= 5){ $modules = getAllModules(); $backwardModules = array(); foreach($modules as $mod){ if(is_dir(clean_path(getcwd().'/modules/'.$mod.'/.500'))){ $files = array(); $files= findAllFiles(clean_path(getcwd().'/modules/'.$mod.'/.500'),$files); if(sizeof($files) >0){ //backward compatibility is on $backwardModules[] = $mod; } } } } $newFiles = findAllFiles(clean_path($unzip_dir . '/' . $zip_from_dir), array()); $zipPath = clean_path($unzip_dir . '/' . $zip_from_dir); // handle special do-not-overwrite conditions $doNotOverwrite = array(); $doNotOverwrite[] = '__stub'; if(isset($_REQUEST['overwrite_files_serial'])) { $doNotOverwrite = explode('::', $_REQUEST['overwrite_files_serial']); } $copiedFiles = array(); $skippedFiles = array(); foreach($newFiles as $file) { $cleanFile = str_replace($zipPath, '', $file); $srcFile = $zipPath . $cleanFile; $targetFile = clean_path(getcwd() . '/' . $cleanFile); if($backwardModules != null && sizeof($backwardModules) >0){ foreach($backwardModules as $mod){ $splitPath = explode('/',trim($cleanFile)); if('modules' == trim($splitPath[1]) && $mod == trim($splitPath[2])){ $cleanFile = str_replace('/modules/'.$mod, '/modules/'.$mod.'/.500', $cleanFile); $targetFile = clean_path(getcwd() . '/' . $cleanFile); } } } if(!is_dir(dirname($targetFile))) { mkdir_recursive(dirname($targetFile)); // make sure the directory exists } if((!file_exists($targetFile)) || /* brand new file */ (!in_array($targetFile, $doNotOverwrite)) /* manual diff file */ ) { // handle sugar_version.php if(strpos($targetFile, 'sugar_version.php') !== false && !preg_match('/\/portal\/sugar_version\.php$/i', $targetFile)) { logThis('Skipping "sugar_version.php" - file copy will occur at end of successful upgrade', $path); $_SESSION['sugar_version_file'] = $srcFile; continue; } logThis('Copying file to destination: ' . $targetFile, $path); if(!copy($srcFile, $targetFile)) { logThis('*** ERROR: could not copy file: ' . $targetFile, $path); } else { $copiedFiles[] = $targetFile; } } else { logThis('Skipping file: ' . $targetFile, $path); $skippedFiles[] = $targetFile; } } logThis('File copy done.', $path); $ret = array(); $ret['copiedFiles'] = $copiedFiles; $ret['skippedFiles'] = $skippedFiles; return $ret; } //On cancel put back the copied files from 500 to 451 state function copyFilesOnCancel($step){ //place hoder for cancel action } function removeFileFromPath($file,$path, $deleteNot=array()){ $removed = 0; $cur = $path . '/' . $file; if(file_exists($cur)){ $del = true; foreach($deleteNot as $dn){ if($cur == $dn){ $del = false; } } if($del){ unlink($cur); $removed++; } } if(!file_exists($path))return $removed; $d = dir($path); while($e = $d->read()){ $next = $path . '/'. $e; if(substr($e, 0, 1) != '.' && is_dir($next)){ $removed += removeFileFromPath($file, $next, $deleteNot); } } return $removed; } /** * This function copies/overwrites between directories * * @param string the directory name to remove * @param boolean whether to just empty the given directory, without deleting the given directory. * @return boolean True/False whether the directory was deleted. */ function copyRecursiveBetweenDirectories($from,$to){ if(file_exists($from)){ $modifiedFiles = array(); $modifiedFiles = findAllFiles(clean_path($from), $modifiedFiles); $cwd = clean_path(getcwd()); foreach($modifiedFiles as $file) { $srcFile = clean_path($file); //$targetFile = clean_path(getcwd() . '/' . $srcFile); if (strpos($srcFile,".svn") !== false) { //do nothing } else{ $targetFile = str_replace($from, $to, $srcFile); if(!is_dir(dirname($targetFile))) { mkdir_recursive(dirname($targetFile)); // make sure the directory exists } // handle sugar_version.php if(strpos($targetFile, 'sugar_version.php') !== false && !preg_match('/\/portal\/sugar_version\.php$/i', $targetFile)) { logThis('Skipping "sugar_version.php" - file copy will occur at end of successful upgrade', $path); $_SESSION['sugar_version_file'] = $srcFile; continue; } logThis('Copying file to destination: ' . $targetFile); if(!copy($srcFile, $targetFile)) { logThis('*** ERROR: could not copy file: ' . $targetFile); } else { logThis('Copied file: ' . $targetFile); //$copiedFiles[] = $targetFile; } } } } } function deleteDirectory($dirname,$only_empty=false) { if (!is_dir($dirname)) return false; $dscan = array(realpath($dirname)); $darr = array(); while (!empty($dscan)) { $dcur = array_pop($dscan); $darr[] = $dcur; if ($d=opendir($dcur)) { while ($f=readdir($d)) { if ($f=='.' || $f=='..') continue; $f=$dcur.'/'.$f; if (is_dir($f)) $dscan[] = $f; else unlink($f); } closedir($d); } } $i_until = ($only_empty)? 1 : 0; for ($i=count($darr)-1; $i>=$i_until; $i--) { //echo "\nDeleting '".$darr[$i]."' ... "; if (rmdir($darr[$i])) logThis('Success :Copying file to destination: ' . $darr[$i]); else logThis('Copy problem:Copying file to destination: ' . $darr[$i]); } return (($only_empty)? (count(scandir)<=2) : (!is_dir($dirname))); } /** * Get all the customized modules. Compare the file md5s with the base md5s * If a file has been modified then put the module in the list of customized * modules. Show the list in the preflight check UI. */ function deleteAndOverWriteSelectedFiles($unzip_dir, $zip_from_dir,$delete_dirs){ if($delete_dirs != null){ foreach($delete_dirs as $del_dir){ deleteDirectory($del_dir); $newFiles = findAllFiles(clean_path($unzip_dir . '/' . $zip_from_dir.'/'.$del_dir), array()); $zipPath = clean_path($unzip_dir . '/' . $zip_from_dir.'/'.$del_dir); $copiedFiles = array(); $skippedFiles = array(); foreach($newFiles as $file) { $cleanFile = str_replace($zipPath, '', $file); $srcFile = $zipPath . $cleanFile; $targetFile = clean_path(getcwd() . '/' . $cleanFile); if(!is_dir(dirname($targetFile))) { mkdir_recursive(dirname($targetFile)); // make sure the directory exists } if(!file_exists($targetFile)){ // handle sugar_version.php if(strpos($targetFile, 'sugar_version.php') !== false) { logThis('Skipping sugar_version.php - file copy will occur at end of successful upgrade'); $_SESSION['sugar_version_file'] = $srcFile; continue; } logThis('Copying file to destination: ' . $targetFile); if(!copy($srcFile, $targetFile)) { logThis('*** ERROR: could not copy file: ' . $targetFile); } else { $copiedFiles[] = $targetFile; } } else { logThis('Skipping file: ' . $targetFile); $skippedFiles[] = $targetFile; } } } } $ret = array(); $ret['copiedFiles'] = $copiedFiles; $ret['skippedFiles'] = $skippedFiles; return $ret; } //Default is empty the directory. For removing set it to false // to use this function to totally remove a directory, write: // recursive_remove_directory('path/to/directory/to/delete',FALSE); // to use this function to empty a directory, write: // recursive_remove_directory('path/to/full_directory'); function recursive_empty_or_remove_directory($directory, $exclude_dirs=null,$exclude_files=null,$empty=TRUE) { // if the path has a slash at the end we remove it here if(substr($directory,-1) == '/') { $directory = substr($directory,0,-1); } // if the path is not valid or is not a directory ... if(!file_exists($directory) || !is_dir($directory)) { // ... we return false and exit the function return FALSE; // ... if the path is not readable }elseif(!is_readable($directory)) { // ... we return false and exit the function return FALSE; // ... else if the path is readable }else{ // we open the directory $handle = opendir($directory); // and scan through the items inside while (FALSE !== ($item = readdir($handle))) { // if the filepointer is not the current directory // or the parent directory if($item != '.' && $item != '..') { // we build the new path to delete $path = $directory.'/'.$item; // if the new path is a directory //add another check if the dir is in the list to exclude delete if(is_dir($path) && $exclude_dirs != null && in_array($path,$exclude_dirs)){ //do nothing } else if(is_dir($path)) { // we call this function with the new path recursive_empty_or_remove_directory($path); } // if the new path is a file else{ // we remove the file if($exclude_files != null && in_array($path,$exclude_files)){ //do nothing } else{ unlink($path); } } } } // close the directory closedir($handle); // if the option to empty is not set to true if($empty == FALSE) { // try to delete the now empty directory if(!rmdir($directory)) { // return false if not possible return FALSE; } } // return success return TRUE; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------ function getAllCustomizedModules() { require_once('files.md5'); $return_array = array(); $modules = getAllModules(); foreach($modules as $mod) { //find all files in each module if the files have been modified //as compared to the base version then add the module to the //customized modules array $modFiles = findAllFiles(clean_path(getcwd())."/modules/$mod", array()); foreach($modFiles as $file){ $fileContents = file_get_contents($file); $file = str_replace(clean_path(getcwd()),'',$file); if($md5_string['./' . $file]){ if(md5($fileContents) != $md5_string['./' . $file]) { //A file has been customized in the module. Put the module into the // customized modules array. echo 'Changed File'.$file; $return_array[$mod]; break; } } else{ // This is a new file in user's version and indicates that module has been //customized. Put the module in the customized array. echo 'New File'.$file; $return_array[$mod]; break; } } } //foreach return $return_array; } /** * Array of all Modules in the version bein upgraded * This method returns an Array of all modules * @return $modules Array of modules. */ function getAllModules() { $modules = array(); $d = dir('modules'); while($e = $d->read()){ if(substr($e, 0, 1) == '.' || !is_dir('modules/' . $e))continue; $modules[] = $e; } return $modules; } //Remove files with the smae md5 function removeMd5MatchingFiles($deleteNot=array()){ $md5_string = array(); if(file_exists(clean_path(getcwd().'/files.md5'))){ require(clean_path(getcwd().'/files.md5')); } $modulesAll = getAllModules(); foreach($modulesAll as $mod){ $allModFiles = array(); if(is_dir('modules/'.$mod)){ $allModFiles = findAllFiles('modules/'.$mod,$allModFiles); foreach($allModFiles as $file){ if(file_exists($file) && !in_array(basename($file),$deleteNot)){ if(isset($md5_string['./'.$file])) { $fileContents = file_get_contents($file); if(md5($fileContents) == $md5_string['./'.$file]) { unlink($file); } } } } } } } /** * Handles requirements for creating reminder Tasks and Emails * @param array skippedFiles Array of files that were not overwriten and must be manually mereged. * @param string path Optional full path to alternate upgradeWizard log. */ function commitHandleReminders($skippedFiles, $path='') { global $mod_strings; global $current_user; if(empty($mod_strings)) $mod_strings = return_module_language('en_us', 'UpgradeWizard'); if(empty($current_user->id)) { $current_user->getSystemUser(); } if(count($skippedFiles) > 0) { $desc = $mod_strings['LBL_UW_COMMIT_ADD_TASK_OVERVIEW'] . "\n\n"; $desc .= $mod_strings['LBL_UW_COMMIT_ADD_TASK_DESC_1']; $desc .= $_SESSION['uw_restore_dir'] . "\n\n"; $desc .= $mod_strings['LBL_UW_COMMIT_ADD_TASK_DESC_2'] . "\n\n"; foreach($skippedFiles as $file) { $desc .= $file . "\n"; } //MFH #13468 $nowDate = gmdate($timedate->dbDateFormat); $nowTime = gmdate($timedate->dbTimeFormat); $nowDateTime = $nowDate . ' ' . $nowTime; if($_REQUEST['addTaskReminder'] == 'remind') { logThis('Adding Task for admin for manual merge.', $path); $task = new Task(); $task->name = $mod_strings['LBL_UW_COMMIT_ADD_TASK_NAME']; $task->description = $desc; $task->date_due = $nowDate; $task->time_due = $nowTime; $task->priority = 'High'; $task->status = 'Not Started'; $task->assigned_user_id = $current_user->id; $task->created_by = $current_user->id; $task->date_entered = $nowDateTime; $task->date_modified = $nowDateTime; $task->save(); } if($_REQUEST['addEmailReminder'] == 'remind') { logThis('Sending Reminder for admin for manual merge.', $path); $email = new Email(); $email->assigned_user_id = $current_user->id; $email->name = $mod_strings['LBL_UW_COMMIT_ADD_TASK_NAME']; $email->description = $desc; $email->description_html = nl2br($desc); $email->from_name = $current_user->full_name; $email->from_addr = $current_user->email1; $email->to_addrs_arr = $email->parse_addrs($current_user->email1, '', '', ''); $email->cc_addrs_arr = array(); $email->bcc_addrs_arr = array(); $email->date_entered = $nowDateTime; $email->date_modified = $nowDateTime; $email->send(); $email->save(); } } } function deleteCache(){ //Clean modules from cache if(is_dir($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['cache_dir'].'modules')){ $allModFiles = array(); $allModFiles = findAllFiles($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['cache_dir'].'modules',$allModFiles); foreach($allModFiles as $file){ if(file_exists($file)){ unlink($file); } } } //Clean jsLanguage from cache if(is_dir($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['cache_dir'].'jsLanguage')){ $allModFiles = array(); $allModFiles = findAllFiles($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['cache_dir'].'jsLanguage',$allModFiles); foreach($allModFiles as $file){ if(file_exists($file)){ unlink($file); } } } //Clean smarty from cache if(is_dir($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['cache_dir'].'smarty')){ $allModFiles = array(); $allModFiles = findAllFiles($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['cache_dir'].'smarty',$allModFiles); foreach($allModFiles as $file){ if(file_exists($file)){ unlink($file); } } } //Rebuild dashlets cache require_once('include/Dashlets/DashletCacheBuilder.php'); $dc = new DashletCacheBuilder(); $dc->buildCache(); } function deleteChance(){ //Clean folder from cache if(is_dir('include/SugarObjects/templates/chance')){ rmdir_recursive('include/SugarObjects/templates/chance'); } if(is_dir('include/SugarObjects/templates/chance')){ if(!isset($_SESSION['chance'])){ $_SESSION['chance'] = ''; } $_SESSION['chance'] = 'include/SugarObjects/templates/chance'; //rename('include/SugarObjects/templates/chance','include/SugarObjects/templates/chance_removeit'); } } /** * copies upgrade wizard files from new patch if that dir exists * @param string file Path to uploaded zip file */ function upgradeUWFiles($file) { global $sugar_config; // file = getcwd().'/'.$sugar_config['upload_dir'].$_FILES['upgrade_zip']['name']; $cacheUploadUpgradesTemp = clean_path(mk_temp_dir("{$sugar_config['upload_dir']}upgrades/temp")); unzip($file, $cacheUploadUpgradesTemp); if(!file_exists(clean_path("{$cacheUploadUpgradesTemp}/manifest.php"))) { logThis("*** ERROR: no manifest file detected while bootstraping upgrade wizard files!"); return; } else { include(clean_path("{$cacheUploadUpgradesTemp}/manifest.php")); } $allFiles = array(); // upgradeWizard if(file_exists(clean_path("{$cacheUploadUpgradesTemp}/{$manifest['copy_files']['from_dir']}/modules/UpgradeWizard"))) { $allFiles = findAllFiles(clean_path("{$cacheUploadUpgradesTemp}/{$manifest['copy_files']['from_dir']}/modules/UpgradeWizard"), $allFiles); } // moduleInstaller if(file_exists(clean_path("{$cacheUploadUpgradesTemp}/{$manifest['copy_files']['from_dir']}/ModuleInstall"))) { $allFiles = findAllFiles(clean_path("{$cacheUploadUpgradesTemp}/{$manifest['copy_files']['from_dir']}/ModuleInstall"), $allFiles); } if(file_exists(clean_path("{$cacheUploadUpgradesTemp}/{$manifest['copy_files']['from_dir']}/include/javascript/yui"))) { $allFiles = findAllFiles(clean_path("{$cacheUploadUpgradesTemp}/{$manifest['copy_files']['from_dir']}/include/javascript/yui"), $allFiles); } if(file_exists(clean_path("{$cacheUploadUpgradesTemp}/{$manifest['copy_files']['from_dir']}/HandleAjaxCall.php"))) { $allFiles[] = clean_path("{$cacheUploadUpgradesTemp}/{$manifest['copy_files']['from_dir']}/HandleAjaxCall.php"); } if(file_exists(clean_path("{$cacheUploadUpgradesTemp}/{$manifest['copy_files']['from_dir']}/include/SugarTheme"))) { $allFiles = findAllFiles(clean_path("{$cacheUploadUpgradesTemp}/{$manifest['copy_files']['from_dir']}/include/SugarTheme"), $allFiles); } /* * /home/chris/workspace/maint450/cache/upload/upgrades/temp/DlNnqP/ * SugarEnt-Patch-4.5.0c/modules/Leads/ConvertLead.html */ $cwd = clean_path(getcwd()); foreach($allFiles as $k => $file) { $file = clean_path($file); $destFile = str_replace(clean_path($cacheUploadUpgradesTemp.'/'.$manifest['copy_files']['from_dir']), $cwd, $file); if(!is_dir(dirname($destFile))) { mkdir_recursive(dirname($destFile)); // make sure the directory exists } if ( stristr($file,'uw_main.tpl') ) logThis('Skipping "'.$file.'" - file copy will during commit step.'); else { logThis('updating UpgradeWizard code: '.