'Team', 'LBL_TEAM_ID' => 'Team Id', 'LBL_ASSIGNED_TO_ID' => 'Assigned User Id', 'LBL_ASSIGNED_TO_NAME' => 'Assigned to', 'LBL_ID' => 'ID', 'LBL_DATE_ENTERED' => 'Date Created', 'LBL_DATE_MODIFIED' => 'Date Modified', 'LBL_MODIFIED' => 'Modified By', 'LBL_MODIFIED_ID' => 'Modified By Id', 'LBL_MODIFIED_NAME' => 'Modified By Name', 'LBL_CREATED' => 'Created By', 'LBL_CREATED_ID' => 'Created By Id', 'LBL_DESCRIPTION' => 'Description', 'LBL_DELETED' => 'Deleted', 'LBL_NAME' => 'Name', 'LBL_SAVING'=>'Saving...', 'LBL_SAVED'=>'Saved', 'LBL_CREATED_USER' => 'Created by User', 'LBL_MODIFIED_USER' => 'Modified by User', 'LBL_LIST_FORM_TITLE' => 'Feed List', 'LBL_MODULE_NAME' => 'Activity Streams', 'LBL_MODULE_TITLE' => 'Activity Streams', 'LBL_DASHLET_DISABLED' => 'Warning: The Feed system is disabled, no new feed entries will be posted until it is activated', 'LBL_ADMIN_SETTINGS' => 'Feed Settings', 'LBL_RECORDS_DELETED' => 'All previous Feed entries have been removed, if the Feed system is enabled, new entries will be generated automatically.', 'LBL_CONFIRM_DELETE_RECORDS' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete all of the Feed entries?', 'LBL_FLUSH_RECORDS' => 'Delete Feed Entries', 'LBL_ENABLE_FEED' => 'Enable My Activity Stream Dashlet', 'LBL_ENABLE_MODULE_LIST' => 'Activate Feeds For', 'LBL_HOMEPAGE_TITLE' => 'My Activity Stream', 'LNK_NEW_RECORD' => 'Create Feed', 'LNK_LIST' => 'Feed', 'LBL_SEARCH_FORM_TITLE' => 'Search Feed', 'LBL_HISTORY_SUBPANEL_TITLE' => 'View History', 'LBL_ACTIVITIES_SUBPANEL_TITLE' => 'Activities', 'LBL_SUGAR_FEED_SUBPANEL_TITLE' => 'Feed', 'LBL_NEW_FORM_TITLE' => 'New Feed', 'LBL_ALL'=>'All', 'LBL_USER_FEED' => 'User Feed', 'LBL_ENABLE_USER_FEED' => 'Activate User Feed', 'LBL_TO'=>'Visible to Team', 'LBL_IS'=>'is', 'LBL_DONE'=>'Done', 'LBL_TITLE'=>'Title', 'LBL_ROWS'=>'Rows', 'LBL_CATEGORIES'=>'Modules', 'LBL_TIME_LAST_WEEK'=>'Last Week', 'LBL_TIME_WEEKS' =>'Weeks', 'LBL_TIME_DAYS' =>'Days', 'LBL_TIME_YESTERDAY'=>'Yesterday', 'LBL_TIME_HOURS' =>'Hours', 'LBL_TIME_HOUR' =>'Hours', 'LBL_TIME_MINUTES' =>'Minutes', 'LBL_TIME_MINUTE' =>'Minute', 'LBL_TIME_SECONDS' =>'Seconds', 'LBL_TIME_SECOND' =>'Second', 'LBL_TIME_AGO' =>'ago', 'CREATED_CONTACT'=>'created a NEW {0}', 'CREATED_OPPORTUNITY'=>'created a NEW {0}', 'CREATED_CASE'=>'created a NEW {0}', 'CREATED_LEAD'=>'created a NEW {0}', 'FOR'=>'for', 'CLOSED_CASE'=>'CLOSED a {0} ', 'CONVERTED_LEAD'=>'CONVERTED a {0}', 'WON_OPPORTUNITY'=>'has WON an {0}', 'WITH' => 'with', 'LBL_LINK_TYPE_Link' => 'Link', 'LBL_LINK_TYPE_Image' => 'Image', 'LBL_LINK_TYPE_YouTube' => 'YouTube™', 'LBL_SELECT' => 'Select', 'LBL_POST' => 'Post', 'LBL_EXTERNAL_PREFIX' => 'External: ', 'LBL_EXTERNAL_WARNING' => 'Items labeled "external" require an external account.', 'LBL_AUTHENTICATE' => 'Connect to', 'LBL_AUTHENTICATION_PENDING' => 'Not all of the external accounts you have selected have been authenticated. Click \'Cancel\' to return to the Options window to authenticate the external accounts, or click \'Ok\' to proceed without authenticating.', 'LBL_ADVANCED_SEARCH' => 'Advanced Search' /*for 508 compliance fix*/, 'LBL_BASICSEARCH' => 'Basic Search' /*for 508 compliance fix*/, 'LBL_SHOW_MORE_OPTIONS' => 'Show More Options', 'LBL_HIDE_OPTIONS' => 'Hide Options', 'LBL_VIEW' => 'View', 'LBL_POST_TITLE' =>'Post Status Update for ', 'LBL_URL_LINK_TITLE' => 'URL Link to use', 'LBL_TEAM_VISIBILITY_TITLE' => 'team that can see this post', ); ?>