smarty = new Sugar_Smarty ( ) ; $ac = new AjaxCompose ( ) ; $this->fromModuleBuilder = isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'MB' ] ) || (!empty ( $_REQUEST [ 'view_package' ] ) && $_REQUEST [ 'view_package' ] != 'studio') ; $this->smarty->assign ( 'fromModuleBuilder', $this->fromModuleBuilder ) ; if (!$this->fromModuleBuilder) { $module = StudioModuleFactory::getStudioModule( $_REQUEST [ 'view_module' ] ) ; $moduleName = $_REQUEST [ 'view_module' ] ; $fields = $module->fields ; require_once 'modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/relationships/DeployedRelationships.php' ; $relatableModules = DeployedRelationships::findRelatableModules () ; $appStrings = return_app_list_strings_language( $selected_lang ) ; $modStrings = return_module_language( $selected_lang, $_REQUEST [ 'view_module' ], true ) ; $appStrings = $appStrings['moduleList']; } else { $mb = new ModuleBuilder ( ) ; $mb->getPackages(); //display the latest module name rather than what is in or not in the loaded app_list_strings. $mb->getPackage($_REQUEST ['view_package'])->loadModuleTitles(); $module = $mb->getPackageModule ( $_REQUEST [ 'view_package' ], $_REQUEST [ 'view_module' ] ) ; $moduleName = empty($module->key_name) ? $module->getModuleName() : $module->key_name; $this->smarty->assign ( 'view_package', $_REQUEST [ 'view_package' ] ) ; $mbvardefs = $module->getVardefs () ; $fields = $mbvardefs [ 'fields' ] ; require_once 'modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/relationships/UndeployedRelationships.php' ; $relatableModules = UndeployedRelationships::findRelatableModules () ; $appStrings = $module->getModStrings( $selected_lang ) ; } ksort( $relatableModules ) ; $lhs_subpanels = $module->getProvidedSubpanels () ; // Fix to re-add sorting of the subpanel names so that the 'default' subpanel always appears first in the list. // This assumes that subpanels are usually named ForXYZ which is the case currently, and hence 'default' will be sorted first. //I f this assumption is incorrect, then a better solution would be to remove 'default' from the subpanel list, then sort, and finally array_unshift it back on. natcasesort($lhs_subpanels); $cardinality = array ( MB_ONETOONE => translate ( 'LBL_ONETOONE' ) , MB_ONETOMANY => translate ( 'LBL_ONETOMANY' ) , MB_MANYTOONE=> translate ( 'LBL_MANYTOONE' ), MB_MANYTOMANY => translate ( 'LBL_MANYTOMANY' ), ) ; if (!$this->fromModuleBuilder) unset($cardinality[MB_MANYTOONE]); $relationships = $module->getRelationships () ; // if a description for this relationship already exists, then load it so it can be modified if (! empty ( $_REQUEST [ 'relationship_name' ] )) { $relationship = $relationships->get ( $_REQUEST [ 'relationship_name' ] ) ; $relationship->setName($_REQUEST [ 'relationship_name' ] ); $definition = $relationship->getDefinition(); if (!$this->fromModuleBuilder){ $modStrings = return_module_language( $selected_lang, $relationship->rhs_module, true ) ; $definition['lhs_label'] = isset($modStrings[$relationship->getTitleKey()])?$modStrings[$relationship->getTitleKey()] : $relationship->lhs_module; $modStrings = return_module_language( $selected_lang, $relationship->lhs_module, true ) ; $definition['rhs_label'] = isset($modStrings[$relationship->getTitleKey(true)])?$modStrings[$relationship->getTitleKey(true)] : $relationship->rhs_module ; }else{ #30624 if(!empty($_REQUEST['rhs_module'])){ $definition['rhs_label'] = $_REQUEST['rhs_module']; } } } else { $definition = array ( ) ; $firstModuleDefinition = each ( $relatableModules ) ; $definition [ 'rhs_module' ] = $firstModuleDefinition [ 'key' ] ; $definition [ 'lhs_module' ] = $moduleName ; $definition [ 'lhs_label' ] = translate($moduleName); $definition [ 'relationship_type' ] = MB_MANYTOMANY ; } // load the relationship from post - required as we can call view.relationship.php from Ajax when changing the rhs_module for example $definition = $this->overrideDefinitionFromPOST ( $definition ) ; if (empty($definition ['rhs_label'])) { $definition ['rhs_label'] = translate($definition [ 'rhs_module' ]); } if (empty($definition ['lhs_label'])) { $definition ['lhs_label'] = translate($definition [ 'lhs_module' ]); } $relationship = RelationshipFactory::newRelationship ( $definition ) ; $rhs_subpanels = $relatableModules [ $relationship->rhs_module ] ; // Fix to re-add sorting of the subpanel names so that the 'default' subpanel always appears first in the list. This assumes that subpanels are usually named ForXYZ which is the case currently, and