$destFile); copy_recursive($file, $destFile); } } logThis ('is sugar_file_util there '.file_exists(clean_path("{$cacheUploadUpgradesTemp}/{$manifest['copy_files']['from_dir']}/include/utils/sugar_file_utils.php"))); if(file_exists(clean_path("{$cacheUploadUpgradesTemp}/{$manifest['copy_files']['from_dir']}/include/utils/sugar_file_utils.php"))) { $file = clean_path("{$cacheUploadUpgradesTemp}/{$manifest['copy_files']['from_dir']}/include/utils/sugar_file_utils.php"); $destFile = str_replace(clean_path($cacheUploadUpgradesTemp.'/'.$manifest['copy_files']['from_dir']), $cwd, $file); copy($file,$destFile); } } /** * gets valid patch file names that exist in upload/upgrade/patch/ */ function getValidPatchName($returnFull = true) { global $base_upgrade_dir; global $mod_strings; global $uh; global $sugar_version; global $sugar_config; $uh = new UpgradeHistory(); $base_upgrade_dir = $sugar_config['upload_dir'] . "upgrades"; $return = array(); // scan for new files (that are not installed) logThis('finding new files for upgrade'); $upgrade_content = ''; $upgrade_contents = findAllFiles($base_upgrade_dir, array(), false, 'zip'); //other variations of zip file i.e. ZIP, zIp,zIP,Zip,ZIp,ZiP $extns = array('ZIP','ZIp','ZiP','Zip','zIP','zIp','ziP'); foreach($extns as $extn){ $upgrade_contents = array_merge($upgrade_contents,findAllFiles( "$base_upgrade_dir", array() , false, $extn)); } $ready = "\n"; $return['ready'] = $ready; $return['disabled'] = $disabled; if($returnFull) { return $return; } } /** * finalizes upgrade by setting upgrade versions in DB (config table) and sugar_version.php * @return bool true on success */ function updateVersions($version) { global $db; global $sugar_config; global $path; logThis('At updateVersions()... updating config table and sugar_version.php.', $path); // handle file copy if(isset($_SESSION['sugar_version_file']) && !empty($_SESSION['sugar_version_file'])) { if(!copy($_SESSION['sugar_version_file'], clean_path(getcwd().'/sugar_version.php'))) { logThis('*** ERROR: sugar_version.php could not be copied to destination! Cannot complete upgrade', $path); return false; } else { logThis('sugar_version.php successfully updated!', $path); } } else { logThis('*** ERROR: no sugar_version.php file location found! - cannot complete upgrade...', $path); return false; } // handle config table if($db->dbType == 'mysql') { $q1 = "DELETE FROM `config` WHERE `category` = 'info' AND `name` = 'sugar_version'"; $q2 = "INSERT INTO `config` (`category`, `name`, `value`) VALUES ('info', 'sugar_version', '{$version}')"; } elseif($db->dbType == 'oci8' || $db->dbType == 'oracle') { } elseif($db->dbType == 'mssql') { $q1 = "DELETE FROM config WHERE category = 'info' AND name = 'sugar_version'"; $q2 = "INSERT INTO config (category, name, value) VALUES ('info', 'sugar_version', '{$version}')"; } logThis('Deleting old DB version info from config table.', $path); $db->query($q1); logThis('Inserting updated version info into config table.', $path); $db->query($q2); logThis('updateVersions() complete.', $path); return true; } /** * gets a module's lang pack - does not need to be a SugarModule * @param lang string Language * @param module string Path to language folder * @return array mod_strings */ function getModuleLanguagePack($lang, $module) { $mod_strings = array(); if(!empty($lang) && !empty($module)) { $langPack = clean_path(getcwd().'/'.$module.'/language/'.$lang.'.lang.php'); $langPackEn = clean_path(getcwd().'/'.$module.'/language/en_us.lang.php'); if(file_exists($langPack)) include_once($langPack); elseif(file_exists($langPackEn)) include_once($langPackEn); } return $mod_strings; } /** * checks system compliance for 4.5+ codebase * @return array Mixed values */ function checkSystemCompliance() { global $sugar_config; global $current_language; global $db; global $mod_strings; if(!defined('SUGARCRM_MIN_MEM')) { define('SUGARCRM_MIN_MEM', 40); } $installer_mod_strings = getModuleLanguagePack($current_language, './install'); $ret = array(); $ret['error_found'] = false; // PHP version $php_version = constant('PHP_VERSION'); $check_php_version_result = check_php_version($php_version); switch($check_php_version_result) { case -1: $ret['phpVersion'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['ERR_CHECKSYS_PHP_INVALID_VER']} {$php_version} )"; $ret['error_found'] = true; break; case 0: $ret['phpVersion'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['ERR_CHECKSYS_PHP_UNSUPPORTED']} {$php_version} )"; break; case 1: $ret['phpVersion'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['LBL_CHECKSYS_PHP_OK']} {$php_version} )"; break; } // database and connect switch($sugar_config['dbconfig']['db_type']){ case 'mysql': // mysql version $q = "SELECT version();"; $r = $db->query($q); $a = $db->fetchByAssoc($r); if(version_compare($a['version()'], '4.1.2') < 0) { $ret['error_found'] = true; $ret['mysqlVersion'] = "".$mod_strings['ERR_UW_MYSQL_VERSION'].$a['version()'].""; } break; case 'mssql': break; case 'oci8': break; } // XML Parsing if(function_exists('xml_parser_create')) { $ret['xmlStatus'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['LBL_CHECKSYS_OK']}"; } else { $ret['xmlStatus'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['LBL_CHECKSYS_NOT_AVAILABLE']}"; $ret['error_found'] = true; } // cURL if(function_exists('curl_init')) { $ret['curlStatus'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['LBL_CHECKSYS_OK']}"; } else { $ret['curlStatus'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['ERR_CHECKSYS_CURL']}"; $ret['error_found'] = false; } // mbstrings if(function_exists('mb_strlen')) { $ret['mbstringStatus'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['LBL_CHECKSYS_OK']}"; } else { $ret['mbstringStatus'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['ERR_CHECKSYS_MBSTRING']}"; $ret['error_found'] = true; } // imap if(function_exists('imap_open')) { $ret['imapStatus'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['LBL_CHECKSYS_OK']}"; } else { $ret['imapStatus'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['ERR_CHECKSYS_IMAP']}"; $ret['error_found'] = false; } // safe mode if('1' == ini_get('safe_mode')) { $ret['safeModeStatus'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['ERR_CHECKSYS_SAFE_MODE']}"; $ret['error_found'] = true; } else { $ret['safeModeStatus'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['LBL_CHECKSYS_OK']}"; } // call time pass by ref if('1' == ini_get('allow_call_time_pass_reference')) { $ret['callTimeStatus'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['ERR_CHECKSYS_CALL_TIME']}"; //continue upgrading } else { $ret['callTimeStatus'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['LBL_CHECKSYS_OK']}"; } // memory limit $ret['memory_msg'] = ""; $memory_limit = "-1";//ini_get('memory_limit'); $sugarMinMem = constant('SUGARCRM_MIN_MEM'); // logic based on: http://us2.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.memory-limit if( $memory_limit == "" ){ // memory_limit disabled at compile time, no memory limit $ret['memory_msg'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['LBL_CHECKSYS_MEM_OK']}"; } elseif( $memory_limit == "-1" ){ // memory_limit enabled, but set to unlimited $ret['memory_msg'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['LBL_CHECKSYS_MEM_UNLIMITED']}"; } else { rtrim($memory_limit, 'M'); $memory_limit_int = (int) $memory_limit; if( $memory_limit_int < constant('SUGARCRM_MIN_MEM') ){ $ret['memory_msg'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['ERR_CHECKSYS_MEM_LIMIT_1']}" . constant('SUGARCRM_MIN_MEM') . "{$installer_mod_strings['ERR_CHECKSYS_MEM_LIMIT_2']}"; $ret['error_found'] = true; } else { $ret['memory_msg'] = "{$installer_mod_strings['LBL_CHECKSYS_OK']} ({$memory_limit})"; } } /* mbstring.func_overload $ret['mbstring.func_overload'] = ''; $mb = ini_get('mbstring.func_overload'); if($mb > 1) { $ret['mbstring.func_overload'] = "{$mod_strings['ERR_UW_MBSTRING_FUNC_OVERLOAD']}"; $ret['error_found'] = true; } */ return $ret; } function checkMysqlConnection(){ global $sugar_config; $configOptions = $sugar_config['dbconfig']; if($sugar_config['dbconfig']['db_type'] == 'mysql'){ @mysql_ping($GLOBALS['db']->database); } } /** * is a file that we blow away automagically */ function isAutoOverwriteFile($file) { $overwriteDirs = array( './sugar_version.php', './modules/UpgradeWizard/uw_main.tpl', ); $file = trim('.'.str_replace(clean_path(getcwd()), '', $file)); if(in_array($file, $overwriteDirs)) { return true; } $fileExtension = substr(strrchr($file, "."), 1); if($fileExtension == 'tpl' || $fileExtension == 'html') { return false; } return true; } /** * flatfile logger */ function logThis($entry, $path='') { global $mod_strings; if(file_exists('include/utils/sugar_file_utils.php')){ require_once('include/utils/sugar_file_utils.php'); } $log = empty($path) ? clean_path(getcwd().'/upgradeWizard.log') : clean_path($path); // create if not exists if(!file_exists($log)) { if(function_exists('sugar_fopen')){ $fp = @sugar_fopen($log, 'w+'); // attempts to create file } else{ $fp = fopen($log, 'w+'); // attempts to create file } if(!is_resource($fp)) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('UpgradeWizard could not create the upgradeWizard.log file'); die($mod_strings['ERR_UW_LOG_FILE_UNWRITABLE']); } } else { if(function_exists('sugar_fopen')){ $fp = @sugar_fopen($log, 'a+'); // write pointer at end of file } else{ $fp = @fopen($log, 'a+'); // write pointer at end of file } if(!is_resource($fp)) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('UpgradeWizard could not open/lock upgradeWizard.log file'); die($mod_strings['ERR_UW_LOG_FILE_UNWRITABLE']); } } $line = date('r').' [UpgradeWizard] - '.$entry."\n"; if(@fwrite($fp, $line) === false) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('UpgradeWizard could not write to upgradeWizard.log: '.$entry); die($mod_strings['ERR_UW_LOG_FILE_UNWRITABLE']); } if(is_resource($fp)) { fclose($fp); } } /** * tries to validate the query based on type * @param string query The query to verify * @param string dbType The DB type * @return string error Non-empty string on error */ function verifySqlStatement($query, $dbType, &$newTables) { $error = ''; logThis('verifying SQL statement'); $table = getTableFromQuery($query); switch(strtoupper(substr($query, 0, 10))) { // ignore DROPs case 'ALTER TABL': // get ddl $error = testQueryAlter($table, $dbType, strtoupper($query), $newTables); break; case 'CREATE TAB': $error = testQueryCreate($table, $dbType, $query, $newTables); break; case 'DELETE FRO': $error = testQueryDelete($table, $dbType, $query); break; case 'DROP TABLE': $error = testQueryDrop($table, $dbType, $query); break; case 'INSERT INT': $error = testQueryInsert($table, $dbType, $query); break; case (strtoupper(substr($query, 0, 6)) == 'UPDATE'): $error = testQueryUpdate($table, $dbType, $query); break; } return $error; } /** * @params : none * @author: nsingh * @desc This function is to be used in the upgrade process to preserve changes/customaizations made to pre 5.1 quickcreate layout. * Prior to 5.1 we have been using editviewdefs as the base for quickcreatedefs. If a custom field was added to edit view layout, it * was automatically picked up by the quick create. [Addresses Bug 21469] * This function will check if customizations were made, and will create quickcreatedefs.php in the /cutom/working/$module_name directory. **/ function updateQuickCreateDefs(){ $d = dir('modules'); $studio_modules = array(); while($e = $d->read()){ //collect all studio modules. if(substr($e, 0, 1) == '.' || !is_dir('modules/' . $e))continue; if(file_exists('modules/' . $e . '/metadata/studio.php')) { array_push($studio_modules, $e); } } foreach( $studio_modules as $modname ){ //for each studio enabled module //Check !exists modules/$modname/metadata/quickcreatedefs.php && //exists custom/$modname/editviewdefs.php (module was customized) && //!exists custom/$modname/quickcreateviewdefs.php $editviewdefs = "custom/working/modules/".$modname."/metadata/editviewdefs.php"; $quickcreatedefs = "custom/working/modules/".$modname."/metadata/quickcreatedefs.php"; if ( !file_exists("modules/".$modname."/metadata/quickcreatedefs.php") && file_exists($editviewdefs) && !file_exists($quickcreatedefs) ){ //clone editviewdef and save it in custom/working/modules/metadata $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Copying editviewdefs.php as quickcreatedefs.php for the $modname module in custom/working/modules/$modname/metadata!"); if(copy( $editviewdefs, $quickcreatedefs)){ if(file_exists($quickcreatedefs) && is_readable($quickcreatedefs)){ $file = file($quickcreatedefs); //replace 'EditView' with 'QuickCreate' $fp = fopen($quickcreatedefs,'w'); foreach($file as &$line){ if(preg_match("/^\s*'EditView'\s*=>\s*$/", $line) > 0){ $line = "'QuickCreate' =>\n"; } fwrite($fp, $line); } //write back. fclose($fp); } else{ $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Failed to replace 'EditView' with QuickCreate because $quickcreatedefs is either not readable or does not exist."); } }else{ $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Failed to copy $editviewdefs to $quickcreatedefs!"); } } } } function cleanQuery($query, $oci8=false) { $bad = array( "'", """, ); $good = array( '"', "", ); $q = str_replace($bad, $good, $query); return $q; } /** * test perms for CREATE queries */ function testPermsCreate($type, $out) { logThis('Checking CREATE TABLE permissions...'); global $db; global $mod_strings; switch($type) { case 'mysql': case 'mssql': $db->query('CREATE TABLE temp (id varchar(36))'); if($db->checkError()) { logThis('cannot CREATE TABLE!'); $out['db']['dbNoCreate'] = true; $out['dbOut'] .= "{$mod_strings['LBL_UW_DB_NO_CREATE']}"; } break; case 'oci8': break; } return $out; } /** * test perms for INSERT */ function testPermsInsert($type, $out, $skip=false) { logThis('Checking INSERT INTO permissions...'); global $db; global $mod_strings; switch($type) { case 'mysql': case 'mssql': if(!$skip) { $db->query("INSERT INTO temp (id) VALUES ('abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcd')"); if($db->checkError()) { logThis('cannot INSERT INTO!'); $out['db']['dbNoInsert'] = true; $out['dbOut'] .= "{$mod_strings['LBL_UW_DB_NO_INSERT']}"; } } break; case 'oci8': break; } return $out; } /** * test perms for UPDATE TABLE */ function testPermsUpdate($type, $out, $skip=false) { logThis('Checking UPDATE TABLE permissions...'); global $db; global $mod_strings; switch($type) { case 'mysql': case 'mssql': if(!$skip) { $db->query("UPDATE temp SET id = '000000000000000000000000000000000000' WHERE id = 'abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcd'"); if($db->checkError()) { logThis('cannot UPDATE TABLE!'); $out['db']['dbNoUpdate'] = true; $out['dbOut'] .= "{$mod_strings['LBL_UW_DB_NO_UPDATE']}"; } } break; case 'oci8': break; } return $out; } /** * test perms for SELECT */ function testPermsSelect($type, $out, $skip=false) { logThis('Checking SELECT permissions...'); global $db; global $mod_strings; switch($type) { case 'mysql': case 'mssql': $r = $db->query('SELECT id FROM temp'); if($db->checkError()) { logThis('cannot SELECT!'); $out['db']['dbNoSelect'] = true; $out['dbOut'] .= "{$mod_strings['LBL_UW_DB_NO_SELECT']}"; } logThis('Checking validity of SELECT results'); while($a = $db->fetchByAssoc($r)) { if($a['id'] != '000000000000000000000000000000000000') { logThis('results DO NOT MATCH! got: '.$a['id']); $out['db'][] = 'selectFailed'; $out['dbOut'] .= "{$mod_strings['LBL_UW_DB_INSERT_FAILED']}"; } } break; case 'oci8': break; } return $out; } /** * test perms for DELETE */ function testPermsDelete($type, $out, $skip=false) { logThis('Checking DELETE FROM permissions...'); global $db; global $mod_strings; switch($type) { case 'mysql': case 'mssql': $db->query("DELETE FROM temp WHERE id = '000000000000000000000000000000000000'"); if($db->checkError()) { logThis('cannot DELETE FROM!'); $out['db']['dbNoDelete'] = true; $out['dbOut'] .= "{$mod_strings['LBL_UW_DB_NO_DELETE']}"; } break; case 'oci8': break; } return $out; } /** * test perms for ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN */ function testPermsAlterTableAdd($type, $out, $skip=false) { logThis('Checking ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN permissions...'); global $db; global $mod_strings; switch($type) { case 'mysql': $db->query('ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN test varchar(100)'); if($db->checkError()) { logThis('cannot ADD COLUMN!'); $out['db']['dbNoAddColumn'] = true; $out['dbOut'] .= "{$mod_strings['LBL_UW_DB_NO_ADD_COLUMN']}"; } break; case 'mssql': $db->query('ALTER TABLE [temp] ADD [test] [varchar] (100)'); if($db->checkError()) { logThis('cannot ADD COLUMN!'); $out['db']['dbNoAddColumn'] = true; $out['dbOut'] .