'Admin export only',*/ 'ADVANCED'=>'Advanced', 'DEFAULT_CURRENCY_ISO4217'=>'ISO 4217 currency code', 'DEFAULT_CURRENCY_NAME'=>'Currency name', 'DEFAULT_CURRENCY_SYMBOL'=>'Currency symbol', 'DEFAULT_CURRENCY'=>'Default Currency', 'DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT'=>'Default date format', 'DEFAULT_DECIMAL_SEP' => 'Decimal symbol', 'DEFAULT_LANGUAGE'=>'Default language', 'DEFAULT_NUMBER_GROUPING_SEP' => '1000s separator', 'DEFAULT_SYSTEM_SETTINGS'=>'User Interface', 'DEFAULT_THEME'=> 'Default theme', 'DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT'=>'Default time format', /* 'DISABLE_EXPORT'=>'Disable export',*/ 'DISPLAY_RESPONSE_TIME'=>'Display server response times', /*'EXPORT'=>'Export', 'EXPORT_CHARSET' => 'Default Export Character Set', 'EXPORT_DELIMITER' => 'Export Delimiter',*/ 'IMAGES'=>'Logos', 'LBL_ADMIN_WIZARD' => 'Admin Wizard', 'LBL_ALLOW_USER_TABS' => 'Allow users to hide tabs', 'LBL_CONFIGURE_SETTINGS_TITLE' => 'System Settings', 'LBL_ENABLE_MAILMERGE' => 'Enable mail merge?', 'LBL_LOGVIEW' => 'View Log', 'LBL_MAIL_SMTPAUTH_REQ' => 'Use SMTP Authentication?', 'LBL_MAIL_SMTPPASS' => 'SMTP Password:', 'LBL_MAIL_SMTPPORT' => 'SMTP Port:', 'LBL_MAIL_SMTPSERVER' => 'SMTP Server:', 'LBL_MAIL_SMTPUSER' => 'SMTP Username:', 'LBL_MAIL_SMTPTYPE' => 'SMTP Server Type:', 'LBL_MAIL_SMTP_SETTINGS' => 'SMTP Server Specification', 'LBL_CHOOSE_EMAIL_PROVIDER' => 'Choose your Email provider:', 'LBL_YAHOOMAIL_SMTPPASS' => 'Yahoo! Mail Password:', 'LBL_YAHOOMAIL_SMTPUSER' => 'Yahoo! Mail ID:', 'LBL_GMAIL_SMTPPASS' => 'Gmail Password:', 'LBL_GMAIL_SMTPUSER' => 'Gmail Email Address:', 'LBL_EXCHANGE_SMTPPASS' => 'Exchange Password:', 'LBL_EXCHANGE_SMTPUSER' => 'Exchange Username:', 'LBL_EXCHANGE_SMTPPORT' => 'Exchange Server Port:', 'LBL_EXCHANGE_SMTPSERVER' => 'Exchange Server:', 'LBL_ALLOW_DEFAULT_SELECTION' => 'Allow users to use this account for outgoing email:', 'LBL_ALLOW_DEFAULT_SELECTION_HELP' => 'When this option is selected, all users will be able to send emails using the same outgoing mail account used to send system notifications and alerts. If the option is not selected, users can still use the outgoing mail server after providing their own account information.', 'LBL_MAILMERGE_DESC' => 'This flag should be checked only if you have the Sugar Plug-in for Microsoft® Word®.', 'LBL_MAILMERGE' => 'Mail Merge', 'LBL_MIN_AUTO_REFRESH_INTERVAL' => 'Minimum Dashlet Auto-Refresh Interval', 'LBL_MIN_AUTO_REFRESH_INTERVAL_HELP' => 'This is the minimum value one can choose to have dashlets auto-refresh. Setting to \'Never\' disables auto-refreshing of dashlets entirely.', 'LBL_MODULE_FAVICON' => 'Display module icon as favicon', 'LBL_MODULE_FAVICON_HELP' => 'If you are in a module with an icon, use the module\'s icon as the favicon, instead of the theme\'s favicon, in the browser tab.', 'LBL_MODULE_NAME'=>'System Settings', 'LBL_MODULE_ID' => 'Configurator', 