true concatenates the db_field array properly, * when the search value is a multiple word term (contains space between the words) * * @author, * */ class Bug45709_53785_Test extends Sugar_PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { var $task = null; var $contact = null; var $team = null; var $requestArray = null; var $searchForm = null; public function setUp() { SugarTestHelper::setUp('app_list_strings'); SugarTestHelper::setUp('app_strings'); SugarTestHelper::setUp('current_user'); $this->contact = SugarTestContactUtilities::createContact(); $this->task = SugarTestTaskUtilities::createTask(); $this->task->contact_id = $this->contact->id; $this->task->save(); } public function tearDown() { SugarTestContactUtilities::removeAllCreatedContacts(); SugarTestTaskUtilities::removeAllCreatedTasks(); SugarTestHelper::tearDown(); } /** * @ticket 45709 */ public function testGenerateSearchWhereForFieldsWhenFullContactNameGiven() { // Array to simulate REQUEST object $this->requestArray['module'] = 'Tasks'; $this->requestArray['action'] = 'index'; $this->requestArray['searchFormTab'] = 'advanced_search'; $this->requestArray['contact_name_advanced'] = $this->contact->first_name . " " . $this->contact->last_name; //value of a contact name field set in REQUEST object $this->requestArray['query'] = 'true'; // Initialize search form $this->searchForm = new SearchForm($this->task, 'Tasks'); // Load the vardefs and search metadata require 'modules/Tasks/vardefs.php'; require 'modules/Tasks/metadata/SearchFields.php'; require 'modules/Tasks/metadata/searchdefs.php'; $this->searchForm->searchFields = $searchFields[$this->searchForm->module]; $this->searchForm->searchdefs = $searchdefs[$this->searchForm->module]; $this->searchForm->fieldDefs = $this->task->getFieldDefinitions(); // Fill the data from the array we are using to simulate REQUEST $this->searchForm->populateFromArray($this->requestArray,'advanced_search',false); // Get the generated search clause $whereArray = $this->searchForm->generateSearchWhere(true, $this->task->module_dir); // And use it to load the contact created $test_query = "SELECT id FROM contacts WHERE " . $whereArray[0]; $result = $GLOBALS['db']->query($test_query); $row = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchByAssoc($result); // Check if the contact was successfully loaded $this->assertEquals($this->contact->id, $row['id'], "Didn't find the correct contact id"); // Load the task using the contact_id we got from the previous query $result2 = $GLOBALS['db']->query("SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE tasks.contact_id='{$this->task->contact_id}'"); $row2 = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchByAssoc($result2); // Check if the task is loaded properly $this->assertEquals($this->task->id, $row2['id'], "Couldn't find the expected related task"); } }