/** * o------------------------------------------------------------------------------o * | This file is part of the RGraph package - you can learn more at: | * | | * | http://www.rgraph.net | * | | * | This package is licensed under the RGraph license. For all kinds of business | * | purposes there is a small one-time licensing fee to pay and for non | * | commercial purposes it is free to use. You can read the full license here: | * | | * | http://www.rgraph.net/LICENSE.txt | * o------------------------------------------------------------------------------o */ if (typeof(RGraph) == 'undefined') RGraph = {}; /** * The scatter graph constructor * * @param object canvas The cxanvas object * @param array data The chart data */ RGraph.Scatter = function (id, data) { // Get the canvas and context objects this.id = id; this.canvas = document.getElementById(id); this.canvas.__object__ = this; this.context = this.canvas.getContext ? this.canvas.getContext("2d") : null; this.max = 0; this.coords = []; this.data = []; this.type = 'scatter'; this.isRGraph = true; /** * Compatibility with older browsers */ RGraph.OldBrowserCompat(this.context); // Various config properties this.properties = { 'chart.background.barcolor1': 'white', 'chart.background.barcolor2': 'white', 'chart.background.grid': true, 'chart.background.grid.width': 1, 'chart.background.grid.color': '#ddd', 'chart.background.grid.hsize': 20, 'chart.background.grid.vsize': 20, 'chart.background.hbars': null, 'chart.background.vbars': null, 'chart.background.grid.vlines': true, 'chart.background.grid.hlines': true, 'chart.background.grid.border': true, 'chart.background.grid.autofit':false, 'chart.background.grid.autofit.numhlines': 7, 'chart.background.grid.autofit.numvlines': 20, 'chart.text.size': 10, 'chart.text.angle': 0, 'chart.text.color': 'black', 'chart.text.font': 'Verdana', 'chart.tooltips.effect': 'fade', 'chart.tooltips.hotspot': 3, 'chart.tooltips.css.class': 'RGraph_tooltip', 'chart.tooltips.highlight': true, 'chart.tooltips.coords.adjust': [0,0], 'chart.units.pre': '', 'chart.units.post': '', 'chart.tickmarks': 'cross', 'chart.ticksize': 5, 'chart.xticks': true, 'chart.xaxis': true, 'chart.gutter': 25, 'chart.xmax': 0, 'chart.ymax': null, 'chart.ymin': null, 'chart.scale.decimals': null, 'chart.scale.point': '.', 'chart.scale.thousand': ',', 'chart.title': '', 'chart.title.background': null, 'chart.title.hpos': null, 'chart.title.vpos': null, 'chart.title.xaxis': '', 'chart.title.yaxis': '', 'chart.title.xaxis.pos': 0.25, 'chart.title.yaxis.pos': 0.25, 'chart.labels': [], 'chart.ylabels': true, 'chart.ylabels.count': 5, 'chart.contextmenu': null, 'chart.defaultcolor': 'black', 'chart.xaxispos': 'bottom', 'chart.yaxispos': 'left', 'chart.noendxtick': false, 'chart.crosshairs': false, 'chart.crosshairs.color': '#333', 'chart.crosshairs.linewidth': 1, 'chart.crosshairs.coords': false, 'chart.crosshairs.coords.fixed':true, 'chart.crosshairs.coords.fadeout':false, 'chart.crosshairs.coords.labels.x': 'X', 'chart.crosshairs.coords.labels.y': 'Y', 'chart.annotatable': false, 'chart.annotate.color': 'black', 'chart.line': false, 'chart.line.linewidth': 1, 'chart.line.colors': ['green', 'red'], 'chart.line.shadow.color': 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', 'chart.line.shadow.blur': 2, 'chart.line.shadow.offsetx': 3, 'chart.line.shadow.offsety': 3, 'chart.line.stepped': false, 'chart.noaxes': false, 'chart.key': [], 'chart.key.background': 'white', 