/********************************************************************************* * SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by * SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2012 SugarCRM Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the * Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added * to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK * IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY SUGARCRM, SUGARCRM DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY * OF NON INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with * this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA. * * You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road, * SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3, * these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by * SugarCRM" logo. If the display of the logo is not reasonably feasible for * technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display the words * "Powered by SugarCRM". ********************************************************************************/ function treeinit() {} if(typeof('console') == 'undefined'){ console = { log: function(message){ }} } (function() { var sw = YAHOO.SUGAR, Event = YAHOO.util.Event, Connect = YAHOO.util.Connect, Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom; function createTreePanel(treeData, params) { var tree = new YAHOO.widget.TreeView(params.id); var root = tree.getRoot(); addChildNodes(root, treeData); return tree; } function addChildNodes(parentNode, parentData) { var nodes = parentData.nodes || parentData.children; for (i in nodes) { if (typeof(nodes[i]) == 'object') { nodes[i].data.href = 'javascript:void(0);'; var node = new YAHOO.widget.TextNode(nodes[i].data, parentNode) node.action = nodes[i].data.action; if (typeof(nodes[i].nodes) == 'object') { addChildNodes(node, nodes[i]); } } } } if (typeof(ModuleBuilder) == 'undefined') { ModuleBuilder = { init: function(){ //Check if we shoudln't be in studio and need to load the normal ajaxUI var aRegex = /#.*ajaxUILoc=([^&]*)/.exec(window.location); var ajaxLoc = aRegex ? aRegex[1] : false; if (ajaxLoc) { window.location = "index.php?action=ajaxui#ajaxUILoc=" + ajaxLoc; return; } //Setup the basic ajax request settings Connect.extraParams = { to_pdf: true }; Connect.url = 'index.php?to_pdf=1&sugar_body_only=1'; Connect.method = 'POST'; Connect.timeout = 300000; //Setup and read cookie settings //Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(new Ext.state.CookieProvider()); if (SUGAR.themes.tempHideLeftCol) SUGAR.themes.tempHideLeftCol(); var Ck = YAHOO.util.Cookie; //Setup the main layout var tp = ModuleBuilder.tabPanel = new YAHOO.widget.TabView("mbtabs"); tp.addTab(new YAHOO.widget.Tab({ label: SUGAR.language.get('ModuleBuilder', 'LBL_SECTION_MAIN'), scroll : true, content : "
", id : "center", active : true })); var viewHeight = document.documentElement ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : self.innerHeight; var heightOffset = $('#dcmenu').length > 0 ? $('#dcmenu').height() : $('#header').height(); var mp = ModuleBuilder.mainPanel = new YAHOO.widget.Layout('mblayout', { border: false, height: viewHeight - heightOffset - 40, //autoHeight: true //frame: true, units: [//ModuleBuilder.tree, ModuleBuilder.tabPanel, { position: 'center', body : 'mbcenter', scroll : true },{ position: "left", header: "Tree", collapse: true, width: 230, minWidth: 100, resize: true, scroll : true, body : "
" },{ id: 'help', header: SUGAR.language.get('ModuleBuilder', 'LBL_SECTION_HELP'), position:'right', body: 'mbhelp', scroll: true, width: 250, minWidth: 200, resize: true, collapse: true },{ header: SUGAR.util.getAndRemove("footerHTML").innerHTML, position: 'bottom', id: 'mbfooter', height: 30, border: false }] }); mp.render(); ModuleBuilder.nextYear = new Date(); ModuleBuilder.nextYear.setDate(ModuleBuilder.nextYear.getDate() + 360); var nextyear = ModuleBuilder.nextYear; if (Ck.getSub("ModuleBuilder", "helpHidden") == "true") { mp.getUnitByPosition('right').collapse(); } if (Ck.getSub("ModuleBuilder", "treeHidden") == "true") { mp.getUnitByPosition('left').collapse(); } var centerEl = mp.getUnitByPosition('center').get('wrap'); tp.appendTo(centerEl); //YUI does not take the resizers into account when calculating panel size. var correctW = function(){ var w = (this.body.offsetWidth - 7) + "px"; this.body.style.width = w; this.header.style.width = w; if (typeof Studio2 != "undefined") Studio2.resizeDivs(); if (typeof resizeDDLists == "function") resizeDDLists(); }; mp.getUnitByPosition('right').on("resize", correctW); mp.getUnitByPosition('right').on("collapse", function(){ Ck.setSub("ModuleBuilder", "helpHidden", "true"); mp.get("element").querySelector(".yui-layout-clip-right .collapse").id = "expand_help"; }); mp.getUnitByPosition('right').on("expand", function(){ Ck.setSub("ModuleBuilder", "helpHidden", "false"); }); mp.getUnitByPosition('left').on("resize", correctW); mp.getUnitByPosition('left').on("collapse", function(){ Ck.setSub("ModuleBuilder", "treeHidden", "true"); mp.get("element").querySelector(".yui-layout-clip-left .collapse").id = "expand_tree"; }); mp.getUnitByPosition('left').on("expand", function(){ Ck.setSub("ModuleBuilder", "treeHidden", "false"); }); mp.resize(true); Event.on(window, 'resize', ModuleBuilder.autoSetLayout, this, true); var tree = ModuleBuilder.tree = createTreePanel(TREE_DATA, { id: 'mbTree' }); tree.setCollapseAnim("TVSlideOut"); tree.setExpandAnim("TVSlideIn"); //tree.subscribe("labelClick", ModuleBuilder.handleTreeClick); tree.subscribe("clickEvent", ModuleBuilder.handleTreeClick); tree.render(); //Setup Browser History var mbContent = YAHOO.util.History.getBookmarkedState('mbContent'); if (ModuleBuilder.mode == 'mb') { mp.getUnitByPosition('left').header.firstChild.innerHTML = SUGAR.language.get('ModuleBuilder', 'LBL_SECTION_PACKAGES'); mbContent = mbContent ? mbContent : 'module=ModuleBuilder&action=package&package='; } else if (ModuleBuilder.mode == 'studio') { ModuleBuilder.MBpackage = ''; // set to empty so other views can recognize that dealing with an deployed, rather than undeployed, module mp.getUnitByPosition('left').header.firstChild.innerHTML = SUGAR.language.get('ModuleBuilder', 'LBL_SECTION_MODULES'); mbContent = mbContent ? mbContent :'module=ModuleBuilder&action=wizard'; } else if (ModuleBuilder.mode == 'dropdowns') { mp.getUnitByPosition('left').header.firstChild.innerHTML = SUGAR.language.get('ModuleBuilder', 'LBL_SECTION_DROPDOWNS'); mbContent = mbContent ? mbContent : 'module=ModuleBuilder&action=dropdowns'; } else { mp.getUnitByPosition('left').collapse(false); mbContent = mbContent ? mbContent : 'module=ModuleBuilder&action=home'; } YAHOO.util.History.register('mbContent', mbContent, ModuleBuilder.navigate); YAHOO.util.History.initialize("yui-history-field", "yui-history-iframe"); ModuleBuilder.getContent(mbContent); if (SUGAR.themes.tempHideLeftCol) SUGAR.themes.tempHideLeftCol(); ModuleBuilder.autoSetLayout(); ModuleBuilder.tabPanel.on('activeTabChange', function(e) { ModuleBuilder.helpLoad( e.newValue.get("id") ) ; }); if (Dom.get("HideHandle")){ if (SUGAR.themes.tempHideLeftCol){ SUGAR.themes.tempHideLeftCol(); } } //We need to add ID's to the collapse buttons for automated testing Dom.getElementsByClassName("collapse", "div", mp.getUnitByPosition('left').header)[0].id = "collapse_tree"; Dom.getElementsByClassName("collapse", "div", mp.getUnitByPosition('right').header)[0].id = "collapse_help"; }, //Empty layout manager layoutValidation: { popup_window: null, popup: function(){ ModuleBuilder.layoutValidation.popup_window = new YAHOO.widget.SimpleDialog("emptyLayout", { width: "400px", draggable: true, constraintoviewport: true, modal: true, fixedcenter: true, text: SUGAR.language.get('ModuleBuilder', 'ERROR_MINIMUM_FIELDS'), bodyStyle: "padding:5px", buttons: [{ text: SUGAR.language.get('ModuleBuilder', 'LBL_BTN_CLOSE'), isDefault:true, handler: function(){ ModuleBuilder.layoutValidation.popup_window.hide() } }] }); ModuleBuilder.layoutValidation.popup_window.render(document.body); ModuleBuilder.layoutValidation.popup_window.show(); } }, //Layout history manager history: { popup_window: false, reverted: false, params: { }, browse: function(module, layout, subpanel){ subpanel = subpanel ? subpanel : ""; if (!module && ModuleBuilder.module != "undefined") { module = ModuleBuilder.module; } if (!ModuleBuilder.history.popup_window) { ModuleBuilder.history.popup_window = new YAHOO.SUGAR.AsyncPanel('histWindow', { width: 300, draggable: true, close: true, constraintoviewport: true, fixedcenter: false }); } var module_str = module; if(typeof SUGAR.language.languages['app_list_strings']['moduleList'][module] != 'undefined'){ module_str = SUGAR.language.languages['app_list_strings']['moduleList'][module]; } ModuleBuilder.history.popup_window.setHeader( module_str + ' : ' + SUGAR.language.get('ModuleBuilder', 'LBL_' + layout.toUpperCase()) + SUGAR.language.get('ModuleBuilder', 'LBL_HISTORY_TITLE')); ModuleBuilder.history.popup_window.setBody("test"); ModuleBuilder.history.popup_window.render(document.body); ModuleBuilder.history.params = { module: 'ModuleBuilder', histAction: 'browse', action: 'history', view_package: ModuleBuilder.MBpackage, view_module: module, view: layout, subpanel: subpanel }; ModuleBuilder.history.popup_window.load(ModuleBuilder.paramsToUrl(ModuleBuilder.history.params)); ModuleBuilder.history.popup_window.show(); ModuleBuilder.history.popup_window.center(); }, preview: function(module, layout, id, subpanel) { var prevPanel = ModuleBuilder.findTabById('preview:' + id); if (!prevPanel) { ModuleBuilder.history.params = { module: 'ModuleBuilder', histAction: 'preview', action: 'history', view_package: ModuleBuilder.MBpackage, view_module: module, view: layout, sid: id, subpanel: subpanel }; prevPanel = new YAHOO.SUGAR.ClosableTab({ dataSrc: Connect.url + "&" + ModuleBuilder.paramsToUrl(ModuleBuilder.history.params), label: SUGAR.language.get("ModuleBuilder", "LBL_MB_PREVIEW"), id: 'preview:' + id, scroll: true, cacheData: true, active :true }, ModuleBuilder.tabPanel); prevPanel.closable = true; ModuleBuilder.tabPanel.addTab(prevPanel); } else { ModuleBuilder.tabPanel.set("activeTab", prevPanel); } }, revert: function(module, layout, id, subpanel){ var prevTab = ModuleBuilder.tabPanel.getTabIndex("preview:" + id); if(prevTab) ModuleBuilder.tabPanel.removeTab(prevTab); ModuleBuilder.history.params = { module: 'ModuleBuilder', histAction: 'restore', action: 'history', view_package: ModuleBuilder.MBpackage, view_module: module, view: layout, sid: id, subpanel: subpanel } ModuleBuilder.asyncRequest(ModuleBuilder.history.params, function(){ ModuleBuilder.history.reverted = true; ModuleBuilder.getContent(ModuleBuilder.contentURL); ModuleBuilder.state.isDirty = true; }); }, cleanup: function() { if (ModuleBuilder.history.reverted && ModuleBuilder.history.params.histAction) { ModuleBuilder.history.params.histAction = 'unrestore'; ModuleBuilder.asyncRequest({params: ModuleBuilder.history.params}); } ModuleBuilder.history.params = { }; ModuleBuilder.history.reverted = false; }, update: function() { if (ModuleBuilder.history.popup_window && ModuleBuilder.history.popup_window.cfg.getProperty("visible")) { var historyButton = YAHOO.util.Dom.get('historyBtn'); if (historyButton) { historyButton.onclick(); } else { ModuleBuilder.history.popup_window.hide(); } } } }, state: { isDirty: false, saving: false, hideFailedMesage: false, intended_view: { url: null, successCall: null }, current_view: { url: null, successCall: null }, save_url_for_current_view: null, popup_window: null, setupState: function(){ //ModuleBuilder.state.popup(); document.body.setAttribute("onclose", "ModuleBuilder.state.popup(); ModuleBuilder.state.popup_window.show()"); return; }, onSaveClick: function(){ //set dirty = false //call the save method of the current view. //call the intended action. ModuleBuilder.state.isDirty = false; var saveBtn = document.getElementById("saveBtn"); if (!saveBtn) { var mbForm = document.forms[1]; if (mbForm) var mbButtons = mbForm.getElementsByTagName("input"); if (mbButtons) { for (var button = 0; button < mbButtons.length; button++) { var name = mbButtons[button].getAttribute("name"); if (name && (name.toUpperCase() == "SAVEBTN" || name.toUpperCase() == "LSAVEBTN")) { saveBtn = mbButtons[button]; break; } } } else { alert("Could not find the save action for this view."); } } if (saveBtn) { //After the save call completes, load the next page ModuleBuilder.state.saving = true; eval(saveBtn.getAttributeNode('onclick').value); } ModuleBuilder.state.popup_window.hide(); }, onDontSaveClick: function(){ //set dirty to false //call the intended action. ModuleBuilder.state.isDirty = false; ModuleBuilder.history.cleanup(); ModuleBuilder.getContent(ModuleBuilder.state.intended_view.url, ModuleBuilder.state.intended_view.successCall); ModuleBuilder.state.popup_window.hide(); }, loadOnSaveComplete: function() { ModuleBuilder.state.saving = false; ModuleBuilder.getContent(ModuleBuilder.state.intended_view.url, ModuleBuilder.state.intended_view.successCall); }, popup: function(){ if(false == YAHOO.lang.isObject(ModuleBuilder.state.popup_window) || ModuleBuilder.state.popup_window.id != 'confirmUnsaved'){ ModuleBuilder.state.popup_window = new YAHOO.widget.SimpleDialog("confirmUnsaved", { width: "400px", draggable: true, constraintoviewport: true, modal: true, fixedcenter: true, text: SUGAR.language.get('ModuleBuilder', 'LBL_CONFIRM_DONT_SAVE'), bodyStyle: "padding:5px", buttons: [{ text: SUGAR.language.get('ModuleBuilder', 'LBL_BTN_DONT_SAVE'), handler: ModuleBuilder.state.onDontSaveClick }, { text: SUGAR.language.get('ModuleBuilder', 'LBL_BTN_CANCEL'), isDefault:true, handler: function(){ ModuleBuilder.state.popup_window.hide() } },{ text: SUGAR.language.get('ModuleBuilder', 'LBL_BTN_SAVE_CHANGES'), handler: ModuleBuilder.state.onSaveClick }] }); ModuleBuilder.state.popup_window.setHeader(SUGAR.language.get('ModuleBuilder', 'LBL_CONFIRM_DONT_SAVE_TITLE')); } if(ModuleBuilder.disablePopupPrompt != 1){ ModuleBuilder.state.popup_window.render(document.body); }else{ ModuleBuilder.state.onDontSaveClick(); } } }, copyFromView: function(module, layout){ var url = ModuleBuilder.contentURL; ModuleBuilder.getContent(url+"©FromEditView=true"); ModuleBuilder.contentURL = url; ModuleBuilder.state.intended_view.url = url; ModuleBuilder.state.isDirty = true; }, //AJAX Navigation Functions navigate : function(url) { //Check if we are just registering the url if (url != ModuleBuilder.contentURL) { ModuleBuilder.getContent(url); } }, getContent: function(url, successCall){ if (!url) return; if (url.substring(0, 11) == "javascript:") { eval(url.substring(11)); return; } //save a pointer to intended action ModuleBuilder.state.intended_view.url = url; ModuleBuilder.state.intended_view.successCall = successCall; if(ModuleBuilder.state.isDirty){ //prompt to save current data. //check if we are editing a property of the current view (such views open up in new tabs) //if so we leave the state dirty and return temp_url = url.toLowerCase(); if(null == temp_url.match(/&action=editproperty/)){ ModuleBuilder.state.popup(); ModuleBuilder.state.popup_window.show(); return; } }else{ ModuleBuilder.state.current_view.url = url; ModuleBuilder.state.current_view.successCall = successCall; } ModuleBuilder.contentURL = url; if (typeof(successCall) != 'function') { if (ModuleBuilder.callInProgress) return; ModuleBuilder.callInProgress = true; successCall = ModuleBuilder.updateContent; } ModuleBuilder.asyncRequest(url, successCall); }, updateContent: function(o){ ModuleBuilder.callInProgress = false; //Check if a save action was called and now we need to move-on if (ModuleBuilder.state.saving) { ModuleBuilder.state.loadOnSaveComplete(); return; } ajaxStatus.flashStatus(SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'LBL_REQUEST_PROCESSED'), 2000); if(ModuleBuilder.checkForErrors(o)) return false; try { var ajaxResponse = YAHOO.lang.JSON.parse((o.responseText)); } catch (err) { YAHOO.SUGAR.MessageBox.show({ title: SUGAR.language.get('ModuleBuilder', 'ERROR_GENERIC_TITLE'), msg: o.responseText, width: 500 }); return false; } if (ajaxResponse.tpl){ var t = new YAHOO.SUGAR.Template(ajaxResponse.tpl); ModuleBuilder.ajaxData = ajaxResponse.data; ModuleBuilder.tabPanel.getTab(0).set(t.exec(ajaxResponse.data)); SUGAR.util.evalScript(t.exec(ajaxResponse.data)); return true; } for (var maj in ajaxResponse) { var name = 'mb' + maj; var comp = ModuleBuilder.mainPanel.getUnitById(maj); if (!comp) { var tabs = ModuleBuilder.tabPanel.get("tabs"); for (i in tabs) { if (tabs[i].get && tabs[i].get("id") == maj) comp = tabs[i]; } } if (name == 'mbwest') { //refresh package_tree! var tree = ModuleBuilder.tree; var root = tree.root; tree.maxAnim = 0; tree.collapseAll(); while (root.hasChildren()) { tree.removeNode(root.children[0], true); } addChildNodes(root, ajaxResponse.west.content.tree_data); tree.maxAnim = 2; tree.render(); } else { if (!comp) { if(ajaxResponse[maj].action == 'deactivate') continue; comp = new YAHOO.SUGAR.ClosableTab({ content: "