hence 'default' will be sorted first. If this assumption is incorrect, then a better solution would be to remove 'default' from the subpanel list, then sort, and finally array_unshift it back on. natcasesort($rhs_subpanels); if (empty ( $_REQUEST [ 'relationship_name' ] )) { // tidy up the options for the view based on the modules participating in the relationship and the cardinality // some modules (e.g., Knowledge Base/KBDocuments) lack subpanels. That means they can't be the lhs of a 1-many or many-many, or the rhs of a many-many for example // fix up the available cardinality options $relationship_type = $relationship->getType () ; if (count ( $lhs_subpanels ) == 0 || count ( $rhs_subpanels ) == 0) { unset ( $cardinality [ MB_MANYTOMANY ] ) ; } if (count ( $rhs_subpanels ) == 0) { unset ( $cardinality [ MB_ONETOMANY ] ) ; } if (isset ($definition['rhs_module']) && $definition['rhs_module'] == 'Activities') { $cardinality = array( MB_ONETOMANY => translate ( 'LBL_ONETOMANY' )); } //Bug 23139, Campaigns module current cannot display custom subpanels, so we need to ban it from any //relationships that would require a new subpanel to be shown in Campaigns. if (isset ($definition['lhs_module']) && $definition['lhs_module'] == 'Campaigns') { unset ( $cardinality [ MB_MANYTOMANY ] ) ; unset ( $cardinality [ MB_ONETOMANY ] ) ; } if (isset ($definition['rhs_module']) && $definition['rhs_module'] == 'Campaigns' && isset($cardinality [ MB_MANYTOMANY ])) { unset ( $cardinality [ MB_MANYTOMANY ] ) ; unset ( $cardinality [ MB_MANYTOONE ] ); } if (! isset($cardinality[$relationship->getType()])) { end ($cardinality) ; $definition [ 'relationship_type' ] = key ( $cardinality ) ; $relationship = RelationshipFactory::newRelationship ( $definition ) ; } $this->smarty->assign ( 'is_new', true ) ; } else { $this->smarty->assign ( 'is_new', false ) ; } //Remove Activities if one-to-many is not availible if (!isset($cardinality [ MB_ONETOMANY ]) && isset ($relatableModules['Activities'])) { unset ($relatableModules['Activities']); } // now enforce the relationship_only requirement - that is, only construct the underlying relationship and link fields, and not the UI, if the subpanel code will have troubles displaying the UI $relationships->enforceRelationshipOnly ( $relationship ) ; $this->smarty->assign ( 'view_module', $_REQUEST['view_module'] ) ; $this->smarty->assign ( 'rel', $relationship->getDefinition () ) ; $this->smarty->assign ( 'mod_strings', $GLOBALS [ 'mod_strings' ] ) ; $this->smarty->assign ( 'module_key', $relationship->lhs_module ) ; $this->smarty->assign ( 'cardinality', array_keys ( $cardinality ) ) ; $this->smarty->assign ( 'translated_cardinality', $cardinality ) ; $this->smarty->assign ( 'selected_cardinality', translate ( $relationship->getType () ) ) ; $relatable = array ( ) ; foreach ( $relatableModules as $name => $dummy ) { $relatable [ $name ] = translate ( $name ) ; } unset($relatable [ 'KBDocuments' ] ) ; natcasesort ( $relatable ) ; $this->smarty->assign ( 'relatable', array_keys ( $relatable ) ) ; $this->smarty->assign ( 'translated_relatable', $relatable ) ; $this->smarty->assign ( 'rhspanels', $rhs_subpanels ) ; $this->smarty->assign ( 'lhspanels', $lhs_subpanels ) ; $this->smarty->assign('selected_lang', $selected_lang); $this->smarty->assign('available_languages',get_languages()); switch ( $relationship->relationship_type) { case MB_ONETOONE : break ; case MB_ONETOMANY : if (empty ( $relationship->relationship_column_name )) { $validRoleColumnFields = array ( ) ; foreach ( $fields as $field ) { $validRoleColumnFields [] = $field ; } $this->smarty->assign ( 'relationship_role_column_enum', $validRoleColumnFields ) ; } if (! empty ( $relationship->relationship_role_column_value )) $this->smarty->assign ( 'relationship_role_column_value', $relationship->relationship_role_column_value ) ; break ; case MB_MANYTOMANY : if (! empty ( $relationship->relationship_role_column_value )) $this->smarty->assign ( 'relationship_role_column_value', $relationship->relationship_role_column_value ) ; break ; } //see if we use the new system if (isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'json' ] ) && $_REQUEST [ 'json' ] == 'false') { echo $this->smarty->fetch ( 'modules/ModuleBuilder/tpls/studioRelationship.tpl' ) ; } else { $ac->addSection ( 'east', $module->name . ' ' . $GLOBALS [ 'mod_strings' ] [ 'LBL_RELATIONSHIPS' ], $this->smarty->fetch ( 'modules/ModuleBuilder/tpls/studioRelationship.tpl' ) ) ; echo $ac->getJavascript () ; } } }