fatal("ImportFile detected attempt to access to the following file not within the sugar upload dir: $filename"); return null; } // turn on auto-detection of line endings to fix bug #10770 ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', '1'); $this->_fp = sugar_fopen($filename,'r'); $this->_sourcename = $filename; $this->_deleteFile = $deleteFile; $this->_delimiter = ( empty($delimiter) ? ',' : $delimiter ); if ($this->_delimiter == '\t') { $this->_delimiter = "\t"; } $this->_enclosure = ( empty($enclosure) ? '' : trim($enclosure) ); // Autodetect does setFpAfterBOM() $this->_encoding = $this->autoDetectCharacterSet(); } /** * Remove the BOM (Byte Order Mark) from the beginning of the import row if it exists * @return void */ private function setFpAfterBOM() { if($this->_fp === FALSE) return; rewind($this->_fp); $bomCheck = fread($this->_fp, 3); if($bomCheck != pack("CCC",0xef,0xbb,0xbf)) { rewind($this->_fp); } } /** * Destructor * * Deletes $_importFile if $_deleteFile is true */ public function __destruct() { if ( $this->_deleteFile && $this->fileExists() ) { fclose($this->_fp); //Make sure the file exists before unlinking if(file_exists($this->_sourcename)) { unlink($this->_sourcename); } } ini_restore('auto_detect_line_endings'); } /** * This is needed to prevent unserialize vulnerability */ public function __wakeup() { // clean all properties foreach(get_object_vars($this) as $k => $v) { $this->$k = null; } throw new Exception("Not a serializable object"); } /** * Returns true if the filename given exists and is readable * * @return bool */ public function fileExists() { return !$this->_fp ? false : true; } /** * Gets the next row from $_importFile * * @return array current row of file */ public function getNextRow() { $this->_currentRow = FALSE; if (!$this->fileExists()) { return false; } // explode on delimiter instead if enclosure is an empty string if (empty($this->_enclosure)) { $row = explode($this->_delimiter, rtrim(fgets($this->_fp, 8192), "\r\n")); if ($row !== false && !(count($row) == 1 && trim($row[0]) == '')) { $this->_currentRow = $row; } else { return false; } } else { $row = fgetcsv($this->_fp, 8192, $this->_delimiter, $this->_enclosure); if ($row !== false && $row != array(null)) { $this->_currentRow = $row; } else { return false; } } global $locale; foreach ($this->_currentRow as $key => $value) { // If encoding is set, convert all values from it if (!empty($this->_encoding)) { // Convert all values to UTF-8 for display and import purposes $this->_currentRow[$key] = $locale->translateCharset($value, $this->_encoding); } // Convert all line endings to the same style as PHP_EOL // Use preg_replace instead of str_replace as str_replace may cause extra lines on Windows $this->_currentRow[$key] = preg_replace("[\r\n|\n|\r]", PHP_EOL, $this->_currentRow[$key]); } $this->_rowsCount++; return $this->_currentRow; } /** * Returns the number of fields in the current row * * @return int count of fiels in the current row */ public function getFieldCount() { return count($this->_currentRow); } /** * Determine the number of lines in this file. * * @return int */ public function getNumberOfLinesInfile() { $lineCount = 0; if ($this->_fp ) { rewind($this->_fp); while( !feof($this->_fp) ) { if( fgets($this->_fp) !== FALSE) $lineCount++; } //Reset the fp to after the bom if applicable. $this->setFpAfterBOM(); } return $lineCount; } //TODO: Add auto detection for field delim and qualifier properteis. public function autoDetectCSVProperties() { // defaults $this->_delimiter = ","; $this->_enclosure = '"'; $this->_detector = new CsvAutoDetect($this->_sourcename); $delimiter = $enclosure = false; $ret = $this->_detector->getCsvSettings($delimiter, $enclosure); if ($ret) { $this->_delimiter = $delimiter; $this->_enclosure = $enclosure; return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } public function getFieldDelimeter() { return $this->_delimiter; } public function getFieldEnclosure() { return $this->_enclosure; } public function autoDetectCharacterSet() { // If encoding is already detected, just return it if (!empty($this->_encoding)) { return $this->_encoding; } // Move file pointer to start $this->setFpAfterBOM(); global $locale; $user_charset = $locale->getExportCharset(); $system_charset = $locale->default_export_charset; $other_charsets = 'UTF-8, UTF-7, ASCII, CP1252, EUC-JP, SJIS, eucJP-win, SJIS-win, JIS, ISO-2022-JP'; $detectable_charsets = "UTF-8, {$user_charset}, {$system_charset}, {$other_charsets}"; // Bug 26824 - mb_detect_encoding() thinks CP1252 is IS0-8859-1, so use that instead in the encoding list passed to the function $detectable_charsets = str_replace('CP1252', 'ISO-8859-1', $detectable_charsets); // If we are able to detect encoding if (function_exists('mb_detect_encoding')) { // Retrieve a sample of data set $text = ''; // Read 10 lines from the file and put them all together in a variable $i = 0; while ($i < 10 && $temp = fgets($this->_fp, 8192)) { $text .= $temp; $i++; } // If we picked any text, try to detect charset if (strlen($text) > 0) { $charset_for_import = mb_detect_encoding($text, $detectable_charsets); } } // If we couldn't detect the charset, set it to default export/import charset if (empty($charset_for_import)) { $charset_for_import = $locale->getExportCharset(); } // Reset the fp to after the bom if applicable. $this->setFpAfterBOM(); return $charset_for_import; } public function getDateFormat() { if ($this->_detector) { $this->_date_format = $this->_detector->getDateFormat(); } return $this->_date_format; } public function getTimeFormat() { if ($this->_detector) { $this->_time_format = $this->_detector->getTimeFormat(); } return $this->_time_format; } public function setHeaderRow($hasHeader) { $this->_hasHeader = $hasHeader; } public function hasHeaderRow($autoDetect = TRUE) { if($autoDetect) { if (!isset($_REQUEST['import_module'])) return FALSE; $module = $_REQUEST['import_module']; $ret = FALSE; $heading = FALSE; if ($this->_detector) $ret = $this->_detector->hasHeader($heading, $module, $this->_encoding); if ($ret) $this->_hasHeader = $heading; } return $this->_hasHeader; } public function setImportFileMap($map) { $this->_importFile = $map; $importMapProperties = array('_delimiter' => 'delimiter','_enclosure' => 'enclosure', '_hasHeader' => 'has_header'); //Inject properties from the import map foreach($importMapProperties as $k => $v) { $this->$k = $map->$v; } } //Begin Implementation for SPL's Iterator interface public function key() { return $this->_rowsCount; } public function current() { return $this->_currentRow; } public function next() { $this->getNextRow(); } public function valid() { return $this->_currentRow !== FALSE; } public function rewind() { $this->setFpAfterBOM(); //Load our first row $this->getNextRow(); } public function getTotalRecordCount() { $totalCount = $this->getNumberOfLinesInfile(); if($this->hasHeaderRow(FALSE) && $totalCount > 0) { $totalCount--; } return $totalCount; } public function loadDataSet($totalItems = 0) { $currentLine = 0; $this->_dataSet = array(); $this->rewind(); //If there's a header don't include it. if( $this->hasHeaderRow(FALSE) ) $this->next(); while( $this->valid() && $totalItems > count($this->_dataSet) ) { if($currentLine >= $this->_offset) { $this->_dataSet[] = $this->_currentRow; } $this->next(); $currentLine++; } return $this; } public function getHeaderColumns() { $this->rewind(); if($this->hasHeaderRow(FALSE)) return $this->_currentRow; else return FALSE; } }