installHook($fileName,$feedClass); } } if ( $updateDB == true ) { $admin = new Administration(); $admin->saveSetting('sugarfeed','module_'.$admin->db->quote($module),'1'); } } static function disableModuleFeed( $module, $updateDB = true ) { if ( $module != 'UserFeed' ) { // UserFeed is a fake module, used for the user postings to the feed // Don't try to load up any classes for it $fileList = SugarFeed::getModuleFeedFiles($module); foreach ( $fileList as $fileName ) { $feedClass = substr(basename($fileName),0,-4); require_once($fileName); $tmpClass = new $feedClass(); $tmpClass->removeHook($fileName,$feedClass); } } if ( $updateDB == true ) { $admin = new Administration(); $admin->saveSetting('sugarfeed','module_'.$admin->db->quote($module),'0'); } } static function flushBackendCache( ) { // This function will flush the cache files used for the module list and the link type lists sugar_cache_clear('SugarFeedModules'); if ( file_exists($cachefile = sugar_cached('modules/SugarFeed/moduleCache.php'))) { unlink($cachefile); } sugar_cache_clear('SugarFeedLinkType'); if ( file_exists($cachefile = sugar_cached('modules/SugarFeed/linkTypeCache.php'))) { unlink($cachefile); } } static function getModuleFeedFiles( $module ) { $baseDirList = array('modules/'.$module.'/SugarFeeds/', 'custom/modules/'.$module.'/SugarFeeds/'); // We store the files in a list sorted by the filename so you can override a default feed by // putting your replacement feed in the custom directory with the same filename $fileList = array(); foreach ( $baseDirList as $baseDir ) { if ( ! file_exists($baseDir) ) { continue; } $d = dir($baseDir); while ( $file = $d->read() ) { if ( $file{0} == '.' ) { continue; } if ( substr($file,-4) == '.php' ) { // We found one $fileList[$file] = $baseDir.$file; } } } return($fileList); } static function getActiveFeedModules( ) { // Stored in a cache somewhere $feedModules = sugar_cache_retrieve('SugarFeedModules'); if ( $feedModules != null ) { return($feedModules); } // Already stored in a file if ( file_exists($cachefile = sugar_cached('modules/SugarFeed/moduleCache.php'))) { require_once($cachefile); sugar_cache_put('SugarFeedModules',$feedModules); return $feedModules; } // Gotta go looking for it $admin = new Administration(); $admin->retrieveSettings(); $feedModules = array(); if ( isset($admin->settings['sugarfeed_enabled']) && $admin->settings['sugarfeed_enabled'] == '1' ) { // Only enable modules if the feed system is enabled foreach ( $admin->settings as $key => $value ) { if ( strncmp($key,'sugarfeed_module_',17) === 0 ) { // It's a module setting if ( $value == '1' ) { $moduleName = substr($key,17); $feedModules[$moduleName] = $moduleName; } } } } sugar_cache_put('SugarFeedModules',$feedModules); if ( ! file_exists($cachedir = sugar_cached('modules/SugarFeed'))) { mkdir_recursive($cachedir); } $fd = fopen("$cachedir/moduleCache.php",'w'); fwrite($fd,'<'."?php\n\n".'$feedModules = '.var_export($feedModules,true).';'); fclose($fd); return $feedModules; } static function getAllFeedModules( ) { // Uncached, only used from the admin panel and during installation currently $feedModules = array('UserFeed'=>'UserFeed'); $baseDirList = array('modules/', 'custom/modules/'); foreach ( $baseDirList as $baseDir ) { if ( ! file_exists($baseDir) ) { continue; } $d = dir($baseDir); while ( $module = $d->read() ) { if ( file_exists($baseDir.$module.'/SugarFeeds/') ) { $dFeed = dir($baseDir.$module.'