retrieveSettings(); if (isset($admin->settings['massemailer_campaign_emails_per_run'])) { $max_emails_per_run=$admin->settings['massemailer_campaign_emails_per_run']; } if (empty($max_emails_per_run)) { $max_emails_per_run=500;//default } //save email copies? $massemailer_email_copy=0; //default: save copies of the email. if (isset($admin->settings['massemailer_email_copy'])) { $massemailer_email_copy=$admin->settings['massemailer_email_copy']; } $emailsPerSecond = 10; $mail->setMailerForSystem(); $mail->From = ""; $mail->FromName = "no-reply"; $mail->ContentType="text/html"; $campaign_id=null; if (isset($_REQUEST['campaign_id']) && !empty($_REQUEST['campaign_id'])) { $campaign_id=$_REQUEST['campaign_id']; } $db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance(); $timedate = TimeDate::getInstance(); $emailman = new EmailMan(); if($test){ //if this is in test mode, then //find all the message that meet the following criteria. //1. scheduled send date time is now //2. campaign matches the current campaign //3. recipient belongs to a propsect list of type test, attached to this campaign $select_query =" SELECT em.* FROM emailman em"; $select_query.=" join prospect_list_campaigns plc on em.campaign_id = plc.campaign_id"; $select_query.=" join prospect_lists pl on = plc.prospect_list_id "; $select_query.=" WHERE em.list_id = and pl.list_type = 'test'"; $select_query.=" AND em.send_date_time <= ". db_convert("'".$timedate->nowDb()."'" ,"datetime"); $select_query.=" AND (em.in_queue ='0' OR ( em.in_queue ='1' AND em.in_queue_date <= " .db_convert("'". $timedate->fromString("-1 day")->asDb() ."'" ,"datetime")."))"; $select_query.=" AND em.campaign_id='{$campaign_id}'"; $select_query.=" ORDER BY em.send_date_time ASC, em.user_id, em.list_id"; }else{ //this is not a test.. //find all the message that meet the following criteria. //1. scheduled send date time is now //2. were never processed or last attempt was 24 hours ago $select_query =" SELECT *"; $select_query.=" FROM $emailman->table_name"; $select_query.=" WHERE send_date_time <= ". db_convert("'".TimeDate::getInstance()->nowDb()."'" ,"datetime"); $select_query.=" AND (in_queue ='0' OR ( in_queue ='1' AND in_queue_date <= " .db_convert("'". $timedate->fromString("-1 day")->asDb() ."'" ,"datetime")."))"; if (!empty($campaign_id)) { $select_query.=" AND campaign_id='{$campaign_id}'"; } $select_query.=" ORDER BY send_date_time ASC,user_id, list_id"; } do { $no_items_in_queue=true; $result = $db->limitQuery($select_query,0,$max_emails_per_run); global $current_user; if(isset($current_user)){ $temp_user = $current_user; } $current_user = new User(); $startTime = microtime(true); while(($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($result))!= null){ //verify the queue item before further processing. //we have found cases where users have taken away access to email templates while them message is in queue. if (empty($row['campaign_id'])) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Skipping emailman entry with empty campaign id' . print_r($row,true)); continue; } if (empty($row['marketing_id'])) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Skipping emailman entry with empty marketing id' . print_r($row,true)); continue; //do not process this row . } //fetch user that scheduled the campaign. if(empty($current_user) or $row['user_id'] != $current_user->id){ $current_user->retrieve($row['user_id']); } if (!$emailman->verify_campaign($row['marketing_id'])) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Error verifying templates for the campaign, exiting'); continue; } //verify the email template too.. //find the template associated with marketing message. make sure that template has a subject and //a non-empty body if (!isset($template_status[$row['marketing_id']])) { if (!class_exists('EmailMarketing')) { } $current_emailmarketing=new EmailMarketing(); $current_emailmarketing->retrieve($row['marketing_id']); if (!class_exists('EmailTemplate')) { } $current_emailtemplate= new EmailTemplate(); $current_emailtemplate->retrieve($current_emailmarketing->template_id); } //acquire a lock. //if the database does not support repeatable read isolation by default, we might get data that does not meet //the criteria in the original query, and we care most about the in_queue_date and process_date_time, //if they are null or in past(older than 24 horus) then we are okay. $lock_query="UPDATE emailman SET in_queue=1, in_queue_date='". $timedate->nowDb() ."' WHERE id = '${row['id']}'"; $lock_query.