'editview', 'DetailView'=>'EditView'); var $admin_actions = array('listview', 'index'); public function process() { if(!is_admin($GLOBALS['current_user']) && in_array(strtolower($this->action), $this->admin_actions)) { $this->hasAccess = false; } parent::process(); } protected function failed($error) { SugarApplication::appendErrorMessage($error); $GLOBALS['log']->error("Login error: $error"); $url = 'index.php?module=EAPM&action=EditView&record='.$this->bean->id; return $this->set_redirect($url); } public function pre_save() { parent::pre_save(); $this->api = ExternalAPIFactory::loadAPI($this->bean->application,true); if(empty($this->api)) { return $this->failed(translate('LBL_AUTH_UNSUPPORTED', $this->bean->module_dir)); } if(empty($this->bean->id)){ $eapmBean = EAPM::getLoginInfo($this->bean->application,true); if($eapmBean){ SugarApplication::appendErrorMessage(translate('LBL_APPLICATION_FOUND_NOTICE', $this->bean->module_dir)); $this->bean->id = $eapmBean->id; } } $this->bean->validated = false; $this->bean->save_cleanup(); $this->api->loadEAPM($this->bean); } protected function post_save() { if(!$this->bean->deleted) { // do not load bean here since password is already encoded if ( $this->api->authMethod != 'oauth' ) { // OAuth beans have to be handled specially. $reply = $this->api->checkLogin(); if ( !$reply['success'] ) { return $this->failed(translate('LBL_AUTH_ERROR', $this->bean->module_dir)); } else { $this->bean->validated(); } } } if($this->return_module == 'Users'){ $this->return_action = 'EditView'; } parent::post_save(); // Override the redirect location to add the hash $this->redirect_url = $this->redirect_url.'#tab5'; if ( $this->api->authMethod == 'oauth' && !$this->bean->deleted ) { // It's OAuth, we have to handle this specially. // We need to create a new window to handle the OAuth, and redirect this window back to the edit view // So we will handle that in javascript. $popup_warning_msg = string_format($GLOBALS['mod_strings']['LBL_ERR_POPUPS_DISABLED'], array($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ); echo(''); // To prevent the normal handler from issuing a header call and destroying our neat little javascript we'll // end right here. sugar_die(''); } else { return; } } protected function action_oauth() { if(empty($this->bean->id)) { return $this->set_redirect('index.php'); } if(!$this->bean->ACLAccess('save')){ ACLController::displayNoAccess(true); sugar_cleanup(true); return true; } if(empty($_REQUEST['oauth_error'])) { $this->api = ExternalAPIFactory::loadAPI($this->bean->application,true); $reply = $this->api->checkLogin($this->bean); if ( !$reply['success'] ) { return $this->failed(translate('LBL_AUTH_ERROR', $this->bean->module_dir)); } else { $this->bean->validated(); } } // This is a tweak so that we can automatically close windows if requested by the external account system if ( isset($_REQUEST['closeWhenDone']) && $_REQUEST['closeWhenDone'] == 1 ) { if(!empty($_REQUEST['callbackFunction']) && !empty($_REQUEST['application'])){ $js = ''; }else if(!empty($_REQUEST['refreshParentWindow'])){ $js = ''; }else{ $js = ''; } echo($js); return; } // redirect to detail view, as in save return parent::post_save(); } protected function pre_QuickSave(){ if(!empty($_REQUEST['application'])){ $eapmBean = EAPM::getLoginInfo($_REQUEST['application'],true); if (!$eapmBean) { $this->bean->application = $_REQUEST['application']; $this->bean->assigned_user_id = $GLOBALS['current_user']->id; }else{ $this->bean = $eapmBean; } $this->pre_save(); }else{ sugar_die("Please pass an application name."); } } public function action_QuickSave(){ $this->api = ExternalAPIFactory::loadAPI($this->bean->application,true); $this->action_save(); if ( $this->api->authMethod == 'oauth' ) { $this->action_oauth(); } } protected function post_QuickSave(){ $this->post_save(); } protected function pre_Reauthenticate(){ $this->pre_save(); } protected function action_Reauthenticate(){ if ( $this->api->authMethod == 'oauth' ) { // OAuth beans have to be handled specially. $reply = $this->api->checkLogin(); if ( !$reply['success'] ) { return $this->failed(translate('LBL_AUTH_ERROR', $this->bean->module_dir)); } else { $this->bean->validated(); } } else { // Normal auth methods go through this. $this->action_save(); } } protected function post_Reauthenticate(){ $this->post_save(); } protected function action_FlushFileCache() { $api = ExternalAPIFactory::loadAPI($_REQUEST['api']); if ( $api == false ) { echo 'FAILED'; return; } if ( method_exists($api,'loadDocCache') ) { $api->loadDocCache(true); } echo 'SUCCESS'; } protected function remapAction() { if ( $this->do_action == 'DetailView' ) { $this->do_action = 'EditView'; $this->action = 'EditView'; } parent::remapAction(); } }