_view = ucfirst($view); $this->_module = $module; $this->language_module = $module; $this->_baseDirectory = "modules/{$module}/metadata/"; $file = $this->_baseDirectory . strtolower($view) . "defs.php"; $this->_customFile = "custom/" . $file; $this->_workingFile = "custom/working/" . $file; $this->_sourceView = $this->_view; $this->_originalFile = $file ; $this->_sourceFile = $file; if (is_file($this->_workingFile)) { $this->_sourceFile = $this->_workingFile; $this->usingWorkingFile = true; } else if (is_file($this->_customFile)) { $this->_sourceFile = $this->_customFile; } else if (! is_file($this->_sourceFile)) { // if we don't have ANY defined metadata then improvise as best we can if (strtolower($this->_view) == 'quickcreate') { // special handling for quickcreates - base the quickcreate on the editview if no quickcreatedef exists $this->_sourceFile = $this->_baseDirectory."editviewdefs.php"; if (is_file("custom/" . $this->_sourceFile)) { $this->_sourceFile = "custom/" . $this->_sourceFile; } $this->_sourceView = 'EditView'; } else { $this->_fatalError('parser.modifylayout.php->init(): no metadata for '.$this->_module.' '.$this->_view); } } // get the fieldDefs from the bean $class = $GLOBALS ['beanList'] [$module]; require_once ($GLOBALS ['beanFiles'] [$class]); $bean = new $class(); $this->_fieldDefs = & $bean->field_defs; $this->loadModule($this->_module, $this->_sourceView); $this->_viewdefs ['panels'] = $this->_parseData($this->_viewdefs['panels']); // put into a canonical format $this->maxColumns = $this->_viewdefs ['templateMeta'] ['maxColumns']; if ($submittedLayout) { // replace the definitions with the new submitted layout $this->_loadLayoutFromRequest(); } else { $this->_padFields(); // destined for a View, so we want to add in (empty) fields } // $GLOBALS['log']->debug($this->_viewdefs['panels']); } function getAvailableFields () { // Available fields are those that are in the Model and the original layout definition, but not already shown in the View // So, because the formats of the two are different we brute force loop through View and unset the fields we find in a copy of Model $availableFields = $this->_getModelFields(); $GLOBALS['log']->debug( get_class($this)."->getAvailableFields(): _getModelFields returns: ".implode(",",array_keys($availableFields))); if (! empty($this->_viewdefs)) { foreach ($this->_viewdefs ['panels'] as $panel) { foreach ($panel as $row) { foreach ($row as $fieldArray) { // fieldArray is an array('name'=>name,'label'=>label) if (isset($fieldArray ['name'])) { unset($availableFields [$fieldArray ['name']]); $GLOBALS['log']->debug( get_class($this)."->getAvailableFields(): removing ".$fieldArray ['name'] ); } } } } } return $availableFields; } function getLayout () { return $this->_viewdefs ['panels']; } function writeWorkingFile () { $this->_writeToFile($this->_workingFile,$this->_view,$this->_module,$this->_viewdefs,$this->_variables); } function handleSave () { $this->_writeToFile($this->_customFile,$this->_view,$this->_module,$this->_viewdefs,$this->_variables); // now clear the cache so that the results are immediately visible include_once('include/TemplateHandler/TemplateHandler.php'); if (strtolower($this->_view) == 'quickcreate') { TemplateHandler::clearCache($this->_module,"form_SubPanelQuickCreate_{$this->_module}.tpl"); TemplateHandler::clearCache($this->_module,"form_DCQuickCreate_{$this->_module}.tpl"); } else { TemplateHandler::clearCache($this->_module,"{$this->_view}.tpl"); } } function loadModule ($module, $view) { $this->_viewdefs = array(); $viewdefs = null; $loaded = $this->_loadFromFile($view,$this->_sourceFile,$module); $this->_viewdefs = $loaded['viewdefs'][$module][$view]; $this->_variables = $loaded['variables']; } /** * Load the canonical panel layout from the submitted form * */ function _loadLayoutFromRequest () { $i = 1; // set up the map of panel# (as provided in the _REQUEST) to panel ID (as used in $this->_viewdefs['panels']) foreach ($this->_viewdefs ['panels'] as $panelID => $panel) { $panelMap [$i ++] = $panelID; } // replace any old values with new panel labels from the request foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $value) { $components = explode('-', $key); if ($components [0] == 'panel') { $panelMap [$components ['1']] = $value; } } $olddefs = $this->_viewdefs ['panels']; $origFieldDefs = $this->_getOrigFieldViewDefs(); // $GLOBALS['log']->debug('origFieldDefs'); // $GLOBALS['log']->debug($origFieldDefs); $this->_viewdefs ['panels'] = null; // because the new field properties should replace the old fields, not be merged if ($this->maxColumns < 1) { $this->_fatalError("EditDetailViewParser:invalid maxColumns=" . $this->maxColumns); } foreach ($_REQUEST as $slot => $value) { $slotComponents = explode('-', $slot); // [0] = 'slot', [1] = panel #, [2] = slot #, [3] = property name if ($slotComponents [0] == 'slot') { $slotNumber = $slotComponents ['2']; $panelID = $panelMap [$slotComponents ['1']]; $rowID = floor($slotNumber / $this->maxColumns); $colID = $slotNumber - ($rowID * $this->maxColumns); //If the original editview defined this field, copy that over. if ($slotComponents ['3'] == 'name' && isset($origFieldDefs [$value]) && is_array($origFieldDefs [$value])) { $this->_viewdefs ['panels'] [$panelID] [$rowID] [$colID] = $origFieldDefs [$value]; } else { $property = $slotComponents ['3']; if ($value == '(filler)') { $this->_viewdefs ['panels'] [$panelID] [$rowID] [$colID] = NULL; } else { $this->_viewdefs ['panels'] [$panelID] [$rowID] [$colID] [$property] = $value; } } } } // Now handle the (empty) fields - first non-(empty) field goes in at column 0; all other (empty)'s removed // Do this AFTER reading in all the $_REQUEST parameters as can't guarantee the order of those, and we need to operate on complete rows foreach ($this->_viewdefs ['panels'] as $panelID => $panel) { // remove all (empty)s foreach ($panel as $rowID => $row) { $startOfRow = true; $offset = 0; foreach ($row as $colID => $col) { if ($col ['name'] == '(empty)') { // if a leading (empty) then remove (by noting that remaining fields need to be shuffled along) if ($startOfRow) { $offset ++; } unset($row [$colID]); } else { $startOfRow = false; } } // reindex to remove leading (empty)s $newRow = array(); foreach ($row as $colID => $col) { $newRow [$colID - $offset] = $col; } $this->_viewdefs ['panels'] [$panelID] [$rowID] = $newRow; } } // _pp($this->_viewdefs); } function _padFields () { if (! empty($this->_viewdefs)) { foreach ($this->_viewdefs ['panels'] as $panelID => $panel) { $column = 0; foreach ($panel as $rowID => $row) { // pad between fields on a row foreach ($row as $colID => $col) { for ($i = $column + 1 ; $i < $colID ; $i ++ ) { $row [$i] = array('name' => '(empty)', 'label' => '(empty)'); } $column = $colID; } // now pad out to the end of the row if (($column + 1) < $this->maxColumns) { // last column is maxColumns-1 for ($i = $column + 1 ; $i < $this->maxColumns ; $i ++ ) { $row [$i] = array('name' => '(empty)', 'label' => '(empty)'); } } ksort($row); $this->_viewdefs ['panels'] [$panelID] [$rowID] = $row; } } } } // add a new field to the end of a panel // don't write out (caller should call handleSave() when ready) function _addField ($properties, $panelID = FALSE) { // if a panelID was not passed, use the first available panel in the list if (!$panelID) { $panels = array_keys($this->_viewdefs['panels']); $panelID = $panels[0]; } if (isset($this->_viewdefs ['panels'] [$panelID])) { // need to clean up the viewdefs before writing them -- Smarty will fail if any fillers/empties are present foreach ($this->_viewdefs['panels'] as $loop_panelID => $panel_contents) { foreach ($panel_contents as $row_id => $row) { foreach ($row as $col_id => $col) { if ($col['name'] == '(filler)') { $this->_viewdefs['panels'][$loop_panelID][$row_id][$col_id] = NULL; } elseif ($col['name'] == '(empty)') { unset($this->_viewdefs['panels'][$loop_panelID][$row_id][$col_id]); } } } } $panel = $this->_viewdefs ['panels'] [$panelID]; $lastrow = count($panel) - 1; // index starts at 0 $lastcol = count($panel [$lastrow]); // if we're on the last column of the last row, start a new row // print "lastrow=$lastrow lastcol=$lastcol"; if ($lastcol >= $this->maxColumns) { $lastrow ++; $this->_viewdefs ['panels'] [$panelID] [$lastrow] = array(); $lastcol = 0; } $this->_viewdefs ['panels'] [$panelID] [$lastrow] [$lastcol] = $properties; } } /* getModelFields returns an array of all fields stored in the database for this module plus those fields in the original layout definition (so we get fields such as Team ID)*/ function _getModelFields () { $modelFields = array(); $origViewDefs = $this->_getOrigFieldViewDefs(); // $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Original viewdefs = ".print_r($origViewDefs,true)); foreach ($origViewDefs as $field => $def) { if (!empty($field)) { if (! is_array($def)) { $def = array('name' => $field); } // get this field's label - if it has not been explicitly provided, see if the fieldDefs has a label for this field, and if not fallback to the field name if (! isset($def ['label'])) { if (! empty($this->_fieldDefs [$field] ['vname'])) { $def ['label'] = $this->_fieldDefs [$field] ['vname']; } else { $def ['label'] = $field; } } $modelFields[$field] = array('name' => $field, 'label' => $def ['label']); } } $GLOBALS['log']->debug(print_r($modelFields,true)); foreach ($this->_fieldDefs as $field => $def) { if ((!empty($def['studio']) && $def['studio'] == 'visible') || (empty($def['studio']) && (empty($def ['source']) || $def ['source'] == 'db' || $def ['source'] == 'custom_fields') && $def ['type'] != 'id' && strcmp($field, 'deleted') != 0 && (empty($def ['dbType']) || $def ['dbType'] != 'id') && (empty($def ['dbtype']) || $def ['dbtype'] != 'id'))) { $label = isset($def['vname']) ? $def['vname'] : $def['name']; $modelFields [$field] = array('name' => $field, 'label' => $label); } else { $GLOBALS['log']->debug( get_class($this)."->_getModelFields(): skipping $field from modelFields as it fails the test for inclusion"); } } $GLOBALS['log']->debug( get_class($this)."->_getModelFields(): remaining entries in modelFields are: ".implode(",",array_keys($modelFields))); return $modelFields; } function _parseData ($panels) { $fields = array(); if (empty($panels)) return; // Fix for a flexibility in the format of the panel sections - if only one panel, then we don't have a panel level defined, it goes straight into rows // See EditView2 for similar treatment if (! empty($panels) && count($panels) > 0) { $keys = array_keys($panels); if (is_numeric($keys [0])) { $defaultPanel = $panels; unset($panels); //blow away current value $panels [''] = $defaultPanel; } } foreach ($panels as $panelID => $panel) { foreach ($panel as $rowID => $row) { foreach ($row as $colID => $col) { $properties = array(); if (! empty($col)) { if (is_string($col)) { $properties ['name'] = $col; } else if (! empty($col ['name'])) { $properties = $col; } } else { $properties ['name'] = translate('LBL_FILLER'); } if (! empty($properties ['name'])) { // get this field's label - if it has not been explicity provided, see if the fieldDefs has a label for this field, and if not fallback to the field name if (! isset($properties ['label'])) { if (! empty($this->_fieldDefs [$properties ['name']] ['vname'])) { $properties ['label'] = $this->_fieldDefs [$properties ['name']] ['vname']; } else { $properties ['label'] = $properties ['name']; } } $displayData[strtoupper($panelID)] [$rowID] [$colID] = $properties; } } } } return $displayData; } function _getOrigFieldViewDefs () { $origFieldDefs = array(); $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Original File = ".$this->_originalFile); if (file_exists($this->_originalFile)) { include ($this->_originalFile); $origdefs = $viewdefs [$this->_module] [$this->_sourceView] ['panels']; // $GLOBALS['log']->debug($origdefs); // Fix for a flexibility in the format of the panel sections - if only one panel, then we don't have a panel level defined, it goes straight into rows // See EditView2 for similar treatment if (! empty($origdefs) && count($origdefs) > 0) { $keys = array_keys($origdefs); if (is_numeric($keys [0])) { $defaultPanel = $origdefs; unset($origdefs); //blow away current value $origdefs [''] = $defaultPanel; } } foreach ($origdefs as $pname => $paneldef) { foreach ($paneldef as $row) { foreach ($row as $fieldDef) { if (is_array($fieldDef)) { $fieldName = $fieldDef ['name']; } else { $fieldName = $fieldDef; } $origFieldDefs [$fieldName] = $fieldDef; } } } } return $origFieldDefs; } } ?>