= "{$mod_strings['LBL_UW_DB_NO_ADD_COLUMN']}"; } break; case 'oci8': break; } return $out; } /** * test perms for ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN */ function testPermsAlterTableChange($type, $out, $skip=false) { logThis('Checking ALTER TABLE CHANGE COLUMN permissions...'); global $db; global $mod_strings; switch($type) { case 'mysql': $db->query('ALTER TABLE temp CHANGE COLUMN test test varchar(100)'); if($db->checkError()) { logThis('cannot CHANGE COLUMN!'); $out['db']['dbNoChangeColumn'] = true; $out['dbOut'] .= "{$mod_strings['LBL_UW_DB_NO_CHANGE_COLUMN']}"; } break; case 'mssql': $db->query('ALTER TABLE [temp] ALTER COLUMN [test] [varchar] (100)'); if($db->checkError()) { logThis('cannot CHANGE COLUMN!'); $out['db']['dbNoChangeColumn'] = true; $out['dbOut'] .= "{$mod_strings['LBL_UW_DB_NO_CHANGE_COLUMN']}"; } break; case 'oci8': break; } return $out; } /** * test perms for ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN */ function testPermsAlterTableDrop($type, $out, $skip=false) { logThis('Checking ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN permissions...'); global $db; global $mod_strings; switch($type) { case 'mysql': case 'mssql': $db->query('ALTER TABLE temp DROP COLUMN test'); if($db->checkError()) { logThis('cannot DROP COLUMN!'); $out['db']['dbNoDropColumn'] = true; $out['dbOut'] .= "{$mod_strings['LBL_UW_DB_NO_DROP_COLUMN']}"; } break; case 'oci8': break; } return $out; } /** * test perms for DROP TABLE */ function testPermsDropTable($type, $out, $skip=false) { logThis('Checking DROP TABLE permissions...'); global $db; global $mod_strings; switch($type) { case 'mysql': case 'mssql': $db->query('DROP TABLE temp'); if($db->checkError()) { logThis('cannot DROP TABLE!'); $out['db']['dbNoDropTable'] = true; $out['dbOut'] .= "{$mod_strings['LBL_UW_DB_NO_DROP_TABLE']}"; } break; case 'oci8': break; } return $out; } function createMSSQLTemp($table) { global $sugar_config; global $db; $qtest = "SELECT TABLE_NAME tn FROM information.tables WHERE TABLE_NAME = '{$table}__UW_TEMP'"; $rtest = $db->query($qtest); $atest = $db->fetchByAssoc($rtest); if(empty($atest)) { $tempTable = "CREATE TABLE {$table}__UW_TEMP AS ".$db->limitQuerySql("SELECT * FROM {$table}",0,8); logThis("Creating temp table for {$table}: {$tempTable}"); $db->query($tempTable); } else { logThis("Found {$table}__UW_TEMP - skipping temp table creation."); } } /** * Tests an ALTER TABLE query * @param string table The table name to get DDL * @param string dbType MySQL, MSSQL, etc. * @param string query The query to test. * @return string Non-empty if error found */ function testQueryAlter($table, $dbType, $query, $newTables) { logThis('verifying ALTER statement...'); global $db; global $sugar_config; if(empty($db)) { $db = &DBManagerFactory::getInstance(); } // Skipping ALTER TABLE [table] DROP PRIMARY KEY because primary keys are not being copied // over to the temp tables if(strpos(strtoupper($query), 'DROP PRIMARY KEY') !== false) { logThis('Skipping DROP PRIMARY KEY verification'); return ''; } if ($dbType == 'mysql'){ mysql_error(); // initialize errors } $error = ''; if(!in_array($table, $newTables)) { switch($dbType) { case 'mysql': // get DDL logThis('creating temp table for ['.$table.']...'); $q = "SHOW CREATE TABLE {$table}"; $r = $db->query($q); $a = $db->fetchByAssoc($r); // rewrite DDL with _temp name $cleanQuery = cleanQuery($a['Create Table']); $tempTableQuery = str_replace("CREATE TABLE `{$table}`", "CREATE TABLE `{$table}__uw_temp`", $cleanQuery); $r2 = $db->query($tempTableQuery); // get sample data into the temp table to test for data/constraint conflicts logThis('inserting temp dataset...'); $q3 = "INSERT INTO `{$table}__uw_temp` SELECT * FROM `{$table}` LIMIT 10"; $r3 = $db->query($q3, false, "Preflight Failed for: {$query}"); // test the query on the test table logThis('testing query: ['.$query.']'); $tempTableTestQuery = str_replace("ALTER TABLE `{$table}`", "ALTER TABLE `{$table}__uw_temp`", $query); if (strpos($tempTableTestQuery, 'idx') === false) { if(isRunningAgainstTrueTable($tempTableTestQuery)) { $error = getFormattedError('Could not use a temp table to test query!', $query); return $error; } logThis('testing query on temp table: ['.$tempTableTestQuery.']'); $r4 = $db->query($tempTableTestQuery, false, "Preflight Failed for: {$query}"); } else { // test insertion of an index on a table $tempTableTestQuery_idx = str_replace("ADD INDEX `idx_", "ADD INDEX `temp_idx_", $tempTableTestQuery); logThis('testing query on temp table: ['.$tempTableTestQuery_idx.']'); $r4 = $db->query($tempTableTestQuery_idx, false, "Preflight Failed for: {$query}"); } $mysqlError = mysql_error(); // empty on no-errors if(!empty($mysqlError)) { logThis('*** ERROR: query failed: '.$mysqlError); $error = getFormattedError($mysqlError, $query); } // clean up moved to end of preflight break; case 'mssql': logThis('mssql found: skipping test query - ['.$query.']'); break; case 'oci8': logThis('Oracle found: skipping test query - ['.$query.']'); break; } // end switch() } else { logThis($table . ' is a new table'); } logThis('verification done.'); return $error; } /** * Tests an CREATE TABLE query * @param string table The table name to get DDL * @param string dbType MySQL, MSSQL, etc. * @param string query The query to test. * @return string Non-empty if error found */ function testQueryCreate($table, $dbType, $query, &$newTables) { logThis('verifying CREATE statement...'); global $db; if(empty($db)) { $db = &DBManagerFactory::getInstance(); } $error = ''; switch($dbType) { case 'mysql': // rewrite DDL with _temp name logThis('testing query: ['.$query.']'); $tempTableQuery = str_replace("CREATE TABLE `{$table}`", "CREATE TABLE `{$table}__uw_temp`", $query); if(isRunningAgainstTrueTable($tempTableQuery)) { $error = getFormattedError('Could not use a temp table to test query!', $query); return $error; } $r4 = $db->query($tempTableQuery, false, "Preflight Failed for: {$query}"); $error = mysql_error(); // empty on no-errors if(!empty($error)) { logThis('*** ERROR: query failed.'); $error = getFormattedError($error, $query); } // check if table exists logThis('testing for table: '.$table); $q1 = "DESC `{$table}`"; $r1 = $db->query($q1); $mysqlError = mysql_error(); if(empty($mysqlError)) { logThis('*** ERROR: table already exists!: '.$table); $error = getFormattedError('table exists', $query); } else { logThis('NEW TABLE: '.$query); $newTables[] = $table; } break; case 'mssql': logThis('mssql found: skipping test query - ['.$query.']'); break; case 'oci8': logThis('Oracle found: skipping test query - ['.$query.']'); break; } return $error; } /** * Tests an DELETE FROM query * @param string table The table name to get DDL * @param string dbType MySQL, MSSQL, etc. * @param string query The query to test. * @return string Non-empty if error found */ function testQueryDelete($table, $dbType, $query) { logThis('verifying DELETE statements'); global $db; if(empty($db)) { $db = &DBManagerFactory::getInstance(); } $error = ''; switch($dbType) { case 'mysql': // get DDL logThis('creating temp table...'); $q = "SHOW CREATE TABLE {$table}"; $r = $db->query($q); $a = $db->fetchByAssoc($r); // rewrite DDL with _temp name $cleanQuery = cleanQuery($a['Create Table']); $tempTableQuery = str_replace("CREATE TABLE `{$table}`", "CREATE TABLE `{$table}__uw_temp`", $cleanQuery); $r2 = $db->query($tempTableQuery); // get sample data into the temp table to test for data/constraint conflicts logThis('inserting temp dataset...'); $q3 = "INSERT INTO `{$table}__uw_temp` SELECT * FROM `{$table}` LIMIT 10"; $r3 = $db->query($q3); // test the query on the test table logThis('testing query: ['.$query.']'); $tempTableTestQuery = str_replace("DELETE FROM `{$table}`", "DELETE FROM `{$table}__uw_temp`", $query); if(isRunningAgainstTrueTable($tempTableTestQuery)) { $error = getFormattedError('Could not use a temp table to test query!', $tempTableTestQuery); return $error; } $r4 = $db->query($tempTableTestQuery, false, "Preflight Failed for: {$query}"); $error = mysql_error(); // empty on no-errors if(!empty($error)) { logThis('*** ERROR: query failed.'); $error = getFormattedError($error, $query); } break; case 'mssql': logThis('mssql found: skipping test query - ['.$query.']'); break; case 'oci8': logThis('Oracle found: skipping test query - ['.$query.']'); break; } logThis('verification done.'); return $error; } /** * Tests a DROP TABLE query * */ function testQueryDrop($table, $dbType, $query) { logThis('verifying DROP TABLE statement'); global $db; if(empty($db)) { $db = &DBManagerFactory::getInstance(); } $error = ''; switch($dbType) { case 'mysql': // get DDL logThis('creating temp table...'); $q = "SHOW CREATE TABLE {$table}"; $r = $db->query($q); $a = $db->fetchByAssoc($r); // rewrite DDL with _temp name $cleanQuery = cleanQuery($a['Create Table']); $tempTableQuery = str_replace("CREATE TABLE `{$table}`", "CREATE TABLE `{$table}__uw_temp`", $cleanQuery); $r2 = $db->query($tempTableQuery); // get sample data into the temp table to test for data/constraint conflicts logThis('inserting temp dataset...'); $query = stripQuotes($query, $table); $q3 = "INSERT INTO `{$table}__uw_temp` SELECT * FROM `{$table}` LIMIT 10"; $r3 = $db->query($q3); // test the query on the test table logThis('testing query: ['.$query.']'); $tempTableTestQuery = str_replace("DROP TABLE `{$table}`", "DROP TABLE `{$table}__uw_temp`", $query); // make sure the test query is running against a temp table if(isRunningAgainstTrueTable($tempTableTestQuery)) { $error = getFormattedError('Could not use a temp table to test query!', $tempTableTestQuery); return $error; } $r4 = $db->query($tempTableTestQuery, false, "Preflight Failed for: {$query}"); $error = mysql_error(); // empty on no-errors if(!empty($error)) { logThis('*** ERROR: query failed.'); $error = getFormattedError($error, $query); } break; case 'mssql': logThis('mssql found: skipping test query - ['.$query.']'); break; case 'oci8': logThis('Oracle found: skipping test query - ['.$query.']'); break; } logThis('verification done.'); return $error; } /** * Tests an INSERT INTO query * @param string table The table name to get DDL * @param string dbType MySQL, MSSQL, etc. * @param string query The query to test. * @return string Non-empty if error found */ function testQueryInsert($table, $dbType, $query) { logThis('verifying INSERT statement...'); global $db; if(empty($db)) { $db = &DBManagerFactory::getInstance(); } $error = ''; switch($dbType) { case 'mysql': // get DDL $q = "SHOW CREATE TABLE {$table}"; $r = $db->query($q); $a = $db->fetchByAssoc($r); // rewrite DDL with _temp name $cleanQuery = cleanQuery($a['Create Table']); $tempTableQuery = str_replace("CREATE TABLE `{$table}`", "CREATE TABLE `{$table}__uw_temp`", $cleanQuery); $r2 = $db->query($tempTableQuery); // test the query on the test table logThis('testing query: ['.$query.']'); $tempTableTestQuery = str_replace("INSERT INTO `{$table}`", "INSERT INTO `{$table}__uw_temp`", $query); // make sure the test query is running against a temp table if(isRunningAgainstTrueTable($tempTableTestQuery)) { $error = getFormattedError('Could not use a temp table to test query!', $tempTableTestQuery); return $error; } $r4 = $db->query($tempTableTestQuery, false, "Preflight Failed for: {$query}"); $error = mysql_error(); // empty on no-errors if(!empty($error)) { logThis('*** ERROR: query failed.'); $error = getFormattedError($error, $query); } break; case 'mssql': logThis('mssql found: skipping test query - ['.$query.']'); break; case 'oci8': logThis('Oracle found: skipping test query - ['.$query.']'); break; } logThis('verification done.'); return $error; } /** * Tests an UPDATE TABLE query * @param string table The table name to get DDL * @param string dbType MySQL, MSSQL, etc. * @param string query The query to test. * @return string Non-empty if error found */ function testQueryUpdate($table, $dbType, $query) { logThis('verifying UPDATE TABLE statement...'); global $db; if(empty($db)) { $db = &DBManagerFactory::getInstance(); } $error = ''; switch($dbType) { case 'mysql': // get DDL $q = "SHOW CREATE TABLE {$table}"; $r = $db->query($q); $a = $db->fetchByAssoc($r); // rewrite DDL with _temp name $cleanQuery = cleanQuery($a['Create Table']); $tempTableQuery = str_replace("CREATE TABLE `{$table}`", "CREATE TABLE `{$table}__uw_temp`", $cleanQuery); $r2 = $db->query($tempTableQuery); // get sample data into the temp table to test for data/constraint conflicts logThis('inserting temp dataset...'); $q3 = "INSERT INTO `{$table}__uw_temp` SELECT * FROM `{$table}` LIMIT 10"; $r3 = $db->query($q3, false, "Preflight Failed for: {$query}"); // test the query on the test table logThis('testing query: ['.$query.']'); $tempTableTestQuery = str_replace("UPDATE `{$table}`", "UPDATE `{$table}__uw_temp`", $query); // make sure the test query is running against a temp table if(isRunningAgainstTrueTable($tempTableTestQuery)) { $error = getFormattedError('Could not use a temp table to test query!', $tempTableTestQuery); return $error; } $r4 = $db->query($tempTableTestQuery, false, "Preflight Failed for: {$query}"); $error = mysql_error(); // empty on no-errors if(!empty($error)) { logThis('*** ERROR: query failed.'); $error = getFormattedError($error, $query); } break; case 'mssql': break; case 'oci8': logThis('Oracle found: skipping test query - ['.$query.']'); break; } logThis('verification done.'); return $error; } /** * strip queries of single and double quotes */ function stripQuotes($query, $table) { $queryStrip = ''; $start = strpos($query, $table); if(substr($query, ($start - 1), 1) != ' ') { $queryStrip = substr($query, 0, ($start-2)); $queryStrip .= " {$table} "; $queryStrip .= substr($query, ($start + strlen($table) + 2), strlen($query)); } return (empty($queryStrip)) ? $query : $queryStrip; } /** * ensures that a __UW_TEMP table test SQL is running against a temp table, not the real thing * @param string query * @return bool false if it is a good query */ function isRunningAgainstTrueTable($query) { $query = strtoupper($query); if(strpos($query, '__UW_TEMP') === false) { logThis('***ERROR: test query is NOT running against a temp table!!!! -> '.$query); return true; } return false; } /** * cleans up temp tables created during schema test phase */ function testCleanUp($dbType) { logThis('Cleaning up temporary tables...'); global $db; if(empty($db)) { $db = &DBManagerFactory::getInstance(); } $error = ''; switch($dbType) { case 'mysql': $q = 'SHOW TABLES LIKE "%__uw_temp"'; $r = $db->query($q, false, "Preflight Failed for: {$q}"); // using raw mysql_command to use integer index while($a = $db->fetchByAssoc($r)) { logThis('Dropping table: '.$a[0]); $qClean = "DROP TABLE {$a[0]}"; $rClean = $db->query($qClean); } break; case 'mssql': break; case 'oci8': break; } logThis('Done cleaning up temp tables.'); return $error; } function getFormattedError($error, $query) { $error = "
".$error; $error .= "::{$query}
"; return $error; } /** * parses a query finding the table name * @param string query The query * @return string table The table */ function getTableFromQuery($query) { $standardQueries = array('ALTER TABLE', 'DROP TABLE', 'CREATE TABLE', 'INSERT INTO', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE FROM'); $query = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9\_\s]/", "", $query); $query = trim(str_replace($standardQueries, '', $query)); $firstSpc = strpos($query, " "); $end = ($firstSpc > 0) ? $firstSpc : strlen($query); $table = substr($query, 0, $end); return $table; } //prelicense check function preLicenseCheck() { require_once('modules/UpgradeWizard/uw_files.php'); global $sugar_config; global $mod_strings; global $sugar_version; if(!isset($sugar_version) || empty($sugar_version)) { require_once('./sugar_version.php'); } if(!isset($_SESSION['unzip_dir']) || empty($_SESSION['unzip_dir'])) { logThis('unzipping files in upgrade archive...'); $errors = array(); $base_upgrade_dir = $sugar_config['upload_dir'] . "/upgrades"; $base_tmp_upgrade_dir = "$base_upgrade_dir/temp"; $unzip_dir = ''; //also come up with mechanism to read from upgrade-progress file if(!isset($_SESSION['install_file']) || empty($_SESSION['install_file']) || !is_file($_SESSION['install_file'])) { /* if ($handle = opendir(clean_path($sugar_config['upload_dir']))) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if($file !="." && $file !="..") { $far = explode(".",$file); if($far[sizeof($far)-1] == 'zip') { echo $sugar_config['upload_dir'].'/'.$file; $_SESSION['install_file'] = $sugar_config['upload_dir'].'/'.$file; } } } } */ if (file_exists(clean_path($base_tmp_upgrade_dir)) && $handle = opendir(clean_path($base_tmp_upgrade_dir))) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if($file !="." && $file !="..") { //echo $base_tmp_upgrade_dir."/".$file.'