" + ((maj == 'center') ? "
" + ajaxResponse[maj].crumb + "
" :"") + ajaxResponse[maj].content + "
", label: ajaxResponse[maj].title, id: maj, scroll: true, closable: true, active :true }, ModuleBuilder.tabPanel); comp.closable = true; ModuleBuilder.scriptTest = false; ModuleBuilder.tabPanel.set("activeTab", comp); ModuleBuilder.tabPanel.addTab(comp); //Text if the browser automatically evaluated the content's script tags or not. If not, manually evaluate them. if (!ModuleBuilder.scriptTest) SUGAR.util.evalScript(ajaxResponse[maj].content); } else { //Store Center pane changes in browser history YAHOO.util.History.navigate('mbContent', ModuleBuilder.contentURL); if (name == 'mbcenter') { ModuleBuilder.closeAllTabs(); comp = ModuleBuilder.tabPanel.getTab(0); } ModuleBuilder.tabPanel.set("activeTab", comp); comp.set('content', "
" + ajaxResponse[maj].crumb + "
" + ajaxResponse[maj].content + "
"); if (ajaxResponse[maj].title != "no_change") comp.set('label', ajaxResponse[maj].title); SUGAR.util.evalScript(ajaxResponse[maj].content); } } ModuleBuilder.history.update(); } }, checkForErrors: function(o){ if (SUGAR.util.isLoginPage(o.responseText)) return true; if (o.responseText.substr(0, 1) == "<") { YAHOO.SUGAR.MessageBox.show({ title: SUGAR.language.get('ModuleBuilder', 'ERROR_GENERIC_TITLE'), msg: o.responseText, width: 500 }); return true; } return false; }, submitForm: function(formname, successCall){ ajaxStatus.showStatus(SUGAR.language.get('ModuleBuilder', 'LBL_AJAX_LOADING')); if (typeof(successCall) == 'undefined') { successCall = ModuleBuilder.updateContent; } else { ModuleBuilder.callLock = true; } Connect.setForm(document.getElementById(formname) || document.forms[formname]); Connect.asyncRequest( Connect.method, Connect.url, {success: successCall, failure: ModuleBuilder.failed} ); }, setMode: function(reqMode){ ModuleBuilder.mode = reqMode; }, main: function(type){ document.location.href = 'index.php?module=ModuleBuilder&action=index&type=' + type; }, failed: function(o){ if(!ModuleBuilder.state.hideFailedMesage){ ajaxStatus.flashStatus(SUGAR.language.get('ModuleBuilder', 'LBL_AJAX_FAILED_DATA'), 2000); } }, //Wizard Functions buttonDown: function(button, name, list){ if (typeof(name) != 'undefined') { for (i in ModuleBuilder.buttons[list]) { ModuleBuilder.buttons[list][i].className = 'wizardButton'; } ModuleBuilder.buttonSelect(name, list); } button.className = 'wizardButtonDown'; }, buttonOver: function(button){ button.className = 'button'; }, buttonOut: function(button, name, list){ if (typeof(name) != 'undefined') { if (ModuleBuilder.buttonGetSelected(list) != name) { button.className = 'wizardButton' } } else { button.className = 'wizardButton' } }, buttonAdd: function(id, name, list){ if (typeof(ModuleBuilder.buttons[list]) == 'undefined') { ModuleBuilder.buttons[list] = {}; } ModuleBuilder.buttons[list][name] = document.getElementById(id); }, buttonGetSelected: function(list){ if (typeof(ModuleBuilder.selected[list]) == 'undefined') { return false; } return ModuleBuilder.selected[list]; }, buttonSelect: function(name, list){ ModuleBuilder.selected[list] = name; }, buttonToForm: function(form, field, list){ var theField = eval('document.' + form + '.' + field); theField.value = ModuleBuilder.buttonGetSelected(list); }, getTitle: function(title, breadCrumb){ return "

" + title + "

