"; $out .= round((($persistence['sql_total'] - $whatsLeft) / $persistence['sql_total']) * 100, 1)."% {$mod_strings['LBL_UW_DONE']} - {$mod_strings['LBL_UW_PREFLIGHT_QUERIES_LEFT']}: {$whatsLeft}"; $out .= "
"; echo $out; ob_flush(); if($whatsLeft < 1) { $persistence['sql_check_done'] = true; } return $persistence; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// COMMIT AJAX /** * does post-post-install stuff * @param array persistence * @return array persistence */ function commitAjaxFinalTouches($persistence) { global $current_user; global $locale; global $mod_strings; global $sugar_version; if(empty($sugar_version)) { require('sugar_version.php'); } // convert to UTF8 if needed if(!empty($persistence['allTables'])) executeConvertTablesSql($db->dbType, $persistence['allTables']); // rebuild logThis('Performing UWrebuild()...'); UWrebuild(); logThis('UWrebuild() done.'); // upgrade history registerUpgrade($persistence); // flag to say upgrade has completed $persistence['upgrade_complete'] = true; // reminders if needed /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// HANDLE REMINDERS if(count($persistence['skipped_files']) > 0) { $desc = $mod_strings['LBL_UW_COMMIT_ADD_TASK_OVERVIEW']."\n\n"; $desc .= $mod_strings['LBL_UW_COMMIT_ADD_TASK_DESC_1']; $desc .= $persistence['uw_restore_dir']."\n\n"; $desc .= $mod_strings['LBL_UW_COMMIT_ADD_TASK_DESC_2']."\n\n"; foreach($persistence['skipped_files'] as $file) { $desc .= $file."\n"; } //MFH #13468 $nowDate = gmdate($timedate->dbDateFormat); $nowTime = gmdate($timedate->dbTimeFormat); $nowDateTime = $nowDate.' '.$nowTime; if($_REQUEST['addTaskReminder'] == 'remind') { logThis('Adding Task for admin for manual merge.'); $task = new Task(); $task->name = $mod_strings['LBL_UW_COMMIT_ADD_TASK_NAME']; $task->description = $desc; $task->date_due = $nowDate; $task->time_due = $nowTime; $task->priority = 'High'; $task->status = 'Not Started'; $task->assigned_user_id = $current_user->id; $task->created_by = $current_user->id; $task->date_entered = $nowDateTime; $task->date_modified = $nowDateTime; $task->save(); } if($_REQUEST['addEmailReminder'] == 'remind') { logThis('Sending Reminder for admin for manual merge.'); $email = new Email(); $email->assigned_user_id = $current_user->id; $email->name = $mod_strings['LBL_UW_COMMIT_ADD_TASK_NAME']; $email->description = $desc; $email->description_html = nl2br($desc); $email->from_name = $current_user->full_name; $email->from_addr = $current_user->email1; $email->to_addrs_arr = $email->parse_addrs($current_user->email1,'','',''); $email->cc_addrs_arr = array(); $email->bcc_addrs_arr = array(); $email->date_entered = $nowDateTime; $email->date_modified = $nowDateTime; $email->send(); $email->save(); } } //// HANDLE REMINDERS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // clean up unlinkTempFiles(); ob_start(); echo 'done'; ob_flush(); return $persistence; } /** * runs one line of sql * @param array $persistence * @return array $persistence */ function commitAjaxRunSql($persistence) { global $db; if(!isset($persistence['commit_sql_errors'])) { $persistence['commit_sql_errors'] = array(); } // This flag is determined by the preflight check in the installer if($persistence['schema_change'] == 'sugar') { if(isset($persistence['sql_to_run']) && count($persistence['sql_to_run']) > 0 && !empty($persistence['sql_to_run'])) { $sql = array_shift($persistence['sql_to_run']); $sql = trim($sql); if(!empty($sql)) { logThis("[RUNNING SQL QUERY] {$sql}"); $db->query($sql); $error = ''; switch($db->dbType) { case 'mysql': $error = mysql_error(); break; case 'oci8': break; case 'mssql': break; } if(!empty($error)) { logThis('************************************************************'); logThis('*** ERROR: SQL Commit Error!'); logThis('*** Query: [ '.