'; if(is_file($base_tmp_upgrade_dir."/".$file."/manifest.php")){ require_once($base_tmp_upgrade_dir."/".$file."/manifest.php"); $package_name= $manifest['copy_files']['from_dir']; //echo file_exists($base_tmp_upgrade_dir."/".$file."/".$package_name).'
'; if(file_exists($base_tmp_upgrade_dir."/".$file."/".$package_name) && file_exists($base_tmp_upgrade_dir."/".$file."/scripts") && file_exists($base_tmp_upgrade_dir."/".$file."/manifest.php")){ //echo 'Yeah this the directory '. $base_tmp_upgrade_dir."/".$file; $unzip_dir = $base_tmp_upgrade_dir."/".$file; if(file_exists($sugar_config['upload_dir'].'/upgrades/patch/'.$package_name.'.zip')){ $_SESSION['install_file'] = $sugar_config['upload_dir'].'/upgrades/patch/'.$package_name.'.zip'; break; } } } } } } } if(!isset($_SESSION['install_file']) || empty($_SESSION['install_file'])){ unlinkTempFiles(); resetUwSession(); echo 'Upload File not found so redirecting to Upgrade Start '; $redirect_new_wizard = $sugar_config['site_url' ].'/index.php?module=UpgradeWizard&action=index'; echo '
'; $upgrade_directories_not_found =<< 'Upload file missing or has been deleted. Refresh the page to go back to UpgradeWizard start' eoq; $uwMain = $upgrade_directories_not_found; return ''; } $install_file = urldecode( $_SESSION['install_file'] ); $show_files = true; if(empty($unzip_dir)){ $unzip_dir = mk_temp_dir( $base_tmp_upgrade_dir ); } $zip_from_dir = "."; $zip_to_dir = "."; $zip_force_copy = array(); if(!$unzip_dir){ logThis('Could not create a temporary directory using mk_temp_dir( $base_tmp_upgrade_dir )'); die($mod_strings['ERR_UW_NO_CREATE_TMP_DIR']); } //double check whether unzipped . if(file_exists($unzip_dir ."/scripts") && file_exists($unzip_dir."/manifest.php")){ //already unzipped } else{ unzip( $install_file, $unzip_dir ); } // assumption -- already validated manifest.php at time of upload require_once( "$unzip_dir/manifest.php" ); if( isset( $manifest['copy_files']['from_dir'] ) && $manifest['copy_files']['from_dir'] != "" ){ $zip_from_dir = $manifest['copy_files']['from_dir']; } if( isset( $manifest['copy_files']['to_dir'] ) && $manifest['copy_files']['to_dir'] != "" ){ $zip_to_dir = $manifest['copy_files']['to_dir']; } if( isset( $manifest['copy_files']['force_copy'] ) && $manifest['copy_files']['force_copy'] != "" ){ $zip_force_copy = $manifest['copy_files']['force_copy']; } if( isset( $manifest['version'] ) ){ $version = $manifest['version']; } if( !is_writable( "config.php" ) ){ return $mod_strings['ERR_UW_CONFIG']; } $_SESSION['unzip_dir'] = clean_path($unzip_dir); $_SESSION['zip_from_dir'] = clean_path($zip_from_dir); logThis('unzip done.'); } else { $unzip_dir = $_SESSION['unzip_dir']; $zip_from_dir = $_SESSION['zip_from_dir']; } //check if $_SESSION['unzip_dir'] and $_SESSION['zip_from_dir'] exist if(!isset($_SESSION['unzip_dir']) || !file_exists($_SESSION['unzip_dir']) || !isset($_SESSION['install_file']) || empty($_SESSION['install_file']) || !file_exists($_SESSION['install_file'])){ //redirect to start unlinkTempFiles(); resetUwSession(); echo 'Upload File not found so redirecting to Upgrade Start '; $redirect_new_wizard = $sugar_config['site_url' ].'/index.php?module=UpgradeWizard&action=index'; echo ''; $upgrade_directories_not_found =<< 'Upload file missing or has been deleted. Refresh the page to go back to UpgradeWizard start' eoq; $uwMain = $upgrade_directories_not_found; return ''; } $parserFiles = array(); if(file_exists(clean_path($unzip_dir.'/'.$zip_from_dir."/include/SugarFields"))) { $parserFiles = findAllFiles(clean_path($unzip_dir.'/'.$zip_from_dir."/include/SugarFields"), $parserFiles); } $cwd = clean_path(getcwd()); foreach($parserFiles as $file) { $srcFile = clean_path($file); //$targetFile = clean_path(getcwd() . '/' . $srcFile); if (strpos($srcFile,".svn") !== false) { //do nothing } else{ $targetFile = str_replace(clean_path($unzip_dir.'/'.$zip_from_dir), $cwd, $srcFile); if(!is_dir(dirname($targetFile))) { mkdir_recursive(dirname($targetFile)); // make sure the directory exists } if(!file_exists($targetFile)) { // handle sugar_version.php // C.L. - Added check for portal directory if(strpos($targetFile, 'sugar_version.php') !== false && !preg_match('/\/portal\/sugar_version\.php$/i', $targetFile)) { logThis('Skipping "sugar_version.php" - file copy will occur at end of successful upgrade', $path); $_SESSION['sugar_version_file'] = $srcFile; continue; } logThis('Copying file to destination: ' . $targetFile); if(!copy($srcFile, $targetFile)) { logThis('*** ERROR: could not copy file: ' . $targetFile); } else { $copiedFiles[] = $targetFile; } } else { logThis('Skipping file: ' . $targetFile); //$skippedFiles[] = $targetFile; } } } //Also copy the SugarMerge files if(file_exists(clean_path($unzip_dir.'/'.$zip_from_dir."/UpgradeWizard510Files"))) { $parserFiles = findAllFiles(clean_path($unzip_dir.'/'.$zip_from_dir."/UpgradeWizard510Files"), $parserFiles); foreach($parserFiles as $file) { $srcFile = clean_path($file); //$targetFile = clean_path(getcwd() . '/' . $srcFile); if (strpos($srcFile,".svn") !== false) { //do nothing } else{ $targetFile = str_replace(clean_path($unzip_dir.'/'.$zip_from_dir."/UpgradeWizard510Files"), $cwd, $srcFile); if(!is_dir(dirname($targetFile))) { mkdir_recursive(dirname($targetFile)); // make sure the directory exists } logThis('updating UpgradeWizard code: '.$targetFile); copy_recursive($file, $targetFile); } } } logThis ('is SugarConfig there '.file_exists(clean_path($unzip_dir.'/'.$zip_from_dir."/include/SugarObjects/SugarConfig.php"))); if(file_exists(clean_path($unzip_dir.'/'.$zip_from_dir."/include/SugarObjects/SugarConfig.php"))) { $file = clean_path($unzip_dir.'/'.$zip_from_dir."/include/SugarObjects/SugarConfig.php"); $destFile = str_replace(clean_path($unzip_dir.'/'.$zip_from_dir), $cwd, $file); if(!is_dir(dirname($destFile))) { mkdir_recursive(dirname($destFile)); // make sure the directory exists } copy($file,$destFile); //also copy include utils array utils $file = clean_path($unzip_dir.'/'.$zip_from_dir."/include/utils/array_utils.php"); $destFile = str_replace(clean_path($unzip_dir.'/'.$zip_from_dir), $cwd, $file); if(!is_dir(dirname($destFile))) { mkdir_recursive(dirname($destFile)); // make sure the directory exists } copy($file,$destFile); } } function preflightCheck() { require_once('modules/UpgradeWizard/uw_files.php'); global $sugar_config; global $mod_strings; global $sugar_version; if(!isset($sugar_version) || empty($sugar_version)) { require_once('./sugar_version.php'); } unset($_SESSION['rebuild_relationships']); unset($_SESSION['rebuild_extensions']); // don't bother if are rechecking $manualDiff = array(); if(!isset($_SESSION['unzip_dir']) || empty($_SESSION['unzip_dir'])) { logThis('unzipping files in upgrade archive...'); $errors = array(); $base_upgrade_dir = $sugar_config['upload_dir'] . "/upgrades"; $base_tmp_upgrade_dir = "$base_upgrade_dir/temp"; $unzip_dir = ''; //Following is if User logged out unexpectedly and then logged into UpgradeWizard again. //also come up with mechanism to read from upgrade-progress file. if(!isset($_SESSION['install_file']) || empty($_SESSION['install_file']) || !is_file($_SESSION['install_file'])) { if (file_exists(clean_path($base_tmp_upgrade_dir)) && $handle = opendir(clean_path($base_tmp_upgrade_dir))) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if($file !="." && $file !="..") { //echo $base_tmp_upgrade_dir."/".$file.'
'; if(is_file($base_tmp_upgrade_dir."/".$file."/manifest.php")){ require_once($base_tmp_upgrade_dir."/".$file."/manifest.php"); $package_name= $manifest['copy_files']['from_dir']; //echo file_exists($base_tmp_upgrade_dir."/".$file."/".$package_name).'
'; if(file_exists($base_tmp_upgrade_dir."/".$file."/".$package_name) && file_exists($base_tmp_upgrade_dir."/".$file."/scripts") && file_exists($base_tmp_upgrade_dir."/".$file."/manifest.php")){ //echo 'Yeah this the directory '. $base_tmp_upgrade_dir."/".$file; $unzip_dir = $base_tmp_upgrade_dir."/".$file; if(file_exists($sugar_config['upload_dir'].'/upgrades/patch/'.$package_name.'.zip')){ $_SESSION['install_file'] = $sugar_config['upload_dir'].'/upgrades/patch/'.$package_name.'.zip'; break; } } } } } } } if(!isset($_SESSION['install_file']) || empty($_SESSION['install_file'])){ unlinkTempFiles(); resetUwSession(); echo 'Upload File not found so redirecting to Upgrade Start '; $redirect_new_wizard = $sugar_config['site_url' ].'/index.php?module=UpgradeWizard&action=index'; echo ''; $upgrade_directories_not_found =<< 'Upload file missing or has been deleted. Refresh the page to go back to UpgradeWizard start' eoq; $uwMain = $upgrade_directories_not_found; return ''; } $install_file = urldecode( $_SESSION['install_file'] ); $show_files = true; if(empty($unzip_dir)){ $unzip_dir = mk_temp_dir( $base_tmp_upgrade_dir ); } $zip_from_dir = "."; $zip_to_dir = "."; $zip_force_copy = array(); if(!$unzip_dir){ logThis('Could not create a temporary directory using mk_temp_dir( $base_tmp_upgrade_dir )'); die($mod_strings['ERR_UW_NO_CREATE_TMP_DIR']); } //double check whether unzipped . if(file_exists($unzip_dir ."/scripts") && file_exists($unzip_dir."/manifest.php")){ //already unzipped } else{ unzip( $install_file, $unzip_dir ); } // assumption -- already validated manifest.php at time of upload require_once( "$unzip_dir/manifest.php" ); if( isset( $manifest['copy_files']['from_dir'] ) && $manifest['copy_files']['from_dir'] != "" ){ $zip_from_dir = $manifest['copy_files']['from_dir']; } if( isset( $manifest['copy_files']['to_dir'] ) && $manifest['copy_files']['to_dir'] != "" ){ $zip_to_dir = $manifest['copy_files']['to_dir']; } if( isset( $manifest['copy_files']['force_copy'] ) && $manifest['copy_files']['force_copy'] != "" ){ $zip_force_copy = $manifest['copy_files']['force_copy']; } if( isset( $manifest['version'] ) ){ $version = $manifest['version']; } if( !is_writable( "config.php" ) ){ return $mod_strings['ERR_UW_CONFIG']; } $_SESSION['unzip_dir'] = clean_path($unzip_dir); $_SESSION['zip_from_dir'] = clean_path($zip_from_dir); //logThis('unzip done.'); } else { $unzip_dir = $_SESSION['unzip_dir']; $zip_from_dir = $_SESSION['zip_from_dir']; } //check if $_SESSION['unzip_dir'] and $_SESSION['zip_from_dir'] exist if(!isset($_SESSION['unzip_dir']) || !file_exists($_SESSION['unzip_dir']) || !isset($_SESSION['install_file']) || empty($_SESSION['install_file']) || !file_exists($_SESSION['install_file'])){ //redirect to start unlinkTempFiles(); resetUwSession(); echo 'Upload File not found so redirecting to Upgrade Start '; $redirect_new_wizard = $sugar_config['site_url' ].'/index.php?module=UpgradeWizard&action=index'; echo ''; $upgrade_directories_not_found =<< 'Upload file missing or has been deleted. Refresh the page to go back to UpgradeWizard start' eoq; $uwMain = $upgrade_directories_not_found; return ''; } //copy minimum required files fileCopy('include/utils/sugar_file_utils.php'); if(file_exists('include/utils/file_utils.php')){ } $upgradeFiles = findAllFiles(clean_path("$unzip_dir/$zip_from_dir"), array()); $cache_html_files= array(); if(is_dir("{$GLOBALS['sugar_config']['cache_dir']}layout")){ //$cache_html_files = findAllFilesRelative( "cache/layout", array()); } // get md5 sums $md5_string = array(); if(file_exists(clean_path(getcwd().'/files.md5'))){ require(clean_path(getcwd().'/files.md5')); } // file preflight checks logThis('verifying md5 checksums for files...'); foreach($upgradeFiles as $file) { if(in_array(str_replace(clean_path("$unzip_dir/$zip_from_dir") . "/", '', $file), $uw_files)) continue; // skip already loaded files if(strpos($file, '.md5')) continue; // skip md5 file // normalize file paths $file = clean_path($file); // check that we can move/delete the upgraded file if(!is_writable($file)) { $errors[] = $mod_strings['ERR_UW_FILE_NOT_WRITABLE'].": ".$file; } // check that destination files are writable $destFile = getcwd().str_replace(clean_path($unzip_dir.'/'.$zip_from_dir), '', $file); if(is_file($destFile)) { // of course it needs to exist first... if(!is_writable($destFile)) { $errors[] = $mod_strings['ERR_UW_FILE_NOT_WRITABLE'].": ".$destFile; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// DIFFS // compare md5s and build up a manual merge list $targetFile = clean_path(".".str_replace(getcwd(),'',$destFile)); $targetMd5 = '0'; if(is_file($destFile)) { if(strpos($targetFile, '.php')) { // handle PHP files that were hit with the security regex $fp = ''; if(function_exists('sugar_fopen')){ $fp = sugar_fopen($destFile, 'r'); } else{ $fp = fopen($destFile, 'r'); } $filesize = filesize($destFile); if($filesize > 0) { $fileContents = fread($fp, $filesize); $targetMd5 = md5($fileContents); } } else { $targetMd5 = md5_file($destFile); } } if(isset($md5_string[$targetFile]) && $md5_string[$targetFile] != $targetMd5) { logThis('found a file with a differing md5: ['.$targetFile.']'); $manualDiff[] = $destFile; } //// END DIFFS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } logThis('md5 verification done.'); $errors['manual'] = $manualDiff; return $errors; } function fileCopy($file_path){ if(file_exists(clean_path($_SESSION['unzip_dir'].'/'.$_SESSION['zip_from_dir'].'/'.$file_path))) { $file = clean_path($_SESSION['unzip_dir'].'/'.$_SESSION['zip_from_dir'].'/'.$file_path); $destFile = str_replace(clean_path($_SESSION['unzip_dir'].'/'.$_SESSION['zip_from_dir']), clean_path(getcwd()), $file); if(!is_dir(dirname($destFile))) { mkdir_recursive(dirname($destFile)); // make sure the directory exists } copy_recursive($file,$destFile); } } function getChecklist($steps, $step) { global $mod_strings; $skip = array('start', 'cancel', 'uninstall','end'); $j=0; $i=1; $ret = ''; $ret .= ''; foreach($steps['desc'] as $k => $desc) { if(in_array($steps['files'][$j], $skip)) { $j++; continue; } //$status = "{$mod_strings['LBL_UW_INCOMPLETE']}"; $desc_mod_pre = ''; $desc_mod_post = ''; /* if(isset($_SESSION['step'][$steps['files'][$k]]) && $_SESSION['step'][$steps['files'][$k]] == 'success') { //$status = $mod_strings['LBL_UW_COMPLETE']; } */ if($k == $_REQUEST['step']) { //$status = $mod_strings['LBL_UW_IN_PROGRESS']; $desc_mod_pre = ""; $desc_mod_post = ""; } $ret .= ""; $ret .= ""; $i++; $j++; } $ret .= "
 {$i}: {$desc_mod_pre}{$desc}{$desc_mod_post}
"; return $ret; } function prepSystemForUpgrade() { global $sugar_config; global $sugar_flavor; global $mod_strings; global $subdirs; global $base_upgrade_dir; global $base_tmp_upgrade_dir; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Make sure variables exist if(!isset($base_upgrade_dir) || empty($base_upgrade_dir)){ $base_upgrade_dir = getcwd().'/'.$sugar_config['upload_dir'] . "upgrades"; } if(!isset($base_tmp_upgrade_dir) || empty($base_tmp_upgrade_dir)){ $base_tmp_upgrade_dir = "$base_upgrade_dir/temp"; } if(!isset($subdirs) || empty($subdirs)){ $subdirs = array('full', 'langpack', 'module', 'patch', 'theme', 'temp'); } $upgrade_progress_dir = getcwd().'/'.$GLOBALS['sugar_config']['upload_dir'].'upgrades/temp'; $upgrade_progress_file = $upgrade_progress_dir.'/upgrade_progress.php'; if(file_exists($upgrade_progress_file)){ if(function_exists('get_upgrade_progress') && function_exists('didThisStepRunBefore')){ if(didThisStepRunBefore('end')){ include($upgrade_progress_file); unset($upgrade_config); unlink($upgrade_progress_file); } } } // increase the cuttoff time to 1 hour ini_set("max_execution_time", "3600"); // make sure dirs exist if($subdirs != null){ foreach($subdirs as $subdir) { mkdir_recursive("$base_upgrade_dir/$subdir"); } } // array of special scripts that are executed during (un)installation-- key is type of script, value is filename if(!defined('SUGARCRM_PRE_INSTALL_FILE')) { define('SUGARCRM_PRE_INSTALL_FILE', 'scripts/pre_install.php'); define('SUGARCRM_POST_INSTALL_FILE', 'scripts/post_install.php'); define('SUGARCRM_PRE_UNINSTALL_FILE', 'scripts/pre_uninstall.php'); define('SUGARCRM_POST_UNINSTALL_FILE', 'scripts/post_uninstall.php'); } $script_files = array( "pre-install" => constant('SUGARCRM_PRE_INSTALL_FILE'), "post-install" => constant('SUGARCRM_POST_INSTALL_FILE'), "pre-uninstall" => constant('SUGARCRM_PRE_UNINSTALL_FILE'), "post-uninstall" => constant('SUGARCRM_POST_UNINSTALL_FILE'), ); // check that the upload limit is set to 6M or greater define('SUGARCRM_MIN_UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE_BYTES', 6 * 1024 * 1024); // 6 Megabytes $upload_max_filesize = ini_get('upload_max_filesize'); $upload_max_filesize_bytes = return_bytes($upload_max_filesize); if($upload_max_filesize_bytes < constant('SUGARCRM_MIN_UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE_BYTES')) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("detected upload_max_filesize: $upload_max_filesize"); echo '

'.$mod_strings['MSG_INCREASE_UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE'].' '.get_cfg_var('cfg_file_path')."

