'Home', 'LBL_MODULES_TO_SEARCH' => 'Modules to Search', 'LBL_NEW_FORM_TITLE' => 'New Contact', 'LBL_FIRST_NAME' => 'First Name:', 'LBL_LAST_NAME' => 'Last Name:', 'LBL_LIST_LAST_NAME' => 'Last Name', 'LBL_PHONE' => 'Phone:', 'LBL_EMAIL_ADDRESS' => 'Email Address:', 'LBL_MY_PIPELINE_FORM_TITLE' => 'My Pipeline', 'LBL_PIPELINE_FORM_TITLE' => 'Pipeline By Sales Stage', 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_ROI_FORM_TITLE' => 'Campaign ROI', 'LBL_MY_CLOSED_OPPORTUNITIES_GAUGE' => 'My Closed Won Opportunities Gauge', 'LNK_NEW_CONTACT' => 'Create Contact', 'LNK_NEW_ACCOUNT' => 'Create Account', 'LNK_NEW_OPPORTUNITY' => 'Create Opportunity', 'LNK_NEW_LEAD' => 'Create Lead', 'LNK_NEW_CASE' => 'Create Case', 'LNK_NEW_NOTE' => 'Create Note or Attachment', 'LNK_NEW_CALL' => 'Log Call', 'LNK_NEW_EMAIL' => 'Archive Email', 'LNK_COMPOSE_EMAIL' => 'Compose Email', 'LNK_NEW_MEETING' => 'Schedule Meeting', 'LNK_NEW_TASK' => 'Create Task', 'LNK_NEW_BUG' => 'Report Bug', 'LBL_ADD_BUSINESSCARD' => 'Enter Business Card', 'ERR_ONE_CHAR' => 'Please enter at least one letter or number for your search ...', 'LBL_OPEN_TASKS' => 'My Open Tasks', 'LBL_SEARCH_RESULTS' => 'Search Results', 'LBL_SEARCH_RESULTS_IN' => 'in', 'LNK_NEW_SEND_EMAIL' => 'Compose Email', 'LBL_NO_ACCESS' => 'You do not have access to this area. Contact your site administrator to obtain access', 'LBL_NO_RESULTS_IN_MODULE' => '-- No Results --', 'LBL_NO_RESULTS' => '

There were no results found. Please search again.


Search Tips:

', 'LBL_RELOAD_PAGE' => 'Please reload the window to use this Sugar Dashlet.', 'LBL_ADD_DASHLETS' => 'Add Sugar Dashlets', 'LBL_ADD_PAGE' => 'Add Page', 'LBL_DEL_PAGE' => 'Delete Page', 'LBL_WEBSITE_TITLE' => 'Website', 'LBL_RSS_TITLE' => 'News Feed', 'LBL_DELETE_PAGE' => 'Delete Page', 'LBL_CHANGE_LAYOUT' => 'Change Layout', 'LBL_RENAME_PAGE' => 'Rename Page', 'LBL_CLOSE_DASHLETS' => 'Close', 'LBL_CLOSE_SITEMAP' => 'Close', 'LBL_OPTIONS' => 'Options', // dashlet search fields 'LBL_TODAY'=>'Today', 'LBL_YESTERDAY' => 'Yesterday', 'LBL_TOMORROW'=>'Tomorrow', 'LBL_LAST_WEEK'=>'Last Week', 'LBL_NEXT_WEEK'=>'Next Week', 'LBL_LAST_7_DAYS'=>'Last 7 Days', 'LBL_NEXT_7_DAYS'=>'Next 7 Days', 'LBL_LAST_MONTH'=>'Last Month', 'LBL_NEXT_MONTH'=>'Next Month', 'LBL_LAST_QUARTER'=>'Last Quarter', 'LBL_THIS_QUARTER'=>'This Quarter', 'LBL_LAST_YEAR'=>'Last Year', 'LBL_NEXT_YEAR'=>'Next Year', 'LBL_LAST_30_DAYS' => 'Last 30 Days', 'LBL_NEXT_30_DAYS' => 'Next 30 Days', 'LBL_THIS_MONTH' => 'This Month', 'LBL_THIS_YEAR' => 'This Year', 'LBL_MODULES' => 'Modules', 'LBL_CHARTS' => 'Charts', 'LBL_TOOLS' => 'Tools', 'LBL_WEB' => 'Web', 'LBL_SEARCH_RESULTS' => 'Search Result', // Dashlet Categories 'dashlet_categories_dom' => array( 'Module Views' => 'Module Views', 'Portal' => 'Portal', 'Charts' => 'Charts', 'Tools' => 'Tools', 'Miscellaneous' => 'Miscellaneous'), 'LBL_MAX_DASHLETS_REACHED' => 'You have reached the maximum number of Sugar Dashlets your administrator has set. Please remove a Sugar Dashlet to add a new one.', 'LBL_ADDING_DASHLET' => 'Adding Sugar Dashlet ...', 'LBL_ADDED_DASHLET' => 'Sugar Dashlet Added', 'LBL_REMOVE_DASHLET_CONFIRM' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the Sugar Dashlet?', 'LBL_REMOVING_DASHLET' => 'Removing Sugar Dashlet ...', 'LBL_REMOVED_DASHLET' => 'Sugar Dashlet Removed', 'LBL_DASHLET_CONFIGURE_GENERAL' => 'General', 'LBL_DASHLET_CONFIGURE_FILTERS' => 'Filters', 'LBL_DASHLET_CONFIGURE_MY_ITEMS_ONLY' => 'Only My Items', 'LBL_DASHLET_CONFIGURE_TITLE' => 'Title', 'LBL_DASHLET_CONFIGURE_DISPLAY_ROWS' => 'Display Rows', 'LBL_DASHLET_DELETE' => 'Delete Sugar Dashlet', 'LBL_DASHLET_REFRESH' => 'Refresh Sugar Dashlet', 'LBL_DASHLET_EDIT' => 'Edit Sugar Dashlet', 'LBL_TRAINING_TITLE' => 'Training', 'LBL_CREATING_NEW_PAGE' => 'Creating New Page...', 'LBL_NEW_PAGE_FEEDBACK' => 'You have created a new page. You can add new content with the Add Sugar Dashlets option.', 'LBL_DELETE_PAGE_CONFIRM' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this page?', 'LBL_SAVING_PAGE_TITLE' => 'Saving Page Title...', 'LBL_RETRIEVING_PAGE' => 'Retrieving Page...', // Default out-of-box names for tabs 'LBL_HOME_PAGE_1_NAME' => 'My Sugar', 'LBL_HOME_PAGE_2_NAME' => 'Sales', 'LBL_HOME_PAGE_3_NAME' => 'Support', 'LBL_HOME_PAGE_6_NAME' => 'Marketing',//bug 16510, separate the support and marketing page from each other 'LBL_HOME_PAGE_4_NAME' => 'Tracker', 'LBL_CLOSE_SITEMAP' =>'Close', 'LBL_SEARCH' => 'Search', 'LBL_CLEAR' => 'Clear', 'LBL_BASIC_CHARTS' => 'Basic Charts', 'LBL_REPORT_CHARTS' => 'Report Charts', 'LBL_MY_FAVORITE_REPORT_CHARTS' => 'My Favorite Reports', 'LBL_GLOBAL_REPORT_CHARTS' => 'Global Team Reports', 'LBL_MY_TEAM_REPORT_CHARTS' => 'My Team Reports', 'LBL_MY_SAVED_REPORT_CHARTS' => 'My Saved Reports', 'LBL_DASHLET_SEARCH' => 'Find Sugar Dashlet', //ABOUT page 'LBL_VERSION' => 'Version', 'LBL_BUILD' => 'Build', 'LBL_VIEWLICENSE_COM' => '

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation, including the additional permission set forth in the source code header.

', 'LBL_ADD_TERM_COM' => '

The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU General Public License version 3, these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by SugarCRM" logo. If the display of the logo is not reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display the words "Powered by SugarCRM".