/SugarFeeds/'); while ( $file = $dFeed->read() ) { if ( $file{0} == '.' ) { continue; } if ( substr($file,-4) == '.php' ) { // We found one $feedModules[$module] = $module; } } } } } return($feedModules); } /** * pushFeed2 * This method is a wrapper to pushFeed * * @param $text String value of the feed's description * @param $bean The SugarBean that is triggering the feed * @param $link_type boolean value indicating whether or not feed is a link type * @param $link_url String value of the URL (for link types only) */ static function pushFeed2($text, $bean, $link_type=false, $link_url=false) { self::pushFeed($text, $bean->module_dir, $bean->id ,$bean->assigned_user_id ,$link_type ,$link_url ); } static function pushFeed($text, $module, $id, $record_assigned_user_id=false, $link_type=false, $link_url=false ) { $feed = new SugarFeed(); if((empty($text) && empty($link_url)) || !$feed->ACLAccess('save', true) ) { $GLOBALS['log']->error('Unable to save SugarFeed record (missing data or no ACL access)'); return; } if(!empty($link_url)){ $linkClass = SugarFeed::getLinkClass($link_type); if ( $linkClass !== FALSE ) { $linkClass->handleInput($feed,$link_type,$link_url); } } $text = strip_tags(from_html($text)); $text = '{this.CREATED_BY} ' . $text; $feed->name = substr($text, 0, 255); if(strlen($text) > 255){ $feed->description = substr($text, 255, 510); } if ( $record_assigned_user_id === false ) { $feed->assigned_user_id = $GLOBALS['current_user']->id; } else { $feed->assigned_user_id = $record_assigned_user_id; } $feed->related_id = $id; $feed->related_module = $module; $feed->save(); } static function getLinkTypes() { static $linkTypeList = null; // Fastest, already stored in the static variable if ( $linkTypeList != null ) { return $linkTypeList; } // Second fastest, stored in a cache somewhere $linkTypeList = sugar_cache_retrieve('SugarFeedLinkType'); if ( $linkTypeList != null ) { return($linkTypeList); } // Third fastest, already stored in a file if ( file_exists($cachedfile = sugar_cached('modules/SugarFeed/linkTypeCache.php'))) { require_once($cachedfile); sugar_cache_put('SugarFeedLinkType',$linkTypeList); return $linkTypeList; } // Slow, have to actually collect the data $baseDirs = array('custom/modules/SugarFeed/linkHandlers/','modules/SugarFeed/linkHandlers'); $linkTypeList = array(); foreach ( $baseDirs as $dirName ) { if ( !file_exists($dirName) ) { continue; } $d = dir($dirName); while ( $file = $d->read() ) { if ( $file{0} == '.' ) { continue; } if ( substr($file,-4) == '.php' ) { // We found one $typeName = substr($file,0,-4); $linkTypeList[$typeName] = $typeName; } } } sugar_cache_put('SugarFeedLinkType',$linkTypeList); if ( ! file_exists($cachedir = sugar_cached('modules/SugarFeed')) ) { mkdir_recursive($cachedir); } $fd = fopen("$cachedir/linkTypeCache.php",'w'); fwrite($fd,'<'."?php\n\n".'$linkTypeList = '.var_export($linkTypeList,true).';'); fclose($fd); return $linkTypeList; } static function getLinkClass( $linkName ) { $linkTypeList = SugarFeed::getLinkTypes(); // Have to make sure the linkName is on the list, so they can't pass in linkName's like ../../config.php ... not that they could get anywhere if they did if ( ! isset($linkTypeList[$linkName]) ) { // No class by this name... return FALSE; } if ( file_exists('custom/modules/SugarFeed/linkHandlers/'.$linkName.'.php') ) { require_once('custom/modules/SugarFeed/linkHandlers/'.$linkName.'.php'); } else { require_once('modules/SugarFeed/linkHandlers/'.$linkName.'.php'); } $linkClassName = 'FeedLinkHandler'.$linkName; $linkClass = new $linkClassName(); return($linkClass); } function get_list_view_data(){ $data = parent::get_list_view_data(); $delete = ''; if (ACLController::moduleSupportsACL($data['RELATED_MODULE']) && !ACLController::checkAccess($data['RELATED_MODULE'], 'view', $data['CREATED_BY'] == $GLOBALS['current_user']->id) && !ACLController::checkAccess($data['RELATED_MODULE'], 'list', $data['CREATED_BY'] == $GLOBALS['current_user']->id)){ $data['NAME'] = ''; return $data; } if(is_admin($GLOBALS['current_user']) || (isset($data['CREATED_BY']) && $data['CREATED_BY'] == $GLOBALS['current_user']->id) ) { $delete = ' - '. $GLOBALS['app_strings']['LBL_DELETE_BUTTON_LABEL'].''; } $data['NAME'] .= $data['DESCRIPTION']; $data['NAME'] = '
