/* Copyright (c) 2010, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Code licensed under the BSD License: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/license.html version: 3.3.0 build: 3167 */ YUI.add('uploader', function(Y) { /** * Upload files to the server with support for file filtering, multiple file uploads * and progress monitoring. * @module uploader */ var Event = Y.Event, Node = Y.Node; var SWFURL = Y.Env.cdn + "uploader/assets/uploader.swf"; /** * The Uploader widget is a tool for uploading files to the server. * @module uploader * @title Uploader * @requires base, node, event, swf */ /** * Creates the Uploader instance and keeps the initialization data * * @class Uploader * @extends Y.Base * @constructor * @param {Object} config (optional) Configuration parameters for the Uploader. The following parameters are available: *
boundingBox : String|Node (required)
buttonSkin : String (optional)
transparent : String (optional)
swfURL : String (optional)
*/ function Uploader (config /*Object*/) { Uploader.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); if (config.hasOwnProperty("boundingBox")) { this.set("boundingBox", config.boundingBox); }; if (config.hasOwnProperty("buttonSkin")) { this.set("buttonSkin", config.buttonSkin); }; if (config.hasOwnProperty("transparent")) { this.set("transparent", config.transparent); }; if (config.hasOwnProperty("swfURL")) { this.set("swfURL", config.swfURL); }; }; Y.extend(Uploader, Y.Base, { /** * The reference to the instance of Y.SWF that encapsulates the instance of the Flash player with uploader logic. * * @private * @property uploaderswf * @type {SWF} * @default null */ uploaderswf:null, /** * The id of this instance of uploader. * * @private * @property _id * @type {String} */ _id:"", /** * Construction logic executed during Uploader instantiation. * * @method initializer * @protected */ initializer : function () { this._id = Y.guid("uploader"); var oElement = Node.one(this.get("boundingBox")); var params = {version: "10.0.45", fixedAttributes: {allowScriptAccess:"always", allowNetworking:"all", scale: "noscale"}, flashVars: {}}; if (this.get("buttonSkin") != "") { params.flashVars["buttonSkin"] = this.get("buttonSkin"); } if (this.get("transparent")) { params.fixedAttributes["wmode"] = "transparent"; } this.uploaderswf = new Y.SWF(oElement, this.get("swfURL"), params); var upswf = this.uploaderswf; var relEvent = Y.bind(this._relayEvent, this); /** * Announces that the uploader is ready and available for calling methods * and setting properties * * @event uploaderReady * @param event {Event} The event object for the uploaderReady. */ upswf.on ("swfReady", Y.bind(this._initializeUploader, this)); /** * Fired when the mouse button is clicked on the Uploader's 'Browse' button. * * @event click * @param event {Event} The event object for the click. */ upswf.on ("click", relEvent); /** * Fires when the user has finished selecting a set of files to be uploaded. * * @event fileselect * @param event {Event} The event object for the fileSelect. *
The file list Object with entries in the following format: fileList[fileID] = {id: fileID, name: fileName, cDate: fileCDate, mDate: fileMDate, size: fileSize}
*/ upswf.on ("fileselect", relEvent); /** * Fired when the mouse button is pressed on the Uploader's 'Browse' button. * * @event mousedown * @param event {Event} The event object for the mousedown. */ upswf.on ("mousedown", relEvent); /** * Fired when the mouse button is raised on the Uploader's 'Browse' button. * * @event mouseup * @param event {Event} The event object for the mouseup. */ upswf.on ("mouseup", relEvent); /** * Fired when the mouse leaves the Uploader's 'Browse' button. * * @event mouseleave * @param event {Event} The event object for the mouseleave. */ upswf.on ("mouseleave", relEvent); /** * Fired when the mouse enters the Uploader's 'Browse' button. * * @event mouseenter * @param event {Event} The event object for the mouseenter. */ upswf.on ("mouseenter", relEvent); /** * Announces that the uploader is ready and available for calling methods * and setting properties * * @event uploadcancel * @param event {Event} The event object for the uploaderReady. *
drag:start event from the thumb
*/ upswf.on ("uploadcancel", relEvent); /** * Fires when a specific file's upload is cancelled. * * @event uploadcomplete * @param event {Event} The event object for the uploadcancel. *
The id of the file whose upload has been cancelled.
