02770, 'file_mode' => 0777, 'chown' => '', 'chgrp' => '', ); $GLOBALS['js_version_key'] = 'testrunner'; if ( !isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) ) $_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"] = 'PHPUnit'; // helps silence the license checking when running unit tests. $_SESSION['VALIDATION_EXPIRES_IN'] = 'valid'; $GLOBALS['startTime'] = microtime(true); // clean out the cache directory require_once('modules/Administration/QuickRepairAndRebuild.php'); $repair = new RepairAndClear(); $repair->module_list = array(); $repair->show_output = false; $repair->clearJsLangFiles(); $repair->clearJsFiles(); // mark that we got by the admin wizard already $focus = new Administration(); $focus->retrieveSettings(); $focus->saveSetting('system','adminwizard',1); // include the other test tools require_once 'SugarTestObjectUtilities.php'; require_once 'SugarTestProjectUtilities.php'; require_once 'SugarTestProjectTaskUtilities.php'; require_once 'SugarTestUserUtilities.php'; require_once 'SugarTestLangPackCreator.php'; require_once 'SugarTestThemeUtilities.php'; require_once 'SugarTestContactUtilities.php'; require_once 'SugarTestEmailUtilities.php'; require_once 'SugarTestCampaignUtilities.php'; require_once 'SugarTestLeadUtilities.php'; require_once 'SugarTestStudioUtilities.php'; require_once 'SugarTestMeetingUtilities.php'; require_once 'SugarTestCallUtilities.php'; require_once 'SugarTestAccountUtilities.php'; require_once 'SugarTestTrackerUtility.php'; require_once 'SugarTestImportUtilities.php'; require_once 'SugarTestMergeUtilities.php'; require_once 'SugarTestTaskUtilities.php'; require_once 'SugarTestOpportunityUtilities.php'; require_once 'SugarTestRelationshipUtilities.php'; $GLOBALS['db']->commit(); // define our testcase subclass class Sugar_PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { protected $backupGlobals = FALSE; protected $useOutputBuffering = true; protected function assertPreConditions() { if(isset($GLOBALS['log'])) { $GLOBALS['log']->info("START TEST: {$this->getName(false)}"); } SugarCache::instance()->flush(); } protected function assertPostConditions() { if(!empty($_REQUEST)) { foreach(array_keys($_REQUEST) as $k) { unset($_REQUEST[$k]); } } if(!empty($_POST)) { foreach(array_keys($_POST) as $k) { unset($_POST[$k]); } } if(!empty($_GET)) { foreach(array_keys($_GET) as $k) { unset($_GET[$k]); } } if(isset($GLOBALS['log'])) { $GLOBALS['log']->info("DONE TEST: {$this->getName(false)}"); } // reset error handler in case somebody set it restore_error_handler(); } public static function tearDownAfterClass() { unset($GLOBALS['disable_date_format']); unset($GLOBALS['saving_relationships']); unset($GLOBALS['updating_relationships']); $GLOBALS['timedate']->clearCache(); } } // define output testcase subclass class Sugar_PHPUnit_Framework_OutputTestCase extends PHPUnit_Extensions_OutputTestCase { protected $backupGlobals = FALSE; protected $_notRegex; protected $_outputCheck; protected function assertPreConditions() { if(isset($GLOBALS['log'])) { $GLOBALS['log']->info("START TEST: {$this->getName(false)}"); } SugarCache::instance()->flush(); } protected function assertPostConditions() { if(!empty($_REQUEST)) { foreach(array_keys($_REQUEST) as $k) { unset($_REQUEST[$k]); } } if(!empty($_POST)) { foreach(array_keys($_POST) as $k) { unset($_POST[$k]); } } if(!empty($_GET)) { foreach(array_keys($_GET) as $k) { unset($_GET[$k]); } } if(isset($GLOBALS['log'])) { $GLOBALS['log']->info("DONE TEST: {$this->getName(false)}"); } } protected function NotRegexCallback($output) { if(empty($this->_notRegex)) { return true; } $this->assertNotRegExp($this->_notRegex, $output); return true; } public function setOutputCheck($callback) { if (!is_callable($callback)) { throw new PHPUnit_Framework_Exception; } $this->_outputCheck = $callback; } protected function runTest() { $testResult = parent::runTest(); if($this->_outputCheck) { $this->assertTrue(call_user_func($this->_outputCheck, $this->output)); } return $testResult; } public function expectOutputNotRegex($expectedRegex) { if (is_string($expectedRegex) || is_null($expectedRegex)) { $this->_notRegex = $expectedRegex; } $this->setOutputCheck(array($this, "NotRegexCallback")); } } // define a mock logger interface; used for capturing logging messages emited // the test suite class SugarMockLogger { private $_messages = array(); public function __call($method, $message) { $this->messages[] = strtoupper($method) . ': ' . $message[0]; } public function getLastMessage() { return end($this->messages); } public function getMessageCount() { return count($this->messages); } } require_once('ModuleInstall/ModuleInstaller.php'); /** * Own exception for SugarTestHelper class * * @author mgusev@sugarcrm.com */ class SugarTestHelperException extends PHPUnit_Framework_Exception { } /** * Helper for initialization of global variables of SugarCRM * * @author mgusev@sugarcrm.com */ class SugarTestHelper { /** * @var array array of registered vars. It allows helper to unregister them on tearDown */ protected static $registeredVars = array(); /** * @var array array of global vars. They are storing on init one time and restoring in global