'LBL_MODULE_TITLE'=>'User Interface', 'LBL_NOTIFY_FROMADDRESS' => '"From" Address:', 'LBL_NOTIFY_SUBJECT' => 'Email subject:', 'LBL_PORTAL_ON_DESC' => 'Allows users to manage portal user information within contact records. Portal users can access Cases, Bugs, Knowledge Base articles and other data through the Sugar Portal application.', 'LBL_PORTAL_ON' => 'Enable Portal User Management', 'LBL_PORTAL_TITLE' => 'Customer Self-Service Portal', 'LBL_PROXY_AUTH'=>'Authentication?', 'LBL_PROXY_HOST'=>'Proxy Host', 'LBL_PROXY_ON_DESC'=>'Configure proxy server address and authentication settings', 'LBL_PROXY_ON'=>'Use proxy server?', 'LBL_PROXY_PASSWORD'=>'Password', 'LBL_PROXY_PORT'=>'Port', 'LBL_PROXY_TITLE'=>'Proxy Settings', 'LBL_PROXY_USERNAME'=>'User Name', 'LBL_RESTORE_BUTTON_LABEL'=>'Restore', 'LBL_SYSTEM_SETTINGS' => 'System Settings', 'LBL_SKYPEOUT_ON_DESC' => 'Allows users to click on phone numbers to call using SkypeOut®. The numbers must be formatted properly to make use of this feature. That is, it must be "+" "The Country Code" "The Number", like +1 (555) 555-1234.', 'LBL_SKYPEOUT_ON' => 'Enable SkypeOut® integration', 'LBL_SKYPEOUT_TITLE' => 'SkypeOut®', 'LBL_USE_REAL_NAMES' => 'Show Full Names', 'LBL_USE_REAL_NAMES_DESC' => 'Display users\' full names instead of their User Names in assignment fields.', 'LBL_DISALBE_CONVERT_LEAD' => 'Disable convert lead action for converted leads', 'LBL_DISALBE_CONVERT_LEAD_DESC' => 'If a lead has already been converted, enabling this option will remove the convert lead action.', 'LBL_ENABLE_ACTION_MENU' => 'Display actions within menus', 'LBL_ENABLE_ACTION_MENU_DESC' => 'Select to display DetailView and subpanel actions within a dropdown menu. If un-selected, the actions will display as separate buttons.', 'LIST_ENTRIES_PER_LISTVIEW'=>'Listview items per page', 'LIST_ENTRIES_PER_SUBPANEL'=>'Subpanel items per page', 'LOG_MEMORY_USAGE'=>'Log memory usage', 'LOG_SLOW_QUERIES'=>'Log slow queries', 'LOCK_HOMEPAGE_HELP'=>'This setting is to prevent
1) the addition of any dashlets to the home page,
2) customization of dashlet placement in the home pages by dragging and dropping.', 'CURRENT_LOGO'=>'Current Logo:', 'CURRENT_LOGO_HELP'=>'This logo is displayed in the left-hand corner of the footer of the Sugar application.', 'NEW_LOGO'=>'Select Logo:', 'NEW_LOGO_HELP'=>'The image file format can be either .png or .jpg. The maximum height is 17px, and the maximum width is 450px. Any image uploaded that is larger in any direction will be scaled to these max dimensions.', 'NEW_LOGO_HELP_NO_SPACE'=>'The image file format can be either .png or .jpg. The maximum height is 17px, and the maximum width is 450px. Any image uploaded that is larger in any direction will be scaled to these max dimensions. Image file name must not contain a space character.', 'NEW_QUOTE_LOGO'=>'Upload new Quotes logo', 'NEW_QUOTE_LOGO_HELP'=>'The required image file format is .jpg.