$sql.' ]'); logThis('************************************************************'); $persistence['commit_sql_errors'][] = getFormattedError($error, $sql); } $persistence = ajaxSqlProgress($persistence, $sql, 'sql_to_run'); } } else { ob_start(); echo 'done'; ob_flush(); } } else { ob_start(); echo 'done'; ob_flush(); } return $persistence; } /** * returns errors found during SQL operations * @param array persistence * @return string Error message or empty string on success */ function commitAjaxGetSqlErrors($persistence) { global $mod_strings; $out = ''; if(isset($persistence['commit_sql_errors']) && !empty($persistence['commit_sql_errors'])) { $out = "
"; foreach($persistence['commit_sql_errors'] as $error) { $out .= $error; } $out .= "
"; } if(empty($out)) { $out = $mod_strings['LBL_UW_COMMIT_ALL_SQL_SUCCESSFULLY_RUN']; } ob_start(); echo $out; ob_flush(); } /** * parses the sql upgrade file for sequential querying * @param array persistence * @return array persistence */ function commitAjaxPrepSql($persistence) { return preflightCheckJsonPrepSchemaCheck($persistence, false); } /** * handles post-install tasks */ function commitAjaxPostInstall($persistence) { global $mod_strings; global $sugar_config; global $sugar_version; if(empty($sugar_version)) { require('sugar_version.php'); } // update versions info if(!updateVersions($sugar_version)) { echo $mod_strings['ERR_UW_COMMIT_UPDATE_VERSIONS']; } logThis('Starting post_install()...'); $postInstallResults = "{$mod_strings['LBL_UW_COMMIT_POSTINSTALL_RESULTS']}
"; ob_start(); echo $postInstallResults; ob_flush(); logThis('post_install() done.'); } //// END COMMIT AJAX /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// PREFLIGHT JSON STYLE function preflightCheckJsonFindUpgradeFiles($persistence) { global $sugar_config; global $mod_strings; unset($persistence['rebuild_relationships']); unset($persistence['rebuild_extensions']); // don't bother if are rechecking $manualDiff = array(); if(!isset($persistence['unzip_dir']) || empty($persistence['unzip_dir'])) { logThis('unzipping files in upgrade archive...'); $errors = array(); $base_upgrade_dir = $sugar_config['upload_dir'] . "/upgrades"; $base_tmp_upgrade_dir = "$base_upgrade_dir/temp"; $install_file = urldecode( $persistence['install_file'] ); $show_files = true; $unzip_dir = clean_path(mk_temp_dir( $base_tmp_upgrade_dir )); $zip_from_dir = "."; $zip_to_dir = "."; $zip_force_copy = array(); unzip( $install_file, $unzip_dir ); // assumption -- already validated manifest.php at time of upload include( "$unzip_dir/manifest.php" ); if( isset( $manifest['copy_files']['from_dir'] ) && $manifest['copy_files']['from_dir'] != "" ){ $zip_from_dir = $manifest['copy_files']['from_dir']; } if( isset( $manifest['copy_files']['to_dir'] ) && $manifest['copy_files']['to_dir'] != "" ){ $zip_to_dir = $manifest['copy_files']['to_dir']; } if( isset( $manifest['copy_files']['force_copy'] ) && $manifest['copy_files']['force_copy'] != "" ){ $zip_force_copy = $manifest['copy_files']['force_copy']; } if( isset( $manifest['version'] ) ){ $version = $manifest['version']; } if( !is_writable( "config.php" ) ){ logThis('BAD error'); return $mod_strings['ERR_UW_CONFIG']; } logThis('setting "unzip_dir" to '.