"; $returnString .= "
Table ".$tableName."
"; //get table field definitions $definitions = array(); $def_result = $db->query("describe ".$tableName); if(!$def_result) { return mysql_error(); } else { $returnString .= "Row Num"; $def_count = 0; while($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($def_result)) { $row = array_values($row); $definitions[$def_count] = $row[0]; $def_count++; $returnString .= "".$row[0].""; } $returnString .= ""; } $td_result = $db->query("select * from ".$tableName); if(!$td_result) { return mysql_error(); } else { $row_counter = 1; while($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($td_result)) { $row = array_values($row); $returnString .= ""; $returnString .= "".$row_counter.""; for($counter = 0; $counter < $def_count; $counter++){ $replace_val = false; //perform this check when counter is set to two, which means it is on the 'value' column if($counter == 2){ //if the previous "name" column value was set to smtppass, set replace_val to true if(strcmp($row[$counter - 1], "smtppass") == 0 ) $replace_val = true; //if the previous "name" column value was set to smtppass, //and the "category" value set to ldap, set replace_val to true if (strcmp($row[$counter - 2], "ldap") == 0 && strcmp($row[$counter - 1], "admin_password") == 0) $replace_val = true; //if the previous "name" column value was set to password, //and the "category" value set to proxy, set replace_val to true if(strcmp($row[$counter - 2], "proxy") == 0 && strcmp($row[$counter - 1], "password") == 0 ) $replace_val = true; } if($replace_val) $returnString .= "********"; else $returnString .= "".($row[$counter] == "" ? " " : $row[$counter]).""; } $row_counter++; $returnString .= ""; } } $returnString .= ""; return $returnString; } // Deletes the directory recursively function deleteDir($dir) { if (substr($dir, strlen($dir)-1, 1) != '/') $dir .= '/'; if ($handle = opendir($dir)) { while ($obj = readdir($handle)) { if ($obj != '.' && $obj != '..') { if (is_dir($dir.$obj)) { if (!deleteDir($dir.$obj)) return false; } elseif (is_file($dir.$obj)) { if (!unlink($dir.$obj)) return false; } } } closedir($handle); if (!@rmdir($dir)) return false; return true; } return false; } function prepareDiag() { global $getDumpsFrom; global $cacheDir; global $curdatetime; global $progress_bar_percent; global $skip_md5_diff; global $sod_guid; global $mod_strings; echo getClassicModuleTitle( "Administration", array( "{$mod_strings['LBL_MODULE_NAME']}", translate('LBL_DIAGNOSTIC_TITLE') ), true ); echo "
"; echo $mod_strings['LBL_DIAGNOSTIC_EXECUTING']; echo "
"; //determine if files.md5 exists or not if(file_exists('files.md5')) $skip_md5_diff = false; else $skip_md5_diff = true; // array of all tables that we need to pull rows from below $getDumpsFrom = array('config' => 'config', 'fields_meta_data' => 'fields_meta_data', 'upgrade_history' => 'upgrade_history', 'versions' => 'versions', ); //Creates the diagnostic directory in the cache directory $cacheDir = create_cache_directory("diagnostic/"); $cacheDir = create_cache_directory("diagnostic/".$sod_guid); $cacheDir = create_cache_directory("diagnostic/".$sod_guid."/diagnostic".$curdatetime."/"); display_progress_bar("diagnostic", $progress_bar_percent, 100); ob_flush(); } function executesugarlog() { //BEGIN COPY SUGARCRM.LOG //Copies the Sugarcrm log to our diagnostic directory global $cacheDir; require_once('include/SugarLogger/SugarLogger.php'); $logger = new SugarLogger(); if(!copy($logger->getLogFileNameWithPath(), $cacheDir.'/'.$logger->getLogFileName())) { echo "Couldn't copy sugarcrm.log to cacheDir.