\n"; } } if ( !function_exists('extractFile') ) { function extractFile($zip_file, $file_in_zip) { global $base_tmp_upgrade_dir; // strip cwd $absolute_base_tmp_upgrade_dir = clean_path($base_tmp_upgrade_dir); $relative_base_tmp_upgrade_dir = clean_path(str_replace(clean_path(getcwd()), '', $absolute_base_tmp_upgrade_dir)); // mk_temp_dir expects relative pathing $my_zip_dir = mk_temp_dir($relative_base_tmp_upgrade_dir); unzip_file($zip_file, $file_in_zip, $my_zip_dir); return("$my_zip_dir/$file_in_zip"); } } if ( !function_exists('extractManifest') ) { function extractManifest($zip_file) { logThis('extracting manifest.'); return(extractFile($zip_file, "manifest.php")); } } if ( !function_exists('getInstallType') ) { function getInstallType($type_string) { // detect file type global $subdirs; $subdirs = array('full', 'langpack', 'module', 'patch', 'theme', 'temp'); foreach($subdirs as $subdir) { if(preg_match("#/$subdir/#", $type_string)) { return($subdir); } } // return empty if no match return(""); } } function getImageForType($type) { global $image_path; $icon = ""; switch($type) { case "full": $icon = SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage("Upgrade", ""); break; case "langpack": $icon = SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage("LanguagePacks", ""); break; case "module": $icon = SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage("ModuleLoader", ""); break; case "patch": $icon = SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage("PatchUpgrades", ""); break; case "theme": $icon = SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage("Themes", ""); break; default: break; } return($icon); } if ( !function_exists('getLanguagePackName') ) { function getLanguagePackName($the_file) { require_once("$the_file"); if(isset($app_list_strings["language_pack_name"])) { return($app_list_strings["language_pack_name"]); } return(""); } } function getUITextForType($type) { if($type == "full") { return("Full Upgrade"); } if($type == "langpack") { return("Language Pack"); } if($type == "module") { return("Module"); } if($type == "patch") { return("Patch"); } if($type == "theme") { return("Theme"); } } /** * @deprecated * @todo this function doesn't seemed to be used anymore; trying kill this off */ function run_upgrade_wizard_sql($script) { global $unzip_dir; global $sugar_config; $db_type = $sugar_config['dbconfig']['db_type']; $script = str_replace("%db_type%", $db_type, $script); if(!run_sql_file("$unzip_dir/$script")) { die("Error running sql file: $unzip_dir/$script"); } } if ( !function_exists('validate_manifest') ) { /** * Verifies a manifest from a patch or module to be compatible with the current Sugar version and flavor * @param array manifest Standard manifest array * @return string Error message, blank on success */ function validate_manifest($manifest) { logThis('validating manifest.php file'); // takes a manifest.php manifest array and validates contents global $subdirs; global $sugar_version; global $sugar_flavor; global $mod_strings; if(!isset($manifest['type'])) { return $mod_strings['ERROR_MANIFEST_TYPE']; } $type = $manifest['type']; if(getInstallType("/$type/") == "") { return $mod_strings['ERROR_PACKAGE_TYPE']. ": '" . $type . "'."; } if(isset($manifest['acceptable_sugar_versions'])) { $version_ok = false; $matches_empty = true; if(isset($manifest['acceptable_sugar_versions']['exact_matches'])) { $matches_empty = false; foreach($manifest['acceptable_sugar_versions']['exact_matches'] as $match) { if($match == $sugar_version) { $version_ok = true; } } } if(!$version_ok && isset($manifest['acceptable_sugar_versions']['regex_matches'])) { $matches_empty = false; foreach($manifest['acceptable_sugar_versions']['regex_matches'] as $match) { if(preg_match("/$match/", $sugar_version)) { $version_ok = true; } } } if(!$matches_empty && !$version_ok) { return $mod_strings['ERROR_VERSION_INCOMPATIBLE']."
". $mod_strings['ERR_UW_VERSION'].$sugar_version; } } if(isset($manifest['acceptable_sugar_flavors']) && sizeof($manifest['acceptable_sugar_flavors']) > 0) { $flavor_ok = false; foreach($manifest['acceptable_sugar_flavors'] as $match) { if($match == $sugar_flavor) { $flavor_ok = true; } } if(!$flavor_ok) { return $mod_strings['ERROR_FLAVOR_INCOMPATIBLE']."
". $mod_strings['ERR_UW_FLAVOR'].$sugar_flavor."
". $mod_strings['ERR_UW_FLAVOR_2'].$manifest['acceptable_sugar_flavors'][0]; } } return ''; } } function unlinkUploadFiles() { return; // logThis('at unlinkUploadFiles()'); // // if(isset($_SESSION['install_file']) && !empty($_SESSION['install_file'])) { // $upload = $_SESSION['install_file']; // // if(is_file($upload)) { // logThis('unlinking ['.$upload.']'); // @unlink($upload); // } // } } if ( !function_exists('unlinkTempFiles') ) { /** * deletes files created by unzipping a package */ function unlinkTempFiles() { global $sugar_config; global $path; logThis('at unlinkTempFiles()'); $tempDir=''; $sugar_config['upload_dir']='cache/upload/'; //if(isset($sugar_config['upload_dir']) && $sugar_config['upload_dir'] != null && $sugar_config['upload_dir']=='cache/upload/'){ $tempDir = clean_path(getcwd().'/'.$sugar_config['upload_dir'].'upgrades/temp'); /* } else{ $uploadDir = getcwd()."/".'cache/upload/'; $tempDir = clean_path(getcwd().'/'.$uploadDir.'upgrades/temp'); }*/ if(file_exists($tempDir) && is_dir($tempDir)){ $files = findAllFiles($tempDir, array(), false); rsort($files); foreach($files as $file) { if(!is_dir($file)) { logThis('unlinking ['.$file.']', $path); @unlink($file); } } // now do dirs $files = findAllFiles($tempDir, array(), true); foreach($files as $dir) { if(is_dir($dir)) { logThis('removing dir ['.$dir.']', $path); @rmdir($dir); } } $cacheFile = "modules/UpgradeWizard/_persistence.php"; if(is_file($cacheFile)) { logThis("Unlinking Upgrade cache file: '_persistence.php'", $path); @unlink($cacheFile); } } logThis("finished!"); } } /** * finds all files in the passed path, but skips select directories * @param string dir Relative path * @param array the_array Collections of found files/dirs * @param bool include_dir True if we want to include directories in the * returned collection */ function uwFindAllFiles($dir, $the_array, $include_dirs=false, $skip_dirs=array(), $echo=false) { // check skips foreach($skip_dirs as $skipMe) { if(strpos(clean_path($dir), $skipMe) !== false) { return $the_array; } } $d = dir($dir); while($f = $d->read()) { if($f == "." || $f == "..") { // skip *nix self/parent continue; } // for AJAX length count if($echo) { echo '.'; ob_flush(); } if(is_dir("$dir/$f")) { if($include_dirs) { // add the directory if flagged $the_array[] = clean_path("$dir/$f"); } // recurse in $the_array = uwFindAllFiles("$dir/$f/", $the_array, $include_dirs, $skip_dirs, $echo); } else { $the_array[] = clean_path("$dir/$f"); } } rsort($the_array); return $the_array; } /** * unset's UW's Session Vars */ function resetUwSession() { logThis('resetting $_SESSION'); if(isset($_SESSION['committed'])) unset($_SESSION['committed']); if(isset($_SESSION['sugar_version_file'])) unset($_SESSION['sugar_version_file']); if(isset($_SESSION['upgrade_complete'])) unset($_SESSION['upgrade_complete']); if(isset($_SESSION['allTables'])) unset($_SESSION['allTables']); if(isset($_SESSION['alterCustomTableQueries'])) unset($_SESSION['alterCustomTableQueries']); if(isset($_SESSION['skip_zip_upload'])) unset($_SESSION['skip_zip_upload']); if(isset($_SESSION['sugar_version_file'])) unset($_SESSION['sugar_version_file']); if(isset($_SESSION['install_file'])) unset($_SESSION['install_file']); if(isset($_SESSION['unzip_dir'])) unset($_SESSION['unzip_dir']); if(isset($_SESSION['zip_from_dir'])) unset($_SESSION['zip_from_dir']); if(isset($_SESSION['overwrite_files'])) unset($_SESSION['overwrite_files']); if(isset($_SESSION['schema_change'])) unset($_SESSION['schema_change']); if(isset($_SESSION['uw_restore_dir'])) unset($_SESSION['uw_restore_dir']); if(isset($_SESSION['step'])) unset($_SESSION['step']); if(isset($_SESSION['files'])) unset($_SESSION['files']); if(isset($_SESSION['Upgraded451Wizard'])){ unset($_SESSION['Upgraded451Wizard']); } if(isset($_SESSION['Initial_451to500_Step'])){ unset($_SESSION['Initial_451to500_Step']); } if(isset($_SESSION['license_shown'])) unset($_SESSION['license_shown']); if(isset($_SESSION['sugarMergeRunResults'])) unset($_SESSION['sugarMergeRunResults']); } /** * runs rebuild scripts */ function UWrebuild() { global $db; global $path; logThis('Rebuilding everything...', $path); // require_once('ModuleInstall/ModuleInstaller.php'); // $mi = new ModuleInstaller(); // $mi->rebuild_all(true); require_once('modules/Administration/QuickRepairAndRebuild.php'); $randc = new RepairAndClear(); $randc->repairAndClearAll(array('clearAll'),array(translate('LBL_ALL_MODULES')), false, false); $query = "DELETE FROM versions WHERE name='Rebuild Extensions'"; $db->query($query); logThis('Registering rebuild record: '.$query, $path); logThis('Rebuild done.', $path); // insert a new database row to show the rebuild extensions is done $id = create_guid(); $gmdate = gmdate($GLOBALS['timedate']->get_db_date_time_format()); $date_entered = db_convert("'$gmdate'", 'datetime'); $query = 'INSERT INTO versions (id, deleted, date_entered, date_modified, modified_user_id, created_by, name, file_version, db_version) ' . "VALUES ('$id', '0', $date_entered, $date_entered, '1', '1', 'Rebuild Extensions', '4.0.0', '4.0.0')"; $db->query($query); logThis('Registering rebuild record in versions table: '.$query, $path); } function getCustomTables($dbType) { global $db; $customTables = array(); switch($dbType) { case 'mysql': $query = "SHOW tables LIKE '%_cstm'"; $result = $db->query($query);//, true, 'Error getting custom tables'); while ($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($result)){ $customTables[] = array_pop($row); } break; } return $customTables; } function alterCustomTables($dbType, $customTables) { switch($dbType) { case 'mysql': $i = 0; while( $i < count($customTables) ) { $alterCustomTableSql[] = "ALTER TABLE " . $customTables[$i] . " CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci"; $i++; } break; case 'oci8': break; } return $alterCustomTableSql; } function executeAlterCustomTablesSql($dbType, $queries) { global $db; foreach($queries as $query){ if(!empty($query)){ logThis("Sending query: ".$query); if($db->dbType == 'oci8') { } else { $query_result = $db->query($query);//.';', true, "An error has occured while performing db query. See log file for details.
"); } } } return true; } function getAllTables($dbType) { global $db; $tables = array(); switch($dbType) { case 'mysql': $query = "SHOW tables"; $result = $db->query($query, true, 'Error getting custom tables'); while ($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($result)){ $tables[] = array_pop($row); } break; } return $tables; } function printAlterTableSql($tables) { $alterTableSql = ''; foreach($tables as $table) $alterTableSql .= "ALTER TABLE " . $table . " CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;" . "\n"; return $alterTableSql; } function executeConvertTablesSql($dbType, $tables) { global $db; foreach($tables as $table){ $query = "ALTER TABLE " . $table . " CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci"; if(!empty($table)){ logThis("Sending query: ".$query); if($db->dbType == 'oci8') { } else { $query_result = $db->query($query);//.';', true, "An error has occured while performing db query. See log file for details.
"); } } } return true; } function testThis() { $files = uwFindAllFiles(getcwd().'/test', array()); $out = "\n"; $priorPath = ''; foreach($files as $file) { $relativeFile = clean_path(str_replace(getcwd().'/test', '', $file)); $relativeFile = ($relativeFile{0} == '/') ? substr($relativeFile, 1, strlen($relativeFile)) : $relativeFile; $relativePath = dirname($relativeFile); if($relativePath == $priorPath) { // same dir, new file $out .= ""; $priorPath = $relativePath; } else { // new dir } } $out .= "
"; echo $out; } function testThis2($dir, $id=0, $hide=false) { $path = $dir; $dh = opendir($dir); rewinddir($dh); $doHide = ($hide) ? 'none' : ''; $out = "
"; $out .= "\n"; while($file = readdir($dh)) { if($file == '.' || $file == '..' || $file == 'CVS' || $file == '.cvsignore') continue; if(is_dir($path.'/'.$file)) { $file = $path.'/'.$file; $newI = create_guid(); $out .= "\n"; $out .= ""; $out .= ""; } else { $out .= "\n"; $out .= ""; } } $out .= "
".testThis2($file, $newI, true)."
