'Import File Read Successfully', 'LBL_RECORDS_SKIPPED_DUE_TO_ERROR' => 'records were not imported due to error.', 'LBL_UPDATE_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'records updated successfully', 'LBL_SUCCESSFULLY_IMPORTED' => 'records created successfully', 'LBL_STEP_4_TITLE' => 'Step 4: Import File', 'LBL_STEP_5_TITLE' => 'Step 5: View Results', 'LBL_CUSTOM_ENCLOSURE' => 'Fields Qualified By:', 'LBL_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_PUBLISH' => 'Unable to publish. There is another published Import map by the same name.', 'LBL_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_UNPUBLISH' => 'Unable to un-publish a map owned by another user. You own an Import map by the same name.', 'LBL_ERROR_IMPORTS_NOT_SET_UP' => 'Imports aren\'t set up for this module type', 'LBL_IMPORT_TYPE' => 'Import Action', 'LBL_IMPORT_BUTTON' => 'Create Records', 'LBL_UPDATE_BUTTON' => 'Create and Update Records', 'LBL_ERROR_INVALID_BOOL'=>'Invalid boolean value', 'LBL_NO_ID' => 'ID Required', 'LBL_PRE_CHECK_SKIPPED' => 'Pre-Check skipped', 'LBL_IMPORT_ERROR' => 'Import errors:', 'LBL_ERROR' => 'Error', 'LBL_NOLOCALE_NEEDED' => 'No locale conversion needed', 'LBL_FIELD_NAME' => 'Field Name', 'LBL_VALUE' => 'Value', 'LBL_ROW_NUMBER' => 'Row Number', 'LBL_NONE' => 'None', 'LBL_REQUIRED_VALUE' => 'Required value missing', 'LBL_ID_EXISTS_ALREADY' => 'ID already exists in this table', 'LBL_ASSIGNED_USER' => 'If the user does not exist use the current user', 'LBL_SHOW_HIDDEN' => 'Show fields that are not normally importable', 'LBL_UPDATE_RECORDS' => 'Update existing records instead of importing them (No Undo)', 'LBL_TEST'=> 'Test Import (do not save or change data)', 'LBL_TRUNCATE_TABLE' => 'Empty table before import (delete all records)', 'LBL_RELATED_ACCOUNTS' => 'Do not create related accounts', 'LBL_NO_DATECHECK' => 'Skip date check (faster but will fail if any date is wrong)', 'LBL_NO_EMAILS' => 'Do not send out Email notifications during this import', 'LBL_NO_PRECHECK' => 'Native Format mode', 'LBL_STRICT_CHECKS' => 'Use strict ruleset (Check Email addresses and phone numbers too)', 'LBL_ERROR_SELECTING_RECORD' => 'Error selecting record:', 'LBL_ERROR_DELETING_RECORD' => 'Error deleting record:', 'LBL_NOT_SET_UP' => 'Import is not set up for this module type', 'LBL_ARE_YOU_SURE' => 'Are you sure? This will erase all data in this module.', 'LBL_NO_RECORD' => 'No record with this ID to update', 'LBL_NOT_SET_UP_FOR_IMPORTS' => 'Import is not set up for this module type', 'LBL_DEBUG_MODE' => 'Enable debugging mode', 'LBL_ERROR_INVALID_ID' => 'ID given is too long to fit in the field (maximum length is 36 characters)', 'LBL_ERROR_INVALID_PHONE' => 'Invalid phone number', 'LBL_ERROR_INVALID_NAME' => 'String too long to fit in the field', 'LBL_ERROR_INVALID_VARCHAR' => 'String too long to fit in the field', 'LBL_ERROR_INVALID_DATE' => 'Invalid date', 'LBL_ERROR_INVALID_DATETIME' => 'Invalid datetime', 'LBL_ERROR_INVALID_DATETIMECOMBO' => 'Invalid datetime', 'LBL_ERROR_INVALID_TIME' => 'Invalid time', 'LBL_ERROR_INVALID_INT' => 'Invalid integer value', 'LBL_ERROR_INVALID_NUM' => 'Invalid numeric