/* Copyright (c) 2010, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Code licensed under the BSD License: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/license.html version: 3.3.0 build: 3167 */ YUI.add('widget-htmlparser', function(Y) { /** * Adds HTML Parser support to the base Widget class * * @module widget * @submodule widget-htmlparser * @for Widget */ var Widget = Y.Widget, Node = Y.Node, Lang = Y.Lang, SRC_NODE = "srcNode", CONTENT_BOX = "contentBox"; /** * Object hash, defining how attribute values are to be parsed from * markup contained in the widget's content box. e.g.: *
 *   {
 *       // Set single Node references using selector syntax 
 *       // (selector is run through node.one)
 *       titleNode: "span.yui-title",
 *       // Set NodeList references using selector syntax 
 *       // (array indicates selector is to be run through node.all)
 *       listNodes: ["li.yui-item"],
 *       // Set other attribute types, using a parse function. 
 *       // Context is set to the widget instance.
 *       label: function(contentBox) {
 *           return contentBox.one("span.title").get("innerHTML");
 *       }
 *   }
* * @property Widget.HTML_PARSER * @type Object * @static */ Widget.HTML_PARSER = {}; /** * The build configuration for the Widget class. *

* Defines the static fields which need to be aggregated, * when this class is used as the main class passed to * the Base.build method. *

* @property _buildCfg * @type Object * @static * @final * @private */ Widget._buildCfg = { aggregates : ["HTML_PARSER"] }; /** * The DOM node to parse for configuration values, passed to the Widget's HTML_PARSER definition * * @attribute srcNode * @type String | Node * @writeOnce */ Widget.ATTRS[SRC_NODE] = { value: null, setter: Node.one, getter: "_getSrcNode", writeOnce: true }; Y.mix(Widget.prototype, { /** * @method _getSrcNode * @protected * @return {Node} The Node to apply HTML_PARSER to */ _getSrcNode : function(val) { return val || this.get(CONTENT_BOX); }, /** * @method _applyParsedConfig * @protected * @return {Object} The merged configuration literal */ _applyParsedConfig : function(node, cfg, parsedCfg) { return (parsedCfg) ? Y.mix(cfg, parsedCfg, false) : cfg; }, /** * Utilitity method used to apply the HTML_PARSER configuration for the * instance, to retrieve config data values. * * @method _applyParser * @protected * @param config {Object} User configuration object (will be populated with values from Node) */ _applyParser : function(config) { var widget = this, srcNode = widget.get(SRC_NODE), schema = widget._getHtmlParser(), parsedConfig, val; if (schema && srcNode) { Y.Object.each(schema, function(v, k, o) { val = null; if (Lang.isFunction(v)) { val = v.call(widget, srcNode); } else { if (Lang.isArray(v)) { val = srcNode.all(v[0]); if (val.isEmpty()) { val = null; } } else { val = srcNode.one(v); } } if (val !== null && val !== undefined) { parsedConfig = parsedConfig || {}; parsedConfig[k] = val; } }); } config = widget._applyParsedConfig(srcNode, config, parsedConfig); }, /** * Gets the HTML_PARSER definition for this instance, by merging HTML_PARSER * definitions across the class hierarchy. * * @private * @method _getHtmlParser * @return {Object} HTML_PARSER definition for this instance */ _getHtmlParser : function() { // Removed caching for kweight. This is a private method // and only called once so don't need to cache HTML_PARSER var classes = this._getClasses(), parser = {}, i, p; for (i = classes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { p = classes[i].HTML_PARSER; if (p) { Y.mix(parser, p, true); } } return parser; } }); }, '3.3.0' ,{requires:['widget-base']});