'chart.key.position': 'graph', 'chart.key.shadow': false, 'chart.key.shadow.color': '#666', 'chart.key.shadow.blur': 3, 'chart.key.shadow.offsetx': 2, 'chart.key.shadow.offsety': 2, 'chart.key.position.gutter.boxed': true, 'chart.key.position.x': null, 'chart.key.position.y': null, 'chart.key.color.shape': 'square', 'chart.key.rounded': true, 'chart.axis.color': 'black', 'chart.zoom.factor': 1.5, 'chart.zoom.fade.in': true, 'chart.zoom.fade.out': true, 'chart.zoom.hdir': 'right', 'chart.zoom.vdir': 'down', 'chart.zoom.frames': 10, 'chart.zoom.delay': 50, 'chart.zoom.shadow': true, 'chart.zoom.mode': 'canvas', 'chart.zoom.thumbnail.width': 75, 'chart.zoom.thumbnail.height': 75, 'chart.zoom.background': true, 'chart.zoom.action': 'zoom', 'chart.boxplot.width': 8, 'chart.resizable': false, 'chart.xmin': 0 } // Handle multiple datasets being given as one argument if (arguments[1][0] && arguments[1][0][0] && typeof(arguments[1][0][0][0]) == 'number') { // Store the data set(s) for (var i=0; i 0) { this.scale = []; this.max = this.Get('chart.ymax'); this.min = this.Get('chart.ymin') ? this.Get('chart.ymin') : 0; this.scale[0] = ((this.max - this.min) * (1/5)) + this.min; this.scale[1] = ((this.max - this.min) * (2/5)) + this.min; this.scale[2] = ((this.max - this.min) * (3/5)) + this.min; this.scale[3] = ((this.max - this.min) * (4/5)) + this.min; this.scale[4] = ((this.max - this.min) * (5/5)) + this.min; var decimals = this.Get('chart.scale.decimals'); this.scale = [ Number(this.scale[0]).toFixed(decimals), Number(this.scale[1]).toFixed(decimals), Number(this.scale[2]).toFixed(decimals), Number(this.scale[3]).toFixed(decimals), Number(this.scale[4]).toFixed(decimals) ]; } else { var i = 0; var j = 0; for (i=0; i= (xCoord - offset) && mouseCoords[1] <= (yCoord + offset) && mouseCoords[1] >= (yCoord - offset) && tooltip && tooltip.length > 0) { overHotspot = true; canvas.style.cursor = 'pointer'; if ( !RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.tooltip') || RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.tooltip').__text__ != tooltip || RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.tooltip').__index__ != i || RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.tooltip').__dataset__ != set ) { if (obj.Get('chart.tooltips.highlight')) { RGraph.Redraw(); } /** * Get the tooltip text */ if (typeof(tooltip) == 'function') { var text = String(tooltip(i)); } else { var text = String(tooltip); } RGraph.Tooltip(canvas, text, e.pageX, e.pageY, i); RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.tooltip').__dataset__ = set; /** * Draw a circle around the mark */ if (obj.Get('chart.tooltips.highlight')) { context.beginPath(); context.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)'; context.arc(xCoord, yCoord, 3, 0, 6.28, 0); context.fill(); } } } } } /** * Reset the pointer */ if (!overHotspot) { canvas.style.cursor = 'default'; } } this.canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', canvas_onmousemove_func, false); RGraph.AddEventListener(this.id, 'mousemove', canvas_onmousemove_func); } /** * Draw the key if necessary */ if (this.Get('chart.key') && this.Get('chart.key').length) { RGraph.DrawKey(this, this.Get('chart.key'), this.Get('chart.line.colors')); } /** * Draw crosschairs */ RGraph.DrawCrosshairs(this); /** * If the canvas is annotatable, do install the event handlers */ if (this.Get('chart.annotatable')) { RGraph.Annotate(this); } /** * This bit shows the mini zoom window if requested */ if (this.Get('chart.zoom.mode') == 'thumbnail' || this.Get('chart.zoom.mode') == 'area') { RGraph.ShowZoomWindow(this); } /** * This function enables resizing */ if (this.Get('chart.resizable')) { RGraph.AllowResizing(this); } /** * Fire the RGraph ondraw event */ RGraph.FireCustomEvent(this, 'ondraw'); } /** * Draws the axes of the scatter graph */ RGraph.Scatter.prototype.DrawAxes = function () { var canvas = this.canvas; var context = this.context; var graphHeight = this.canvas.height - (this.Get('chart.gutter') * 2); var gutter = this.Get('chart.gutter'); context.beginPath(); context.strokeStyle = this.Get('chart.axis.color'); context.lineWidth = 1; // Draw the Y axis if (this.Get('chart.yaxispos') == 'left') { context.moveTo(gutter, gutter); context.lineTo(gutter, this.canvas.height - gutter); } else { context.moveTo(canvas.width - gutter, gutter); context.lineTo(canvas.width - gutter, canvas.height - gutter); } // Draw the X axis if (this.Get('chart.xaxis')) { if (this.Get('chart.xaxispos') == 'center') { context.moveTo(gutter, canvas.height / 2); context.lineTo(canvas.width - gutter, canvas.height / 2); } else { context.moveTo(gutter, canvas.height - gutter); context.lineTo(canvas.width - gutter, canvas.height - gutter); } } /** * Draw the Y tickmarks */ for (y=gutter; y < canvas.height - gutter + (this.Get('chart.xaxispos') == 'center' ? 1 : 0) ; y+=(graphHeight / 5) / 2) { // This is here to accomodate the X axis being at the center if (y == (canvas.height / 2) ) continue; if (this.Get('chart.yaxispos') == 'left') { context.moveTo(gutter, y); context.lineTo(gutter - 3, y); } else { context.moveTo(canvas.width - gutter +3, y); context.lineTo(canvas.width - gutter, y); } } /** * Draw the X tickmarks */ if (this.Get('chart.xticks') && this.Get('chart.xaxis')) { var x = 0; var y = (this.Get('chart.xaxispos') == 'center') ? (this.canvas.height / 2) : (this.canvas.height - gutter); this.xTickGap = (this.canvas.width - (2 * gutter) ) / this.Get('chart.labels').length; for (x = (gutter + (this.Get('chart.yaxispos') == 'left' ? this.xTickGap / 2 : 0) ); x<=(canvas.width - gutter - (this.Get('chart.yaxispos') == 'left' ? 0 : 1)); x += this.xTickGap / 2) { if (this.Get('chart.yaxispos') == 'left' && this.Get('chart.noendxtick') == true && x == (canvas.width - gutter) ) { continue; } else if (this.Get('chart.yaxispos') == 'right' && this.Get('chart.noendxtick') == true && x == gutter) { continue; } context.moveTo(x, y - (this.Get('chart.xaxispos') == 'center' ? 3 : 0)); context.lineTo(x, y + 3); } } context.stroke(); } /** * Draws the labels on the scatter graph */ RGraph.Scatter.prototype.DrawLabels = function () { this.context.fillStyle = this.Get('chart.text.color'); var font = this.Get('chart.text.font'); var xMin = this.Get('chart.xmin'); var xMax = this.Get('chart.xmax'); var yMax = this.scale[4]; var gutter = this.Get('chart.gutter'); var text_size = this.Get('chart.text.size'); var units_pre = this.Get('chart.units.pre'); var units_post = this.Get('chart.units.post'); var numYLabels = this.Get('chart.ylabels.count'); var context = this.context; var canvas = this.canvas; this.halfTextHeight = text_size / 2; this.halfGraphHeight = (this.canvas.height - (2 * this.Get('chart.gutter'))) / 2; /** * Draw the Y yaxis labels, be it at the top or center */ if (this.Get('chart.ylabels')) { var xPos = this.Get('chart.yaxispos') == 'left' ? gutter - 5 : canvas.width - gutter + 5; var align = this.Get('chart.yaxispos') == 'right' ? 