"; } //END COPY SUGARCRM.LOG //UPDATING PROGRESS BAR sodUpdateProgressBar(SUGARLOG_WEIGHT); } function executephpinfo() { //BEGIN GETPHPINFO //This gets phpinfo, writes to a buffer, then I write to phpinfo.html global $cacheDir; ob_start(); phpinfo(); $phpinfo = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); $handle = sugar_fopen($cacheDir."phpinfo.html", "w"); if(fwrite($handle, $phpinfo) === FALSE){ echo "Cannot write to file ".$cacheDir."phpinfo.html
"; } fclose($handle); //END GETPHPINFO //UPDATING PROGRESS BAR sodUpdateProgressBar(PHPINFO_WEIGHT); } function executeconfigphp() { //BEGIN COPY CONFIG.PHP //store db_password in temp var so we can get config.php w/o making anyone angry global $cacheDir; global $sugar_config; $tempPass = $sugar_config['dbconfig']['db_password']; $sugar_config['dbconfig']['db_password'] = '********'; //write config.php to a file write_array_to_file("Diagnostic", $sugar_config, $cacheDir."config.php"); //restore db_password so everything still works $sugar_config['dbconfig']['db_password'] = $tempPass; //END COPY CONFIG.PHP //UPDATING PROGRESS BAR sodUpdateProgressBar(CONFIG_WEIGHT); } function executemysql($getinfo, $getdumps, $getschema) { //BEGIN GET DB INFO global $getDumpsFrom; global $curdatetime; global $sugar_config; global $progress_bar_percent; global $sod_guid; global $db; if($db->dbType != "mysql") { if($getinfo) sodUpdateProgressBar(MYSQL_INFO_WEIGHT); if($getschema) sodUpdateProgressBar(MYSQL_SCHEMA_WEIGHT); if($getdumps) sodUpdateProgressBar(MYSQL_DUMPS_WEIGHT); return; } $mysqlInfoDir = create_cache_directory("diagnostic/".$sod_guid."/diagnostic".$curdatetime."/MySQL/"); //create directory for table definitions if($getschema) $tablesSchemaDir = create_cache_directory("diagnostic/".$sod_guid."/diagnostic".$curdatetime."/MySQL/TableSchema/"); //BEGIN GET MYSQL INFO //make sure they checked the box to get basic info if($getinfo) { ob_start(); echo "MySQL Version: ".(function_exists('mysqli_get_client_info') ? @mysqli_get_client_info() : @mysql_get_client_info())."
"; echo "MySQL Host Info: ".(function_exists('mysqli_get_host_info') ? @mysqli_get_host_info($db->getDatabase()) : @mysql_get_host_info())."
"; echo "MySQL Server Info: ".(function_exists('mysqli_get_client_info') ? @mysqli_get_client_info() : @mysql_get_client_info())."
"; echo "MySQL Client Encoding: ".(function_exists('mysqli_character_set_name') ? @mysqli_character_set_name($db->getDatabase()) : @mysql_client_encoding())."
"; /* Uncomment to get current processes as well echo "
MySQL Processes
"; $res = $db->query('SHOW PROCESSLIST'); echo ""; if($db->getRowCount($res) > 0) { while($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($res)) { printf("", $row['Id'], $row['Host'], $row['db'], $row['Command'], $row['Time'] ); } echo "

