/* Copyright (c) 2010, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Code licensed under the BSD License: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/license.html version: 3.3.0 build: 3167 */ YUI.add('yql', function(Y) { /** * This class adds a sugar class to allow access to YQL (http://developer.yahoo.com/yql/). * @module yql */ /** * Utility Class used under the hood my the YQL class * @class YQLRequest * @constructor * @param {String} sql The SQL statement to execute * @param {Function/Object} callback The callback to execute after the query (Falls through to JSONP). * @param {Object} params An object literal of extra parameters to pass along (optional). * @param {Object} opts An object literal of configuration options (optional): proto (http|https), base (url) */ var YQLRequest = function (sql, callback, params, opts) { if (!params) { params = {}; } params.q = sql; //Allow format override.. JSON-P-X if (!params.format) { params.format = Y.YQLRequest.FORMAT; } if (!params.env) { params.env = Y.YQLRequest.ENV; } this._params = params; this._opts = opts; this._callback = callback; }; YQLRequest.prototype = { /** * @private * @property _jsonp * @description Reference to the JSONP instance used to make the queries */ _jsonp: null, /** * @private * @property _opts * @description Holder for the opts argument */ _opts: null, /** * @private * @property _callback * @description Holder for the callback argument */ _callback: null, /** * @private * @property _params * @description Holder for the params argument */ _params: null, /** * @method send * @description The method that executes the YQL Request. * @chainable * @returns {YQLRequest} */ send: function() { var qs = '', url = ((this._opts && this._opts.proto) ? this._opts.proto : Y.YQLRequest.PROTO); Y.each(this._params, function(v, k) { qs += k + '=' + encodeURIComponent(v) + '&'; }); url += ((this._opts && this._opts.base) ? this._opts.base : Y.YQLRequest.BASE_URL) + qs; var o = (!Y.Lang.isFunction(this._callback)) ? this._callback : { on: { success: this._callback } }; if (o.allowCache !== false) { o.allowCache = true; } if (!this._jsonp) { this._jsonp = Y.jsonp(url, o); } else { this._jsonp.url = url; if (o.on && o.on.success) { this._jsonp._config.on.success = o.on.success; } this._jsonp.send(); } return this; } }; /** * @static * @property FORMAT * @description Default format to use: json */ YQLRequest.FORMAT = 'json'; /** * @static * @property PROTO * @description Default protocol to use: http */ YQLRequest.PROTO = 'http'; /** * @static * @property BASE_URL * @description The base URL to query: query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql? */ YQLRequest.BASE_URL = ':/'+'/query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?'; /** * @static * @property ENV * @description The environment file to load: http://datatables.org/alltables.env */ YQLRequest.ENV = 'http:/'+'/datatables.org/alltables.env'; Y.YQLRequest = YQLRequest; /** * This class adds a sugar class to allow access to YQL (http://developer.yahoo.com/yql/). * @class YQL * @constructor * @param {String} sql The SQL statement to execute * @param {Function} callback The callback to execute after the query (optional). * @param {Object} params An object literal of extra parameters to pass along (optional). */ Y.YQL = function(sql, callback, params) { return new Y.YQLRequest(sql, callback, params).send(); }; }, '3.3.0' ,{requires:['jsonp']});