' . html_entity_decode($data['NAME']); if(!empty($data['LINK_URL'])){ $linkClass = SugarFeed::getLinkClass($data['LINK_TYPE']); if ( $linkClass !== FALSE ) { $data['NAME'] .= $linkClass->getDisplay($data); } } $data['NAME'] .= '
'; $data['NAME'] .= $this->fetchReplies($data); return $data ; } function fetchReplies($data) { $seedBean = new SugarFeed; $replies = $seedBean->get_list('date_entered',"related_module = 'SugarFeed' AND related_id = '".$data['ID']."'"); if ( count($replies['list']) < 1 ) { return ''; } $replyHTML = '
'; foreach ( $replies['list'] as $reply ) { // Setup the delete link $delete = ''; if(is_admin($GLOBALS['current_user']) || $data['CREATED_BY'] == $GLOBALS['current_user']->id) { $delete = 'id . '", "{}"); return false;\'>'. $GLOBALS['app_strings']['LBL_DELETE_BUTTON_LABEL'].''; } $image_url = 'include/images/default_user_feed_picture.png'; if ( isset($reply->created_by) ) { $user = loadBean('Users'); $user->retrieve($reply->created_by); if ( !empty($user->picture) ) { $image_url = 'index.php?entryPoint=download&id='.$user->picture.'&type=SugarFieldImage&isTempFile=1'; } } $replyHTML .= '
'; $replyHTML .= str_replace("{this.CREATED_BY}",get_assigned_user_name($reply->created_by),html_entity_decode($reply->name)).'
'; $replyHTML .= '
'; } $replyHTML .= '
'; return $replyHTML; } static function getTimeLapse($startDate) { $seconds = $GLOBALS['timedate']->getNow()->ts - $GLOBALS['timedate']->fromUser($startDate)->ts; $minutes = $seconds/60; $seconds = $seconds % 60; $hours = floor( $minutes / 60); $minutes = $minutes % 60; $days = floor( $hours / 24); $hours = $hours % 24; $weeks = floor( $days / 7); $days = $days % 7; $result = ''; if($weeks == 1){ $result = translate('LBL_TIME_LAST_WEEK','SugarFeed').' '; return $result; }else if($weeks > 1){ $result .= $weeks . ' '.translate('LBL_TIME_WEEKS','SugarFeed').' '; if($days > 0) { $result .= $days . ' '.translate('LBL_TIME_DAYS','SugarFeed').' '; } }else{ if($days == 1){ $result = translate('LBL_TIME_YESTERDAY','SugarFeed').' '; return $result; }else if($days > 1){ $result .= $days . ' '. translate('LBL_TIME_DAYS','SugarFeed').' '; }else{ if($hours == 1) { $result .= $hours . ' '.translate('LBL_TIME_HOUR','SugarFeed').' '; } else { $result .= $hours . ' '.translate('LBL_TIME_HOURS','SugarFeed').' '; } if($hours < 6){ if($minutes == 1) { $result .= $minutes . ' ' . translate('LBL_TIME_MINUTE','SugarFeed'). ' '; } else { $result .= $minutes . ' ' . translate('LBL_TIME_MINUTES','SugarFeed'). ' '; } } if($hours == 0 && $minutes == 0) { if($seconds == 1 ) { $result = $seconds . ' ' . translate('LBL_TIME_SECOND','SugarFeed'); } else { $result = $seconds . ' ' . translate('LBL_TIME_SECONDS','SugarFeed'); } } } } return $result . ' ' . translate('LBL_TIME_AGO','SugarFeed'); } /** * Parse a piece of text and replace with proper display tags. * @static * @param $input * @return void */ public static function parseMessage($input){ $urls = getUrls($input); foreach($urls as $url){ $output = "".$url.""; $input = str_replace($url, $output, $input); } return $input; } }