"; } else { echo ""; echo "No processes running
"; } */ echo "
MySQL Character Set Settings
"; $res = $db->query("show variables like 'character\_set\_%'"); echo ""; while($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($res)) { printf("", $row['Variable_name'], $row['Value'] ); } echo "
Variable NameValue
"; $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); $handle = sugar_fopen($mysqlInfoDir."MySQL-General-info.html", "w"); if(fwrite($handle, $content) === FALSE){ echo "Cannot write to file ".$mysqlInfoDir."_MySQL-General-info.html
"; } fclose($handle); //BEGIN UPDATING PROGRESS BAR sodUpdateProgressBar(MYSQL_INFO_WEIGHT); //END UPDATING PROGRESS BAR } //END GET MYSQL INFO if($getschema) { //BEGIN GET ALL TABLES SCHEMAS $all_tables = $db->getTablesArray(); global $theme_path; ob_start(); echo ""; foreach($all_tables as $tablename){ //setting up table header for each file echo ""; echo "MySQL ".$tablename." Definitions:". "". "". "". "". "". ""; $describe = $db->query("describe ".$tablename); while($inner_row = $db->fetchByAssoc($describe)){ $inner_row = array_values($inner_row); echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; } echo "
"; echo "

"; } $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); $handle = sugar_fopen($tablesSchemaDir."MySQLTablesSchema.html", "w"); if(fwrite($handle, $content) === FALSE){ echo "Cannot write to file ".$tablesSchemaDir."MySQLTablesSchema.html
"; } fclose($handle); //END GET ALL TABLES SCHEMAS //BEGIN UPDATING PROGRESS BAR sodUpdateProgressBar(MYSQL_SCHEMA_WEIGHT); //END UPDATING PROGRESS BAR } if($getdumps) { //BEGIN GET TABLEDUMPS $tableDumpsDir = create_cache_directory("diagnostic/".$sod_guid."/diagnostic".$curdatetime."/MySQL/TableDumps/"); foreach ($getDumpsFrom as $table) { ob_start(); //calling function defined above to get the string for dump echo getFullTableDump($table); $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); $handle = sugar_fopen($tableDumpsDir.$table.".html", "w"); if(fwrite($handle, $content) === FALSE){ echo "Cannot write to file ".$tableDumpsDir.$table."html
"; } fclose($handle); } //END GET TABLEDUMPS //BEGIN UPDATING PROGRESS BAR sodUpdateProgressBar(MYSQL_DUMPS_WEIGHT); //END UPDATING PROGRESS BAR } //END GET DB INFO } function executebeanlistbeanfiles() { //BEGIN CHECK BEANLIST FILES ARE AVAILABLE global $cacheDir; global $beanList; global $beanFiles; global $mod_strings; ob_start(); echo $mod_strings['LBL_DIAGNOSTIC_BEANLIST_DESC']; echo "
"; echo ""; echo $mod_strings['LBL_DIAGNOSTIC_BEANLIST_GREEN']; echo ""; echo "
"; echo ""; echo $mod_strings['LBL_DIAGNOSTIC_BEANLIST_ORANGE']; echo ""; echo "
"; echo ""; echo $mod_strings['LBL_DIAGNOSTIC_BEANLIST_RED']; echo ""; echo "

"; foreach ($beanList as $beanz) { if(!isset($beanFiles[$beanz])) { echo "NO! --- ".$beanz." is not an index in \$beanFiles
"; } else { if(file_exists($beanFiles[$beanz])) echo "YES --- ".$beanz." file \"".$beanFiles[$beanz]."\" exists
"; else echo "NO! --- ".$beanz." file \"".$beanFiles[$beanz]."\" does NOT exist
"; } } $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); $handle = sugar_fopen($cacheDir."beanFiles.html", "w"); if(fwrite($handle, $content) === FALSE){ echo "Cannot write to file ".$cacheDir."beanFiles.html
"; } fclose($handle); //END CHECK BEANLIST FILES ARE AVAILABLE //BEGIN UPDATING PROGRESS BAR sodUpdateProgressBar(BEANLISTBEANFILES_WEIGHT); //END UPDATING PROGRESS BAR } function executecustom_dir() { //BEGIN ZIP AND SAVE CUSTOM DIRECTORY global $cacheDir; zip_dir("custom", $cacheDir."custom_directory.zip"); //END ZIP AND SAVE CUSTOM DIRECTORY //BEGIN UPDATING PROGRESS BAR sodUpdateProgressBar(CUSTOM_DIR_WEIGHT); //END UPDATING PROGRESS BAR } function executemd5($filesmd5, $md5calculated) { //BEGIN ALL MD5 CHECKS global $curdatetime; global $skip_md5_diff; global $sod_guid; if(file_exists('files.md5')) include( 'files.md5'); //create dir for md5s $md5_directory = create_cache_directory("diagnostic/".$sod_guid."/diagnostic".$curdatetime."/md5/"); //skip this if the files.md5 didn't exist if(!$skip_md5_diff) { //make sure the files.md5 if($filesmd5) if(!copy('files.md5', $md5_directory."files.md5")) echo "Couldn't copy files.md5 to ".$md5_directory."
Skipping md5 checks.
"; } $md5_string_calculated = generateMD5array('./'); if($md5calculated) write_array_to_file('md5_string_calculated', $md5_string_calculated, $md5_directory."md5_array_calculated.php"); //if the files.md5 didn't exist, we can't do this if(!$skip_md5_diff) { $md5_string_diff = array_diff($md5_string_calculated, $md5_string); write_array_to_file('md5_string_diff', $md5_string_diff, $md5_directory."md5_array_diff.php"); } //END ALL MD5 CHECKS //BEGIN UPDATING PROGRESS BAR sodUpdateProgressBar(MD5_WEIGHT); //END UPDATING PROGRESS BAR } function executevardefs() { //BEGIN DUMP OF SUGAR SCHEMA (VARDEFS) //END DUMP OF SUGAR SCHEMA (VARDEFS) //BEGIN UPDATING PROGRESS BAR //This gets the vardefs, writes to a buffer, then I write to vardefschema.html global $cacheDir; global $beanList; global $beanFiles; global $dictionary; global $sugar_version; global $sugar_db_version; global $sugar_flavor; ob_start(); foreach ( $beanList as $beanz ) { // echo "Module: ".$beanz."
"; $path_parts = pathinfo( $beanFiles[ $beanz ] ); $vardefFileName = $path_parts[ 'dirname' ]."/vardefs.php"; if( file_exists( $vardefFileName )) { // echo "
"; include_once( $vardefFileName ); } } echo ""; echo ""; echo "