The recommended size is 867x74 px.', 'QUOTES_CURRENT_LOGO'=>'Quotes logo', 'SLOW_QUERY_TIME_MSEC'=>'Slow query time threshold (msec)', 'STACK_TRACE_ERRORS'=>'Display stack trace of errors', 'UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE'=>'Maximum upload size', 'VERIFY_CLIENT_IP'=>'Validate user IP address', 'LOCK_HOMEPAGE' => 'Prevent user customizable Homepage layout', 'LOCK_SUBPANELS' => 'Prevent user customizable subpanel layout', 'MAX_DASHLETS' => 'Maximum number of Sugar Dashlets on Homepage', 'SYSTEM_NAME'=>'System Name:', 'SYSTEM_NAME_WIZARD'=>'Name:', 'SYSTEM_NAME_HELP'=>'This is the name that displays in the title bar of your browser.', 'LBL_LDAP_TITLE'=>'LDAP Authentication Support', 'LBL_LDAP_ENABLE'=>'Enable LDAP', 'LBL_LDAP_SERVER_HOSTNAME'=> 'Server:', 'LBL_LDAP_SERVER_PORT'=> 'Port Number:', 'LBL_LDAP_ADMIN_USER'=> 'User Name:', 'LBL_LDAP_ADMIN_USER_DESC'=>'Used to search for the Sugar user. [May need to be fully qualified] It will bind anonymously if not provided.', 'LBL_LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD'=> 'Password:', 'LBL_LDAP_AUTHENTICATION'=> 'Authentication:', 'LBL_LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_DESC'=>'Bind to the LDAP server using a specific users credentials', 'LBL_LDAP_AUTO_CREATE_USERS'=>'Auto Create Users:', 'LBL_LDAP_USER_DN'=>'User DN:', 'LBL_LDAP_GROUP_DN'=>'Group DN:', 'LBL_LDAP_GROUP_DN_DESC'=>'Example: ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com', 'LBL_LDAP_USER_FILTER'=>'User Filter:', 'LBL_LDAP_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP'=>'Group Membership:', 'LBL_LDAP_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP_DESC'=>'Users must be a member of a specific group', 'LBL_LDAP_GROUP_USER_ATTR'=>'User Attribute:', 'LBL_LDAP_GROUP_USER_ATTR_DESC'=>'The unique identifier of the person that will be used to check if they are a member of the group Example: uid', 'LBL_LDAP_GROUP_ATTR_DESC'=>'The attribute of the Group that will be used to filter against the User Attribute Example: memberUid', 'LBL_LDAP_GROUP_ATTR'=>'Group Attribute:', 'LBL_LDAP_USER_FILTER_DESC'=>'Any additional filter params to apply when authenticating users e.g.is_sugar_user=1 or (is_sugar_user=1)(is_sales=1)', 'LBL_LDAP_LOGIN_ATTRIBUTE'=>'Login Attribute:', 'LBL_LDAP_BIND_ATTRIBUTE'=>'Bind Attribute:', 'LBL_LDAP_BIND_ATTRIBUTE_DESC'=>'For Binding the LDAP User Examples:[AD: userPrincipalName] [openLDAP: userPrincipalName] [Mac OS X: uid] ', 'LBL_LDAP_LOGIN_ATTRIBUTE_DESC'=>'For searching for the LDAP User Examples:[AD: userPrincipalName] [openLDAP: dn] [Mac OS X: dn] ', 'LBL_LDAP_SERVER_HOSTNAME_DESC'=>'Example: ldap.example.com or ldaps://ldap.example.com for SSL', 'LBL_LDAP_SERVER_PORT_DESC'=>'Example: 389 or 636 for SSL', 'LBL_LDAP_GROUP_NAME'=>'Group Name:', 'LBL_LDAP_GROUP_NAME_DESC'=>'Example cn=sugarcrm', 'LBL_LDAP_USER_DN_DESC'=>'Example: ou=people,dc=example,dc=com', 'LBL_LDAP_AUTO_CREATE_USERS_DESC'=> 'If an authenticated user does not exist one will be created in Sugar.', 'LBL_LDAP_ENC_KEY' => 'Encryption Key:', 'DEVELOPER_MODE'=>'Developer Mode', 'SHOW_DOWNLOADS_TAB' =>'Display Downloads Tab', 'SHOW_DOWNLOADS_TAB_HELP' =>'When selected, the Download tab will appear in the User settings and provide users with access to Sugar plug-ins and other available files', 'LBL_LDAP_ENC_KEY_DESC' => 'For SOAP authentication when using LDAP.', 'LDAP_ENC_KEY_NO_FUNC_DESC' => 'The php_mcrypt extension must be enabled in your php.ini file.', 'LBL_ALL' => 'All', 'LBL_MARK_POINT' => 'Mark Point', 'LBL_NEXT_' => 'Next>>', 'LBL_REFRESH_FROM_MARK' => 'Refresh From Mark', 'LBL_SEARCH' => 'Search:', 'LBL_REG_EXP' => 'Reg Exp:', 