'left' : 'right'; if (this.Get('chart.xaxispos') == 'center') { /** * Specific Y labels */ if (typeof(this.Get('chart.ylabels.specific')) == 'object') { var labels = this.Get('chart.ylabels.specific'); for (var i=0; i= 5) { RGraph.Text(context, font, text_size, xPos, gutter + ((canvas.height - (2 * gutter)) * (1/10) ), RGraph.number_format(this, this.scale[3], units_pre, units_post), 'center', align); RGraph.Text(context, font, text_size, xPos, gutter + ((canvas.height - (2 * gutter)) * (3/10) ), RGraph.number_format(this, this.scale[1], units_pre, units_post), 'center', align); } if (numYLabels >= 3) { RGraph.Text(context, font, text_size, xPos, gutter + ((canvas.height - (2 * gutter)) * (2/10) ), RGraph.number_format(this, this.scale[2], units_pre, units_post), 'center', align); RGraph.Text(context, font, text_size, xPos, gutter + ((canvas.height - (2 * gutter)) * (4/10) ), RGraph.number_format(this, this.scale[0], units_pre, units_post), 'center', align); } // Draw the bottom halves labels if (numYLabels >= 3) { RGraph.Text(context, font, text_size, xPos, gutter + ((canvas.height - (2 * gutter)) * (1/10) ) + this.halfGraphHeight, '-' + RGraph.number_format(this, this.scale[0], units_pre, units_post), 'center', align); RGraph.Text(context, font, text_size, xPos, gutter + ((canvas.height - (2 * gutter)) * (3/10) ) + this.halfGraphHeight, '-' + RGraph.number_format(this, this.scale[2], units_pre, units_post), 'center', align); } if (numYLabels == 5) { RGraph.Text(context, font, text_size, xPos, gutter + ((canvas.height - (2 * gutter)) * (2/10) ) + this.halfGraphHeight, '-' + RGraph.number_format(this, this.scale[1], units_pre, units_post), 'center', align); RGraph.Text(context, font, text_size, xPos, gutter + ((canvas.height - (2 * gutter)) * (4/10) ) + this.halfGraphHeight, '-' + RGraph.number_format(this, this.scale[3], units_pre, units_post), 'center', align); } RGraph.Text(context, font, text_size, xPos, gutter + ((canvas.height - (2 * gutter)) * (5/10) ) + this.halfGraphHeight, '-' + RGraph.number_format(this, this.scale[4], units_pre, units_post), 'center', align); } else if (numYLabels == 10) { // 10 Y labels var interval = (this.grapharea / numYLabels) / 2; for (var i=0; i= 5) { RGraph.Text(context, font, text_size, xPos, gutter + ((canvas.height - (2 * gutter)) * (1/5) ), RGraph.number_format(this, this.scale[3], units_pre, units_post), 'center', align); RGraph.Text(context, font, text_size, xPos, gutter + ((canvas.height - (2 * gutter)) * (3/5) ), RGraph.number_format(this, this.scale[1], units_pre, units_post), 'center', align); } if (numYLabels >= 3) { RGraph.Text(context, font, text_size, xPos, gutter + ((canvas.height - (2 * gutter)) * (2/5) ), RGraph.number_format(this, this.scale[2], units_pre, units_post), 'center', align); RGraph.Text(context, font, text_size, xPos, gutter + ((canvas.height - (2 * gutter)) * (4/5) ), RGraph.number_format(this, this.scale[0], units_pre, units_post), 'center', align); } } else if (numYLabels == 10) { // 10 Y labels var interval = (this.grapharea / numYLabels) / 2; for (var i=0; i 0) { angle = -1 * this.Get('chart.text.angle'); valign = 'center'; halign = 'right'; yPos -= 10; } for (i=0; i= 2) { this.context.lineCap = 'round'; this.context.lineJoin = 'round'; this.context.lineWidth = this.GetLineWidth(i);// i is the index of the set of coordinates this.context.strokeStyle = this.Get('chart.line.colors')[i]; this.context.beginPath(); var len = this.coords[i].length; for (var j=0; j