query("SELECT category, name, value from config WHERE category = 'tracker' and name != 'prune_interval'"); while($row = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchByAssoc($result)){ self::$_trackerSettings[$row['name']] = $row['value']; $GLOBALS['db']->query("DELETE FROM config WHERE category = 'tracker' AND name = '{$row['name']}'"); } } public static function restore() { foreach(self::$_trackerSettings as $name=>$value) { $GLOBALS['db']->query("INSERT INTO config (category, name, value) VALUES ('tracker', '{$name}', '{$value}')"); } } public static function insertTrackerEntry($bean, $action) { require_once('modules/Trackers/TrackerManager.php'); $trackerManager = TrackerManager::getInstance(); $timeStamp = gmdate($GLOBALS['timedate']->get_db_date_time_format()); $_REQUEST['action'] = $action; if($monitor = $trackerManager->getMonitor('tracker')) { $monitor->setValue('action', $action); $monitor->setValue('user_id', $GLOBALS['current_user']->id); $monitor->setValue('module_name', $bean->module_dir); $monitor->setValue('date_modified', $timeStamp); $monitor->setValue('visible', (($action == 'detailview') || ($action == 'editview') || ($action == 'wirelessdetail') || ($action == 'wirelessedit') ) ? 1 : 0); if (!empty($bean->id)) { $monitor->setValue('item_id', $bean->id); $monitor->setValue('item_summary', $bean->get_summary_text()); } //If visible is true, but there is no bean, do not track (invalid/unauthorized reference) //Also, do not track save actions where there is no bean id if($monitor->visible && empty($bean->id)) { $trackerManager->unsetMonitor($monitor); return false; } $trackerManager->saveMonitor($monitor, true, true); if(empty(self::$_monitorId)) { self::$_monitorId = $monitor->monitor_id; } } } public static function removeAllTrackerEntries() { if(!empty(self::$_monitorId)) { $GLOBALS['db']->query("DELETE FROM tracker WHERE monitor_id = '".self::$_monitorId."'"); } } } ?>