'name' -- the name of the field * 'type' -- the data type of the field * 'label' -- the translation key for the label of the field * 'required' -- Is the field required? * 'options' -- Possible values for a drop down field */ function get_field_list($value, $translate=true){ $list = array(); if(!empty($value->field_defs)){ foreach($value->field_defs as $var){ if(isset($var['source']) && ($var['source'] != 'db' && $var['source'] != 'custom_fields') && $var['name'] != 'email1' && $var['name'] != 'email2' && (!isset($var['type'])|| $var['type'] != 'relate'))continue; $required = 0; $options_dom = array(); $options_ret = array(); // Apparently the only purpose of this check is to make sure we only return fields // when we've read a record. Otherwise this function is identical to get_module_field_list if(!empty($var['required'])) { $required = 1; } if(isset($var['options'])){ $options_dom = translate($var['options'], $value->module_dir); if(!is_array($options_dom)) $options_dom = array(); foreach($options_dom as $key=>$oneOption) $options_ret[] = get_name_value($key,$oneOption); } if(!empty($var['dbType']) && $var['type'] == 'bool') { $options_ret[] = get_name_value('type', $var['dbType']); } $entry = array(); $entry['name'] = $var['name']; $entry['type'] = $var['type']; if($translate) { $entry['label'] = isset($var['vname']) ? translate($var['vname'], $value->module_dir) : $var['name']; } else { $entry['label'] = isset($var['vname']) ? $var['vname'] : $var['name']; } $entry['required'] = $required; $entry['options'] = $options_ret; if(isset($var['default'])) { $entry['default_value'] = $var['default']; } $list[$var['name']] = $entry; } //foreach } //if if($value->module_dir == 'Bugs'){ $seedRelease = new Release(); $options = $seedRelease->get_releases(TRUE, "Active"); $options_ret = array(); foreach($options as $name=>$value){ $options_ret[] = array('name'=> $name , 'value'=>$value); } if(isset($list['fixed_in_release'])){ $list['fixed_in_release']['type'] = 'enum'; $list['fixed_in_release']['options'] = $options_ret; } if(isset($list['release'])){ $list['release']['type'] = 'enum'; $list['release']['options'] = $options_ret; } if(isset($list['release_name'])){ $list['release_name']['type'] = 'enum'; $list['release_name']['options'] = $options_ret; } } if($value->module_dir == 'Emails'){ $fields = array('from_addr_name', 'reply_to_addr', 'to_addrs_names', 'cc_addrs_names', 'bcc_addrs_names'); foreach($fields as $field){ $var = $value->field_defs[$field]; $required = 0; $entry = array(); $entry['name'] = $var['name']; $entry['type'] = $var['type']; if($translate) { $entry['label'] = isset($var['vname']) ? translate($var['vname'], $value->module_dir) : $var['name']; } else { $entry['label'] = isset($var['vname']) ? $var['vname'] : $var['name']; } $entry['required'] = $required; $entry['options'] = array(); if(isset($var['default'])) { $entry['default_value'] = $var['default']; } $list[$var['name']] = $entry; } } if(isset($value->assigned_user_name) && isset($list['assigned_user_id'])) { $list['assigned_user_name'] = $list['assigned_user_id']; $list['assigned_user_name']['name'] = 'assigned_user_name'; } if(isset($list['modified_user_id'])) { $list['modified_by_name'] = $list['modified_user_id']; $list['modified_by_name']['name'] = 'modified_by_name'; } if(isset($list['created_by'])) { $list['created_by_name'] = $list['created_by']; $list['created_by_name']['name'] = 'created_by_name'; } return $list; } function new_get_field_list($value, $translate=true) { $module_fields = array(); $link_fields = array(); if(!empty($value->field_defs)){ foreach($value->field_defs as $var){ if(isset($var['source']) && ($var['source'] != 'db' && $var['source'] != 'non-db' && $var['source'] != 'custom_fields') && $var['name'] != 'email1' && $var['name'] != 'email2' && (!isset($var['type'])|| $var['type'] != 'relate'))continue; if ($var['source'] == 'non_db' && (isset($var['type']) && $var['type'] != 'link')) { continue; } $required = 