'LBL_IGNORE_SELF' => 'Ignore Self:', 'LBL_MARKING_WHERE_START_LOGGING'=>'Marking Where To Start Logging From', 'LBL_DISPLAYING_LOG'=>'Displaying Log', 'LBL_YOUR_PROCESS_ID'=>'Your process ID', 'LBL_YOUR_IP_ADDRESS'=>'Your IP Address is', 'LBL_IT_WILL_BE_IGNORED'=>' It will be ignored ', 'LBL_LOG_NOT_CHANGED'=>'Log has not changed', 'LBL_ALERT_JPG_IMAGE' => 'The file format of the image must be JPEG. Upload a new file with the file extension .jpg.', 'LBL_ALERT_TYPE_IMAGE' => 'The file format of the image must be JPEG or PNG. Upload a new file with the file extension .jpg or .png.', 'LBL_ALERT_SIZE_RATIO' => 'The aspect ratio of the image should be between 1:1 and 10:1. The image will be resized.', 'LBL_ALERT_SIZE_RATIO_QUOTES' => 'The aspect ratio of the image must be between 3:1 and 20:1. Upload a new file with this ratio.', 'ERR_ALERT_FILE_UPLOAD' => 'Error during the upload of the image.', 'LBL_LOGGER'=>'Logger Settings', 'LBL_LOGGER_FILENAME'=>'Log File Name', 'LBL_LOGGER_FILE_EXTENSION'=>'Extension', 'LBL_LOGGER_MAX_LOG_SIZE'=>'Maximum log size', 'LBL_LOGGER_DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT'=>'Default date format', 'LBL_LOGGER_LOG_LEVEL'=>'Log Level', 'LBL_LEAD_CONV_OPTION' => 'Lead Conversion Options', 'LEAD_CONV_OPT_HELP' => "Copy - Creates and relates copies of all of the Lead's activities to new records that are selected by the user during conversion. Copies are created for each of the selected records.

Move - Moves all of the Lead's activities to a new record that is selected by the user during conversion.

Do Nothing - Does nothing with the Lead's activities during conversion. The activities remain related to the Lead only.", 'LBL_CONFIG_AJAX' => 'Configure AJAX User Interface', 'LBL_CONFIG_AJAX_DESC' => 'Enable or disable the use of the AJAX UI for specific modules.', 'LBL_LOGGER_MAX_LOGS'=>'Maximum number of logs (before rolling)', 'LBL_LOGGER_FILENAME_SUFFIX' =>'Append after filename', 'LBL_VCAL_PERIOD' => 'vCal Updates Time Period:', 'LBL_IMPORT_MAX_RECORDS' => 'Import - Maximum Number of Rows:', 'LBL_IMPORT_MAX_RECORDS_HELP' => 'Specify how many rows are allowed within import files. If the number of rows
in an import file exceeds this number, the user will be alerted. If no number
is entered, an unlimited number of rows are allowed.', 'vCAL_HELP' => 'Use this setting to determine the number of months in advance of the current date that Free/Busy information for calls and meetings is published.
To turn Free/Busy publishing off, enter "0". The minimum is 1 month; the maximum is 12 months.', 'LBL_PDFMODULE_NAME' => 'PDF Settings', 'SUGARPDF_BASIC_SETTINGS' => 'Document Properties', 'SUGARPDF_ADVANCED_SETTINGS' => 'Advanced Settings', 'SUGARPDF_LOGO_SETTINGS' => 'Images', 'PDF_CREATOR' => 'PDF Creator', 'PDF_CREATOR_INFO' => 'Defines the creator of the document.
This is typically the name of the application that generates the PDF.', 'PDF_AUTHOR' => 'Author', 'PDF_AUTHOR_INFO' => 'The Author appears in the document properties.', 'PDF_HEADER_LOGO' => 'For Quotes PDF Documents', 'PDF_HEADER_LOGO_INFO' => 'This image appears in the default Header in Quotes PDF Documents.', 'PDF_NEW_HEADER_LOGO' => 'Select New Image for Quotes', 'PDF_NEW_HEADER_LOGO_INFO' => 'The file format can be either .jpg or .png. (Only .jpg for EZPDF)
The recommended size is 867x60 px.', 'PDF_HEADER_LOGO_WIDTH' => 'Quotes Image Width', 'PDF_HEADER_LOGO_WIDTH_INFO' => 'Change the scale of the uploaded image that appears in Quotes PDF Documents. (TCPDF only)', 'PDF_SMALL_HEADER_LOGO' => 'For Reports PDF Documents', 'PDF_SMALL_HEADER_LOGO_INFO' => 'This image appears in the default Header in Reports PDF Documents.