value', 'LBL_ERROR_INVALID_TIME' => 'Invalid time', 'LBL_ERROR_INVALID_EMAIL'=>'Invalid Email address', 'LBL_ERROR_INVALID_BOOL'=>'Invalid value (should be a 1 or 0)', 'LBL_ERROR_INVALID_DATE'=>'Invalid date string', 'LBL_ERROR_INVALID_USER'=>'Invalid user name or ID', 'LBL_ERROR_INVALID_TEAM' => 'Invalid team name or ID', 'LBL_ERROR_INVALID_ACCOUNT' => 'Invalid account name or ID', 'LBL_ERROR_INVALID_RELATE' => 'Invalid relational field', 'LBL_ERROR_INVALID_CURRENCY' => 'Invalid currency value', 'LBL_ERROR_INVALID_FLOAT' => 'Invalid floating point number', 'LBL_ERROR_NOT_IN_ENUM' => 'Value not in dropDown list. Allowed values are: ', 'LBL_NOT_MULTIENUM' => 'Not a MultiEnum', 'LBL_IMPORT_MODULE_NO_TYPE' => 'Import is not set up for this module type', 'LBL_IMPORT_MODULE_NO_USERS' => 'WARNING: You have no users defined on your system. If you import without adding users first, all records will be owned by the Administrator.', 'LBL_IMPORT_MODULE_MAP_ERROR' => 'Unable to publish. There is another published Import Map by the same name.', 'LBL_IMPORT_MODULE_MAP_ERROR2' => 'Unable to un-publish a map owned by another user. You own an Import Map by the same name.', 'LBL_IMPORT_MODULE_NO_DIRECTORY' => 'The directory ', 'LBL_IMPORT_MODULE_NO_DIRECTORY_END' => ' does not exist or is not writable', 'LBL_IMPORT_MODULE_ERROR_NO_UPLOAD' => 'File was not uploaded successfully. It may be that the \'upload_max_filesize\' setting in your php.ini file is set to a small number', 'LBL_IMPORT_MODULE_ERROR_LARGE_FILE' => 'File is too large. Max:', 'LBL_IMPORT_MODULE_ERROR_LARGE_FILE_END' => 'Bytes. Change $sugar_config[\'upload_maxsize\'] in config.php', 'LBL_MODULE_NAME' => 'Import', 'LBL_TRY_AGAIN' => 'Try Again', 'LBL_ERROR' => 'Error:', 'ERR_IMPORT_SYSTEM_ADMININSTRATOR' => 'You cannot import a system administrator user', 'ERR_MULTIPLE' => 'Multiple columns have been defined with the same field name.', 'ERR_MISSING_REQUIRED_FIELDS' => 'Missing required fields:', 'ERR_MISSING_MAP_NAME' => 'Missing custom mapping name', 'ERR_SELECT_FULL_NAME' => 'You cannot select Full Name when First Name and Last Name are selected.', 'ERR_SELECT_FILE' => 'Select a file to upload.', 'LBL_SELECT_FILE' => 'Select file:', 'LBL_CUSTOM' => 'Custom', 'LBL_CUSTOM_CSV' => 'Custom comma delimited file', 'LBL_CSV' => 'Comma delimited file', 'LBL_TAB' => 'Tab delimited file', 'LBL_CUSTOM_DELIMITED' => 'Custom delimited file', 'LBL_CUSTOM_DELIMITER' => 'Fields Delimited By:', 'LBL_FILE_OPTIONS' => 'File options', 'LBL_CUSTOM_TAB' => 'Custom tab delimited file', 'LBL_DONT_MAP' => '-- Do not map this field --', 'LBL_STEP_1_TITLE' => 'Step 1: Select Data Source and Import Action', 'LBL_WHAT_IS' => 'What is the Data Source?', 'LBL_MICROSOFT_OUTLOOK' => 'Microsoft Outlook', 'LBL_ACT' => 'Act!', 'LBL_SALESFORCE' => 'Salesforce.com', 'LBL_MY_SAVED' => 'My Saved Mappings:', 'LBL_PUBLISH' => 'Publish', 'LBL_DELETE' => 'Delete', 'LBL_PUBLISHED_SOURCES' => 'Published Mappings:', 'LBL_UNPUBLISH' => 'Un-Publish', 'LBL_NEXT' => 'Next >', 'LBL_BACK' => '< Back', 'LBL_STEP_2_TITLE' => 'Step 2: Upload Import File', 'LBL_HAS_HEADER' => 'Has Header:', 'LBL_NUM_1' => '1.', 