Schema listing based on vardefs

"; echo "

Sugar version: ".$sugar_version." / Sugar DB version: ".$sugar_db_version." / Sugar flavor: ".$sugar_flavor; echo "

"; echo ""; $tables = array(); foreach($dictionary as $vardef) { $tables[] = $vardef['table']; $fields[$vardef['table']] = $vardef['fields']; $comments[$vardef['table']] = $vardef['comment']; } asort($tables); foreach($tables as $t) { $name = $t; if ( $name == "does_not_exist" ) continue; $comment = $comments[$t]; echo "

Table: $t


"; echo ""; echo ''; ksort( $fields[ $t ] ); foreach($fields[$t] as $k => $v) { // we only care about physical tables ('source' can be 'non-db' or 'nondb' or 'function' ) if ( isset( $v[ 'source' ] )) continue; $columnname = $v[ 'name' ]; $columntype = $v[ 'type' ]; $columndbtype = $v[ 'dbType' ]; $columnlen = $v[ 'len' ]; $columncomment = $v[ 'comment' ]; $columnrequired = $v[ 'required' ]; if ( empty( $columnlen ) ) $columnlen = 'n/a'; if ( empty( $columncomment ) ) $columncomment = '(none)'; if ( !empty( $columndbtype ) ) $columntype = $columndbtype; if ( empty( $columnrequired ) || ( $columnrequired == false )) $columndisplayrequired = 'no'; else $columndisplayrequired = 'yes'; echo ''; } echo "
Column Type Length Required Comment
'.$columnname.' '.$columntype.' '.$columnlen.' '.$columndisplayrequired.' '.$columncomment.'