*/ upswf.on ("uploadcomplete", relEvent); /** * If the server has sent a response to the file upload, this event is * fired and the response is added to its payload. * * @event uploadcompletedata * @param event {Event} The event object for the uploadcompletedata. *
The id of the file for which the response is being provided.
The content of the server response.
*/ upswf.on ("uploadcompletedata", relEvent); /** * Provides error information if an error has occurred during the upload. * * @event uploaderror * @param event {Event} The event object for the uploadeerror. *
The id of the file for which the upload error has occurred.
Relevant error information.
*/ upswf.on ("uploaderror", relEvent); /** * Provides progress information on a specific file upload. * * @event uploadprogress * @param event {Event} The event object for the uploadprogress. *
The id of the file for which the progress information is being provided.
The number of bytes of the file that has been uploaded.
The total number of bytes in the file that is being uploaded.
*/ upswf.on ("uploadprogress", relEvent); /** * Announces that the upload has been started for a specific file. * * @event uploadstart * @param event {Event} The event object for the uploadstart. *
The id of the file whose upload has been started.
*/ upswf.on ("uploadstart", relEvent); }, /** * Removes a specific file from the upload queue. * * @method removeFile * @param fileID {String} The ID of the file to be removed * @return {Object} The updated file list, which is an object of the format: * fileList[fileID] = {id: fileID, name: fileName, cDate: fileCDate, mDate: fileMDate, size: fileSize} */ removeFile : function (fileID /*String*/) { return this.uploaderswf.callSWF("removeFile", [fileID]); }, /** * Clears the upload queue. * * @method clearFileList * @return {Boolean} This method always returns true. */ clearFileList : function () { return this.uploaderswf.callSWF("clearFileList", []); }, /** * Starts the upload of a specific file. * * @method upload * @param fileID {String} The ID of the file to be uploaded. * @param url {String} The URL to upload the file to. * @param method {String} (optional) The HTTP method to use for sending additional variables, either 'GET' or 'POST' ('GET' by default) * @param postVars {Object} (optional) A set of key-value pairs to send as variables along with the file upload HTTP request. * @param postFileVarName {String} (optional) The name of the POST variable that should contain the uploaded file ('Filedata' by default) * @return {Boolean} This method always returns true. */ upload : function (fileID /*String*/, url /*String*/, method /*String*/, postVars /*Object*/, postFileVarName /*String*/) { if (Y.Lang.isArray(fileID)) { return this.uploaderswf.callSWF("uploadThese", [fileID, url, method, postVars, postFileVarName]); } else if (Y.Lang.isString(fileID)) { return this.uploaderswf.callSWF("upload", [fileID, url, method, postVars, postFileVarName]); } }, /** * Starts the upload of a set of files, as specified in the first argument. * The upload queue is managed automatically. * * @method uploadThese * @param fileIDs {Array} The array of IDs of the files to be uploaded. * @param url {String} The URL to upload the files to. * @param method {String} (optional) The HTTP method to use for sending additional variables, either 'GET' or 'POST' ('GET' by default) * @param postVars {Object} (optional) A set of key-value pairs to send as variables along with the file upload HTTP request. * @param postFileVarName {String} (optional) The name of the POST variable that should contain the uploaded file ('Filedata' by default) */ uploadThese : function (fileIDs /*Array*/, url /*String*/, method /*String*/, postVars /*Object*/, postFileVarName /*String*/) { return this.uploaderswf.callSWF("uploadThese", [fileIDs, url, method, postVars, postFileVarName]); }, /** * Starts the upload of the files in the upload queue. * The upload queue is managed automatically. * * @method uploadAll * @param url {String} The URL to upload the files to. * @param method {String} (optional) The HTTP method to use for sending additional variables, either 'GET' or 'POST' ('GET' by default) * @param postVars {Object} (optional) A set of key-value pairs to send as variables along with the file upload HTTP request. * @param postFileVarName {String} (optional) The name of the POST variable that should contain the uploaded file ('Filedata' by default). */ uploadAll : function (url /*String*/, method /*String*/, postVars /*Object*/, postFileVarName /*String*/) { return