'LBL_NUM_2' => '2.', 'LBL_NUM_3' => '3.', 'LBL_NUM_4' => '4.', 'LBL_NUM_5' => '5.', 'LBL_NUM_6' => '6.', 'LBL_NUM_7' => '7.', 'LBL_NUM_8' => '8.', 'LBL_NUM_9' => '9.', 'LBL_NUM_10' => '10.', 'LBL_NUM_11' => '11.', 'LBL_NUM_12' => '12.', 'LBL_NOTES' => 'Notes:', 'LBL_NOW_CHOOSE' => 'Now choose that file to import:', 'LBL_IMPORT_OUTLOOK_TITLE' => 'Microsoft Outlook 98 and 2000 can export data in the Comma Separated Values format, which can be used to import data into the system. To export your data from Outlook, follow the steps below:', 'LBL_OUTLOOK_NUM_1' => 'Start Outlook', 'LBL_OUTLOOK_NUM_2' => 'Select the File menu, then the Import and Export ... menu option', 'LBL_OUTLOOK_NUM_3' => 'Choose Export to a file and click Next', 'LBL_OUTLOOK_NUM_4' => 'Choose Comma Separated Values (Windows) and click Next.
Note: You may be prompted to install the export component', 'LBL_OUTLOOK_NUM_5' => 'Select the Contacts folder and click Next. You can select different contacts folders if your contacts are stored in multiple folders', 'LBL_OUTLOOK_NUM_6' => 'Choose a filename and click Next', 'LBL_OUTLOOK_NUM_7' => 'Click Finish', 'LBL_IMPORT_SF_TITLE' => 'Salesforce.com can export data in the Comma Separated Values format, which can be used to import data into the system. To export your data from Salesforce.com, follow the steps below:', 'LBL_SF_NUM_1' => 'Open your browser, go to http://www.salesforce.com, and login with your email address and password', 'LBL_SF_NUM_2' => 'Click on the Reports tab on the top menu', 'LBL_SF_NUM_3' => 'To export Accounts: Click on the Active Accounts link
To export Contacts: Click on the Mailing List link', 'LBL_SF_NUM_4' => 'On Step 1: Select your report type, select Tabular Report click Next', 'LBL_SF_NUM_5' => 'On Step 2: Select the report columns, choose the columns you want to export and click Next', 'LBL_SF_NUM_6' => 'On Step 3: Select the information to summarize, just click Next', 'LBL_SF_NUM_7' => 'On Step 4: Order the report columns, just click Next', 'LBL_SF_NUM_8' => 'On Step 5: Select your report criteria, under Start Date, choose a date far enough in the past to include all your Accounts. You can also export a subset of Accounts using more advanced criteria. When you are done, click Run Report', 'LBL_SF_NUM_9' => 'A report will be generated, and the page will display Report Generation Status: Complete. Now click Export to Excel', 'LBL_SF_NUM_10' => 'On Export Report:, for Export File Format:, choose Comma Delimited .csv. Click Export.', 'LBL_SF_NUM_11' => 'A dialog will pop up for you to save the export file to your computer.', 'LBL_IMPORT_ACT_TITLE' => 'Act! can export data in the Comma Separated Values format, which can be used to import data into the system. To export your data from Act!, follow the steps below:', 'LBL_ACT_NUM_1' => 'Launch ACT!', 'LBL_ACT_NUM_2' => 'Select the File menu, the Data Exchange menu option, then the Export... menu option', 'LBL_ACT_NUM_3' => 'Select the file type Text-Delimited', 'LBL_ACT_NUM_4' => 'Choose a filename and location for the exported data and click Next', 'LBL_ACT_NUM_5' => 'Select Contacts records only', 'LBL_ACT_NUM_6' => 