0; $options_dom = array(); $options_ret = array(); // Apparently the only purpose of this check is to make sure we only return fields // when we've read a record. Otherwise this function is identical to get_module_field_list if(!empty($var['required'])) { $required = 1; } if(isset($var['options'])){ $options_dom = translate($var['options'], $value->module_dir); if(!is_array($options_dom)) $options_dom = array(); foreach($options_dom as $key=>$oneOption) $options_ret[] = get_name_value($key,$oneOption); } if(!empty($var['dbType']) && $var['type'] == 'bool') { $options_ret[] = get_name_value('type', $var['dbType']); } $entry = array(); $entry['name'] = $var['name']; $entry['type'] = $var['type']; if ($var['type'] == 'link') { $entry['relationship'] = (isset($var['relationship']) ? $var['relationship'] : ''); $entry['module'] = (isset($var['module']) ? $var['module'] : ''); $entry['bean_name'] = (isset($var['bean_name']) ? $var['bean_name'] : ''); $link_fields[$var['name']] = $entry; } else { if($translate) { $entry['label'] = isset($var['vname']) ? translate($var['vname'], $value->module_dir) : $var['name']; } else { $entry['label'] = isset($var['vname']) ? $var['vname'] : $var['name']; } $entry['required'] = $required; $entry['options'] = $options_ret; if(isset($var['default'])) { $entry['default_value'] = $var['default']; } $module_fields[$var['name']] = $entry; } // else } //foreach } //if if($value->module_dir == 'Bugs'){ $seedRelease = new Release(); $options = $seedRelease->get_releases(TRUE, "Active"); $options_ret = array(); foreach($options as $name=>$value){ $options_ret[] = array('name'=> $name , 'value'=>$value); } if(isset($module_fields['fixed_in_release'])){ $module_fields['fixed_in_release']['type'] = 'enum'; $module_fields['fixed_in_release']['options'] = $options_ret; } if(isset($module_fields['release'])){ $module_fields['release']['type'] = 'enum'; $module_fields['release']['options'] = $options_ret; } if(isset($module_fields['release_name'])){ $module_fields['release_name']['type'] = 'enum'; $module_fields['release_name']['options'] = $options_ret; } } if(isset($value->assigned_user_name) && isset($module_fields['assigned_user_id'])) { $module_fields['assigned_user_name'] = $module_fields['assigned_user_id']; $module_fields['assigned_user_name']['name'] = 'assigned_user_name'; } if(isset($module_fields['modified_user_id'])) { $module_fields['modified_by_name'] = $module_fields['modified_user_id']; $module_fields['modified_by_name']['name'] = 'modified_by_name'; } if(isset($module_fields['created_by'])) { $module_fields['created_by_name'] = $module_fields['created_by']; $module_fields['created_by_name']['name'] = 'created_by_name'; } return array('module_fields' => $module_fields, 'link_fields' => $link_fields); } // fn function setFaultObject($errorObject) { global $soap_server_object; $soap_server_object->fault($errorObject->getFaultCode(), $errorObject->getName(), '', $errorObject->getDescription()); } // fn function checkSessionAndModuleAccess($session, $login_error_key, $module_name, $access_level, $module_access_level_error_key, $errorObject) { if(!validate_authenticated($session)){ $errorObject->set_error('invalid_login'); setFaultObject($errorObject); return false; } // if global $beanList, $beanFiles; if (!empty($module_name)) { if(empty($beanList[$module_name])){ $errorObject->set_error('no_module'); setFaultObject($errorObject); return false; } // if global $current_user; if(!check_modules_access($current_user, $module_name, $access_level)){ $errorObject->set_error('no_access'); setFaultObject($errorObject); return false; } } // if return true; } // fn function checkACLAccess($bean, $viewType, $errorObject, $error_key) { if(!