$unzip_dir); $persistence['unzip_dir'] = clean_path($unzip_dir); $persistence['zip_from_dir'] = clean_path($zip_from_dir); logThis('unzip done.'); } else { $unzip_dir = $persistence['unzip_dir']; $zip_from_dir = $persistence['zip_from_dir']; } $persistence['upgrade_files'] = uwFindAllFiles(clean_path("$unzip_dir/$zip_from_dir"), array(), true, array(), true); return $persistence; } function preflightCheckJsonDiffFiles($persistence) { global $sugar_version; global $mod_strings; if(!isset($sugar_version) || empty($sugar_version)) { } // get md5 sums $md5_string = array(); $finalZipDir = $persistence['unzip_dir'].'/'.$persistence['zip_from_dir']; if(is_file(getcwd().'/files.md5')) require(getcwd().'/files.md5'); // initialize pass array $manualDiff = array(); // file preflight checks logThis('verifying md5 checksums for files...'); $cache_html_files = findAllFilesRelative( "{$GLOBALS['sugar_config']['cache_dir']}layout", array()); foreach($persistence['upgrade_files'] as $file) { if(strpos($file, '.md5')) continue; // skip md5 file // normalize file paths $file = clean_path($file); // check that we can move/delete the upgraded file if(!is_writable($file)) { $errors[] = $mod_strings['ERR_UW_FILE_NOT_WRITABLE'].": ".$file; } // check that destination files are writable $destFile = getcwd().str_replace($finalZipDir, '', $file); if(is_file($destFile)) { // of course it needs to exist first... if(!is_writable($destFile)) { $errors[] = $mod_strings['ERR_UW_FILE_NOT_WRITABLE'].": ".$destFile; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// DIFFS // compare md5s and build up a manual merge list $targetFile = clean_path(".".str_replace(getcwd(),'',$destFile)); $targetMd5 = '0'; if(is_file($destFile)) { if(strpos($targetFile, '.php')) { // handle PHP files that were hit with the security regex $fp = sugar_fopen($destFile, 'r'); $filesize = filesize($destFile); if($filesize > 0) { $fileContents = fread($fp, $filesize); $targetMd5 = md5($fileContents); } } else { $targetMd5 = md5_file($destFile); } } if(isset($md5_string[$targetFile]) && $md5_string[$targetFile] != $targetMd5) { logThis('found a file with a differing md5: ['.$targetFile.']'); $manualDiff[] = $destFile; } //// END DIFFS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// echo "."; } logThis('md5 verification done.'); $persistence['manual'] = $manualDiff; $persistence['diff_errors'] = $errors; return $persistence; } function preflightCheckJsonGetDiff($persistence) { global $mod_strings; global $current_user; $out = $mod_strings['LBL_UW_PREFLIGHT_TESTS_PASSED']; $stop = false; $disableEmail = (empty($current_user->email1)) ? 'DISABLED' : 'CHECKED'; if(count($persistence['manual']) > 0) { $preserveFiles = array(); $diffs =<< function preflightToggleAll(cb) { var checkAll = false; var form = document.getElementById('diffs'); if(cb.checked == true) { checkAll = true; } for(i=0; i


"; $diffs .= "
"; // list preserved files (templates, etc.) $preserve = ''; foreach($preserveFiles as $pf) { if(empty($preserve)) { $preserve .= ""; } $preserve .= ""; } if(!empty($preserve)) { $preserve .= '
"; $preserve .= $mod_strings['LBL_UW_PREFLIGHT_PRESERVE_FILES']; $preserve .= "
".str_replace(getcwd(), '.', $pf)."

