'Employees', 'LBL_MODULE_TITLE' => 'Employees: Home', 'LBL_SEARCH_FORM_TITLE' => 'Employee Search', 'LBL_LIST_FORM_TITLE' => 'Employees', 'LBL_NEW_FORM_TITLE' => 'New Employee', 'LBL_EMPLOYEE' => 'Employees:', 'LBL_LOGIN' => 'Login', 'LBL_RESET_PREFERENCES' => 'Reset To Default Preferences', 'LBL_TIME_FORMAT' => 'Time Format:', 'LBL_DATE_FORMAT' => 'Date Format:', 'LBL_TIMEZONE' => 'Current Time:', 'LBL_CURRENCY' => 'Currency:', 'LBL_LIST_NAME' => 'Name', 'LBL_LIST_LAST_NAME' => 'Last Name', 'LBL_LIST_EMPLOYEE_NAME' => 'Employee Name', 'LBL_LIST_DEPARTMENT' => 'Department', 'LBL_LIST_REPORTS_TO_NAME' => 'Reports To', 'LBL_LIST_EMAIL' => 'Email', 'LBL_LIST_PRIMARY_PHONE' => 'Primary Phone', 'LBL_LIST_USER_NAME' => 'User Name', 'LBL_LIST_ADMIN' => 'Admin', 'LBL_NEW_EMPLOYEE_BUTTON_TITLE' => 'New Employee [Alt+N]', 'LBL_NEW_EMPLOYEE_BUTTON_LABEL' => 'New Employee', 'LBL_NEW_EMPLOYEE_BUTTON_KEY' => 'N', 'LBL_ERROR' => 'Error:', 'LBL_PASSWORD' => 'Password:', 'LBL_EMPLOYEE_NAME' => 'Employee Name:', 'LBL_USER_NAME' => 'User Name:', 'LBL_FIRST_NAME' => 'First Name:', 'LBL_LAST_NAME' => 'Last Name:', 'LBL_EMPLOYEE_SETTINGS' => 'Employee Settings', 'LBL_THEME' => 'Theme:', 'LBL_LANGUAGE' => 'Language:', 'LBL_ADMIN' => 'Administrator:', 'LBL_EMPLOYEE_INFORMATION' => 'Employee Information', 'LBL_OFFICE_PHONE' => 'Office Phone:', 'LBL_REPORTS_TO' => 'Reports to Id:', 'LBL_REPORTS_TO_NAME' => 'Reports to', 'LBL_OTHER_PHONE' => 'Other:', 'LBL_OTHER_EMAIL' => 'Other Email:', 'LBL_NOTES' => 'Notes:', 'LBL_DEPARTMENT' => 'Department:', 'LBL_TITLE' => 'Title:', 'LBL_ANY_ADDRESS' => 'Any Address:', 'LBL_ANY_PHONE' => 'Any Phone:', 'LBL_ANY_EMAIL' => 'Any Email:', 'LBL_ADDRESS' => 'Address:', 'LBL_CITY' => 'City:', 'LBL_STATE' => 'State:', 'LBL_POSTAL_CODE' => 'Postal Code:', 'LBL_COUNTRY' => 'Country:', 'LBL_NAME' => 'Name:', 'LBL_MOBILE_PHONE' => 'Mobile:', 'LBL_OTHER' => 'Other:', 'LBL_FAX' => 'Fax:', 'LBL_EMAIL' => 'Email Address:', 'LBL_HOME_PHONE' => 'Home Phone:', 'LBL_WORK_PHONE' => 'Work Phone:', 'LBL_ADDRESS_INFORMATION' => 'Address Information', 'LBL_EMPLOYEE_STATUS' => 'Employee Status:', 'LBL_PRIMARY_ADDRESS' => 'Primary Address:', 'LBL_SAVED_SEARCH' => 'Layout Options', 'LBL_CREATE_USER_BUTTON_TITLE' => 'Create User [Alt+N]', 'LBL_CREATE_USER_BUTTON_LABEL' => 'Create User', 'LBL_CREATE_USER_BUTTON_KEY' => 'N', 'LBL_FAVORITE_COLOR' => 'Favorite Color:', 'LBL_MESSENGER_ID' => 'IM Name:', 'LBL_MESSENGER_TYPE' => 'IM Type:', 'ERR_EMPLOYEE_NAME_EXISTS_1' => 'The employee name ', 'ERR_EMPLOYEE_NAME_EXISTS_2' => ' already exists. Duplicate employee names are not allowed. Change the employee name to be unique.', 'ERR_LAST_ADMIN_1' => 'The employee name "', 'ERR_LAST_ADMIN_2' => '" is the last employee with administrator access. At least one employee must be an administrator.', 'LNK_NEW_EMPLOYEE' => 'Create Employee', 'LNK_EMPLOYEE_LIST' => 'View Employees', 'ERR_DELETE_RECORD' => 'You must specify a record number to delete the account.', 'LBL_LIST_EMPLOYEE_STATUS' => 'Employee Status', 'LBL_SUGAR_LOGIN' => 'Is Sugar User', 'LBL_RECEIVE_NOTIFICATIONS' => 'Notify on Assignment', 'LBL_IS_ADMIN' => 'Is Administrator', 'LBL_GROUP' => 'Group User', 'LBL_PORTAL_ONLY' => 'Portal Only User', 'LBL_PHOTO' => 'Photo', 'LBL_DELETE_USER_CONFIRM' => 'This Employee is also a User. Deleting the Employee record will also delete the User record, and the User will no longer be able to access the application. Do you want to proceed with deleting this record?', 'LBL_DELETE_EMPLOYEE_CONFIRM' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this employee?', ); ?>