$bean->ACLAccess($viewType)){ $errorObject->set_error($error_key); setFaultObject($errorObject); return false; } // if return true; } // fn function get_name_value($field,$value){ return array('name'=>$field, 'value'=>$value); } function get_user_module_list($user){ global $app_list_strings, $current_language, $beanList, $beanFiles; $app_list_strings = return_app_list_strings_language($current_language); $modules = query_module_access_list($user); ACLController :: filterModuleList($modules, false); global $modInvisList; foreach($modInvisList as $invis){ $modules[$invis] = 'read_only'; } $actions = ACLAction::getUserActions($user->id,true); foreach($actions as $key=>$value){ if(isset($value['module']) && $value['module']['access']['aclaccess'] < ACL_ALLOW_ENABLED){ if ($value['module']['access']['aclaccess'] == ACL_ALLOW_DISABLED) { unset($modules[$key]); } else { $modules[$key] = 'read_only'; } // else } else { $modules[$key] = ''; } // else } // foreach //Remove all modules that don't have a beanFiles entry associated with it foreach($modules as $module_name=>$module) { if ( isset($beanList[$module_name]) ) { $class_name = $beanList[$module_name]; if(empty($beanFiles[$class_name])) { unset($modules[$module_name]); } } else { unset($modules[$module_name]); } } return $modules; } function check_modules_access($user, $module_name, $action='write'){ if(!isset($_SESSION['avail_modules'])){ $_SESSION['avail_modules'] = get_user_module_list($user); } if(isset($_SESSION['avail_modules'][$module_name])){ if($action == 'write' && $_SESSION['avail_modules'][$module_name] == 'read_only'){ if(is_admin($user))return true; return false; }elseif($action == 'write' && strcmp(strtolower($module_name), 'users') == 0 && !$user->isAdminForModule($module_name)){ //rrs bug: 46000 - If the client is trying to write to the Users module and is not an admin then we need to stop them return false; } return true; } return false; } function get_name_value_list($value, $returnDomValue = false){ global $app_list_strings; $list = array(); if(!empty($value->field_defs)){ if(isset($value->assigned_user_name)) { $list['assigned_user_name'] = get_name_value('assigned_user_name', $value->assigned_user_name); } if(isset($value->modified_by_name)) { $list['modified_by_name'] = get_name_value('modified_by_name', $value->modified_by_name); } if(isset($value->created_by_name)) { $list['created_by_name'] = get_name_value('created_by_name', $value->created_by_name); } foreach($value->field_defs as $var){ if(isset($var['source']) && ($var['source'] != 'db' && $var['source'] != 'custom_fields') && $var['name'] != 'email1' && $var['name'] != 'email2' && (!isset($var['type'])|| $var['type'] != 'relate')){ if($value->module_dir == 'Emails' && (($var['name'] == 'description') || ($var['name'] == 'description_html') || ($var['name'] == 'from_addr_name') || ($var['name'] == 'reply_to_addr') || ($var['name'] == 'to_addrs_names') || ($var['name'] == 'cc_addrs_names') || ($var['name'] == 'bcc_addrs_names') || ($var['name'] == 'raw_source'))) { } else { continue; } } if(isset($value->$var['name'])){ $val = $value->$var['name']; $type = $var['type']; if(strcmp($type, 'date') == 0){ $val = substr($val, 0, 10); }elseif(strcmp($type, 'enum') == 0 && !empty($var['options']) && $returnDomValue){ $val = $app_list_strings[$var['options']][$val]; } $list[$var['name']] = get_name_value($var['name'], $val); } } } return $list; } function filter_fields($value, $fields) { global $invalid_contact_fields; $filterFields = array(); foreach($fields as $field){ if (is_array($invalid_contact_fields)) { if (in_array($field, $invalid_contact_fields)) { continue; } // if } // if if (isset($value->field_defs[$field])) { $var = $value->field_defs[$field]; if(isset($var['source']) && ($var['source'] != 'db' && $var['source'] != 'custom_fields') && $var['name'] != 'email1' && $var['name'] != 'email2' && (!isset($var['type'])|| $var['type'] != 'relate')) { continue; } } // if // No valid field should be caught by this quoting. $filterFields[] = getValidDBName($field); } // foreach return $filterFields; } // fn function get_name_value_list_for_fields($value, $fields) { global $app_list_strings; global $invalid_contact_fields; $list = array(); if(!empty($value->field_defs)){ if(isset($value->assigned_user_name) && in_array('assigned_user_name', $fields)) { $list['assigned_user_name'] = get_name_value('assigned_user_name', $value->assigned_user_name); } if(isset($value->modified_by_name) && in_array('modified_by_name', $fields)) { $list['modified_by_name'] = get_name_value('modified_by_name', $value->modified_by_name); } if(isset($value->created_by_name) && in_array('created_by_name', $fields)) { $list['created_by_name'] = get_name_value('created_by_name', $value->created_by_name); } $filterFields = filter_fields($value, $fields); foreach($filterFields as $field){ $var = $value->field_defs[$field]; if(isset($value->$var['name'])){ $val = $value->$var['name']; $type = $var['type']; if(strcmp($type, 'date') == 0){ $val = substr($val, 0, 10); }elseif(strcmp($type, 'enum') == 0 && !empty($var['options'])){ $val = $app_list_strings[$var['options']][$val]; } $list[$var['name']] = get_name_value($var['name'], $val); } // if } // foreach } // if return $list; } // fn function array_get_name_value_list($array){ $list = array(); foreach($array as $name=>$value){ $list[$name] = get_name_value($name, $value); } return $list; } function array_get_name_value_lists($array){ $list = array(); foreach($array as $name=>$value){ $tmp_value=$value; if(is_array($value)){ $tmp_value = array(); foreach($value as $k=>$v){ $tmp_value[] = get_name_value($k, $v); } } $list[] = get_name_value($name, $tmp_value); } return $list; } function name_value_lists_get_array($list){ $array = array(); foreach($list as $key=>$value){ if(isset($value['value']) && isset($value['name'])){ if(is_array($value['value'])){ $array[$value['name']]=array(); foreach($value['value'] as $v){ $array[$value['name']][$v['name']]=$v['value']; } }else{ $array[$value['name']]=$value['value']; } } } return $array; } function array_get_return_value($array, $module){ return Array('id'=>$array['id'], 'module_name'=> $module, 'name_value_list'=>array_get_name_value_list($array) ); } function get_return_value_for_fields($value, $module, $fields) { global $module_name, $current_user; $module_name = $module; if($module == 'Users' && $value->id != $current_user->id){ $value->user_hash = ''; } return Array('id'=>$value->id, 'module_name'=> $module, 'name_value_list'=>get_name_value_list_for_fields($value, $fields) ); } function getRelationshipResults($bean, $link_field_name, $link_module_fields) { global $beanList, $beanFiles; $bean->load_relationship($link_field_name); if (isset($bean->$link_field_name)) { // get the query object for this link field $query_array = $bean->$link_field_name->getQuery(true,array(),0,'',true); $params = array(); $params['joined_tables'] = $query_array['join_tables']; // get the related module name and instantiate a bean for that. $submodulename = $bean->$link_field_name->getRelatedModuleName(); $submoduleclass = $beanList[$submodulename]; require_once($beanFiles[$submoduleclass]); $submodule = new $submoduleclass(); $filterFields = filter_fields($submodule, $link_module_fields); $relFields = $bean->$link_field_name->getRelatedFields(); $roleSelect = ''; if(!empty($relFields)){ foreach($link_module_fields as $field){ if(!empty($relFields[$field])){ $roleSelect .= ', ' . $query_array['join_tables'][0] . '.'. $field; } } } // create a query $subquery = $submodule->create_new_list_query('','',$filterFields,$params, 0,'', true,$bean); $query = $subquery['select'].$roleSelect . $subquery['from'].