" + breadCrumb; }, closeAllTabs: function() { var tabs = ModuleBuilder.tabPanel.get('tabs'); for (var i = tabs.length - 1; i > -1; i--) { var tab = tabs[i]; if (tab.close) { tab.close(); } } }, //Help Functions helpRegister: function(name){ var formname = 'document.' + name; var form = eval(formname); var i = 0; for (i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++) { if (typeof(form.elements[i].type) != 'undefined' && typeof(form.elements[i].name) != 'undefined' && form.elements[i].type != 'hidden') { form.elements[i].onmouseover = function(){ ModuleBuilder.helpToggle(this.name) }; form.elements[i].onmouseout = function(){ ModuleBuilder.helpToggle('default') }; } } }, helpUnregisterByID: function (id){ var elm = document.getElementById(id); if (elm) { elm.onmouseover = function() {}; elm.onmouseout = function() {}; } return; }, helpRegisterByID: function(name, tag){ var parent = document.getElementById(name); var children = parent.getElementsByTagName(tag); for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { if (children[i].id != 'undefined') { children[i].onmouseover = function(){ ModuleBuilder.helpToggle(this.id) }; //children[i].onmouseover = function(){alert(this.id)}; children[i].onmouseout = function(){ ModuleBuilder.helpToggle('default') }; } } }, helpSetup: function(group, def, panel){ if (!ModuleBuilder.panelHelp) ModuleBuilder.panelHelp = []; // setup the linkage between this tab/panel and the relevant help var id = ModuleBuilder.tabPanel.get("activeTab").get("id") ; ModuleBuilder.panelHelp [ id ] = { lang: group , def: def } ; // get the help text if required if ( ! ModuleBuilder.AllHelpLang ) ModuleBuilder.AllHelpLang = SUGAR.language.get('ModuleBuilder', 'help'); if (group && def) { ModuleBuilder.helpLang = ModuleBuilder.AllHelpLang[group]; ModuleBuilder.helpDefault = def; } ModuleBuilder.helpToggle('default'); }, helpLoad: function(panelId){ if (!ModuleBuilder.panelHelp) return; if ( ! ModuleBuilder.AllHelpLang ) ModuleBuilder.AllHelpLang = SUGAR.language.get('ModuleBuilder', 'help'); if ( ModuleBuilder.panelHelp [ panelId ] ) { ModuleBuilder.helpLang = ModuleBuilder.AllHelpLang[ ModuleBuilder.panelHelp [ panelId ].lang ]; ModuleBuilder.helpDefault = ModuleBuilder.panelHelp [ panelId ].def ; ModuleBuilder.helpToggle('default'); } }, helpToggle: function(name){ if (name == 'default') name = ModuleBuilder.helpDefault; if (ModuleBuilder.helpLang != null && typeof(ModuleBuilder.helpLang[name]) != 'undefined') { document.getElementById('mbhelp').innerHTML = ModuleBuilder.helpLang[name]; } }, handleSave: function(form, callBack){ if (check_form(form)) { ModuleBuilder.state.isDirty=false; ModuleBuilder.submitForm(form, callBack); } }, //Tree Functions handleTreeClick: function(o) { var node = o.node; ModuleBuilder.getContent(node.data.action); return false; }, treeSubscribe:function(tree){ tree.subscribe("labelClick", ModuleBuilder.treeLabelClick); }, treeRefresh:function(type){ ModuleBuilder.getContent('module=ModuleBuilder&action=ViewTree&tree=' + type); }, //MB Specific addModule: function(MBpackage){ ModuleBuilder.getContent('module=ModuleBuilder&action=module&view_package=' + MBpackage); }, viewModule: function(MBpackage, module){ ModuleBuilder.getContent('module=ModuleBuilder&action=module&view_package=' + MBpackage + '&view_module=' + module); }, packageDelete: function(MBpackage){ ajaxStatus.showStatus(SUGAR.language.get('ModuleBuilder', 'LBL_AJAX_DELETING')); if (confirm(SUGAR.language.get('ModuleBuilder', 'LBL_JS_REMOVE_PACKAGE'))) { ModuleBuilder.getContent('module=ModuleBuilder&action=DeletePackage&package=' + MBpackage); var node = ModuleBuilder.tree.getNodeByProperty('id', 'package_tree/' + MBpackage); if (node) ModuleBuilder.tree.removeNode(node, true); } }, packagePublish: function(form){ if (check_form(form)) { ajaxStatus.showStatus(SUGAR.language.get('ModuleBuilder', 'LBL_AJAX_BUILDPROGRESS')); ModuleBuilder.submitForm(form, ModuleBuilder.packageBuild); } }, packageBuild: function(o){ //make sure no user changes were made document.CreatePackage.action.value = 'BuildPackage'; document.CreatePackage.submit(); ajaxStatus.flashStatus(SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'LBL_REQUEST_PROCESSED'), 2000); ModuleBuilder.callLock = false; }, packageDeploy: function(form, deployed){ var confirmed = true; if (deployed){ confirmed = confirm(SUGAR.language.get('ModuleBuilder', 'LBL_JS_DEPLOY_PACKAGE')); } if (confirmed && check_form(form)) { ajaxStatus.showStatus(SUGAR.language.get('ModuleBuilder', 'LBL_AJAX_DEPLOYPROGRESS')); ModuleBuilder.submitForm(form, ModuleBuilder.packageInstall); } }, packageInstall: function(o){ //make sure no user changes were made document.CreatePackage.action.value = 'displaydeploy'; ModuleBuilder.callLock = false; ModuleBuilder.submitForm('CreatePackage', ModuleBuilder.packageInstallCleanup); }, packageInstallCleanup: function(o){ //make sure no user changes were made document.CreatePackage.action.value = 'displaydeploy'; ModuleBuilder.callLock = false; ModuleBuilder.submitForm('CreatePackage'); }, beginDeploy: function(p){ ModuleBuilder.asyncRequest('module=ModuleBuilder&action=DeployPackage&package=' + p, ModuleBuilder.deployComplete); }, deployComplete: function(o){ var resp = o.responseText; //check if the deploy completed if (!resp.match(/^\s*(\s*(Table already exists : [\w_]*)(
)*\s*)*complete$/m)) { //Unknown error occured, warn the user alert(SUGAR.language.get("ModuleBuilder", "LBL_DEPLOY_FAILED")); } //Cleanup in the background ModuleBuilder.asyncRequest( 'module=Administration&action=RebuildRelationship&silent=true', function(){} ); ModuleBuilder.asyncRequest( 'module=Administration&action=RebuildDashlets&silent=true', function(){} ); ModuleBuilder.failed = function(){}; ModuleBuilder.state.hideFailedMesage = true; //Reload the page window.setTimeout("window.location.assign(window.location.href.split('#')[0])", 2000); }, packageExport: function(form){ if (check_form(form)) { ajaxStatus.showStatus(SUGAR.language.get('ModuleBuilder', 'LBL_AJAX_BUILDPROGRESS')); ModuleBuilder.submitForm(form, ModuleBuilder.packageExportProject); } }, packageExportProject: function(o){ //make sure no user changes were made document.CreatePackage.action.value = 'ExportPackage'; document.CreatePackage.submit(); ajaxStatus.flashStatus(SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'LBL_REQUEST_PROCESSED'), 2000); ModuleBuilder.callLock = false; }, moduleDelete: function(MBpackage, module){ ajaxStatus.showStatus(SUGAR.language.get('ModuleBuilder', 'LBL_AJAX_DELETING')); if (confirm(SUGAR.language.get('ModuleBuilder', 'LBL_JS_REMOVE_MODULE'))) { ModuleBuilder.getContent('module=ModuleBuilder&action=DeleteModule&package=' + MBpackage + '&view_module=' + module); var node = ModuleBuilder.tree.getNodeByProperty('id', 'package_tree/' + MBpackage + '/' + module); if (node) ModuleBuilder.tree.removeNode(node, true); } }, moduleViewFields: function(o){ ModuleBuilder.callLock = false; ModuleBuilder.getContent('module=ModuleBuilder&action=modulefields&view_package=' + ModuleBuilder.MBpackage + '&view_module=' + ModuleBuilder.module); }, moduleLoadField: function(name, type){ if (typeof(type) == 'undefined') type = 0; if (typeof(formsWithFieldLogic) != 'undefined') formsWithFieldLogic = 'undefined'; ModuleBuilder.getContent('module=ModuleBuilder&action=modulefield&view_package=' + ModuleBuilder.MBpackage + '&view_module=' + ModuleBuilder.module + '&field=' + name + '&type=' + type); }, moduleLoadLabels: function(type){ if (typeof(type) == 'undefined') type = 0; else if (type == "studio") { ModuleBuilder.getContent('module=ModuleBuilder&action=editLabels&view_module=' + ModuleBuilder.module); } else if (type == "mb") { ModuleBuilder.getContent('module=ModuleBuilder&action=modulelabels&view_package=' + ModuleBuilder.MBpackage + '&view_module=' + ModuleBuilder.module + '&type=' + type); } }, moduleViewRelationships: function(o){ ModuleBuilder.callLock = false; ModuleBuilder.getContent('module=ModuleBuilder&action=relationships&view_package=' + ModuleBuilder.MBpackage + '&view_module=' + ModuleBuilder.module); }, moduleLoadRelationship2: function(name, resetLabel, checkLanguage) { if (resetLabel && Dom.get('rhs_label')) { Dom.get('rhs_label').value = ""; } var panel = ModuleBuilder.findTabById('relEditor'); if (!panel) { panel = new YAHOO.SUGAR.ClosableTab({ label: SUGAR.language.get("ModuleBuilder", "LBL_RELATIONSHIP_EDIT"), id: 'relEditor', scroll: true, cacheData: true, active :true }, ModuleBuilder.tabPanel); ModuleBuilder.tabPanel.addTab(panel); } else { ModuleBuilder.tabPanel.set("activeTab", panel); } var rtField = Dom.get('relationship_type_field'); var relType = rtField ? rtField.options[rtField.selectedIndex].value: ""; if (name == "") { name = Dom.get('rel_name_id') ? Dom.get('rel_name_id').value : ""; } var params = { module: 'ModuleBuilder', action: 'relationship', view_package: ModuleBuilder.MBpackage, view_module: ModuleBuilder.module, relationship_name: name, relationship_type: relType, lhs_module: Dom.get('lhs_mod_field') ? Dom.get('lhs_mod_field').value : document.forms.relform ? document.forms.relform.lhs_module.value : "", rhs_module: Dom.get('rhs_mod_field') ? Dom.get('rhs_mod_field').value : "", lhs_label: Dom.get('lhs_label') ? Dom.get('lhs_label').value : "", rhs_label: Dom.get('rhs_label') ? Dom.get('rhs_label').value : "", json: false, id:'relEditor' }; if(checkLanguage){ params['relationship_lang'] = Dom.get('relationship_lang').value; params['ajaxLoad'] = '1'; } ModuleBuilder.asyncRequest(params, function(o) { ajaxStatus.hideStatus(); var tab = ModuleBuilder.findTabById('relEditor'); tab.set("content", o.responseText); SUGAR.util.evalScript(o.responseText); }); }, moduleDropDown: function(name, field){ ModuleBuilder.getContent('module=ModuleBuilder&action=dropdown&view_package=' + ModuleBuilder.MBpackage + '&view_module=' + ModuleBuilder.module + '&dropdown_name=' + name + '&field=' + field); }, moduleViewLayouts: function(o){ ModuleBuilder.callLock = false; ModuleBuilder.getContent('module=ModuleBuilder&MB=1&action=wizard&view_package=' + ModuleBuilder.MBpackage + '&view_module=' + ModuleBuilder.module); }, findTabById : function(id) { var tabs = ModuleBuilder.tabPanel.get("tabs"); for (var i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) { if (tabs[i].get("id") == id) return tabs[i]; } return null; }, autoSetLayout: function(){ var mp = ModuleBuilder.mainPanel; var c = Dom.get("mblayout"); mp.set("height", Dom.getViewportHeight() - Dom.getY(c) - 30); mp.set("width", Dom.getViewportWidth() - 40); mp.resize(true); var tabEl = ModuleBuilder.tabPanel.get("element"); Dom.setStyle(tabEl.firstChild.nextSibling, "overflow-y", "auto"); Dom.setStyle(tabEl.firstChild.nextSibling, "height", tabEl.offsetHeight - ModuleBuilder.tabPanel.get("element").firstChild.offsetHeight - 5 + "px"); //Resize editor layouts if (document.getElementById('toolbox')) Studio2.resizeDivs(); if (document.getElementById('edittabs')) resizeDDLists(); }, paramsToUrl : function (params) { url = ""; for (i in params) { url += i + "=" + params[i] + "&"; } return url; }, asyncRequest : function(params, callback) { var url; if (typeof params == "object") { url = ModuleBuilder.paramsToUrl(params); } else { url = params; } ajaxStatus.showStatus(SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'LBL_LOADING_PAGE')); Connect.asyncRequest( Connect.method, Connect.url + '&' + url, {success: callback, failure: ModuleBuilder.failed} ); }, refreshGlobalDropDown: function(o){ // just clear the callLock; the convention is that this is done in a handler rather than in updateContent ModuleBuilder.callLock = false; ModuleBuilder.updateContent(o); }, refreshDropDown: function(){ ModuleBuilder.callLock = false; document.popup_form.action.value = 'RefreshField'; document.popup_form.new_dropdown.value = ModuleBuilder.refreshDD_name; SimpleList.refreshDD_name = ''; ModuleBuilder.submitForm("popup_form"); }, dropdownChanged: function(value){ var select = document.getElementById('default[]').options; while(select.length > 0) { select[0] = null; } ModuleBuilder.asyncRequest( 'module=ModuleBuilder&action=get_app_list_string&key=' + value + '&view_package=' + ModuleBuilder.MBpackage + '&view_module=' + ModuleBuilder.module, ModuleBuilder.dropdownChangedCallback ); }, dropdownChangedCallback : function(o) { var ajaxResponse = YAHOO.lang.JSON.parse(o.responseText); var select = document.getElementById('default[]').options; var count = 0; for (var key in ajaxResponse) { select[count] = new Option(ajaxResponse[key], key); count++; } ajaxStatus.flashStatus(SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'LBL_REQUEST_PROCESSED'), 2000); }, setSelectedOption : function (sel, option) { var sel = Dom.get(sel); for (var i = 0; i < sel.options.length; i++) { if(sel.options[i].value == option) { sel.selectedIndex = i; return true; } } return false; } }; ModuleBuilder.buttons = {}; ModuleBuilder.selected = {}; ModuleBuilder.callLock = false; } })();