'Click the Options... button', 'LBL_ACT_NUM_7' => 'Select Comma as the field separator character', 'LBL_ACT_NUM_8' => 'Check the Yes, export field names checkbox and click OK', 'LBL_ACT_NUM_9' => 'Click Next', 'LBL_ACT_NUM_10' => 'Select All Records and then click Finish', 'LBL_IMPORT_CUSTOM_TITLE' => 'Many applications allow you to export data into a Comma Delimited text file (.csv) by following these general steps:', 'LBL_CUSTOM_NUM_1' => 'Launch the application and open the data file', 'LBL_CUSTOM_NUM_2' => 'Select the Save As... or Export... menu option', 'LBL_CUSTOM_NUM_3' => 'Save the file in a CSV or Comma Separated Values format', 'LBL_IMPORT_TAB_TITLE' => 'Many applications allow you to export data into a Tab Delimited text file (.tsv or .tab) by following these general steps:', 'LBL_TAB_NUM_1' => 'Launch the application and open the data file', 'LBL_TAB_NUM_2' => 'Select the Save As... or Export... menu option', 'LBL_TAB_NUM_3' => 'Save the file in a TSV or Tab Separated Values format', 'LBL_STEP_3_TITLE' => 'Step 3: Confirm Fields and Import', 'LBL_SELECT_FIELDS_TO_MAP' => 'In the list below, select the fields in the import file that should be imported into each field in the system. When you are finished, click Import Now:', 'LBL_DATABASE_FIELD' => 'Database Field', 'LBL_HEADER_ROW' => 'Header Row', 'LBL_ROW' => 'Row', 'LBL_SAVE_AS_CUSTOM' => 'Save as Custom Mapping:', 'LBL_SAVE_AS_CUSTOM_NAME' => 'Custom Mapping Name:', 'LBL_CONTACTS_NOTE_1' => 'Either Last Name or Full Name must be mapped.', 'LBL_CONTACTS_NOTE_2' => 'If Full Name is mapped, then First Name and Last Name are ignored.', 'LBL_CONTACTS_NOTE_3' => 'If Full Name is mapped, then the data in Full Name will be split into First Name and Last Name when inserted into the database.', 'LBL_CONTACTS_NOTE_4' => 'Fields ending in Address Street 2 and Address Street 3 are concatenated together with the main Address Street Field when inserted into the database.', 'LBL_ACCOUNTS_NOTE_1' => 'Fields ending in Address Street 2 and Address Street 3 are concatenated together with the main Address Street Field when inserted into the database.', 'LBL_REQUIRED_NOTE' => 'Required Field(s): ', 'LBL_IMPORT_NOW' => 'Import Now', 'LBL_' => '', 'LBL_CANNOT_OPEN' => 'Cannot open the imported file for reading', 'LBL_NOT_SAME_NUMBER' => 'There were not the same number of fields per line in your file', 'LBL_NO_LINES' => 'There were no lines in your import file', 'LBL_FILE_ALREADY_BEEN_OR' => 'The import file has already been processed or does not exist', 'LBL_SUCCESS' => 'Success:', 'LBL_FAILURE' => 'Import Failed:', 'LBL_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Successfully imported', 'LBL_LAST_IMPORT_UNDONE' => 'Your last import was undone', 'LBL_NO_IMPORT_TO_UNDO' => 'There was no import to undo.', 'LBL_FAIL' => 'Fail:', 'LBL_RECORDS_SKIPPED' => 'Records skipped because they were missing one or more required fields', 'LBL_IDS_EXISTED_OR_LONGER' => 'Records skipped because the id\'s either existed or were longer than 36 characters', 'LBL_RESULTS' => 'Results', 'LBL_IMPORT_MORE' => 'Import More', 'LBL_FINISHED' => 'Return to ', 'LBL_UNDO_LAST_IMPORT' => 