this.uploaderswf.callSWF("uploadAll", [url, method, postVars,postFileVarName]); }, /** * Cancels the upload of a specific file, if currently in progress. * * @method cancel * @param fileID {String} (optional) The ID of the file whose upload should be cancelled. If no ID is specified, all uploads are cancelled. */ cancel : function (fileID /*String*/) { return this.uploaderswf.callSWF("cancel", [fileID]); }, /** * @private * Setter for the 'log' property. * @method setAllowLogging * @param value {Boolean} The value for the 'log' property. */ setAllowLogging : function (value /*Boolean*/) { this.uploaderswf.callSWF("setAllowLogging", [value]); }, /** * @private * Setter for the 'multiFiles' property. * @method setAllowMultipleFiles * @param value {Boolean} The value for the 'multiFiles' property. */ setAllowMultipleFiles : function (value /*Boolean*/) { this.uploaderswf.callSWF("setAllowMultipleFiles", [value]); }, /** * @private * Setter for the 'simLimit' property. * @method setSimUploadLimit * @param value {Boolean} The value for the 'simLimit' property. */ setSimUploadLimit : function (value /*int*/) { this.uploaderswf.callSWF("setSimUploadLimit", [value]); }, /** * @private * Setter for the 'fileFilters' property. * @method setFileFilters * @param value {Boolean} The value for the 'fileFilters' property. */ setFileFilters : function (fileFilters /*Array*/) { this.uploaderswf.callSWF("setFileFilters", [fileFilters]); }, /** * Enables the uploader user input (mouse clicks on the 'Browse' button). If the button skin * is applied, the sprite is reset from the "disabled" state. * * @method enable */ enable : function () { this.uploaderswf.callSWF("enable"); }, /** * Disables the uploader user input (mouse clicks on the 'Browse' button). If the button skin * is applied, the sprite is set to the 'disabled' state. * * @method enable */ disable : function () { this.uploaderswf.callSWF("disable"); }, /** * @private * Called when the uploader SWF is initialized * @method _initializeUploader * @param event {Object} The event to be propagated from Flash. */ _initializeUploader: function (event) { this.publish("uploaderReady", {fireOnce:true}); this.fire("uploaderReady", {}); }, /** * @private * Called when an event is dispatched from Uploader * @method _relayEvent * @param event {Object} The event to be propagated from Flash. */ _relayEvent: function (event) { this.fire(event.type, event); }, toString: function() { return "Uploader " + this._id; } }, { ATTRS: { /** * The flag that allows Flash player to * output debug messages to its trace stack * (if the Flash debug player is used). * * @attribute log * @type {Boolean} * @default false */ log: { value: false, setter : "setAllowLogging" }, /** * The flag that allows the user to select * more than one files during the 'Browse' * dialog (using 'Shift' or 'Ctrl' keys). * * @attribute multiFiles * @type {Boolean} * @default false */ multiFiles : { value: false, setter : "setAllowMultipleFiles" }, /** * The number of files that can be uploaded * simultaneously if the automatic queue management * is used. This value can be in the range between 2 * and 5. * * @attribute simLimit * @type {Number} * @default 2 */ simLimit : { value: 2, setter : "setSimUploadLimit" }, /** * The array of filters on file extensions for * the 'Browse' dialog. These filters only provide * convenience for the user and do not strictly * limit the selection to certain file extensions. * Each item in the array must contain a 'description' * property, and an 'extensions' property that must be * in the form "*.ext;*.ext;*.ext;..." * * @attribute fileFilters * @type {Array} * @default [] */ fileFilters : { value: [], setter : "setFileFilters" }, /** * The Node containing the uploader's 'Browse' button. * * @attribute boundingBox * @type {Node} * @default null * @writeOnce */ boundingBox : { value: null, writeOnce: 'initOnly' }, /** * The URL of the image sprite for skinning the uploader's 'Browse' button. * * @attribute buttonSkin * @type {String} * @default null * @writeOnce */ buttonSkin : { value: null, writeOnce: 'initOnly' }, /** * The flag indicating whether the uploader is rendered * with a transparent background. * * @attribute transparent * @type {Boolean} * @default true * @writeOnce */ transparent : { value: true, writeOnce: 'initOnly' }, /** * The URL of the uploader's SWF. * * @attribute swfURL * @type {String} * @default "assets/uploader.swf" * @writeOnce */ swfURL : { value : SWFURL, writeOnce: 'initOnly' } } } ); Y.Uploader = Uploader; }, '3.3.0' ,{requires:['swf', 'base', 'node', 'event']});