required_fields))){ return null; } $query = ''; $baseQuery = 'select id,first_name, last_name, title, email1, email2 from prospects where deleted!=1 and ('; if(!empty($_POST[$prefix.'first_name']) && !empty($_POST[$prefix.'last_name'])){ $query = $baseQuery ." (first_name like '". $_POST[$prefix.'first_name'] . "%' and last_name = '". $_POST[$prefix.'last_name'] ."')"; }else{ $query = $baseQuery ." last_name = '". $_POST[$prefix.'last_name'] ."'"; } if(!empty($_POST[$prefix.'email1'])){ if(empty($query)){ $query = $baseQuery. " email1='". $_POST[$prefix.'email1'] . "' or email2 = '". $_POST[$prefix.'email1'] ."'"; }else { $query .= "or email1='". $_POST[$prefix.'email1'] . "' or email2 = '". $_POST[$prefix.'email1'] ."'"; } } if(!empty($_POST[$prefix.'email2'])){ if(empty($query)) { $query = $baseQuery. " email1='". $_POST[$prefix.'email2'] . "' or email2 = '". $_POST[$prefix.'email2'] ."'"; }else{ $query .= "or email1='". $_POST[$prefix.'email2'] . "' or email2 = '". $_POST[$prefix.'email2'] ."'"; } } if(!empty($query)){ $rows = array(); $db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance(); $result = $db->query($query.');'); if($db->getRowCount($result) == 0){ return null; } for($i = 0; $i < $db->getRowCount($result); $i++){ $rows[$i] = $db->fetchByAssoc($result, $i); } return $rows; } return null; } function buildTableForm($rows, $mod=''){ global $action; if(!empty($mod)){ global $current_language; $mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, $mod); }else global $mod_strings; global $app_strings; $cols = sizeof($rows[0]) * 2 + 1; if ($action != 'ShowDuplicates') { $form = '
'.$mod_strings['MSG_DUPLICATE']. '
'; $form .= "
"; } else { $form = '
'.$mod_strings['MSG_SHOW_DUPLICATES']. '
'; } $form .= get_form_header($mod_strings['LBL_DUPLICATE'],"", ''); $form .= " "; if ($action != 'ShowDuplicates') { $form .= ""; } require_once('include/formbase.php'); $form .= getPostToForm(); if(isset($rows[0])){ foreach ($rows[0] as $key=>$value){ if($key != 'id'){ $form .= ""; } } $form .= ""; } $rowColor = 'oddListRowS1'; foreach($rows as $row){ $form .= ""; if ($action != 'ShowDuplicates') $form .= "\n"; $wasSet = false; foreach ($row as $key=>$value) { if($key != 'id') { if(!$wasSet) { $form .= "\n"; $wasSet = true; } else { $form .= "\n"; } } } if($rowColor == 'evenListRowS1'){ $rowColor = 'oddListRowS1'; }else{ $rowColor = 'evenListRowS1'; } $form .= ""; } $form .= ""; if ($action == 'ShowDuplicates') { $form .= "
 ". $mod_strings[$mod_strings['db_'.$key]]. "
[${app_strings['LBL_SELECT_BUTTON_LABEL']}]  $value$value

"; } else { $form .= "
"; } return $form; } function getWideFormBody($prefix, $mod='',$formname='', $prospect = ''){ if(!ACLController::checkAccess('Prospects', 'edit', true)){ return ''; } if(empty($prospect)){ $prospect = new Prospect(); } global $mod_strings; $temp_strings = $mod_strings; if(!empty($mod)){ global $current_language; $mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, $mod); } global $app_strings; global $current_user; global $app_list_strings; $primary_address_country_options = get_select_options_with_id($app_list_strings['countries_dom'], $prospect->primary_address_country); $lbl_required_symbol = $app_strings['LBL_REQUIRED_SYMBOL']; $lbl_first_name = $mod_strings['LBL_FIRST_NAME']; $lbl_last_name = $mod_strings['LBL_LAST_NAME']; $lbl_phone = $mod_strings['LBL_OFFICE_PHONE']; $lbl_address = $mod_strings['LBL_PRIMARY_ADDRESS']; $user_id = $current_user->id; $lbl_email_address = $mod_strings['LBL_EMAIL_ADDRESS']; $form = <<
$lbl_first_name $lbl_last_name $lbl_required_symbol    
${mod_strings['LBL_TITLE']} ${mod_strings['LBL_DEPARTMENT']}    
${mod_strings['LBL_CITY']} ${mod_strings['LBL_STATE']} ${mod_strings['LBL_POSTAL_CODE']} ${mod_strings['LBL_COUNTRY']}
$lbl_phone ${mod_strings['LBL_MOBILE_PHONE']} ${mod_strings['LBL_FAX_PHONE']} ${mod_strings['LBL_HOME_PHONE']}
$lbl_email_address ${mod_strings['LBL_OTHER_EMAIL_ADDRESS']}    
EOQ; $javascript = new javascript(); $javascript->setFormName($formname); $javascript->setSugarBean(new Prospect()); $javascript->addField('email1','false',$prefix); $javascript->addField('email2','false',$prefix); $javascript->addRequiredFields($prefix); $form .=$javascript->getScript(); $mod_strings = $temp_strings; return $form; } function getFormBody($prefix, $mod='', $formname=''){ if(!ACLController::checkAccess('Prospects', 'edit', true)){ return ''; } global $mod_strings; $temp_strings = $mod_strings; if(!empty($mod)){ global $current_language; $mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, $mod); } global $app_strings; global $current_user; $lbl_required_symbol = $app_strings['LBL_REQUIRED_SYMBOL']; $lbl_first_name = $mod_strings['LBL_FIRST_NAME']; $lbl_last_name = $mod_strings['LBL_LAST_NAME']; $lbl_phone = $mod_strings['LBL_PHONE']; $user_id = $current_user->id; $lbl_email_address = $mod_strings['LBL_EMAIL_ADDRESS']; if ($formname == 'EmailEditView') { $form = << $lbl_first_name