', 'LBL_SUGAR_COMMUNITY_EDITION' => 'Sugar Community Edition', 'LBL_SUGAR_PROFESSIONAL' => "Sugar Professional", 'LBL_SUGAR_ENTERPRISE' => "Sugar Enterprise", 'LBL_AND' => "and", 'LBL_ARE' => "are", 'LBL_TRADEMARKS' => 'trademarks', 'LBL_OF' => 'of', 'LBL_FOUNDERS' => 'Founders', 'LBL_JOIN_SUGAR_COMMUNITY' => 'Join the Sugar Community', 'LBL_DETAILS_SUGARFORGE' => 'Collaborate and develop Sugar extensions', 'LBL_DETAILS_SUGAREXCHANGE' => 'Buy and sell certified Sugar extensions', 'LBL_TRAINING' => 'Training', 'LBL_DETAILS_TRAINING' => 'Learn about Sugar using online and interactive learning content', 'LBL_FORUMS' => 'Forums', 'LBL_DETAILS_FORUMS' => 'Discuss Sugar with expert community users and developers', 'LBL_WIKI' => 'Wiki', 'LBL_DETAILS_WIKI' => 'Search the knowledge base of user and developer topics', 'LBL_DEVSITE' => 'Developer Site', 'LBL_DETAILS_DEVSITE' => 'Discover resources, tutorials, and helpful links to get you up to speed on Sugar development', 'LBL_GET_SUGARCRM_RSS' => 'Get SugarCRM RSS', 'LBL_SUGARCRM_NEWS' => 'SugarCRM News', 'LBL_SUGARCRM_TRAINING_NEWS' => 'SugarCRM Training News', 'LBL_SUGARCRM_FORUMS' => 'SugarCRM Forums', 'LBL_SUGARFORGE_NEWS' => 'SugarForge News', 'LBL_ALL_NEWS' => 'All News', 'LBL_LINK_CURRENT_CONTRIBUTORS' => 'Click this link for a current list of Sugar contributors!', 'LBL_SOURCE_CODE' => 'Source Code', 'LBL_SOURCE_SUGAR' => 'Sugar - The world\'s most popular sales force automation application created by SugarCRM Inc.', 'LBL_SOURCE_XTEMPLATE' => 'XTemplate - A template engine for PHP created by Barnabás Debreceni', 'LBL_SOURCE_NUSOAP' => 'NuSOAP - A set of PHP classes that allow developers to create and consume web services created by NuSphere Corporation and Dietrich Ayala', 'LBL_SOURCE_JSCALENDAR' => 'JS Calendar - A calendar for entering dates created by Mihai Bazon', 'LBL_SOURCE_PHPPDF' => 'PHP PDF - A library for creating PDF documents created by Wayne Munro', 'LBL_SOURCE_HTTP_WEBDAV_SERVER' => 'HTTP_WebDAV_Server - A WebDAV Server Implementation in PHP.', 'LBL_SOURCE_PCLZIP' => 'PclZip - library offers compression and extraction functions for Zip formatted archives by Vincent Blavet', 'LBL_SOURCE_SMARTY' => 'Smarty - A template engine for PHP.', 'LBL_SOURCE_OVERLIBMWS' => 'Overlibmws - JavaScript library for client-side windowing.', 'LBL_SOURCE_YAHOO_UI_LIB' => 'Yahoo! User Interface Library - The UI Library Utilities facilitate the implementation of rich client-side features.', 'LBL_SOURCE_PHPMAILER' => 'PHPMailer - A full featured email transfer class for PHP', 'LBL_SOURCE_CRYPT_BLOWFISH' => 'Crypt_Blowfish - Allows for quick two-way blowfish encryption without requiring the MCrypt PHP extension.', 'LBL_SOURCE_HTML_SAFE' => 'HTML_Safe - A parser that strips down all potentially dangerous content within HTML', 'LBL_SOURCE_XML_HTMLSAX3' => 'XML_HTMLSax3 - A SAX parser for HTML and other badly formed XML documents', 'LBL_SOURCE_YAHOO_UI_LIB_EXT' => 'Yahoo! UI Extensions Library - Extensions to the Yahoo! User Interface Library by Jack Slocum', 'LBL_SOURCE_SWFOBJECT' => 'SWFObject - Javascript Flash Player detection and embed script.', 'LBL_SOURCE_TINYMCE' => 'TinyMCE - A WYSIWYG editor control for web browsers that enables the user to edit HTML contents', 'LBL_SOURCE_EXT' => 'Ext - A client-side JavaScript framework for building web applications.', 'LBL_SOURCE_RECAPTCHA' => 'reCAPTCHA - A free CAPTCHA service that helps to digitize books, newspapers and old time radio shows.', 'LBL_SOURCE_TCPDF' => 'TCPDF - A PHP class for generating PDF documents.', 'LBL_SOURCE_CSSMIN' => 'CssMin - A css parser and minifier.', 'LBL_SOURCE_PHPSAML' => 'PHP-SAML - A simple SAML toolkit for PHP.', 'LBL_SOURCE_ISCROLL' => 'iScroll - The overflow:scroll for mobile webkit. Native scrolling inside a fixed width/height element.', 'LBL_SOURCE_FLASHCANVAS' => 'FlashCanvas - FlashCanvas is a JavaScript library which adds the HTML5 Canvas support to Internet Explorer. It renders shapes and images via Flash drawing API. It supports almost all Canvas APIs and, in many cases, runs faster than other similar libraries which use VML or Silverlight.', 'LBL_SOURCE_JIT' => 'JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit - The JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit provides tools for creating Interactive Data Visualizations for the Web.', 'LBL_SOURCE_ZEND' => 'Zend Framework - An open source, object oriented web application framework for PHP5.', 'LBL_SOURCE_PARSECSV' => 'parseCSV - CSV data parser for PHP', 'LBL_SOURCE_PHPJS' => 'php.js - Use PHP functions in JavaScript', 'LBL_SOURCE_PHPSQL' => 'PHP SQL Parser', 'LBL_DASHLET_TITLE' => 'My Sites', 'LBL_DASHLET_OPT_TITLE' => 'Title', 'LBL_DASHLET_OPT_URL' => 'Website Location', 'LBL_DASHLET_OPT_HEIGHT' => 'Dashlet Height (in pixels)', 'LBL_DASHLET_SUGAR_NEWS' => 'Sugar News', 'LBL_DASHLET_DISCOVER_SUGAR_PRO' => 'Discover Sugar', 'LBL_POWERED_BY_SUGAR' => 'Powered By SugarCRM' /*for 508 compliance fix*/, 'LBL_MORE_DETAIL' => 'More Detail' /*for 508 compliance fix*/, 'LBL_BASIC_SEARCH' => 'Basic Search' /*for 508 compliance fix*/, 'LBL_ADVANCED_SEARCH' => 'Advanced Search' /*for 508 compliance fix*/, ); ?>