"; $out .= "
"; closedir($dh); return $out; } function testThis3(&$files, $id, $hide, $previousPath = '') { if(!is_array($files) || empty($files)) return ''; $out = ''; // expecting full path here foreach($files as $k => $file) { $file = str_replace(getcwd(), '', $file); $path = dirname($file); $fileName = basename($file); if($fileName == 'CVS' || $fileName == '.cvsignore') continue; if($path == $previousPath) { // same directory // new row for each file $out .= " "; $out .= "{$fileName}"; } else { // new directory $newI = $k; $out .= "\n"; $out .= "".$fileName.""; $recurse = testThis3($files, $newI, true, $previousPath); $out .= "".$recurse.""; } $previousPath = $path; } $display = ($hide) ? 'none' : ''; $ret = << {$out}
eoq; return $ret; } function testThis4($filePath, $fileNodes=array(), $fileName='') { $path = dirname($filePath); $file = basename($filePath); $exFile = explode('/', $path); foreach($exFile as $pathSegment) { if(is_array($fileNodes[$pathSegment])) { // path already processed } else { // newly found path $fileNodes[$pathSegment] = array(); } if($fileName != '') { $fileNodes[$pathSegment][] = $fileName; } } return $fileNodes; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// SYSTEM CHECK FUNCTIONS /** * generates an array with all files in the SugarCRM root directory, skipping * cache/ * @return array files Array of files with absolute paths */ function getFilesForPermsCheck() { global $sugar_config; logThis('Got JSON call to find all files...'); $filesNotWritable = array(); $filesNWPerms = array(); // add directories here that should be skipped when doing file permissions checks (cache/upload is the nasty one) $skipDirs = array( $sugar_config['upload_dir'], ); $files = uwFindAllFiles(getcwd(), array(), true, $skipDirs, true); return $files; } /** * checks files for permissions * @param array files Array of files with absolute paths * @return string result of check */ function checkFiles($files, $echo=false) { global $mod_strings; $filesNotWritable = array(); $i=0; $filesOut = " {$mod_strings['LBL_UW_SHOW_NW_FILES']} '; // not a stop error $errors['files']['filesNotWritable'] = (count($filesNotWritable) > 0) ? true : false; if(count($filesNotWritable) < 1) { $filesOut = "{$mod_strings['LBL_UW_FILE_NO_ERRORS']}"; } return $filesOut; } function deletePackageOnCancel(){ global $mod_strings; global $sugar_config; logThis('running delete'); if(!isset($_SESSION['install_file']) || ($_SESSION['install_file'] == "")) { logThis('ERROR: trying to delete non-existent file: ['.$_REQUEST['install_file'].']'); $error = $mod_strings['ERR_UW_NO_FILE_UPLOADED']; } // delete file in upgrades/patch $delete_me = urldecode( $_SESSION['install_file'] ); if(@unlink($delete_me)) { logThis('unlinking: '.$delete_me); $out = basename($delete_me).$mod_strings['LBL_UW_FILE_DELETED']; } else { logThis('ERROR: could not delete ['.$delete_me.']'); $error = $mod_strings['ERR_UW_FILE_NOT_DELETED'].$delete_me; } // delete file in cache/upload $fileS = explode('/', $delete_me); $c = count($fileS); $fileName = (isset($fileS[$c-1]) && !empty($fileS[$c-1])) ? $fileS[$c-1] : $fileS[$c-2]; $deleteUpload = getcwd().'/'.$sugar_config['upload_dir'].$fileName; logThis('Trying to delete '.$deleteUpload); if(!@unlink($deleteUpload)) { logThis('ERROR: could not delete: ['.$deleteUpload.']'); $error = $mod_strings['ERR_UW_FILE_NOT_DELETED'].$sugar_config['upload_dir'].$fileName; } if(!empty($error)) { $out = "{$error}
"; } } function parseAndExecuteSqlFile($sqlScript,$forStepQuery='',$resumeFromQuery=''){ global $sugar_config; $alterTableSchema = ''; $sqlErrors = array(); if(!isset($_SESSION['sqlSkippedQueries'])){ $_SESSION['sqlSkippedQueries'] = array(); } $db = & DBManagerFactory::getInstance(); $is_mysql = false; if($sugar_config['dbconfig']['db_type'] == 'mysql') { $is_mysql = true; } if($sugar_config['dbconfig']['db_type'] == 'oci8'){ $db->query("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION blob_to_clob (blob_in IN BLOB) RETURN CLOB AS v_clob CLOB; v_varchar VARCHAR2(32767); v_start PLS_INTEGER := 1; v_buffer PLS_INTEGER := 32767; BEGIN DBMS_LOB.CREATETEMPORARY(v_clob, TRUE); FOR i IN 1..CEIL(DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(blob_in) / v_buffer) LOOP v_varchar := UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_VARCHAR2(DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR(blob_in, v_buffer, v_start)); DBMS_LOB.WRITEAPPEND(v_clob, LENGTH(v_varchar), v_varchar); v_start := v_start + v_buffer; END LOOP; RETURN v_clob; END blob_to_clob;"); } if(strpos($resumeFromQuery,",") != false){ $resumeFromQuery = explode(",",$resumeFromQuery); if(is_array($resumeFromQuery)){ //print_r('RES ARRAY '.$resumeFromQuery[0].'
'); } } if(file_exists($sqlScript)) { $fp = fopen($sqlScript, 'r'); $contents = fread($fp, filesize($sqlScript)); $anyScriptChanges =$contents; $resumeAfterFound = false; if(rewind($fp)) { $completeLine = ''; $count = 0; while($line = fgets($fp)) { if(strpos($line, '--') === false) { $completeLine .= " ".trim($line); if(strpos($line, ';') !== false) { $query = ''; $query = str_replace(';','',$completeLine); //if resume from query is not null then find out from where //it should start executing the query. if($query != null && $resumeFromQuery != null){ if(!$resumeAfterFound){ if(strpos($query,",") != false){ $queArray = array(); $queArray = explode(",",$query); for($i=0;$i'; $resumeAfterFound = true; } else{ $resumeAfterFound = false; break; } }//for } elseif(strcmp(strtolower(trim($resumeFromQuery)),strtolower(trim($query)))==0){ $resumeAfterFound = true; } } if($resumeAfterFound){ $count++; } // if $count=1 means it is just found so skip the query. Run the next one if($query != null && $resumeAfterFound && $count >1){ $tableName = ''; if($is_mysql) { $tableName = getAlterTable($query); if(!empty($tableName)) { $db->query('ALTER TABLE '.$tableName.' DISABLE KEYS'); } } $db->query($query); if($db->checkError()){ //put in the array to use later on $_SESSION['sqlSkippedQueries'][] = $query; } if(!empty($tableName)) { $db->query('ALTER TABLE '.$tableName.' ENABLE KEYS'); } $progQuery[$forStepQuery]=$query; post_install_progress($progQuery,$action='set'); }//if } elseif($query != null){ $tableName = ''; if($is_mysql) { $tableName = getAlterTable($query); if(!empty($tableName)) { $db->query('ALTER TABLE '.$tableName.' DISABLE KEYS'); } } $db->query($query); if(!empty($tableName)) { $db->query('ALTER TABLE '.$tableName.' ENABLE KEYS'); } $progQuery[$forStepQuery]=$query; post_install_progress($progQuery,$action='set'); if($db->checkError()){ //put in the array to use later on $_SESSION['sqlSkippedQueries'][] = $query; } } $completeLine = ''; } } }//while } } } function getAlterTable($query){ $query = strtolower($query); if (preg_match("/^\s*alter\s+table\s+/", $query)) { $sqlArray = explode(" ", $query); $key = array_search('table', $sqlArray); return $sqlArray[($key+1)]; }else { return ''; } } function set_upgrade_vars(){ logThis('setting session variables...'); $upgrade_progress_dir = getcwd().'/'.$GLOBALS['sugar_config']['upload_dir'].'upgrades/temp'; if(!is_dir($upgrade_progress_dir)){ mkdir_recursive($upgrade_progress_dir); } $upgrade_progress_file = $upgrade_progress_dir.'/upgrade_progress.php'; if(file_exists($upgrade_progress_file)){ include($upgrade_progress_file); } else{ fopen($upgrade_progress_file, 'w+'); } if(!isset($upgrade_config) || $upgrade_config == null){ $upgrade_config = array(); $upgrade_config[1]['upgrade_vars']=array(); } if(isset($upgrade_config[1]) && isset($upgrade_config[1]['upgrade_vars']) && !is_array($upgrade_config[1]['upgrade_vars'])){ $upgrade_config[1]['upgrade_vars'] = array(); } if(!isset($upgrade_vars) || $upgrade_vars == NULL){ $upgrade_vars = array(); } if(isset($_SESSION['unzip_dir']) && !empty($_SESSION['unzip_dir']) && file_exists($_SESSION['unzip_dir'])){ $upgrade_vars['unzip_dir']=$_SESSION['unzip_dir']; } if(isset($_SESSION['install_file']) && !empty($_SESSION['install_file']) && file_exists($_SESSION['install_file'])){ $upgrade_vars['install_file']=$_SESSION['install_file']; } if(isset($_SESSION['Upgraded451Wizard']) && !empty($_SESSION['Upgraded451Wizard'])){ $upgrade_vars['Upgraded451Wizard']=$_SESSION['Upgraded451Wizard']; } if(isset($_SESSION['license_shown']) && !empty($_SESSION['license_shown'])){ $upgrade_vars['license_shown']=$_SESSION['license_shown']; } if(isset($_SESSION['Initial_451to500_Step']) && !empty($_SESSION['Initial_451to500_Step'])){ $upgrade_vars['Initial_451to500_Step']=$_SESSION['Initial_451to500_Step']; } if(isset($_SESSION['zip_from_dir']) && !empty($_SESSION['zip_from_dir'])){ $upgrade_vars['zip_from_dir']=$_SESSION['zip_from_dir']; } //place into the upgrade_config array and rewrite config array only if new values are being inserted if(isset($upgrade_vars) && $upgrade_vars != null && sizeof($upgrade_vars) > 0){ foreach($upgrade_vars as $key=>$val){ if($key != null && $val != null){ $upgrade_config[1]['upgrade_vars'][$key]=$upgrade_vars[$key]; } } ksort($upgrade_config); if(is_writable($upgrade_progress_file) && write_array_to_file( "upgrade_config", $upgrade_config, $upgrade_progress_file)) { //writing to the file } } } function initialize_session_vars(){ $upgrade_progress_dir = getcwd().'/'.$GLOBALS['sugar_config']['upload_dir'].'upgrades/temp'; $upgrade_progress_file = $upgrade_progress_dir.'/upgrade_progress.php'; if(file_exists($upgrade_progress_file)){ include($upgrade_progress_file); if(isset($upgrade_config) && $upgrade_config != null && is_array($upgrade_config) && sizeof($upgrade_config) >0){ $currVarsArray=$upgrade_config[1]['upgrade_vars']; //print_r($currVarsArray); if(isset($currVarsArray) && $currVarsArray != null && is_array($currVarsArray) && sizeof($currVarsArray)>0){ foreach($currVarsArray as $key=>$val){ if($key != null && $val !=null){ //set session variables $_SESSION[$key]=$val; //set varibales "$".$key=$val; } } } } } } //track the upgrade progress on each step //track the upgrade progress on each step function set_upgrade_progress($currStep,$currState,$currStepSub='',$currStepSubState=''){ $upgrade_progress_dir = getcwd().'/'.$GLOBALS['sugar_config']['upload_dir'].'upgrades/temp'; if(!is_dir($upgrade_progress_dir)){ mkdir_recursive($upgrade_progress_dir); } $upgrade_progress_file = $upgrade_progress_dir.'/upgrade_progress.php'; if(file_exists($upgrade_progress_file)){ include($upgrade_progress_file); } else{ if(function_exists('sugar_fopen')){ sugar_fopen($upgrade_progress_file, 'w+'); } else{ fopen($upgrade_progress_file, 'w+'); } } if(!isset($upgrade_config) || $upgrade_config == null){ $upgrade_config = array(); $upgrade_config[1]['upgrade_vars']=array(); } if(!is_array($upgrade_config[1]['upgrade_vars'])){ $upgrade_config[1]['upgrade_vars'] = array(); } if($currStep != null && $currState != null){ if(sizeof($upgrade_config) > 0){ if($currStepSub != null && $currStepSubState !=null){ //check if new status to be set or update //get the latest in array. since it has sub components prepare an array if(!empty($upgrade_config[sizeof($upgrade_config)][$currStep]) && is_array($upgrade_config[sizeof($upgrade_config)][$currStep])){ $latestStepSub = currSubStep($upgrade_config[sizeof($upgrade_config)][$currStep]); if($latestStepSub == $currStepSub){ $upgrade_config[sizeof($upgrade_config)][$currStep][$latestStepSub]=$currStepSubState; $upgrade_config[sizeof($upgrade_config)][$currStep][$currStep] = $currState; } else{ $upgrade_config[sizeof($upgrade_config)][$currStep][$currStepSub]=$currStepSubState; $upgrade_config[sizeof($upgrade_config)][$currStep][$currStep] = $currState; } } else{ $currArray = array(); $currArray[$currStep] = $currState; $currArray[$currStepSub] = $currStepSubState; $upgrade_config[sizeof($upgrade_config)+1][$currStep] = $currArray; } } else{ //get the current upgrade progress $latestStep = get_upgrade_progress(); //set the upgrade progress //echo 'latest '.$latestStep; if($latestStep == $currStep){ //update the current step with new progress status //echo 'update it'; $upgrade_config[sizeof($upgrade_config)][$latestStep]=$currState; } else{ //it's a new step //echo 'new it'; $upgrade_config[sizeof($upgrade_config)+1][$currStep]=$currState; } // now check if there elements within array substeps } } else{ //set the upgrade progress (just starting) $upgrade_config[sizeof($upgrade_config)+1][$currStep]= $currState; } if(is_writable($upgrade_progress_file) && write_array_to_file( "upgrade_config", $upgrade_config, $upgrade_progress_file)) { //writing to the file } } } function get_upgrade_progress(){ $upgrade_progress_dir = getcwd().'/'.$GLOBALS['sugar_config']['upload_dir'].'upgrades/temp'; $upgrade_progress_file = $upgrade_progress_dir.'/upgrade_progress.php'; $currState = ''; $upgrade_progress_file = $upgrade_progress_dir.'/upgrade_progress.php'; if(file_exists($upgrade_progress_file)){ include($upgrade_progress_file); //echo 'upconf '.$upgrade_config; if(!isset($upgrade_config) || $upgrade_config == null){ $upgrade_config = array(); } if($upgrade_config != null && sizeof($upgrade_config) >1){ $currArr = $upgrade_config[sizeof($upgrade_config)]; //echo 'size of '.sizeof($upgrade_config); if(is_array($currArr)){ foreach($currArr as $key=>$val){ $currState = $key; } } } } return $currState; } function currSubStep($currStep){ $currSubStep = ''; if(is_array($currStep)){ foreach($currStep as $key=>$val){ if($key != null){ $currState = $key; } } } return $currState; } function currUpgradeState($currState){ $currState = ''; if(is_array($currState)){ foreach($currState as $key=>$val){ if(is_array($val)){ foreach($val as $k=>$v){ if($k != null){ $currState = $k; } } } else{ $currState = $key; } } } return $currState; } function didThisStepRunBefore($step,$SubStep=''){ if($step == null) return; $upgrade_progress_dir = getcwd().'/'.$GLOBALS['sugar_config']['upload_dir'].'upgrades/temp'; $upgrade_progress_file = $upgrade_progress_dir.'/upgrade_progress.php'; $currState = ''; $upgrade_progress_file = $upgrade_progress_dir.'/upgrade_progress.php'; $stepRan = false; if(file_exists($upgrade_progress_file)){ include($upgrade_progress_file); if(isset($upgrade_config) && $upgrade_config != null && is_array($upgrade_config) && sizeof($upgrade_config) >0){ for($i=1;$i<=sizeof($upgrade_config);$i++){ if(is_array($upgrade_config[$i])){ foreach($upgrade_config[$i] as $key=>$val){ if($key==$step){ if(is_array($upgrade_config[$i][$step])){ //now process foreach ($upgrade_config[$i][$step] as $k=>$v){ if(is_array($v)){ foreach($v as $k1=>$v1){ if($SubStep != null){ if($SubStep ==$k1 && $v1=='done'){ //echo 'Found Inside '.$k1; $stepRan = true; break; } } }//foreach } elseif($SubStep !=null){ if($SubStep==$k && $v=='done'){ //echo 'Found1 '.$k; $stepRan = true; break; } } elseif($step==$k && $v=='done'){ //echo 'Found2 '.$k; $stepRan = true; break; } }//foreach } elseif($val=='done'){ //echo 'Foundmmmm '.$key; $stepRan = true; } } }//foreach } }//for } } return $stepRan; } //get and set post install status function post_install_progress($progArray='',$action=''){ if($action=='' || $action=='get'){ //get the state of post install $upgrade_progress_dir = getcwd().'/'.$GLOBALS['sugar_config']['upload_dir'].'upgrades/temp'; $upgrade_progress_file = $upgrade_progress_dir.'/upgrade_progress.php'; $currProg = array(); if(file_exists($upgrade_progress_file)){ include($upgrade_progress_file); if(is_array($upgrade_config[sizeof($upgrade_config)]['commit']['post_install']) && sizeof($upgrade_config[sizeof($upgrade_config)]['commit']['post_install'])>0){ foreach($upgrade_config[sizeof($upgrade_config)]['commit']['post_install'] as $k=>$v){ $currProg[$k]=$v; } } } return $currProg; } elseif($action=='set'){ $upgrade_progress_dir = getcwd().'/'.$GLOBALS['sugar_config']['upload_dir'].'upgrades/temp'; if(!is_dir($upgrade_progress_dir)){ mkdir($upgrade_progress_dir); } $upgrade_progress_file = $upgrade_progress_dir.'/upgrade_progress.php'; if(file_exists($upgrade_progress_file)){ include($upgrade_progress_file); } else{ fopen($upgrade_progress_file, 'w+'); } if(!is_array($upgrade_config[sizeof($upgrade_config)]['commit']['post_install'])){ $upgrade_config[sizeof($upgrade_config)]['commit']['post_install']=array(); $upgrade_config[sizeof($upgrade_config)]['commit']['post_install']['post_install'] = 'in_progress'; } if($progArray != null && is_array($progArray)){ foreach($progArray as $key=>$val){ $upgrade_config[sizeof($upgrade_config)]['commit']['post_install'][$key]=$val; } } if(is_writable($upgrade_progress_file) && write_array_to_file( "upgrade_config", $upgrade_config, $upgrade_progress_file)) { //writing to the file } } } // parse and run sql file function parseAndExecuteSqlFileExtended($sqlScript){ global $sugar_config; $alterTableSchema = ''; $db = & DBManagerFactory::getInstance(); if(is_file($sqlScript)) { $fp = fopen($sqlScript, 'r'); $contents = fread($fp, filesize($sqlScript)); $anyScriptChanges =$contents; if(rewind($fp)) { $completeLine = ''; $count = 0; while($line = fgets($fp)) { if(strpos($line, '--') === false) { $completeLine .= " ".trim($line); if(strpos($line, ';') !== false) { $completeLine = str_replace(';','',$completeLine); $currLine = explode(",",$completeLine); //check if multiple statements are clubbed if(sizeof($currLine) >1){ $qarr = explode(" ",trim($currLine[0])); if(strtoupper(trim($qarr[0])) == 'CREATE' && strtoupper(trim($qarr[1])) == 'TABLE'){ if(strtoupper(trim($qarr[2]) != null)){ if($sugar_config['dbconfig']['db_type'] == 'oci8'){ $query= "select table_name from user_tables where table_name=strtoupper(trim($qarr[2]))"; $result = $db->query($query); $row = $db->fetchByAssociation($result); if($row['table_name'] != null){ //already exists } else{ //create table $query= $completeLine; $db->query($query); } } } } else{ $qType =trim($qarr[0])." ".trim($qarr[1])." ".trim($qarr[2]); echo trim($currLine[0])."
