error($GLOBALS['app_strings']['ERR_MONITOR_FILE_MISSING'] . "($metadata)"); throw new Exception($GLOBALS['app_strings']['ERR_MONITOR_FILE_MISSING'] . "($metadata)"); } $this->name = $name; $this->metricsFile = $metadata; require($this->metricsFile); $fields = $dictionary[$this->name]['fields']; $this->table_name = !empty($dictionary[$this->name]['table']) ? $dictionary[$this->name]['table'] : $this->name; $this->metrics = array(); foreach($fields as $field) { //We need to skip auto_increment fields; they are not real metrics //since they are generated by the database. if(isset($field['auto_increment'])) { continue; } $type = isset($field['dbType']) ? $field['dbType'] : $field['type']; $name = $field['name']; $this->metrics[$name] = new Metric($type, $name); } $this->monitor_id = $monitorId; $this->stores = $store; if(isset($this->metrics['session_id'])) { //set the value of the session id for 2 reasons: //1) it is the same value no matter where it is set //2) ensure it follows some filter rules. $this->setValue('session_id', $this->getSessionId()); } } /** * setValue * Sets the value defined in the monitor's metrics for the given name * @param $name String value of metric name * @param $value Mixed value * @throws Exception Thrown if metric name is not configured for monitor instance */ public function setValue($name, $value) { if(!isset($this->metrics[$name])) { $GLOBALS['log']->error($GLOBALS['app_strings']['ERR_UNDEFINED_METRIC'] . "($name)"); throw new Exception($GLOBALS['app_strings']['ERR_UNDEFINED_METRIC'] . "($name)"); } else if($this->metrics[$name]->isMutable()) { $this->$name = is_object($value) ? get_class($value) : $value; $this->dirty = true; } } public function getValue($name){ return $this->$name; } /** * getStores * Returns Array of store names defined for monitor instance * @return Array of store names defined for monitor instance */ function getStores() { return $this->stores; } /** * getMetrics * Returns Array of metric instances defined for monitor instance * @return Array of metric instances defined for monitor instance */ function getMetrics() { return $this->metrics; } /** * isDirty * Returns if the monitor has data that needs to be saved * @return $dirty boolean */ function isDirty(){ return $this->dirty; } /** * save * This method retrieves the Store instances associated with monitor and calls * the flush method passing with the montior ($this) instance. * @param $flush boolean parameter indicating whether or not to flush the instance data to store or possibly cache */ public function save($flush=true) { //If the monitor is not enabled, do not save if(!$this->isEnabled()&&$this->name!='tracker_sessions')return false; //if the monitor does not have values set no need to do the work saving. if(!$this->dirty)return false; if(empty($GLOBALS['tracker_' . $this->table_name])) { foreach($this->stores as $s) { $store = $this->getStore($s); $store->flush($this); } } $this->clear(); } /** * clear * This function clears the metrics data in the monitor instance */ public function clear() { $metrics = $this->getMetrics(); foreach($metrics as $name=>$metric) { if($metric->isMutable()) { $this->$name = ''; } } $this->dirty = false; } /** * getStore * This method checks if the Store implementation has already been instantiated and * will return the one stored; otherwise it will create the Store implementation and * save it to the Array of Stores. * @param $store The name of the store as defined in the 'modules/Trackers/config.php' settings * @return An instance of a Store implementation * @throws Exception Thrown if $store class cannot be loaded */ protected function getStore($store) { if(isset($this->cachedStores[$store])) { return $this->cachedStores[$store]; } if(!file_exists("modules/Trackers/store/$store.php")) { $GLOBALS['log']->error($GLOBALS['app_strings']['ERR_STORE_FILE_MISSING'] . "($store)"); throw new Exception($GLOBALS['app_strings']['ERR_STORE_FILE_MISSING'] . "($store)"); } require_once("modules/Trackers/store/$store.php"); $s = new $store(); $this->cachedStores[$store] = $s; return $s; } public function getSessionId(){ $sessionid = session_id(); if(!empty($sessionid) && strlen($sessionid) > MAX_SESSION_LENGTH) { $sessionid = md5($sessionid); } return $sessionid; } /** * Returns the monitor's metrics/values as an Array * @return An Array of data for the monitor's corresponding metrics */ public function toArray() { $to_arr = array(); $metrics = $this->getMetrics(); foreach($metrics as $name=>$metric) { $to_arr[$name] = isset($this->$name) ? $this->$name : null; } return $to_arr; } public function setEnabled($enable=true) { $this->enabled = $enable; } public function isEnabled() { return $this->enabled; } } ?>