vardef_map['rows'] = 'ext2'; $this->vardef_map['cols'] = 'ext3'; } function get_db_type(){ if ($GLOBALS['db']->dbType=='oci8') { return " CLOB "; } else if(!empty($GLOBALS['db']->isFreeTDS)) { return " NTEXT "; } else { return " TEXT "; } } function set($values){ parent::set($values); if(!empty($this->ext2)){ $this->rows = $this->ext2; } if(!empty($this->ext3)){ $this->cols = $this->ext3; } if(!empty($this->ext4)){ $this->default_value = $this->ext4; } } function get_xtpl_detail(){ $name = $this->name; return nl2br($this->bean->$name); } function get_field_def(){ $def = parent::get_field_def(); $def['studio'] = 'visible'; if ( isset ( $this->ext2 ) && isset ($this->ext3)) { $def[ 'rows' ] = $this->ext2 ; $def[ 'cols' ] = $this->ext3 ; } if (isset( $this->rows ) && isset ($this->cols)) { $def[ 'rows' ] = $this->rows ; $def[ 'cols' ] = $this->cols ; } return $def; } function get_db_default(){ // TEXT columns in MySQL cannot have a DEFAULT value - let the Bean handle it on save return null; // Bug 16612 - null so that the get_db_default() routine in TemplateField doesn't try to set DEFAULT } function get_db_modify_alter_table($table){ return parent::get_db_modify_alter_table($table); } } ?>