'campaigns', 'prospect_list_prospects' => 'prospects', ); var $entry_count; function ProspectList() { global $sugar_config; parent::SugarBean(); } var $new_schema = true; function get_summary_text() { return "$this->name"; } function create_list_query($order_by, $where, $show_deleted = 0) { $custom_join = $this->custom_fields->getJOIN(); $query = "SELECT "; $query .= "users.user_name as assigned_user_name, "; $query .= "prospect_lists.*"; if($custom_join){ $query .= $custom_join['select']; } $query .= " FROM prospect_lists "; $query .= "LEFT JOIN users ON prospect_lists.assigned_user_id=users.id "; if($custom_join){ $query .= $custom_join['join']; } $where_auto = '1=1'; if($show_deleted == 0){ $where_auto = "$this->table_name.deleted=0"; }else if($show_deleted == 1){ $where_auto = "$this->table_name.deleted=1"; } if($where != "") $query .= "where $where AND ".$where_auto; else $query .= "where ".$where_auto; if($order_by != "") $query .= " ORDER BY $order_by"; else $query .= " ORDER BY prospect_lists.name"; return $query; } function create_export_query($order_by, $where) { $query = "SELECT prospect_lists.*, users.user_name as assigned_user_name "; $query .= "FROM prospect_lists "; $query .= "LEFT JOIN users ON prospect_lists.assigned_user_id=users.id "; $where_auto = " prospect_lists.deleted=0"; if($where != "") $query .= " WHERE $where AND ".$where_auto; else $query .= " WHERE ".$where_auto; if($order_by != "") $query .= " ORDER BY $order_by"; else $query .= " ORDER BY prospect_lists.name"; return $query; } function create_export_members_query($record_id) { $leads_query = "SELECT l.id AS id, 'Leads' AS related_type, '' AS \"name\", l.first_name AS first_name, l.last_name AS last_name, l.title AS title, l.salutation AS salutation, l.primary_address_street AS primary_address_street,l.primary_address_city AS primary_address_city, l.primary_address_state AS primary_address_state, l.primary_address_postalcode AS primary_address_postalcode, l.primary_address_country AS primary_address_country, l.account_name AS account_name, ea.email_address AS primary_email_address, ea.invalid_email AS invalid_email, ea.opt_out AS opt_out, ea.deleted AS ea_deleted, ear.deleted AS ear_deleted, ear.primary_address AS primary_address, l.do_not_call AS do_not_call, l.phone_fax AS phone_fax, l.phone_other AS phone_other, l.phone_home AS phone_home, l.phone_mobile AS phone_mobile, l.phone_work AS phone_work FROM prospect_lists_prospects plp INNER JOIN leads l ON plp.related_id=l.id LEFT JOIN email_addr_bean_rel ear ON ear.bean_id=l.id LEFT JOIN email_addresses ea ON ear.email_address_id=ea.id WHERE plp.prospect_list_id = $record_id AND plp.deleted=0 AND l.deleted=0 AND ear.deleted=0"; $users_query = "SELECT u.id AS id, 'Users' AS related_type, '' AS \"name\", u.first_name AS first_name, u.last_name AS last_name, u.title AS title, '' AS salutation, u.address_street AS primary_address_street,u.address_city AS primary_address_city, u.address_state AS primary_address_state, u.address_postalcode AS primary_address_postalcode, u.address_country AS primary_address_country, '' AS account_name, ea.email_address AS email_address, ea.invalid_email AS invalid_email, ea.opt_out AS opt_out, ea.deleted AS ea_deleted, ear.deleted AS ear_deleted, ear.primary_address AS primary_address, 0 AS do_not_call, u.phone_fax AS phone_fax, u.phone_other AS phone_other, u.phone_home AS phone_home, u.phone_mobile AS phone_mobile, u.phone_work AS phone_work FROM prospect_lists_prospects plp INNER JOIN users u ON plp.related_id=u.id LEFT JOIN email_addr_bean_rel ear ON ear.bean_id=u.id LEFT JOIN email_addresses ea ON ear.email_address_id=ea.id WHERE plp.prospect_list_id = $record_id AND plp.deleted=0 AND u.deleted=0 AND ear.deleted=0"; $contacts_query = "SELECT c.id AS id, 'Contacts' AS related_type, '' AS \"name\", c.first_name AS first_name, c.last_name AS last_name, c.title AS title, c.salutation AS salutation, c.primary_address_street AS primary_address_street,c.primary_address_city AS primary_address_city, c.primary_address_state AS primary_address_state, c.primary_address_postalcode AS primary_address_postalcode, c.primary_address_country AS primary_address_country, a.name AS account_name, ea.email_address AS email_address, ea.invalid_email AS invalid_email, ea.opt_out AS opt_out, ea.deleted AS ea_deleted, ear.deleted AS ear_deleted, ear.primary_address AS primary_address, c.do_not_call AS do_not_call, c.phone_fax AS phone_fax, c.phone_other AS phone_other, c.phone_home AS phone_home, c.phone_mobile AS phone_mobile, c.phone_work AS phone_work FROM accounts a,accounts_contacts ac, prospect_lists_prospects plp INNER JOIN contacts c ON plp.related_id=c.id LEFT JOIN email_addr_bean_rel ear ON ear.bean_id=c.id LEFT JOIN email_addresses ea ON ear.email_address_id=ea.id WHERE plp.prospect_list_id = $record_id AND plp.deleted=0 AND c.deleted=0 AND ac.contact_id=c.id AND ac.account_id=a.id AND ear.deleted=0"; $prospects_query = "SELECT p.id AS id, 'Prospects' AS related_type, '' AS \"name\", p.first_name AS first_name, p.last_name AS