from the thumbMove event. * * @method _afterValueChange * @param e { EventFacade } The valueChange event. * @protected */ _afterValueChange: function ( e ) { if ( !e.positioned ) { this._setPosition( e.newVal ); } }, /** * Positions the thumb in accordance with the translated value. * * @method _setPosition * @protected */ _setPosition: function ( value ) { this._uiMoveThumb( this._valueToOffset( value ) ); }, /** * Validates new values assigned to min attribute. Numbers * are acceptable. Override this to enforce different rules. * * @method _validateNewMin * @param value { mixed } Value assigned to min attribute. * @return { Boolean } True for numbers. False otherwise. * @protected */ _validateNewMin: function ( value ) { return Y.Lang.isNumber( value ); }, /** * Validates new values assigned to max attribute. Numbers * are acceptable. Override this to enforce different rules. * * @method _validateNewMax * @param value { mixed } Value assigned to max attribute. * @return { Boolean } True for numbers. False otherwise. * @protected */ _validateNewMax: function ( value ) { return Y.Lang.isNumber( value ); }, /** * Restricts new values assigned to value attribute to be * between the configured min and max. * Rounds to nearest integer value. * * @method _setNewValue * @param value { Number } Value assigned to value attribute * @return { Number } Normalized and constrained value * @protected */ _setNewValue: function ( value ) { return round( this._nearestValue( value ) ); }, /** * Returns the nearest valid value to the value input. If the provided * value is outside the min - max range, accounting for min > max * scenarios, the nearest of either min or max is returned. Otherwise, * the provided value is returned. * * @method _nearestValue * @param value { mixed } Value to test against current min - max range * @return { Number } Current min, max, or value if within range * @protected */ _nearestValue: function ( value ) { var min = this.get( MIN ), max = this.get( MAX ), tmp; // Account for reverse value range (min > max) tmp = ( max > min ) ? max : min; min = ( max > min ) ? min : max; max = tmp; return ( value < min ) ? min : ( value > max ) ? max : value; } }, /** * Attributes that will be added onto host class. * * @property ATTRS * @type {Object} * @static * @protected */ ATTRS: { /** * The value associated with the farthest top, left position of the * rail. Can be greater than the configured max if you * want values to increase from right-to-left or bottom-to-top. * * @attribute min * @type { Number } * @default 0 */ min: { value : 0, validator: '_validateNewMin' }, /** * The value associated with the farthest bottom, right position of * the rail. Can be less than the configured min if * you want values to increase from right-to-left or bottom-to-top. * * @attribute max * @type { Number } * @default 100 */ max: { value : 100, validator: '_validateNewMax' }, /** * The value associated with the thumb's current position on the * rail. Defaults to the value inferred from the thumb's current * position. Specifying value in the constructor will move the * thumb to the position that corresponds to the supplied value. * * @attribute value * @type { Number } * @default (inferred from current thumb position) */ value: { value : 0, setter: '_setNewValue' } } }, true ); }, '3.3.0' ,{requires:['slider-base']}); YUI.add('clickable-rail', function(Y) { /** * Adds support for mouse interaction with the Slider rail triggering thumb * movement. * * @module slider * @submodule clickable-rail */ /** * Slider extension that allows clicking on the Slider's rail element, * triggering the thumb to align with the location of the click. * * @class ClickableRail */ function ClickableRail() { this._initClickableRail(); } Y.ClickableRail = Y.mix(ClickableRail, { // Prototype methods added to host class prototype: { /** * Initializes the internal state and sets up events. * * @method _initClickableRail * @protected */ _initClickableRail: function () { this._evtGuid = this._evtGuid || (Y.guid() + '|'); /** * Broadcasts when the rail has received a mousedown event and * triggers the thumb positioning. Use * e.preventDefault() or * set("clickableRail", false) to prevent * the thumb positioning. * * @event railMouseDown * @preventable _defRailMouseDownFn */ this.publish('railMouseDown', { defaultFn: this._defRailMouseDownFn }); this.after('render', this._bindClickableRail); this.on('destroy', this._unbindClickableRail); }, /** * Attaches DOM event subscribers to support rail interaction. * * @method _bindClickableRail * @protected */ _bindClickableRail: function () { this._dd.addHandle(this.rail); this.rail.on(this._evtGuid + Y.DD.Drag.START_EVENT, Y.bind(this._onRailMouseDown, this)); }, /** * Detaches DOM event subscribers for cleanup/destruction cycle. * * @method _unbindClickableRail * @protected */ _unbindClickableRail: function () { if (this.get('rendered')) { var contentBox = this.get('contentBox'), rail = contentBox.one('.' + this.getClassName('rail')); rail.detach(this.evtGuid + '*'); } }, /** * Dispatches the railMouseDown event. * * @method _onRailMouseDown * @param e {DOMEvent} the mousedown event object * @protected */ _onRailMouseDown: function (e) { if (this.get('clickableRail') && !this.get('disabled')) { this.fire('railMouseDown', { ev: e }); } }, /** * Default behavior for the railMouseDown event. Centers the thumb at * the click location and passes control to the DDM to behave as though * the thumb itself were clicked in preparation for a drag operation. * * @method _defRailMouseDownFn * @param e {Event} the EventFacade for the railMouseDown custom event * @protected */ _defRailMouseDownFn: function (e) { e = e.ev; // Logic that determines which thumb should be used is abstracted // to someday support multi-thumb sliders var dd = this._resolveThumb(e), i = this._key.xyIndex, length = parseFloat(this.get('length'), 10), thumb, thumbSize, xy; if (dd) { thumb = dd.get('dragNode'); thumbSize = parseFloat(thumb.getStyle(this._key.dim), 10); // Step 1. Allow for aligning to thumb center or edge, etc xy = this._getThumbDestination(e, thumb); // Step 2. Remove page offsets to give just top/left style val xy = xy[ i ] - this.rail.getXY()[i]; // Step 3. Constrain within the rail in case of attempt to // center the thumb when clicking on the end of the rail xy = Math.min( Math.max(xy, 0), (length - thumbSize)); this._uiMoveThumb(xy); // Set e.target for DD's IE9 patch which calls // e.target._node.setCapture() to allow imgs to be dragged. // Without this, setCapture is called from the rail and rail // clicks on other Sliders may have their thumb movements // overridden by a different Slider (the thumb on the wrong // Slider moves). e.target = this.thumb.one('img') || this.thumb; // Delegate to DD's natural behavior dd._handleMouseDownEvent(e); // TODO: this won't trigger a slideEnd if the rail is clicked // check if dd._move(e); dd._dragThreshMet = true; dd.start(); // will do the trick. Is that even a good idea? } }, /** * Resolves which thumb to actuate if any. Override this if you want to * support multiple thumbs. By default, returns the Drag instance for * the thumb stored by the Slider. * * @method _resolveThumb * @param e {DOMEvent} the mousedown event object * @return {Y.DD.Drag} the Drag instance that should be moved * @protected */ _resolveThumb: function (e) { /* Temporary workaround var primaryOnly = this._dd.get('primaryButtonOnly'), validClick = !primaryOnly || e.button <= 1; return (validClick) ? this._dd : null; */ return this._dd; }, /** * Calculates the top left position the thumb should be moved to to * align the click XY with the center of the specified node. * * @method _getThumbDestination * @param e {DOMEvent} The mousedown event object * @param node {Node} The node to position * @return {Array} the [top, left] pixel position of the destination * @protected */ _getThumbDestination: function (e, node) { var offsetWidth = node.get('offsetWidth'), offsetHeight = node.get('offsetHeight'); // center return [ (e.pageX - Math.round((offsetWidth / 2))), (e.pageY - Math.round((offsetHeight / 2))) ]; } }, // Static properties added onto host class ATTRS: { /** * Enable or disable clickable rail support. * * @attribute clickableRail * @type {Boolean} * @default true */ clickableRail: { value: true, validator: Y.Lang.isBoolean } } }, true); }, '3.3.0' ,{requires:['slider-base']}); YUI.add('range-slider', function(Y) { /** * Create a sliding value range input visualized as a draggable thumb on a * background rail element. * * @module slider * @submodule range-slider */ /** * Create a slider to represent an integer value between a given minimum and * maximum. Sliders may be aligned vertically or horizontally, based on the * axis configuration. * * @class Slider * @constructor * @extends SliderBase * @uses SliderValueRange * @uses ClickableRail * @param config {Object} Configuration object */ Y.Slider = Y.Base.build( 'slider', Y.SliderBase, [ Y.SliderValueRange, Y.ClickableRail ] ); }, '3.3.0' ,{requires:['slider-base', 'clickable-rail', 'slider-value-range']}); YUI.add('slider', function(Y){}, '3.3.0' ,{use:['slider-base', 'slider-value-range', 'clickable-rail', 'range-slider']});