"; for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($currLine)-1; $i++) { $query = $qType." ".trim($currLine[$i]); echo $query."
"; } } } else{ echo trim($currLine[0]); } //$q3 = $completeLine; //''$r3 = $GLOBALS['db']->query($q3, false, "Preflight Failed for:"); //echo mysql_error(); $completeLine = ''; //break; } } } } else { //$sqlErrors[] = $mod_strings['ERR_UW_FILE_NOT_READABLE'].'::'.$sqlScript; } } } function createTable(){ if($sugar_config['dbconfig']['db_type'] == 'oci8'){ $query= "select table_name from user_tables where table_name=strtoupper(trim($qarr[2]))"; $result = $db->query($query); $row = $db->fetchByAssociation($result); if($row['table_name'] != null){ //already exists } else{ //create table $query= $completeLine; $db->query($query); } } } function repairDBForUpgrade($execute=false,$path=''){ global $current_user, $beanFiles; global $dictionary; set_time_limit(3600); $db = &DBManagerFactory::getInstance(); $sql = ''; VardefManager::clearVardef(); require_once('include/ListView/ListView.php'); foreach ($beanFiles as $bean => $file) { require_once ($file); $focus = new $bean (); $sql .= $db->repairTable($focus, $execute); } //echo $sql; $olddictionary = $dictionary; unset ($dictionary); include ('modules/TableDictionary.php'); foreach ($dictionary as $meta) { $tablename = $meta['table']; $fielddefs = $meta['fields']; $indices = $meta['indices']; $sql .= $db->repairTableParams($tablename, $fielddefs, $indices, $execute); } $qry_str = ""; foreach (explode("\n", $sql) as $line) { if (!empty ($line) && substr($line, -2) != "*/") { $line .= ";"; } $qry_str .= $line . "\n"; } $sql = str_replace( array( "\n", ''', ), array( '', "'", ), preg_replace('#(/\*.+?\*/\n*)#', '', $qry_str) ); logThis("*******START EXECUTING DB UPGRADE QUERIES***************",$path); logThis($sql,$path); logThis("*******END EXECUTING DB UPGRADE QUERIES****************",$path); if(!$execute){ return $sql; } } /** * upgradeUserPreferences * This method updates the user_preferences table and sets the pages/dashlets for users * which have ACL access to Trackers so that the Tracker dashlets are set in their user perferences * */ function upgradeUserPreferences() { } function add_custom_modules_favorites_search(){ $module_directories = scandir('modules'); foreach($module_directories as $module_dir){ if($module_dir == '.' || $module_dir == '..' || !is_dir("modules/{$module_dir}")){ continue; } $matches = array(); preg_match('/^[a-z0-9]{1,5}_[a-z0-9]+$/i' , $module_dir, $matches); // Make sure the module was created by module builder if(empty($matches)){ continue; } $full_module_dir = "modules/{$module_dir}/"; $read_searchdefs_from = "{$full_module_dir}/metadata/searchdefs.php"; $read_SearchFields_from = "{$full_module_dir}/metadata/SearchFields.php"; $read_custom_SearchFields_from = "custom/{$full_module_dir}/metadata/SearchFields.php"; // Studio can possibly override this file, so we check for a custom version of it if(file_exists("custom/{$full_module_dir}/metadata/searchdefs.php")){ $read_searchdefs_from = "custom/{$full_module_dir}/metadata/searchdefs.php"; } if(file_exists($read_searchdefs_from) && file_exists($read_SearchFields_from)){ $found_sf1 = false; $found_sf2 = false; require($read_searchdefs_from); foreach($searchdefs[$module_dir]['layout']['basic_search'] as $sf_array){ if(isset($sf_array['name']) && $sf_array['name'] == 'favorites_only'){ $found_sf1 = true; } } require($read_SearchFields_from); if(isset($searchFields[$module_dir]['favorites_only'])){ $found_sf2 = true; } if(!$found_sf1 && !$found_sf2){ $searchdefs[$module_dir]['layout']['basic_search']['favorites_only'] = array('name' => 'favorites_only','label' => 'LBL_FAVORITES_FILTER','type' => 'bool',); $searchdefs[$module_dir]['layout']['advanced_search']['favorites_only'] = array('name' => 'favorites_only','label' => 'LBL_FAVORITES_FILTER','type' => 'bool',); $searchFields[$module_dir]['favorites_only'] = array( 'query_type'=>'format', 'operator' => 'subquery', 'subquery' => 'SELECT sugarfavorites.record_id FROM sugarfavorites WHERE sugarfavorites.deleted=0 and sugarfavorites.module = \''.$module_dir.'\' and sugarfavorites.assigned_user_id = \'{0}\'', 'db_field'=>array('id') ); if(!is_dir("custom/{$full_module_dir}/metadata")){ mkdir_recursive("custom/{$full_module_dir}/metadata"); } $success_sf1 = write_array_to_file('searchdefs', $searchdefs, "custom/{$full_module_dir}/metadata/searchdefs.php"); $success_sf2 = write_array_to_file('searchFields', $searchFields, "{$full_module_dir}/metadata/SearchFields.php"); if(!$success_sf1){ logThis("add_custom_modules_favorites_search failed for searchdefs.php for {$module_dir}"); } if(!$success_sf2){ logThis("add_custom_modules_favorites_search failed for SearchFields.php for {$module_dir}"); } if($success_sf1 && $success_sf2){ logThis("add_custom_modules_favorites_search successfully updated searchdefs and searchFields for {$module_dir}"); } } } } } /** * upgradeModulesForTeamsets * * This method adds the team_set_id values to the module tables that have the new team_set_id column * added through the SugarCRM 5.5.x upgrade process. It also adds the values into the team_sets and * team_sets_teams tables. * * @param filter Array of modules to process; empty by default */ function upgradeModulesForTeamsets($filter=array()) { require('include/modules.php'); foreach($beanList as $moduleName=>$beanName) { if(!empty($filter) && array_search($moduleName, $filter) === false) { continue; } if($moduleName == 'TeamMemberships' || $moduleName == 'ForecastOpportunities'){ continue; } $bean = loadBean($moduleName); if(empty($bean) || empty($bean->table_name)) { continue; } $FieldArray = $GLOBALS['db']->helper->get_columns($bean->table_name); if(!isset($FieldArray['team_id'])) { continue; } upgradeTeamColumn($bean, 'team_id'); } //foreach //Upgrade users table $bean = loadBean('Users'); upgradeTeamColumn($bean, 'default_team'); $result = $GLOBALS['db']->query("SELECT id FROM teams where deleted=0"); while($row = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchByAssoc($result)) { $teamset = new TeamSet(); $teamset->addTeams($row['id']); } } /** * upgradeTeamColumn * Helper function to create a team_set_id column and also set team_set_id column * to have the value of the $column_name parameter * * @param $bean SugarBean which we are adding team_set_id column to * @param $column_name The name of the column containing the default team_set_id value */ function upgradeTeamColumn($bean, $column_name) { //first let's check to ensure that the team_set_id field is defined, if not it could be the case that this is an older //module that does not use the SugarObjects if(empty($bean->field_defs['team_set_id']) && $bean->module_dir != 'Trackers'){ //at this point we could assume that since we have a team_id defined and not a team_set_id that we need to //add that field and the corresponding relationships $object = $bean->object_name; $module = $bean->module_dir; $object_name = $object; $_object_name = strtolower($object_name); if(!empty($GLOBALS['dictionary'][$object]['table'])){ $table_name = $GLOBALS['dictionary'][$object]['table']; }else{ $table_name = strtolower($module); } $path = 'include/SugarObjects/implements/team_security/vardefs.php'; require($path); //go through each entry in the vardefs from team_security and unset anything that is already set in the core module //this will ensure we have the proper ordering. $fieldDiff = array_diff_assoc($vardefs['fields'], $GLOBALS['dictionary'][$bean->object_name]['fields']); $file = 'custom/Extension/modules/' . $bean->module_dir. '/Ext/Vardefs/teams.php'; $contents = " $val){ $contents .= "\n\$GLOBALS['dictionary']['". $object . "']['fields']['". $key . "']=" . var_export_helper($val) . ";"; } } $relationshipDiff = array_diff_assoc($vardefs['relationships'], $GLOBALS['dictionary'][$bean->object_name]['relationships']); if(!empty($relationshipDiff)){ foreach($relationshipDiff as $key => $val){ $contents .= "\n\$GLOBALS['dictionary']['". $object . "']['relationships']['". $key . "']=" . var_export_helper($val) . ";"; } } $indexDiff = array_diff_assoc($vardefs['indices'], $GLOBALS['dictionary'][$bean->object_name]['indices']); if(!empty($indexDiff)){ foreach($indexDiff as $key => $val){ $contents .= "\n\$GLOBALS['dictionary']['". $object . "']['indices']['". $key . "']=" . var_export_helper($val) . ";"; } } if( $fh = @sugar_fopen( $file, 'wt' ) ) { fputs( $fh, $contents); fclose( $fh ); } //we have written out the teams.php into custom/Extension/modules/{$module_dir}/Ext/Vardefs/teams.php' //now let's merge back into vardefs.ext.php require_once('ModuleInstall/ModuleInstaller.php'); $mi = new ModuleInstaller(); $mi->merge_files('Ext/Vardefs/', 'vardefs.ext.php'); VardefManager::loadVardef($bean->module_dir, $bean->object_name, true); $bean->field_defs = $GLOBALS['dictionary'][$bean->object_name]['fields']; } if(isset($bean->field_defs['team_set_id'])) { //Create the team_set_id column $FieldArray = $GLOBALS['db']->helper->get_columns($bean->table_name); if(!isset($FieldArray['team_set_id'])) { $GLOBALS['db']->addColumn($bean->table_name, $bean->field_defs['team_set_id']); } $indexArray = $GLOBALS['db']->helper->get_indices($bean->table_name); $indexDef = array( array( 'name' => 'idx_'.strtolower($bean->table_name).'_tmst_id', 'type' => 'index', 'fields' => array('team_set_id') ) ); if(!isset($indexArray['idx_'.strtolower($bean->table_name).'_tmst_id'])) { $GLOBALS['db']->addIndexes($bean->table_name, $indexDef); } //Update the table's team_set_id column to have the same values as team_id $GLOBALS['db']->query("UPDATE {$bean->table_name} SET team_set_id = {$column_name}"); } } /** * Update the folder subscription table which confirms to the team security mechanism but * the class SugarFolders does not extend SugarBean and is therefore never picked up by the * upgradeModulesForTeamsets function. */ function upgradeFolderSubscriptionsTeamSetId() { logThis("In upgradeFolderSubscriptionsTeamSetId()"); $query = "UPDATE folders SET team_set_id = team_id"; $result = $GLOBALS['db']->query($query); logThis("Finished upgradeFolderSubscriptionsTeamSetId()"); } /** * upgradeModulesForTeam * * This method update the associated_user_id, name, name_2 to the private team records on teams table * This function is used for upgrade process from 5.1.x and 5.2.x. * */ function upgradeModulesForTeam() { logThis("In upgradeModulesForTeam()"); $result = $GLOBALS['db']->query("SELECT id, user_name, first_name, last_name FROM users where deleted=0"); while($row = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchByAssoc($result)) { $results2 = $GLOBALS['db']->query("SELECT id FROM teams WHERE name = '({$row['user_name']})'"); $assoc = ''; if(!$assoc = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchByAssoc($results2)) { //if team does not exist, then lets create the team for this user $team = new Team(); $user = new User(); $user->retrieve($row['id']); $team->new_user_created($user); $team_id = $team->id; }else{ $team_id =$assoc['id']; } //upgrade the team $name = is_null($row['first_name'])?'':$row['first_name']; $name_2 = is_null($row['last_name'])?'':$row['last_name']; $associated_user_id = $row['id']; //Bug 32914 //Ensure team->name is not empty by using team->name_2 if available if(empty($name) && !empty($name_2)) { $name = $name_2; $name_2 = ''; } $query = "UPDATE teams SET name = '{$name}', name_2 = '{$name_2}', associated_user_id = '{$associated_user_id}' WHERE id = '{$team_id}'"; $GLOBALS['db']->query($query); } //while //Update the team_set_id and default_team columns $ce_to_pro_or_ent = (isset($_SESSION['upgrade_from_flavor']) && ($_SESSION['upgrade_from_flavor'] == 'SugarCE to SugarPro' || $_SESSION['upgrade_from_flavor'] == 'SugarCE to SugarEnt')); //Update team_set_id if((isset($_SESSION['current_db_version']) && $_SESSION['current_db_version'] < '550') || $ce_to_pro_or_ent) { $GLOBALS['db']->query("update users set team_set_id = (select teams.id from teams where teams.associated_user_id = users.id)"); } //Update default_team if($ce_to_pro_or_ent) { $GLOBALS['db']->query("update users set default_team = (select teams.id from teams where teams.associated_user_id = users.id)"); } } function addNewSystemTabsFromUpgrade($from_dir){ global $path; if(isset($_SESSION['upgrade_from_flavor'])){ //check to see if there are any new files that need to be added to systems tab //retrieve old modules list logThis('check to see if new modules exist',$path); $oldModuleList = array(); $newModuleList = array(); include($from_dir.'/include/modules.php'); $oldModuleList = $moduleList; include('include/modules.php'); $newModuleList = $moduleList; //include tab controller require_once('modules/MySettings/TabController.php'); $newTB = new TabController(); //make sure new modules list has a key we can reference directly $newModuleList = $newTB->get_key_array($newModuleList); $oldModuleList = $newTB->get_key_array($oldModuleList); //iterate through list and remove commonalities to get new modules foreach ($newModuleList as $remove_mod){ if(in_array($remove_mod, $oldModuleList)){ unset($newModuleList[$remove_mod]); } } //new modules list now has left over modules which are new to this install, so lets add them to the system tabs logThis('new modules to add are '.var_export($newModuleList,true),$path); //grab the existing system tabs $tabs = $newTB->get_system_tabs(); //add the new tabs to the array foreach($newModuleList as $nm ){ $tabs[$nm] = $nm; } if(!file_exists('modules/iFrames/iFrame.php') && isset($tabs['iFrames'])){ unset($tabs['iFrames']); } //Set the default order $default_order = array( 'Home'=>'Home', 'Accounts'=>'Accounts', 'Contacts'=>'Contacts', 'Opportunities'=>'Opportunities', 'Activities'=>'Activities', 'Documents'=>'Documents' ); $tabs = array_merge($default_order, $tabs); //now assign the modules to system tabs $newTB->set_system_tabs($tabs); logThis('module tabs updated',$path); } } /** * fix_dropdown_list * This method attempts to fix dropdown lists that were incorrectly named. * There were versions of SugarCRM that did not enforce naming convention rules * for the dropdown list field name. This method attempts to resolve that by * fixing the language files that may have been affected and then updating the * fields_meta_data table accordingly. It also refreshes any vardefs that may * have been affected. * */ function fix_dropdown_list() { if(file_exists('custom/include/language')) { $files = array(); $affected_modules = array(); $affected_keys = array(); getFiles($files, 'custom/include/language', '/\.php$/i'); foreach($files as $file) { if(file_exists($file . '.bak')) { $bak_mod_time = filemtime($file . '.bak'); $php_mod_time = filemtime($file); //We're saying if the .php file was modified 30 seconds no more than php.bak file then we //run these additional cleanup checks if($php_mod_time - $bak_mod_time < 30) { $app_list_strings = array(); $GLOBALS['app_list_strings'] = array(); require($file . '.bak'); $bak_app_list_strings = array_merge($app_list_strings, $GLOBALS['app_list_strings']); $app_list_strings = array(); $GLOBALS['app_list_strings'] = array(); require($file); $php_app_list_strings = array_merge($app_list_strings, $GLOBALS['app_list_strings']); //Get the file contents $contents = file_get_contents($file); //Now simulate a fix for the file before we compare w/ the .php file //we also append to the $contents foreach($bak_app_list_strings as $key=>$entry) { if(preg_match('/([^A-Za-z_])/', $key, $matches) && is_array($entry)) { $new_key = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z_]/', '_', $key); $bak_app_list_strings[$new_key] = $bak_app_list_strings[$key]; unset($bak_app_list_strings[$key]); //Now if the entry doesn't exists in the .php file, then add to contents if(!isset($php_app_list_strings[$new_key])) { $contents .