$query_array['join']. $subquery['where']; $result = $submodule->db->query($query, true); $list = array(); while($row = $submodule->db->fetchByAssoc($result)) { $list[] = $row; } return array('rows' => $list, 'fields_set_on_rows' => $filterFields); } else { return false; } // else } // fn function get_return_value_for_link_fields($bean, $module, $link_name_to_value_fields_array) { global $module_name, $current_user; $module_name = $module; if($module == 'Users' && $bean->id != $current_user->id){ $bean->user_hash = ''; } if (empty($link_name_to_value_fields_array) || !is_array($link_name_to_value_fields_array)) { return array(); } $link_output = array(); foreach($link_name_to_value_fields_array as $link_name_value_fields) { if (!is_array($link_name_value_fields) || !isset($link_name_value_fields['name']) || !isset($link_name_value_fields['value'])) { continue; } $link_field_name = $link_name_value_fields['name']; $link_module_fields = $link_name_value_fields['value']; if (is_array($link_module_fields) && !empty($link_module_fields)) { $result = getRelationshipResults($bean, $link_field_name, $link_module_fields); if (!$result) { $link_output[] = array('name' => $link_field_name, 'records' => array()); continue; } $list = $result['rows']; $filterFields = $result['fields_set_on_rows']; if ($list) { $rowArray = array(); foreach($list as $row) { $nameValueArray = array(); foreach ($filterFields as $field) { $nameValue = array(); if (isset($row[$field])) { $nameValue['name'] = $field; $nameValue['value'] = $row[$field]; $nameValueArray[] = $nameValue; } // if } // foreach $rowArray[] = $nameValueArray; } // foreach $link_output[] = array('name' => $link_field_name, 'records' => $rowArray); } // if } // if } // foreach return $link_output; } // fn /** * * @param String $module_name -- The name of the module that the primary record is from. This name should be the name the module was developed under (changing a tab name is studio does not affect the name that should be passed into this method). * @param String $module_id -- The ID of the bean in the specified module * @param String $link_field_name - The relationship name for which to create realtionships. * @param Array $related_ids -- The array of ids for which we want to create relationships * @return true on success, false on failure */ function new_handle_set_relationship($module_name, $module_id, $link_field_name, $related_ids) { global $beanList, $beanFiles; if(empty($beanList[$module_name])) { return false; } // if $class_name = $beanList[$module_name]; require_once($beanFiles[$class_name]); $mod = new $class_name(); $mod->retrieve($module_id); if(!$mod->ACLAccess('DetailView')){ return false; } foreach($related_ids as $ids) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("ids = " . $ids ); } if ($mod->load_relationship($link_field_name)) { $mod->$link_field_name->add($related_ids); return true; } else { return false; } } function new_handle_set_entries($module_name, $name_value_lists, $select_fields = FALSE) { global $beanList, $beanFiles, $app_list_strings; global $current_user; $ret_values = array(); $class_name = $beanList[$module_name]; require_once($beanFiles[$class_name]); $ids = array(); $count = 1; $total = sizeof($name_value_lists); foreach($name_value_lists as $name_value_list){ $seed = new $class_name(); $seed->update_vcal = false; foreach($name_value_list as $value){ if($value['name'] == 'id'){ $seed->retrieve($value['value']); break; } } foreach($name_value_list as $value) { $val = $value['value']; if($seed->field_name_map[$value['name']]['type'] == 'enum'){ $vardef = $seed->field_name_map[$value['name']]; if(isset($app_list_strings[$vardef['options']]) && !isset($app_list_strings[$vardef['options']][$value]) ) { if ( in_array($val,$app_list_strings[$vardef['options']]) ){ $val = array_search($val,$app_list_strings[$vardef['options']]); } } } $seed->$value['name'] = $val; } if($count == $total){ $seed->update_vcal = false; } $count++; //Add the account to a contact if($module_name == 'Contacts'){ $GLOBALS['log']->debug('Creating Contact Account'); add_create_account($seed); $duplicate_id = check_for_duplicate_contacts($seed); if($duplicate_id == null){ if($seed->ACLAccess('Save') && ($seed->deleted != 1 || $seed->ACLAccess('Delete'))){ $seed->save(); if($seed->deleted == 1){ $seed->mark_deleted($seed->id); } $ids[] = $seed->id; } } else{ //since we found a duplicate we should set the sync flag if( $seed->ACLAccess('Save')){ $seed = new $class_name(); $seed->id = $duplicate_id; $seed->contacts_users_id = $current_user->id; $seed->save(); $ids[] = $duplicate_id;//we have a conflict } } } else if($module_name == 'Meetings' || $module_name == 'Calls'){ //we are going to check if we have a meeting in the system //with the same outlook_id. If we do find one then we will grab that //id and save it if( $seed->ACLAccess('Save') && ($seed->deleted != 1 || $seed->ACLAccess('Delete'))){ if(empty($seed->id) && !isset($seed->id)){ if(!empty($seed->outlook_id) && isset($seed->outlook_id)){ //at this point we have an object that does not have //the id set, but does have the outlook_id set //so we need to query the db to find if we already //have an object with this outlook_id, if we do //then we can set the id, otherwise this is a new object $order_by = ""; $query = $seed->table_name.".outlook_id = '".$GLOBALS['db']->quote($seed->outlook_id)."'"; $response = $seed->get_list($order_by, $query, 0,-1,-1,0); $list = $response['list']; if(count($list) > 0){ foreach($list as $value) { $seed->id = $value->id; break; } }//fi }//fi }//fi $seed->save(); if($seed->deleted == 1){ $seed->mark_deleted($seed->id); } $ids[] = $seed->id; }//fi } else { if( $seed->ACLAccess('Save') && ($seed->deleted != 1 || $seed->ACLAccess('Delete'))){ $seed->save(); $ids[] = $seed->id; } } // if somebody is calling set_entries_detail() and wants fields returned... if ($select_fields !== FALSE) { $ret_values[$count] = array(); foreach ($select_fields as $select_field) { if (isset($seed->$select_field)) { $ret_values[$count][] = get_name_value($select_field, $seed->$select_field); } } } } // handle returns for set_entries_detail() and set_entries() if ($select_fields !== FALSE) { return array( 'name_value_lists' => $ret_values, ); } else { return array( 'ids' => $ids, ); } } function get_return_value($value, $module, $returnDomValue = false){ global $module_name, $current_user; $module_name = $module; if($module == 'Users' && $value->id != $current_user->id){ $value->user_hash = ''; } return Array('id'=>$value->id, 'module_name'=> $module, 'name_value_list'=>get_name_value_list($value, $returnDomValue) ); } function get_encoded_Value($value) { // XML 1.0 doesn't allow those... $value = preg_replace("/([\\x00-\\x08\\x0B\\x0C\\x0E-\\x1F])/", '', $value); $value = htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_NOQUOTES, "utf-8"); return "$value"; } function get_name_value_xml($val, $module_name){ $xml = ''; $xml .= ''.$val['id'].''; $xml .= ''.$module_name.''; $xml .= ''; foreach($val['name_value_list'] as $name=>$nv){ $xml .= ''; $xml .= ''.htmlspecialchars($nv['name']).''; $xml .= get_encoded_Value($nv['value']); $xml .= ''; } $xml .= ''; $xml .= ''; return $xml; } function new_get_return_module_fields($value, $module, $translate=true){ global $module_name; $module_name = $module; $result = new_get_field_list($value, $translate); return Array('module_name'=>$module, 'module_fields'=> $result['module_fields'], 'link_fields'=> $result['link_fields'], ); } function get_return_module_fields($value, $module, $error, $translate=true){ global $module_name; $module_name = $module; return Array('module_name'=>$module, 'module_fields'=> get_field_list($value, $translate), 'error'=>get_name_value_list($value) ); } function get_return_error_value($error_num, $error_name, $error_description){ return Array('number'=>$error_num, 'name'=> $error_name, 'description'=> $error_description ); } function filter_field_list(&$field_list, $select_fields, $module_name){ return filter_return_list($field_list, $select_fields, $module_name); } /** * Filter the results of a list query. Limit the fields returned. * * @param Array $output_list -- The array of list data * @param Array $select_fields -- The list of fields that should be returned. If this array is specfied, only the fields in the array will be returned. * @param String $module_name -- The name of the module this being worked on * @return The filtered array of list data. */ function