debug('Job [ '.$job_id.' ] is about to FIRE. Updating Job status in DB'); $qLastRun = "UPDATE schedulers SET last_run = '".$runTime."' WHERE id = '".$job_id."'"; $this->db->query($qStatusUpdate); $this->db->query($qLastRun); $job = new Job(); $job->runtime = TimeDate::getInstance()->nowDb(); if($job->startJob($job_id)) { $GLOBALS['log']->info('----->Job [ '.$job_id.' ] was fired successfully'); } else { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('----->Job FAILURE job [ '.$job_id.' ] could not complete successfully.'); } $GLOBALS['log']->debug('Job [ '.$a['job'].' ] has been fired - dropped from schedulers_times queue and last_run updated'); $this->finishJob($job_id); return true; } else { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('JOB FAILURE JobThread.php called with no job_id. Suiciding this thread.'); die(); } ?>