This image also appears in the top left-hand corner of the Sugar application.', 'PDF_NEW_SMALL_HEADER_LOGO' => 'Select New Image for Reports', 'PDF_NEW_SMALL_HEADER_LOGO_INFO' => 'The file format can be either .jpg or .png. (Only .jpg for EZPDF)
The recommended size is 212x40 px.', 'PDF_SMALL_HEADER_LOGO_WIDTH' => 'Reports Image Width', 'PDF_SMALL_HEADER_LOGO_WIDTH_INFO' => 'Change the scale of the uploaded image that appears in Reports PDF Documents. (TCPDF only)', 'PDF_HEADER_STRING' => 'Header String', 'PDF_HEADER_STRING_INFO' => 'Header description string', 'PDF_HEADER_TITLE' => 'Header Title', 'PDF_HEADER_TITLE_INFO' => 'String to print as title on document header', 'PDF_FILENAME' => 'Default Filename', 'PDF_FILENAME_INFO' => 'Default filename for the generated PDF files', 'PDF_TITLE' => 'Title', 'PDF_TITLE_INFO' => 'The Title appears in the document properties.', 'PDF_SUBJECT' => 'Subject', 'PDF_SUBJECT_INFO' => 'The Subject appears in the document properties.', 'PDF_KEYWORDS' => 'Keyword(s)', 'PDF_KEYWORDS_INFO' => 'Associate Keywords with the document, generally in the form "keyword1 keyword2..."', 'PDF_COMPRESSION' => 'Compression', 'PDF_COMPRESSION_INFO' => 'Activates or deactivates page compression.
When activated, the internal representation of each page is compressed, which leads to a compression ratio of about 2 for the resulting document.', 'PDF_JPEG_QUALITY' => 'JPEG Quality (1-100)', 'PDF_JPEG_QUALITY_INFO' => 'Set the default JPEG compression quality (1-100)', 'PDF_PDF_VERSION' => 'PDF Version', 'PDF_PDF_VERSION_INFO' => 'Set the PDF version (check PDF reference for valid values).', 'PDF_PROTECTION' => 'Document Protection', 'PDF_PROTECTION_INFO' => 'Set document protection
- copy: copy text and images to the clipboard
- print: print the document
- modify: modify it (except for annotations and forms)
- annot-forms: add annotations and forms
Note: the protection against modification is for people who have the full Acrobat product.', 'PDF_USER_PASSWORD' => 'User Password', 'PDF_USER_PASSWORD_INFO' => 'If you don\\\'t set any password, the document will open as usual.
If you set a user password, the PDF viewer will ask for it before displaying the document.
The master password, if different from the user one, can be used to get full access.', 'PDF_OWNER_PASSWORD' => 'Owner Password', 'PDF_OWNER_PASSWORD_INFO' => 'If you don\\\'t set any password, the document will open as usual.
If you set a user password, the PDF viewer will ask for it before displaying the document.
The master password, if different from the user one, can be used to get full access.', 'PDF_ACL_ACCESS' => 'Access Control', 'PDF_ACL_ACCESS_INFO' => 'Default Access Control for the PDF generation.', 'K_CELL_HEIGHT_RATIO' => 'Cell Height Ratio', 'K_CELL_HEIGHT_RATIO_INFO' => 'If the height of a cell is smaller than (Font Height x Cell Height Ratio), then (Font Height x Cell Height Ratio) is used as the cell height.
