build_related_in($query), 'Bugs'); } function get_bugs_in_accounts($in, $orderBy = '') { //bail if the in is empty if(empty($in) || $in =='()' || $in =="('')")return; // First, get the list of IDs. $query = "SELECT bug_id as id from accounts_bugs where account_id IN $in AND deleted=0"; if(!empty($orderBy)){ $query .= ' ORDER BY ' . $orderBy; } $sugar = new Account(); set_module_in($sugar->build_related_in($query), 'Bugs'); } /* Cases */ function get_cases_in_contacts($in, $orderBy = '') { //bail if the in is empty if(empty($in) || $in =='()' || $in =="('')")return; // First, get the list of IDs. $query = "SELECT case_id as id from contacts_cases where contact_id IN $in AND deleted=0"; if(!empty($orderBy)){ $query .= ' ORDER BY ' . $orderBy; } $sugar = new Contact(); set_module_in($sugar->build_related_in($query), 'Cases'); } function get_cases_in_accounts($in, $orderBy = '') { if(empty($_SESSION['viewable']['Accounts'])){ return; } //bail if the in is empty if(empty($in) || $in =='()' || $in =="('')")return; // First, get the list of IDs. $query = "SELECT id from cases where account_id IN $in AND deleted=0"; if(!empty($orderBy)){ $query .= ' ORDER BY ' . $orderBy; } $sugar = new Account(); set_module_in($sugar->build_related_in($query), 'Cases'); } /* NOTES */ function get_notes_in_contacts($in, $orderBy = '') { //bail if the in is empty if(empty($in) || $in =='()' || $in =="('')")return; // First, get the list of IDs. $query = "SELECT id from notes where contact_id IN $in AND deleted=0 AND portal_flag=1"; if(!empty($orderBy)){ $query .= ' ORDER BY ' . $orderBy; } $contact = new Contact(); $note = new Note(); return $contact->build_related_list($query, $note); } function get_notes_in_module($in, $module, $orderBy = '') { //bail if the in is empty if(empty($in) || $in =='()' || $in =="('')")return; // First, get the list of IDs. $query = "SELECT id from notes where parent_id IN $in AND parent_type='$module' AND deleted=0 AND portal_flag = 1"; if(!empty($orderBy)){ $query .= ' ORDER BY ' . $orderBy; } global $beanList, $beanFiles; if(!empty($beanList[$module])){ $class_name = $beanList[$module]; require_once($beanFiles[$class_name]); $sugar = new $class_name(); }else{ return array(); } $note = new Note(); return $sugar->build_related_list($query, $note); } function get_related_in_module($in, $module, $rel_module, $orderBy = '', $row_offset = 0, $limit= -1) { global $beanList, $beanFiles; if(!empty($beanList[$rel_module])){ $class_name = $beanList[$rel_module]; require_once($beanFiles[$class_name]); $rel = new $class_name(); }else{ return array(); } //bail if the in is empty if(empty($in) || $in =='()' || $in =="('')")return; // First, get the list of IDs. if ($module == 'KBDocuments' || $module == 'DocumentRevisions') { $query = "SELECT dr.* from document_revisions dr inner join kbdocument_revisions kr on kr.document_revision_id = AND kr.kbdocument_id IN ($in) AND dr.file_mime_type is not null"; } else { $query = "SELECT id from $rel->table_name where parent_id IN $in AND parent_type='".$GLOBALS['db']->quote($module)."' AND deleted=0 AND portal_flag = 1"; } if(!empty($orderBy)){ require_once 'include/SugarSQLValidate.php'; $valid = new SugarSQLValidate(); $fakeWhere = " 1=1 "; if($valid->validateQueryClauses($fakeWhere,$orderBy)) { $query .= ' ORDER BY '. $orderBy; } else { $GLOBALS['log']->error("Bad order by: $orderBy"); } } if(!empty($beanList[$module])){ $class_name = $beanList[$module]; require_once($beanFiles[$class_name]); $sugar = new $class_name(); }else{ return array(); } $count_query = $sugar->create_list_count_query($query); if(!empty($count_query)) { // We have a count query. Run it and get the results. $result = $sugar->db->query($count_query, true, "Error running count query for $sugar->object_name List: "); $assoc = $sugar->db->fetchByAssoc($result); if(!empty($assoc['c'])) { $rows_found = $assoc['c']; } } $list = $sugar->build_related_list($query, $rel, $row_offset, $limit); $list['result_count'] = $rows_found; return $list; } function get_accounts_from_contact($contact_id, $orderBy = '') { // First, get the list of IDs. $query = "SELECT account_id as id from accounts_contacts where contact_id='".