= "\n\$GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['{$new_key}'] = " . var_export_helper($bak_app_list_strings[$new_key]) . ";"; } } //if } //foreach //Now load the .php file to do the comparison foreach($php_app_list_strings as $key=>$entry) { if(isset($bak_app_list_strings[$key])) { $diff = array_diff($bak_app_list_strings[$key], $entry); if(!empty($diff)) { //There is a difference, so copy the $bak_app_list_strings version into the .php file $contents .= "\n\$GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['{$key}'] = " . var_export_helper($bak_app_list_strings[$key]) . ";"; } //if } //if } //foreach //Now write out the file contents //Create backup just in case copy($file, $file . '.php_bak'); $fp = @sugar_fopen($file, 'w'); if($fp) { fwrite($fp, $contents); fclose($fp); } else { $GLOBALS['log']->error("Unable to update file contents in fix_dropdown_list for {$file}"); } //if-else } } unset($GLOBALS['app_strings']); unset($GLOBALS['app_list_strings']); $app_list_strings = array(); require($file); $touched = false; $contents = file_get_contents($file); if ( !isset($GLOBALS['app_list_strings']) ) { $GLOBALS['app_list_strings'] = $app_list_strings; } else { $GLOBALS['app_list_strings'] = array_merge($app_list_strings, $GLOBALS['app_list_strings']); } if(isset($GLOBALS['app_list_strings']) && is_array($GLOBALS['app_list_strings'])) { foreach($GLOBALS['app_list_strings'] as $key=>$entry) { if(preg_match('/([^A-Za-z_])/', $key, $matches) && is_array($entry)) { $result = $GLOBALS['db']->query("SELECT custom_module FROM fields_meta_data WHERE ext1 = '{$key}'"); if(!empty($result)) { while($row = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchByAssoc($result)) { $custom_module = $row['custom_module']; if(!empty($GLOBALS['beanList'][$custom_module])) { $affected_modules[$custom_module] = $GLOBALS['beanList'][$custom_module]; } } //while } //Replace all invalid characters with '_' character $new_key = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z_]/', '_', $key); $affected_keys[$key] = $new_key; $GLOBALS['app_list_strings'][$new_key] = $GLOBALS['app_list_strings'][$key]; unset($GLOBALS['app_list_strings'][$key]); $pattern_match = "/(\[\s*\'{$key}\'\s*\])/"; $new_key = "['{$new_key}']"; $out = preg_replace($pattern_match, $new_key, $contents); $contents = $out; $touched = true; } //if } //foreach //This is a check for g => h instances where the file contents were incorrectly written //and also fixes the scenario where via a UI upgrade, the app_list_strings were incorrectly //merged with app_list_strings variables declared elsewhere if(!$touched) { if(preg_match('/\$GLOBALS\s*\[\s*[\"|\']app_list_strings[\"|\']\s*\]\s*=\s*array\s*\(/', $contents)) { //Now also remove all the non-custom labels that were added if(preg_match('/language\/([^\.]+)\.lang\.php$/', $file, $matches)) { $language = $matches[1]; $app_list_strings = array(); if(file_exists("include/language/$language.lang.php")) { include("include/language/$language.lang.php"); } if(file_exists("include/language/$language.lang.override.php")) { $app_list_strings = _mergeCustomAppListStrings("include/language/$language.lang.override.php" , $app_list_strings) ; } if(file_exists("custom/application/Ext/Language/$language.ext.lang.php")) { $app_list_strings = _mergeCustomAppListStrings("custom/application/Ext/Language/$language.ext.lang.php" , $app_list_strings) ; } if(file_exists("custom/application/Ext/Language/$language.lang.ext.php")) { $app_list_strings = _mergeCustomAppListStrings("custom/application/Ext/Language/$language.lang.ext.php" , $app_list_strings) ; } $all_non_custom_include_language_strings = $app_strings; $all_non_custom_include_language_list_strings = $app_list_strings; $unset_keys = array(); if(!empty($GLOBALS['app_list_strings'])) { foreach($GLOBALS['app_list_strings'] as $key=>$value) { $diff = array(); if(isset($all_non_custom_include_language_list_strings[$key])) { $diff = array_diff($all_non_custom_include_language_list_strings[$key], $GLOBALS['app_list_strings'][$key]); } if(!empty($all_non_custom_include_language_list_strings[$key]) && empty($diff)) { $unset_keys[] = $key; } } } foreach($unset_keys as $key) { unset($GLOBALS['app_list_strings'][$key]); } if(!empty($GLOBALS['app_strings'])) { foreach($GLOBALS['app_strings'] as $key=>$value) { if(!empty($all_non_custom_include_language_strings[$key])) { unset($GLOBALS['app_strings'][$key]); } } } } //if(preg_match...) $out = "$entry) { $out .= "\n\$GLOBALS['app_strings']['$key']=" . var_export_helper($entry) . ";"; } } foreach($GLOBALS['app_list_strings'] as $key=>$entry) { $out .= "\n\$GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['$key']=" . var_export_helper($entry) . ";"; } //foreach $touched = true; } //if(preg_match...) } //if(!$touched) if($touched) { //Create a backup just in case copy($file, $file . '.bak'); $fp = @sugar_fopen($file, 'w'); if($fp) { fwrite($fp, $out); fclose($fp); } else { //If we can't update the file, just return $GLOBALS['log']->error("Unable to update file contents in fix_dropdown_list."); return; } } //if($touched) } //if } //foreach($files) //Update db entries (the order matters here... need to process database changes first) if(!empty($affected_keys)) { foreach($affected_keys as $old_key=>$new_key) { $GLOBALS['db']->query("UPDATE fields_meta_data SET ext1 = '{$new_key}' WHERE ext1 = '{$old_key}'"); } } //Update vardef files for affected modules if(!empty($affected_modules)) { foreach($affected_modules as $module=>$object) { VardefManager::refreshVardefs($module, $object); } } } } function update_iframe_dashlets(){ require_once('cache/dashlets/dashlets.php'); $db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance(); $query = "SELECT id, contents, assigned_user_id FROM user_preferences WHERE deleted = 0 AND category = 'Home'"; $result = $db->query($query, true, "Unable to update new default dashlets! "); while ($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($result)) { $content = unserialize(base64_decode($row['contents'])); $assigned_user_id = $row['assigned_user_id']; $record_id = $row['id']; $current_user = new User(); $current_user->retrieve($row['assigned_user_id']); if(!empty($content['dashlets']) && !empty($content['pages'])){ $originalDashlets = $content['dashlets']; foreach($originalDashlets as $key => $ds){ if(!empty($ds['options']['url']) && stristr($ds['options']['url'],'http://www.sugarcrm.com/crm/product/gopro')){ unset($originalDashlets[$key]); } } $current_user->setPreference('dashlets', $originalDashlets, 0, 'Home'); } } } /** * convertImageToText * This method attempts to convert date type image to text on Microsoft SQL Server. * This method could NOT be used in any other type of datebases. */ function convertImageToText($table_name,$column_name){ $set_lang = "SET LANGUAGE us_english"; $GLOBALS['db']->query($set_lang); if($GLOBALS['db']->checkError()){ logThis('An error occurred when performing this query-->'.$set_lang); } $q="SELECT data_type FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Tables T JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Columns C ON T.TABLE_NAME = C.TABLE_NAME where T.TABLE_NAME = '$table_name' and C.COLUMN_NAME = '$column_name'"; $res= $GLOBALS['db']->query($q); if($GLOBALS['db']->checkError()){ logThis('An error occurred when performing this query-->'.$q); } $row= $GLOBALS['db']->fetchByAssoc($res); if(trim(strtolower($row['data_type'])) == 'image'){ $addContent_temp = "alter table {$table_name} add {$column_name}_temp text null"; $GLOBALS['db']->query($addContent_temp); if($GLOBALS['db']->checkError()){ logThis('An error occurred when performing this query-->'.$addContent_temp); } $qN = "select count=datalength({$column_name}), id, {$column_name} from {$table_name}"; $result = $GLOBALS['db']->query($qN); while($row = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchByAssoc($result)){ if($row['count'] >8000){ $contentLength = $row['count']; $start = 1; $next=8000; $convertedContent = ''; while($contentLength >0){ $stepsQuery = "select cont=convert(varchar(max), convert(varbinary(8000), substring({$column_name},{$start},{$next}))) from {$table_name} where id= '{$row['id']}'"; $steContQ = $GLOBALS['db']->query($stepsQuery); if($GLOBALS['db']->checkError()){ logThis('An error occurred when performing this query-->'.$stepsQuery); } $stepCont = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchByAssoc($steContQ); if(isset($stepCont['cont'])){ $convertedContent = $convertedContent.$stepCont['cont']; } $start = $start+$next; $contentLength = $contentLength - $next; } $addContentDataText="update {$table_name} set {$column_name}_temp = '{$convertedContent}' where id= '{$row['id']}'"; $GLOBALS['db']->query($addContentDataText); if($GLOBALS['db']->checkError()){ logThis('An error occurred when performing this query-->'.$addContentDataText); } } else{ $addContentDataText="update {$table_name} set {$column_name}_temp = convert(varchar(max), convert(varbinary(8000), {$column_name})) where id= '{$row['id']}'"; $GLOBALS['db']->query($addContentDataText); if($GLOBALS['db']->checkError()){ logThis('An error occurred when performing this query-->'.$addContentDataText); } } } //drop the contents now and change contents_temp to contents $dropColumn = "alter table {$table_name} drop column {$column_name}"; $GLOBALS['db']->query($dropColumn); if($GLOBALS['db']->checkError()){ logThis('An error occurred when performing this query-->'.$dropColumn); } $changeColumnName = "EXEC sp_rename '{$table_name}.[{$column_name}_temp]','{$column_name}','COLUMN'"; $GLOBALS['db']->query($changeColumnName); if($GLOBALS['db']->checkError()){ logThis('An error occurred when performing this query-->'.$changeColumnName); } } } /** * clearHelpFiles * This method attempts to delete all English inline help files. * This method was introduced by 5.5.0RC2. */ function clearHelpFiles(){ $modulePath = clean_path(getcwd() . '/modules'); $allHelpFiles = array(); getFiles($allHelpFiles, $modulePath, "/en_us.help.*/"); foreach( $allHelpFiles as $the_file ){ if( is_file( $the_file ) ){ unlink( $the_file ); _logThis("Deleted file: $the_file", $path); } } } /** * upgrade_connectors * @param $path String variable for the log path */ function upgrade_connectors($path='') { logThis('Begin upgrade_connectors', $path); $filePath = 'custom/modules/Connectors/connectors/sources/ext/soap/hoovers/config.php'; if(file_exists($filePath)) { logThis("{$filePath} file", $path); require($filePath); if(!is_null($config)) { $modified = false; if(isset($config['properties']['hoovers_endpoint'])) { $config['properties']['hoovers_endpoint'] = 'http://hapi.hoovers.com/HooversAPI-33'; $modified = true; } if(isset($config['properties']['hoovers_wsdl'])) { $config['properties']['hoovers_wsdl'] = 'http://hapi.hoovers.com/HooversAPI-33/hooversAPI/hooversAPI.wsdl'; $modified = true; } if($modified) { if(!write_array_to_file('config', $config, $filePath)) { logThis("Could not write new configuration to {$filePath} file", $path); } else { logThis('Modified file successfully with new configuration entries', $path); } } } } $filePath = 'custom/modules/Connectors/connectors/sources/ext/soap/hoovers/vardefs.php'; if(file_exists($filePath)) { logThis("Modifying {$filePath} file", $path); require($filePath); $fileContents = file_get_contents($filePath); $out = str_replace('bal.specialtyCriteria.companyKeyword', 'bal.specialtyCriteria.companyName', $fileContents); file_put_contents($filePath, $out); } logThis('End upgrade_connectors', $path); } function removeSilentUpgradeVarsCache(){ global $silent_upgrade_vars_loaded; $cacheFileDir = "{$GLOBALS['sugar_config']['cache_dir']}/silentUpgrader"; $cacheFile = "{$cacheFileDir}/silentUpgradeCache.php"; if(file_exists($cacheFile)){ unlink($cacheFile); } $silent_upgrade_vars_loaded = array(); // Set to empty to reset it return true; } function loadSilentUpgradeVars(){ global $silent_upgrade_vars_loaded; if(empty($silent_upgrade_vars_loaded)){ $cacheFile = "{$GLOBALS['sugar_config']['cache_dir']}/silentUpgrader/silentUpgradeCache.php"; // We have no pre existing vars if(!file_exists($cacheFile)){ // Set the vars array so it's loaded $silent_upgrade_vars_loaded = array('vars' => array()); } else{ require_once($cacheFile); $silent_upgrade_vars_loaded = $silent_upgrade_vars_cache; } } return true; } function writeSilentUpgradeVars(){ global $silent_upgrade_vars_loaded; if(empty($silent_upgrade_vars_loaded)){ return false; // You should have set some values before trying to write the silent upgrade vars } $cacheFileDir = "{$GLOBALS['sugar_config']['cache_dir']}/silentUpgrader"; $cacheFile = "{$cacheFileDir}/silentUpgradeCache.php"; require_once('include/dir_inc.php'); if(!mkdir_recursive($cacheFileDir)){ return false; } require_once('include/utils/file_utils.php'); if(!write_array_to_file('silent_upgrade_vars_cache', $silent_upgrade_vars_loaded, $cacheFile, 'w')){ global $path; logThis("WARNING: writeSilentUpgradeVars could not write to {$cacheFile}", $path); return false; } return true; } function setSilentUpgradeVar($var, $value){ if(!loadSilentUpgradeVars()){ return false; } global $silent_upgrade_vars_loaded; $silent_upgrade_vars_loaded['vars'][$var] = $value; return true; } function getSilentUpgradeVar($var){ if(!loadSilentUpgradeVars()){ return false; } global $silent_upgrade_vars_loaded; if(!isset($silent_upgrade_vars_loaded['vars'][$var])){ return null; } else{ return $silent_upgrade_vars_loaded['vars'][$var]; } } /** * unlinkUpgradeFiles * This is a helper function to clean up * * @param $version String value of current system version (pre upgrade) */ function unlinkUpgradeFiles($version) { if(!isset($version)) { return; } logThis('start unlinking files from previous upgrade'); if($version < '614') { //list of files to remove $files_to_remove = array('modules/Help/Forms.php'); foreach($files_to_remove as $f) { if(file_exists($f)) { logThis('removing file: ' . $f); unlink($f); } } } logThis('end unlinking files from previous upgrade'); } ?>