$lbl_last_name $lbl_required_symbol

$lbl_email_address $lbl_required_symbol

EOQ; } else { $form = << $lbl_first_name

$lbl_last_name $lbl_required_symbol



EOQ; } $javascript = new javascript(); $javascript->setFormName($formname); $javascript->setSugarBean(new Prospect()); $javascript->addField('email1','false',$prefix); $javascript->addRequiredFields($prefix); $form .=$javascript->getScript(); $mod_strings = $temp_strings; return $form; } function getForm($prefix, $mod=''){ if(!ACLController::checkAccess('Prospects', 'edit', true)){ return ''; } if(!empty($mod)){ global $current_language; $mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, $mod); }else global $mod_strings; global $app_strings; $lbl_save_button_title = $app_strings['LBL_SAVE_BUTTON_TITLE']; $lbl_save_button_key = $app_strings['LBL_SAVE_BUTTON_KEY']; $lbl_save_button_label = $app_strings['LBL_SAVE_BUTTON_LABEL']; $the_form = get_left_form_header($mod_strings['LBL_NEW_FORM_TITLE']); $the_form .= << EOQ; $the_form .= $this->getFormBody($prefix,'Prospects', "${prefix}ProspectSave"); $the_form .= << EOQ; $the_form .= get_left_form_footer(); $the_form .= get_validate_record_js(); return $the_form; } function handleSave($prefix,$redirect=true, $useRequired=false){ global $theme; require_once('include/formbase.php'); global $timedate; $focus = new Prospect(); if($useRequired && !checkRequired($prefix, array_keys($focus->required_fields))){ return null; } $focus = populateFromPost($prefix, $focus); if(!$focus->ACLAccess('Save')){ return null; } if (!isset($GLOBALS['check_notify'])) $GLOBALS['check_notify']=false; if (!isset($_POST[$prefix.'email_opt_out'])) $focus->email_opt_out = 0; if (!isset($_POST[$prefix.'do_not_call'])) $focus->do_not_call = 0; if (empty($_POST['record']) && empty($_POST['dup_checked'])) { /* // we don't check dupes on Prospects - this is the dirtiest data in the system //$duplicateProspects = $this->checkForDuplicates($prefix); if(isset($duplicateProspects)){ $get='module=Prospects&action=ShowDuplicates'; //add all of the post fields to redirect get string foreach ($focus->column_fields as $field) { if (!empty($focus->$field)) { $get .= "&Prospects$field=".urlencode($focus->$field); } } foreach ($focus->additional_column_fields as $field) { if (!empty($focus->$field)) { $get .= "&Prospects$field=".urlencode($focus->$field); } } //create list of suspected duplicate prospect id's in redirect get string $i=0; foreach ($duplicateProspects as $prospect) { $get .= "&duplicate[$i]=".$prospect['id']; $i++; } //add return_module, return_action, and return_id to redirect get string $get .= "&return_module="; if(!empty($_POST['return_module'])) $get .= $_POST['return_module']; else $get .= "Prospects"; $get .= "&return_action="; if(!empty($_POST['return_action'])) $get .= $_POST['return_action']; else $get .= "DetailView"; if(!empty($_POST['return_id'])) $get .= "&return_id=".$_POST['return_id']; //now redirect the post to modules/Prospects/ShowDuplicates.php header("Location: index.php?$get"); return null; }*/ } global $current_user; $focus->save($GLOBALS['check_notify']); $return_id = $focus->id; $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Saved record with id of ".$return_id); if(isset($_POST['popup']) && $_POST['popup'] == 'true') { $get = '&module='; if(!empty($_POST['return_module'])) $get .= $_POST['return_module']; else $get .= 'Prospects'; $get .= '&action='; if(!empty($_POST['return_action'])) $get .= $_POST['return_action']; else $get .= 'Popup'; if(!empty($_POST['return_id'])) $get .= '&return_id='.$_POST['return_id']; if(!empty($_POST['popup'])) $get .= '&popup='.$_POST['popup']; if(!empty($_POST['create'])) $get .= '&create='.$_POST['create']; if(!empty($_POST['to_pdf'])) $get .= '&to_pdf='.$_POST['to_pdf']; $get .= '&first_name=' . $focus->first_name; $get .= '&last_name=' . $focus->last_name; $get .= '&query=true'; header("Location: index.php?$get"); return; } if($redirect){ require_once('include/formbase.php'); handleRedirect($return_id, 'Prospects'); }else{ return $focus; } } } ?>