$layouts) { if( ! in_array($moduleKey , $selectedModules) ) { logThis("Adding $moduleKey module to rollback list."); $rollBackList[$moduleKey] = $layouts; } else { $actualMergedList[$moduleKey] = $layouts; } } logThis('Layout Commits will rollback the following modules: ' . print_r($rollBackList, TRUE)); logThis('Layout Commits merged the following modules: ' . print_r($actualMergedList, TRUE)); $layoutMergeData = $actualMergedList; rollBackMergedModules($rollBackList); $stepBack = $_REQUEST['step'] - 1; $stepNext = $_REQUEST['step'] + 1; $stepCancel = -1; $stepRecheck = $_REQUEST['step']; $_SESSION['step'][$steps['files'][$_REQUEST['step']]] = 'success'; logThis('Layout Commits completed successfully'); $smarty->assign("CONFIRM_LAYOUT_HEADER", $mod_strings['LBL_UW_CONFIRM_LAYOUT_RESULTS']); $smarty->assign("CONFIRM_LAYOUT_DESC", $mod_strings['LBL_UW_CONFIRM_LAYOUT_RESULTS_DESC']); $showCheckBoxes = FALSE; $GLOBALS['top_message'] = "{$mod_strings['LBL_LAYOUT_MERGE_TITLE2']}"; } else { //Fist visit to the commit layout page. Display the selection table to the user. logThis('Layout Commits about to show selection table'); $smarty->assign("CONFIRM_LAYOUT_HEADER", $mod_strings['LBL_UW_CONFIRM_LAYOUTS']); $smarty->assign("CONFIRM_LAYOUT_DESC", $mod_strings['LBL_LAYOUT_MERGE_DESC']); $layoutMergeData = cleanMergeData($_SESSION['sugarMergeRunResults']); $stepNext = $_REQUEST['step']; $showCheckBoxes = TRUE; $GLOBALS['top_message'] = "{$mod_strings['LBL_LAYOUT_MERGE_TITLE']}"; } $smarty->assign("APP", $app_strings); $smarty->assign("APP_LIST", $app_list_strings); $smarty->assign("MOD", $mod_strings); $smarty->assign("showCheckboxes", $showCheckBoxes); $layoutMergeData = formatLayoutMergeDataForDisplay($layoutMergeData); $smarty->assign("METADATA_DATA", $layoutMergeData); $uwMain = $smarty->fetch('modules/UpgradeWizard/tpls/layoutsMerge.tpl'); $showBack = FALSE; $showCancel = FALSE; $showRecheck = FALSE; $showNext = TRUE; set_upgrade_progress('layouts','done'); /** * Clean the merge data results, removing any emptys or blanks that should not be displayed * to the user on the confirm layout screen. * * @param array $data * @return array */ function cleanMergeData($data) { $results = array(); foreach ($data as $m => $layouts) { if(count($layouts) > 0) { $results[$m] = $layouts; } } return $results; } /** * Rollback metadata files for each module provided in the list. * * @param array $data */ function rollBackMergedModules($data) { logThis('Layout Commits, starting rollback'); $backupFileSufix = '.suback.php'; foreach ($data as $moduleName => $layouts) { logThis('Layout Commits, iterating over module:' . $moduleName); foreach ($layouts as $fileName => $wasMerged) { if($wasMerged) { $srcFile = 'custom' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'modules' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $moduleName . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'metadata'. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fileName; $srcBackupFile = $srcFile . $backupFileSufix; logThis('Layout Commits, rollBackMergedModules source file: ' . $srcDirectory); logThis('Layout Commits, rollBackMergedModules backup file: ' . $srcBackupFile); if( file_exists($srcBackupFile) ) { if( file_exists($srcFile) ) { logThis('Layout Commits, rollBackMergedModules is removing file: ' . $srcFile); @unlink($srcFile); } $copyResult = @copy($srcBackupFile, $srcFile); if($copyResult === TRUE) { @unlink($srcBackupFile); logThis("Layout Commits, rollBackMergedModules successfully reverted file $srcFile"); } else { logThis("Layout Commits, rollBackMergedModules was unable to copy file: $srcBackupFile, to $srcFile."); } } else { logThis("Layout Commits, rollBackMergedModules is unable to find backup file $srcBackupFile , nothing to do."); } } } } } /** * Format results from SugarMerge output to be used in the selection table. * * @param array $layoutMergeData * @return array */ function formatLayoutMergeDataForDisplay($layoutMergeData) { global $mod_strings,$app_list_strings; $curr_lang = 'en_us'; if(isset($GLOBALS['current_language']) && ($GLOBALS['current_language'] != null)) $curr_lang = $GLOBALS['current_language']; $module_builder_language = return_module_language($curr_lang, 'ModuleBuilder'); $results = array(); foreach ($layoutMergeData as $k => $v) { $layouts = array(); foreach ($v as $layoutPath => $isMerge) { if( preg_match('/listviewdefs.php/i', $layoutPath) ) $label = $module_builder_language['LBL_LISTVIEW']; else if( preg_match('/detailviewdefs.php/i', $layoutPath) ) $label = $module_builder_language['LBL_DETAILVIEW']; else if( preg_match('/editviewdefs.php/i', $layoutPath) ) $label = $module_builder_language['LBL_EDITVIEW']; else if( preg_match('/quickcreatedefs.php/i', $layoutPath) ) $label = $module_builder_language['LBL_QUICKCREATE']; else if( preg_match('/searchdefs.php/i', $layoutPath) ) $label = $module_builder_language['LBL_SEARCH']; else continue; $layouts[] = array('path' => $layoutPath, 'label' => $label); } $results[$k]['layouts'] = $layouts; $results[$k]['moduleName'] = $app_list_strings['moduleList'][$k]; } return $results; }