'; } $diffs = $preserve.$diffs; } else { // NO FILE DIFFS REQUIRED $diffs = $mod_strings['LBL_UW_PREFLIGHT_NO_DIFFS']; } echo $diffs; return $persistence; } /** * loads the sql file into an array * @param array persistence * @param bool preflight Flag to load for Preflight or Commit * @return array persistence */ function preflightCheckJsonPrepSchemaCheck($persistence, $preflight=true) { global $mod_strings; global $db; global $sugar_db_version; global $manifest; unset($persistence['sql_to_run']); $persistence['sql_to_check'] = array(); $persistence['sql_to_check_backup'] = array(); if(isset($persistence['sql_check_done'])) { // reset flag to not check (on Recheck) unset($persistence['sql_check_done']); unset($persistence['sql_errors']); } // get schema script if not loaded if($preflight) logThis('starting schema preflight check...'); else logThis('Preparing SQL statements for sequential execution...'); if(!isset($sugar_db_version) || empty($sugar_db_version)) { include('./sugar_version.php'); } if(!isset($manifest['version']) || empty($manifest['version'])) { include($persistence['unzip_dir'].'/manifest.php'); } $current_version = substr(preg_replace("#[^0-9]#", "", $sugar_db_version),0,3); $targetVersion = substr(preg_replace("#[^0-9]#", "", $manifest['version']),0,3); $sqlScript = $persistence['unzip_dir'].'/scripts/'.$current_version.'_to_'.$targetVersion.'_'.$db->dbType.'.sql'; $newTables = array(); logThis('looking for schema script at: '.$sqlScript); if(is_file($sqlScript)) { logThis('found schema upgrade script: '.$sqlScript); $fp = sugar_fopen($sqlScript, 'r'); $contents = fread($fp, filesize($sqlScript)); if(rewind($fp)) { $completeLine = ''; while($line = fgets($fp)) { if(strpos($line, '--') === false) { $completeLine .= " ".trim($line); if(strpos($line, ';') !== false) { $completeLine = str_replace(';','',$completeLine); $persistence['sql_to_check'][] = $completeLine; $completeLine = ''; //reset for next loop } } } $persistence['sql_total'] = count($persistence['sql_to_check']); } else { logThis('*** ERROR: could not read schema script: '.$sqlScript); $persistence['sql_errors'][] = $mod_strings['ERR_UW_FILE_NOT_READABLE'].'::'.$sqlScript; } } // load a new array if for commit if($preflight) { $persistence['sql_to_check_backup'] = $persistence['sql_to_check']; $persistence['sql_to_run'] = $persistence['sql_to_check']; echo "1% ".$mod_strings['LBL_UW_DONE']; } else { $persistence['sql_to_run'] = $persistence['sql_to_check']; unset($persistence['sql_to_check']); } return $persistence; } function preflightCheckJsonSchemaCheck($persistence) { global $mod_strings; global $db; if(!isset($persistence['sql_check_done']) || $persistence['sql_check_done'] != true) { // must keep sql in order $completeLine = array_shift($persistence['sql_to_check']); $whatsLeft = count($persistence['sql_to_check']); // populate newTables array to prevent "getting sample data" from non-existent tables $newTables = array(); if(strtoupper(substr($completeLine,1,5)) == 'CREAT') $newTables[] = getTableFromQuery($completeLine); $bad = verifySqlStatement(trim($completeLine), $db->dbType, $newTables); if(!empty($bad)) { logThis('*** ERROR: schema change script has errors: '.$completeLine); $persistence['sql_errors'][] = $bad; } $persistence = ajaxSqlProgress($persistence, $completeLine, 'sql_to_check'); } else { $persistence['sql_to_check'] = $persistence['sql_to_check_backup']; echo 'done'; } return $persistence; } function preflightCheckJsonGetSchemaErrors($persistence) { global $mod_strings; if(isset($persistence['sql_errors']) && count($persistence['sql_errors'] > 0)) { $out = "{$mod_strings['ERR_UW_PREFLIGHT_ERRORS']}: "; $out .= "{$mod_strings['LBL_UW_SHOW_SQL_ERRORS']}