'Undo Last Import', 'LBL_LAST_IMPORTED'=>'Last Created', 'ERR_MULTIPLE_PARENTS' => 'You can only have one Parent ID defined', 'LBL_DUPLICATES' => 'Duplicates Found', 'LNK_DUPLICATE_LIST' => 'Download list of duplicates', 'LNK_ERROR_LIST' => 'Download list of errors', 'LNK_RECORDS_SKIPPED_DUE_TO_ERROR' => 'Download list of records that were not imported', 'LBL_UNIQUE_INDEX' => 'Choose index for duplicate comparison', 'LBL_VERIFY_DUPS' => 'Verify duplicate entries against selected indexes.', 'LBL_INDEX_USED' => 'Index(es) used:', 'LBL_INDEX_NOT_USED' => 'Index(es) not used:', 'LBL_IMPORT_MODULE_ERROR_NO_MOVE' => 'File was not successfully uploaded. Check the file permissions in your Sugar installation cache directory.', 'LBL_IMPORT_FIELDDEF_ID' => 'Unique ID number', 'LBL_IMPORT_FIELDDEF_RELATE' => 'Name or ID', 'LBL_IMPORT_FIELDDEF_PHONE' => 'Phone Number', 'LBL_IMPORT_FIELDDEF_TEAM_LIST' => 'Team Name or ID', 'LBL_IMPORT_FIELDDEF_NAME' => 'Any Text', 'LBL_IMPORT_FIELDDEF_VARCHAR' => 'Any Text', 'LBL_IMPORT_FIELDDEF_TEXT' => 'Any Text', 'LBL_IMPORT_FIELDDEF_TIME' => 'Time', 'LBL_IMPORT_FIELDDEF_DATE' => 'Date', 'LBL_IMPORT_FIELDDEF_DATETIME' => 'Datetime', 'LBL_IMPORT_FIELDDEF_ASSIGNED_USER_NAME' => 'User Name or ID', 'LBL_IMPORT_FIELDDEF_BOOL' => '\'0\' or \'1\'', 'LBL_IMPORT_FIELDDEF_ENUM' => 'List', 'LBL_IMPORT_FIELDDEF_EMAIL' => 'EMail Address', 'LBL_IMPORT_FIELDDEF_INT' => 'Numeric (No Decimal)', 'LBL_IMPORT_FIELDDEF_DOUBLE' => 'Numeric (No Decimal)', 'LBL_IMPORT_FIELDDEF_NUM' => 'Numeric (No Decimal)', 'LBL_IMPORT_FIELDDEF_CURRENCY' => 'Numeric (Decimal Allowed)', 'LBL_IMPORT_FIELDDEF_FLOAT' => 'Numeric (Decimal Allowed)', 'LBL_DATE_FORMAT' => 'Date Format:', 'LBL_TIME_FORMAT' => 'Time Format:', 'LBL_TIMEZONE' => 'Time Zone:', 'LBL_ADD_ROW' => 'Add Field', 'LBL_REMOVE_ROW' => 'Remove Field', 'LBL_DEFAULT_VALUE' => 'Default Value', 'LBL_SHOW_ADVANCED_OPTIONS' => 'Show Advanced Options', 'LBL_HIDE_ADVANCED_OPTIONS' => 'Hide Advanced Options', 'LBL_SHOW_PREVIEW_COLUMNS' => 'Show Preview Columns', 'LBL_HIDE_PREVIEW_COLUMNS' => 'Hide Preview Columns', 'LBL_SAVE_MAPPING_AS' => 'Save Mapping As', 'LBL_OPTION_ENCLOSURE_QUOTE' => 'Single Quote (\')', 'LBL_OPTION_ENCLOSURE_DOUBLEQUOTE' => 'Double Quote (")', 'LBL_OPTION_ENCLOSURE_NONE' => 'None', 'LBL_OPTION_ENCLOSURE_OTHER' => 'Other:', 'LBL_IMPORT_COMPLETE' => 'Import Complete', 'LBL_IMPORT_ERROR' => 'Import Errors Occurred', 'LBL_IMPORT_RECORDS' => 'Importing Records', 'LBL_IMPORT_RECORDS_OF' => 'of', 'LBL_IMPORT_RECORDS_TO' => 'to', 'LBL_CURRENCY' => 'Currency', 'LBL_CURRENCY_SIG_DIGITS' => 'Currency Significant Digits', 'LBL_LOCALE_EXAMPLE_NAME_FORMAT' => 'Example', 'LBL_NUMBER_GROUPING_SEP' => '1000s separator', 'LBL_DECIMAL_SEP' => 'Decimal symbol', 'LBL_LOCALE_DEFAULT_NAME_FORMAT' => 'Name Display Format', 'LBL_LOCALE_EXAMPLE_NAME_FORMAT' => 'Example', 'LBL_LOCALE_NAME_FORMAT_DESC' => '"s" Salutation, "f" First Name, "l" Last Name', 'LBL_CHARSET' => 'File Encoding', 'LBL_MY_SAVED_HELP' => 'A saved mapping specifies a previously used combination of a specific data source and a set of database fields to map to the fields in the import file.
