function verify_data(form,formname) { if (!check_form(formname)) return false; var isError = false; var errorMessage = ""; var thecheckbox=document.getElementById('all_prospect_lists'); var theselectbox=document.getElementById('message_for'); if (!thecheckbox.checked && theselectbox.selectedIndex < 0) { isError=true; errorMessage="$err_lbl_send_message"; } if (isError == true) { alert("$err_missing_required_fields" + errorMessage); return false; } return true; } EOQ; return $the_script; } /** * Create HTML form to enter a new record with the minimum necessary fields. * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.. */ ?>