id && ($GLOBALS['current_user']->isAdminForModule('Users') )) { $u = new User(); $u->retrieve($_REQUEST['record']); $u->status = 'Inactive'; $u->deleted = 1; $u->employee_status = 'Terminated'; $u->save(); $GLOBALS['log']->info("User id: {$GLOBALS['current_user']->id} deleted user record: {$_REQUEST['record']}"); $eapm = loadBean('EAPM'); $eapm->delete_user_accounts($_REQUEST['record']); $GLOBALS['log']->info("Removing user's External Accounts"); SugarApplication::redirect("index.php?module=Users&action=index"); } else sugar_die("Unauthorized access to administration."); } protected function action_wizard() { $this->view = 'wizard'; } protected function action_saveuserwizard() { global $current_user, $sugar_config; // set all of these default parameters since the Users save action will undo the defaults otherwise $_POST['record'] = $current_user->id; $_POST['is_admin'] = ( $current_user->is_admin ? 'on' : '' ); $_POST['use_real_names'] = true; $_POST['should_remind'] = '1'; $_POST['reminder_time'] = 1800; $_POST['mailmerge_on'] = 'on'; $_POST['receive_notifications'] = $current_user->receive_notifications; $_POST['user_theme'] = (string) SugarThemeRegistry::getDefault(); // save and redirect to new view $_REQUEST['return_module'] = 'Home'; $_REQUEST['return_action'] = 'index'; require('modules/Users/Save.php'); } } ?>