"; } echo ""; $vardefFormattedOutput = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); $handle = sugar_fopen($cacheDir."vardefschema.html", "w"); if(fwrite($handle, $vardefFormattedOutput) === FALSE){ echo "Cannot write to file ".$cacheDir."vardefschema.html
"; } fclose($handle); sodUpdateProgressBar(VARDEFS_WEIGHT); //END UPDATING PROGRESS BAR } function finishDiag(){ //BEGIN ZIP ALL FILES AND EXTRACT IN CACHE ROOT global $cacheDir; global $curdatetime; global $sod_guid; global $mod_strings; chdir($cacheDir); zip_dir(".", "../diagnostic".$curdatetime.".zip"); //END ZIP ALL FILES AND EXTRACT IN CACHE ROOT chdir(RETURN_FROM_DIAG_DIR); deleteDir($cacheDir); print "".$mod_strings['LBL_DIAGNOSTIC_DOWNLOADLINK']."
"; print "".$mod_strings['LBL_DIAGNOSTIC_DELETELINK']."
"; } //BEGIN check for what we are executing $doconfigphp = ((empty($_POST['configphp']) || $_POST['configphp'] == 'off') ? false : true); $docustom_dir = ((empty($_POST['custom_dir']) || $_POST['custom_dir'] == 'off') ? false : true); $dophpinfo = ((empty($_POST['phpinfo']) || $_POST['phpinfo'] == 'off') ? false : true); $domysql_dumps = ((empty($_POST['mysql_dumps']) || $_POST['mysql_dumps'] == 'off') ? false : true); $domysql_schema = ((empty($_POST['mysql_schema']) || $_POST['mysql_schema'] == 'off') ? false : true); $domysql_info = ((empty($_POST['mysql_info']) || $_POST['mysql_info'] == 'off') ? false : true); $domd5 = ((empty($_POST['md5']) || $_POST['md5'] == 'off') ? false : true); $domd5filesmd5 = ((empty($_POST['md5filesmd5']) || $_POST['md5filesmd5'] == 'off') ? false : true); $domd5calculated = ((empty($_POST['md5calculated']) || $_POST['md5calculated'] == 'off') ? false : true); $dobeanlistbeanfiles = ((empty($_POST['beanlistbeanfiles']) || $_POST['beanlistbeanfiles'] == 'off') ? false : true); $dosugarlog = ((empty($_POST['sugarlog']) || $_POST['sugarlog'] == 'off') ? false : true); $dovardefs = ((empty($_POST['vardefs']) || $_POST['vardefs'] == 'off') ? false : true); //END check for what we are executing //BEGIN items to calculate progress bar $totalitems = 0; $totalweight = 0; if($doconfigphp) {$totalweight += CONFIG_WEIGHT; $totalitems++;} if($docustom_dir) {$totalweight += CUSTOM_DIR_WEIGHT; $totalitems++;} if($dophpinfo) {$totalweight += PHPINFO_WEIGHT; $totalitems++;} if($domysql_dumps) {$totalweight += MYSQL_DUMPS_WEIGHT; $totalitems++;} if($domysql_schema) {$totalweight += MYSQL_SCHEMA_WEIGHT; $totalitems++;} if($domysql_info) {$totalweight += MYSQL_INFO_WEIGHT; $totalitems++;} if($domd5) {$totalweight += MD5_WEIGHT; $totalitems++;} if($dobeanlistbeanfiles) {$totalweight += BEANLISTBEANFILES_WEIGHT; $totalitems++;} if($dosugarlog) {$totalweight += SUGARLOG_WEIGHT; $totalitems++;} if($dovardefs) {$totalweight += VARDEFS_WEIGHT; $totalitems++;} //END items to calculate progress bar //prepare initial steps prepareDiag(); if($doconfigphp) { echo $mod_strings['LBL_DIAGNOSTIC_GETCONFPHP']."
"; executeconfigphp(); echo $mod_strings['LBL_DIAGNOSTIC_DONE']."

"; } if($docustom_dir) { echo $mod_strings['LBL_DIAGNOSTIC_GETCUSTDIR']."
"; executecustom_dir(); echo $mod_strings['LBL_DIAGNOSTIC_DONE']."

"; } if($dophpinfo) { echo $mod_strings['LBL_DIAGNOSTIC_GETPHPINFO']."
"; executephpinfo(); echo $mod_strings['LBL_DIAGNOSTIC_DONE']."

"; } if($domysql_info || $domysql_dumps || $domysql_schema) { echo $mod_strings['LBL_DIAGNOSTIC_GETTING']. ($domysql_info ? "... ".$mod_strings['LBL_DIAGNOSTIC_GETMYSQLINFO'] : " "). ($domysql_dumps ? "... ".$mod_strings['LBL_DIAGNOSTIC_GETMYSQLTD'] : " "). ($domysql_schema ? "... ".$mod_strings['LBL_DIAGNOSTIC_GETMYSQLTS'] : "..."). "
"; executemysql($domysql_info, $domysql_dumps, $domysql_schema); echo $mod_strings['LBL_DIAGNOSTIC_DONE']."

"; } if($domd5) { echo $mod_strings['LBL_DIAGNOSTIC_GETMD5INFO']."
"; executemd5($domd5filesmd5, $domd5calculated); echo $mod_strings['LBL_DIAGNOSTIC_DONE']."

"; } if($dobeanlistbeanfiles) { echo $mod_strings['LBL_DIAGNOSTIC_GETBEANFILES']."
"; executebeanlistbeanfiles(); echo $mod_strings['LBL_DIAGNOSTIC_DONE']."

"; } if($dosugarlog) { echo $mod_strings['LBL_DIAGNOSTIC_GETSUGARLOG']."
"; executesugarlog(); echo $mod_strings['LBL_DIAGNOSTIC_DONE']."

"; } if($dovardefs) { echo $mod_strings['LBL_DIAGNOSTIC_VARDEFS']."
"; executevardefs(); echo $mod_strings['LBL_DIAGNOSTIC_DONE']."

"; } //finish up the last steps finishDiag(); ?>