last_name, p.title AS title, p.salutation AS salutation, p.primary_address_street AS primary_address_street,p.primary_address_city AS primary_address_city, '' AS primary_address_state, p.primary_address_postalcode AS primary_address_postalcode, p.primary_address_country AS primary_address_country, p.account_name AS account_name, ea.email_address AS email_address, ea.invalid_email AS invalid_email, ea.opt_out AS opt_out, ea.deleted AS ea_deleted, ear.deleted AS ear_deleted, ear.primary_address AS primary_address, p.do_not_call AS do_not_call, p.phone_fax AS phone_fax, p.phone_other AS phone_other, p.phone_home AS phone_home, p.phone_mobile AS phone_mobile, p.phone_work AS phone_work FROM prospect_lists_prospects plp INNER JOIN prospects p ON plp.related_id=p.id LEFT JOIN email_addr_bean_rel ear ON ear.bean_id=p.id LEFT JOIN email_addresses ea ON ear.email_address_id=ea.id WHERE plp.prospect_list_id = $record_id AND plp.deleted=0 AND p.deleted=0 AND ear.deleted=0"; $accounts_query = "SELECT a.id AS id, 'Accounts' AS related_type, a.name AS \"name\", '' AS first_name, '' AS last_name, '' AS title, '' AS salutation, a.billing_address_street AS primary_address_street,a.billing_address_city AS primary_address_city, a.billing_address_state AS primary_address_state, a.billing_address_postalcode AS primary_address_postalcode, a.billing_address_country AS primary_address_country, '' AS account_name, ea.email_address AS email_address, ea.invalid_email AS invalid_email, ea.opt_out AS opt_out, ea.deleted AS ea_deleted, ear.deleted AS ear_deleted, ear.primary_address AS primary_address, 0 AS do_not_call, a.phone_fax as phone_fax, a.phone_alternate AS phone_other, '' AS phone_home, '' AS phone_mobile, a.phone_office AS phone_office FROM prospect_lists_prospects plp INNER JOIN accounts a ON plp.related_id=a.id LEFT JOIN email_addr_bean_rel ear ON ear.bean_id=a.id LEFT JOIN email_addresses ea ON ear.email_address_id=ea.id WHERE plp.prospect_list_id = $record_id AND plp.deleted=0 AND a.deleted=0 AND ear.deleted=0"; $order_by = "ORDER BY related_type, id, primary_address DESC"; $query = "$leads_query UNION ALL $users_query UNION ALL $contacts_query UNION ALL $prospects_query UNION ALL $accounts_query $order_by"; return $query; } function save_relationship_changes($is_update) { parent::save_relationship_changes($is_update); if($this->lead_id != "") $this->set_prospect_relationship($this->id, $this->lead_id, "lead"); if($this->contact_id != "") $this->set_prospect_relationship($this->id, $this->contact_id, "contact"); if($this->prospect_id != "") $this->set_prospect_relationship($this->id, $this->contact_id, "prospect"); } function set_prospect_relationship($prospect_list_id, &$link_ids, $link_name) { $link_field = sprintf("%s_id", $link_name); foreach($link_ids as $link_id) { $this->set_relationship('prospect_lists_prospects', array( $link_field=>$link_id, 'prospect_list_id'=>$prospect_list_id )); } } function set_prospect_relationship_single($prospect_list_id, $link_id, $link_name) { $link_field = sprintf("%s_id", $link_name); $this->set_relationship('prospect_lists_prospects', array( $link_field=>$link_id, 'prospect_list_id'=>$prospect_list_id )); } function clear_prospect_relationship($prospect_list_id, $link_id, $link_name) { $link_field = sprintf("%s_id", $link_name); $where_clause = " AND $link_field = '$link_id' "; $query = sprintf("DELETE FROM prospect_lists_prospects WHERE prospect_list_id='%s' AND deleted = '0' %s", $prospect_list_id, $where_clause); $this->db->query($query, true, "Error clearing prospect/prospect_list relationship: "); } function mark_relationships_deleted($id) { } function fill_in_additional_list_fields() { } function fill_in_additional_detail_fields() { parent::fill_in_additional_detail_fields(); $this->entry_count = $this->get_entry_count(); } function update_currency_id($fromid, $toid){ } function get_entry_count() { $query = "SELECT count(*) AS num FROM prospect_lists_prospects WHERE prospect_list_id='$this->id' AND deleted = '0'"; $result = $this->db->query($query, true, "Grabbing prospect_list entry count"); $row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result); if($row) return $row['num']; else return 0; } function get_list_view_data(){ $temp_array = $this->get_list_view_array(); $temp_array["ENTRY_COUNT"] = $this->get_entry_count(); return $temp_array; } /** builds a generic search based on the query string using or do not include any $this-> because this is called on without having the class instantiated */ function build_generic_where_clause ($the_query_string) { $where_clauses = Array(); $the_query_string = $GLOBALS['db']->quote($the_query_string); array_push($where_clauses, "prospect_lists.name like '$the_query_string%'"); $the_where = ""; foreach($where_clauses as $clause) { if($the_where != "") $the_where .= " or "; $the_where .= $clause; } return $the_where; } function save($check_notify = FALSE) { return parent::save($check_notify); } function bean_implements($interface){ switch($interface){ case 'ACL':return true; } return false; } } ?>