$GLOBALS['db']->quote($contact_id)."' AND deleted=0"; if(!empty($orderBy)){ $query .= ' ORDER BY ' . $orderBy; } $sugar = new Contact(); set_module_in($sugar->build_related_in($query), 'Accounts'); } function get_contacts_from_account($account_id, $orderBy = '') { // First, get the list of IDs. $query = "SELECT contact_id as id from accounts_contacts where account_id='".$GLOBALS['db']->quote($account_id)."' AND deleted=0"; if(!empty($orderBy)){ $query .= ' ORDER BY ' . $orderBy; } $sugar = new Account(); set_module_in($sugar->build_related_in($query), 'Contacts'); } function get_related_list($in, $template, $where, $order_by, $row_offset = 0, $limit = ""){ $q = ''; //if $in is empty then pass in a query to get the list of related list if(empty($in) || $in =='()' || $in =="('')"){ $in = ''; //build the query to pass into the template list function $q = 'select id from '.$template->table_name.' where deleted = 0 '; //add where statement if it is not empty if(!empty($where)){ require_once 'include/SugarSQLValidate.php'; $valid = new SugarSQLValidate(); if(!$valid->validateQueryClauses($where)) { $GLOBALS['log']->error("Bad query: $where"); // No way to directly pass back an error. return array(); } $q .= ' and ( '.$where.' ) '; } } return $template->build_related_list_where($q, $template, $where, $in, $order_by, $limit, $row_offset); } function build_relationship_tree($contact){ global $sugar_config; $contact->retrieve($contact->id); get_accounts_from_contact($contact->id); set_module_in(array('list'=>array($contact->id), 'in'=> "('".$GLOBALS['db']->quote($contact->id)."')"), 'Contacts'); $accounts = $_SESSION['viewable']['Accounts']; foreach($accounts as $id){ if(!isset($sugar_config['portal_view']) || $sugar_config['portal_view'] != 'single_user'){ get_contacts_from_account($id); } } } function get_contacts_in(){ return $_SESSION['viewable']['contacts_in']; } function get_accounts_in(){ return $_SESSION['viewable']['accounts_in']; } function get_module_in($module_name){ if(!isset($_SESSION['viewable'][$module_name])){ return '()'; } $module_name_in = array_keys($_SESSION['viewable'][$module_name]); $module_name_list = array(); foreach ( $module_name_in as $name ) { $module_name_list[] = $GLOBALS['db']->quote($name); } $mod_in = "('" . join("','", $module_name_list) . "')"; $_SESSION['viewable'][strtolower($module_name).'_in'] = $mod_in; return $mod_in; } function set_module_in($arrayList, $module_name){ if(!isset($_SESSION['viewable'][$module_name])){ $_SESSION['viewable'][$module_name] = array(); } foreach($arrayList['list'] as $id){ $_SESSION['viewable'][$module_name][$id] = $id; } if($module_name == 'Accounts' && isset($id)){ $_SESSION['account_id'] = $id; } if(!empty($_SESSION['viewable'][strtolower($module_name).'_in'])){ if($arrayList['in'] != '()') { $newList = array(); if ( is_array($_SESSION['viewable'][strtolower($module_name).'_in']) ) { foreach($_SESSION['viewable'][strtolower($module_name).'_in'] as $name ) { $newList[] = $GLOBALS['db']->quote($name); } } if ( is_array($arrayList['list']) ) { foreach ( $arrayList['list'] as $name ) { $newList[] = $GLOBALS['db']->quote($name); } } $_SESSION['viewable'][strtolower($module_name).'_in'] = "('" . implode("', '", $newList) . "')"; } }else{ $_SESSION['viewable'][strtolower($module_name).'