disable_row_level_security = true; } function get_summary_text() { return ""; } function fill_in_additional_list_fields() { } function fill_in_additional_detail_fields() { } function get_list_view_data() { } // combines all freebusy vcals and returns just the FREEBUSY lines as a string function get_freebusy_lines_cache(&$user_bean) { $str = ''; // First, get the list of IDs. $query = "SELECT id from vcals where user_id='{$user_bean->id}' AND type='vfb' AND deleted=0"; $vcal_arr = $this->build_related_list($query, new vCal()); foreach ($vcal_arr as $focus) { if (empty($focus->content)) { return ''; } $lines = explode("\n",$focus->content); foreach ($lines as $line) { if ( preg_match('/^FREEBUSY[;:]/i',$line)) { $str .= "$line\n"; } } } return $str; } // query and create the FREEBUSY lines for SugarCRM Meetings and Calls and // return the string function create_sugar_freebusy($user_bean, $start_date_time, $end_date_time) { $str = ''; global $DO_USER_TIME_OFFSET,$timedate; $DO_USER_TIME_OFFSET = true; if(empty($GLOBALS['current_user']) || empty($GLOBALS['current_user']->id)) { $GLOBALS['current_user'] = $user_bean; } // get activities.. queries Meetings and Calls $acts_arr = CalendarActivity::get_activities($user_bean->id, array("show_calls" => true), $start_date_time, $end_date_time, 'freebusy'); // loop thru each activity, get start/end time in UTC, and return FREEBUSY strings foreach($acts_arr as $act) { $startTimeUTC = $act->start_time->format(self::UTC_FORMAT); $endTimeUTC = $act->end_time->format(self::UTC_FORMAT); $str .= "FREEBUSY:". $startTimeUTC ."/". $endTimeUTC."\n"; } return $str; } // return a freebusy vcal string function get_vcal_freebusy($user_focus,$cached=true) { global $locale, $timedate; $str = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n"; $str .= "VERSION:2.0\n"; $str .= "PRODID:-//SugarCRM//SugarCRM Calendar//EN\n"; $str .= "BEGIN:VFREEBUSY\n"; $name = $locale->getLocaleFormattedName($user_focus->first_name, $user_focus->last_name); $email = $user_focus->email1; // get current date for the user $now_date_time = $timedate->getNow(true); // get start date ( 1 day ago ) $start_date_time = $now_date_time->get("yesterday"); // get date 2 months from start date global $sugar_config; $timeOffset = 2; if (isset($sugar_config['vcal_time']) && $sugar_config['vcal_time'] != 0 && $sugar_config['vcal_time'] < 13) { $timeOffset = $sugar_config['vcal_time']; } $end_date_time = $start_date_time->get("+$timeOffset months"); // get UTC time format $utc_start_time = $start_date_time->asDb(); $utc_end_time = $end_date_time->asDb(); $utc_now_time = $now_date_time->asDb(); $str .= "ORGANIZER;CN=$name:$email\n"; $str .= "DTSTART:$utc_start_time\n"; $str .= "DTEND:$utc_end_time\n"; // now insert the freebusy lines // retrieve cached freebusy lines from vcals if ($timeOffset != 0) { if ($cached == true) { $str .= $this->get_freebusy_lines_cache($user_focus); } // generate freebusy from Meetings and Calls else { $str .= $this->create_sugar_freebusy($user_focus,$start_date_time,$end_date_time); } } // UID:20030724T213406Z-10358-1000-1-12@phoenix $str .= "DTSTAMP:$utc_now_time\n"; $str .= "END:VFREEBUSY\n"; $str .= "END:VCALENDAR\n"; return $str; } // static function: // cache vcals function cache_sugar_vcal(&$user_focus) { vCal::cache_sugar_vcal_freebusy($user_focus); } // static function: // caches vcal for Activities in Sugar database function cache_sugar_vcal_freebusy(&$user_focus) { $focus = new vCal(); // set freebusy members and save $arr = array('user_id'=>$user_focus->id,'type'=>'vfb','source'=>'sugar'); $focus->retrieve_by_string_fields($arr); $focus->content = $focus->get_vcal_freebusy($user_focus,false); $focus->type = 'vfb'; $focus->date_modified = null; $focus->source = 'sugar'; $focus->user_id = $user_focus->id; $focus->save(); } /** * get ics file content for meeting invite email */ public static function get_ical_event(SugarBean $bean, User $user){ $str = ""; $str .= "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n"; $str .= "VERSION:2.0\n"; $str .= "PRODID:-//SugarCRM//SugarCRM Calendar//EN\n"; $str .= "BEGIN:VEVENT\n"; $str .= "UID:".$bean->id."\n"; $str .= "ORGANIZER;CN=".$user->full_name.":".$user->email1."\n"; $str .= "DTSTART:".SugarDateTime::createFromFormat($GLOBALS['timedate']->get_db_date_time_format(),$bean->date_start)->format(self::UTC_FORMAT)."\n"; $str .= "DTEND:".SugarDateTime::createFromFormat($GLOBALS['timedate']->get_db_date_time_format(),$bean->date_end)->format(self::UTC_FORMAT)."\n"; $str .= "DTSTAMP:". $GLOBALS['timedate']->getNow(false)->format(self::UTC_FORMAT) ."\n"; $str .= "SUMMARY:" . $bean->name . "\n"; $str .= "DESCRIPTION:" . $bean->description . "\n"; $str .= "END:VEVENT\n"; $str .= "END:VCALENDAR\n"; return $str; } } ?>