(Font Height x Cell Height Ratio) is also used as the height of the cell when no height is define.', 'K_TITLE_MAGNIFICATION' => 'Title Magnification', 'K_TITLE_MAGNIFICATION_INFO' => 'Title magnification respect main font size.', 'K_SMALL_RATIO' => 'Small Font Factor', 'K_SMALL_RATIO_INFO' => 'Reduction factor for small font.', 'HEAD_MAGNIFICATION' => 'Head Magnification', 'HEAD_MAGNIFICATION_INFO' => 'Magnification factor for titles.', 'PDF_IMAGE_SCALE_RATIO' => 'Image scale ratio', 'PDF_IMAGE_SCALE_RATIO_INFO' => 'Ratio used to scale the images', 'PDF_UNIT' => 'Unit', 'PDF_UNIT_INFO' => 'document unit of measure', 'PDF_GD_WARNING'=>'You do not have the GD library installed for PHP. Without the GD library installed, only JPEG logos can be displayed in PDF documents.', 'ERR_EZPDF_DISABLE'=>'Warning : The EZPDF class is disabled from the config table and it set as the PDF class. Please "Save" this form to set TCPDF as the PDF Class and return in a stable state.', 'LBL_IMG_RESIZED'=>"(resized for display)", 'LBL_FONTMANAGER_BUTTON' => 'PDF Font Manager', 'LBL_FONTMANAGER_TITLE' => 'PDF Font Manager', 'LBL_FONT_BOLD' => 'Bold', 'LBL_FONT_ITALIC' => 'Italic', 'LBL_FONT_BOLDITALIC' => 'Bold/Italic', 'LBL_FONT_REGULAR' => 'Regular', 'LBL_FONT_TYPE_CID0' => 'CID-0', 'LBL_FONT_TYPE_CORE' => 'Core', 'LBL_FONT_TYPE_TRUETYPE' => 'TrueType', 'LBL_FONT_TYPE_TYPE1' => 'Type1', 'LBL_FONT_TYPE_TRUETYPEU' => 'TrueTypeUnicode', 'LBL_FONT_LIST_NAME' => 'Name', 'LBL_FONT_LIST_FILENAME' => 'Filename', 'LBL_FONT_LIST_TYPE' => 'Type', 'LBL_FONT_LIST_STYLE' => 'Style', 'LBL_FONT_LIST_STYLE_INFO' => 'Style of the font', 'LBL_FONT_LIST_ENC' => 'Encoding', 'LBL_FONT_LIST_EMBEDDED' => 'Embedded', 'LBL_FONT_LIST_EMBEDDED_INFO' => 'Check to embed the font into the PDF file', 'LBL_FONT_LIST_CIDINFO' => 'CID Information', 'LBL_FONT_LIST_CIDINFO_INFO' => "Examples :". "". "More help : www.tcpdf.org", 'LBL_FONT_LIST_FILESIZE' => 'Font Size (KB)', 'LBL_ADD_FONT' => 'Add a font', 'LBL_BACK' => 'Back', 'LBL_REMOVE' => 'rem', 'LBL_JS_CONFIRM_DELETE_FONT' => 'Are you sure that you want to delete this font?', 'LBL_ADDFONT_TITLE' => 'Add a PDF Font', 'LBL_PDF_PATCH' => 'Patch', 'LBL_PDF_PATCH_INFO' => 'Custom modification of the encoding. Write a PHP array.
Example :
ISO-8859-1 does not contain the euro symbol. To add it at position 164, write "array(164=>\\\'Euro\\\')".', 'LBL_PDF_ENCODING_TABLE' => 'Encoding Table', 'LBL_PDF_ENCODING_TABLE_INFO' => 'Name of the encoding table.
This option is ignored for TrueType Unicode, OpenType Unicode and symbolic fonts.
The encoding defines the association between a code (from 0 to 255) and a character contained in the font.
The first 128 are fixed and correspond to ASCII.', 'LBL_PDF_FONT_FILE' => 'Font File', 'LBL_PDF_FONT_FILE_INFO' => '.ttf or .otf or .pfb file', 'LBL_PDF_METRIC_FILE' => 'Metric File', 'LBL_PDF_METRIC_FILE_INFO' => '.afm or .ufm file', 'LBL_ADD_FONT_BUTTON' => 'Add', 'JS_ALERT_PDF_WRONG_EXTENSION' => 'This file do not have a good file extension.', 'LBL_PDF_INSTRUCTIONS' => 'Instructions', 'PDF_INSTRUCTIONS_ADD_FONT' => <<
  • TrueTypeUnicode (UTF-8 Unicode)
  • OpenTypeUnicode
  • TrueType
  • OpenType
  • Type1
  • CID-0

  • If you choose to not embed your font in the PDF, the generated PDF file will be lighter but a substitution will be use if the font is not available in the system of your reader.

    Adding a PDF font to SugarCRM requires to follow steps 1 and 2 of the TCPDF Fonts documentation available in the "DOCS" section of the TCPDF website.

