get('logger.level'); if (!empty($level)) $GLOBALS['log']->setLevel($level); } public function providerWriteLogEntries() { return array( array('debug','debug','foo1',true,'[DEBUG] foo1'), array('debug','info','foo2',true,'[INFO] foo2'), array('debug','warn','foo3',true,'[WARN] foo3'), array('debug','error','foo4',true,'[ERROR] foo4'), array('debug','fatal','foo5',true,'[FATAL] foo5'), array('debug','security','foo6',true,'[SECURITY] foo6'), array('fatal','warn','foo7',false,'[WARN] foo7'), ); } /** * @dataProvider providerWriteLogEntries */ public function testWriteLogEntries( $currentLevel, $logLevel, $logMessage, $shouldMessageBeWritten, $messageWritten ) { $GLOBALS['log']->setLevel($currentLevel); $GLOBALS['log']->$logLevel($logMessage); $config = SugarConfig::getInstance(); $ext = $config->get('logger.file.ext'); $logfile = $config->get(''); $log_dir = $config->get('log_dir'); $log_dir = $log_dir . (empty($log_dir)?'':'/'); $file_suffix = $config->get('logger.file.suffix'); $date_suffix = ""; if( !empty($file_suffix) ) { $date_suffix = "_" . date(str_replace("%", "", $file_suffix)); } $logFile = file_get_contents($log_dir . $logfile . $date_suffix . $ext); if ( $shouldMessageBeWritten ) $this->assertContains($messageWritten,$logFile); else $this->assertNotContains($messageWritten,$logFile); } public function testAssertLogging() { $GLOBALS['log']->setLevel('debug'); $GLOBALS['log']->assert('this was asserted true',true); $GLOBALS['log']->assert('this was asserted false',false); $config = SugarConfig::getInstance(); $ext = $config->get('logger.file.ext'); $logfile = $config->get(''); $log_dir = $config->get('log_dir'); $log_dir = $log_dir . (empty($log_dir)?'':'/'); $file_suffix = $config->get('logger.file.suffix'); $date_suffix = ""; if( !empty($file_suffix) ) { $date_suffix = "_" . date(str_replace("%", "", $file_suffix)); } $logFile = file_get_contents($log_dir . $logfile . $date_suffix . $ext); $this->assertContains('[DEBUG] this was asserted false',$logFile); $this->assertNotContains('[DEBUG] this was asserted true',$logFile); } /** * @bug#50265: Parse the file size format string in the field for log size */ public function providerFileSizes() { return array( array("10MB", 10 * 1024 * 1024, true), array("3KB", 3 * 1024, true), array("3 kb", 3 * 1024, true), array(" 2Mb", 2 * 1024 * 1024, true), array("500 Bytes", 500 * 1, true), array(".5Mb", 0.5 * 1024 * 1024, true), array("0.7kb", 0.7 * 1024, true), array(".0.5Mb", 0.5 * 1024 * 1024, false), array("1GBtyes", 1024 * 1024 * 1024, true), array("1 Bytes", 1 * 1, true), array("1 FB", 1 * 1, false), ); } /** * @dataProvider providerFileSizes */ public function testFileSizes($size, $value, $assert_equal) { $units = array( 'b' => 1, 'k' => 1024, 'm' => 1024 * 1024, 'g' => 1024 * 1024 * 1024, ); if( preg_match('/^\s*([0-9]+\.[0-9]+|\.?[0-9]+)\s*(k|m|g|b)(b?ytes)?/i', $size, $match) ) { $file_size = $match[1] * $units[strtolower($match[2])]; if($assert_equal) { $this->assertEquals($value, $file_size, "[DEBUG] File size parsed invalid"); } else { $this->assertNotEquals($value, $file_size, "[DEBUG] File size parsed invalid"); } } else { $this->assertFalse($assert_equal, '[DEBUG]Unitformat is out of the expression boundary.'); } } /** * bug#: 50188 * Fix the Logger to create dateformat suffix in the file name */ public function testFileName() { $config = SugarConfig::getInstance(); $file_name = $config->get(''); $log_dir = $config->get('log_dir'); $log_dir = $log_dir . (empty($log_dir)?'':'/'); $ext = $config->get('logger.file.ext'); $file_suffix = $config->get('logger.file.suffix'); //reviewing the suffix in the global configuration stores in the valid format $this->assertArrayHasKey($file_suffix, SugarLogger::$filename_suffix, 'File suffix type is invalid'); $invalid_file_suffix = "%d_y%s"; $this->assertArrayNotHasKey($invalid_file_suffix, SugarLogger::$filename_suffix, 'invalid format is included in the SugarLogger'); $suffix_date_part = ""; // IF there has been a suffix manually entered, let's include it, // otherwise this should be empty so we get "sugarcrm.log" in the full_path if( !empty( $file_suffix ) ) $suffix_date_part = "_" . date(str_replace("%", "", $file_suffix)); $full_path = $log_dir . $file_name . $suffix_date_part . $ext; $logger = new SugarLogger; //Asserting the file format the tester expects with the file format from the SugarLogger $this->assertEquals($full_path, $logger->getLogFileNameWithPath(), "SugarLogger generates invalid log file format"); //If the logger returns correct file format, the file must exist in the path. $this->assertFileExists($full_path, "SugarLogger generates invalid log file format"); } /** * @dataProvider providerWriteLogEntries */ public function testWouldLog( $currentLevel, $logLevel, $logMessage, $shouldMessageBeWritten, $messageWritten ) { $GLOBALS['log']->setLevel($currentLevel); $this->assertEquals($shouldMessageBeWritten, $GLOBALS['log']->wouldLog($logLevel)); } }