scope each tearDown */ protected static $initVars = array( 'GLOBALS' => array() ); /** * @var array of system preference of SugarCRM as theme etc. They are storing on init one time and restoring each tearDown */ protected static $systemVars = array(); /** * @var array of modules which we should refresh on tearDown. */ protected static $cleanModules = array(); /** * @var bool is SugarTestHelper inited or not. Just to skip initialization on the second and others call of init method */ protected static $isInited = false; /** * All methods are static because of it we disable constructor */ private function __construct() { } /** * All methods are static because of it we disable clone */ private function __clone() { } /** * Initialization of main variables of SugarCRM in global scope * * @static */ public static function init() { if (self::$isInited == true) { return true; } // initialization & backup of sugar_config self::$initVars['GLOBALS']['sugar_config'] = null; if ($GLOBALS['sugar_config']) { self::$initVars['GLOBALS']['sugar_config'] = $GLOBALS['sugar_config']; } if (self::$initVars['GLOBALS']['sugar_config'] == false) { global $sugar_config; if (is_file('config.php')) { require_once('config.php'); } if (is_file('config_override.php')) { require_once('config_override.php'); } self::$initVars['GLOBALS']['sugar_config'] = $GLOBALS['sugar_config']; } // backup of current_language self::$initVars['GLOBALS']['current_language'] = 'en_us'; if (isset($sugar_config['current_language'])) { self::$initVars['GLOBALS']['current_language'] = $sugar_config['current_language']; } if (isset($GLOBALS['current_language'])) { self::$initVars['GLOBALS']['current_language'] = $GLOBALS['current_language']; } $GLOBALS['current_language'] = self::$initVars['GLOBALS']['current_language']; // backup of reload_vardefs self::$initVars['GLOBALS']['reload_vardefs'] = null; if (isset($GLOBALS['reload_vardefs'])) { self::$initVars['GLOBALS']['reload_vardefs'] = $GLOBALS['reload_vardefs']; } // backup of locale self::$initVars['GLOBALS']['locale'] = null; if (isset($GLOBALS['locale'])) { self::$initVars['GLOBALS']['locale'] = $GLOBALS['locale']; } if (self::$initVars['GLOBALS']['locale'] == false) { self::$initVars['GLOBALS']['locale'] = new Localization(); } // backup of service_object self::$initVars['GLOBALS']['service_object'] = null; if (isset($GLOBALS['service_object'])) { self::$initVars['GLOBALS']['service_object'] = $GLOBALS['service_object']; } // backup of SugarThemeRegistry self::$systemVars['SugarThemeRegistry'] = SugarThemeRegistry::current(); self::$isInited = true; } /** * Checking is there helper for variable or not * * @static * @param string $varName name of global variable of SugarCRM * @return bool is there helper for a variable or not * @throws SugarTestHelperException fired when there is no implementation of helper for a variable */ protected static function checkHelper($varName) { if (method_exists(__CLASS__, 'setUp_' . $varName) == false) { throw new SugarTestHelperException('setUp for $' . $varName . ' is not implemented. ' . __CLASS__ . '::setUp_' . $varName); } } /** * Entry point for setup of global variable * * @static * @param string $varName name of global variable of SugarCRM * @param array $params some parameters for helper. For example for $mod_strings or $current_user * @return bool is variable setuped or not */ public static function setUp($varName, $params = array()) { self::init(); self::checkHelper($varName); return call_user_func(__CLASS__ . '::setUp_' . $varName, $params); } /** * Clean up all registered variables and restore $initVars and $systemVars * @static * @return bool status of tearDown */ public static function tearDown() { self::init(); foreach(self::$registeredVars as $varName => $isCalled) { if ($isCalled) { unset(self::$registeredVars[$varName]); if (method_exists(__CLASS__, 'tearDown_' . $varName)) { call_user_func(__CLASS__ . '::tearDown_' . $varName, array()); } elseif (isset($GLOBALS[$varName])) { unset($GLOBALS[$varName]); } } } // Restoring of system variables foreach(self::$initVars as $scope => $vars) { foreach ($vars as $name => $value) { $GLOBALS[$scope][$name] = $value; } } // Restoring of theme SugarThemeRegistry::set(self::$systemVars['SugarThemeRegistry']->dirName); SugarCache::$isCacheReset = false; return true; } /** * Registration of $current_user in global scope * * @static * @param array $params parameters for SugarTestUserUtilities::createAnonymousUser method * @return bool is variable setuped or not */ protected static function setUp_current_user(array $params) { self::$registeredVars['current_user'] = true; $GLOBALS['current_user'] = call_user_func_array('SugarTestUserUtilities::createAnonymousUser', $params); return true; } /** * Removal of $current_user from global scope * * @static * @return bool is variable removed or not */ protected static function tearDown_current_user() { SugarTestUserUtilities::removeAllCreatedAnonymousUsers(); unset($GLOBALS['current_user']); return true; } /** * Registration of $beanList in global scope * * @static * @return bool is variable setuped or not */ protected static function setUp_beanList() { self::$registeredVars['beanList'] = true; global $beanList; require('include/modules.php'); return true; } /** * Registration of $beanFiles in global scope * * @static * @return bool is variable setuped or not */ protected static function setUp_beanFiles() { self::$registeredVars['beanFiles'] = true; global $beanFiles; require('include/modules.php'); return true; } /** * Registration of $moduleList in global scope * * @static * @return bool is variable setuped or not */ protected static function setUp_moduleList() { self::$registeredVars['moduleList'] = true; global $moduleList; require('include/modules.php'); return true; } /** * Reinitialization of $moduleList in global scope because we can't unset that variable * * @static * @return bool is variable setuped or not */ protected static function tearDown_moduleList() { return self::setUp_moduleList(); } /** * Registration of $modListHeader in global scope * * @static * @return bool is variable setuped or not */ protected static function setUp_modListHeader() { self::$registeredVars['modListHeader'] = true; if (isset($GLOBALS['current_user']) == false) { self::setUp_current_user(array( true, 1 )); } $GLOBALS['modListHeader'] = query_module_access_list($GLOBALS['current_user']); return true; } /** * Registration of $app_strings in global scope * * @static * @return bool is variable setuped or not */ protected static function setUp_app_strings() { self::$registeredVars['app_strings'] = true; $GLOBALS['app_strings'] = return_application_language($GLOBALS['current_language']); return true; } /** * Registration of $app_list_strings in global scope * * @static * @return bool is variable setuped or not */ protected static function setUp_app_list_strings() { self::$registeredVars['app_list_strings'] = true; $GLOBALS['app_list_strings'] = return_app_list_strings_language($GLOBALS['current_language']); return true; } /** * Registration of $timedate in global scope * * @static * @return bool is variable setuped or not */ protected static function setUp_timedate() { self::$registeredVars['timedate'] = true; $GLOBALS['timedate'] = TimeDate::getInstance(); return true; } /** * Removal of $timedate from global scope * * @static * @return bool is variable removed or not */ protected static function tearDown_timedate() { $GLOBALS['timedate']->clearCache(); return true; } /** * Registration of $mod_strings in global scope * * @static * @param array $params parameters for return_module_language function * @return bool is variable setuped or not */ protected static function setUp_mod_strings(array $params) { self::$registeredVars['mod_strings'] = true; $GLOBALS['mod_strings'] = return_module_language($GLOBALS['current_language'], $params[0]); return true; } /** * Registration of $dictionary in global scope * * @static * @return bool is variable setuped or not */ protected static function setUp_dictionary() { self::setUp('beanFiles'); self::setUp('beanList'); self::$registeredVars['dictionary'] = true; global $dictionary; $dictionary = array(); $moduleInstaller = new ModuleInstaller(); $moduleInstaller->silent = true; $moduleInstaller->rebuild_tabledictionary(); require 'modules/TableDictionary.php'; foreach($GLOBALS['beanList'] as $k => $v) { VardefManager::loadVardef($k, $v); } return true; } /** * Reinitialization of $dictionary in global scope because we can't unset that variable * * @static * @return bool is variable setuped or not */ protected static function tearDown_dictionary() { return self::setUp_dictionary(); } /** * Cleaning caches and refreshing vardefs * * @static * @param string $lhs_module left module from relation * @param string $rhs_module right module from relation * @return bool are caches refreshed or not */ protected static function setUp_relation(array $params) { if (empty($params[0]) || empty($params[1])) { throw new SugarTestHelperException('setUp("relation") requires two parameters'); } list($lhs_module, $rhs_module) = $params; self::$registeredVars['relation'] = true; self::$cleanModules[] = $lhs_module; LanguageManager::clearLanguageCache($lhs_module); if ($lhs_module != $rhs_module) { self::$cleanModules[] = $rhs_module; LanguageManager::clearLanguageCache($rhs_module); } self::setUp('dictionary'); VardefManager::$linkFields = array(); VardefManager::clearVardef(); VardefManager::refreshVardefs($lhs_module, BeanFactory::getObjectName($lhs_module)); if ($lhs_module != $rhs_module) { VardefManager::refreshVardefs($rhs_module, BeanFactory::getObjectName($rhs_module)); } SugarRelationshipFactory::rebuildCache(); return true; } /** * Doing the same things like setUp but for initialized list of modules * * @static * @return bool are caches refreshed or not */ protected static function tearDown_relation() { SugarRelationshipFactory::deleteCache(); $modules = array_unique(self::$cleanModules); foreach ($modules as $module) { LanguageManager::clearLanguageCache($module); } self::tearDown('dictionary'); VardefManager::$linkFields = array(); VardefManager::clearVardef(); foreach($modules as $module) { VardefManager::refreshVardefs($module, BeanFactory::getBeanName($module)); } SugarRelationshipFactory::rebuildCache(); self::$cleanModules = array(); return true; } }