filter_return_list(&$output_list, $select_fields, $module_name){ for($sug = 0; $sug < sizeof($output_list) ; $sug++){ if($module_name == 'Contacts'){ global $invalid_contact_fields; if(is_array($invalid_contact_fields)){ foreach($invalid_contact_fields as $name=>$val){ unset($output_list[$sug]['field_list'][$name]); unset($output_list[$sug]['name_value_list'][$name]); } } } if( !empty($output_list[$sug]['name_value_list']) && is_array($output_list[$sug]['name_value_list']) && !empty($select_fields) && is_array($select_fields)){ foreach($output_list[$sug]['name_value_list'] as $name=>$value) if(!in_array($value['name'], $select_fields)){ unset($output_list[$sug]['name_value_list'][$name]); unset($output_list[$sug]['field_list'][$name]); } } } return $output_list; } function login_success(){ global $current_language, $sugar_config, $app_strings, $app_list_strings; $current_language = $sugar_config['default_language']; $app_strings = return_application_language($current_language); $app_list_strings = return_app_list_strings_language($current_language); } /* * Given an account_name, either create the account or assign to a contact. */ function add_create_account($seed) { global $current_user; $account_name = $seed->account_name; $account_id = $seed->account_id; $assigned_user_id = $current_user->id; // check if it already exists $focus = new Account(); if( $focus->ACLAccess('Save')){ $class = get_class($seed); $temp = new $class(); $temp->retrieve($seed->id); if ((! isset($account_name) || $account_name == '')) { return; } if (!isset($seed->accounts)){ $seed->load_relationship('accounts'); } if($seed->account_name == '' && isset($temp->account_id)){ $seed->accounts->delete($seed->id, $temp->account_id); return; } $arr = array(); $query = "select id, deleted from {$focus->table_name} "; $query .= " WHERE name='".$seed->db->quote($account_name)."'"; $query .=" ORDER BY deleted ASC"; $result = $seed->db->query($query, true); $row = $seed->db->fetchByAssoc($result, false); // we found a row with that id if (!empty($row['id'])) { // if it exists but was deleted, just remove it entirely if ( !empty($row['deleted'])) { $query2 = "delete from {$focus->table_name} WHERE id='". $seed->db->quote($row['id'])."'"; $result2 = $seed->db->query($query2, true); } // else just use this id to link the contact to the account else { $focus->id = $row['id']; } } // if we didnt find the account, so create it if (empty($focus->id)) { $focus->name = $account_name; if ( isset($assigned_user_id)) { $focus->assigned_user_id = $assigned_user_id; $focus->modified_user_id = $assigned_user_id; } $focus->save(); } if($seed->accounts != null && $temp->account_id != null && $temp->account_id != $focus->id){ $seed->accounts->delete($seed->id, $temp->account_id); } if(isset($focus->id) && $focus->id != ''){ $seed->account_id = $focus->id; } } } function check_for_duplicate_contacts($seed){ if(isset($seed->id)){ return null; } $trimmed_email = trim($seed->email1); $trimmed_email2 = trim($seed->email2); $trimmed_last = trim($seed->last_name); $trimmed_first = trim($seed->first_name); if(!empty($trimmed_email) || !empty($trimmed_email2)){ //obtain a list of contacts which contain the same email address $contacts = $seed->emailAddress->getBeansByEmailAddress($trimmed_email); $contacts2 = $seed->emailAddress->getBeansByEmailAddress($trimmed_email2); $contacts = array_merge($contacts, $contacts2); if(count($contacts) == 0){ return null; }else{ foreach($contacts as $contact){ if(!empty($trimmed_last) && strcmp($trimmed_last, $contact->last_name) == 0){ if((!empty($trimmed_email) || !empty($trimmed_email2)) && (strcmp($trimmed_email, $contact->email1) == 0 || strcmp($trimmed_email, $contact->email2) == 0 || strcmp($trimmed_email2, $contact->email) == 0 || strcmp($trimmed_email2, $contact->email2) == 0)){ //bug: 39234 - check if the account names are the same //if the incoming contact's account_name is empty OR it is not empty and is the same //as an existing