'Targets', 'LBL_MODULE_ID' => 'Targets', 'LBL_INVITEE' => 'Direct Reports', 'LBL_MODULE_TITLE' => 'Targets: Home', 'LBL_SEARCH_FORM_TITLE' => 'Target Search', 'LBL_LIST_FORM_TITLE' => 'Target List', 'LBL_NEW_FORM_TITLE' => 'New Target', 'LBL_PROSPECT' => 'Target:', 'LBL_BUSINESSCARD' => 'Business Card', 'LBL_LIST_NAME' => 'Name', 'LBL_LIST_LAST_NAME' => 'Last Name', 'LBL_LIST_PROSPECT_NAME' => 'Target Name', 'LBL_LIST_TITLE' => 'Title', 'LBL_LIST_EMAIL_ADDRESS' => 'Email', 'LBL_LIST_OTHER_EMAIL_ADDRESS' => 'Other Email', 'LBL_LIST_PHONE' => 'Phone', 'LBL_LIST_PROSPECT_ROLE' => 'Role', 'LBL_LIST_FIRST_NAME' => 'First Name', 'LBL_ASSIGNED_TO_NAME' => 'Assigned to', 'LBL_ASSIGNED_TO_ID'=>'Assigned To:', //DON'T CONVERT THESE THEY ARE MAPPINGS 'db_last_name' => 'LBL_LIST_LAST_NAME', 'db_first_name' => 'LBL_LIST_FIRST_NAME', 'db_title' => 'LBL_LIST_TITLE', 'db_email1' => 'LBL_LIST_EMAIL_ADDRESS', 'db_email2' => 'LBL_LIST_OTHER_EMAIL_ADDRESS', //END DON'T CONVERT 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_ID' => 'Campaign ID', 'LBL_EXISTING_PROSPECT' => 'Used an existing contact', 'LBL_CREATED_PROSPECT' => 'Created a new contact', 'LBL_EXISTING_ACCOUNT' => 'Used an existing account', 'LBL_CREATED_ACCOUNT' => 'Created a new account', 'LBL_CREATED_CALL' => 'Created a new call', 'LBL_CREATED_MEETING' => 'Created a new meeting', 'LBL_ADDMORE_BUSINESSCARD' => 'Add another business card', 'LBL_ADD_BUSINESSCARD' => 'Enter Business Card', 'LBL_NAME' => 'Name:', 'LBL_FULL_NAME' => 'Name', 'LBL_PROSPECT_NAME' => 'Target Name:', 'LBL_PROSPECT_INFORMATION' => 'Overview', 'LBL_MORE_INFORMATION' => 'More Information', 'LBL_FIRST_NAME' => 'First Name:', 'LBL_OFFICE_PHONE' => 'Office Phone:', 'LBL_ANY_PHONE' => 'Any Phone:', 'LBL_PHONE' => 'Phone:', 'LBL_LAST_NAME' => 'Last Name:', 'LBL_MOBILE_PHONE' => 'Mobile:', 'LBL_HOME_PHONE' => 'Home:', 'LBL_OTHER_PHONE' => 'Other Phone:', 'LBL_FAX_PHONE' => 'Fax:', 'LBL_PRIMARY_ADDRESS_STREET' => 'Primary Address Street:', 'LBL_PRIMARY_ADDRESS_CITY' => 'Primary Address City:', 'LBL_PRIMARY_ADDRESS_COUNTRY' => 'Primary Address Country:', 'LBL_PRIMARY_ADDRESS_STATE' => 'Primary Address State:', 'LBL_PRIMARY_ADDRESS_POSTALCODE' => 'Primary Address Postal Code:', 'LBL_ALT_ADDRESS_STREET' => 'Alternate Address Street:', 'LBL_ALT_ADDRESS_CITY' => 'Alternate Address City:', 'LBL_ALT_ADDRESS_COUNTRY' => 'Alternate Address Country:', 'LBL_ALT_ADDRESS_STATE' => 'Alternate Address State:', 'LBL_ALT_ADDRESS_POSTALCODE' => 'Alternate Address Postal Code:', 'LBL_TITLE' => 'Title:', 'LBL_DEPARTMENT' => 'Department:', 'LBL_BIRTHDATE' => 'Birthdate:', 'LBL_EMAIL_ADDRESS' => 'Email Address:', 'LBL_OTHER_EMAIL_ADDRESS' => 'Other Email:', 'LBL_ANY_EMAIL' => 'Any Email:', 'LBL_ASSISTANT' => 'Assistant:', 'LBL_ASSISTANT_PHONE' => 'Assistant Phone:', 'LBL_DO_NOT_CALL' => 'Do Not Call:', 'LBL_EMAIL_OPT_OUT' => 'Email Opt Out:', 'LBL_PRIMARY_ADDRESS' => 'Primary Address:', 'LBL_ALTERNATE_ADDRESS' => 'Other Address:', 'LBL_ANY_ADDRESS' => 'Any Address:', 'LBL_CITY' => 'City:', 'LBL_STATE' => 'State:', 'LBL_POSTAL_CODE' => 'Postal Code:', 'LBL_COUNTRY' => 'Country:', 'LBL_DESCRIPTION_INFORMATION' => 'Description Information', 'LBL_ADDRESS_INFORMATION' => 'Address Information', 'LBL_DESCRIPTION' => 'Description:', 'LBL_PROSPECT_ROLE' => 'Role:', 'LBL_OPP_NAME' => 'Opportunity Name:', 'LBL_IMPORT_VCARD' => 'Import vCard', 'LBL_IMPORT_VCARDTEXT' => 'Automatically create a new contact by importing a vCard from your file system.', 'LBL_DUPLICATE' => 'Possible Duplicate Targets', 'MSG_SHOW_DUPLICATES' => 'The target record you are about to create might be a duplicate of a target record that already exists. Target records containing similar names and/or email addresses are listed below.