=" AND (in_queue ='0' OR ( in_queue ='1' AND in_queue_date <= " .db_convert("'". $timedate->fromString("-1 day")->asDb() ."'" ,"datetime")."))"; //if the query fails to execute.. terminate campaign email process. $lock_result=$db->query($lock_query,true,'Error acquiring a lock for emailman entry.'); if ($db->dbType=='oci8') { } else { $lock_count=$db->getAffectedRowCount(); } //do not process the message if unable to acquire lock. if ($lock_count!= 1) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Error acquiring lock for the emailman entry, skipping email delivery. lock status=$lock_count " . print_r($row,true)); continue; //do not process this row we will examine it after 24 hrs. the email address based dupe check is in place too. } $no_items_in_queue=false; foreach($row as $name=>$value){ $emailman->$name = $value; } //for the campaign process the supression lists. if (!isset($current_campaign_id) or empty($current_campaign_id) or $current_campaign_id != $row['campaign_id']) { $current_campaign_id= $row['campaign_id']; //is this email address suppressed? $plc_query= " SELECT prospect_list_id, prospect_lists.list_type,prospect_lists.domain_name FROM prospect_list_campaigns "; $plc_query.=" LEFT JOIN prospect_lists on = prospect_list_campaigns.prospect_list_id"; $plc_query.=" WHERE "; $plc_query.=" campaign_id='{$current_campaign_id}' "; $plc_query.=" AND prospect_lists.list_type in ('exempt_address','exempt_domain')"; $plc_query.=" AND prospect_list_campaigns.deleted=0"; $plc_query.=" AND prospect_lists.deleted=0"; $emailman->restricted_domains=array(); $emailman->restricted_addresses=array(); $result1=$db->query($plc_query); while($row1 = $db->fetchByAssoc($result1)){ if ($row1['list_type']=='exempt_domain') { $emailman->restricted_domains[strtolower($row1['domain_name'])]=1; } else { //find email address of targets in this prospect list. $email_query = "SELECT email_address FROM email_addresses ea JOIN email_addr_bean_rel eabr ON = eabr.email_address_id JOIN prospect_lists_prospects plp ON eabr.bean_id = plp.related_id AND eabr.bean_module = plp.related_type AND plp.prospect_list_id = '{$row1['prospect_list_id']}' and plp.deleted = 0"; $email_query_result=$db->query($email_query); while($email_address = $db->fetchByAssoc($email_query_result)){ //ignore empty email addresses; if (!empty($email_address['email_address'])) { $emailman->restricted_addresses[strtolower($email_address['email_address'])]=1; } } } } } if(!$emailman->sendEmail($mail,$massemailer_email_copy,$test)){ $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Email delivery FAILURE:" . print_r($row,true)); } else { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Email delivery SUCCESS:" . print_r($row,true)); } if($mail->isError()){ $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Email delivery error:" . print_r($row,true). $mail->ErrorInfo); } } $send_all=$send_all?!$no_items_in_queue:$send_all; }while ($send_all == true); if ($admin->settings['mail_sendtype'] == "SMTP") { $mail->SMTPClose(); } if(isset($temp_user)){ $current_user = $temp_user; } if (isset($_REQUEST['return_module']) && isset($_REQUEST['return_action']) && isset($_REQUEST['return_id'])) { $from_wiz=' '; if(isset($_REQUEST['from_wiz'])&& $_REQUEST['from_wiz']==true){ header("Location: index.php?module={$_REQUEST['return_module']}&action={$_REQUEST['return_action']}&record={$_REQUEST['return_id']}&from=test"); }else{ header("Location: index.php?module={$_REQUEST['return_module']}&action={$_REQUEST['return_action']}&record={$_REQUEST['return_id']}"); } } else { /* this will be triggered when manually sending off Email campaigns from the * Mass Email Queue Manager. */ if(isset($_POST['manual'])) { header("Location: index.php?module=EmailMan&action=index"); } } ?>