"; } else { $out = ''; } // reset errors if Rechecking if(isset($persistence['sql_errors'])) //unset($persistence['sql_errors']); echo $out; return $persistence; } function preflightCheckJsonFillSchema() { global $mod_strings; global $persistence; global $sugar_db_version; global $manifest; global $db; if(empty($sugar_db_version)) { include('sugar_version'); } if(empty($manifest)) { include($persistence['unzip_dir'].'/manifest.php'); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// SCHEMA SCRIPT HANDLING $schema = ''; $alterTableSchemaOut = ''; $current_version = substr(preg_replace("#[^0-9]#", "", $sugar_db_version),0,3); $targetVersion = substr(preg_replace("#[^0-9]#", "", $manifest['version']),0,3); $sqlScript = $persistence['unzip_dir'].'/scripts/'.$current_version.'_to_'.$targetVersion.'_'.$db->dbType.'.sql'; $newTables = array(); logThis('looking for SQL script for DISPLAY at '.$sqlScript); if(file_exists($sqlScript)) { $fp = sugar_fopen($sqlScript, 'r'); $contents = fread($fp, filesize($sqlScript)); $schema = "

{$mod_strings['LBL_UW_SHOW_SCHEMA']}"; $schema .= "

"; } //// END SCHEMA SCRIPT HANDLING /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ob_start(); echo $schema; ob_flush(); } function preflightCheckJsonAlterTableCharset() { global $mod_strings; global $sugar_db_version; global $persistence; if(empty($sugar_db_version)) include('sugar_version.php'); $current_version = substr(preg_replace("#[^0-9]#", "", $sugar_db_version),0,3); if(version_compare($current_version, '450', "<")) { if(isset($persistence['allTables']) && !empty($persistence['allTables'])) { $alterTableContents = printAlterTableSql($persistence['allTables']); $alterTableSchema = "

{$mod_strings['LBL_UW_CHARSET_SCHEMA_CHANGE']}"; $alterTableSchema .= "

"; } } else { $alterTableSchema = ''.$mod_strings['LBL_UW_PREFLIGHT_NOT_NEEDED'].''; } ob_start(); echo $alterTableSchema; ob_flush(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// SYSTEMCHECK AJAX FUNCTIONS function systemCheckJsonGetFiles($persistence) { global $sugar_config; global $mod_strings; // add directories here that should be skipped when doing file permissions checks (cache/upload is the nasty one) $skipDirs = array( $sugar_config['upload_dir'], getcwd().'/themes', ); if(!isset($persistence['dirs_checked'])) { $the_array = array(); $files = array(); $dir = getcwd(); $d = dir($dir); while($f = $d->read()) { if($f == "." || $f == "..") // skip *nix self/parent continue; if(is_dir("$dir/$f")) $the_array[] = clean_path("$dir/$f"); else { $files[] = clean_path("$dir/$f"); } } $persistence['files_to_check'] = $files; $persistence['dirs_to_check'] = $the_array; $persistence['dirs_total'] = count($the_array); $persistence['dirs_checked'] = false; $out = "1% {$mod_strings['LBL_UW_DONE']}"; return $persistence; } elseif($persistence['dirs_checked'] == false) { $dir = array_pop($persistence['dirs_to_check']); $files = uwFindAllFiles($dir, array(), true, $skipDirs); $persistence['files_to_check'] = array_merge($persistence['files_to_check'], $files); $whatsLeft = count($persistence['dirs_to_check']); if(!isset($persistence['dirs_to_check']) || $whatsLeft < 1) { $whatsLeft = 0; $persistence['dirs_checked'] = true; } $out = round((($persistence['dirs_total'] - $whatsLeft) / 21) * 100, 1)."% {$mod_strings['LBL_UW_DONE']}"; $out .= " [{$mod_strings['LBL_UW_SYSTEM_CHECK_CHECKING_JSON']} {$dir}]"; } else { $out = "Done"; } echo trim($out); return $persistence; } /** * checks files for permissions * @param array files Array of files with absolute paths * @return string result of check */ function systemCheckJsonCheckFiles($persistence) { global $mod_strings; global $persistence; $filesNotWritable = array(); $i=0; $filesOut = " {$mod_strings['LBL_UW_SHOW_NW_FILES']} '; // not a stop error $persistence['filesNotWritable'] = (count($filesNotWritable) > 0) ? true : false; if(count($filesNotWritable) < 1) { $filesOut = "{$mod_strings['LBL_UW_FILE_NO_ERRORS']}"; $persistence['step']['systemCheck'] = 'success'; } echo $filesOut; return $persistence; } ?>