    The pfm2afm and ttf2ufm utils are available in fonts/utils in the TCPDF package that you can download on the "DOWNLOAD" section of the TCPDF website.

    Load the metric file generated in step 2 and your font file below. BSOFR , 'ERR_MISSING_CIDINFO' => 'The field CID Information cannot be empty.', 'LBL_ADDFONTRESULT_TITLE' => 'Result of the add font process', 'LBL_STATUS_FONT_SUCCESS' => 'SUCCESS : The font has been added to SugarCRM.', 'LBL_STATUS_FONT_ERROR' => 'ERROR : The font has not been added. Look at the log below.', 'LBL_FONT_MOVE_DEFFILE' => 'Font definition file move to : ', 'LBL_FONT_MOVE_FILE' => 'Font file move to : ', // Font manager 'ERR_LOADFONTFILE' => 'ERROR: LoadFontFile error!', 'ERR_FONT_EMPTYFILE' => 'ERROR: Empty filename!', 'ERR_FONT_UNKNOW_TYPE' => 'ERROR: Unknow font type:', 'ERR_DELETE_CORE_FILE' => 'ERROR: It is not possible to delete a core font.', 'ERR_NO_FONT_PATH' => 'ERROR: No font path available!', 'ERR_NO_CUSTOM_FONT_PATH' => 'ERROR: No custom font path available!', 'ERR_FONT_NOT_WRITABLE' => 'is not writable.', 'ERR_FONT_FILE_DO_NOT_EXIST' => 'doesn\'t exist or is not a directory.', 'ERR_FONT_MAKEFONT' => 'ERROR: MakeFont error', 'ERR_FONT_ALREADY_EXIST' => 'ERROR : This font already exist. Rollback...', 'ERR_PDF_NO_UPLOAD' => 'Error during the upload of the font or metric file.', // Wizard 'LBL_WIZARD_TITLE' => 'Admin Wizard', 'LBL_WIZARD_WELCOME_TAB' => 'Welcome', 'LBL_WIZARD_WELCOME_TITLE' => 'Welcome to Sugar!', 'LBL_WIZARD_WELCOME' => 'Click Next to brand, localize and configure Sugar now. If you wish to configure Sugar later, click Skip.', 'LBL_WIZARD_NEXT_BUTTON' => 'Next >', 'LBL_WIZARD_BACK_BUTTON' => '< Back', 'LBL_WIZARD_SKIP_BUTTON' => 'Skip', 'LBL_WIZARD_FINISH_BUTTON' => 'Finish', 'LBL_WIZARD_CONTINUE_BUTTON' => 'Continue', 'LBL_WIZARD_FINISH_TAB' => 'Finish', 'LBL_WIZARD_FINISH_TITLE' => 'Basic system configuration is complete', 'LBL_WIZARD_FINISH' => 'Click Continue to configure your user settings.

    To configure additional system settings, click here.', 'LBL_WIZARD_SYSTEM_TITLE' => 'Branding', 'LBL_WIZARD_SYSTEM_DESC' => 'Provide your organization\'s name and logo in order to brand your Sugar.', 'LBL_WIZARD_LOCALE_DESC' => 'Specify how you would like data in Sugar to be displayed, based on your geographical location. The settings you provide here will be the default settings. Users will be able set their own preferences.', 'LBL_WIZARD_SMTP_DESC' => 'Provide the email account that will be used to send emails, such as the assignment notifications and new user passwords. Users will receive emails from Sugar, as sent from the specified email account.', 'LBL_MOBILE_MOD_REPORTS_RESTRICTION' => '* The Reports module is only available for the Sugar Mobile iPhone client.', 'LBL_GMAIL_LOGO' => 'Gmail Logo' /*for 508 compliance fix*/, 'LBL_YAHOO_MAIL' => 'Yahoo Mail' /*for 508 compliance fix*/, 'LBL_EXCHANGE_LOGO' => 'Exchange' /*for 508 compliance fix*/, 'LBL_LOADING' => 'Loading...' /*for 508 compliance fix*/, 'LBL_DELETE' => 'Delete' /*for 508 compliance fix*/, 'LBL_WELCOME' => 'Welcome' /*for 508 compliance fix*/, 'LBL_LOGO' => 'Logo' /*for 508 compliance fix*/, 'LBL_MOBILE_MOD_REPORTS_RESTRICTION' => '* The Reports module is only available for the Sugar Mobile native clients', ); ?>