fault('RSS currently only supports the get_entry_list method'); ob_clean(); $this->generateResponseHeader($input['result_count']); $this->generateItems($input); $this->generateResponseFooter(); } // fn function generateResponseHeader($count){ $date = gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"; echo' SugarCRM RSS Feed http://cnn.com ' . $count. ' records found ' . $date . ' SugarCRM ' . $count . ' '; } function generateItems($input){ if(!empty($input['entry_list'])){ foreach($input['entry_list'] as $item){ $this->generateItem($item); } } } function generateItem($item){ echo "\n"; $name = !empty($item['name_value_list']['name'])?htmlentities( $item['name_value_list']['name']): ''; echo "$name\n"; echo "". $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['site_url'] . htmlentities('/index.php?module=' . $item['module_name']. '&record=' . $item['id']) . "\n"; echo "$v){ if($k =='name')continue; if($k == 'date_modified')continue; if($displayFieldNames) echo '' .htmlentities( $k) . ': '; echo htmlentities( $v) . "\n
"; } echo "]]>
\n"; if(!empty($item['name_value_list']['date_modified'])){ $date = date("D, d M Y H:i:s", strtotime($item['name_value_list']['date_modified'])) . " GMT"; echo "$date"; } echo "" . $item['id']. "\n"; echo "
\n"; } function generateResponseFooter(){ echo'
'; } /** * This method calls functions on the implementation class and returns the output or Fault object in case of error to client * * @return unknown */ function serve(){ $this->fault('RSS is not a valid input_type'); } // fn function fault($faultObject){ ob_clean(); $this->generateResponseHeader(); echo ''; if(is_object($errorObject)){ $error = $errorObject->number . ': ' . $errorObject->name . '
' . $errorObject->description; $GLOBALS['log']->error($error); }else{ $GLOBALS['log']->error(var_export($errorObject, true)); $error = var_export($errorObject, true); } // else echo $error; echo '
'; $this->generateResponseFooter(); } } // clazz