Click Create Target to continue creating this new target, or select an existing target listed below.', 'MSG_DUPLICATE' => 'The target record you are about to create might be a duplicate of a target record that already exists. Target records containing similar names and/or email addresses are listed below.
Click Save to continue creating this new target, or click Cancel to return to the module without creating the target.', 'LNK_IMPORT_VCARD' => 'Create From vCard', 'LNK_NEW_ACCOUNT' => 'Create Account', 'LNK_NEW_OPPORTUNITY' => 'Create Opportunity', 'LNK_NEW_CASE' => 'Create Case', 'LNK_NEW_NOTE' => 'Create Note or Attachment', 'LNK_NEW_CALL' => 'Log Call', 'LNK_NEW_EMAIL' => 'Archive Email', 'LNK_NEW_MEETING' => 'Schedule Meeting', 'LNK_NEW_TASK' => 'Create Task', 'LNK_NEW_APPOINTMENT' => 'Create Appointment', 'LNK_IMPORT_PROSPECTS' => 'Import Targets', 'NTC_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this record?', 'NTC_REMOVE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to remove this contact from the case?', 'NTC_REMOVE_DIRECT_REPORT_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to remove this record as a direct report?', 'ERR_DELETE_RECORD' => 'A record number must be specified to delete the contact.', 'NTC_COPY_PRIMARY_ADDRESS' => 'Copy primary address to alternate address', 'NTC_COPY_ALTERNATE_ADDRESS' => 'Copy alternate address to primary address', 'LBL_SALUTATION' => 'Salutation', 'LBL_SAVE_PROSPECT' => 'Save Target', 'LBL_CREATED_OPPORTUNITY' =>'Created a new opportunity', 'NTC_OPPORTUNITY_REQUIRES_ACCOUNT' => 'Creating an opportunity requires an account.\n Please either create a new account or select an existing one.', 'LNK_SELECT_ACCOUNT' => "Select Account", 'LNK_NEW_PROSPECT' => 'Create Target', 'LNK_PROSPECT_LIST' => 'View Targets', 'LNK_NEW_CAMPAIGN' => 'Create Campaign', 'LNK_CAMPAIGN_LIST' => 'Campaigns', 'LNK_NEW_PROSPECT_LIST' => 'Create Target List', 'LNK_PROSPECT_LIST_LIST' => 'Target Lists', 'LNK_IMPORT_PROSPECT' => 'Import Targets', 'LBL_SELECT_CHECKED_BUTTON_LABEL' => 'Select Checked Targets', 'LBL_SELECT_CHECKED_BUTTON_TITLE' => 'Select Checked Targets', 'LBL_INVALID_EMAIL'=>'Invalid Email:', 'LBL_DEFAULT_SUBPANEL_TITLE'=>'Targets', 'LBL_PROSPECT_LIST' => 'Prospect List', 'LBL_CONVERT_BUTTON_KEY' => 'V', 'LBL_CONVERT_BUTTON_TITLE' => 'Convert Target', 'LBL_CONVERT_BUTTON_LABEL' => 'Convert Target', 'LBL_CONVERTPROSPECT'=>'Convert Target', 'LNK_NEW_CONTACT'=>'New Contact', 'LBL_CREATED_CONTACT'=>"Created a new contact", 'LBL_BACKTO_PROSPECTS'=>'Back to Targets', 'LBL_CAMPAIGNS'=>'Campaigns', 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_LIST_SUBPANEL_TITLE'=>'Campaign Log', 'LBL_TRACKER_KEY'=>'Tracker Key', 'LBL_LEAD_ID'=>'Lead Id', 'LBL_CONVERTED_LEAD'=>'Converted Lead', 'LBL_ACCOUNT_NAME'=>'Account Name', 'LBL_EDIT_ACCOUNT_NAME'=>'Account Name:', 'LBL_CREATED_USER' => 'Created User', 'LBL_MODIFIED_USER' => 'Modified User', 'LBL_CAMPAIGNS_SUBPANEL_TITLE' => 'Campaigns', 'LBL_HISTORY_SUBPANEL_TITLE'=>'History', //For export labels 'LBL_PHONE_HOME' => 'Phone Home', 'LBL_PHONE_MOBILE' => 'Phone Mobile', 'LBL_PHONE_WORK' => 'Phone Work', 'LBL_PHONE_OTHER' => 'Phone Other', 'LBL_PHONE_FAX' => 'Phone Fax', 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_ID' => 'Campaign ID', 'LBL_EXPORT_ASSIGNED_USER_NAME' => 'Assigned User Name', 'LBL_EXPORT_ASSIGNED_USER_ID' => 'Assigned User ID', 'LBL_EXPORT_MODIFIED_USER_ID' => 'Modified By ID', 'LBL_EXPORT_CREATED_BY' => 'Created By ID', 'LBL_EXPORT_EMAIL2'=>'Other Email Address', ); ?>