debug ( get_class ( $this ) . "->__construct( {$previewFilename} )" ) ; $this->_previewFilename = $previewFilename ; $this->_list = array ( ) ; $this->_dirname = dirname ( $this->_previewFilename ) ; // create the history directory if it does not already exist if (! is_dir ( $this->_dirname )) { mkdir_recursive ( $this->_dirname ) ; } $this->_basename = basename ( $this->_previewFilename ) ; // Reconstruct the history from the saved files foreach ( scandir ( $this->_dirname ) as $filename ) { if ($filename != "." && $filename != "..") { // history files are of the form {$basename}_{$timestamp} if (preg_match ( '/(' . $this->_basename . ')_(.*)/', $filename, $matches ) == 1) { $this->_list [ $matches [ 2 ] ] = $matches [ 2 ] ; } } } // now sort the files, oldest first if (count ( $this->_list ) > 0) { ksort ( $this->_list ) ; } } /* * Get the most recent item in the history * @return timestamp of the first item */ function getCount () { return count ( $this->_list ) ; } /* * Get the most recent item in the history * @return timestamp of the first item */ function getFirst () { return end ( $this->_list ) ; } /* * Get the oldest item in the history (the default layout) * @return timestamp of the last item */ function getLast () { return reset ( $this->_list ) ; } /* * Get the next oldest item in the history * @return timestamp of the next item */ function getNext () { return prev ( $this->_list ) ; } /* * Get the nth item in the history (where the zeroeth record is the most recent) * @return timestamp of the nth item */ function getNth ($index) { $value = end ( $this->_list ) ; $i = 0 ; while ( $i < $index ) { $value = prev ( $this->_list ) ; $i ++ ; } return $value ; } /* * Add an item to the history * @return String A GMT Unix timestamp for this newly added item */ function append ($path) { // make sure we don't have a duplicate filename - highly unusual as two people should not be using Studio/MB concurrently, but when testing quite possible to do two appends within one second... // because so unlikely in normal use we handle this the naive way by waiting a second so our naming scheme doesn't get overelaborated $retries = 0 ; $time = strtotime ( gmdate ( 'r' ) ) ; while ( (file_exists ( $this->_previewFilename . "_" . $time ) && $retries < 5) ) { sleep ( 1 ) ; $time = strtotime ( gmdate ( 'r' ) ) ; $retries ++ ; } // now we have a unique filename, copy the file into the history copy ( $path, $this->_previewFilename . "_" . $time ) ; $this->_list [ $time ] = $time ; // finally, trim the number of files we're holding in the history to that specified in the configuration $max_history = (isset ( $GLOBALS [ 'sugar_config' ] [ 'studio_max_history' ] )) ? $GLOBALS [ 'sugar_config' ] [ 'studio_max_history' ] : 50 ; $count = count ( $this->_list ) ; // truncate the oldest files, keeping only the most recent $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['studio_max_history'] files (zero=keep them all) if (($max_history != 0) && ($count > $max_history)) { // most recent files are at the end of the list, so we strip out the first count-max_history records // can't just use array_shift because it renumbers numeric keys (our timestamp keys) to start from zero... for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $count - $max_history ; $i ++ ) { $timestamp = reset ( $this->_list ) ; unset ( $this->_list [ $timestamp ] ) ; if (! unlink ( $this->_dirname . "/" . $this->_basename . "_" . $timestamp )) { $GLOBALS [ 'log' ]->warn ( "History.php: unable to remove history file {$this->_basename}_$timestamp from directory {$this->_dirname} - permissions problem?" ) ; } } } // finally, remove any history preview file that might be lurking around - as soon as we append a new record it supercedes any old preview, so that must be removed (bug 20130) if (file_exists($this->_previewFilename)) { $GLOBALS [ 'log' ]->debug( get_class($this)."->append(): removing old history file at {$this->_previewFilename}"); unlink ( $this->_previewFilename); } return $time ; } /* * Restore the historical layout identified by timestamp * @param Unix timestamp $timestamp GMT Timestamp of the layout to recover * @return GMT Timestamp if successful, null if failure (if the file could not be copied for some reason) */ function restoreByTimestamp ($timestamp) { $filename = $this->_previewFilename . "_" . $timestamp ; $GLOBALS [ 'log' ]->debug ( get_class ( $this ) . ": restoring from $filename to {$this->_previewFilename}" ) ; if (file_exists ( $filename )) { copy ( $filename, $this->_previewFilename ) ; return $timestamp ; } return null ; } /* * Undo the restore - revert back to the layout before the restore */ function undoRestore () { if (file_exists ( $this->_previewFilename )) { unlink ( $this->_previewFilename ) ; } } }