--TEST-- phpunit --help --FILE-- --EXPECTF-- PHPUnit %s by Sebastian Bergmann. Usage: phpunit [switches] UnitTest [UnitTest.php] phpunit [switches] --log-graphviz Log test execution in GraphViz markup. --log-json Log test execution in JSON format. --log-tap Log test execution in TAP format to file. --log-xml Log test execution in XML format to file. --log-metrics Write metrics report in XML format. --log-pmd Write violations report in PMD XML format. --coverage-html Generate code coverage report in HTML format. --coverage-clover Write code coverage data in Clover XML format. --coverage-source Write code coverage / source data in XML format. --test-db-dsn DSN for the test database. --test-db-log-rev Revision information for database logging. --test-db-prefix ... Prefix that should be stripped from filenames. --test-db-log-info ... Additional information for database logging. --story-html Write Story/BDD results in HTML format to file. --story-text Write Story/BDD results in Text format to file. --testdox-html Write agile documentation in HTML format to file. --testdox-text Write agile documentation in Text format to file. --filter Filter which tests to run. --group ... Only runs tests from the specified group(s). --exclude-group ... Exclude tests from the specified group(s). --list-groups List available test groups. --loader TestSuiteLoader implementation to use. --repeat Runs the test(s) repeatedly. --story Report test execution progress in Story/BDD format. --tap Report test execution progress in TAP format. --testdox Report test execution progress in TestDox format. --no-syntax-check Disable syntax check of test source files. --stop-on-failure Stop execution upon first error or failure. --colors Use colors in output. --verbose Output more verbose information. --wait Waits for a keystroke after each test. --skeleton-class Generate Unit class for UnitTest in UnitTest.php. --skeleton-test Generate UnitTest class for Unit in Unit.php. --help Prints this usage information. --version Prints the version and exits. --bootstrap A "bootstrap" PHP file that is run before the tests. --configuration Read configuration from XML file. -d key[=value] Sets a php.ini value.