Click Publish to make the mapping available to other users.
Click Un-Publish to make the mapping unavailable to other users.', 'LBL_MY_PUBLISHED_HELP' => 'A published mapping specifies a previously used combination of a specific data source and a set of database fields to map to the fields in the import file.', 'LBL_ENCLOSURE_HELP' => '

The qualifier character is used to enclose the intended field content, including any characters that are used as delimiters.

Example: If the delimiter is a comma (,) and the qualifier is a quotation mark ("),
"Cupertino, California" is imported into one field in the application and appears as Cupertino, California.
If there are no qualifier characters, or if a different character is the qualifier,
"Cupertino, California" is imported into two adjacent fields as "Cupertino and "California".

Note: The import file might not contain any qualifier characters.
The default qualifier character for comma- and tab- delimited files created in Excel is a quotation mark.

', 'LBL_DELIMITER_COMMA_HELP' => 'Select this option if the character that separates the fields in the import file is a comma, or if the file extension is .csv.', 'LBL_DELIMITER_TAB_HELP' => 'Select this option if the character that separates the fields in the import file is a TAB, and the file extension is .txt.', 'LBL_DELIMITER_CUSTOM_HELP' => 'Select this option if the character that separates the fields in the import file is neither a comma or a TAB, and type the character in the adjacent field.', 'LBL_DATABASE_FIELD_HELP' => 'Select a field from list of all fields existing in the database for the module.', 'LBL_HEADER_ROW_HELP' => 'These are the field titles in the header row of the import file.', 'LBL_DEFAULT_VALUE_HELP' => 'Indicate a value to use for the field in the created or updated record if the field in the import file contains no data.', 'LBL_ROW_HELP' => 'This is the data in the first non-header row of the import file.', 'LBL_SAVE_MAPPING_HELP' => 'Enter a name for the set of database fields used above for mapping to the fields in the import file fields.
The set of fields, including the order of the fields and the data souce selected in Import Step 1, will be saved during the import attempt.
The saved mapping can then be selected in Import Step 1 to for another import.', 'LBL_IMPORT_FILE_SETTINGS_HELP' => 'Specify the settings in the import file to ensure that the data is imported
correctly. These settings will not override your preferences. The records
created or updated will contain the settings specified in your My Account page.', 'LBL_IMPORT_FILE_SETTINGS' => 'Import File Settings', 'LBL_VERIFY_DUPLCATES_HELP' => 'Select the fields in the import file to be used for the duplicate check.
If data in the selected fields matches data in fields in existing records, new records will not be created for the rows containing the duplicate field data.
The rows containing duplicate field data will be identified in the Import Results.', 'LBL_IMPORT_STARTED' => 'Import Started:', 'LBL_IMPORT_FILE_SETTINGS' => 'Import File Settings', 'LBL_RECORD_CANNOT_BE_UPDATED' => 'The record could not be updated due to a permissions issue', 'LBL_DELETE_MAP_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this mapping?', ); ?>