prepare(); $xtpl_var = strtoupper( $this->name); // MFH BUG#13645 return ""; } function get_xtpl_edit(){ $name = $this->name; $value = ''; if(isset($this->bean->$name)){ $value = $this->bean->$name; }else{ if(empty($this->bean->id)){ $value= $this->default_value; } } if(!empty($this->help)){ $returnXTPL[strtoupper($this->name . '_help')] = translate($this->help, $this->bean->module_dir); } global $app_list_strings; $returnXTPL = array(); $returnXTPL[strtoupper($this->name)] = str_replace('^,^', ',', $value); if(empty($this->ext1)){ $this->ext1 = $this->options; } $returnXTPL[strtoupper('options_'.$this->name)] = get_select_options_with_id($app_list_strings[$this->ext1], unencodeMultienum( $value)); return $returnXTPL; } function prepSave(){ } function get_xtpl_list(){ return $this->get_xtpl_detail(); } function get_xtpl_detail(){ $name = $this->name; $value = ''; if(isset($this->bean->$name)){ $value = $this->bean->$name; }else{ if(empty($this->bean->id)){ $value= $this->default_value; } } $returnXTPL = array(); if(empty($value)) return $returnXTPL; global $app_list_strings; $values = unencodeMultienum( $value); $translatedValues = array(); foreach($values as $val){ $translated = translate($this->options, '', $val); if(is_string($translated))$translatedValues[] = $translated; } $returnXTPL[strtoupper($this->name)] = implode(', ', $translatedValues); return $returnXTPL; } function get_field_def(){ $def = parent::get_field_def(); if ( !empty ( $this->ext4 ) ) { // turn off error reporting in case we are unpacking a value that hasn't been packed... // this is kludgy, but unserialize doesn't throw exceptions correctly if($this->ext4[0] == 'a' && $this->ext4[1] == ':') { $unpacked = @unserialize ( $this->ext4 ) ; } else { $unpacked = false; } // if we have a new error, then unserialize must have failed => we don't have a packed ext4 // safe to assume that false means the unpack failed, as ext4 will either contain an imploded string of default values, or an array, not a boolean false value if ( $unpacked === false && !isset($this->no_default) ) { $def [ 'default' ] = $this->ext4 ; } else { // we have a packed representation containing one or both of default and dependency if ( isset ( $unpacked [ 'default' ] ) && !isset($this->no_default)) $def [ 'default' ] = $unpacked [ 'default' ] ; if ( isset ( $unpacked [ 'dependency' ] ) ) $def [ 'dependency' ] = $unpacked [ 'dependency' ] ; } } $def['isMultiSelect'] = true; unset($def['len']); return $def; } function get_db_default(){ return ''; } function save($df) { if ( isset ( $this->default ) ) { if ( is_array ( $this->default ) ) $this->default = encodeMultienumValue($this->default); $this->ext4 = ( isset ( $this->dependency ) ) ? serialize ( array ( 'default' => $this->default , 'dependency' => html_entity_decode($this->dependency) ) ) : $this->default ; } else { if ( isset ( $this->dependency ) ) $this->ext4 = serialize ( array ( 'dependency' => html_entity_decode($this->dependency) ) ) ; } parent::save($df); } } ?>