contact's account name, then find the match. $contact->load_relationship('accounts'); if(empty($seed->account_name) || strcmp($seed->account_name, $contact->account_name) == 0){ $GLOBALS['log']->info('End: SoapHelperWebServices->check_for_duplicate_contacts - duplicte found ' . $contact->id); return $contact->id; } } } } return null; } } else { //This section of code is executed if no emails are supplied in the $seed instance //This query is looking for the id of Contact records that do not have a primary email address based on the matching //first and last name and the record being not deleted. If any such records are found we will take the first one and assume //that it is the duplicate record $query = "SELECT c.id as id FROM contacts c LEFT OUTER JOIN email_addr_bean_rel eabr ON eabr.bean_id = c.id WHERE c.first_name = '{$trimmed_first}' AND c.last_name = '{$trimmed_last}' AND c.deleted = 0 AND eabr.id IS NULL"; //Apply the limit query filter to this since we only need the first record $result = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne($query); return !empty($result) ? $result : null; } } /* * Given a client version and a server version, determine if the right hand side(server version) is greater * * @param left the client sugar version * @param right the server version * * return true if the server version is greater or they are equal * false if the client version is greater */ function is_server_version_greater($left, $right){ if(count($left) == 0 && count($right) == 0){ return false; } else if(count($left) == 0 || count($right) == 0){ return true; } else if($left[0] == $right[0]){ array_shift($left); array_shift($right); return is_server_version_greater($left, $right); } else if($left[0] < $right[0]){ return true; } else return false; } function getFile( $zip_file, $file_in_zip ){ $base_upgrade_dir = sugar_cached("/upgrades"); $base_tmp_upgrade_dir = "$base_upgrade_dir/temp"; $my_zip_dir = mk_temp_dir( $base_tmp_upgrade_dir ); unzip_file( $zip_file, $file_in_zip, $my_zip_dir ); return( "$my_zip_dir/$file_in_zip" ); } function getManifest( $zip_file ){ ini_set("max_execution_time", "3600"); return( getFile( $zip_file, "manifest.php" ) ); } if(!function_exists("get_encoded")){ /*HELPER FUNCTIONS*/ function get_encoded($object){ return base64_encode(serialize($object)); } function get_decoded($object){ return unserialize(base64_decode($object)); } /** * decrypt a string use the TripleDES algorithm. This meant to be * modified if the end user chooses a different algorithm * * @param $string - the string to decrypt * * @return a decrypted string if we can decrypt, the original string otherwise */ function decrypt_string($string){ if(function_exists('mcrypt_cbc')){ $focus = new Administration(); $focus->retrieveSettings(); $key = ''; if(!empty($focus->settings['ldap_enc_key'])){ $key = $focus->settings['ldap_enc_key']; } if(empty($key)) return $string; $buffer = $string; $key = substr(md5($key),0,24); $iv = "password"; return mcrypt_cbc(MCRYPT_3DES, $key, pack("H*", $buffer), MCRYPT_DECRYPT, $iv); }else{ return $string; } } } function canViewPath( $path, $base ){ $path = realpath( $path ); $base = realpath( $base ); return 0 !== strncmp( $path, $base, strlen( $base ) ); } /** * apply_values * * This function applies the given values to the bean object. If it is a first time sync * then empty values will not be copied over. * * @param Mixed $seed Object representing SugarBean instance * @param Array $dataValues Array of fields/values to set on the SugarBean instance * @param boolean $firstSync Boolean indicating whether or not this is a first time sync */ function apply_values($seed, $dataValues, $firstSync) { if(!$seed instanceof SugarBean || !is_array($dataValues)) { return; } foreach($dataValues as $field=>$value) { if($firstSync) { //If this is a first sync AND the value is not empty then we set it if(!empty($value)) { $seed->$field = $value; } } else { $seed->$field = $value; } } } /*END HELPER*/ ?>