_in'] = $arrayList['in']; } } /* * Given the user auth, attempt to log the user in. * used by SoapPortalUsers.php */ function login_user($portal_auth){ $error = new SoapError(); $user = new User(); $user = $user->retrieve_by_string_fields(array('user_name'=>$portal_auth['user_name'],'user_hash'=>$portal_auth['password'], 'deleted'=>0, 'status'=>'Active', 'portal_only'=>1) ); if($user != null){ global $current_user; $current_user = $user; return 'success'; }else{ $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('SECURITY: User authentication for '. $portal_auth['user_name']. ' failed'); return 'fail'; } } function portal_get_entry_list_limited($session, $module_name,$where, $order_by, $select_fields, $row_offset, $limit){ global $beanList, $beanFiles, $portal_modules; $error = new SoapError(); if(! portal_validate_authenticated($session)){ $error->set_error('invalid_session'); return array('result_count'=>-1, 'entry_list'=>array(), 'error'=>$error->get_soap_array()); } if($_SESSION['type'] == 'lead' ){ $error->set_error('no_access'); return array('result_count'=>-1, 'entry_list'=>array(), 'error'=>$error->get_soap_array()); } if(empty($beanList[$module_name])){ $error->set_error('no_module'); return array('result_count'=>-1, 'entry_list'=>array(), 'error'=>$error->get_soap_array()); } if($module_name == 'Cases'){ //if the related cases have not yet been loaded into the session object, //then call the methods that will load the cases related to the contact/accounts for this user if(!isset($_SESSION['viewable'][$module_name])){ //retrieve the contact/account id's for this user $c =get_contacts_in(); $a = get_accounts_in(); if(!empty($c)) {get_cases_in_contacts($c);} if(!empty($a)) { get_cases_in_accounts($a);} } $sugar = new aCase(); $list = array(); //if no Cases have been loaded into the session as viewable, then do not issue query, just return empty list //issuing a query with no cases loaded in session will return ALL the Cases, which is not a good thing if(!empty($_SESSION['viewable'][$module_name])){ $list = get_related_list(get_module_in($module_name), new aCase(), $where,$order_by, $row_offset, $limit); } }else if($module_name == 'Contacts'){ $sugar = new Contact(); $list = get_related_list(get_module_in($module_name), new Contact(), $where,$order_by); }else if($module_name == 'Accounts'){ $sugar = new Account(); $list = get_related_list(get_module_in($module_name), new Account(), $where,$order_by); }else if($module_name == 'Bugs'){ //if the related bugs have not yet been loaded into the session object, //then call the methods that will load the bugs related to the contact/accounts for this user if(!isset($_SESSION['viewable'][$module_name])){ //retrieve the contact/account id's for this user $c =get_contacts_in(); $a = get_accounts_in(); if(!empty($c)) {get_bugs_in_contacts($c);} if(!empty($a)) {get_bugs_in_accounts($a);} } $list = array(); //if no Bugs have been loaded into the session as viewable, then do not issue query, just return empty list //issuing a query with no bugs loaded in session will return ALL the Bugs, which is not a good thing if(!empty($_SESSION['viewable'][$module_name])){ $list = get_related_list(get_module_in($module_name), new Bug(), $where, $order_by, $row_offset, $limit); } } else if ($module_name == 'KBDocuments') { } else if ($module_name == 'FAQ') { } else{ $error->set_error('no_module_support'); return array('result_count'=>-1, 'entry_list'=>array(), 'error'=>$error->get_soap_array()); } $output_list = Array(); $field_list = array(); foreach($list as $value) { //$loga->fatal("Adding another account to the list"); $output_list[] = get_return_value($value, $module_name); $_SESSION['viewable'][$module_name][$value->id] = $value->id; if(empty($field_list)){ $field_list = get_field_list($value); } } $output_list = filter_return_list($output_list, $select_fields, $module_name); $field_list = filter_field_list($field_list,$select_fields, $module_name); return array('result_count'=>sizeof($output_list), 'next_offset'=>0,'field_list'=>$field_list, 'entry_list'=>$output_list, 'error'=>$error->get_soap_array()); } $invalid_contact_fields = array('portal_name'=>1, 'portal_password'=>1, 'portal_active'=>1); $valid_modules_for_contact = array('Contacts'=>1, 'Cases'=>1, 'Notes'=>1, 'Bugs'=>1, 'Accounts'=>1, 'Leads'=>1, 'KBDocuments'=>1); ?>